The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Crossing The Rubicon

There are moments in a lifetime where, with a single step, a line is crossed, a goal is achieved, a dream becomes a reality. Once that line is crossed, there’s no going back to who or what you might have been before. This is such a journey for one person.

To the dreamers... and to my Muse, it’s nice to see you again, it’s been a long time and I missed you terribly.

As always, this is a personal fantasy for adults only and it is possible because with hypnosis almost anything is. The rest, well, that’s up to your imagination.

Comments are always welcome and appreciated at the email address above.

Have fun, always...

* * *

Chapter 40

Emma opened her eyes and was quite happy to see Mark snuggled into her, his lips just barely touching one of her nipples. Her arms had found themselves wrapped around his upper body, cradling him against her at some point during their sleep. She’d never really slept with a boy, let alone a boy and a girl at the same time and she felt wonderful about the experience so far.

Bri was snuggled into Mark’s back, her right arm over his chest and her forearm laying loosely against Emma’s stomach. Emma simply lay there listening to their breathing and felt the pull back down into sleep but realized she needed to use the bathroom. She took a chance and offered some soft whispers and was happy to get slow gentle nods from both of them as she extricated herself from the bed.

Making her way to the bathroom and closing the door behind her, she stepped to the mirror and could have sworn her reflection winked at her before she did her business on the commode. When she was done, she stood in front of the mirror hoping something else would happen. When nothing did, she winked at herself, smiled, and then made her way out into the room, then out into the main room and the kitchen to get something to snack on.

She noticed Mistress sitting at the counter and paused, hoping not to disturb her, but then realized if she was up and alone in the kitchen there was probably a reason for it.

“Mistress?” she whispered softly.

Theresa turned to see her standing a few feet away and then opened her arms as Emma found herself swallowed up in her warm embrace. A soft stroke on her hair coupled with a soft kiss on her forehead had Emma practically floating.

“Little girl, why are you awake? Is something the matter?” Theresa asked.

“No, Mistress, everything is wonderful so far, I just needed something to snack on, something to drink.”

Theresa released her and she stepped to the fridge for a bottle of Gatorade and then grabbed a banana and an orange and took a seat at the counter.

“Is everything OK for you and Janine?”

“Oh, yes, we are doing very well. I did something for her a while ago that I’ve never done for a girl and I believe it worked out perfectly. More than likely I’ll be teaching all of you the same thing over the coming days and weeks, and it’ll just make things that much better for us.”

“May I ask what you did for her?” Emma asked quietly as she finished off her banana.

“I accepted her surrender, my little girl. It’s the first time I’ve ever done that for a girl, and when I realized it was indeed a possibility such as it is for our good boys, I wanted Janine to be the first.”

“You’ve had a thing for her for a long time, yes?”

“Oh, indeed, since that first moment I laid eyes on her years ago at a hypnosis demo. We weren’t in the same specific class at that time, but from that moment on, my schedule adapted to get myself in Janine’s life as much as I possibly could. It took time, but she was worth the wait. I think she feels the same way, so it’s a great thing for us both.”

Theresa was working on some of that Ben & Jerry’s ice cream she’d wanted and someone did get for her. As she licked the spoon clean, that brilliant pink tongue caught Emma’s eye and she just got shivers watching Theresa work the cream off it.

“How are things with Mark and Bri so far?” Theresa asked.

“Oh, them, yes, they worked each over quite thoroughly earlier. I know he wanted to really be in control the entire night, that would have been wonderful actually, but Bri and I had other plans.”

“Really? Do tell, if you care to share,” Theresa wondered out loud.

She spent a few minutes recounting what had happened and Theresa expressed quite a bit of surprise at how Bri had managed to work the off-switch into their play.

“Considering how powerful that orgasm is when he’s switched off and on, that, coupled with timing it with his surrender, yes that’s going to have a lasting effect on him, Emma. It’s safe to say he’s more than likely bonded with you on many levels at this point that you may not realize, but in time they’ll become clear to all of you.”

“He rose off the bed and it surprised me, actually. I was expecting him to be completely relaxed when I tapped his tummy as you’d described at Applebee’s, but then he lifted up and before I could do much, he was basically throating me. I gagged a bit but caught it, then Bri switched him off and it happened again. Strange thing, though: after several on and off cycles, he spoke to us, but it wasn’t Mark, and I don’t think it was Z either, the voice was not something I recognized. It basically said Mark and Z were gone, then it thanked us and I think he snapped his fingers and that was it for me, probably Bri too.”

Theresa wondered about it but didn’t have enough information at that point to really come up with any ideas on what might have happened.

“It’s something we’ll be exploring, for sure. So, what now? Back to sleep, or...?” Theresa asked with a wink.

“Mistress, I’m not sure Mark wants to accept my surrender just yet. It’s only a feeling, I suppose, and I can’t say I blame him—I mean, we did just formally meet face-to-face only hours ago. While I loved the way he tasted me, I get the impression he wants to hold off on that aspect of being with me, at least for a while. Does that make sense?”

“Of course it does, my dear. Mark, and Sam, and their counterparts, as I’ve said and the girls have, they’re not like typical boys, they are much more than that and react and respond much differently than a typical boy or even a typical man will in this kind of situation. Do I think that Mark wants you in that way? Absolutely, and Sam as well, but that’s normal for them. The thing with Mark and Sam is they have a drive, a primary thing for them, that they satisfy us before we get the chance to satisfy them. It’s not weird, just different, and for them, it’s a very good thing—for us too, actually.“

“So, I should just go with it and do whatever feels right and if it happens it happens?”

“Trust your heart, Emma, trust Mark to know when the time will be right, and then surrender to him if you truly want to do it. He won’t pressure you; he will be as patient as you need him to be. When that moment arrives, give yourself over to it because once it starts, he’s not going to stop till you’re his. Understand?”

Emma looked down at the red colored liquid that remained in her Gatorade bottle as she swished it around. The idea presented itself and she decided to act.

“Thank you, Mistress, I know what I have to do.”

She swigged the remainder of the Gatorade, placed the cap on the bottle, put it in the trash, gave Theresa a big hug, then made her way back to her room. Just then, Janine appeared from across the main room headed towards the kitchen herself. Slow walking, almost floating, and Theresa felt herself becoming more aroused with every step as Janine got closer and closer.

Theresa turned her head towards her grapes and then found herself pulled back away from the counter into a deep kiss as Janine basically devoured her mouth.

As they separated, with Theresa still being held slightly off-balance off the back of the stool, she gasped and opened her eyes:


“Been wanting to do that for a very long time, Mistress,” Janine softly whispered as she stroked Theresa’s hair—not her scalp, just her hair.

“Any... anytime you want, my sleepy girl, I’m yours.”

“Yes, and I am yours, and who knows where it will lead us. Was that Emma I saw just now?”

Janine stepped to the fridge, got herself a bottle of Gatorade and one orange. She glanced at the clock on the microwave—03:41 AM—but wasn’t entirely sure it was accurate given time changes that might not be reflected correctly.

“Yes, she needed a snack and something to drink. Apparently, Mark’s plans for dominating them got derailed earlier when they turned the tables on him, literally, and made him their sleepy boy. Emma ended up accepting his surrender in that way I talked about. Bri decided to one-up me and switched him on and off a few times during the process so it’s safe to say he’s about as scrambled as the eggs we’ll probably be having for breakfast in a few hours downstairs.”

They both softly giggled for a few moments.

Janine reached out for Theresa’s hand and when it was offered, she took it and squeezed:

“Thank you for that earlier. I’m nowhere near as experienced as you are with respect to girls, but that, that orgasm, it really did knock me out completely. I know you suggested it would be that powerful in not so many words, but I wanted to stay awake, I fought it really hard but it was a no-win for me. I felt myself about to pass out and then it was just nothing but blackness.”

“The idea for the surrender ritual that I created for Mark earlier in the year, I had never once considered that it could be as effective for a girl, at least until earlier when I realized I had the perfect subject to test it on. I’m glad it worked out so well, and that you enjoyed it. I plan to accept your surrender quite frequently, my sleepy girl.”

The thought of having that experience, again and again, under Theresa’s spell, caused Janine to juice quite hard at that moment and Theresa noted it.

“You enjoyed surrendering to me that way, did you not?” she asked, shifting her voice down into the lower registers.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You enjoyed being so helpless under my touch as I drew out that surrender, focused it right on the tip of your clit, and then sucked it out of you so deeply that you were absolutely completely helpless but to offer it to me, were you not?”

“Yesssss, Mistresssss.”

“Good girl, wide awake for me, please, come back to me, Janine.”

Shaking off that trance, Janine smiled brightly, knowing what her next action would be. She finished off her orange, offering the one remaining slice to Theresa and it was accepted. As she cleaned off the counter and placed her peels in the trash, she turned to see Theresa gathering the grape stalks and her bottle to go in as well.

As they stood before each other, staring into each other’s eyes, Janine reached up and softly brushed some hair away from Theresa’s face. She then cupped her hand on a cheek and gave her a look that couldn’t be missed.

“Theresa, offer me your surrender.”

A tear, followed by another, then a thumb to wipe it away. Without another word spoken, Janine led Theresa to the master bedroom and closed the door behind them.

* * *

Kess woke up and found Sam snuggled into her warmly. She whispered a few things, then slid off the side of the bed and went to the bathroom to do her business. After, she went to the kitchen where she grabbed two bottles of water and two bananas as well as a handful of grapes and headed back to the bedroom.

She stopped at the window to look out over the backside of the mall and the expressway, noting that even at that hour of the morning people were going places. While she hadn’t left the school in a long time for any traveling at all, she did suddenly find herself thinking of home even in spite of how cold it must be up there at that time of year.

She turned and stepped over to her clothing and retrieved her smartphone, noted the time—4:01 AM—and set an alarm for 7:15 AM and headed back to the bedroom.

Just as she got to her door, the door to the other bedroom opened and Bri stepped out, closing it quietly behind her.

“Hi,” she said.

Kess giggled softly and nodded to the kitchen and Bri nodded as well.

Bri got some Gatorade and a bottle of water, two bananas, and two oranges as well.

“We forgot to get some muffins, a huge blueberry muffin right now would be quite awesome,” she noted.

“More than likely they’ll have them at the breakfast. I set an alarm for 7:15 AM so I suppose I’ll go around and make sure everyone is up for that in about three hours.”

“Great, powdered eggs and dried out pancakes, oh joy,” Bri offered. “I’ve been in a lot of hotels over the years whenever the teams I’ve been on stayed at various places and I’ve never ever had a really good continental breakfast. They always use the cheapest components they can to make food. About the only thing they can’t really fake is fresh fruit, and bacon, and maybe the sausages if they offer any.”

“We’ll find out soon enough, right?” Kess added, opening one of her water bottles.

“How are you?” Bri asked. “Don’t seem to be walking funny, not that I could tell.”

They both laughed for a few moments but Kess knew precisely what Bri was getting at.

“I am Sam’s good girl, Bri, and I am all his.”

Bri practically leaped off her stool and gave Kess a really tight hug. As she sat back down, she asked:

“Are you OK?”

Kess sat back and popped a grape into her mouth.

“Yeah, I’m fine, it was exactly what I needed, and Sam was the perfect gentleman as usual. He’d already pounded me senseless earlier but then that part of me, that primal side, it wanted more, and he was only too happy to oblige me in the shower.”

A cry was heard and both of them turned instantly towards the master bedroom.

“Was that...?” Kess started.

“Theresa? Oh boy,” Bri giggled.

“So, are Mark and Emma out of it?”

“No, actually, Emma woke me up and asked me to leave them alone for about thirty minutes. Mark had some fun with me earlier, and Emma got her first taste of him, so now I presume she’s working some magic of some kind on his sleepy self, not quite sure. They need some time alone so I’m good.”

“Earlier, Theresa told me that Sam had gone through some training for his off-switch, like yours. Is that really a thing?” Kess asked, sipping some more water.

“Oh, yeah, it’s some audio files mainly that she provided me, and Mark, and it’s deep trance stuff more than anything else, with some brainwashing aspects, repetition, that sort of thing. I’m good with it, it’s fun, and it feels amazing to be down there for extended periods of time just following along with her voice.”

“So, the whole off-switch thing, for you it really is a thing, meaning that because of the training, you really do feel it and see it up there,” Kess nodded as she pointed at Bri’s forehead.

“Yep, it’s there, even now,” as she looked up herself. “Just takes the thought about it and poof, there it is. It’s odd in some respects but very cool as well to know I’m capable of that kind of positive hallucination.”

“Theresa mentioned she’d like all of us to have that training, but I’m not sure I’m capable of that kind of experience.”

“Of course you are, don’t be silly. All of us are more than capable, and we all trust her without question. There’s no reason to think you won’t respond to her training for it as readily as Mark and I have, and Sam too apparently.”

“Yes, she mentioned that earlier. She had planned to test it on him this weekend, but earlier she took me aside and told me that it was going to be me that did it for him first. She said she felt it was only natural to allow me to be the very first one to switch him off because he’s mine. I’m not sure how to do it, Bri, I don’t want it to be a bad experience for him.”

The look of concern on Kess’s face at that moment really hit Bri hard, but she knew what she needed to do.

“Leave that stuff there, come with me,” she said as she took Kess by the hand and they went to the main room. Bri lay down on the couch and told Kess to sit on the coffee table.

“Allow yourself to see my switch, my lock as it were. Allow yourself to really see it here,” as she pointed up at her forehead. “You’ve seen plenty of deadbolt locks in doors in your lifetime I’m sure, and I know you could see mine before back in your kitchen. You can remember my key, bright neon pink, right there in the lock, and you know that I’m currently switched on. See my lock and the key, Kess, tell me when you can see them clearly.”

Kess, already drifting to some degrees, could just make out that deadbolt, with the brushed steel quality to it, and the bright neon pink key inserted in it and turned slightly to the right.

“I... I see it. That is so cool, and so weird at the same time.”

“Yeah, it is. Now, gently, reach up for the key, take it in your fingertips, just the tips of your fingers, and tug it left and right slightly a few times.”

Kess reached out, actually felt the key in her fingertips as she tugged left and right, and noted Bri’s head as it moved in sync. It seriously felt as though she was doing exactly what it would be like if there really was a lock and key in Bri’s forehead.

“What exactly happens when you’re switched off?” Kess asked as she released the key.

“I drop into a trance that’s way below what I normally am capable of reaching with typical suggestions, but that’s because of the audio files and the training. Theresa did spend a great deal of time working with me in-person over the past two months or so, but I’ve listened to the entire training set several times on my own too. That’s four audio files and it’s about six hours long.”

“So, Mark and Sam have done that too?”

“Yes, Mark a few dozen times at least he’s told me, and Sam, well I think Sam listened to the training just once, probably yesterday as I understand it. It remains to be seen how he’s going to respond when he’s finally switched off that first time, but one thing I can tell you for sure: he’ll cum pretty hard.”

“Why is that? Theresa mentioned it but I don’t understand why that’s happening? Was that part of the training?”

“Yes, and no, and I’m not exactly sure why myself. Theresa said something about it being a release of sorts, as in a truly serious letting go of the mind totally relinquishing control over to the body and the orgasm is a reward of sorts for that surrender. And being switched back on, it happens again as a reward just the same, for allowing the entire experience to happen.”

“That doesn’t make a lot of sense but I suppose if it works, that’s what counts. You didn’t actually seem to orgasm when Janine switched you off or back on after Theresa called last night and basically short-circuited Emma’s attempts at dominating us.”

“No, I didn’t, and she’s wondering why, but then again it shouldn’t have worked at all considering the situation. I’m happy it did, but I suppose there will be more tweaking and training over the coming weeks and months. It might derail her plans to do a class at the hypnocon in a few weeks. You are going, right?”

“So far, that’s the plan. Sam told me he’d committed to it last Friday only a few minutes before he met me, thankfully. I’m sure he would have decided to go on his own after that, but it’s nice to know he wanted to go. I suppose I’m grateful that I did meet him before some other girl or whoever got their hooks into him at the con.”

“Oh, he’s all yours, and after you switch him off that first time, he’ll be yours forever. Now, switch me off for a few minutes. I should be responsive to you after the initial orgasm fades, but I do love that blissed-out feeling so let me rest there for a few minutes, OK? Then switch me back on and then we’ll go see how Sam is doing. I can’t wait till you get to feel just how amazing it is to get to these kinds of depths, you’re going to love it, I promise.”

Kess smiled, reached up, but before she could take hold of the key, Bri said:

“I think I know why I didn’t orgasm for Janine. She didn’t remove my key. I think that’s part of it, actually, because that’s where the true surrender comes from: once you remove my key, I am totally helpless to whoever holds it. So remember: switch me off and pull my key, keep it safe in the palm of your hand, then insert it and switch me back on in a few minutes, got it?”

“Got it.”

The two of them giggled for a few moments at the sheer insanity of it all. As Kess reached up for the key, Bri’s giggling quickly turned to a pure focus as she locked on to Kess’ fingers, felt the tension shift as they made contact, and then felt herself be switched off. A moment later, Kess pulled her hand back and once that contact with Bri’s forehead was severed, Bri had that rather powerful orgasm there on the couch.

It lasted for almost a full minute before Bri relaxed into the cushions, breathing deeply even in spite of the orgasm she’d just experienced. Looking down on her friend, Kess wondered if she’d ever be that responsive and if she were capable of being that deeply relaxed but she trusted Bri completely, and Theresa as well.

She looked down at her open right palm and saw Bri’s bright neon pink key there just as clear as day. She even reached over with her left index finger and tapped it, felt the ridges on it, the grooves, and giggled some more.

“This is so damned cool. I envy you, Bri, I hope you’re feeling good.”

“Oh yes, I am.”

Kess knew she might respond but wasn’t expecting it quite that quickly.

“So you can hear me?” she asked.

“Of course, I’m not asleep, Kess, you know this. But this place I’m in, I have no words to describe the depth I’m at or any way of conveying the idea of it. I know I’m on the couch, I know I’m relaxed physically, and while I can feel my entire body, there’s just no desire to move at all unless I’m given a command or instruction to do so.”

“Do you really think Sam is going to respond if I do this for him? I was going to wait till tomorrow for his birthday, but Theresa said I shouldn’t wait, so I think when I go back to the room, I’ll see about making this dream come true for him.”

“Oh, he’s absolutely going to respond. I don’t know him that well, sadly, that will change in time, but after talking with Janine and Theresa, I know his greatest desire is to have his mind switched off finally. So yes, when you do this for him, it’ll change his life forever. It’ll be up to you to decide what you want to do with him once he’s truly yours, of course, but my suggestion would be to just lay with him, whisper to him, keep him aware that you’re with him as he drops deeper and deeper. I don’t know how deep he’s been able to go because of all that stuff Mark and Z have done with him, but I’m confident this, being switched off, will be something completely new for him.”

“Will you help me?” Kess asked.

“I... I’m not sure I can, Kess, I’m not sure what I could do.”

“Just be there, with us, when I switch him off, please? I know it’ll mean a lot to him knowing you’re there.”

There was no physical reaction from Bri save for a slight alteration in her breathing, and Kess interpreted it as a soft sigh.

“Switch me back on, please, and let’s go make Sam’s dream come true.”

Even with her eyes closed, Bri got the distinct impression that Kess was smiling quite widely at that moment.

“OK, here goes,” Kess whispered as she inserted Bri’s key and switched her back on. Upon releasing the key, Bri had that orgasm on her return, and Kess really did wonder how she’d finally react after such training. Bri opened her eyes, pulled Kess into a nice soft kiss, and then they both just started giggling like crazy.

They grabbed some water and bananas and made their way to the bedroom, certain that Sam would be a very happy boy very soon indeed.

* * *

When Emma had returned to her room, she whispered Bri awake and asked her to give her that thirty minutes or so alone with Mark. Bri had given her a soft kiss and said no problem and then headed out.

Emma stood at the foot of the bed and looked down on Mark, unsure of exactly how to proceed and make her own dream come true. Now that he was hers for most intents and purposes, she knew she needed to reciprocate and felt it was the right time to make it happen.

She climbed onto the bed gently, and snuggled up into him once more, stroking his tummy in that special way. On contact, he whimpered softly and opened his eyes.

“Hi,” she whispered.

“Thank you,” was all he could offer as a reply.

“You are very welcome, but I need to return the favor, Mark. Will you accept my surrender?”

“Emma, I don’t know if—

“It’s OK, really, I want this, I need this to happen. I don’t want to waste another minute, and I know we have the weekend but I want you, I’ve wanted you for a long time. Please?”

Despite the difficulty of being able to even move with her stroking his tummy so slowly, around and around, Mark managed to pull Emma into a deep kiss. He squeezed the back of her neck in the process and dropped her into that docile submissive state just waiting for a command. She relaxed into him as expected, and then he deep whispered:

“Emma, offer me your surrender.”

She gasped, loudly, and then basically melted into him completely.

He slid off the bed, reached over and took her by a hand and guided her to her feet and then led her to the bathroom, directing her to stand outside the stall as he got everything situated.

Once the water was going at the proper temperature, he stepped inside and tugged her into his arms, offering her another deep kiss and a tight embrace. He pulled back, tipped her head up, and told her to open her eyes:

“We’re going to go very slow to start, very slow until you’re comfortable. If at any moment you have discomfort, we stop, instantly, is that clear?”

A slow gentle nod as she confirmed she understood.

“We do this wide awake, fully conscious, together, until we really get into it and you’ll be fractionated quite a few times. Wake up, Emma.”

Her eyes opened fully, noting she was now in the shower, in Mark’s arms, and she smiled.

“Hi,” she said softly.

“Yeah, hi,” he offered and they both giggled for a few moments then nuzzled into each other.

“We have nothing but time, Mark, we’ll go slow, and enjoy each other the way we’ve wanted to for a long time, OK?”

“Emma, have you ever seen the movie ‘Dark City’?” he asked.

Her eyes went wide as saucers and he had his answer. Before she could react further, Mark grabbed a handful of hair and yanked her head back while waving his right hand across down across her face while whispering the word “Sleep.”

Emma tranced perfectly as he’d hoped, and his cock felt as if it was going to explode and he didn’t even care. He nuzzled into her neck and whispered her awake, and as soon as she was, he put her to sleep again the same way and got even harder by doing it.

Maybe ten times he did this before he finally awakened her, and all she could do was smile when she opened her eyes.

“Yes,” she whispered, “obviously I have seen it, many times. Thank you for that, I always wondered what that might feel like. All the trancing I’ve done the past few days, I had hoped someone might be a fan of the movie and put me to sleep like that. I’m so happy it was you, Mark.”

She hugged him tightly, stroking the back of his neck with one hand and his cock with the other.

“But I thought we were going to do this awake.”

“Yeah, we will, I just had to know, that way of putting someone to sleep, it’s my favorite thing ever, really. I just wish they’d had—

“Jennifer Connelly being tranced like that in the movie, yes, I know. It’s sad they didn’t do that. There was the one point where she fell asleep because it was midnight, but not directly because of one of those ghouls putting her to sleep face-to-face. A shame, really, it would have been the hot spot of the entire movie.”

“Well, there is one big benefit to it I suppose,” Mark giggled.

“What’s that?”

“The character Jennifer played in the movie,” he started. “I mean come on, you and that amazing memory you have, put two and two together.”

For a moment, just a brief moment, Emma stood there staring into Mark’s eyes, and then suddenly she realized what he was getting at. As her face changed, as she reacted to the knowledge that now presented itself that she hadn’t even considered only moments prior, Mark reached up and put her to sleep again.

The character in ‘Dark City’ that Jennifer Connelly played was named Emma.

“My very own Emma, all mine. I think the Universe had something to do with this, so I’m not going to ever let you get away.”

He whispered a few things in her ear and Emma lowered to her knees and began to suck very softly on his cock, deep strokes but not all the way deep, and not with any particular focus on the head either. He just wanted to feel her mouth for a few minutes, not with an intention to feed her. Her mouth felt so wonderful as he stroked her so slowly. That soft wet tongue dancing all over the head and underside of his shaft, driving him wild and making him harder by the second.

After maybe three minutes, he pulled back out of her mouth, took her hands and pulled her into a standing position and whispered her awake once more.

“Thank you,” he offered with a kiss.

“I can’t believe I missed that, wow, I really can’t. Apparently, something decided this should become a reality for us, I think.”

“Well, if my name was John then I’d absolutely be convinced it was destiny or fate, but I’m good with knowing that you love the movie, and you love hypnosis, and you love being put to sleep. What more can I ask for?”

“My surrender, obviously. Please, take me?” Emma asked, cocking her head to one side, and Mark wasn’t going to waste another second.

He pushed her into the shower tiles on her back, then spun her around as he leaned in and told her to be still. Upon hearing the words, and accepting that she was offering her surrender to him, the words had the effect of a command and Emma became very still.

He doused several of his fingers in the body wash and slowly began to rub her rosebud around and around, eliciting a lot of crazy high-pitched yelps from her. He gradually inserted his right thumb once more and worked it in pretty deep, causing more yelps and some moans. Then he switched to using the index and middle finger for a few minutes, not quite knuckle deep because of his position—he was fingering her but still doing his best to nuzzle and kiss the back of her neck at the same time.

His left hand reached around her left hip and his fingertips were softly drawing those circles on the tummy to relax her and keep her in that submissive state. He shifted again and got three fingers into her fairly deep causing more moans and a few groans as well.

His cock basically stood up straight at one point after one seriously sexy growl escaped her mouth, and Mark took that as the sign she was ready. He leaned into her shoulder and whispered:

“I’m going to take you now, Emma, you’re free to move but we do this slowly. You control the pace, use me and get comfortable with me inside you.”

She nodded and shifted so her back arched just a bit more to present her backside to him for easier access. He reached down and held his cock as she squirted a bit more of the body wash over it, then began to stroke the gel into a lather. She set the bottle on the shelf and then guided him to her rosebud, staring into his eyes the entire time.

The head of Mark’s cock slipped inside of her rather easily and they both moaned almost at the same instant. She hooked her arm around his neck and pulled him into a kiss as she wiggled her hips gently to work him deeper inside of her. In a matter of seconds, Mark was balls deep and even despite the fact that she was insanely tight he had to fight off the urge to let go.

“Damn,” she whispered, “you feel so good inside me, baby. Nice and slow now, let me do all the work for a while, just relax, let me fuck you, Mark, relax.”

“Tell me... tell... me to be still,” he gasped.

“Be still, baby, be still.”

Mark became very still and now it was Emma in control.

“That’s right, like a statue I get to fuck this way. You feel so good inside me, baby, let me fuck you slow and deep,” and Emma began to shift back and forth, using his cock the way she wanted.

None of the girls he’d ever been with had called him “baby” before and for whatever reason, it was seriously turning him on even more. His cock pulsed and throbbed with each penetration and he knew she had to be feeling it considering how tightly she was contracting on him with every stroke.

After several minutes, and after Emma got into a rhythm of taking him all the way inside her and even beginning to push back onto him harder and harder, Mark knew she was basically ready to go. All he could do was wait for her to set him free.

A few more minutes passed and Emma was reaching a point of no return on her own as she used him. She spun her head back and said:

“You’re free, baby, take me, now, please.”

Now free to move on his own, Mark remembered exactly what he wanted to do and reacted.

His left hand grabbed her at the back of her head, a tight fist of her wet hair and yanked it back to his shoulder as he pulled his cock back to the head just inside her rosebud. His right hand reached up and began to stroke down across her face in sync with the deep stroke he began along with the deep whisper of “Sleep” in her ear.

All three hit at the same moment and Emma gave herself to Mark.

He stroked her for a few moments as she dropped, then told her to wake up and then did it again, and again.

For the next five or six minutes he conditioned her to that act, and of course, just as Theresa and Ray and Bri and Anna had responded, so did Emma. Then he called for Katherine and as soon as she responded, he dropped her as well for about five more minutes with deep strokes and soft deep whispers.

Once that aspect was done, then it just shifted to a more primal aspect where Mark could choke her rather tightly with the left hand—she dropped on each deep stroke as expected—and with his right hand, he deep fingered her in sync with the deep strokes.

For maybe eight minutes this continued, and he could feel Emma’s body responding with more twitches and pushing back harder onto his cock with each deep stroke inside her.

“Wake up, Emma.”

A loud grunt, followed by a fairly hard jerk of her hips back on him, and he knew she was ready.

“Harder, please,” she begged.

Mark let himself shift into that primal mode and stopped thinking as his body took over and pumped her as deep and hard as he could. With each stroke, more yelps, more begging, and yet her body never stopped pressing back, squeezing him so very tightly.

After about two minutes, Emma twisted her head to the right, made eye contact, and nodded.

Mark pushed into her as deep as possible and held it, pulled his fingers into a tight circle and pushed her clit into the hood, and deep whispered “Surrender” into her right ear.

Emma screamed out quite loudly and bucked as hard as she could to fight it, driving her hips back onto him multiple times, hoping to make the feeling last. She eventually gave in and collapsed back in his arms, softly whimpering until she went quiet. Mark just held her tightly in that position, unwilling to disturb the moment.

“Thank you for your surrender, Emma,” he deep whispered in her ear which prompted more whimpers and even some soft crying but that too gradually turned into nothing but deep breathing. He finally relaxed against her and took her into his arms, and both of them just stood there under the hot water for a few minutes kissing softly.

Mark turned off the water, then they stepped out and toweled each other dry, after which he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to the bed. He lay her softly on the bed, gave her one last kiss, then waved his hand over her face putting her to sleep once more. Soft whispers to take her down deeper, and then he covered her with the sheet and blanket.

He got the bathroom situated, grabbed some fresh towels from the shelf in the closet, and then returned to the bedroom. As he slid onto the bed beside her, he felt a hand brush down his face dropping him into a very deep trance even as he felt Emma’s body sliding down along his torso. Her mouth wrapped around the head of his cock and gently sucked up and down, dropping him even deeper. Fingertips on his tummy, a soft warm palm on his balls, several deep strokes, then that feeling of being sucked so perfectly and Mark surrendered.

After a few moments, he felt himself sliding into a soft warm pussy, heard whispers of sleep, and drifted as the body-known-as-Emma fucked him very slowly for a while.

“Thank you, Mark, that was amazing, but now, sleep... sleep... sleep deeper than ever as I enjoy you for just a bit longer... sleep.”

Victor, having seen all this, figured he’d poke out just a bit and as soon as he opened his eyes, all he felt was a hand brushing them closed:

“Not yet, soon, but not yet, you sleep too... sleep... sleep for me.”

Victor, not expecting it at all, slept.

The body-known-as-Emma fucked that cock for a good long while with deep slow strokes, until it noticed that familiar twitch and then it fed on Mark’s surrender one last time. Once it was confident he was truly spent, it slid up and snuggled into him and let go.

* * *

Theresa lost her mind several times at the careful slow ministrations of Janine. She surrendered multiple times, not just the one time because Janine kept performing that ritual over and over, hoping to totally exhaust Theresa once and for all. When that point finally happened, and there was no more physical response to any stimulation at all, Janine shifted and snuggled alongside of her and drifted off to dreamland herself.

DJ was there waiting and they had a nice chat for a while about how things had gone so far. Both were very happy at how everyone was getting along, and it was just a beginning for all of them.

* * *

Kess and Bri opened the door and stepped inside. Sam was still out of it, of course, but the girls knew the plan.

After Bri had explained what she’d done with Mark, it seemed like a good thing to do for Sam as well but it would be Kess switching him off.

Kess slid onto the bed and whispered for him to stay deep but to sit up. Groggily and slowly he rose to a seated position and then Bri climbed on, took that position behind him and then she whispered for him to lay back and let go into her. He did as instructed and melted back into her comfortably.

Kess climbed on top of his torso, straddling him as best she could given Bri’s legs were there on the bed now as well.

The girls looked at each other and nodded.

“Sam, wake up,” Kess whispered.

Eyes open, seeing Kess there on top of him but feeling another soft warm body under him, he attempted to turn but Bri simply directed him with soft fingertips on his temples back towards Kess.

“Focus on Kess, Sam, relax, focus on her eyes, her gorgeous eyes that just pull you in.”

Kess wasn’t wearing her glasses at that moment, and Sam didn’t even really care. Her face was very close, and those fingertips on his temples were making it quite difficult to keep his eyes open but he allowed the command to work its magic.

Such wonderful eyes, so close, so deep, swallowing him up in some respects, and he felt that familiar drift happening as he imagined being pulled into those eyes.

“Sam, can you see your off-switch?” Kess asked.

His eyes automatically rolled up and he nodded softly.

“Good, very good. I know you’ve wanted that for a long time, your entire life practically, and with Theresa’s help, you finally have it. She wanted to be the first to switch you off, but she made the decision that it should be someone else that does it for you the very first time. Do you know who that person is?”

He thought about it for a few moments, and upon realizing what Victor had revealed about what Bri had done earlier for Mark, Sam suddenly came to realize Bri was going to switch him off while Kess accepted his surrender and he gasped quite loudly.

Kess, not knowing what had transpired earlier between Mark and Bri and Emma, mistook his reaction as confirmation that he knew that she was the one.

At that moment, it really didn’t matter at all.

“I love you, Sam,” Kess whispered as she switched him off.

On some level, Sam was aware of what was happening: that massive feeling of dropping deep into trance, something he was now quite capable of recognizing when it was occurring, but this was way deeper than most anything he’d experienced so far. The orgasm washed over him physically, causing him to lift up off the bed to various degrees, and he could feel Kess on top of him and Bri under him even so.

And he knew it was Kess that switched him off, taking him completely by surprise, which just made him that much happier.

But after about a minute, the calm and peace he’d always dreamed possible suddenly replaced almost everything else. It wasn’t that he didn’t have any thoughts happening; it was more along the lines of he was willingly dismissing them as fast as they even began to present themselves. It was so easy and so effortless to just brush them aside, and gradually they stopped forming at all.

He felt Kess on top of him, loved the way her warm body relaxed into his as she lay down across his torso. Bri was still gently stroking his temples whispering to him. She had far more experience with being switched off so she probably had some idea of how he was responding inside.

Sam drifted and floated in a place he’d never been before, just nothing but that calm peaceful serenity, and while he didn’t want to label it as bliss, he couldn’t think of a better word at that moment and so for him, that state, that level, became his bliss.

Bri’s whispers were so far away, so difficult to make out, but gradually, over a short period of time, her voice got a bit louder, and then clearer. He finally heard her say something about coming back up. Suddenly, he felt another powerful orgasm wash over him. His eyes popped open only to find Kess right there waiting.

“Welcome back, lover.”

“Kess, I love you,” and he did his best to reach up and pull her into a kiss but his arms were so very heavy at first. She knew what he wanted and she offered him the kiss. He gradually managed to get his arms up around her even as Bri asked:

“So, how are you feeling?”

As his lips separated from Kess’, he did his best to answer:

“That was amazing, thank you. And I love you too, Bri, you know this,” and he turned his head as best he could. Bri shifted and gave him a kiss herself.

“I know, but seriously, how are you feeling at this moment after that first experience? We let you drift for about twenty-five minutes, so give me some feedback.”

“Twenty-five minutes? Wow, talk about time distortion, that felt like a few hours at least.”

“Yeah, that’s about how I felt the first time,” Bri whispered, softly stroking her palm against his forehead. “It gets better with more experience, I promise. The first time I was barely able to respond to Theresa at all, but as I became more comfortable down there, I realized that yes, I could move and respond if I chose to do it. That’s the secret: the desire to move and respond needs to be consciously willed into action, or else you just lay there like a dead fish, basically.”

“I hope so because it would be awesome to be that deep, that calm and peaceful, and still be able to do things. Wow, that was so nice, it really was. Kess, you’re going to love that state when you get to it, really.”

“Practice, practice, practice,” Kess started to say as she reached up and switched Sam off again.

Back down, dropping so deep so fast, so focused on that experience, as he reached that calm peaceful plateau even faster the second time around. The orgasm washed over him as before, but things felt different the second time as he realized on a deeper level that Kess had mounted him after she switched him off and was now riding him slowly.

Bri herself had shifted and was now apparently fucking his face, offering him soft whispers to focus on his tongue and will it to move. Sam focused a part of his awareness on that part of his body and happily found himself lapping away at her delicious pussy and even managed to spear her rosebud once or twice. Not much else was responding to them aside from his pretty much always stiff cock, but even so, that calm peaceful feeling was right there the entire time.

He felt a slight pressure on his forehead, got slammed by that orgasm as Bri switched him back on, and suddenly found himself tongue deep in that rosebud as she smiled down at him.

“And now, you are our fucktoy for a while,” and she raked her fingernails through his scalp, washing away every thought he had as quickly as he’d returned to waking awareness. More raking, more commands, as Bri fucked his face and Kess fucked his cock.

They switched positions a few times, enjoying Sam knowing he was more than happy to be used for their pleasure until finally, Bri reached a point of no return as she rode Sam’s face once more. She yelped out loudly and Kess caught it—she reached forward from her position riding Sam, grabbed Bri’s ponytail and yanked it back and switched her off.

Bri came, as expected, and gushed all over Sam’s face, practically drowning him. As Bri’s body shivered from the orgasm and fell back along Sam’s torso, Kess shifted and straddled Bri’s face and told her to suck which she promptly did.

Kess looked down at Sam, still devouring Bri, as Bri deep licked Kess, and then Kess went to work on Bri’s clit even as Sam worked on her rosebud. It would have caused Bri to lose her mind completely but in that state of being switched off, she was already there and still able to have a level of control over herself. She came again, and again, and again, and just continued to service Kess even as she herself was being serviced so well.

For a few minutes, they all pleasured each other to the best that weird position of their bodies stacked on top of each other allowed. Kess was the first one to completely lose it, having an orgasm courtesy of Bri’s deep tongue-fucking, and she blacked out and slid off of Bri onto the bed.

Sam realized that Bri was still in a switched off state and had no idea if he could switch her back on. Until then, he wanted to enjoy her so he simply offered a suggestion:

“Bri, roll over on top of me, suck,” and that’s all it took.

She rolled, quickly repositioned herself, and began deep throating him to his balls which of course caused him to start feeling that sleepy bliss washing over him. He did his very best to stay as conscious as possible but it was just too much and Bri was just too good at sucking on him.

After a few minutes of it, riding that sleepy bliss, being sucked that well, his last bit of energy was offered as a few taps on Kess’ shoulder and she responded, but just barely.

She rolled over enough to make eye contact and he whispered:

“She’s... sucking me into... a coma, I think,” and giggled softly.

“That’s not such a bad thing, is it?” Kess asked.


“Bri, fuck Sam to sleep.”

Sam’s eyes went wide as he felt Bri’s body turn position, then she mounted him. She dropped on his cock and then begin that milking deep inside. Before Bri even got the words “Let me fuck you to sleep” out, Sam had already dropped off into dreamland.

“He’s gone, Bri, but fuck him even deeper asleep, ride him for your pleasure, use him, he’s our fucktoy, obey.“

Bri went on automatic and just rode him for a while as Kess watched. She loved knowing Sam was a good boy, her good boy, and now their good boy. She reached up and switched Bri on, watched her cum so fucking hard because of that return and because she was riding Sam so well, and wondered how she herself would respond someday to that training for her own off-switch.

“Cum, Bri, cum for us, hard, right now.“

Bri, now staring into Kess’ eyes and held in place by soft palms on both sides of her face, had no choice but to obey.

The orgasm hit, causing her to black out in just a few seconds time, as Kess eased her body down on top of Sam even as she reached to him to close his still wide-open eyes.

Kess grabbed the sheet and blanket, pulled them over their bodies, and snuggled into her sleepy friends and let go.

* * *

Theresa woke up, staring at that off-white ceiling. She felt Janine there with her, her sleepy girl’s head resting on her chest, and began lightly stroking her hair. Janine shifted and whispered:

“Thank you for waiting for me, Mistress.”

“I would have waited a lifetime for you, my sleepy girl. You’re worth the time.”

“I keep thinking of where we might be today if I hadn’t taken so long to see what had been in front of me the entire time. So many wasted possibilities,” Janine whispered.

“The past is just that: the past, and we can’t do anything about it now, or in the future. All we can do is make the best of the moments from this one forward, understand?”

“Your Mother was a wise woman, you realize this, yes?”

“Of course, and she taught me very well, but even she didn’t know everything. Life teaches us what we need to know when the time is right, I suppose. That old saying about the teacher appearing when the student is ready.”

“Teach me, I’m ready,” Janine offered as she lifted her head up and smiled.

“I’m a little taught out tonight, thanks to you and that ritual. When the other girls learn it, they’re going to suck each other senseless, and the boys too I suppose.”

“Yes, I’m sure you’ll teach Michael that one very well, will you not?”

“Oh, yes, my dear, absolutely indeed.”

“So, what do we do now, Mistress?” Janine asked, lightly suckling on Theresa’s left nipple.

“We sleep, my dear... sleep...” and just that easily Janine’s eyes locked on and that was about it. “Sleep, deep sleep, put me to sleep even as you drift off yourself, my sleepy girl.”

“Sleep for me, Mistress, deep sleep... sleep...”

As their voices went from soft whispers to nothing at all, they snuggled into a deep sleep in each other’s arms once more.

* * *

The alarm went off at 7:15 AM as expected, and Kess awoke first. She slid off the side of the bed after lifting Bri’s arm and Sam’s leg off her, silenced the alarm, and made way to the bathroom to do her business. Upon exiting, she woke them and told them it was time for breakfast.

She made her way to Mark’s room and woke them and offered the same information.

Upon knocking on the door to the master bedroom, Theresa opened the door and gave her a big hug. Janine was there right behind her and got a big hug herself.

In a few minutes, everyone was dressed and ready so they headed to the elevator. Soft giggles, some whispers, and then out to the main floor headed to the lobby area where the breakfast was served in a spot filled with tables and chairs.

It was the typical fare as expected: scrambled eggs that were probably powdered but it wasn’t possible to tell at a glance, toast, French toast, bacon, sausage patties and some links as well. Apple and orange juice, coffee, milk, hot chocolate, and tea. And lots of muffins so Bri grabbed several of those immediately including two blueberry ones. They were rather large muffins and had that thicker quality to them and she smiled after the first bite.

Some other pastries as well, cinnamon buns with icing, what appeared to be croissants, some bagels, yogurt, waffles, and the usual condiments like jelly and butter or margarine spread too.

Everyone grabbed a plate, got what they wanted, grabbed some utensils and headed over to one table where Sam was moving it closer to another. The tables only really appeared to seat four people so they put two of them side-by-side to accommodate the whole party.

As everyone sat down, Theresa spoke:

“Good morning, everyone, I hope you’re all doing well.”

Janine on her right-hand side, Kess on her left, then Sam next to Kess, Bri next to Janine, and Mark and Emma next to each other.

“I heard a few screams, so I’d say yes,” Kess had to spit out.

After the laughter died down a bit, Janine reached out and took Theresa’s left hand and kissed it.

“Yes, I am doing better than ever, thanks to this beautiful creature, as I’m sure we all are.”

“Hear hear,” Sam offered as a toast, and glasses of whatever beverage the person had was offered.

There were quite a few guests in the area also having breakfast, and considering it was a weekend that was probably the norm for that particular hotel.

“Speaking of something to toast, I’d like to offer my thanks to Mistress for helping me with something that’s been a desire for pretty much my entire life.”

Theresa looked up and smiled, knowing what he was going to say.

“She helped me find my off-switch, and I’m happy to say Kess made that dream a reality last night, with some help from Bri. Thank you,” he said as he pulled her into a kiss.

“Hear, hear,” Mark offered and everyone gave them a soft golf clap.

“Sam?” Theresa asked.

“Yes, Mistress?”

“Are you OK?”

“Yes, Mistress. It was everything I hoped it could be, and so much more. In time I’m sure it’ll only get better, but it was perfect, thank you.”

“You’re very welcome. I presume Kess told you why I decided to let her have the honor of being the first, it only seemed right to do that.”

“She did, and I am forever grateful for it, thank you again.”

Janine’s phone rang and before she even pulled it from her pocket she said:

“That’ll be my Mom, pretty much guaranteed. If you’ll excuse me for a few, be right back.”

She stood and made her way out the front entrance, noting as the doors opened the cool air as it hit her arms. It was a pleasant day outside, not many clouds, even in spite of those fall temperatures.

“Hi, Mom, I knew you’d be calling at some point.”

“Hello, dear, is everything OK?”

“Yes, I’m doing rather well actually. Some friends and I are basically having some fun this weekend, we’re at a hotel here in town because, well, our apartment doesn’t offer much in terms of space and comfort obviously. So I knew when the charges hit the card, you’d be reaching out to check on things.”

“I’m not worried about the expense, Janine, just making sure that you’re OK. We haven’t talked in some time, so, how are you doing, really?”

“I’m not kidding, Mom, I’m doing exceptionally well. I have someone in my life now, but oddly enough it’s someone that’s been part of my life for years now.”

“That would be Theresa, correct?”

“What?” Janine asked, rather stunned at hearing her Mom even suggest it.

“Oh please, Janine, I’m your Mom, I’m not blind. When you introduced me to Theresa what, almost four years ago on a visit for alumni, I could see just how much she loved you but you apparently were missing it. It is Theresa, yes?“


“And she makes you happy, yes? Or you’re at least now at a point where you’re allowing yourself to be happy with her, right?”

“Yes, on both counts. Deliriously happy, actually.”

“Then I am happy for you, and for her, so make sure she knows it. Took long enough, I mean really.”

“Mom, I’m actually surprised to hear you say such things.”

“Janine, I’ve met many of your friends over the years, and your natural beauty does have an effect on most anyone that crosses your path. But Theresa, she was the only one that I ever met that saw you, for everything that you are, everything that you can be, and I knew it from that moment. I am from San Francisco, you remember, and your Dad’s from Berkeley. We may not have been there in those times in the 1970s but our heritage is there, and our open-minded nature comes from those areas. Yes, we both attended east coast schooling but that doesn’t change who we are. We love you, and we know we’ll love Theresa, I already do. You should bring her home sometime soon, perhaps Thanksgiving or Christmas, we’d love to have you.”

“We’ll see how things work out. I haven’t even considered holiday plans so far this year, there have been so many changes in my life, and hers, and other friends of ours.”

“I presume Kess is still with you, yes?”

“Yes, she is, but because I’m going to be heading to California in April, I had to look forward and plan for my absence so I’ve actually introduced someone else into our little family and they’re in love. He’s a wonderful man, Mom, and he loves her with everything he is, and she loves him back the same way.”

“That’s wonderful news, maybe they can come along for a stay as well, it’s not as if we don’t have the room here. Just me and your Dad, all alone, in this huge house with eight rooms, I mean, what shall we do.”

“Oh please, spare me.”

They both laughed for a few moments before her Mom spoke:

“If you ever need anything, we’re always a phone call away, you know this. Have a wonderful time with your friends, and tell Theresa we’re very happy for the both of you. Janine?”


“Love her with every fiber of everything you’re made of, and don’t let her go. Got it? I love you, keep in touch, please?”

“Got it, thank you. I’ll be in touch soon, I promise. Love you, say hi to Dad for me, and my breakfast is getting cold. Bye.”

Janine ended the call and looked around at the area. Vehicles zooming by on the expressway, cars in the outer ring road around the mall even at that early hour, probably employees coming to work early. A plane flying over as she glanced up and caught the glint of sunlight off the airframe. She took in a long deep breath and then went back inside.

As she approached, Theresa said:

“Let me guess: she knew before you told her, and then something along the lines of what took you so long, right?”

“Are you a mind-reader or something?” Janine asked, totally baffled at how she could know.

“No, but my Mother was, basically, so I just put myself in her shoes I suppose. Your Mom knew years ago, she even told me as such when we first met. She took me aside and told me that you’d be tough to catch but you’d be worth the effort, and obviously she was right because really, all Moms and Mothers always are when you get right down to it.“

Janine leaned forward for a kiss and Theresa made it happen. As they kissed, everyone at the table stopped talking, stared, and then offered a soft golf clap of their own which just caused everyone including Janine and Theresa to laugh for a few moments.

Bri got up and grabbed two more muffins as well as a banana and some apple juice. Kess got some more bacon, Emma grabbed a few waffles and syrup. Mark and Sam got some more eggs and bacon, with some French toast and syrup. Theresa got a banana nut muffin and a banana along with some coffee, and Janine grabbed a blueberry muffin and orange herself.

“So, what is the plan for the day?” Emma asked.

“I suppose more hot fucking hypno sex, right?” Kess had to say as she munched some bacon. More laughter and a nod from Sam which caused her to choke softly but she laughed through it.

“Mark? Emma? I know we’re going to be heading over to Emma’s at some point, but after we get back to the hotel, would you both like to spend some time with me? I have some ideas that I think you’ll find very interesting if you’re willing.”

Both of them nodded instantly and then they giggled.

“You want in on the fun, my sleepy girl?” Theresa asked Janine.

A nod, then a giggle.

“Well, that’s something. Sam and Kess, perhaps having some fun with Bri today would be in order?”

Kess looked up, looked at Sam, winked, then at Bri and said:

“I just had the most awesome idea: a Brianna split. We’ve got all the ingredients, save for a cherry I suppose, but her clit will just have to do.“

Bri’s eyes went wide at the thought.

“I take it that’s a yes, right?” Kess asked.

Bri just nodded softly, still running the idea over in her imagination.

“Then it’s settled, when you fine folks are out taking care of Emma’s cats, we’ll be taking care of some pussy ourselves, right, Sam?”

Sam, somewhat stuck for a few moments, found himself nodding as well but not really knowing why.

“Emma, what time would you like to make the trip to your apartment?” Theresa asked.

“Anytime is fine with me, I usually check in on them about 1 or 2 pm during the week, usually after I leave the cafeteria.”

“That’s fine, we’ll take a Lyft over at about 1 pm.”

Janine turned to look at Theresa.

“Yes, I know, there’s always a chance. I’ll let one of you order the rides today, and if it happens, then it’s meant to happen and we’ll go from there, understand?“

Janine nodded and smiled. Kess caught it and asked:

“Michael, I presume.”

“Yes, Kess, he was given instructions to call me in a few days to give him time to think about what I offered him. If the Universe wants it to happen, it will, and I certainly won’t offer any resistance along the way. Understand?”

“Yes, Mistress. Here’s to the Universe and the wonder of it all,” Kess said as she raised her glass of OJ high.

One more toast of all the glasses and they continued chatting for a while longer. One of the employees came out and began to remove items from the breakfast line and Bri made a quick dash to grab three more muffins as fast as she could.

“Hey, I’m a horny girl with a crazy high metabolism. All this sex needs energy, sue me.”

Everyone laughed and finished up what they had left in front of them. Bri wrapped the muffins in several napkins hoping to sneak them from the breakfast area but it wasn’t really necessary. Kess finished off the bacon, having had entirely too much of it but she did love the stuff. Mark and Emma were playfully working on a muffin, feeding small pieces to each other. Sam cleaned off his plate of eggs, and Theresa and Janine rose to empty their items into the trash receptacle.

They stepped out from the lobby area to the front entrance to get some fresh air hand in hand.

“So far so good, I’d say,” Theresa offered.

“Definitely. A Brianna split, that sounds like fun, actually.”

“Oh, yes, indeed, and we’ll probably need more ice cream for tomorrow. We’ll stop on the way back at the Hy-Vee and get some more items. We do need the birthday cake, obviously.”

“Completely slipped out minds last night, how crazy is that,” Janine wondered.

“Not that crazy, actually. No worries, my dear, everything is exactly as it should be, and it will only get better.”

Theresa pulled Janine into a seriously deep kiss even as several guests checking out passed them by at the front entrance. No more golf claps, of course, but that was just fine with them.

After a few minutes, they strolled back inside, met the group, and they all made way to the elevator. Once back in the apartment, Theresa said:

“Sam, can I speak with you for a few minutes?”

“Yes, Mistress,” he answered, giving Kess a soft kiss and then taking Theresa’s hand as she led him to the master bedroom and closed the doors behind her.

“Sam, I presume things went well with Kess last night?”

“They did, Mistress, yes. I appreciate the suggestions you’d given me, but I did eventually decide to dismiss some of them and bring myself up, and Kess too. I wanted the experience to be for both of us, conscious, with no trancing happening until that part of the experience happened for her.“

“She enjoyed being taken that way, yes?”

“Yes, Mistress, she’s a very happy girl right now, and yes, she’s mine, as I’m hers.”

“Excellent, that’s wonderful news. Now, the reason I wanted to speak with you is—


“Well, yes, actually. Did she already speak to you?”

“Last night, just outside those doors, and before you apparently caught me red-handed so to speak. So yes, I’m aware of what she wants, what she needs, and I gave her my word that before we leave this hotel, I’ll take her, many times.”

“Good boy,” Theresa whispered. Sam reacted as expected and started to drift even as Theresa stepped into him and softly stroked his tummy. “You are a very good boy, Sam, thank you. Will you accept my surrender?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She led him to the shower, got the water running at a good but hot temp, stepped inside, pulled him in with her, and they enjoyed each other for a while as Sam fucked her to sleep over and over again. After a few minutes, Theresa awakened Sam and he then immediately awakened Ray and started all over again, then shifted back and forth for a few minutes exhausting them both.

When Theresa finally collapsed into his arms, once more he whispered for her to stand as he dried her off, then carried her to the bed, eased her on the sheet, covered her and kissed her. Soft whispers ensured she’d rest for a while but not before she thanked him and then dropped off.

He got dressed and realized it wasn’t important but did it anyway. As he exited the master bedroom, Janine was there when he turned and asked:

“Is she OK?”

“She’s asleep, basically at her request. I think she needed that, and you know me, I’m a good boy, helpless to resist.”

“Soon, Sam, please?” she whispered as she palmed his face gently.

“I will take you very soon, Janine, I promise. Go, get some rest, sleep when your head hits that pillow, OK?”

She grinned and said: “Yes, Sir, I will obey.”

Sam’s cock got so unbelievably stiff at that moment and Janine noted it.

“See, there are benefits to being dominant, Sir. When you take me, make sure you dominate my fucking brains out, understand? I mean it, Sam, you have to dominate me completely, no matter what I do, no matter what I say, you have to own me, as completely as possible, and that means the words you choose to whisper or even scream at me. Take me, in every way possible, because I need it to happen. Understand?”

“I understand, and I will. Now go, get some rest, and thank you.”

He offered her a soft kiss and a squeeze on the back of her neck coupled with a whisper, and Janine practically floated to the bed, snuggled into Theresa, and drifted off to dreamland as commanded. He closed the bedroom doors and then turned toward the others.

They offered a golf clap as high praise, and Kess bounded over to him and offered a deep kiss.

* * *