The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Newly minted Agent Liz Beecher stumbles across multiple cases of missing women all connected to a Healthy Lifestyles website. Despite her partner’s reluctance, Liz allows her curiosity to grow and is soon meeting with the founder of Healthy Lifestyles, Dr. Mandi Summers. After the meeting, Liz will never be the same.


Rookie Agent Liz Beecher awoke, but remained groggy and for some reason was unable to move. The room surrounding her was dimly lit with a single bulb, or at least Liz thought it was a single bulb. She could not be sure as Liz found herself face down on a padded table constructed with strategically positioned cutouts for her face, breasts and pelvic area. Testing the restraints holding her arms and legs in place, Liz quickly surmised she could not budge them. When she tried to move her hips, Liz found that a long strap wrapped around her pelvis holding it tightly to the table. Facing the dilemma of being forcefully restrained for the first time in her short career as a federal law enforcement officer, Liz was at an immediate loss about what to do. Her training never touched this type of scenario.

Although awake, the young agent could not shake her groggy feeling. It was as if a fog enveloped Liz’s mind making it had to think or rationalize what was going on around her. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. She should have felt panic, but did not. She felt strangely calm wrapped in the mind numbing fog induced by some unknown drug. After a few minutes of wasted time trying to think of a solution to her problem, Liz became aware of the sensation. It was light, barely noticeable, but it was there. It felt like someone was rolling their fingertips or a feather lightly over her exposed nipples. Liz tried to pull back from the sensation, but the table’s restraints held tight. The young agent’s breasts hung free through the padded openings in the table allowing her nipples to become an easy target. Someone or something was stimulating them and Liz was not amused.

In another area of the same facility, Agent Todd Bellows found himself in a similar situation. He was semi-conscious unable to fully process what was going on around him. Like Liz Beecher, he was naked and bound face down on a padded table. Again strategic cutouts allowed his face, upper chest and penis exposure to anyone or anything under the table. Before Agent Bellows had been secured, a padded pillow was placed under his thighs elevating his hips. More experienced with operational fieldcraft, Bellows tested his restraints quickly determining whoever placed him here knew what they were doing. He was unable to move. Additionally, the drug fogging his mind also sapped his strength rendering the Agent almost helpless. As he was completing his assessment, Todd felt something for the first time. From deep in his body came a sensation he had never felt before and he could not categorize. It did not hurt and was almost pleasurable except he suddenly had the urge to pee. He called out to no one, “let me go, you bastards, let me go.” He added, “I need to use the bathroom.”

“Well, it seems as if both of our agent guests are awake and discovering their dilemma.” As she finished her sentence, Mandi Summers looked around the room at her team. “Unless anyone sees things in another manner, I suggest we proceed.”

No one said a word in response. “Alright,” Mandi almost shouted, “continue with the experiment.” She added, “these two got nosey and started to ask too many questions. Now, they will find out exactly what we are doing.”

“By the way” she questioned, has Agent Beecher received her first dose of Clomid?”

A technician nodded yes adding “and she also received her first dose of domperidone. That along with the stimulation should soon produce milk.”

Mandi smiled, “I am sure Agent Beecher will not be prepared for that shock.”

The stimulation on Liz’s nipples continued to get firmer as she lay on the table. It was done slowly over time making it almost impossible to resist or identify what was happening. To take her mind off the ever maddening sensations, Liz replayed how she got here in hopes of determining what was going on. As a rookie agent freshly minted out of college and the training academy, Liz had been teamed with veteran agent Todd Bellows. Together, they had been looking into a series of young women disappearing up and down the East Coast without a trace. All of the missing were intelligent, between the ages of 19-28, beautiful and athletic. Besides that, they shared little in common. It was Liz who stumbled upon a Social Media link. Many of the women subscribed to a “healthy lifestyles” website that offered tips on healthy living and exercise. What caught Liz’s attention besides the high number of missing joining the site, was the offer everyone received if they agreed to fill out a ‘confidential survey about health and habits.’ According to the website, winners were drawn weekly for an all expense paid trip to South Beach, Miami.

When she pointed this out to Agent Bellows, he simply said, “it looks like a legitimate way to collect personal information and although possibly shady, no laws are being broken.”

Liz nodded, but remained determined to follow up on Healthy Lifestyles. Within 24 hrs, she had signed up for the site and within a week received an email with an offer too good to resist: South Beach lottery in exchange for some personal health information. She agreed and soon had the link to an online questioner.

The questions started routinely.

Then it got down to medical questions based on the Male/Female answer. For Liz the following appeared:

Finally Liz finished and was asked to upload a current picture with her application. Liz had one handy, attached it and pressed send on her computer wondering how long it would take to hear from Healthy Lifestyles. She did not have long to wait.

Suddenly, Liz snapped back to reality as a small tremor of arousal shot from her nipples down her body deep into her pelvis. She whispered “please stop, whatever you are doing, please stop,” to no one in particular. In fact, the only people who heard her plea were the staff members monitoring her progress and they were not about to stop anything. Right after her plea, one slowly increased the dial controlling nipple stimulation and Liz almost moaned for a second time.

“Her nipples seem to be extremely sensitive,” one technician commented.

Nodding, a second added, “her heart rate is up as is her pulse, all clear signs of arousal.”

To combat the unwanted feeling of arousal, Liz tried to get her mind to focus back on how she got her. “Mind over matter,” she whispered.

She remembered her excitement when she got the return email from Healthy Lifestyles and a personal invitation to meet its founder Dr. Mandi Summers at a downtown reception. Liz pulled some background material on Summers, before informing her partner of the meeting.

“Are you nuts,” is all Agent Bellows said. “What if your suspicions are correct, which I doubt. You are not trained for undercover work and could be exposing yourself to unacceptable risks.”

“Ok, dad,” Liz laughed. “I don’t think I will get into too much trouble at a downtown reception.”

“Liz, never underestimate anything, it is how you get hurt. If you want to do this then I am going along as backup. I will be in the car close by if you need help.”

Liz knew she was beaten and nodded. “Ok, but I can handle myself.”

Todd arranged to pick up his partner and drop her off at the downtown hotel the evening of the reception. When Liz walked out the door, he was stunned for a moment. He never knew how beautiful and how sexy his partner could look when she cleaned up. As she got in the car, Liz noticed his look. “Jesus, Tood, put your eyes back in their socket. Haven’t you ever seen a woman in a dress before?”

Bellows nodded and laughed, “you clean up pretty well for an agent.” For the first time he admitted saying, “this crazy idea of yours may actually work.”

Dropping Liz off at the hotel, Bellows headed to a Starbucks for an overpriced coffee before settling back into his front seat. It was going to be a long night. Liz was not wearing a wire and Todd knew the reception was over at 9pm. If she was not to the car by 915pm, he would go looking. It was a lousy plan, but the best he could do on short notice.

Inside, Liz quickly moved to the reception area where she was offered champagne and light appetizers. She had no problem identifying Dr. Mandi Summers, the founder of Healthy Lifestyles, but was surprised when Dr. Summers smiled and nodded to her before walking over.

“Miss Beecher,” she smiled as she held out her hand in welcome. “I am so glad you could attend as I must admit your responses to our questions and your resume were most interesting. I hope you take advantage of what Healthy Lifestyles offers.”

Liz was impressed that the owner knew her name, recognized her face and took the time to talk to her. For the first time, doubts about her theory began to creep into her mind.

Outside, two shadowy figures approached Todd as he sat in his car with the windows rolled down given the warmth of the evening. Without a word, one of the figures leaned in the passenger window and asked for directions. As Todd was momentarily distracted, the other fired a small dart into his shoulder that released a powerful sedative. Before Todd could even react, his head began to swim in confusion. He never felt his body pushed into the passenger seat or heard the driver’s door open and close. Within minutes, he was being driven in his own car to a facility in the countryside.

“I hope she knows what she is doing,” the driver said to his accomplice now sitting in the back seat. “Kidnapping a Federal Agent is a serious crime.”

The driver laughed, “in for a penny, in for a pound.” I guess these two didn’t think we could do background checks. Once Dr Summers found out about Miss Beecher, it was not hard to find her partner or figure out what was going on. These two just got too nosey.”

Of course Liz knew none of this as she conversed with Dr. Summers.

The program was uneventful and as it was ending, Dr. Summers motioned to Liz and asked if she would mind joining her for a drink in the hotel lounge. Liz nodded yes and the two were soon off followed by two men who Liz assumed were body guards. Mandi noticed her look and laughed,”unfortunately, you need security everywhere you go these days.”

After ordering drinks, Liz excused herself to use the ladies lounge, but her real intent was to call Todd. Dialing his number, she just got a busy signal. Not thinking anything about it, she returned to her table to continue the conversation. Unbeknownst to her, while she was gone, Dr. Summers slipped a strong sedative in her drink. Before Liz was finished her head was spinning and Dr. Beecher was asking her if she was alright. Then she woke up here. Liz had no idea what happened to her clothes, how she was tied down, or who brought her here, or even where “here” was. What she did know was the throbbing in her nipples was now more then a pleasant distraction. She could no longer put it out of her mind with other thoughts.

Monitoring her vital signs, the technicians noticed a steady climb in both blood pressure and pulse along with increased respiration. Laughing, one commented, “it seems Agent Beecher cannot control her body’s response. It should not be long now before she is moaning and soon after that, who knows, she may lose control.” When the technician went to increase the stimulation, Dr Summers stopped her with the shake of her head. “Keep the stimulation where it is, sometimes dragging out the process pays benefits.”

Meanwhile, Agent Bellows was in distress. The internal stimulation had grown stronger and his urge to urinate grew with it. Technicians monitored his room and noticed an increase in BP, Heart Rate and Respiration by the minute. What Bellows could not see given he was strapped down was his cock was erect hanging below the table through the opening specifically designed for that purpose.

Dr. Summers walked in and after asking a few questions commented, “it should not be long now before we have our test sample.”

“Is everything ready in the lab to test his semen?” Dr. Summers smiled as she got the answer she wanted.

As they watched, they heard Agent Bellows grunt and cry out as his body spasmed in an orgasm triggered by a long slow prostate stimulation. “It never fails,” a technician laughed. “Even the toughest are helpless to stop a natural body reaction.”

Another commented, “well he was surprised, he thought he had to pee.” Everyone chuckled. Dr. Summers said simply, “I want the test results in an hour.” Looking out where Bellows lay on the table, she commented, “let’s start the stimulation again. My guess is he will check out fine.”

With that, Bellows felt a tingle deep in his body calling out “stop, what are you trying to do.” He got no reply.

Liz was experiencing her own problems. The stimulation on her sensitive nipples seemed to shoot straight into her pelvis. She could feel her body getting wet and hoped no one else could see her reaction, but of course they could. The stimulation caused her to want to move her hips, but of course this was impossible. Over the hours, Liz emitted small moans to the amusement of those watching. When a technician came into the room and using suction attached a small vibrator to Liz’s clit, the agent tried to pull away. “I am sorry dear,” the tech mocked, “no moving around allowed.”

When the small device attached to her clit was activated, Liz cried out to an empty room. Not only were her nipples swollen, hard and sensitive, now she was wet and her clit was being directly stimulated. Try as she might, Liz could not move her hips away from the table and the vibrator. In fact, the agent’s suggestive hip movements in her vain attempt to escape the unwanted stimulation got the technicians laughing. “Look at her, it is like she wants to fuck the table,” a man hovering over a keyboard and video monitor commented.

When Dr. Summers came back into the room, she looked towards Liz. “Give her an orgasm and then get her back on edge.” Looking around, she said “when you have her there let me know. It will be time for me to talk to our guest.

As Mandi Summers turned to leave the viewing room, a burst of unwanted pleasure shot directly into Liz’s already wet pussy. Despite her best efforts not to give into the pleasure, Liz’s body betrayed her and convulsed as an unwanted orgasm swept through the young Agent. The stunned look oh her face staring down through the hole in her padded table told it all. Tears rolled from her eyes as spasm after spasm raced through her pussy. As the feelings subsided, Liz thought she might get some peace, but the vibrations started again building higher and higher each minute.

“No, please don’t do this to me,” she begged. Little did Liz know that the team observing her were turned on by her begging, both men and women. The head of the team picked up the phone, “Dr Summers, we have started the cycle over again. She should be ready for you within the hour.”

As she hung up the phone an assistant came in with the lab results on Todd’s sperm sample to include DNA testing. Mandi looked over the summary sheet smiling. “As expected, her partner is in great condition and should do nicely as a match,” Dr. Summers commented. She then added, please start him on high dose of Clomid as well as multiple transermal patches of testosterone.”

“The assistant taking notes, also a doctor, stopped for a minute. “Isn’t all of that a little over the top? The results show he will be a great match.”

Mandi looked up, “I just don’t want a match, I want a stud. When we are done with him, Agent Bellows will be thinking with his penis and not his brain.” She then laughed, “I want to see how high we can ramp up his libido before his first encounter with his partner.”

The sight hitting Mandi’s eyes as she entered the treatment room holding Agent Liz Beecher was almost surreal. Liz was naked, bound face down on the treatment table. A sheen of glistening sweat covered her back and her thighs and the room smelled of arousal, of sex. Small moans came from the agent’s mouth as she was kept right on the edge of orgasm. Mandi walked over and introduced herself.

“Good Morning Agent Beecher, I am so glad you took interest in our trials and work. As you can see, we knew of your interest all along.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Liz stalled. I am a federal agent and kidnapping is a serious crime. You need to let me go.”

“Oh please,” Dr. Summers laughed, “why leave early? You had an interest in what we were doing and I am accommodating that interest. Instead of telling you about it, why not experience it. Afterall, experience is the best teacher.”

Mandi then went on to describe her business. “You see there are many rich, childless couples who pay top dollar for new babies. I just meet that demand.” As a side benefit, the young women who are impregnated here are given drugs to lactate early. You would not believe the demand for human breast milk. It is a huge market catering to the fetish crowd..”

Liz was still face down and was shaking her head.

“Agent Beecher, you will get to know first hand my research and business. You have already received drugs that do two things: make you extremely fertile and stimulate milk production.” I am sure you have noticed the sensitivity of your nipples and your increasing arousal. Both will continue to grow over time. Soon you will be ready to breed and with any luck, you will become pregnant in quick order.”

“You are mad,” Liz spouted.

“Mad maybe, but rich,” Mandi retorted. She then added. “One side benefit of my treatments is even the most dedicated woman when she finds out that she is pregnant succumbs to her natural maternal instinct. She will do anything to protect her child. In this case, you will become much more docile and cooperative.”

“Please double her dose now, if she doesn’t believe me, maybe that will convince her.”

Liz could not see as her face could only see the floor, but she heard the rattling of viles and whispered words. She then felt the cold swab of alcohol on her hip and the sting of two needles piercing her skin. She screamed out again, but no one was listening.

Without waiting for any additional screams, Mandi left the room while a technician turned on the stimulation tormenting Liz. This time, the vibrations were on high causing a quick, sharp orgasm to rip through Liz’s body. As Mandi was walking down the hallway, she heard the young Agent scream again, but this time, it was in pleasure. A smile crossed her face.

For the next week, the treatments continued for both agents; however, neither was allowed to orgasm. A computer monitored their body’s reaction to stimulation and whenever they got close, the stimulation backed down allowing them to remain on the edge for as long as the program wanted to keep them there. Then it would stop, recycle and start again. The result was an increasing focus by both agents on their arousal and need to cum. Mandi smiled, “they have forgotten about being agents and now focus on a basic human need.” She added, “they have been broken and don’t even realize it.”

Each evening, Liz and Todd were returned to their respective rooms, showered and then locked down on their beds for the evening. Once locked down, an IV was inserted that fed them a combination of nutrients and drugs overnight. The nutrients provided energy. The drugs increased fertility and libido. Liz also received supplemental drugs to help with her milk production.

After seven days, neither agent seemed capable of resistance. Liz was brought into her treatment room and again was strapped face down on the table. As before, her nipples and clit were attached to artificial stimulation devices which when activated, slowly drove her towards the illusive orgasm she so desperately needed. Todd suffered a similar fate as both internal and external stimulation soon had him not only erect, but leaking precum.

“Well, today starts the next phase of their treatment,” Dr. Summers commented. “Let’s not waste any more time.”

With the nod of her head, Mandi had Liz repositioned. Although still secured to the table and facedown, Liz felt her thighs part as the mechanical table opened near her feet. Additionally, her hips were raised as her legs were dropped. As this was taking place, direct stimulation on her nipples and clitoris continued. As her legs parted, Mandi could see just how wet the agent had become. She bent down close to Liz’s ear whispering, “it won’t be long now and you will get what you need.”

While this was going on, Liz did not hear the door open or others enter the room to include Agent Todd Bowles. Todd was naked, blindfolded and erect. His cock almost seemed to throb with each pulse of blood. The drug regime had the intended effect as his ball sac hung heavy and low from his body.

Mandi nodded to those accompanying Todd and they walked him between Liz’s thighs. Within seconds the tip of Todd’s penis hit warm flesh and a sigh came from his lips. It was as if he knew instinctively what to do. Moving slightly, Todd soon felt the warmth and wetness of his partner’s pussy and animal instincts took over. With a quick thrust of his hips, Todd drove is cock into Liz’s warmth. Both agents moaned in unison. Liz was so wet, excited, and so ready that he quickly had his cock pressing against the young agent’s cervix. He could not go any deeper. For her part, Liz loved the sensation of fullness created and gripped the invading shaft as hard as she could. They now settled into a quickening frenzy as each partner was fucked by the other. Neither understood the identity of the other. What they did know is a need driven by drugs, arousal and animal instinct was being satisfied.

Mandi even felt small twinges of excitement as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. “This is hotter then I remember,” she commented to an assistant. As they watched, the pace quickened and the indications of an impending orgasm swept across the bodies of the Federal agents. With a loud grunt, Todd emptied his heavy balls firing rope after rope of potent seed deep against his young partner’s cervix. Feeling his explosion, Liz cried out and orgasmed herself drawing his seed even deeper with her movements. Both orgasms seemed to go on forever to the two agents. Clearly the drugs altering libido worked.

As the agents slowly came down from their sexual high, Mandi had Todd’s hood removed where to his horror, he realized for the first time that he had just fucked his young partner, not only had he fucked her, but had enjoyed it and wanted more. “I am sorry Liz, I didn’t know,” was all he managed to say.

Liz hearing Todd’s voice panicked. “OMG Todd, what have they done to us?” Tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Mandi broke up the reunion. “We will repeat this scene every day until Liz is pregnant, but given her health and conditioning, that should not take long. If one of you does not cooperate, the other will be punished. In the end, just as we did today, we can compel you to do as we ask. So why fight it?”

As Todd was led from the room, Liz was released from her bindings, positioned on her back with her knees to her chest and then secured into position. “Keep her like that for 30 minutes. I want the sperm donated by Agent Bowles to have a good chance of making our young guest a mommy for the first time.”

“How can you do this,” Liz wept.

“Well, when I review the tape, I am sure I will not see nor hear any sign of resistance from you, Agent Beecher. In fact, I swore I heard a ‘Please fuck Me’ line in there a few times.” Liz said nothing knowing her tormentor was right. She had not resisted in any way. In fact, she wanted release at any cost. Her tears flowed freely as she realized she had been broken and broken expertly by Dr. Summers. “Now,” Summers mocked her, “your investigation is complete and you see how effective my operation has become.” She added, “unfortunately, you will never get to file your report.” Mandi laughed as she left the room. Liz continued to sob.

The next day and the following day, the procedure was repeated in a very precise manner. The only difference was Agent Bowles was not blindfolded. Both he and Liz knew they were being forced to fuck each other. Mandi continued to mock them commenting as Todd’s hard cock invaded Liz’s body again and again.

“It is amazing what one Agent will do to keep their partner happy,” Mandi laughed as she watched the two agents copulate in front of her.

Neither Todd or Liz heard the comment as they were both consumed by the feelings coursing through their body. What they felt was pure sexual need. Both knew the investigation was no longer paramount as their body’s needs took priority. Liz was in a constant state of readiness, her pussy was lubricated, tight and ready for Todd at a moments notice. For his part, Todd needed daily release, sometimes multiple times to avoid an aching deep in his balls. Never very sexual, Liz was totally overcome with the intense sensations coursing through her body.

“It is so easy to control someone when you use their own body against them.” Mandi Summers laughed, “our agents found out pleasure can be addicting, very addicting.”

A week later Mandi’s phone rang on her desk and picking it up a smile broke out on her face. “Are you sure?” A voice on the other end answered to which Mandi only said one word....”perfect.”

Looking up to her assistant she simply said, “it looks like Agent Liz Beecher is going to be a mommy. She’s pregnant.”

To Be Continued