The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Dick Picture Perfect


I sent that new girl I was just getting to know a dick pic! The one thing I knew she hated! But why is that every woman who sees that picture just needs to get on my dick? What if... What if a dick pic worked?

Tags: MC MF FF
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“That burn is the taste of victory!” Felix cheered and slapped me on the back as the four of us slammed our shotglasses face down on the table. His hand went right up to spin for another round. “You’ve done it, you incontinent reprobate! You found a pretty girl. You flirted her into the ground. You left with her number and plans for Saturday. My little boy’s growing up…”

“Yeah, it was something else,” Raylea, Felix’s girlfriend, kicked me under the table. “Seriously, girl is hot. I didn’t think you’d have any luck after you screwed up with Sherry and Talsy.”

“It is pretty impressive when you offend the girls Raylea knows so much that she stops meddling in your love life,” laughed Ike.

“Watch your bragging, Ike. I’m still mad at you for ending things with Sherry.” Raylea elbowed Ike. “But there is this one girl who started on cash you might like.”

“See, she lives to get you and me laid.” Ike cheered as the bartender came over and dropped four more shots of whiskey in front of all of us.

“Celebrating?” He asked.

“You know that burger place down the street?” Felix asked.

“The Lion’s Pride or Princess Margaret Pub?” He asked pointing each direction. Felix didn’t answer, he simply continued.

“This little snot managed to chat up the waitress while we paid our bills.” Felix made a big gesture towards me. “Not something you’d expect to see on his resume.”

“Yeah, well done.” Bartender nodded.

“Thank you, sir,” I grinned lifting the fourth shot in a row. “Gentlemen?”

Raylea gave me the finger, but all four of us raised our glasses.

“To Evil.” We cheered and threw back the shot. I was taking it hard. Four shots and we hadn’t been in the bar forty minutes. The bartender laughed. “Another round?”

“Damned right,” Felix belched. “And one for yourself this time.”

“We’ll be switching to beer and slowing down after,” Raylea smiled from behind her glasses. She kicked Felix twice, “Won’t we?”

“I suppose.” Felix laughed. “What’s the name of your new bitch?”

“Adelaide.” I answered. The bartender turned his head and laughed at me. He came straight back, he was snubbing his other guests though the bar was about as full as it got on a random Tuesday night.

“From The Princess Margaret then?” The bartender confirmed. “You sure she’s not too much for you to handle?”

“Oh we know she is,” Ike laughed. “The fireworks are going to be great.”

“Well, my friend, all I can say is don’t fire her off a dick pic. She does not appreciate those.” The bartender warned. I nodded. I wasn’t in college anymore. I was a working man. Twenty four, stuck at the help desk of a Credit Union. This was going to be the first month where my only debt was crippling student loans. With work at 9 in the morning we were making great decisions.

We hadn’t planned to make it a drinking night. Out for food, burgers and a couple of beers, then call it a night. Then I clicked with Adelaide. Shit, I don’t know how. She was a gorgeous dark haired knockout. I was punching way above my weight class.

“To our wives and sweethearts,” Felix lifted the glass. Raylea smirked laughingly at him. We all raised ours and the bartender clicked in too. “May they never meet!”

I was definitely in need of a chaser. Our pile of glasses were now face down on his tray.

“IPA?” I croaked.

“Sure, anyone else?” He asked. Felix called for another round but Raylea said no and Felix acquiesced. She didn’t say no often, so Felix was apt to listen when she did. Ike called for a Coors Light and Felix joined me for the IPA.

“You know Adelaide?” Raylea asked. “Old flame?”

“Hardly a spark.” The bartender laughed. “She’s a bit guarded. Slow to open up. I was too stupid and determined to hit the ground running.”

“That sounds like the kind of girl he needs,” Raylea gestured at me. “If he takes his time she’ll get to know a great guy. Else, he’ll make a mess of things. Oh, no beer, just a diet coke. Five shots is a bit much.”

“I’ve seen you take more than five!” Felix growled. The couple smirked at each other and laughed. I always thought Felix was a little fucked and Raylea matched his crazy without going off any deep ends. That’s the kind of girl I wanted. Yeah, five shots might be a bit much for her and this hadn’t been our first stop. We had hit the Princess Margaret and had a couple of brews with dinner.

“Go Felix, you don’t need to wait on me. I’ll catch up in drinks later.” Raylea promised. I’m sure that was a untrue. The bartender was soon back with our next round and the one after. It was a good night. My alarm clock was a dick.

“Fuckin’ hell!” What the hell was it? Seven? It was a double up on the deodorant and coffee kinda morning, not a get up in time for breakfast and a shower kinda morning...

Wait, that wasn’t my alarm! That was my ringer! I rolled over and slapped my nighttable but it wasn’t there. It took me a second to hear it from the floor. I strangled out of bed. I rushed over to my pants just in time to see the selfie I had taken with Adelaide disappear along with her name. Shit! I was going to immediately call her back but I realized she would have went to voicemail. I sat down, missed the edge of the bed and landed on the floor.

“Oh fuck! What the fuck did I do?” My voice was battered from dehydration. I had tabbed over to the texts and saw my first of many mistakes.

“Hi. Your lovely.” Not so bad. Disappointed with the grammar. Time stamped for 4am? Less good.

“Thinking of you.” Not so bad. Approved of the sentiment. A big selfie of my cock artistically set against the clear city nightscape off of my apartment’s balcony? Less good.

“No. No, no, no, no, no.” I muttered. I staggered up to my feet and crossed my apartment to shove my mouth under the kitchen faucet. My phone vibrated to tell me I had a new voicemail. “Well, at least she was angry enough to tell me off. Better chewed out than ghosted.”

I suffered through the chipper Virgin menu girl until she said, “You have ONE new voicemail. Message ONE.”

“Hi, um, Will? This is, um, Adelaide. I guess you went out celebrating after we talked, huh? Damn, I was really excited for a date this Saturday.” In the time it took her to take a deep breath I pounded my hand so hard on the counter my phone flipped over. “But you sent me that picture and… um…”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“It was so magnificent!” I just froze. I couldn’t process things as her breath hitched and her words started tumbling out her mouth in frantic glee. “I had dozens of those sent to me and I was always like ‘What the hell?’ but this time, I just got it. I really got it. It was one of the greatest things I’d ever received. Thank you! Thank you! I just, maybe I should come over? You work at the Credit Union? On Spring Garden or up by the mall? I, um, maybe we could meet up for lunch? I don’t know if I can wait that long. Wow. I just. This is Adelaide by the way? Did I tell you that already? Um, hope you get this… Call me.”

The message beeped off and I stared at my phone like it was a monster. I scrambled over and picked it up. I started typing. “Got your message. By the mall. Lunch at—”

She’s fucking sarcastic. I actually sighed in my relief when I realized. I took a long deep breath. I deleted my eager acceptance.

“I’m sorry, I acted so ungentlemanly. You deserve the best. Thank you for calling.” I sent the message. I really should throw up before I went to work. I really should call off like a bitch and go back to bed. I sucked in another mouthful of water from the still running tap. My alarm went off.

I was laughing. The stupid thing was so annoying. I guess that was the best kind of—

That selfie reappeared on the screen. Adelaide’s name was too bright a white for my hungover eyes. I snatched it up. “Good morning!”

“Hi, I got you!” She sounded relieved. “How are you?”

“I overpartied last night. My friends and I were so excited. You’re amazing and I didn’t think you’d say yes. I’m really—”

“I don’t think I can wait til lunch.” She interrupted. She was breathing in a labored hot way. I sprang more awake than I had ever been. “Come to my place... For breakfast.”

I was too hungover. I shook my head. I think I deserved whatever revenge she had planned but I wasn’t capable of physically getting to it.

“I drank too much.” I declared. “I’m going to call off work and stay under my covers all day. I really am—”

“Do you want me check in on you? I know a great place for greasy breakfast sandwiches. They’re my hangover cure.”

“That sounds amazing. It really does, I don’t think I can. I’m still up for Saturday, if you are?” I smiled into the phone. She was talking to me. Why not try for a home run even if the very idea of success was long since gone?

“It’s still only Wednesday.” She pleaded. “We don’t have to wait that long.”

“Then we won’t, I’ll call you tonight?”

“Tonight?” She seemed incredulous. “If it has to be that long. I’m working though, afternoon till midnight. I could quit and—”

“Maybe I should visit you at work then?” I decided. Somewhere neutral, where she had to be on her best behavior and I could finally say I’m sorry. It’s always better to do in person.

“I’ll be there.” She promised.

“Good,” I held my stomach as it somersaulted. I had gulped down too much water. “See you soon, Adelaide.”

“As soon as I can!” She promised. “Will?”

I don’t know if I hung up in her ear. I’m not certain she had tried for that last question. I wanted to make sure she didn’t hear me retch into the kitchen sink. I staggered back. I felt a million fold better. Now I felt like garbage. I took another drink from the tap and opened the kitchen window. Hopefully, the whole place wouldn’t stink when I got back to bed.

“Fuck,” I dialed work as I lay face down on my pillow. “Hi, Atlantic Credit Union, this is Jessenia speaking. How may I direct your call?”

“Jess, it’s Will,” I murmured. I shook my head and pulled my face from the pillow. “Jess, hi, it’s Will.”

“You sound like hell,” she tutted, “Coming in late, or taking the day off?”

“It’s that easy?” I worried. This was the first job where I wasn’t given the third degree and threatened with firing if I didn’t have a doctor’s note by the start of my next shift.

“You can’t deal with any customers sounding like that. Take one of your sick days. Feel better.”

“Thanks, love you.” I smiled and collapsed.

“Uh, you’re welcome. Get well soon, Will.” I was asleep before she ended the call.

My phone ringing knocked me awake. I figured it was a half second after calling off work; it was closer to three hours. I flailed and slapped and grabbed my phone.

“Graagh! Is not a word you goof. Buzz me in!” Raylea’s voice cleaved into my brain folds. I fumbled to bring up the number pad and hit the buzzer. I was asleep again before I asked why she was here. She stormed in my apartment. I flinched as the door slammed behind her. She crossed into my room and yanked the blanket off of me.

“Shit what? How?” I shook myself and climbed up. I was still wearing my shirt and sweater from last night. My jeans were crumbled on the foot of my bed. My socks had fallen off the mattress. I ran my hand over my boxers to make sure I wasn’t flashing her. I looked up to her and claimed, “None of those are words...”

She shut up whatever rant she was on. She licked her lips and looked down at me.

“You couldn’t even last one night before you sent her an amazing dick pic? What is wrong with you?” She lifted out her phone and flashed the screen in front of my eyes. I tried to push her hand away and rise. I was almost not even in a sitting position. I picked the snot from my eyes. Why did she have a copy of of it? Oh crap, Felix wasn’t going to be happy if I was slinging my dick at his girlfriend. He’d probably be really sarcastic and mocking actually. That would make him happy. I missed some diatribe and clued back in, “She fired this over at me. I came over as soon as I saw!”

“What why?” I flicked the stuff from my fingers. “You could’ve just as easily yelled at me over the phone.”

“She’s in a panic to come see that you’re OK,” Raylea tossed her little spring jacket onto the bed behind me. I frowned at her. She was wearing tiny shorts and a small tank top. She pulled the tie out of her ponytail and shook her hair onto her shoulders. I stood up and walked past her. I closed the bathroom door in her face.

It’s easier to drink from the kitchen tap. I can get my head into the big basin sink. I was wiping my face with a towel and rubbing my bumped skull when I opened the door to Raylea in my face.

“I’m OK,” I said. Sleep and water were doing wonders. More sleep was called for. “Thanks for checking in on me.”

“Checking in?” She huffed. “I’m here to see it for myself.”

I spread my arms as I weaved around her. I should’ve been wearing pants. “Fine and dandy.”

She wasn’t wearing a bra. I could see her nipples poking up her tank top. I hadn’t really given Raylea a look over since Felix had first met her. She was comfortably off limits and she was far more interested in pointing out other hot girls than having any attention focused on herself.

She was blonde with a friendly girl next door kind of smile. I saw her with a ponytail more often than not. Right now, her hair was waved out and falling over her shoulders. I wouldn’t say her hair was curly, but it wouldn’t take much to get it to be. She wore glasses over dark blue eyes. She had a crooked smile that had a daredevil confidence to it. Normally, that’s where I’d stop. Blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses, kinda short, kinda thin.

Poked up nipples called for more scrutiny. She had a tan, and the straps of her tank top weren’t in line with what she had picked up running. She had great skin, not blasted with freckles, but there was always one or three to find on her cheek, or shoulder, or collarbone. She had slender hips but they were nice and hung above nice thick thighs, gave her a bit of butt. Also gave her a bit of a complex about needing to lose a few more pounds. Gave Felix an in when he was frisky in public. Luckily, they kept most of that over at his place.

Her tits were great. I didn’t know how big they were and I wasn’t about to guess, but they were very excited today. She had been wearing her spring coat. It was probably chilly as fuck out.

I shook my head. I looked up and saw her smirking. She had been talking. I was really going to have to overcome my ability to not hear women.

“—dozens and they are not fun. This is incredible. I had to know. Is it the model? Is it the atmosphere?”

“I must’ve missed some of that, sorry,” I frowned. I was going to cross through my living room to the kitchen. I’d want a glass by my bed for when I fell back asleep. She grabbed my elbow and threw me down onto my couch. I was not in a condition to move like that. I grabbed my face. Swallowed, luckily I hadn’t spit up at all but it was a near miss. I had lifted my hand and finger, begging for one minute.

Raylea walked up and straddled my legs. She sat down and tore off her tank top. I stared wide-eyed.

“Just lay back, I know what I’m doing around one of these.” She smiled her madwoman smile. I stared her in the tits. Her pale nipples and the few freckles that surrounded them called my attention. I didn’t know what to do until she reached for the hole in my boxers.

“Jesus! Raylea!” I freaked out and grabbed her hips and slammed her off of me, turning and pinning her down on the neighboring cushion.

“Felix told you what I like, huh?” She grinned. I pulled my hands off and staggered back. I stepped on my XBox controller and it slid out from under me. I had to hop a few more steps backward or fall. I pushed over my speaker.

“Fuck!” I swore. She was laughing at me. I turned back and she was working the fly of her shorts. “Raylea! Stop!”

“What?” She asked. “Is the couch not good enough? You want to go to your bed?”

“No!” I shouted. “This just isn’t right.”

“Am I not good enough?” She asked in frightened girl voice.

“You’re gorgeous!” I had my eyes locked on her tits as I rejected her. Hell, if she wasn’t dating Felix. I’d be all over her.

“Then I’ll—Will get back here!” She shouted but I grabbed a pair of thrown off pants from a nearby chair and was hopping into them as I raced for my front door. My keys and wallet were where they should be. I put on my sneakers without socks and without untying them. I was out the door by the time she had tugged her tank top back on.

I took the stairs. I needed the railing. Zipping out down and around in circles was not a smart plan for a man with a hangover. I heard Raylea call down to me so I took the next door back in,. I had ended up on the second floor. I marched to the elevator. I hoped whatever the fuck was up, she’d figure I took the back street exit. I rode down one floor in an elevator. I felt like a champion.

“Sherry?” I saw Raylea’s petite little roommate waving to me from the callbox. I shook my head, but the cobwebs stayed. I walked over and opened the door for her.

“How do I hang up? You’re not answering.” She asked.

“Don’t worry about it. It’ll hang up on its own.” I yawned in her face. “Excuse me.”

“It’s OK. I was with Raylea this morning.” She said.

“Makes sense you guys live in the same apartment. Did she catch the crazy or something last night?” I yawned.

“Your new girl. She was messaging people attached to you on facebook and instagram.” Sherry ignored me. She let me out and followed me into the early June air. It was a bit chilly. “You weren’t answering your phone or something.”

“Something. You want breakfast?” I asked. I looked up at the building. “I need something greasy.”

“Filthy maybe, dirty definitely,” She shook her head. “I’m not greasy.”

“What? Are you messed up too?”

“How come you never sent one like that to me?” She asked. I blinked and whacked the side of my head as she joined me on the sidewalk. Still no Raylea. There was a diner down the hill. Hopefully, I’d get around the corner before she popped out up the street. Sherry kept up with me.

“What?” I asked her. I hadn’t been listening but she seemed perky. It fit her. She was a five three black girl with an hourglass figure. It was nice when she was energetic.

“I was thinking I wrote you off too quick. You want to try again? Nothing heavy this time. Just sex?” I ground to a halt giving her time to rush inline to my longer strides. She turned to me and grinned like a maniac.

“I’m not listening to another word until I’ve had coffee and aspirin.” I strode off. She nodded, ran to catch up and was jogging beside me. I looked back. Luckily, Raylea was looking up, then across, before down. I grabbed Sherry by the elbow and yanked her out of sight around the building.

“Here?” She asked rolling with the tug and slamming her shoulders against the wall. I didn’t answer. We were right in front of a busy intersection in the height of rush hour. It was two blocks over. Drug store first, diner second.

“I don’t have you in my phone.” She said as she got back in step with me. “Well, I kinda deleted you after you kidnapped me from my mom’s place and all.”

“I don’t have my phone. I’ll text you later.” I thought I had been doing something romantic. Swooping in to a family party that was “the worst!” and dragging her off to do something fun. In my mind that was miniature golf. The party wasn’t “the worst!” She was feeling “the worst!” Oh, and I guess it wasn’t a family party. More of a wake. I shook my head and beelined through the store for a bottle of aspirin. I had the bottle open before I handed it to the cashier. Sherry was next to me to the step. She kept flashing bright smiles if I looked at her. I frowned. I ate a fistful of pills.

“So what now?” She asked as we waited for the light to change.

“My stomach’s a mess.” I told her. “Someone mentioned hangover cure breakfast sandwiches and I immediately thought of here.”

“Never been.” Sherry saw the little hole in the wall I pointed to. “Once you’re feeling better do you want to head to my place or yours?”

Things these mad broads were saying started to click now. Just sex? With Sherry? Hell yeah! She had given me head on our one date, it had been the best I had ever had. I don’t know what had changed my fortune but it was completely changed. Plus, things were in the shitter with Adelaide anyways, even if it was recoverable, a “just sex” thing for a few days was what the doctor ordered. I held the door for her.

“Thank you!” She beamed and strutted in shaking her little bum. I was in a great mood and fast acting Tylenol was living up to its advertising.

“Will!” Her voice carved through the little restaurant and hit me like half a brick in a swung sock.

“Um, good morning.” I frowned. “Adelaide.”

She was right in front of me with a paper bag she had just received from the cashier. It was a little four table restaurant and ninety odd percent of the business was takeaway.

“Hi, same idea as him then?” Sherry asked.

“I got your address from your friend Ike.” Adelaide said. “I had to come by and make sure you were well.”

“Wait? Are you the chick who explained things out to Raylea?” Sherry clued in. She hit me in the chest. “What a cutie! Well done!”

“Oh, and you are?” It was like Adelaide had just noticed I was with someone. She looked confused.

“Sherry, I live with Raylea, was snooping over her shoulder when she was talking to you this morning.” The girls shook hands. I smelled the sandwiches in Adelaide’s bag. My stomach rumbled. “Oh, right. Breakfast. We were going to fuel up and head back to his place for sex.”

I froze. My face was crooked and my mind was refusing to boot. Adelaide smiled and let out a relieved gasp. I stared at her confused.

“That sounds awesome, mind if I join you?” She grinned.

“The more the merrier!” Sherry agreed. “Right Will?”

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