The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Enhanced Flavor

* * *


The sound of the lab equipment buzzes in the background. I am in my chem class—lab time specifically. I was never into chemistry, heck I wasn’t even planning on taking the class. But still, I’m here, and apparently I’m pretty good at it. Profesor Mendoza, the indirect reason that I even took this course, watched over me as I completed my experiment.

“What is it?” she said.

Normally, students were under no circumstance allowed to use lab equipment and chemicals without direct instruction from Profesor Mendoza, but when I came to class with my own materials and eagerness, how could she say no? I’m her star student and our relationship has grown from an assignment to an actual friendship. Plus, the materials I brought seemed innocent enough. Just a couple of natural herbs is all.

I wasn’t amazing at chemistry, I was just her best student: someone good at following directions. She has no reason to believe that I could create something advanced or dangerous.

It’s just that these herbs seemed special to me. I first started growing them in my garden a few months ago and when they sprouted, I just found myself drawn to them. I don’t know what it is, but it was like I had to nurture them. I think it may be some sort of evolutionary trait that makes humans more inclined to care for it so that it can pass down it’s genes. In theory if I could extract the pheremones causing this attachment to them, maybe I could make a serum that would encourage people to pay more attention to me.

Fuck, that sounds dumb when I say it out loud. But here me out!

I’m specifically talking about my mom. Being her first born, it was always obvious to me that she wanted a girl. She did her best to care for me and that was enough I guess. But when Angie came around, it’s like Mom forgot about me. My little sister was always the star ever since she arrived.

Call this plan creepy, weird, I don’t care, but even if this “thing” I’m working on is a fever dream, at least it gives me hope for a while. And heck, how is this my fault. Why should I be at the point where I’m resorting to science to get my mom to spend time with me. I’m 24 and I’m still moping around for parental attention for fuck’s sake.

Even if this serum thing I’m working on doesn’t work, at least I get a few moments of my life where I feel like I have a chance at fixing my relationship with my family.

Damn, I got carried away monologuing again, I think as I noticed Ms. Mendoza patiently waiting for a response..

“It’s an air freshener,” I lie.

The sound of the equipment continues to roar in the background.

“Interesting, and why does this project have you so excited?” she asks,

“Oh, it’s more of an eagerness to get rid of the stench coming from my attic is all,” I say with a believable laugh. Wow I’m good at lying.

“Alright, have fun then,” Ms. Mendoza jokes as she walks away. I take a moment of concentration off of my creation to stare at her ass and how it sways from side to side with each step. I won’t lie to you, when I said she was the indirect reason I signed up for this class, I meant that she’s really fucking hot. A large latino ass, wide hips, large yet perky breasts. After I got to know her, how kind and sweet she was, I tried my best to rid my mind of those thoughts. I just felt so bad lusting over someone who genuinely cared about me. But still, her womanhood was hard to ignore. At some point I gave up suppressing those feelings—as long as I don’t get too creepy, right?.


Oh, it looks like my serum is done. I grab the vial and pack up my things.

“By Ms. M!” I yell as I walk out the door. She’s currently bending over while she reorganizes a cabinet. I do my best not to stare at her ass, even though it would be such an easy victimless crime.

* * *

Going home, I quickly take the vial out from my school bag. It’s small and dainty, but I hold it with a certain caution—within it it holds an ounce of hope. If I were to mess up, to break it, I would have to wait another month to grow more of the herb.

I cautiously open the vial and consider what I’m about to do. Yes, drinking something from a lab is a big no no, but like the plant is harmless itself. I didn’t add anything into the serum that might be dangerous.

Before basic reasoning (I hate that guy!!) has a chance to convince me to back out, I tilt my head up and take one quick swig, downing the entire thing.

Ew, it’s kind of bitter actually. It tastes nothing like how I expected it to based on it’s smell. The more you know I guess.

Well, only one thing to do now.

I head downstairs and see mom working in the kitchen. She’s about to start making dinner. I walk up to her, making sure she’s able to catch any possible pheremones coming off of my body.

I let a few moments pass until I decide it’s time to alert her of my presence.

“Hey Mom,” I say.

She turns around with a sense of haste.

“What do you need! I’m busy right now, can’t you see?” she says, motioning her hand towards the cooking materials in front of her.

Hm, she doesn’t seem very nurturing. Honestly, her attitude just makes me annoyed in general, forget the fact that my serum didn’t work.

“Oh nevermind then,” I say as I get up to walk back to my room.

“Honey!” mom says. For a moment, I have a second sliver of hope. Maybe the drug has kicked in and she’s ready to change… “Don’t be late for class!”


This is what I’m talking about. She pays like no attention to my life. If she did, she’d know that I actually don’t have class soon, since I literally just got home FROM CLASS!

Fuck, she’s soooo annoying. I don’t really have a healthy way to cope with all of my feelings sometimes. Ms. Mendoza is a pretty good listener, but I can’t rely on her. She’s a really good friend and all, but I still feel weird about making our relationship more personal than it already is.

I head over to Angie’s room since she’s off at school right now. She’s a senior in highschool so she gets out of class a lot later than me. On her bed, I eye my prize: the panty that she slept in overnight.

She must’ve left the house in a haste, because she just left it astray in the middle of her bed.

I pick it up and hide it in my pocket so that I can take it back to my quarters without arousing any suspicion.

I quickly enter my room and lock my door, my erection already raging.

Look, before we go any further, I just want you to know that I know this is weird, but it’s a harmless crime. I would never actually make any advances on my sister. It’s just that she’s 1) insanely hot and 2) I just have a lot of resentment towards her. With the way she acts like a spoiled princess, the way mom favorites her, this is just my way of coping.

I pull out the garment from my pocket and bring it close to my face. I can’t really smell anything “sexy,” but the idea of it is enough.

I wrap the panty around my cock and begin to stroke myself with it. Look, I’ll spare you any more details. I know you didn’t come here to read about me touching myself.

Long story short, I came. I came all over and inside the piece of pretty fabric that Angie wears to bed.

Right then, as if some omnipotent force with a sick sense of humor was fucking with me, I hear the jingle of the door handle as someone opens it from the other side.

I quickly throw the panty under my bed sheet.

Angie bursts in, outraged. What? She’s home early.

She is the athletic type. She is popular at school for more reason than her personality.

Her blond hair was held back in a cute little ponytail, tying into that whole athletic vibe that she has going. She was wearing a tank top and tennis shorts. They seem to emphasize her body in a way that shouldn’t be visible to view by her brother. The way that her breasts seem to be resting perfecting in whatever bra she was wearing. The way her toned thighs seemed ready to be shaken around at a moment’s notice. The way she stands there, with a sort of anger and flare. It was weirdly attractive—the passion she was showing right now I mean. If only that passion and hatred wasn’t about to be directed at me.

“John! What the fuck? Where is it?” she says

“Uhh where is what?” I say. I try to insert a hint of obliviousness into my voice.

“You know what, my fucking panties!” she screams again.

This goes on for a little longer until she takes matters into her own hands and checks the most obvious hiding place in my room.

Pulling her panty out from under my bed sheets, she scrunches up her face in disgust.

“EWW THOMAS. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT- WHAT- what is this?” she says. The tone of her voice seems to change half way through her sentence.

She storms out of the room with anger—though it seems artificial if that makes sense. As if her mind is on other things but she wants to convey a sense of normalcy to hide something.

I wait a few minutes. In my life, I have been caught giving a pervy eye or two, but never anything like this.

Fuck fuck fuck. If she tells mom, I’m dead. Disowned. Out of the house. Out of the will. I need to go reason with her.

I quickly get up and creep over to her room as I often do on some restless nights. I hear her in there so she hasn’t yet told mom. That’s a good thing.

I want to know what to expect when I enter, so I decide it’s best to “scout out” the situation. I move my eye towards the keyhole on the door. I look around the room for a few moments until I spot Angie laying on the bed.

Oh my god…

She’s holding the panties in her hand… no… she’s moving it to her face. She’s sniffing it. Her hand is in her pants, presumably fingering herself. She moves the soaked panty to her mouth and sticks it onto her tongue giving it a taste, sucking my juices out of it as if she needs it.

What the fuck? I would normally say something along the lines of “under normal circumstances, blah blah blah,” but this would never happen under normal circumstances. This situation is entirely foreign.

Maybe Angie is secretly a pervert? Maybe that’s why she treats me the way she does. I always heard that people act mean to their crushes—no wait I’m stupid.

Immediately the most reasonable theory comes to mind: my serum wasn’t a failure! It must’ve worked! Just not in the ways I expected… Still, I can’t be sure yet. You would think my sister sucking my fresh cum out of the panty I used to masturbate with would be enough proof as it is, but the idea of my serum actually working is even crazier.

* * *

Dinner time comes around and it’s my job to set the table and bring the food over. This is how it always is. The reasoning is that since Mom made the food, it’s only fair that I do the rest, which includes everything from setting up the table to cleaning all the dishes.

Whenever I ask where Angie’s role in this is, I’m always met with a lame excuse. Whatever, this just gives me time to test out whatever I have going on since I’m not exactly sure yet.

Given just enough time, I pull out my cock and jerk off. Reliving the image of Angie masturbating to me, it doesn’t take me long to cum. I send squirts of semen all over the dinner.

I quickly put my dick away and mix my semen into the food, making its presence less obvious than it needs to be.

Soon dinner time arrives and the two girls start eating appetizers which are conveniently placed out of my reach. Mom would never admit it, but the fact that she made enough of Angie’s favorite food for only two people (herself and Angie) says enough about our relationship.

The dinner is oddly silent. Usually, Angie talks nonstop about her day, but she has a quietness to her as if she was embarrassed and was hiding something. Something she was ashamed of.

This is unusual but not unheard of. We are capable of eating dinner without conversation.

Mom is the first one to make a move for the main course. She grabs a portion for her and brings it to her plate.

I wait for her to take a bite but she holds her spoon in front of her face with suspense. She seems to catch a whiff of her food and immediately picks it up with her utensils and brings it to her mouth.

Her eyes widen and she grabs another spoonful, only larger this time. She stuffs spoonful after spoonful of food tainted with my cum into her mouth.

If you asked me, this was all in the name of science, but watching my mom down my semen was an awesome byproduct that had its own side effect of turning me on.

“Mmm. Angie, try this. Mommy’s such a good cook huh?” she mumbles through the food in her mouth.

Angie looks up from her plate and moves her hand to grab some of the food that Mom is raving about.

She seems to be able to sense it from much farther away. Without even setting it down on her plate, she brings the food to her mouth and starts devouring it.

“MMM this is good!” Angie says with an excited tone. She seems to have hit a second wind of energy.

As she eats, I see bits of my semen stuck between her teeth.

Hm that confirms it I guess. I want to figure out what’s going on before I run more tests.

* * *

I’m back at the lab and I’ve brought a sample of the plant I used to make the serum and of my semen. I don’t want to get Ms. Mendoza involved in this so I try to keep it on the downlow. But, there are only so many questions I can avoid when I’m staying after class to use lab equipment for the second day in a row.

Ms. Mendoza likes the company so she let me stay. She says it can get lonely finishing up her work alone.

I’m staring at samples of the plant under a microscope. I don’t see anything out of the ordinary…

“What’s this?” Ms. Mendoza interrupts as I’m concentrating on the microscope.

I look up and I see that she is holding my sample of semen. I immediately panic not because I am worried that she’d swallow it, but because it’s just gross in general to be holding. Ms. Mendoza has been a lab teacher for how many years now? She knows better than anyone than to just shit random shit into her mouth.

Well, that’s what I thought until I watched her swallow my sample… The only sample I brought!

I watch as my small sample of semen slowly slides down her throat.

“What the fuck Ms. Mendoza! What did you just do?” I scream.

“I DON’T KNOW. I don’t know what came over me. I was just looking at what you brought in, then I caught this smell coming off of it and I just couldn’t control myself! I needed it! What was it?” she asks.

FUCK. I should’ve realized that the addictive properties might also travel via smell.

Knowing that I’m better off with her knowing, I confess everything.

“You did what? That was WHAT?” she screams in anger rather than fear this time. “Move over. Let me see that damn plant.”

She pushes me aside and looks through the microscope.

“This is strange. I’ve never seen anything like it. Something about the pollen from the stamen of this plant is off. I can’t say for sure. This isn’t my field of study. But if what you’re saying is true, my best theory is that this plant’s pollen has addictive properties. That doesn’t make sense, plants don’t need to consent to each other. Unless… this evolution was relatively recent… within the last few thousand years to encourage humans too keep producing what would be an otherwise worthless crop,” she says.

She got all that in like five seconds…

“Okay, so now what?” I say.

“Well I don’t fucking know. You got me on this stuff now,” Ms. Mendoza says with slight frustration.

“Well, what was it like?” I ask. She gives me an angry glare. “For science sake?”

“You’re right. Write this down: It was amazing. The most pleasant sensation I have ever felt. Like I could feel each of my individual neurons going off. I didn’t have any control over myself or my inhibitions. I don’t know how else to describe it but I know I need more, and every second that passes this need grows,” she says with a serious tone. “You need to go. Go home right now. I’ll try to figure something out. Until then, don’t do anything stupid,” she says.

Yup… nothing stupid.

* * *

Back at home, I head to my room but I find something on my bed: Angie’s panty. This time, it was still warm with some sort of stain on them.

I look around my room but see no other trace of Angie anywhere.

I head over to her room and find her on her bed as if she was waiting.

“What is this? Did you leave it in my room?” I say while holding her panty into the air.

Her eyes jump to what’s in my hand but show hints of disappointment when she realizes that I didn’t do anything with it.

“Oh, I must’ve left it there by accident,” she says trying to cover up.

No no no, she wasn’t getting away from this one easy.

“Well, do you want it back?” I say.

“What, you aren’t going to do anything with it you perv?” she says.

“Do you want me to?” I ask teasingly.

Her eyes melt for a moment, turning into puppy eyes. They glimmer with a plea, as if she is begging me without words.

But she quickly brings herself together: “Pfftt. Of course not. That’s fucking gross.”

She reaches out to grab it but I pull it just out of her reach. She seems relieved that I didn’t give it back yet. Maybe she hopes that I’ll still use it like I did earlier.

“I know what you want Angie,” I say.

“You do?” she says as if a weight has been lifted from her shoulders.

“Yeah I do. You want to suck on my cum right?” I say.

She seems to hesitate.

“Uhhh no. No no no. Absolutely not, this is why I think you’re weird John,” she says.

“Well then, I don’t have to cum into this thing for you,” I say as I motion her underwear in the air.

“No no. Fine, please. I don’t know what’s happening to me John, but please, I need it,” she says holding back tears. She admitted what’s been bothering her for the last day, a shameful secret that’s been building up, and now all of her emotions are flooding out.

“Show me your tits,” I say. Even now, with her on her bed, I can see how nice they look. If I could just get a peek.

“No John. Please. I can’t do that,” she says.

Hmm, maybe she’s right. It’s best to start small.

“Okay okay fine. I’ll cum into these panties for you, you perv,” I say as her eyes light up. “But, I have a deal for you. You can’t eat it. If you can go the rest of the night and it’s untouched, I’ll give you more.”

Her eyes seem to light up at the idea. I can tell she’s considering the challenge to be difficult as her mouth is already watering at the thought of my cum. She could just leave it here and go somewhere else so she can’t reach it…

“Okay, and, you have to be wearing it. No pants either,” I say.

“What? You can’t do that! You changed the rules! What if mom sees me,” she says.

“Oh Mom’s gonna see you. And this is non-negotiable. Otherwise you’ll have to suck it out of my cock yourself,” I say.

“FINE. Fine… Okay, just do it,” she says. She doesn’t seem to be in the mood to negotiate

A smile creeps onto my face. I stretch the waistband of my shorts and pull out my cock. Angie seems initially grossed out but her eyes widen at the sight of precum built up on the tip of my dick.

“Are you sure you don’t want to show me your tits? This whole thing will go a lot faster,” I say.

“HMHm… No! Just do it already okay!,” she responds. There seemed to be a large amount of hesitation behind her decline.

Not wanting to keep her waiting, I begin stroking my cock under my sister’s watchful eye. She stares as I lather my precum up and down my shaft. Her hand moves to her crotch but she does her best to make sure I don’t see her presumably fingering herself.

With the way she’s laying on the bed, I have a straight view down her cleavage. They look so soft… so meaty…

Cutting to the chase, I cum, again soaking Angie’s panty with my own semen. They reek of my scent, something that would be a disgusting smell to a normal person, but Angie seemed to yearn for it. She seemed to take in every whiff of the bleach like smell I produced, trying to savor every bit of it.

“Here you go you fucking slut,” I say as I discard my fap material at her.

Despite landing next to her on the bed, she seems to jump at it with some sense of urgency, as if someone would steal it from her if she didn’t protect it.

She bring it to her face and takes in a whiff.

“Ah ah ah- Remember, you can’t take it in yet. Only wear it,” I say.

She stops herself knowing that more will come her way if she has patience. She quickly pushes herself up with a slight umph causing her to hop into a sitting position. She turns away from me and takes off her pants, then her panties. She is sitting bare naked from her waist down now. With the way she’s sitting, I can see the upper half of her ass. It’s a lot thicker than I would have imagined. I stare at the tan line that shows how skimpy her swimwear is.

She quickly puts on her panty as if the thought of me staring at her butt any longer would make her freak out.

She finishes and doesn’t move, doesn’t turn to face me.

“Well gimme a twirl. Let me see how you look,” I say with a laugh.

Defeated, she gets up and spins, giving me a 360 view of her womanly body. I see the stains that I left on her panty. The entire thing is basically drenched. The wet spot I left on her crotch area creates a little bit of transparency, giving me a slight opportunity to view her pussy. When she’s completely turned around, I look at the way her pantie seems to slide up the cheeks of her ass.

Before anything else can happen, “Dinner time!” I hear my mom call from the kitchen.

* * *

I set the table again but I don’t add any semen to the dish. I wouldn’t want to make it easy on Angie, or either of them for that matter.

Mom and I sit alone at the table.

“Where is that girl?” Mom says. She seems shook, as if she hasn’t been able to sleep in some time. “ANGIE!!!! DINNNNEERRR!!!!!”

Knowing that she can’t wait much longer, Angie shly enters the room from the hallway. She walks in slowly, trying to cover what her clothing isn’t. She went through with it… She’s wearing nothing other than the cum stained panties on her lower half…

“What in the heck are you wearing Angie?” Mom says with a mix of so many emotions that I can’t even describe it.

“Oh, uh, new look,” Angie says jokingly. She’s doing her best to use humor as a defense mechanism. “I can wear what I want right? It’s only the three of us, right?” she tries to convince mom but there is still an uncertainty in her voice.

“Wha—,” Mom tries to get out.

As Angie gets closer, the scent of my semen seems to reach mom and I see the anger drain out of her… not only that, it seems to be replaced by something else. Want?

“Hmm… Okay young ma’am. But only because we’re at home,” Mom says.

Dinner goes on as usually, but Mom seems to be inching closer and closer to Angie. They already sit at the same side of the table, but this seems excessive.

Soon, I see them begin to silently fight like they don’t want me to notice.

“What do you have? What is it?” Mom says with a hush.

“What? I don’t have anything!?” Angie responds back quietly.

These two girls are really bad at whispering.

I see Mom reach to Angie’s panty to which Angie seems to jump in a surprised shock as if someone unexpectedly touched her in a ticklish area.

“MOM!” she says loudly but with a quiet tone.

“GIVE IT!” Mom says breaking their non-verbal agreement to keep me unaware of what’s going on. They both get up and seem to be having a tug of war fight over Angie’s panty, which she is still wearing.

“IT’S MINE. GET YOUR OWN,” Angie screams back.


The sight of these two women, who generally don’t give a rat’s ass about me, fighting over underwear because it was stained with my now crusty cum was almost too much to witness.

Soon, Mom pins Angie onto the floor in almost a sixty nine position. She moves her mouth to Angie’s crotch and start’s sucking on her panty.


Mom only responds with a series of moans as grunts as she is unable to open her mouth.

Angie isn’t thrashing around or anything—she doesn’t want to hurt Mom or anything—but she is definitely trying to get free.

Still, Mom is able to stay on like an intense rodeo. She continues to suck around Angie’s crotch, soaking her panty with a new layer of wetness.

Angie eventually breaks free, her underwear being held together by a number of threads no larger than double digits.

“YOU SELFISH BITCH. YOU FINISHED IT ALL,” Angie screams in anger as she storms off to her room.

Mom seems to sit there in disbelief over what she just did.

“What just happened..?” she says to herself. “Why did I do that? Why did it taste so good?”

I stay to check on Mom for a while. She was fine, she probably just needed some time to process these recent events. I get up and follow Angie to her room.

I see Angie in a new pair of pants. She’s holding her old panties to her face, trying to get a whiff of any remnants that may remain.

“I need more,” Angie says, almost in tears. “Please give me more.”

“Well, a deal’s a deal, and you lost,” I say.

“What? That’s bull shit? I didn’t even touch it!” she says.

She’s talking back to me???

“Watch your tone with me,” I say as a smile comes to my face. It’s fun to play mom. “I said if it was still there at the end of the night, you could have more. I never mentioned anything about you touching it specifically.”

“Please John, I’m begging you,” she says. She crawls over to me on her knees—placing her words into the real world.

“Hmm… Well, the old deals done, you failed. But, we could make a new deal,” I say.

“Okay, please, anything! Well, not anything,” Angie says, contradicting herself. I can tell she’s internally conflicted. “Do you want to see my tits? I’ll show you my tits!”

She begins to lift up her shirt. It seems that the longer she goes, the more desperate she gets.

“Wait wait wait, hold up. Not so fast. That was the old deal I offered, which you declined. I have new terms,” I say with all of the control.

“Okay okay, just let me hear it,” I say.

“You have to jerk me off onto your tits. And, you have to draw a bullseye with this,” I say as I grab a sharpie from her desk. “Bonus points depending on how accurate you are relative to the bullseye.”

I smile at that last part.

“OKAY OKAY FINE,” she says with frustration.

She takes off her shirt and bra in one go leaving no time for foreplay.

Just like that, her tits are out for me to see. They seem to have a bounce to them. They’re big enough where I could stick my dick down the cleavage and have my entire shaft be drowned in flesh.

Despite their size, they seem to be doing pretty well resisting the force of gravity.

I take the sharpie and draw two circles on the center of her chest finished with a dot in the middle—a standard bullseye. As I wrote directly onto her flesh, I can’t help but notice how soft her tits are. The way her entire breast warped with the pressure of the sharpie...

Done with my drawing, I pull out my cock and she immediately lunges forward and grabs it. She doesn’t waste time and she begins jerking off my cock like it’s some sort of race. With the intensity of her strokes, her meaty tit flesh shakes around violently.

“Tell me that you like it,” I say behind my moans of pleasure.

“What?” she responds, hoping she misheard something.

“Tell me that you like it.”

“What? No,” she says.

I begin to pull my cock away.

“FINE. FINE. I LOVE IT. I want your cum John. Please…” she pleads. Looking up at me, she gives me puppy eyes.

Suddenly, my dick spasms as I send loads of jizz directly onto Angie’s milk jugs. I lather her entire chest in a layer of cum. Surprisingly, most of the direct hits fly directly onto the center of the bullseye.

She pulls her hand off of my dick and I watch as she sits there, using her fingers to spoon my cum from her tits to her mouth.

She looks up and smiles at me, my cum now on her hands, tits, and lips.

Don’t do anything stupid, the words of Ms. Mendoza echo through my head with reverb and I can’t help but ignore them

* * *