The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Every Woman Has a Price — Chapter 17 — by Redsliver

Chapter Title : Dancing For Nickels

* * *

Val woke up in bed and smiled to see Kirk was already gone. God, she needed to redress her plans. The idea had been: love and sex in exchange for an affectionate man, money to travel, freedom from ever waitressing ever again. She even cringed getting Kirk a coffee. Even if it was just a run to Starbucks because he was making her—their family more money. Shit, she spent his money on those coffees.

She got out of bed and stripped off her nightgown. He had been frisky last night but she’d vetoed that. Bad move. They weren’t married yet, that would happen in June; she knew better than to make it about her before shit was locked down.

“Oh, you’re here, Kiddo,” Val sniped at Frieda as she crossed the apartment.

“Why are you naked!” the teenager shouted.

“I’m getting a shower.” Val rolled her eyes. The good news was the apartment would be empty by the time she had gotten out. She frowned at herself in the mirror. She lifted up her tit and tilted her head.

Not as perky as a teenager’s. At least she hadn’t had udders like her mother. No one wanted tits her knees hit while they walked. In high school, Val’s mother had promised her that once she popped out a kid she’d catch up with her mom’s side of the family. At thirty-eight Val was thankful she hadn’t had kids.

She ran her hands over her legs. She flicked her fingers through her bush. She lifted her armpits. If it was just for Kirk, she could push it off another. But this wasn’t Val’s body anymore. She was already skipping chocolates and muffins. She was exercising more intensely. Her doctor had given her the full once-over. Now it was just cosmetics. She ran her fingers over her forehead.

She’d better check-in before she decided on botox.

Check-in. Owen’s number was at the pawn shop. Frieda would be working the desk while Kirk met with his whale at the airport.

“Well, old girl. At least you can handle yourself better than that 18 year old out there.” She scowled at herself and turned to the shower.

* * *

“Ow! Ow-wow-ow!” Darlene winced and rubbed in slower circles. She rested her elbow on the sink and refused to look herself in the mirror.

Knock! Knock! “You OK in there?” Elizabeth shouted.

“I’ll be OK,” Darlene shouted back. “Ouch!”

Her asshole was tight and sore and stretched. She rinsed her fingers before scooping another fingerful of topical analgesic.

“Well, unlock the fucking door then!” Elizabeth banged another couple of knocks on the door.

“Occupied!” Darlene snapped.

“We’ve got two bathrooms and too many fucking girls. I’ve got to get ready for work,” Elizabeth said.

“Well, so-orry! Give me a min—”

There was a click and Janice pushed her bathroom door in.

“Whoa!” Janice laughed. “Watch where you point that thing!”

“What are you even doing?” Elizabeth worried.

“Tell me you washed your fingers before you touched my stuff,” Janice laughed

“Close the door!” Darlene shouted red-faced.

“Nope, I gotta piss and Elizabeth must perform her ablutions,” Janice walked in. She was wearing a long sweater which she pulled up to reveal her bare pussy and sat down on the toilet. She met Darlene’s glare in the mirror with a blown raspberry.

“Gross,” Darlene declared.

“Um...” Elizabeth muttered from the doorway.

“Owen wanted to learn how to do anal sex after you two went to bed!” Darlene grumbled. She took a long semi-calming breath. “He needs more practice.” Darlene mumbled, “and hopefully a new practice dummy.”


“Butt!” Janice giggled.

“I went back over,” Darlene rolled her eyes. “This is the cost for waking him up.”

“She’d rather rub painkiller on her asshole than be cuddled,” Janice said. Elizabeth wanted to run as soon as she heard the tinkle.

“Fuck you,” Darlene sniped back.

“Anytime,” Janice said. “Elizabeth, you have work.”

“Right,” Elizabeth sighed. She climbed into the shower and pulled the curtain. She grimaced as the shower started too cold. Normally, she’d get the temperature right and then get into the shower, but she wanted even that flimsy curtain in between her and the—

“Hey, I gotta morning shift too!” Roxxi climbed in. “Maybe a little hotter, please!”

Darlene moaned loud enough for both her and Elizabeth.

* * *

Owen would’ve slept for another couple of hours if Tamara hadn’t rolled her hipbone across his cast. His eyes shot open and could only see Brandy’s blond hair.

“Ow! Ow! Fuck! Fuck!” He said, after spitting several long yellow strands out of his mouth.

“What!?” Barbara rocketed up but her legs were entangled with Tamara. Brandy moaned for her hangover and turned away from Owen. She pushed Jewel straight out of bed. There was a scream that outlasted the thud.

“Don’t be a baby,” Brandy snorted.

“Tamara, sweetheart...” Owen said.

“Oh my god!” She realized where she lay and struggled up off his arm. She collided her bare ass with Barbara’s thigh and sent the green-haired twin off the edge of the bed. “Are you OK? Where does it hurt?”

“My wrist.” Owen pointed. He heard the shower shut off. He frowned at the four girls surrounding him near his bed. Jewel pouted and rubbed her thigh. He turned away and shouted through the bedroom door. “Is there any coffee?”

“Do you smell coffee!” Wendy snapped in frustration as she stuck her head in the doorway. She looked over the army of naked girls and Owen. She squealed and pulled away.

“Did I get to have her yet?” He turned to Tamara.

“Not after Jewel and I joined you in here,” Tamara said. “I thought she and Zera were crashing with the Janice group.”

“We did,” Zera stuck her head in. “But Janice doesn’t have groceries and our spare clothes are over here anyways. Speaking of coffee. We were going to run to class and hit the cafe on the way over. You wanna come with?”

“Oh, you got class,” Owen said and rubbed his morning wood. “I gotta piss. No dice.”

“OK,” Zera slapped the door frame. “Shower’s free ladies.”

“What?” Jewel frowned.

“Motherfucker,” Barbara said. “Mother-motherfucker.”

“What’s wrong?” Brandy yawned and thrust her hair back over her head and behind her.

“We were supposed to be going to Montreal this weekend!” Barbara groaned. “Look, I get why Jewel dragged us here. All hail the master.”

“Master?” Wendy yelped. She stuck her head back in the doorway. “Bye Master.”

“Bye slave. See you tonight,” Owen waved.

Wendy shook her head in disbelief and hefted her bookbag to follow Zera to the door.

“She’ll be fun to fuck up,” Tamara climbed behind Owen and wrapped an arm under his and hugged her bare breasts to his back. She traced circles on his chest with her fingernails.

“You’re going to do what you did to me to another person?” Jewel frowned.

“Of course not.” Tamara shook her head. “You get the special treatment.”

“Whatever, first things first,” Owen pulled Tamara’s fingers off of his chest and slid off the bed. He smacked Jewel’s ass and kissed Barbara as he slalomed out the door. He slumped his shoulders and moaned happily as he pissed.

“Hey, I’m going in to work,” Elizabeth knocked on the door frame as he pissed with his back to her.

“Have a good day,” he wished her honestly. She nodded and left. He shook himself dry and flushed. He looked over his shoulder and saw the twins not trying to look as he washed his hands. “You guys OK.”

“We’re waiting until the bathroom’s free,” Barbara frowned.

“Do you have any Tylenol?” Brandy asked.

“Toilet’s free and drugs are behind the mirror,” Owen nodded at the toilet and the mirror. He flicked his hands dry and smiled at the pair of them as he walked out.

“Ow!” Jewel shouted at Tamara.

“Don’t break my things, Tamara,” Owen said.

“Yes Master,” she laughed.

“Alright, what do you guys want for breakfast?” Owen turned and found himself mostly alone in the room. He opened his fridge. A half dozen eggs, no bacon, no sausage, no milk. He had groceries.

“I’m thinking—” Tamara was saying as she walked out of the bedroom dragging Jewel by the hand.

“I want pancakes. Get some clothes on, we’re going out for breakfast.” Owen interrupted.

* * *

Natasha woke up alone in a strange bed. She laughed and kicked her feet. She was still sore and satisfied. She found her bra on the carpet and remembered her dress and shoes were out in the main room. She was absently fastening it when she walked out.

“Oh shit! Sorry!” The roommate covered his eyes and smiled in her direction. “I didn’t know you were up yet.”

“De rien,” Natasha yawned. “It’s nothing.” She found her dress by the couch and Hafnan waking up on the cushions. “What are you doing here?”

“I wasn’t certain how to ask directions to get back to the hotel. Davy let me stay,” Hafnan answered in French. Natasha leaned over and flicked her servant in the meat of her thigh.

“You could’ve at least fucked him,” Natasha reprimanded her in English.

“What?” Davy said, still covering his eyes while sipping a cup of tea. “No, she wouldn’t have gone for that. Don’t be mad at her.”

“Not mad. Disappointed,” Natasha tsked. “Is there more tea?”

“Yeah, I made a pot for Hafnan and me. Red Rose only in Canada.”

“What?” Natasha sniffed. “Oh the brand. Not real tea then. Bags.”

“Uh, yeah, that’s all I got. Sorry,” He said and opened his index and middle fingers. He sighed and took his hand down. “Would you like a cup?”

“Yes, s’il vous plait.” Hafnan said.

“That would be lovely,” Natasha agreed. “Where is—Oh what was his name. The Chinese boy.”

“Philipino,” Davy corrected. “He’s already at the restaurant.”

“Hm... And why do you live with him?”

“Rent’s cheaper that way. My old roommate got into grad school and Carlos was available to take over the free room,” Davy said.

“Yes, I didn’t think this apartment was his choice,” Natasha agreed.

“Thank you very much.” Hafnan said, taking her offered cup. Natasha sipped hers.

“Have you seen where I put my clutch?” Natasha asked after draining her cup. Davy pointed at the designer bag sitting on a table by the front door. “Of course.”

Davy and Hafnan spoke quietly as Natasha walked over and fished out her phone. She scrolled through her alerts and texts. “Merde!”

“Is everything OK?” Davy asked.

“No,” Natasha shook her head. “If you are going to thank him, Hafnan, suck him off quickly.”

“Hey! No that’s not how I do things.” Davy threw up his hands and backed away from the girl in front of him.

“Very well, then please call us a cab. We must meet with the man we came to town to meet.” She frowned at herself for her choice of words. “Hafnan, say goodbye.”

“Goodbye,” Hafnan nodded. “Thank you.”

“Anyone would’ve done the same,” Davy nodded. He waved his phone and looked at Natasha. “I didn’t catch your name, so the driver will ask for Hafnan’s.”

“Eugh.” Natasha groaned as she fitted herself back into her stilettos. She left without another word or look for Davy, and knew Hafnan would be right behind her.

Giselle accepted the coffee from Kirk with an emotionless smile. She pushed her glasses back up on her nose. The board said the plane from France was twenty-five minutes delayed. She crossed her legs. She looked over Kirk’s shoulder as he began working on a crossword.

“I don’t see many men with newspapers anymore.”

“It’s a good habit I learned from some old friends,” he said. “Local papers have obits. Dead people bequeath stuff that no one wants to hold. There can be some good appraisal work to be had or even treasure hunting come out of it.”

“Dark,” she frowned.

“Agreed. That’s why I start with the crossword,” Kirk smiled. “Unless you meant 4 down.” He smiled and wrote the letters D A R K down with his black ballpoint pen.

She smirked at that and people watched in silence. It was early January, more people seemed to be flying out of Halifax’s winter than flying in. She couldn’t blame them. She’d like to come back in the autumn. The city streets were lined with big beautiful trees, she was sure it was lovely with all of the color. A city that’s only pretty for October. She sipped her coffee and smiled.

Her phone buzzed alerting her that Maxim’s flight had landed. She alerted Kirk. He nodded and got up.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“He’s gotta deboard, go through customs, and collect his luggage.” He waved his coffee cup. “I’ve had four of these this morning. I’d rather not wait until it was inopportune.”

“More detail than I required,” Giselle said. Yet, it was good advice. She got up herself the moment he was out of sight.

* * *

“Carlos got laid last night!” Darlene was still in her civvies when she found Elizabeth in the back room.

“How can you tell?” Elizabeth scoffed. The head cook was beaming like an idiot and talking non-stop about this Natasha girl, until he saw Elizabeth and then he just shut up. Why would he do that?

“He’s got your opposite face,” Darlene answered the question. “Anyway, you’re on break before I even clock in?”

“Been dead since lunch rush,” Elizabeth shrugged. Darlene shoved a phone in front of Elizabeth’s face. She retreated from the big purple dildo in a harness. “What the hell?”

“Oh?” Darlene turned the camera and assured herself the screen hadn’t timed out and blackened. “It’s for home.”

“Home?” Elizabeth gasped. She sighed and shook her head. She stuck her fork into her half eaten salad. “Why are you showing me that?”

“What? Oh, I need your sizes.” Darlene said. “I could get fully adjustable harnesses but I don’t want to buy something Jan—”

“Don’t buy it at all!” Elizabeth shook her head.

“What?” Darlene said. “Why not?”

“Don’t make it worse. Please...” Elizabeth said.

“But I’m not,” Darlene scratched her head. She looked up and down Elizabeth. “Your ass is smaller than mine.”

“Everyone’s ass is smaller than yours,” Davy said trundling by the breakroom to the pantry storage.

“Thanks asshole!” Darlene laughed sweetly. “He didn’t get laid last night but he’s still king shit for some reason.”

“What are you talking about?” Elizabeth asked. “Anyway, put that away. I don’t want to think about that shit at work.”

“You want to do where Roxxi and Zera can pop in and add their two cents?” Darlene rolled her eyes. “Look if it fits me, it’ll fit Tamara and maybe the twins. If it fits you it could fit Jewel maybe too. But if we get one that Zera or Roxxi could wear...”

“If Zera can wear it Janice can,” Elizabeth said. “You’re still pissed at her.”

“I knew she wasn’t ‘just a cousin’,” Darlene sat down and hissed at Elizabeth. “She’s trying to move in on him.”

“Move in on what? There’s like thirty of us,” Elizabeth sighed.

“Hey, Darl,” Davy was heading back to the kitchen with a fifty pound bag of potatoes. “You probably want to clock in before Carlos has to talk to you.”

“Yeah, I’d hate to ruin his good mood.” Darlene stood up. She started taking her branded work shirt out of her bag. She pushed her phone back to Elizabeth. She checked to see that Davy was out of earshot. She leaned in and hissed. “Get one for yourself and back me up or you’re the first person I use it on.”

Darlene tied her apron on, blew Elizabeth a kiss, and swaggered out to the floor. Elizabeth looked at the phone. She typed her way through. She did as she was told, if maybe she removed Darlene’s harness from the cart first, well surely that was an accident.

* * *

Maxim le Carre walked out of customs and spied Giselle immediately. He had hoped she wasn’t here. He expected the world from her. His knuckles tightened on luggage. That little shit had his coins and his secretary. There was still no word on Natasha. Maxim prepared his mind for the possibility of violence. He had read his great grandfather’s notes. The Arabic was harsh, but it boiled down to, if you want the coins, they’ll cost lives.

“Bonjour!” Giselle stepped forward and Maxim grabbed her by the upper arms and kissed her cheeks.

“Bonjour,” he said. “M. Marcusson. Kirk. Bonjour.”

“Bonjour,” Kirk said, grasping his hands. He had pulled them back from a rejected handshake. M. le Carre had looked at Kirk’s hand with disgust. He hadn’t been a germaphobe when Kirk had visited him in France. The man had a strange paranoia to him that hadn’t been there before. “I must apologize again for forcing you to speak English. Your esteemed aide and myself have arranged a car. May I take you bag?”

“Most kind,” Maxim agreed. “Kirk, I know this is unfortunate but I must speak with my aide privately. Would you take another car back to the city.”

“Well, it is my car, actually,” Kirk frowned. “You are going straight to the hotel?”

“Biensur,” Maxim said with a nod. “I will happily pay for the taxi and your trouble.”

“I wasn’t worried about that, sir.” Kirk smiled politely. “I will present the receipt to your aide and we can work out the details when the entire sale is finished.”

Kirk led the trio through the parking garage and loaded Maxim’s bag into the trunk. He handed Giselle the keys and a slip with a barcode.

“This is for the parking,” he said.

“Anything else?” she asked.

“We drive on the right side of the road in Canada,” he said with a smile.

“I’m not an idiot,” she said, flatly.

“And apparently, I’m no comedian.” He forced a smile. “M. le Carre. My offices are across the street from your hotel. I shall meet you there.”

“Very good,” Maxim said. He offered no handshake. Kirk nodded and left. Maxim opened the door, got in, realized he needed to adjust the seat backwards and frustratedly fumbled with the bar until he slammed backwards. He shut the door and looked to Giselle.

“You did not contact Owen MacKay?” He asked.

“I did, I was received by his cousin. Janice Lahey.”

“Yes, I was glad to learn of the clear connection to M. Lahey.”

“I believe she is in the purchase of Owen MacKay. In the manner of myself.”

“His cousin?” Maxim drummed his fingers. “Well there have been purchased aunts, daughters, and sisters among Grandfather’s notes. Men are pigs, as they say.”

“Or, more than likely, Owen is incautious,” Giselle said as she pulled up to the parking machine. She rolled down the window, inserted the ticket, and opened the gate.

Maxim didn’t speak until they were driving and the window was rolled up again. “Incautious. Will serve me well.”

“You’ve mentioned there have been multiple proprietors of the coins.”

“There still must be, if he doesn’t have 30.”

“Then, perhaps he will only sell you a fraction,”

“Perhaps,” Maxim said. “Unlikely, he’ll honestly sell one now that he knows their power.”

“Unlikely,” Giselle agreed. “However you manage to reclaim the coins. I would like you to purchase me back.”

“Hm...” Was all Maxim had said. The silence lasted until they were up to speed on the highway. Giselle re-reported all of the events and details she had accumulated on her trip.

* * *