The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive



After years of fame and stardom, Robert realized that he wanted more in life. He realized that inventing things for the world would never mean anything to him if he had no one to share the world with. Sure, he had his loving wife Trisha, but life was so large that he always felt he could fit so much more. Of course, Trisha would never agree. She would never want to raise a child in the chaotic and hectic life that they lived, but Robert found a way. First, he bought a house in the most exclusive gated off community in America, somewhere where even his kids could have a normal childhood. Still, there was the problem of how he would need to spend most of his time away from home. There would be no one to help Trisha run the household, so he invented a virtual assistant that was advanced enough to keep everything afloat. Even better, he decided to roll it out to the entire neighborhood. With a simple neural implant and a few renovations, every one of Robert’s neighbors could become apart of a smart ecosystem where their convenience would be taken to an extreme level with the help of computerized advancements. Now with all of that sorted out, Trisha agreed to adopt three disadvantaged children from Vietnam: two girls and one boy. You can see where this is going. That one boy was very impo-

huh? Wait? You’ve heard this one before? A guy with a weirdly disproportionate number of girls to boys in his family gaining the power to—? Nevermind! Just wait! Just listen! Let’s just hear it from his perspective first, how about that?

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Introduction: Jacob

Growing up, the spotlight was always on my dad. Being the most esteemed scientist of his generation, he always seemed to be able to invent the next big thing that could save the world. Despite this fame, he’s worked hard to give our family the privacy and time that he thinks we deserve. But, this doesn’t mean that the same can be said for him. The only way to keep the spotlight away from us was—well—to keep himself away from us, meaning that he spent less and less time at home. Sure, we didn’t have to deal with the consequences of having the world watching our every move, but I’ve always felt like I missed out on something growing up. Like why adopt three children if you wouldn’t even be there to raise them?

But I can’t complain, he tries his best. With the number of things he has balanced on his plate, I’m amazed he gets any time with us at all. Plus, my mom Trisha has done her best to pick up the slack at home. She is a full-time stay at home mom after all.

But still, there has never been enough of her to go around for all of us. Maybe attention issues are the reason I grew up to be a little fucked up. Well, I’m not that bad. Maybe I catch a peek of my sisters or my mom every once and awhile, but it’s not my fault that I was raised around three attractive women with no real figure of authority to look up to.

I mean, I wouldn’t consider myself a complete pervert. Sometimes I just can’t control my natural urges, y’know? It’s not like I even had the chance to act on any of them. But, none of them will ever hear my side of the story when I get caught staring at the various female bodies that I’m basically locked in a house with every day. Well... to be fair, it’s a pretty large house. Fine, I’ll be honest, maybe I’m a little at fault, but that’s beside the point. I just want someone to hear MY side of the story for once. So here, listen up.