The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Fetish Hotel, Chapter 1

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2021.

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Tessi was in a new stage of her life, and she had entered it only recently. She had moved passed the hazards of youth more or less unscathed by them. She was now, finally, in her late-twenties. Practically a full adult now, and she had a lot to show for it.

She was thinking of this as she walked back from the hair salon. She’d just gotten her hair cut, and she sometimes found that made her a little pensive. She preferred her curly red hair to stay shoulder length; until she’d gotten her hair cut that day, it hadn’t been. Her had been getting away from her lately, growing longer than she liked it, but today she’d rectified this, and her hair was back to the shoulder length she preferred.

She’d dressed in plain, simple clothes for her trip to the hair salon. But it was still clear, through her shirt, that her breast size was a C-cup. A perfectly average size, and though her breasts were average she knew how to dress to accentuate them when it counted. It rarely did count though; most of the time Tessi preferred to keep her breasts hidden behind something nondescript. She didn’t like showing off her looks much, or being an object of attraction. Or attention for that matter; she was most comfortable being sexless, and dressing that way too.

She was married; that was probably her biggest achievement to date. Her twenty-something years of life had given her that to show for them. Only in her mid-twenties, and already married to the man she loved. Matt. Her favorite man in all the world, the only man she’d ever really been interested in. Her one true love, and she did truly love him. He was the only person she’d ever imagined herself growing old with, the only person she wanted to see, to spend time with every day. The only person she ever could have ended up with, the only person she could ever have had a successful marriage with. No other man, no other partner was like him; any marriage attempt she might have made with someone else would have been a failure.

Theirs was a successful marriage. Tessi was happily married to him; it was the biggest part of her life. It had been her biggest achievement and now it was the biggest part of her life; she didn’t have a lot else going outside of her marriage at the moment. But she didn’t mind her quiet, simple life, because the thing that filled her life, the thing that made up her life was her marriage to Matt. What she was was married, and happy in her marriage, and she didn’t need to be anything else right now. She didn’t need to have anything else right now.

Sometimes she thought it was almost a miracle that she and Matt were so happy together; just as Tessi did not like to be an object of attraction, just as she preferred to be sexless when it came to her appearance and her style of dress, she also preferred to be a non-participant in matters of sex. She was happiest not having sex, she was happiest being sexless in all things, not just in the appearance she projected to the world. But Matt accepted her for this; accepted her as she was. It caused no strain between them at all, and intruded on their happiness not a bit.

They had sex rarely— not very often, and on those rare occasions when they did, they only had basic intercourse in the missionary position. Everything else was disgusting, in Tessi’s opinion. It all disgusted her. And luckily Matt was willing to accept this too. He never tried to talk her in to doing something that she didn’t want. Something that she found disgusting.

He was a special man, her Matt. Much older than her; by about five years— he was in his early 30s. His hair was dark, nearly black— purest black. He was slimmer than average; so he wasn’t like her. C-cup breasts were an average size, easy to find on many women, so Tessi’s shape wasn’t so out of the ordinary. But a man as slim as Matt— that was rare to find. He was atypical of his type— not like Tessi, who was typical of hers.

Another thing that made their marital harmony miraculous was that Matt was not as sexless as Tessi was. He was sex-hungry, not sexless. He craved it all the time; and especially craved blowjobs, which he never got, because, as a sexual act which went beyond the basic missionary position, they disgusted Tessi. But still— even though Matt did crave sex, and sex acts that he never got, he never let this become a problem, and went on loving and accepting Tessi just the same. It never affected their relationship.

Tessi had some other people in her life she was close to, besides Matt. There was Marcela— she was a little younger than Tessi’s age, only in her mid-20s with about as much to show for it as Tessi had to show for her own age. Marcela was married, like Tessi, married to a man called Nicholas. He had dark hair like Matt’s. She and Tessi had laughed together more than once about the fact that their husbands shared such similar names.

Nicholas was a nice guy— but he never made much of an impression on anyone. Everyone who ever came away from meeting him always came away with the same conclusion: he was boring. And he was— Tessi had thought so too, after meeting him, and she was reminded of why she’d thought so every time that she saw him again. He was nice— but niceness wasn’t enough to make up for the boredom he inflicted on everyone he interacted with.

Tessi thought Marcela was probably the one who Nicholas bored the most of all. She was the one who had to see him every day, day in, day out; since she was married to him. Tessi didn’t mind seeing her own Matt every day, day in, day out, but Matt wasn’t a bore like Nicholas was. She often felt bad for Marcela; she didn’t know how she’d managed to stick her marriage out for so long.

The best way she seemed to have to cope with it was to constantly betray Nicholas by sleeping with other men to pass the time and resolve the boredom. It had kept her from dissolving the marriage at least; and Marcela never seemed to suffer any guilt from it. She never let Nicholas find out about this habit of hers, either, so in this way at least she spared him the pain of her infidelity.

Tessi’s other good friend was Kaia, a brunette. Kaia was the same age as Marcela, just slightly younger than Tessi. She was bisexual, not straight like both of them were, and she was a dominant woman; in her general life, and in her love life, when she had one. She had a perfect body that she maintained through strenuous exercise, and she was a B-cup breast size.

She came from somewhere small, to the east of the European continent. She always wore heavy makeup as had been her custom there— Tessi had seen pictures from when Kaia had still been younger, and living back in eastern Europe. She’d worn heavy makeup then too.

She’d also liked drinking heavily and doing hard drugs; in those days of her youth, and still, even now that she was no longer living in eastern Europe and no longer in her teenage years. Even in her mid-20s, Kaia still liked hard drugs and hard liquor. When Tessi asked her about it— if she would ever settle down, ever calm down and stop living so hard— start living in a way she wouldn’t be likely to die from, Kaia always told her no, she couldn’t picture that.

With Tessi in her late-20s, and Matt in his early 30s, it was around the time that it might have been smart for them to start thinking about kids, if they wanted them, as Tessi would soon be entering the last phase of her fertility, but neither she nor Matt had decided definitively on if they wanted them or not. For now, they had no kids.

It wasn’t so strange, really. They’d only been married for a few weeks… they had been dating for a while before that, but they’d never talked about kids then either.

Or maybe it was several months that they’d been married now. It was hard to gage time— but it wasn’t any longer than that. Being married to Matt was such a happy natural state of being that time flew so fast for Tessi she felt like she was getting away with something. She was the same person she’d always been, even since marrying Matt. Just as close to her friends as ever, still interested in the same things. She just had an entirely new, entirely different source of happiness now.

The other big change in Tessi’s life recently was her new job. A few months ago, just around the time she’d gotten married— or maybe it was immediately after— she’d started working at hotel, staffing its reception desk.

She was happy with her job there; even now that the first few months of it were behind her. She had nice colleagues there. Marcela was one of them, actually, but she and Tessi had been friends long before they had ever worked together. Marcela was an old friend from school— and incidentally, she’d put a good word in with the management of the hotel when Tessi had applied for her job there.

Tessi just found out yesterday that her new job would be changing yet again. And it was only a few months after she’d gotten used to its routine. Yesterday, her manager had called her into the back office. There, he had told her that they would be opening up a new hotel— not under the same banner name, but under a new name, though the ownership would be the same. They’d be opening it at the beach that was located fifteen kilometers away. And they needed her there to carry out a new task for them; not only her. It was a big task, it would require lots of help; so several of Tessi’s colleagues, along with her— and this group included Marcela— were all needed over there. Each of these colleagues— all women— were also married. And in order for them all to get to know the new hotel — their new workplace— better, they and their husbands had all been invited for a weekend to stay as guests at the new hotel.

Now Tessi was pulling up in the car with Matt, outside the hotel. When they arrived at a full stop and exited the parked car to enter the hotel, Tessi was shocked. From outside the car, she could see the hotel’s sign, and read the name on it.

The hotel’s name was Fetish Hotel. Not nearly sexless enough for Tessi’s taste; too far in the other direction. Sex-obsessed, sex-hungry in a way that matched her husband, in a way that he could appreciate, but she couldn’t. She didn’t like the sound of this new hotel; was no longer looking forward to working at it, as she had been, and was no longer looking forward to staying the weekend as a guest, either.

“Who gives a hotel a name like that?” Tessi exclaimed, petulantly. “The Fetish Hotel! It doesn’t even sound like a real name! What kind of place is this?”

Matt ignored her— he was used to outbursts like this from her.

She kept her further thoughts to herself for the moment. And together, she and Matt entered the hotel.

They went inside, but when they got there, it only shocked Tessi all the more.

It was like they had walked onto the set of a porn shoot. The other female employees who were there — who, for this weekend at least, would serve them all while they were the guests, and then whose ranks Tessi would be joining herself later— all looked like they should have been starring in a porn film. There was something explicit in the way they walked; and the way they’d been dressed was very suggestive. They were all scantily-clad. And there was something, too, about each one of them that suggested an air of dominance. And there were so many of these employees; even just visible from the vantage point of the lobby’s entrance, they were everywhere, and they all had the same air about them.

Tessi was getting truly upset now— so upset she had no more control of it; she couldn’t keep her thoughts to herself, couldn’t suppress her reaction.

And she was only more upset the longer she looked out at them. All the female employees on the inside were scantily-clad. One even had a breast out, but Tessi was too angry to notice.

“How can they dress them like this? Who do they think they are? And what kind of management does this place have?” She thought longingly of her own hotel’s management, who never would have done something like this themselves. Surely the owners who employed her old hotel’s management didn’t know what was going on over her— this was all a mistake.

Tessi went on with her rant. “How can they make them dress this way, wear these kind of uniforms? I’m never wearing a uniform like that, I swear it, I never ever will.”

Next to her, Matt was quiet as he took in the same thing that she was seeing. He ignored her ranting comments at first. Then, after a minute, during which her distress had increased in pitch, Matt started trying to comfort her. He turned to her, to try and calm her down.

“Tessi,” he reminded her. “It’s your boss that has sent us to this hotel. For your new job.” He hoped that would help bring back reality to her.

That did help Tessi to settle a little; she got a handle on herself again.

Most of the other married couples— which were partly comprised of Tessi’s female colleagues from the old hotel—had already gone to their rooms. But Tessi knew they were here, because she’d seen some of their cars out in the hotel parking lot. Cars which she recognized from a hundred previous drop-offs and pickups of her colleagues. Some of the couples were still going up the hotel stairs, and she could see them there— some of them were ones whose cars she hadn’t seen in the lot. They must have ridden taxis here.

Tessi spotted Marcela down in the lobby— she had not gone up to her room yet. She was there, but she was alone, so Nicholas probably had gone up to their room already.

“Hi Marcela,” Tessi greeted, stepping closer to her friend.

Marcela didn’t notice. She didn’t react at all when Tessi spoke.

The other women in the lobby— the employees— and Marcela too— had expressions painted across with the same looking of dazed wonderment… a strange, odd look Tessi didn’t understand… and they all had stupid, dumb dreamy smiles on their faces… as Tessi scanned the room she noticed one of the women’s tops had been moved aside and her breast was hanging out naked for anyone to see— she had seen the image before when she’d first come in, and missed it, and she missed it again this second time too.

The image of the woman’s naked breast made no impression on Tessi. She moved past it and it was forgotten. She was too angry. Marcela, her old friend, had ignored her; and this new hotel was a disgrace. There was just too much to be angry about… she was so enraged… and that rage left no room for upset, for sadness or fear, and left no room to notice oddity.

The woman at the check-in desk— the reception Tessi might soon be staffing herself— was friendly. She was also sexy, and this was not a positive thing in Tessi’s eyes. It was her antithetical. She was sexless, this woman was sexy— Tessi disapproved of it. Matt seemed to appreciate it though— this whole thing seemed to be more along his line than hers.

But despite her friendliness and sexy bravado, the checkin-deskgirl also seemed to be perceptive. She was only about half-way through their checkin, but she seemed to notice that Tessi was angry. This realization might have bothered her; but if it did, she had greater emotional control than Tessi, and it didn’t show. This woman stayed calm in spite of her bother.

There were two other women checking at the same time, with other checkin-deskgirls; they were getting upset just like Tessi had. They were speaking as loudly as she had spoken before Matt had tried to calm and comfort her. Being just as loud as she had been.

“Put your wrist out now,” The checkin-deskgirl told Tessi, distracting her momentarily from the other two women standing along the counter beside her. The other checkin-girls with those other women had just said the same thing to them.

Tessi had not put her wrist out yet— but she watched the other two women that were standing next to her, each one next to their husband.

They were only getting angrier as they went on.

“Why are all the other women here standing around and looking so dazed?” One of them was demanding of their checkin-girl.

“And why are they smiling those stupid dreamy smiles?” The other woman asked loudly of hers. “The way they’re dressed is a humiliation— to themselves and to this whole establishment. How can they be smiling about this? Are you making them smile about this? Did you train them to do this in the staffing process?”

Neither women got an answer. What they got instead was a newfound attitude of quiet… as… something seemed to happen to them… Around each woman’s wrist, a pink band was placed— an all-inclusive band that would give them guest access to all the hotel’s amenities. Tessi recognized it because there had been a similar system in use at her old hotel, but the bands there hadn’t been pink and they hadn’t looked so… tech-y.

As soon as each of the women were wearing their bands, they went quiet. A dumb look came over each of their faces— and they were now repeating after the employees serving them, repeating everything that those employees were telling them.

Tessi’s rage had left her enough room to notice this. She had not overlooked it as she’d overlooked the woman with her breast out before— and that was still forgotten. This time she noticed.

But at that same noticing moment, she found her hand had been taken by the check-in girl in front of her, and the pink band had just been slipped around her wrist before she could stop it coming on. Another employee had come to put a blue one on Matt’s wrist; pink for the women; blue for the men…

As soon as the band came on her wrist, but before she could protest, she felt something prick through her wristskin and sting her.

Tessi felt it when it happened to her. She noticed in that moment that she calmed down a little… and got a little bit dazed too.

She fought the feeling. She wasn’t so far gone as to miss the obvious connection between a pricking feeling and a sudden sense of inner peace. She didn’t want to feel this peace if it was being forced on her. She wanted to hold onto the anger— or even feel the panic and tears from before, anything, no matter what it was, as long as it was a powerful negative emotion that would keep this dazed acceptance out of her, and away from her. She didn’t want it— she tried harder to fight it—

The words had come to her slowly— the effect had been that severe— but she could name what had happened to her now. She had been drugged by the bracelet when it came onto her wrist.

Now she felt the drugs spreading in her. She was calming down, even though she had been so angry before… she was calming down and relaxing and all her anger was melting away.

She tried to shove the weight of the relaxation from the surface of her mind so she could stand more freely, without it pressing down into her. She would not be drugged. She would not allow it to happen. The drugs were in her system and it was too late to keep them from coming in, but she could diminish their effect. Maybe even stop it totally— she would— she struggled to cling to her anger; holding onto it kept her rooted inside of herself, and that was the most important thing to hold onto at a time like this.

But after her first surge of resistance, she felt the drugs eating around at her edges again. Wearing her down on her more distant outer-rings of constellational… orbital… existence. She was a celestial body in orbit, with her own gravitational pull, and out at the more distant reaches of her orbit, the drugs were entering and drawing closer.

And if they ate her there first, then her outer defense would be down and they could keep eating inwards until they had consumed all of her. She could surge another wave of resistance forth to crash them back, but they would surge in again when that wave had passed. She couldn’t do this alone. She needed help.

“Help me, Matt,” she said. Inside she felt desperate urgency, but when she spoke the words were slurred. “It’s a drug… they drugged… me…”

Matt gave her a soothing pat on the shoulder— then the pat became a calming stroke along her upper arm.

“Just settle down Tessi,” he told her. “Don’t worry. Just be calm— be calm now. Everything is fine.”

When Matt refused to help her, Tessi tried to feel betrayed. That might have given her more fueling anger if she’d been able to pull it off, but she hadn’t been. His words had settled her mind for her, settled her down into drowsiness and she was drifting into it… everything would be fine… she only had to relax…

Matt’s words had seemed to accelerate or otherwise strengthen the drugs’ effect. She was feeling herself becoming more drowsy, thanks to Matt’s insistence and encouragement. But she still didn’t want to feel that way, underneath— where she was still herself below what the drugs had done to her— she tried to fight again, and the sexy checkin-deskgirl saw her attempt.

“She’s a fighter, isn’t she?” the girl laughed.

She took out a gun from under the desk— Tessi could guess, even as she looked out through heavily-drooping lids, that that gun was filled with the stuff which had been in the first needle to prick her through her band.

Now the checkin-deskgirl pricked Tessi with the gun, drove its point in past the surface of her skin, and shot more of the drugs into her.

“This should do it,” she said in aside to Matt. “Every time, there’s always at least one fighter. We always have one. But this injection will make her drowsy and horny and it will give her one hell of an urge to masturbate. Then once she comes, her mind will be pleasure-wiped with the help of her pussy… each orgasm will drain more of her mind out.

“The drug will increase its effect throughout the next three hours. You can do whatever you like with her. She won’t remember afterwards.

“Here’s your room card.” She slid it across the checkin-desk’s surface to place the card in Matt’s waiting hand.

When Tessi got her second injection of the drugs, she had time for a little more outrage. What kind of drugs were they and what would they do to her body? Anything that had such a powerful impact on her mind must be causing some kind of bodily damage to her. And how could the staff here endanger all the lives of their female guest like this, putting them at risk of overdose, or who knew what other damage?

She only really felt a little more dazed than she had felt before. Mostly what she felt now was shock: they were going to make her masturbate her mind out? How could they do that? How could they be okay with doing that, stripping her free will away like it was nothing? Didn’t what she wanted, didn’t what she needed matter at all? Shouldn’t she have any say over what did or did not happen to her body? Or for that matter, her mind? And if she didn’t want such things as this to happen, shouldn’t she be able to stop them, shouldn’t she be able to refuse them and have that refusal respected? Shouldn’t she be able to say no, and have that ‘no’ listened to?

“Why are you doing this to me?” She shouted at the woman. “I’m not just a thing. I’m a person— you can’t turn me into a robot that just does whatever you want me to— “

The woman smiled back at her from across the desk. “We can. We already have. You just don’t know it yet.”

Tessi opened her mouth to shout again— “I’ll never—” be a mindless self-fucker like you want, she started to say, but she got lost somewhere in the middle of it.

She was only feeling a little dazed, she told herself— a self-reassurance that even she knew was only mostly delusion at this point. There was plenty of room left for her shock inside, she told herself, soon she would start shouting again, in a total, all out rage— but she was more dazed than she’d thought, and she never started shouting again, only stayed silent.

She was no longer able to focus. Once she had been and she could still remember it— what it had been like to center her attention on something, direct that attention into an intention, and then follow that intention with act of will to make something happen in the external world.

But it was only a memory to her now— she’d lost the ability to do it. She could do it no longer and it made her sad that once she had been able to and now she couldn’t… The drugs had taken that away from her, had taken so much away from her and would still take more…

They were hitting her hard now, and she could no longer think clearly enough to form thoughts into speech… they were hitting her like physical strikes, bombarding her from all sides, but the enemy was within, circulating in her bloodstream and numbing her mind down. Numbing her mind out.

She felt the arousal starting between her legs— the horniness that the deskclerk had warned of. The drugs circulated inside. Her body absorbed them and she felt their effects. Her arousal increased, burning in to fever pitch. She was so turned on she was swaying on her legs… she wished she could be swaying on her knees because if she were swaying on her knees it would mean she was kneeling to someone, and that someone could direct her, and she could obey them and be their slave.

And the drugs were making her think that was something she wanted… even though she knew that underneath them, she still didn’t want that. Matt could be the one she kneeled to— if the people around her only told her it would be so— but for now all she could do was sway standing and feel that arousal, feel that horniness inside. She felt horny inside… so horny inside, and it only increased. It was becoming so distracting she couldn’t hardly think about anything else. Couldn’t even think about trying to resist, or the fact that she’d wanted to resist before the drugs had changed her mind for her.

She was swaying too much, the arousal was burning too hot— she was horny, and still trying to fight it, but fighting it made her so dizzy… and she was so dizzy now, fighting so much now, that she collapsed to the floor and could not stand up again.

The drugs would show their final effect now— soon— she could feel it— soon they would make her start touching herself and it would be too late. She still had a little time— the only thing she could think to do was to plead to Matt for help. Plead to him for help, even though he was the one who had indirectly put her in this position by ignoring her pleas for help before. By tacitly agreeing to what the deskclerk had said, and letting it happen to her. He was the one doing this to her through inaction, and yet he was the only one she could ask for help. So she had to ask him, even though it was a long shot that he would offer his help a second time after he’d already refused her a first.

Still she allowed herself a shred of hope. And she still had a little strength in her left… she used it to cry out to Matt again. “Please, Matt,” she entreated, as she lay on the floor looking up at him. And shook. “Please help me.” She addressed to him. It still sounded drowsy when it came out.

Matt didn’t even say anything this time. He only stared at her lying there, too dizzy now to even hold her own head up off the floor she was lying on. He only stared down at her— wanting to watch her, it seemed like, as she succumbed to the drugs’ final effect, and no longer even aware of her as a person with thoughts or feelings, as a thing capable of speech or thought.

She soon wouldn’t be.

She had used her last ounce of strength to make that plea, and now it was gone, and one more thing she was incapable of, one more thing the drugs had taken away from her. The drugs, and Matt indirectly; everything was conspiring against her, this whole hotel and even her own husband— and her own body, under the influence of the drugs… she was the only one left, all alone in her mind, who didn’t want this for herself— everyone else wanted this to happen to her, and she was powerless against them to stop it. She couldn’t shout them down, or drown out the sounds of their agreement with her own pathetic, weak refusal.

She was hornier now and even more unfocused in her head… she didn’t know what was stirring in it, or what thoughts would be thought inside her on her behalf, pre-chosen, pre-selected… she didn’t want to find out but she was about to…

Whatever was going to happen to her, it would not happen to her here. Several of the hotel employees had come around the desk. They circled, arriving to carry her away into another room.

Now they lifted her up like they were carting a butchered animal into a kitchen for preparation; they raised her up, and she was airborne in their hands, and they directed their procession through the lobby and went out through a back door into a new room.

Matt was following behind them, following to where they were taking her to be prepared. Made into whatever they wanted and then served up— she knew this because even in her daze of arousal, she heard one of the employees talking to him still, which meant he was coming with them.

“This is the transformation room,” one of them told Matt, as they carried her in, and he followed after them. “For our fighting guests. You can watch, if you like.”

The room had no exterior windows. They had only carried her a few steps, so the room had to be right near reception. They hadn’t carried her far.

There were no windows on the outside wall, no windows which looked out onto the outside world. But the room had windows along its inside wall; and Tessi saw Matt standing on the other side of that windowglass and looking in at her.

He had followed the procession into the viewing area, on the other side of the windowglass, after Tessi had been brought to the main, viewable area.

Tessi had regained some of her strength. Now, she was fighting hard, in plain view of Matt, well-within the ken of his vision. She cried as she fought— from Matt’s perspective, it felt as though she was crying at him. Those tears felt hostile, intentionally directed, aimed at him and meant for him.

She was fighting— now she was being undressed, downside first.

They were stripping her body— she was pressed into the floor, on her stomach, and they were undressing her that way, pulling clothes roughly, violently off her in such a way that the clothes hitched between her body and the floor where she pinned them in with her weight— they only pulled the harder. She struggled to knock their hands away, but in the time she was struggling, she unpinned her body, and unpinned her clothes from the floor, letting bunches of them loose alternately, haphazardly, giving the employees the advantage to pull her clothes the rest of the way off of her.

She was naked on the floor now. Alone in the observation room— in company she didn’t want, if she counted the observation room and the observatory beside it together as one. The observatory where stood her traitorous husband…

But in no time at all, the horniness was overcoming her. Weakness grew in her mind like weeds in a garden, and Tessi was forgetting why she’d fought, forgetting what the reason for fighting was at all. Why had she fought? What was the point? Didn’t she want pleasure? Didn’t she want to be horny? Judging by the way her body was responding to it, it seemed like she did.

The last of her resentment was melting away now, and she had been rolled onto her back by the hotel employees before they’d stepped out and left her. This felt better… this felt better than resentment.

There was only that horny feeling inside her now. It was the only thing left, it filled every limb, filled all flesh, curled in her womb and clenched in her uterus, and ran out of her— and lit fires in her breasts that burned there with a simmering— and kissed every other muscle, even made her lips tingle in a numb-like feeling that was equally a tangible pleasure as it was numb-like— her eyes rolled up into her head and she lost all awareness, could only think in sensation, and that sensation was pleasure… her hand was between her legs and rubbing in perfect symmetry around and over her clit as directed by the drugs… she hadn’t even noticed…

It just felt so good, especially when she rubbed and rubbed; and she wished she could be rubbing right now and even though she was, she felt like she wasn’t because it still wasn’t enough, and she wanted more.

She’d forgotten why she was fighting— she’d forgotten when she had been fighting. It had only been moments earlier, but it was already lost to her. She’d forgotten too, why there were so many pornstyledgirls standing on the other side of the windowglass all together, forgotten that they were employees of the hotel, that they’d carried her in here before going back out into the viewing area to stand next to Matt.

She was giggling now— her breasts were bare and naked and shaking with the pleasure. And it was clear for all of them to see, though she was too lost inside now to recognize the feeling of eyes on her. Her eyes rolled up into her head as she lay there, eyes crossed, oblivious to the room and the significance of all the things that could be found inside it.

With her eyes rolled up— her mouth gaping open in a soundless moan of pleasure that would never escape her— her hand twirling on her clit— all resistance that had been left inside her collapsed… her mind collapsed with it… she’d been prepared into this and now she was an empty receptacle for pleasure, whatever pleasure would be poured into her and then taken back out and enjoyed by whoever wanted to enjoy it.

Whoever wanted it, whoever wanted her— she only felt pleasure’s sensation more strongly… rubbed herself more strongly. In this moment she had surrendered, and each surrender led to a next, whiting her mind out more, whiting her mind out like the undersides of her eyes whited out when they rolled back in her head… she stroked and thought less… she stroked and thought nothing.

She was empty. She was full of pleasure. It was the same thing.

As Tessi orgasmed, the product, finally, of so much rubbing… her mind melted out with her pleasure… melted out with her release, making her only a mindless fucktoy. She was only a mindless fucktoy now, with her eyes rolled up in her head still. She was an eyesrolledup fucktoy, the best kind, the kind that had been made catatonic and brainless by the pleasure they were forced to endure… she could only drool now… she would not speak again, not ever, unless someone made her… unless they wanted her speech animating her while they took their fuckings from her… which she would always offer and would never want to stop… because she was only a fucktoy and wanted to be played with however anyone wanted to play with her. Whatever they wanted to use her for— it would be fine with her.

Now she was carried again— not as fresh ingredients to be prepared, but as the fully prepared meal to be served.

Through another back door, they carried her still drooling up to her bedroom; Matt still followed, but the drooling fucktoy no longer had any idea who he was.

The hotel employees put Tessi down on the bed, and one of them turned to Matt, and spoke.

“In three hours, you’ll both have to come down for our dinner in the hall. By dinner time, all female guests will have returned to normal again. Except Tessi— she was given a much higher dosage of drugs then the others, because she was so resistant. But even so, by three-hour’s time, she should be able to walk by herself. And at dinner, we will explain what is going to happen this weekend, and what Tessi’s new job will be.”

The same employee moved over to a tray that was sitting on the dresser, and indicated the bottle of pills there with the gesture of an open hand. “These are special viagra pills for your happiness this weekend, to make your weekend more fun. They will last twelve hours each.”

The female hotel employees all left the room, and left them alone in it.

Matt took one of the viagra pills.

Then he fucked the fucktoy. The fucktoy was happy to be fucked… happy to have a cock come into her mouth again and again. The drugs told her what to do— how to pleasure him— to swallow him all the way down to the very base and center of her throat and breathe through her nose around it, to feel that length, that width spreading her throat from the inside as repetitive thrusts kept jamming down her.

The drugs told her, too, exactly how to suck on Matt’s balls so that his cock would jerk and twitch in response from the tension. She sucked them gently, but with enough pressure to make his cock bob, and all the time she sucked the fucktoy saw nothing, for her eyes were still rolled back in towards the rear of her head, showing their whites and nothing else. No intention. Nothing. No will inside. Nothing inside left but a fucktoy, and the fucktoy kept fucking Matt with her mouth and throat because he was the one she had been given to.

This went on for a timeless hour in which fucktoy had no awareness. After that hour ended, fucktoy’s eyes unrolled, came back up again and she could see. She also stopped drooling.

But she was still looking like a lobotomized girl, with just the front chunk of her brain missing— and happy to be lightened of it. Wasn’t that what a girl was for, fucktoy had enough mind to wonder again, just to lie there and be used even if she’d been incapacitated in to doing it?

She drooled like one lobotomized around Matt’s cock as she kept sucking him. She had been lobotomized to surgical precision. The drugs had done that to her… cut out the functioning of the parts of her brain which were useless to their goal, redirecting all brain function only to the areas which could serve Tessi’s given purpose. To suck. To fuck. To give pleasure like a machine until someone switched her off.

The frontal lobe of her brain, the place of all thought and concentration and originality had been shut down. Was in disuse and darkened. She was only an animal now, relying entirely on the evolved biology in her, relying entirely on basic animalistic impulse and pleasure response. Relying on her hindbrain, those old ancient parts that had originated in the smallest crawling lizards, and which were still now in her. They were the only parts of her to function. The drugs had come into her head and carved her up.

Tessi really did look like she’d undergone lobotomy, Matt thought. Her eyes were dull and lifeless. She was a mindless thing sucking at him with nothing, not so much as a soul inside, and that only made this experience hotter. Matt could see the blankness in Tessi’s face, and he thought how attractive she looked like that. She wore that lobotomized look so beautifully. It made her look so pretty.

He would not take his cock from her mouth— he did not care about penetrating her pussy or her ass, though he could have taken her there too. He had so long craved for his wife to give him blowjobs, and now that he had a resplendence of them, he would not give them up. No other pleasure he could have taken from her body could measure up to this so he was staying right where he was.

After two hours of this, Tessi was back to looking like the other women who’d been drugged, down in the lobby, when they’d first come in. The ones who’d only needed one dose to put them under— the ones who had not fought, never had the chance or the strength to do it. She was smiling their stupid dreamy smiles— she was staring with their dazed stupid stares. She was the same as them now— she’d resurfaced— or regressed— to this point.

That meant she could think enough to accept orders from Matt. Could think enough to understand language again. Those parts of her brain had been switched back on; she was no longer a passive fucktoy. Now, she was an excitable sex slave who was willing to do anything for the one who had purchased her. The one who owned her, for a time, anyway. The time he’d paid for.

Matt gave her directions, all of which she followed eagerly— about how to suck him in with her cheeks. About how to swallow around his cock to make her throat constrict on him. She did all of it so enthusiastically— so actively. She was here to give him what he wanted and she would give everything.

When the third hour ended, Tessi felt a little dazed— unlike the employee’s expectations, she had resurfaced from the drugs’ influence after all. She was still a little dazed, but not as much as that employee had expected, or as much as she had told Matt to expect.

Matt had had a lot of fun, fucking for three hours straight. But now he told Tessi to dress up— they had to show up for the dinner as they’d been told. After been given the gift of such a wonderful threehour fucking experience, it was the least he could do to pay back the hotel’s management.

Tessi couldn’t remember why she was naked or how she had gotten that way, or even what they had just been doing. So she just dressed herself as Matt said and followed— now that both of them were dressed— out to the dining room.

Matt’s cock was still erect, but Tessi was still too dopey to notice that.

The small dining room of the hotel was different from the normal food showing area, where the hotel sometimes set out buffet tables and served serving trays on them.

All the new female transfer workers arrived, and their husbands sat down beside them. They filed in to seat themselves around the tables that were spread throughout the room.

Slowly, a dazed Tessi returned to normal.

“Matt?” She asked. “Where are we?”

“You zoned out,” he told her. “Maybe it was just the stress of taking on a new job. You’re taking on something you’ve never tried doing before. Maybe it’s been a little too much for you… but I know you... even if it has been too much for you, you would never admit it. So it’s okay that you zoned out. Your body shuts down when your mind tries to force itself on.”

Tessi thought it was sweet of Matt to be so understanding.

All the guests got their cocktails, and some fingerfoods, too, to tide themselves over as the hotel director stood up at the podium at the front of the room to give a speech.

Tessi drank her cocktail— all the women around her were drinking theirs too, and drinking them put wide smiles on their faces. The alcohol went down in each glass as corners of mouths came up. Wide smiles— some of them dimpled smiles.

Smiles gave way to laughter as glasses emptied. A chorus of giggles; and as the women laughed harder, some of them started to shimmy in their clothes, as if those clothes were uncomfortable for them, and their husbands’ helping hands came up to unbutton shirts and move aside bras. The women all laughed harder once their breasts were showing.

Tessi had realized too late the cocktails were drugged; the men’s cocktails were not, only the ones the women had been given. Tessi had not drank all of hers yet. Only half of it— she would not drink the rest. But the half she had drunk had still affected her. She felt perpetually on the brink of laughter, as if all the women who laughed around her might pull her down into their chorus of giggles and make her one of them. She would laugh and bare her breasts with them… and become whatever they were becoming.

She tried to focus on what the director was saying instead to keep that from happening.

Though all the other women around her were all giggly and lightheaded, none of them were laughing loudly enough to distract from the speech the male hotel director was giving.

“Our Fetish Hotel is like a luxury brothel,” he started, “where all female workers get drugged and brainwashed into becoming whatever our guests like.”

Tessi felt upset despite the effects of her cocktail. Her drink was halfway emptied she noticed again— she wouldn’t drink the rest of it, even though she felt so dizzy she wanted to hold a hand to her forehead.

She noticed then that Marcela, who was sitting a few tables away, was giggling like all the other girls— and like all the others, her shirt was open and off and her breasts were out.

None of the other transfer employees seemed to have been upsetted by the hotel’s description. They all looked happy about what they’d just heard, giggling even harder… it didn’t seem that they’d understood much of what had just been said.

Tessi thought they only understood one thing now— that they needed to serve the men who would check in to the hotel— and that they wanted to.

She knew because the same thought was in her head; though it did not have total control of her, it was there.

She swayed in her chair. She’d focused too much on that thought… it was dazing her again. She did need to serve the men who would check in at this hotel… she did want to…

She started to giggle, pulled into the giggling by the laughter all around her…

She shook it off and tried fighting it again.

The director was still speaking. “The girls here will all work on a two-week rotation. Some of them will start out working on a one-week rotation, and then later on they’ll be moved up to two. They’ll all stay here at the hotel, sleep here between shifts. They’ll serve our guests as loveslaves while they’re here. Then after their two weeks are up, they’ll be given two days off to spend back at home.

“When it’s time for them to leave our hotel for their time off, their minds will be programmed into believing that they’re working the happiest office job they’ve ever had. They will be given false memories of work they have never done.

“And for this, each of you husbands will be paid 10,000 dollars a month.

“That’s not where the benefits stop, though. Your wives will be sperm-hungry every time you tell them to be. You men will get the best deep-throated blowjobs you’ve ever had. But you will only be allowed to receive blowjobs. All other holes on your wives’ bodies will be forbidden to you.

“And for two weeks out of every year— and only two weeks— you husbands will be invited to stay at our hotel in the off-season. You’ll be given the option of choosing any girl that you want to have service you. You can also have your wives in addition to the girl of your choice. Afterwards, your wives will only remember going on a relaxing holiday, and nothing that really happened.”

Tessi was still struggling against the drugs that had been in her cocktail. And as she had listened to the director’s speech, she had grown increasingly annoyed, increasingly indignant at what she heard.

The director’s speech was winding down. Ending now, and the women were slipping under their tables— starting to suck on their men. What they had been becoming was suckmachines, mindless suck-sluts, giggling until there was a cock to fill their mouth and stop them… and now they had become… and Tessi felt the urge to suck down too, even though she had never finished her drink.

She felt the urge to suck like she’d felt the urge to laugh. Her mouth seemed so empty to her… she wanted a cock in it— she could hear giggles as they faded away and were replaced with guttural, grunting mouth noises as cocks slid down throats and were choked on, choked against.

The director spoke on a little more. “For the rest of the weekend, your wives will stay in another area, and you husbands can choose any girl that you want. Sex will be forbidden in the reception area. It will only be permitted in the back area which you haven’t seen yet— and up in your rooms, of course. Thank you for accepting our invitation and coming to stay with us this weekend. And thank you, of course, for letting us have and use your wives.”

As the director spoke his last words, Tessi felt even more confused— and by accident raised her cocktail glass to her lips and drank down the rest of her cocktail, swallowing all the remaining drugs it contained in the process. It turned her into one more giggling suck-slut too.

She was laughing. She had forgotten all about resisting. She was laughing until she got down onto her knees under the table and sucked Matt into her mouth. Her eyes rolled up into her head and she remembered how to be a fucktoy again. Then forgot the memory and just became one. Eyesrolledup fucktoy again.

After all the men had been sucked off to completion, the giggling women were led out to find their new home for the weekend. A big room with about one hundred beds, some of them with mindless women on them, looking mindlessly into nothing or with eyes-closed and sleeping. The giggly girls were let into the room; and then each one laid down on an empty bed.

A single hypno spiral appeared on the ceiling’s inner surface, so large it spanned the entire ceiling. It drew all the thoughts in of each girl watching it— and helped them all to remember how to be mindless fucktoys again.

The hypno spiral melted them all— it melted Tessi the same as the rest of them. She was ice in a patch of sunlight, ice with sunlight fallen on it and it had soon reduced her to nothing but water running away along the ground to find the water table, and then eventually the ocean.

Tessi and all the other women were now only mindlessly staring zombies.

Other female employees— the ones with the air of dominance about them, who had already been working at the hotel before the new girls had come to stay— undressed each zombie as they lay there staring up at the ceiling.

This room had glass walls too, though none of the zombies knew that, so Matt and all the other husbands could watch the show taking place inside on the makeshift stage that the white tile, hundred-bedded floor comprised.

As Matt watched Tessi stare emptily into the spiral, one of the hotel employees came up to him again.

“A guest has chosen Tessi as a slave for the next two day. Would you like to watch Tessi be transformed into the slave the guest has requested? Then you can choose your own slave for the weekend after. Or you can skip Tessi’s transformation and choose your own slave right now. Or do you want to watch?”

He wanted.

The same employee left Matt watching, and went into the room to Tessi’s bed.

“Stand up,” she ordered Tessi. Tessi mindlessly did, and followed the other employee out of the room. Matt followed both of them.

The employee led Tessi into the baby transformation area. Her friend Kaia— the last person she had expected to see— was waiting there. Kaia was a good friend of Tessi’s. She was unmarried and single. Tessi was able to remember this, since she’d was no longer being blanked out by the hypno spiral.

Tessi remember that Kaia wanted to have her own baby— so now it seemed she wanted Tessi to be turned into an adult baby equivalent— and make her undergo the process of transformation, and really feel it.

Tessi looked around her room. They were going to make her a baby in here— the room was dressed up like a garish nursery, with adult-sized things; a crib, a colorful baby-mat. The room again had clear paneled walls that Matt was watching her through.

There was a machine on the other side of the windowpanel that Matt had fitted himself inside. It was sucking down around his still erect cock with delicious pressure. Seeing his wife wearing only a diaper— about to be transformed into a baby-slave— only made the pleasure better.

Kaia was standing over Tessi, and watching her too.

The hotel employee had put Tessi in a diaper and taken all her other clothes off. There was a machine in here with her. It had long tubelike arms, each one ending in a glovelike approximation of a hand. A few of the arms bound her and held her tight.

One of the hands found her genitals and started stroking them through her diaper fabric.

Tessi was shocked that Kaia wanted this done to her— that Kaia wanted to make her into this. She knew if she had any power at all she would use it to keep this from happening her. She would not become a baby. It was too humiliating. She only had to think of some way… some way that she could resist…

The glovefingers were touching her. They were rubbing the wetness of her arousal into her— and rubbing the fabric of the diaper around her clit— she felt a different urge than just arousal though— she had to pee— she couldn’t hold it back.

She released it with an ‘ahh’ of relief. Then she could feel the wetness of the diaper against her and hated it, hated to be brought so low and made nothing and powerless. Just a baby— just a baby that humiliatingly peed herself—

The fingers kept stroking. The pleasure didn’t stop coming even though she was sodden. She tried harder to remember to resist. She encouraged herself not to give up— if she could only focus— she could think of some way to get out of the tubelike arms that encased her— snake-like— get away from the fingers still rubbing her.

Kaia was watching her with wide eyes; fascinated by what she saw.

Matt was bucking into the machine that sucked him as he watched too.

The rubbing kept happening. It made Tessi pant and gasp in pleasure, then rewarded her for allowing that touch with more of the same pleasure. She panted harder and felt the pleasure more.

One of the arms traded its fingered appendage for a buzzing one. A wide, buzzing circle that pressed right through her diaper to her clit— and she felt the other urge, the one she’d been dreading, hoped she would not feel but was now feeling— she had— to— she had to shit—

It was smeary and mushy when it came out. The vibrator was still pressed against her. Shitting felt like a pleasure— all that built up tension inside releasing with one expulsion. And then it was warm and spread along her buttcheeks, and in her crack… warm mush… expelling it had felt good, being warmed by it felt better… the vibrator kept on against her and she was mindlessly moaning as she moved into it.

The vibrator upped its speed a notch. When it did, all Tessi could do was scream. It was searing thought, searing maturity out of her and regressing her, the pleasure surgically lobotomizing her brain again, shutting down the parts of her brain that could not be used in slavery. Parts that had could not be used to serve pleasure, and if they couldn’t be used to serve pleasure then no one wanted them. The hotel— Kaia— only wanted the things that would make Tessi servile and weak and infantilized. The hotel had wanted that for her first. Now it was what Kaia wanted too, and it was what Tessi was becoming.

She moaned as she shitted again— and the pleasure notched up another dial to a third speed… She had one orgasm— then a second.

Soon she was only a googooing baby in a diaper. That was when the employee came back into the room to stop the machine and gave Tessi to Kaia. Tessi followed Kaia up to her room.

Matt had watched all of this happen to his wife, right up until she had been taken upstairs by Kaia. He’d gotten sucked off by a machine as he did, had come more than once.

It had been a wonderful feeling, a wondrous feeling, a wondrous thing to get sucked off totally while simultaneously seeing his wife fight the transformation she had to lost to— she had ended up as a mindless drooling baby for Kaia anyway, despite all her fighting, so she might as well not even have bothered to fight.

Matt went back into the other room to choose his slave for the weekend— he selected for himself a dumb bimbo with huge breasts to take up to his room for fucking. He didn’t know her at all.

For the rest of that weekend since he would have no access to Tessi himself. She belonged to Kaia now, and at least for the next forty-eight hours their marital vows meant nothing and he had no claim to her, no claim on her at all.

At the end of the weekend, Matt checked out. When he did, Tessi came out to the checkout.

“I love the new hotel,” she said to him. “I’ve decided to stay here for another twelve days of work.”

As she said it, the words were completely true to her. She did not remember being a baby, or ever being used by Kaia. The weekend was over, so she didn’t remember it anymore and would never remember it ever again. She could only remember or know the things that had placed inside her head, and that hadn’t been placed there. It had been taken out.

Kaia was checking out just down the counter from Matt; Tessi spotted her, and was completely surprised to see her there.

“Hi Kaia,” She said. “How are you? I’m totally happy— I love my new job!”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Kaia said with a smile. “I’ll obviously come back here again and see you, baby. My baby…” She laughed to herself as if enjoying a private joke. Then Kaia left. Tessi didn’t understand it, but wasn’t bothered by it either. She was too happy with her job to let anything ruin that happiness.

“I’ll see you at home when you’re done your two-week rotation,” Matt said, and Tessi turned back to him.

“See you,” Tessi said, and Matt went home.

Matt went home, and Tessi went back into the hundred-bedded room with its ceiling spiral.

She lay down on the bed and understood her slavery. Her mind was being changed again, and she was fine with that because she was a slave. She didn’t need to remember or know anything but how to serve, and how to lie still on the bed and stare up at the ceiling above which was now showing its hypno spiral. That spiral would always help Tessi to serve in slavery. All she had to do was wait mindlessly in the hundred-bedded room until a next customer wanted her.