The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

HR Changes

MD, MF, FF, Harem

By Gregory Michelson

Chapter I: The New Intern

“You want me to what?” Nancy Jakes asked her boss. Judy had come into the office to talk to Nancy, specifically where nobody else could hear them.

“Take in this intern, be nice to him, and ignore him,” Judy said.

“Why?” Nancy asked.

“Nancy, you’re HR, right?”

“Yeah.” Is Judy losing it?

“Now how many employees do we have?”

“Thirty-three, thirty-four if this intern shows up.”

“And how many of them are male.


“Oh is right.” Judy leaned back, her heavy breasts pressing into her sweater. Judy wasn’t wearing what the HR dress code mandated, but it was her company.

“Someone… is making a stink?” After all, technically, “all women” was as bad as “all men” if someone wanted to file an EEOC complaint. “I mean, we just haven’t had a lot of male candidates.”

“Which doesn’t matter as far as the loan goes.” Judy looked at Nancy. “The bank wants this token, and they even selected the intern.”

Nancy blinked. “They selected him? Why? Why not just tell us to find some guys to hire?”

“Because they’re the ones we’re asking for a loan, and therefore they have the whip-hand?” Judy asked, her voice sarcastic. “I don’t now. All I know is that this was stated to be something that we would hopefully agree to so that the ‘loan process will not see any delays.’ You understand.”

“Right, I’ll bring him in, find a nice chair, and give him some useless duties,” Nancy sighed, running one hand through her dark hair. “How long?”

“Six months until the loan process is finished,” Judy said before she got up and started out of the room. She paused. “But make certain he doesn’t do anything important. I don’t want to find out that he’s someone’s idea of getting info on us.”


Nancy looked around her office after Judy had left. The wood-paneled walls, the big windows looking out into the company parking lot and the park beyond, the big desk with its wooden finish… All the things that you got when you were an up-and-coming financial services company.

All things that could go away if you couldn’t expand. In the business, the difference between growing and failing was very small, with almost no room for simply “staying steady.”

“It’s probably some idiot son of an idiot manager who wants something easy on his resume.” She shook her head. That would be good. The last thing they needed was some kind of go-getter who actually thought he was going to do anything important.

She’d have to come up with a list of things that sounded good…

“Oh, Facility Management!” she said to the air. Make certain the coffee machine is stocked and the bathrooms are clean… Put him in charge of doing a spreadsheet to track expenses, and it might even look like a real job…

Right, I can get this done. Just six months.

With that, Nancy stood up, checked her business suit, skirt, and blouse in the mirror and nodded. It was time to get the last of the paperwork finished, then get home, and tomorrow… See their new “intern.”

No problem.

* * *

The next morning, Nancy was ready. She’d arrived early, finished printing out the intern’s duties, looking for all the world like they were important services.

In fact it was—her intercom buzzed.


“Ms. Jakes?”

“Yes, Darcy?”

“The intern is here.” Nancy blinked. Darcy was normally businesslike, but this time her voice sounded…


“Oh, send him in.”

“Yes, Ms. Jakes.” Then Nancy heard Darcy speak to the other person.

“You can go right in now, sir.”

Sir? What the hell? Darcy barely acknowledged the male side of the spectrum. That’s why she worked here. But she hadn’t just called the intern sir, she sounded like she meant it. Well, she’d just have to see who Mr. Michael Stanford was. She adjusted her clothing and then glanced up at the door as it opened and…

Nancy’s brain just went into reset. The guy walking in the door was handsome. Blonde hair, strong muscled body, at least 6’3, he was…

Woof. She shook her head. He was also the intern who they were going to have doing all the scut work so they could get the loan and Judy wouldn’t fire her.

She rose up and stuck a professional smile on her face. “Hello, I’m—“

“Nancy Jakes, HR director,” he said. “I’ve studied the company.”

Nancy didn’t know what to say. There was something about his voice, how he just effortlessly overrode her. She should tell him that it was impolite to cut someone off, but… but…

“Uh, yes,” she said, trying not to stutter. She could talk about that later. “I’m here to provide you with your orientation.”

“Ah, very good.” He gestured back at the door he’d just come in. “So, shall we start? No sense in wasting time.”

Nancy fought off a little thrill at his words. There was something powerful in them, like wasting time was the worst thing she could do.

She had expected to spend some time in here establishing who was boss, but he was right. Delaying the tour would be wasting time, and you couldn’t have that.

“Uh, yes, of course, let’s start,” she said.

“Very well. After you.”

Nancy strode out in front of him, trying to show that she was in the lead.

But for some reason, she couldn’t stop wondering…

Is he staring at me? At that thought, she put a little more sway into her hips, as they walked into the rest of the office.

“Here’s the main floor,” Nancy said, showing off the cubicals with the account handlers working at their stations. “We handle accounts, investments and other properties.”

“Which is why you need the loan. You slightly overextended.”

“Well, ah, not quite, we saw several opportunities that might take some time to develop, but that’s the nature of the market.”

“It is indeed. I’m not denying how important this opportunity is, but that you need to make a good impression.

“Ah, yes,” Nancy nodded. I need to make a good impression. After all, he might just be an intern, but what if he left? Interns could do that and he didn’t look like someone who was desperate for a job, so he was probably doing this as a favor.

Suddenly, she felt her heart clench. What if he wasn’t really an intern? What if Judy was wrong, and he’d actually been sent as a covert way to inspect them? It might look like they were trying to hide stuff.

Like, by pawning off important sounding but meaningless duties on him. I need to come up with something better.

“And the third story?”

“Well, most of the offices are empty, save for our CEO and her secretary.”

“It seems wasteful.”

“Well, um, as we expand, we were hoping to add more account managers.”

“Just offices?”

“Well, there are a few lounges, and…” she shook her head. “When the building was first built it was going to have some apartments up there, so there are fully furnished facilities.”

“I’d like to see.”

“Um, Mr. Stanford?”

“I’d like to tour them. It sounds like space that could be used.”

“Oh, ah, yes.”

With that, they went up the stairs. Nancy had considered the elevator, but Michael had gestured to the stairs, and so they went. On the third floor, Michael didn’t spend any time at all around where Judy’s office was. He examined the other offices, frowned, then went to the apartment’s.

Nancy wasn’t entirely certain what they had been for, but the building already had them, and well, since they weren’t going to use all the offices on the top floor anyway, why bother changing them?

“This would be very useful.” He shook his head. “In any case. The first floor is the reception, employee lounge, and another cubical farm.”

“Yes. Fifteen on both floors, because that way, it isn’t too crowded.”

“Very good. I approve. Let’s get back, and you can show me my duties.”

Nancy shivered.

With that, Michael walked back to the office, Nancy following him.

Like he was in charge.

* * *

For the rest of the day, Nancy tried to focus on her work. She’d given Michael the makework she’d planned for him, and it would have to do for today. She didn’t have any time to make other material, but tomorrow, maybe she could have him do something more important.

Because someone like that wouldn’t just tolerate being sidelined. Nancy shivered as she remembered the way he looked at her and the way he’d spoken.

How sometimes it was like he was talking to her in a way that just bypassed her ears and went right into her brain.

But then it was getting close to quitting time. She could hear the women in the upper cubical farm getting up and talking to each other, each one dressed to the standards Nancy had set. Business skirt (not above the knees), business blouse, tie, and jacket. The kind of thing that told everyone this was a professional office, worthy of respect.

But Michael was late. Nancy frowned. Maybe she should have had him come in a little sooner. After all, she didn’t want to be the last person in the office. Michael would be here as well but…

There was a knock on her door, and Nancy sighed.

“Come in!” she called. Moments later, Michael walked into her office filling it. It wasn’t that he was big. At least not hugely big, although he’d stand out around most men.

But he felt big, just dominating the room as he walked into it, like some great jungle cat.

“I’ve finished the work you gave me.”

“Oh, ah…” Nancy looked up, then involuntarily met his eyes, and blushed before she looked away.

All the management schools told you to directly meet your subordinate’s eyes, both to be polite… and to let them know who was in charge, but Nancy…

She couldn’t. She couldn’t meet his eyes. Nancy glanced down at her computer.

“So, ah, what did you think of your first day.”

“Interesting. I hope for more work tomorrow, but I do have some suggestions.”

The echo of his voice thrummed through the room and Nancy shivered.

“What are your suggestions?” she asked.

“Come with me.” He told her and turned and left.

And Nancy followed. He walked her the place where the hallway had some windows looking down into the parking lot. The other employees were leaving. Nancy looked down and nodded at them. Everyone would be back tomorrow and they’d…

“What do you see?” he asked.

“Well, our workforce is leaving. We don’t normally like people to work overtime but—“

“What do you see?”

“The women who are leaving.” Nancy blinked as the words just seemed to come out.

“And how are they dressed?”

“Well, our company dress code does specify proper dress…”

“But is it? What should a woman say by how she dresses…”

“I… Well, to be professional to be—“


Her mouth snapped shut. “A woman should be pleasant. She should be attractive. She should dress to display her gifts. The women here are beautiful, and yet they’re not allowed to show that to the men.”

Nancy couldn’t stop staring at him. Then she looked back and saw the women walking out and…

They looked frumpy. Stand offish. The kind of woman a man wouldn’t find attractive. The kind of woman who was not displaying her gifts. Someone who wasn’t pleasant. She bit her lips.

“What… what do you think we should do?”

“I think you should change the dress code, and I brought something to try out first.”

“Wha?” She hadn’t noticed, but Michael had a little package. He handed it to her and she undid it, and blanched. It was a black leather skirt. Tiny. She bet it barely covered her thighs, let alone her knees. “What do you thin—

“Remember, a woman should be pleasant.”

“I—“ A woman should be pleasant. I shouldn’t be yelling at him. “Right, but it’s… inappropriate.”


“Because… Because…”

“It displays your gifts. Wouldn’t a man find you attractive?”

Nancy started to breath faster, imagining walking along in that. Anyone below her on the stairs would see her panties… bending over she’d give every man a show…

“Yes…” she said, her mind’s eye showing her a vision of guys just staring at her. “But… Judy.”

“I’ll talk to Judy.”


“And explain it to her.”

“Yes…” He’d explain it to her. Like a man…

“Why don’t you try it on?” He gestured at the bathroom door. “I’ll wait.”

“I… yes…”

Nancy walked into the bathroom and then undid her skirt, and pulled it off. Suddenly it looked… dowdy, the kind of thing some old woman would wear, or someone actively trying t6o drive men away from her. She bit her lip and pulled the new skirt on, wiggling it up and over her hips. It was… tight, her ass pressing against the cool fabric, and it ended only a few inches below her ass. It was a stripper’s skirt, the kind of skirt a hooker wore on the street it was… it was…

It made her attractive… Nancy shivered and walked back out.

“How… How do I look?” she asked. He looked at her, up and down, then nodded. “For now? I approve. Well, it’s time to go home…”

“Y-yes,” Nancy said. “Time to go home…”

Somehow, without quite knowing how, she found herself in her car, driving home. They’d walked right out, and she couldn’t remember what Michael had said to her but…

He’d approved.

She looked up at the traffic light and pressed her legs together.

He’d approved.

And the thought made her wet.

* * *