The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Haigure Fit, Chapter 8

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2022.

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Amelia looked forward to her day; it was bright and early Friday morning, and she only had one thing slotted in for doing. Today, she was set to interview Lilith Cromwell.

Amelia didn’t know very much about her, which always made a bit of a challenge out of any interview, but she knew that Lilith was the campus liaison for Haigure Fit, knew she had liaised with the university administration office in the early days of the club’s operation.

She’d done some digging over at the campus administration office; she’d found the dean’s assistant Adelyn quite helpful; Adelyn had let Amelia look at all the files on Haigure Fit stored in the office database, and then she’d given Amelia Lilith’s contact information.

Amelia had been pretty prompt to call Lilith, after this. The Haigure Fit story was at the top of her docket; she thought it was the most important thread for her to follow, and she truly wanted to do it justice, so she had wasted no time.

She’d explained in record time who she was and why she was calling; and Lilith had not been offended in the least at having been contacted so out-of-nowhere; didn’t mind her private information had been given out, had made no attempt to deny her connection to Haigure Fit. In fact, she’d told Amelia that she was the president of Haigure Fit’s associated club, the Haigure Appreciation Club, and more than that, that she wasn’t only willing to meet Amelia for an interview— she’d be only too delighted to.

So the date had been set, back on Tuesday, and now it had come. It was around eight o’clock in the morning; Amelia had made arrangements to skip her morning classes, organizing people she could get notes from later... she was ready to go to Lilith’s.

Lilith lived offcampus, in her mother’s house, and childhood home. It wouldn’t be a long cabride, because it was right nearby in Rosedale, but evenso, Amelia knew the Rosedale Uni News would comp her for the travel, as was their policy; and her appointment to talk to Lilith was in just a half-hour; at eight-thirty am; Lilith had said she was an early-riser and didn’t mind an early-interview, first thing in the day.

Amelia didn’t know why, but Lilith’s words seemed to echo in her mind. Just listening to her voice speaking was inherently compelling; and even listening to her speak of mundane things like her preferred sleeping schedule and wakeup times had been riveting. This was a good sign for the interview; if she could make such boring things interesting, she’d definitely make a good interview subject, and if Amelia had skill enough to translate Lilith’s inherent quality of intrigue, then Amelia’s interview piece would be the highlight of the Rosedale Uni News’ next issue.

But setting aside her journalistic interest in Lilith and her potential to drum up engagement and conversation among the newspaper’s readership, Amelia had some other kind of interest in her too. Her voice was just so lovely; and Amelia settled back into the backseat of her cab, thinking nothing, smilingly smally to herself, and hearing those pleasant tones of Lilith’s speech in her head, though she could no longer quite quantify what it was she was hearing Lilith say.

To little surprise, she found the cab pulling itself up outside the address she’d gotten from Adelyn, and which Lilith had also confirmed with her; she had ridden all the way, smiling, listening to something she couldn’t even hear... she looked at her watch, and saw she had just a few minutes to spare before the start of her interview.

She paid for her ride, and got out of the car, holding her notepad and pencil in one hand, and a sweater she’d brought for after her coat was off, in case it was chill inside Lilith’s house. She heard the cab pulling away behind her, but didn’t turn around to see it. She knocked on the door, and when it opened, Lilith was there. Standing there.

Amelia hadn’t actually seen her before this moment; she’d only spoken to her on the phone. But she had dark hair; a slim, voluptuous form—and eyes like—eyes like violets-turned-jewels, eyes like jeweled violets; so beautiful, and yet, when Amelia looked into them she felt scared. Unsettled... they were so piercing... Amelia felt that she could feel them drilling into the back of her head, even though the expression held in them was only friendliness, to match Lilith’s welcoming smile, which greeted her. All the same, she felt that Lilith could see her right down to the bones, could see everything inside her, to the soul... Amelia didn’t mind being perceived that way, not by Lilith... there was just something about her... but part of her mind still thought that it shouldn’t quite be possible... that Lilith shouldn’t be able to, even though she clearly was.

Amelia had looked into Lilith’s lovely face, first, had looked into her eyes... but now she let her eyes continue down; she appreciated that Lilith had not spoken yet, wasn’t rushing her, willing to allow Amelia to take her in completely first. Amelia knew committing Lilith’s image to memory would make it easier to write her descriptions of her for the article, when it came to that.

Amelia exhaled in surprise; Lilith was wearing a leotard. Seeing leotards had become commonplace for Amelia, she’d come to expect them, but there was that thing about Lilith again, that quality. She seemed to important for a leotard, somehow, above them... yet if Lilith had chosen to wear it, clearly she’d chosen right because everything Lilith ever chose was right...

Amelia was lightly surprised to find so much admiration and respect for Lilith inside herself. She didn’t know what had put it into her. Lilith was a stranger, and yet she felt so much more intimately close to Amelia, to her heart, than strangers usually did, were supposed to. She knew Lilith, knew her without knowing her. Knew she was perfect.

Lilith’s leotard was silver; and it looked amazing on her body. It bared her glistening pussy; it covered only her nipples in two fabric strips, and left so much of her breasts visible around it; full and plump from the side-angle, wide and spread from the front; and Amelia could see the way Lilith kept her pussy up, could see it was trimmed; Amelia thought Lilith’s body was as beautiful as her eyes, but the rest of her was less-frightening. She looked... pillowy... and Amelia found herself thrilling inside at the thought of diving into her, falling onto her... Lilith would be so soft against her... so soft to touch...

Amelia swallowed down her arousal. She wasn’t typically attracted to women, but she’d been noticing that change in the past few days, had been discovering that new facet to herself. All the girls in leotards she’d been seeing more of had been... doing something for her. Sparking a notice in her... and beside that, she’d seemed to be more generally awash in arousal these days... always throbbing between her legs, always twinging there in a pleasure so full that it almost started to hurt, a pleasure that always had Amelia running inside her underwear... always had her nipples pulling tight and budding.

She’d known, when Elena had given her the Haigure Fit story, that it was a story that would bring her around leotards. As the last few days had advanced, she’d found herself anticipating this to a greater and greater extent. The leotards had started seeming outright sexy to her, and she’d looked forward to getting closer to them. She’d remembered what she’d said to Kara when Kara had tried warning her off, before leaving the newspaper office in disgrace. Even now, Amelia was still sure that had only been attempted sabotage. But Kara had warned her that if she went to Haigure Fit, they would offer her a leotard and insist she put it on before giving her any information. Amelia had sworn she would put the leotard on if that happened, to get the full story, and fully live-up to her role as journalist and story-getter.

But her investigation had not led her into Haigure Fit, or to the point of being offered a leotard to actually put on. In honesty to herself, she had to admit that she’d been disappointed by this turn; by not having the opportunity she’d sworn to capitalize on... yet finding Lilith in her silver leotard, looking so scrumptious, more than made up for that other lack. Who cared if she didn’t have a leotard of her own to put on, if she hadn’t been offered one. Looking at Lilith in hers was just as good.

Amelia had taken Lilith completely in; and she went back to just standing there; looking at Lilith all at once; a bit at a loss; a bit helplessly, unsure of how to go forward from this moment, though she had so anticipated getting here.

Lilith took the lead with practice, used to doing so, it seemed. “Amelia,” she beamed. “Thanks so much for making time to speak to me. Why don’t you come into the living room?”

Amelia was relieved that Lilith had put the interaction back on track, and gotten them both moving in the direction that would lead to Amelia getting the information she needed for her story. She trailed after Lilith, and into the house, on past the shut door Lilith created with a further motion of her arm before walking on again. Then she trailed Lilith down the hall, into the room that opened through a door at the end of it; it was nicely decorated, in blue shades; a peaceful place to sit, once Lilith had invited her down onto the low blue-gray sofa next to her. Lilith mother seemed to have good taste in décor; Amelia looked around the room once more and appreciated it, down to the hangings on the wall.

Then she looked back to Lilith.

“So I wanted to say thanks to you for meeting with me,” Amelia started. “I really want to make this story a feature on Haigure Fit; to really help every one on campus know what it’s all about, since it’s a new club. And if you wanted to say anything about the Haigure Appreciation club—I know even less about that. Anything you want to tell me; we’ve got the time, so you can just start anywhere you want to.”

Lilith opened her mouth to speak, but Amelia cut her off, having thought of something that last-minute. “I actually did hear something from a colleague that I wanted to ask you about.”

Lilith’s pretty lips closed back into a line. “Shoot,” she said, and smiled a little.

“She said that when she went to interview someone from Haigure Fit, they told her they wouldn’t give her any information unless she put a leotard on herself. Is that true? Are these clubs so exclusionary?”

Amelia had her pencil poised in hand, the lead-tip of it positioned over her writing pad, ready to track words across the page.

Lilith laughed a tinkling laugh. “Oh, of course not...” then her laughter trailed, and she became more somber, her eyes turning thoughtful. “Was this colleague of yours named Kara, by any chance?”

Amelia sat up in surprise. “Yes, as a fact, she was.”

Lilith nodded once, her lips still pressed together. “If I could... keep this off-the-record, maybe... unless you think it’s useful; but you probably don’t want to write a teardown of someone on your paper’s staff, it might look petty, or like there’s a division in loyalty. But, just between us, just between you and me, Kara’s a bit close-minded, anti-us since the beginning.”

Amelia noticed that Lilith referred to Haigure Fit, and Haigure Appreciation as “us.” She considered herself to belong to them; or that they were all in a common struggle together. Amelia, beyond noticing this, also noted it down on her notepad.

“Usually, it’s not really a problem if somebody is close-minded. The only person they’re hurting in themselves... but with Kara... she takes it out on us, makes it our problem. Just because she’s judgemental doesn’t mean we should suffer... but she spreads rumors about us, slanders us; sabotages our info stations. I’ve seen her throwing our leotards on the ground before, knocking our set-up tables clear if not clean over...” Lilith had grown emotional as she’d been describing this; clearly, it was something that really got to her. Amelia felt her empathy much more engaged than usual.

It was a different affair to see Lilith become emotional; seeing her eyes widened in sadness and stress pulled on Amelia’s heart. Lilith was so wonderful... such a marvel... she should never be driven to sadness, and Amelia felt, strangely, as if she greatly resented anyone who would ever cause Lilith to feel this way... she usually resented Kara anyway, because she and Kara had a long history of journalistic disagreements, and competition, but knowing that Kara had been causing trouble for Lilith, and Lilith’s clubs, gave her a new dislike for the other girl.

“I’m very sorry to hear that,” Amelia sympathized. “I know Kara can be a bit obsessive, and if she gets an idea in her head...” Amelia only shook her head in distaste, letting the rest of the idea go unsaid.

Lilith smiled again, the sun coming back out from under cloudcover. “As long as you’re nothing like her... and you won’t pre-judge us.” Her smile was beaming, and it warmed Amelia up inside.

Amelia’s heart swelled. She wanted to reassure Lilith more powerfully than she could remember wanting to do anything else, recently... “Oh, Lilith, of course not,” Amelia said; let herself be daring enough to put her hand on Lilith’s arm, to give reassurance in touch as well as speech; then felt self-conscious, and pulled it back.

But Lilith smiled winningly at her again, and she felt some of that previous daring come back. “I didn’t think you were,” Lilith tittered. “A pretty, friendly reporter like you, who opened this interview with such an intelligent question... and who has been so kind to me since... someone wearing such an understanding expression on her face, I didn’t really think that you could be as mean and cruel as Kara.”

Amelia felt herself warmed hotter... Lilith had paid so many compliments to her in a true showering... was it possible, could it be, was Lilith flirting?

No, Amelia told herself, felt a bit sad about it. Girls as amazing, as special as Lilith didn’t flirt with girls like Amelia, who’d always been a little on the plain side of any division of attractiveness... Lilith was just being friendly... and since when had she, Amelia, wanted to be flirted with by another girl...? Just because she’d lately felt capable of attraction to other girls didn’t mean she should be ready, or wanting, to have flirtation from them. Flirtation could lead somewhere... and if she went there, she’d be going somewhere she’d never expected to go.

But if Lilith had flirted with her—Lilith—that would be different somehow... she did wish Lilith could think of her that way... but there was just no way, no way at all she ever could.

“Why don’t you let me tell you about Haigure Fit, now?” Lilith suggested, her voice... seemingly flirtatious, but Amelia still didn’t believe it could really be. “Just listen for a while, and I’ll share about it...”

It seemed Lilith had taken the lead again, but it felt so natural to follow her... like following her through the house, before, to get here... Lilith was a natural leader, and it only made Amelia feel lucky when she could be a follower to her. Lucky to be following someone who knew how to lead.

“So the basic thing you need to know about our club is that we’re an exercise collective. It’s all about feeling good together; because we believe when you feel good, it transforms you from the inside out... we also boost the cultivation of a positive mindset.”

Lilith’s voice had dipped into a deeper smoothness; and Amelia shivered at hearing it.

“The leotards help with that,” Lilith went on, velvet-ly. “To be surrounded by other girls, wearing exactly the same thing as you; all of them so happy when you know you are one of that same group. It becomes easy for the mind to take on the quality seen in the company surrounding it. So to be surrounded by happy people, and marked as one of them by wearing their uniform... it helps even the most difficult cases to find positivity.”

The manner in which Lilith spoke... so throatily, now... and what she described... the image seemed to be the only thing that Amelia could focus on; she pictured herself there, wearing a leotard that was sky-blue in color, for some reason, to be surrounded by so many girls, all in those sexy, sexy leotards, and to know she was sexy too... it was no wonder that members of the club found it so easy to be happy, in circumstances like those.

Amelia was only sad she couldn’t be one of them, inside that kind of happiness, feeling that sexy herself.

“Plus, it helps everyone to tone up and get in shape, to find their own ideal body, and to find happiness in their own shape before that happiness...” Lilith added.

Now Amelia thought of bodies, and her eyes fell on Lilith’s... no one would ever have a body so perfect as hers, but the leotards were well-designed to highlight the female form... any woman within one would look incredible, and now Amelia’s mind was awash in images of breasts barely contained by strips of fabric... by pussy, completely exposed by the thinness of each leotard’s crotch strap... each pair of breasts jiggling with movement; naked backs gyrating and rippling in motion, practically naked asses jiggling and shifting too; imagined being surrounded by all that moving flesh... all those sexy leotards, tight to bodies, tight to skin, with the rush of exercise underlying it all...

Amelia honestly couldn’t, in that moment, think of anything that was hotter; and she was embarrassed to realize she was flushing red on the couch, sweating her arousal out... feeling so much of it gushing from out of her opening... Lilith could surely see how turned on she was... she should be embarrassed, but all she could do was wish for Lilith to be attracted to her like this; to see her obvious arousal and want to do something with it.

Lilith was looking at her. It could almost make her hope, make her hope that Lilith would do something with it.

“You’re looking a little flustered, there, Amelia. How are you feeling?”

Amelia gulped. There was no point in hiding it from Lilith; no point in ever hiding anything from her. She wanted to give Lilith everything she wanted, even if it was only information. “Well, Lilith, to be totally honest with you... I’ve been... noticing the leotards on campus lately and I just... think they’re... kind of sexy... so picturing them... picturing bodies in them, and moving... it’s just... turning me on... a bit,” she tried to downplay after the fact. It made her feel a little naked to admit it.

But Lilith was the one to smile in understanding. “A perfectly natural response,” Lilith diagnosed. “They are a bit sexy.”

Then Lilith’s eyes sparked. In inspiration?—Amelia wondered.

“I usually keep a few extra leotards around the house... would you like to try one on? Then you could write the feel of it into your story.”

Amelia felt her heart leap up inside. She had privately wished for this; she had thought it would never be possible, but now she couldn’t contain herself from saying, “oh yes, please.”

Lilith smiled again, and stood. She crossed the room, and withdrew a leotard from out of a closet; somehow, it was the exact shade of sky-blue that Amelia had been dreaming of before... so blue looking at it was almost like falling...

Lilith walked back to the low sofa, holding out the leotard for her. “I hope you don’t feel shy changing in front of me,” Lilith said. “There’s no reason for a girl like you to be shy... with such a pretty body like that.”

Amelia flushed at the complimenting again, and stood to join Lilith. The praise gave her the motivation to strip herself down to naked; and when she was bare, Lilith passed the leotard to her, and it seemed the easiest thing in the world to slip herself inside of it.

It was on her body, now... the realization struck her anew, as if she’d just woken from sleeping and found it there... the putting it on was a haze, but now it was on, and it felt so good against her skin; like it was humming with some kind of energy; and as it hummed against her, it seemed to be stimulating her; the arousal from before worsened...

“Let’s sit, again,” Lilith invited; the two of them went back onto the sofa, and Lilith leaned in closer to her—she did want her, she did want her after all!— her lips were just aback from Amelia’s. “You won’t stop me, will you?” Lilith murmured. “You want to feel good... and even more than that, you want me to feel good... And you know that if you let me, you will feel that way... anytime you’re pleasing me, it’s pleasing you... Pleasing me is the ultimate pleasure.”

Lilith’s lips touched against hers, and her hands found Amelia’s body; and Amelia did know it.

* * *

Mrs. Chase was enjoying her morning; she’d already made breakfast, and sent Steph off to school with her packed lunch, so she was feeling fairly accomplished. Steph sometimes groused that the other senior girls didn’t have mothers who packed them lunches; liked to remind her in a huffy way, that Mrs. Chase found adorable, that she was eighteen now, she was an adult, and adults didn’t have mothers who still packed them lunches.

But Mrs. Chase always smiled lovingly when Steph went on this repeated tirade; she understood that Steph was just trying to individuate herself, and grow up; that this was a healthy and normal step in the process that had been going on for the years of Steph’s teenagerhood, and had now continued into her adulthood.

But Steph still took the lunches Mrs. Chase left out for her all packed, even knowing she could have abandoned them and left them behind to pack her own; Steph knew her mother didn’t like wasting food, so even though she still liked to insist on making lunches for her, Steph had to know that if food had already been packed, by Steph, Mrs. Chase wouldn’t repack an already packed lunch.

Mrs. Chase suspected that, though Steph liked to protest, she still liked having a lovingly packed lunch, especially since she knew she’d be most likely leaving home next year to go to college, and she’d have to prepare all her meals. Mrs. Chase didn’t insist on preparing all of Steph’s meals now; the two of them alternated cooking dinner and breakfast; Mrs. Chase had done that with Kara too, back in the day; she’d wanted her daughters to be well-prepared for the world. But serving up lunches for Steph was one last holdout for her; a way for her to mother Steph like she was still a younger youth than she was.

But now, Steph was successfully off for the morning. Mrs. Chase did let Steph insist on walking herself to Rosedale’s high-school. And she’d already done the morning dishes; for now, she was just taking a moment to sit at the kitchen table and drink a cup of coffee. She planned to get some substantial cleaning done around the house a little later, since she had the time to spare, but it was nice to take a moment to savor her coffee first. She was in no rush, she didn’t have to be fast about it. She could take her time; it was still early morning. She had all day.

As she took another sip, she heard a knocking at her door, and hurried to swallow her mouthful of caffeine quickly enough so she could stand and get to her door in just a few seconds. She was a bit harried as she opened the door; it was her good friend, Mrs. Connelly, standing there.

They hadn’t been friends at the very first, but they’d been friends for so long now that sometimes Mrs. Chase forgot that; they’d constantly been around each other from the time that both their oldest daughters had been young. Rose and Kara had been inseparable from almost the time they’d met, and they’d spent so much time together that Mrs. Connelly and Mrs. Chase had become so co-ordinated to the point they’d practically been co-parenting their daughters together.

Then when Steph had come for Mrs. Chase, and when Lily had come for Mrs. Connelly, the whole thing had repeated again. They had gone to so many mutual events together, done so much co-operative parenting, gone on so many trips and supervised so many parties that, after spending all that time together, for both of their daughters, and both of their daughters’ best-friendships, it had been natural that they’d become inseparably close themselves.

There had been plenty of time to talk, in spending so much time together, and they’d covered all the most important topics. Even though Kara and Rose were gone to college now; and next year, Steph and Lily would soon be leaving too, those bonds of friendship had lingered, stronger than ever, and Mrs. Chase was used to Mrs. Connelly coming over a few times a week just to chat. So it was completely natural to find Mrs. Connelly at the door; it would have been natural even if Mrs. Connelly had entered through Mrs. Chase’s unlocked door and let herself right in to the house; they had a bit of an assumed open door policy, held over from the days in which Kara and Rose, and then Steph and Lily, had run in and out of each other’s houses. All of this was ordinary.

What was out of the ordinary was what Mrs. Connelly was wearing. She didn’t update her wardrobe all that frequently; she was a pretty practical woman, and tended to be happy with keeping the same clothes, and re-using them time and again, until they wore out. So Mrs. Chase was confident she knew every outfit that Mrs. Connelly had in her wardrobe; and she was equally sure that she had never seen the piece that Mrs. Connelly was wearing now. This was the thing that was out of place. Mrs. Connelly was wearing a deep brown leotard.

It wasn’t like other leotards Mrs. Chase had seen; it was pretty exhibitive. She could see her good friend’s breasts; from the sides, they gaped out around fabric that was barely even there... and the leotard did cover the front of Mrs. Connelly’s stomach; but the sides of her and her back were naked and bare; and the covering the leotard provided ended around the hips, because below that Mrs. Connelly’s vagina was completely visible, in fully anatomic detail; Mrs. Chase could see her bushy pussy, and she could see that Mrs. Connelly was, apparently, aroused, because her vagina glistened in its own slobber, where it streaked along its lips. Mrs. Chase had stared for a moment too long, in shock; she drew her eyes back up to Mrs. Connelly’s, and her friend only smiled at her, apparently completely unabashed.

“You’re looking different today,” Mrs. Chase said, trying to keep her voice kind despite her shock.

“That’s why I came over,” Mrs. Connelly said. “I wanted to tell you about the newest development in my life. It’s exciting; I think you’ll be happy for me! It might give you something to be happy about for yourself, too.”

That was intriguing, if a bit strange. “Well, come in and tell me about it,” Mrs. Chase responded, still feeling a bit non-plussed.

They went back to Mrs. Chase’s kitchen. She’d made enough coffee to have some left-over, in case she needed a pick me up while she was cleaning, but she didn’t even in hesitate in pouring that extra amount for her friend and then passing her the cup of it.

“So,” she said, sitting back down, and retaking her own cup. “Tell about this new development.”

“Well, haven’t we both been saying for years that Rosedale needs an exercise club?” Mrs. Connelly said, sipping from her coffee now as Mrs. Chase did the same. “A new one just opened in town! The Haigure Shop; they’ve been letting me volunteer, and help out; you can buy any number of leotards just like this one there, but they’re also running an exercise group just for the community, completely free of charge, like we’ve always wished for.”

Mrs. Chase blanched; then blinked. “That is something Rosedale’s been needing; you’re right, we’ve always thought so... but... the leotards... what’s the point of... those?”

Mrs. Connelly smiled at the question. “It’s Haigure,” Mrs. Connelly explained, as if this was a no-brainer. “It’s just the quirk of the thing; Haigure is meant to encourage a positive mindset through regular exercise routine, and the leotard is just the perfect uniform to do it in. That’s all there is to it; there’s nothing else, really.”

A plausible enough explanation, that. Mrs. Chase still felt a bit thrown by the strangeness of it all, but Mrs. Connelly seemed to be smiling a lot more than usual, so clearly the exercise club was doing something correctly. Because Mrs. Connelly had actually been a little down, lately; sad, when she thought of Lily leaving next year, as Lily and Steph both had been going through their college application processes. So to see her so cheered up was definitely a ringing endorsement for Rosedale’s exercise group.

“Actually,” Mrs. Connelly said, swallowing the last of her coffee down. “I came because the exercise group is meeting today; in just fifteen minutes, and I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to join, since I know how much you love exercise, and since I know how long you’ve been waiting for something like this to come to our town. I’ve been a few times, and had a blast for each one; I’m sure you’d feel the same.”

Mrs. Chase felt slight reluctance; but she trusted her friend’s endorsement, was impressed by the raising of her spirits that was clear in her every movement, and had been waiting a long time for an exercise group to come in town... so she smiled at Mrs. Connelly, and set her concerns aside, telling her, simply, “Yes, I’ll come.”

Mrs. Connelly seemed even happier to hear this, and Mrs. Chase rushed to finish her coffee, since they only had fifteen minutes to spare, and a minute later, they were walking together down Rosedale’s streets to reach the location of the store, which Mrs. Connelly knew by memory.

It was labeled as ‘The Haigure Shop,’ just as Mrs. Connelly had described; and there were other women arriving as they were. They went in, and moved past racks and racks of leotards; and were greeted by pleasant, ambient background music. But Mrs. Chase kept following Mrs. Connelly, who knew where to go; and Mrs. Connelly was leading them back through the racks, towards the back of the store, not stopping for anything. There was a room that way, back there.

That was the place everyone else seemed to be heading to, also; but all of them were already wearing leotards, in many colors, and Mrs. Chase was the only one who was not. It made her feel left out, but she said nothing, only following into the room. Mrs. Connelly stayed at her side, and she valued the presence. Mrs. Connelly was a comfort to her in the unknown.

The room was clearly an exercise room once they were all inside it, and only one woman stood at the front, in a leotard of her own. She over-looked them with a glance.

“I’m Mrs. Cromwell, as you all know—” then Mrs. Cromwell’s eyes fell on Mrs. Chase, noticing that she was not wearing a leotard like all the rest. “Are you participating or only watching?” She asked.

Mrs. Chase opened her mouth to answer, but Mrs. Connelly put her hand up and drew Mrs. Cromwell’s attention. “I thought she could watch at first and then join in half-way through, since this will be her first session.”

Then Mrs. Connelly turned to look at her, second-thinking herself. “That is, if you do want to participate... maybe you’ll have a better idea once you’ve seen us...?”

It sounded like a good compromise to Mrs. Chase; she hoped Mrs. Cromwell would accept it.

Mrs. Cromwell’s face made an approbatory expression. “That’s fine with me; but if Mrs. Chase does decide she wants to join in with us, she’ll need a leotard-on-loan from the store to put on when it comes time for her to join, if she will.

Mrs. Connelly nodded quickly once, then stepped out from the exercise room. From the outside room, Mrs. Chase heard some shifting of hangers; and Mrs. Connelly returned promptly, holding a light-pink leotard that looked to be about Mrs. Chase’s side; the two of them knew each other well enough that Mrs. Connelly could confidently make estimations like that.

Mrs. Chase took it; but there was something troubling her, so she took it a bit absent-mindedly. Mrs. Cromwell had called her ‘Mrs. Chase,’ clearly knowing her name... maybe even knowing who she was, but Mrs. Chase was sure she’d never met or seen Mrs. Cromwell before. So how could Mrs. Cromwell know her—?

“Now, ladies,” Mrs. Cromwell said. “Let’s all get exercising together!”

There was a cheer of excitement from the group; and Mrs. Cromwell took hold of a remote that was shelved behind her. A press of the button had a new kind of music pumping through the room. This kind was more suited to aerobics; outside in the store the music had been more peaceful, easily over-lookable guitars, but in here, the music was synthesized, energized, encouraging physical movement; encouraging gyrations, and hyper-ventilations; it almost made Mrs. Chase want to move, and she hadn’t even officially committed to joining in with the rest of them yet.

With the music on, the women all seemed to know what to do. They formed themselves into a circle, and Mrs. Cromwell joined the circle too, apparently going to participate as an equal with all the others in the club. It was a voluntary club, formed by free association—it wasn’t that strange, really, Mrs. Connelly thought.

But she was still troubled that Mrs. Cromwell had known her... still, she couldn’t quite stop herself from being curious about what all of the women were going to do to exercise themselves; still that troubled feeling murmured in the back of her head, and yet something else seemed to be talking over it. She wasn’t sure... what... her attention went back to the newly formed circle.

“Haigure,” Mrs. Cromwell cried out; and then struck herself into a pose; her arms up, together, as if resting on an triangularly-angled invisible ledge; and then once she had chanted this, she jutted her arms down straight and squatted her body in following; as one, in perfect unison, so perfect it should not have been humanly possible, every other woman in the circle did the same; and echoed her chant.

The next time Mrs. Cromwell chanted, after having retaken her first position, along with all the others, her voice was lost in the cacophony of all the others. Yet the music kept coming in clearly for Mrs. Chase... there was something... driving about it. Specifically something that was driving her to feel some kind of way... she couldn’t tell which kind, yet... the thing she’d been trying to think in the back of her mind had been smothered and snuffed out by... the speaking of something else... Her eyes were locked on the group.

Now Mrs. Cromwell was only one more exerciser—indistinguishable from all the rest of them. They all seemed to be riding the endorphin high of their exercise already; Mrs. Chase couldn’t blame, it looked like physically taxing work; to hold the body in such a position, to chant with the full bellows and all the voices of their chests; and then to squat, and to synchronize so perfectly that no one was even a half-second off... though the music was surely helping with that...

Mrs. Chase blinked hard a few times; her eyes were bleary—but the images coming in were so clear they were scalding... all those women, moving in perfect harmony... and their bodies, all of them so exposed, just like Mrs. Connelly’s... breasts jiggling and shaking with squats and stands, shaken by the movement of each set of arms; each toned, shapely, naked ass—naked back—each clearly aerobixed ass jiggling tautly like each set of breasts; for those bodies who were facing away from Mrs. Chase in to the center of the circle.

It was almost... hypnotic... to watch all that flesh shifting so... to jiggle... to jiggle... Mrs. Chase realized she was staring, just standing there and staring... but she couldn’t bring herself to care... she only wanted to keep standing and staring, watching the movements of all those bodies, glistening in sweat as they moved like a single individual...

It wasn’t only sweat they glistened from. Each one was gushing from her legs, and with each thrust downwards, streams of lubrication escaped—this was erotic not only for Mrs. Chase; it was clearly much more erotic for each woman participating.

In fact, when Mrs. Chase let her eyes go to the pussies (—when had she started using that word? she forgot the question...) of the women across the circle whose frontbodies were visible to her; each pussy twitched; most perceptibly when the word ‘Haigure’ was spoken; but they all twitched at other instalments of time, besides this; the twitching of a pussy could be just as hypnotic to watch... everything in the movement was synchronic, down to the pussy twitches... Mrs. Chase couldn’t know the timetable on which each woman’s body clenched down... pussies in all states of kempt-ness... fully haired, trimmed, shaven... but clearly, there was some timetable, and the one station of installed time that could always be relief on was the uniform twitching that came with the word ‘Haigure’... why shouldn’t they twitch on that word?

It was a sexy word... and the leotards were sexy... and the bodies of each woman were sexy... sexy in their leotards, sexy in motion... Mrs. Chase’s own leotard... (she already thought of it as hers, she would have to wear it out of it and pay for it with it already on her body...) it felt warm in her hand.

It was hot to watch them moving; to lose herself in the hypnotic motion of them exercising themselves and taking pleasure from it... to feel the synths pounding at the inside of her head... but it would only be sexier to actually wear her own leotard... to taste some of that pleasure for herself, to join their motion, to work her body that hard and lose it in time to the synchronics all the rest of them were enjoying before her.

Mrs. Connelly had never moved very far from Mrs. Chase; she was in the circle but still the nearest person to Mrs. Chase, and though she had been completely caught up in what was happening, she threw a look back over her shoulder to Mrs. Chase, checking on her. “Come on,” she called back to her. “You’ve been watching for a while— put your leotard on and come join in next to me.”

It was just the prompting she needed; her body stiffened at hearing the direct influence, and it landed and played off everything else that had been building her; the leotard was already in her hands, and it was very easy for Mrs. Chase to strip her clothes down off her body. No one even noticed she was naked; Mrs. Connelly had called back to her, but she had not fully turned to look and so had not watched…

Mrs. Chase wouldn’t have been self-conscious at all. Her mind was singly-focused; once she was naked she only cared about putting the leotard on her body; she wasn’t confused, or afraid anymore. Once it was on, and she was one to it, everything became so much clearer for her. She needed to move and stand next to Mrs. Connelly in the circle with all the others.

Interestingly, her arousal had only become more extreme once the leotard had gone on. Of course it had— leotards were sexy and to wear them was sexy so she felt sexy and that turned her on. But she might have expected this increased arousal to have been distracting, to have made it harder to move or act at all and it did just the opposite; she felt she was flowing like water— between her legs yes, but in the movements of her body too. She flowed, as what spilled there like water, and the circle parted to accommodate her spot beside Mrs. Connelly; no one had to look at her to make the room, they just moved themselves perfectly and then the circle was one person bigger, and that person was her.

She didn’t know how to make the pose, but she didn’t apparently need to know. Her body synchronized with every other body, and the same synchronics that beat in the others, beat in her, moving her muscles perfectly, and she posed with them; and her mouth spoke with them, and she felt her pussy— buzzed— sometimes clenching, sometimes spurting out more, but her mind was streaking further away from her, and it wasn’t until Mrs. Cromwell was speaking again that Mrs. Chase came a little back to herself; apparently her body had come many times more than that.

“Let’s all have our cool down, now,” Mrs. Cromwell panted. “Break off into pairs, now.”

She turned the music up louder, and it drummed inside Mrs. Chase’s head more incessantly.

“Will you pair off with me?” Mrs. Connelly asked, giving Mrs. Chase a tap on the shoulder. “The cool down helps our mindsets almost as much as the exercise. I care about you; I’d really like to help you.”

Even through the haze, through the much of it, the so much of it that had built up, Mrs. Chase was touched; this was the friend she knew, had always known, known for so long, and her heart was moved while her body buzzed shakingly. “Yes, please,” Mrs. Chase said. “That means a lot to me.”

The other pairs had gotten down to sitting on the floor; some of them were doing a lot more than that once they got there; Mrs. Chase’s eyes wandered, the sign of an unfocused mind; she saw other coupled-teams kissing, feeling at each other; coming right to the brink of sex or crossing that line and fully doing it; moans heard in the air, the scent of sex thick; something in her heard told her this was alright, this was exactly how it should be, but the images were taken away from her eyes, because she felt Mrs. Connelly’s hand on her chin, turning her back to face her.

“I know this is only your first session,” Mrs. Connelly said, kindly. “So you don’t have to do anything more advanced than you’re ready for. But how would you feel if I just… touched you…?”

Mrs. Chase’s chest felt like it was collapsing every breath, heaving down then coming back up again, going shallow despite the plunging, getting breathy; she had felt the arousal all at once; or it had dialed up considerably more; nothing sounded finer to her. “Please,” she said; her body was crying for contact, and Mrs. Connelly helped her sit back.

“Just enjoy,” Mrs. Connelly told her. “Your leotard knows how to use what I give to you.”

The phrase made no sense to Mrs. Chase, but her mind understood to forget it. It left an impression of further pleasure, and then nothing more; and then Mrs. Connelly was touching her, fingers teasing her slit around her leotard’s thin crotch; her hand squeezing and rolling one of Mrs. Chase’s breasts. Mrs. Chase cried in the intensity; but her leotard apparently was responding, she felt it thrumming on her skin and it made the pleasure worse in the best way; she found herself climaxing but it kept coming, and each climax seemed to make the louder music even louder inside her head.

She lost time again, and found herself coming out of that as all the groups around her were standing; and Mrs. Connelly was helping her to her feet.

“You want to join now, don’t you?” Mrs. Connelly asked; the others were filing out of the room, out of the store.

Mrs. Chase could only nod; she still felt too scrambled to do more.

“Great, we already consider you a member. We meet pretty much every day… so you can come back with me when we meet tomorrow. But I think I’d like to help you more; that was fun… can I take you back to your bed, and help you there?”

Mrs. Chase didn’t feel ready to let go of the pleasure. The constant pleasure of being in the leotard was enough… but getting actual tactile stimulation from another woman added something more, and she didn’t want to give it up.

Mrs. Chase nodded and couldn’t speak; but Mrs. Connelly apparently understood how challenging this adjustment was for her. She smiled again, in that understanding way. “Let’s get you back to bed, then.”

They left the Haigure Shop hand in hand.

* * *

That Friday afternoon, while Kara was sitting, attempting to study in her dorm room even as all her life and all the world seemed to be falling apart around her, her phone rang.

She checked the screen and saw that it was her sister Steph calling.

“Hey, Steph,” she answered, once she’d tapped to accept the call. “How was school today? You’ve just gotten home, right?” She looked at the clock; it was 5 pm.

“I’ve been home for about twenty minutes,” Steph said, but her voice sounded a bit strained. That pricked Kara’s curiosity. “But it has not been a good day for me at all, Kara. Things are serious going wrong here.”

Kara’s face fell in concern that Steph could not see. “Tell me,” she entreated.

“Really strange things are just… happening. Today, Lily came to school wearing a leotard—“

And Kara’s blood chilled— “and she was talking it up to everyone. She had some more of them in her backpack, and she got some of the students to put them on; only a few, but still, it was really weird—“

Kara slipped out of the seat of her chair, onto the floor. She was holding her head around the phone; clutching it in despair. No, no, NO— Rose had spread the infection to her family… and Rose’s sister was introducing it to her own sister’s school… so who only knew what Rose’s mother might have done… if she had been infected, and all odds pointed to the fact that she must have been.

“Listen to me, Steph,” Kara said, heavily. “It’s absolutely crucial that you don’t accept any leotards that people try to give you. Don’t put them on, don’t touch them—“

Steph bristled. “Kara, come on. The last thing I wanted was to get near to any of those things. But there was more.”

“More?” Kara’s stomach seemed to hollow.

“On the walk to and from school, I saw other people in town wearing the leotards too… women in Rosedale’s community. People Mom knows, people we know. It was kind of gross but… some of them were being… frisky…”

Kara sighed. She gathered her fingers along her eyelids towards the bridge of her nose, pulling them slightly under her touch as they went. “You don’t need to tell me anything else. I… understand what you’ve said. I’ll come—“

“Kara.” Steph cut her off. “Mom is wearing a leotard too.”

Kara croaked a noise she hadn’t known she could make. “Mom’s—“

“Wearing a leotard too. She was in one when I got home. I just came up here and shut myself in my room, but—“

“I’m definitely coming, then,” Kara said, trying to even her breathing. “I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”

Kara hung up her phone; she left all her study set-up midstudy; and she rushed from her dorm suite, on her way.

* * *

Kara made slightly better time than her projected ten minutes; she got home in seven; and her mother was inside. Wearing a leotard.

She’d heard. She’d already known, but somehow seeing it was so much worse. She could see things about her mother she didn’t want to see; hard nipples, bushy pussy, pouring arousal. She looked just like so many others Kara had seen go into leotards; she’d never seen anyone come out from them.

But this was her mother. She wasn’t the same as everyone else the leotards had taken. She was supposed to be Kara’s safe person, a refuge, a place she could return to for comment. She hadn’t been ready to tell her mother what was going on, but her mother was supposed to be there when she was, ready to pet her and tell her it would all be alright. Kara had not thought that Haigure would spread off-campus; everything seemed so much more sinister now that it had.

“I can’t talk now, Mom,” Kara said, her voice breaking. And before her mother could say anything else, she was up the stairs to Steph’s room.

She knocked on the door quietly; feeling afraid to make even a little too much noise. “Steph,” she said, lowly. “Steph, it’s me.”

There was an unlocking click, and Steph opened the door.

Kara was so relieved to see Steph in normal clothes that she cried; and all she could do was gather Steph into her arms and hug her with everything she had.

“Kara, what? It’s been a weird day but it’s not… that serious, is it?”

Kara sighed. “Let’s sit on your bed. I’ll tell you everything.”

At the end of this telling, Steph was teary too. “So Mom—“

Kara shook her head. “We can’t think about that now. You can’t stay here. Is there anywhere else safe you can go? I’d bring you on campus with me, but I think it’s even more dangerous there. We could stop by the sheriff’s office, maybe she could suggest shelter arrangements… although the situation might be a little hard to explain…”

Steph shook her head. “There’s no need. Selina was just as weirded out as I was; and I’ve got an open invitation to go over to her place anytime I want; I’m sure her mother isn’t in a leotard yet, she would have called me if she was.”

Kara nodded, feeling something like relief suffuse her. It wasn’t a completely guaranteed option, but it was better than everything else available. “Go straight over there… I’m going to look around in town a bit, and then go back on campus.”

“Kara,” Steph said, seriously, as Kara stood from the bed. “You mentioned the Haigure takedown group, but… I’d really like to join. I’m sure once I tell Selina, she’ll want that too. You guys need inroads in Rosedale; we can be that, the start of the resistance effort here. And I—“

Steph had worked herself up, clearly to go on convincing and arguing even harder, but Kara stopped her. “Yes,” she said. “Tell her; and we’ll get you in the loop with the rest of our team. But let’s just get you over there now, and then I’ll have a look around town, and we can talk later this evening.”

Steph packed fast; Kara walked her to Selina’s; and Selina’s mother opened the door, and was not wearing a leotard. Kara could have jumped for joy. Instead, she told Steph goodbye, noting that Selina’s mother wasn’t wearing a leotard, and that everything should be done to keep it that way; then she left Steph there, and went through town.

Steph had been right; from the looking around Kara did, she could see that not many women were wearing the leotards; but it was already a notable amount. And when she came around another corner, to her horror she saw sitting there ‘The Haigure Shop.’ That gave an idea of what Rose’s mother might have been up to. That shop had not been here the last time that Kara had been in Rosedale.

She’d feared the worst when Steph had called, but now shock was the only thing accessible to her, the only thing happening inside; she stood watching the storefront for a while, saw a few normally-dressed women go in; they came back out a half-hour later in leotards. She had stood there all that time, frozen. Stuck.

People in Rosedale were being converted— her own mother had been converted— her mind had processed it so slowly; she’d thought it and forgotten it before, but the Haigure had escaped Rosedale’s campus, probably thanks to Rose; and now it was replicating herself here— it was a terror, it was a horror— she was clutching her skull with her fingers in disbelief.

They’d have two more allies in the face of this rising wave of spreading invasion… in Steph, and in Selina, if Steph was right and she did join them. But what could two barely adult girls really do in a town like this, when the invasion had such a stable, set spread point? The odds oncampus were already more than overwhelming, but in town they were starting to look that way too. They needed extra help.

Kara had thought of Rosedale’s Sheriff before when trying to brainstorm a source of help for sheltering Steph; she thought of her again. If the Haigurized people got her on their side, it would be almost impossible to fight back in town; and Kara was thinking in terms of power and authority again. It was too late on campus… the dean, the student council president, the figures in power were all already Haigure but it might not be too late for Rosedale.

Kara turned from the shop to walk to the Sheriff’s office.

Rosedale was small, so the sheriff’s office was small; it contained only two desks; the sheriff’s desk and the sheriff deputy’s desk.

Kara had never had any reason to come in here before, but she’d seen the Sheriff around town. She was a friendly woman, but didn’t put up with much nonsense. Sheriff Bethany Taggert… and her name placard on her desk said the same thing; and there she was behind her desk as Kara remembered her, with her short brown hair in the same hairstyle Kara vaguely remembered seeing her with before; looking decently muscled in her uniform. Her uniform tightened a bit around each muscle, but it was tightest at her bust— Sheriff Taggert’s breasts were pretty large, causing this tightening.

Kara’s eyes flicked briefly to the Deputy’s desk: she had seen the Deputy probably more often than the Sheriff. Deputy Ashely Moore, so said her name placard, and so Kara remembered— her red hair was the same length Kara remembered, she must keep it to that length on purpose, just slightly down past her shoulders, though often she tied it up and back when she was out on the job. Kara had known her better because she was the one who patrolled Rosedale’s High School, and so Kara had seen her around there often when she had still been in High Schoo. Deputy Moore’s uniform fit her a little better because her breasts were not so large as Sheriff Taggert’s— they were only medium sized.

Seeing them both in regular clothes was a relief to Kara’s eyes after seeing so many people who were Haigure in town.

“Kara,” Sheriff Taggert said in surprise; Kara had not talked yet, had only been looking around. She realized she was still more shocked than she’d noticed… she’d been standing there dazed, still, by what she’d seen in town; and she imagined she must be looking like a bedraggled survivor of some horror as she stood there… only looking around, not having spoken up normally at the time she should have. But Rosedale was a small town; Sheriff Taggert knew every one in her town by name; she remembered Kara even though Kara had left for college.

“Sheriff Taggert,” Kara said, hearing her voice come out from what seemed like far away. She was far away even from herself. “I know this will sound crazy. But that new Haigure shop is dangerous. Those leotards do things to people… and the more people put them on the more dangerous it will be… if you can investigate… if you can shut down…”

Kara couldn’t make anymore words come. They had lapsed back into silence, and now she simply stood there, swaying a bit on her legs, apparently exhausted by what she’d already had to endure that day to get to this point.

“Kara, honey,” Deputy Moore said, standing from her desk and coming around to Kara. Kara was still looking at the Sheriff. “Are you okay? Can we get you some help, or—“

Kara kept her eyes fixed on the Sheriff’s. “Believe me. That’s what you can do. Believe me, please.”

The Sheriff looked startled, but also looked deep in concentration, which Kara clung onto for a shred of hope.

Then she nodded. “I’ll do my diligence. I’ll investigate. But—”

Kara shook her head, held up a wavering hand. The shocking of this had winded her more than she’d thought; it had shocked her so badly the emotion in her body had physically drained her to weakness and infirmity. “That was all I needed to hear. I’ll just… I’ve got to get to campus now so… I’ll—“

She turned, and stumblingly made it to the door; she didn’t know quite how she managed it, but she did get herself back on campus again, and when she was once more in the safety of her dorm room, she collapsed down onto her bed. She just had to lay there for a few minutes. She physically couldn’t get up.

Things had become more dire than ever… and she couldn’t even really fully let her grief for her mother truly reach her. Couldn’t stop to wallow or think of that when other things had to be done… or when the doing of them had to be thought of… had to be figured out… Kara lay there; and comforted herself with one thought only.

If they could get the Sheriff on their side… and she could be the point person for the Rosedale resistance… if she did a proper investigation… if she could shut them down… then maybe… maybe there could still be some hope. Maybe Sheriff Taggert could even, eventually come on campus and help things there. Joan Ryan, the dean, she was the ultimate authority… but even she had to answer to the law and maybe— and maybe—

Kara dozed off into dreams of hope, though it was only early evening. Maybe… maybe… something could still be done. Just… maybe.

* * *