The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

How I REALLY Met Your Mother

Part Two: How I Corrupted Your Father

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If you’re reading this, then good for you. As much as Master may not like talking about his sex life to our daughter (and yes, despite the fact that you’re technically Vectress’ daughter, I still regard you as my own), you do need to know about this.

Before we begin, I need to let you know that I’ve decided to follow Master’s example of referring to you in the story as Helen. That was the name you were (will be?) going by at the time and this way you’ll be able to easily tell whether I’m referring to you in the story, or talking directly to you.

The beginning is much as it was described earlier by Master. I was woken up to the news that you had foreseen that my father had died and my brother Zagron, after taking the throne had sent a battlecruiser to Earth to demand I be turned over so he could sell me into slavery. I was of course not informed of what Helen and Vectress had decided to do in order to save me so, not wanting to bring Earth into my own family squabbles, I surrendered myself when it arrived.

I was well treated on my journey back to my ancestral home. I was, after all, still a member of the royal family, even if I was about to become a slave. I spent most of my time there simply lounging around and reading, as there was not much else I was allowed to do.

Eventually we arrived on Larnar, however I wasn’t taken to see my brother. I think this was because he was feeling a bit of guilt over what he was doing to me, so he thought it would be easier if he just didn’t have to see me until it was all over. Instead I was ushered off the ship and taken to the royal tailors to be properly fitted for my slave outfit. This however is the first part where I can honestly talk about something Master skipped over. Specifically, the design of the slave outfit itself.

I believe Master described it as a green bikini with silken cloth attached to it. That would technically be an accurate description, but it skips over so much. To start with, while the outfit is green, a better way to describe it would be, flesh colored. In fact the royal tailors had gone to great lengths to match the outfit to my specific skin tone in order to give the impression that I was wearing nothing at all. They also went a step further and painted onto it the parts of my body underneath in order to add to the illusion. The only exceptions being at my nipples and pussy. No, instead they cut holes in the fabric in order to let them be openly displayed. This was so a serious buyer could properly inspect every corner of my body to insure everything was in working order (and no, this inspection would not involve actual sex, that would have been forbidden until they had purchased me properly).

Now you may be wondering why, if they went to so much effort, didn’t they just have me be naked entirely. Well that is where the silken cloth comes in. In reality the bikini as your father called it was really just there as a piece to attach the fabric to. The fabric was quite special, being embedded with nanomachines that were controlled by a simple A.I. What that A.I. did was to move the fabrics around, as though pushed by a breeze, all around my body so that at a distance I would appear to be completely nude, except for a gauzy cloth that was somehow always in just the right spot to prevent you from being able to get a good look at my naked body. This would arouse and entice the audience in the hopes of turning some people who were on the fence into actual buyers and thus push the bidding up.

So, why did Master describe such an intricate costume as nothing more than a green bikini? Simply because he was embarrassed by how much it turned him on, as though that wasn’t the entire point of the outfit in the first place.

After that I just sat around again waiting, but then something changed. Instead of heading to the auction, I was called to a conference room, where I was greeted by Vectress, along with Peter, the man who would soon become my one and only Master.

It feels weird talking about this moment with Master. I feel like somehow even then, before I’d been enslaved, I should have somehow known. I should have seen him as some sort of god standing before me and immediately bowed down to offer myself over to him in any way that he might desire. But that wasn’t the case.

Instead I barely noticed him at all, I was so focused on Vectress. She seemed nervous, but also excited. With the benefit of hindsight I now know that it was due to her expectations about my imminent enslavement, but at the time, I simply thought it was about whatever plan she had concocted to save me. I gave her a hug to help her relax and to let her know I was happy to see her. It was then that my gaze turned towards Master.

At that moment Master was staring at me, eyeing every part of my mostly naked body before suddenly realizing what he was doing and turning his head to the side while trying to hide his erection. He then attempted to explain what the plan was, though he kept stumbling his words as he would try to look at me surreptitiously while keeping me from noticing. It got so bad that Vectress ended up having to take over the conversation and explain the details to me. Looking back on that feels somewhat strange for me now. I feel like seeing Master like that, knowing that my body was so attractive to him should have filled me with ecstasy, especially at the thought of soon being tied to him, body and soul. Instead I felt nothing at all. I wasn’t upset that his body was reacting to me, nor was I pleased by it. I simply wanted to figure out what Vectress’ plan was.

It was obvious that whatever plan they were describing to me was a complete lie. There was no way that my brother was going to let me go under that flimsy of a story. What was also obvious was that they couldn’t tell me what was really going on. Despite the illusion of us being alone together I knew that we were all being monitored. Any attempt to tell me the truth would inevitably lead to my brother realizing what they were really up to.

So I simply sighed and put my finger to the contract, deciding to play along until I could figure out just what Vectress was really planning. Of course the moment my thumbprint went on the contract all my questions were answered.

At that very moment Master’s power shot through the contract and into my mind. Now normally Vectress and I have immense mental defenses that have been built up over the course of decades. It’s like a massive fortress in our minds, protecting us from any outside influences. But Master’s power works in a more insidious way.

You see, we agreed to this. We knew this was a contract and a slavery contract at that. Yet still, we signed it willingly. If our minds were like a fortress, then this would have been like opening the gates wide open and welcoming the invaders in to do whatever they liked.

I don’t know if it’s possible to explain exactly what it felt like when Master’s power rewrote me. I think that had this been for something small, like a simple work contract, I would have felt nothing at all. But this was about a complete change to the very core of my being. My mind just blacked out for a moment as though it were a computer that had to shut down so that I could reboot with the new updates.

And then, it was over. I looked up and knew that I was Master’s slave. But what type of slave was I? In the end it came down to the wording of the contract. It said that I would devote my mind, body and soul to my Master, so the power rewrote me into becoming the exact slave that my Master wanted and seeing as how Master was a young straight man, you can probably guess what type of slave he would have wanted me to become.

Even then however, there were differences. I chalk this up to the various fantasies Master had probably had about us before we were enslaved (for some reason he seems too embarrassed to talk about them. I find that sweet, though Vectress has found it quite annoying, as it prevents her from carrying out his fantasies in the real world). For Vectress, one of the most powerful and intimidating heroines in existence, that fantasy was likely about being able to dominate her and make her submit to him. As a result Vectress has been changed into sex slave who gets off on being treated like a cumdump for Master to use whenever he sees fit.

For me though his fantasies were more....romantic. As he himself said earlier, he had a real crush on me, so his fantasies led more towards domestic bliss than anything kinkier. This ended up in me turning into less of a sex slave and more of a love slave.

So as soon as the power ran through me and I was myself again I looked over and saw Master. At that moment I loved him with every fiber of my being and I knew then that I would do anything, say anything, be anything if it meant making him happy. So that is what I immediately began to do.

I won’t bore you with the details of everything I did to ensure Master’s release and secure my brother’s reign. I will tell you though that my brother and I did have a nice talk during one of the downtimes. Our relationship has actually gotten much better now that I’ve fully committed to being Master’s slave. He did reveal that he knew I had been brainwashed now, after all, his people had been watching Master quite carefully. Surprisingly this actually worked out in our favor, for as soon as Zagron discovered how Master’s power worked he realized that there was no more point in keeping Master trapped here. After all, since this is entirely Master’s power at work, there was no way for him to steal this method for himself. In addition, by letting us go, he ensured Master’s future services. After all, if he ever needed Master’s power for himself, he could simply remind him that while the League doesn’t know what Master did to us, he does.

But my brother’s machinations are a tale for another day. The important piece now is continuing on where Master left off.

Helen had just left to give us some privacy (for Master’s sake, as personally I didn’t care if she was present or not), while Vectress had officially gone off to see what it was Helen had put into cargo bay 2-C. In truth she was leaving so that I could have Master to myself. As she herself had stated, we were closer than sisters and she had already had a week all to herself to enjoy Master treating her like nothing more than a receptacle for his lusts. She felt that I deserved to have my own moment with Master.

“It seems we are alone now Master.”

Master froze up at that moment. I believe the expression you humans use is, like a deer in headlights. As for myself, while I had managed to maintain my normal pleasant and happy facade thanks to my years of practice, inwardly I was cursing.

Master hadn’t known! This simple fact wrecked all of my plans for our return to Earth. Worse, just as I discovered his ignorance, he discovered exactly how his powers worked. If only Vectress had found a way to let me know in advance, there was so much I could have done. But there was no point in lingering on what could have been. I needed to work with what I had.

I decided to give him my nervous look. I put my hands together and look downward as I ask haltingly, “So, what do we do now?”

That seemed to snap Master out of whatever shock he was in at the moment. He looks at me, unsure of what to say at first, but then noticing my outfit he looks away embarrassed. “Could you, put something on?” he finally asked.

I spent a moment to figure out how to answer that and decided to go with innocent and naive. “I do not understand, I am already wearing something.”

“You’re practically naked!”

“And that is a...bad thing?”

Master sighed then before continuing. “Never mind, we have more important things to deal with right now.”

So the first battle was won. I had gotten Master to accept seeing my naked body, but what was this, more important thing?

“Listen, we need to figure out some way to undo this. Do you have any ideas?”

Oh...of course. Master wanted to ‘fix’ me. Well I would just have to nip that idea in the bud. I looked around until I had found a writing tablet. Once it was in my hands I wrote down a simple contract, “Nuetronia goes back to how she was before she signed the slave contract.” I then handed it over to Master.

“Sign this,” I said.

Master looked over what I’d written and then quickly signed it. He then turned to look at me as I stared back at him in adoration. “Do you...feel any different?” He asked after a moment.

“I think I need to sign it too.”

“Oh, right. Of course,” Master responded sheepishly before handing the tablet back over. I paused for a moment to enjoy the view. Seriously, the way Master goes red when he gets embarrassed like that is just so adorable. I could stare at him like that for hours and never get bored. After a while of waiting on me as I stared at him lovingly, Master seemed to have had enough. “Well?” he asked.

I was startled into remembering where I was. This time it was my turn to be a little embarrassed, but I plowed through it and moved my finger down to sign my name on the tablet.

Just as my finger was about to touch the tablet, it stopped. “What’s wrong?” Master asked me.

“I don’t know. I’m trying to sign my name, but I just can’t seem to force myself to do it.”

I pondered for a second before continuing. “Perhaps if you ordered me to do it, I could pull it off.”

“I guess anything is worth a try. All right, I order you to sign the contract.”

Instantly I dropped the tablet as I fell to the floor and began convulsing as I screamed in agony. “I order you to NOT sign the contract! I order you to NOT sign the contract!” Master yelled out as he rushed over and took me in his arms. I took quick gasps for air as I melted into his arms. “I’m sorry,” I finally managed to whimper.

Master simply responded by rocking me back and forth. “It’s okay,” he repeated, over and over again.

As much as I would have loved to just lay there in Master’s arms forever, I knew this couldn’t last. Eventually I relaxed and pulled away slightly. Master released me from his grip. “Are you gonna be okay?” he asked.

I paused for a moment before responding. “I think whatever that was has passed. I should be okay once I get some rest.”

With that I got up and walked out of the room. Just before I left I paused and turned back towards Master. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to do as you wished.”

“It’s not your fault. I should have known it wasn’t going to be that easy.”

I nodded before turning again and leaving. As I left a subtle smile cracked on my lips. With that little performance, Master wasn’t going to be trying to undo our enslavement anytime soon.

Despite what I had told Master, I had no intention of going to bed just yet. Instead I headed over to Cargo Bay 2-C. I wanted to look at exactly what it was that Helen had put there to help us, not to mention the fact that Vectress was there as well and I was going to need to confer with her if we were going to proper plan convince Master to forget about this whole freeing us insanity and instead concentrate on dominating us the way a proper Master should.

The cargo bay was much smaller than you would have thought considering its purpose, merely the size of about 2 shipping containers, but that was all that was needed. Inside I saw the sight of racks upon racks of various clothing. As I looked I noticed that the outfits were all sorts of various costumes designed purely to entice. There were nurse costumes, bunny girl outfits, dominatrix outfits of various types and of course, sluttified versions of both mine and Vectress’ costumes.

In the middle of the room were a number of open boxes that were filled with various sex toys. I took a keen eye at a particularly lovely dog collar, taking a moment to imagine Master fitting it around my neck as permanent proof that I was his and his alone. I shook my head quickly to banish the fantasy from my head. That dream would come soon enough, but first I needed to talk to Vectress.

Vectress herself was in a corner of the room, still wearing her superhero costume but was in the middle of holding up a gimp outfit and a harem slave girl costume up to a mirror in order to contemplate which one she wanted to try on first. “If you want my opinion,” I said by way of greeting, “neither of those is a good idea just yet. Give me a minute to look over this stuff so I can figure out what you need to start with.”

Vectress turned around to look back at me with a slight grin on her face. “I’m surprised to see you here already. I figured you’d still be in the lounge riding Master’s cock until you’d milked every last drop of cum from his body.”

“And if I did that, Master would just lock himself in his room until we got back to Earth. No, for now it’s best if I play the good girl while you play the slut.”

Vectress just laughed when she heard me say that. “I love this plan already. Just let me find the right outfit and I’ll head right over to stuff Master’s cock down my mouthpussy.”

I took a moment there to marvel at Vectress’ choice of words. Vectress was always somewhat blunt in her way of speaking, something I found quite charming as I was tired of always dealing with people who never said what they meant, but this was far above and beyond anything she would have ever said before. It really showed just how much Master had changed both of us for the better. But at the same time, I couldn’t let Vectress do everything she wanted, at least not yet.

“No, give Master tonight to process what’s happened before you start tomorrow with a morning blowjob. Just remember, Master is going to push you away and you’re going to need to let him.”


“No. We’re his slaves, so Master’s feelings must be paramount. Keep pushing him to fuck you, but never try to force the issue.”

Vectress seemed to deflate a bit at that, so I decided to cheer her up. “Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan in place that should have Master fucking you silly by the end of the week. Now get out of that so I can see what we have to work with.”

That perked her right up and Vectress quickly shimmied out of her costume. I looked her over with a critical eye. Her long blonde hair needed washing, but was otherwise fine. Her breasts were large, with huge areolas in the middle hiding inverted nipples. I was honestly a little jealous of them, since while my breasts were nothing to sneeze at, hers were still much bigger. Still, I was happy to note that while she had a good bubble butt, it was no match for mine.

Her pussy, like mine, was completely clean, though while mine was due to my race being hairless down below, hers was because she actively shaved down there in order to make absolutely sure that no pussy hairs could show through the sides of her costume (just a little aside, most people think Vectress changed her costume from the classic one to the current one that is more like a jumpsuit in order to be less sexualized and present a more girl friendly appearance. The truth is that we would later discover that Master likes hairy pussies so she changed her costume so she could grow her pussy hairs out).

Satisfied with what I’d seen I headed to the front of the rack and pulled out a costume. This one was a modified version of her normal superhero costume, but with the breasts and pussy exposed for easy access. “We’ll go with this to start. Once Master gets used to this, we’ll move into something more extreme.”

Vectress took the costume and began to put it on. In the meantime, I headed over to the boxes and began rifling through them, looking for something specific.

It was in the third box that I finally found what I was looking for. I pulled it out and held it up triumphantly. “What’s that?” Vectress asked.

“That,” I replied, “is a solid diamond butt plug. It’s perfect for you since it’s the only thing your anal muscles can’t crush. Now bend over so I can insert this thing into your ass.”

“Oh no, no way,” Vectress said while backing away from me.

“Vectress,” I said, annoyed that she was fighting with me on this.

“I said no! I want Master to insert that thing into my asspussy, not you!”

I sighed in annoyance. “And how exactly is Master supposed to get that thing in you?”

“The same way you were going to. Just have me bend over and then jam the thing in.”

“Except that, unlike me, Master doesn’t have superstrength. There’s no way he’d be able to fit this thing up your tight ass and without it even if he could get his cock inside your ass, which he can’t, your muscles would literally crush his cock.”

“Well, maybe we can wait and...”

It was time to level with her. Putting my hand on her shoulder I told her, “It needs to be now Vectress. If we don’t get started immediately, there’s no wayMaster will be able to take your anal virginity before we get to Earth.”

“Fine,” Vectress groaned, “just make it quick.”

After that it was much easier. Vectress got down on the ground and laid on her stomach with her ass pointed up in the air. I started by fellating the butt plug, which helped lubricate it, in addition to making sure I was still good at suppressing my gag reflex, before finally placing it at the entrance to her asshole and finally pushing it in.

I was met with obvious resistance from the start. Vectress was one of the strongest heroes Earth has ever produced, which naturally meant that her anal muscles would not be something that would open up easily. Fortunately my own strength was nothing to sneeze at and with a great effort, the butt plug finally overcame her resistance and slipped inside.

Once it was in I gave her butt a little spank to let her know I was finished and got up. Vectress stood up and immediately began rubbing her ass where the plug was. “Don’t take that thing out unless you need to go to the bathroom, then put it right back in. And remember, get up early tomorrow so you can wake Master up with a blowjob. This isn’t going to work if he’s already up himself, so get up super early to be safe.”

Vectress left after that and I began to look over the outfits in the room. I needed something for myself to wear tomorrow as well. Something sexy, but nothing in your face like what Vectress was going for. After all, I needed to be the good girl, at least until it was time to not be the good girl anymore...

I woke early the next day. I wanted to be ready to play my part and I admit, I didn’t want to miss the show either. I met with Vectress just outside Master’s door and briefed her on the plan. First we’d open the door (thankfully Helen keyed all the doors to open with a specific code, one she’d been nice enough to give to us so we could, visit, with Master anytime we wanted) and Vectress would cautiously head in. Once she was certain Master was still asleep she came back and motioned for me to follow her inside.

Master lay sleeping on the resting pod in the center of the room. Now these pods are a little different than the beds you’re used to on Earth. They use an antigrav field to let one rest on what feels like air itself and the pod is extensively climate controlled, leaving the person inside with no need whatsoever for any blankets or sheets. It’s quite a bit more advanced than what you’re used to, but the primary advantage for me is that it meant that I was gifted with my first sight of Master’s naked body.

My eyes traveled down his body, noting the wonderful love handles along his belly and finally the sight of his glorious cock, already showing us his, as you humans call it, morning wood. I was pleased to see that it was a decent 8 inches, not huge, but quite decent. Not that I would have minded if he had a pencil dick, but a lady does like to feel like she’s been filled up from time to time.

I didn’t have much time to dawdle, so I moved to the sides and began placing the hidden cameras. These were tiny, and looked nothing like the camera’s you humans are used to using, so I was confident that even if Master found them, he wouldn’t know what they were. These cameras were here for two reasons.

The first was timing. I couldn’t be in the room when Master woke up, or he’d wonder why I hadn’t done anything. Instead I needed to walk into the room as Vectress was close to finishing Master off, so that I could react to the scene as though surprised.

The second was more personal. WIth this I could enjoy the sight of Master’s naked body anytime I wanted. It may not be quite as good as being fucked by Master himself, but masturbating to a live feed of the Master’s cock would be the next best thing.

Once the cameras were in place I headed out and started the live feed. I was pleased to see that Vectress had properly waited until everything was set up and running before she began to make her move onto Master’s pod. Using her powers she glided her way up until she was floating just above Master’s cock and then...the disappointment began.

By the god’s Vectress was terrible at this. Without being able to show it to you I’m not sure if I can even begin to describe just how bad Vectress’ attempt at a blowjob was. You have to understand, fellatio is an art form that can take months, even years to properly master and Vectress had never done it before she’d been enslaved.

Instead of beginning the process of slowly building his pleasure while keeping him asleep by drawing her tongue around the tip of the cock to give a cleaning while properly tasting it, she just threw her entire mouth in and tried to deepthroat it immediately. Of course she triggered her gag reflex immediately, because you have to build towards a deepthroat, not just go right to it.

It took every part of my willpower to stop myself from marching in there immediately to try and give Vectress some pointers on what to do. Fortunately for my plan, the sudden stimulation woke Master up almost immediately, because if he had stayed asleep through that I don’t know if I could have held on.

Master awoke with a start, noticed Vectress at his waist and began shouting at her. That was my que to walk in on them. Master turned in my direction, startled at my arrival. “This isn’t what it looks like,” he said quickly.

I simply sighed in exasperation. “Vectres, you know you’re not supposed to do that. We need to honor Master’s wishes.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Vectress responded angrily. “You haven’t gotten to experience Master’s cock for yourself. If you’d been blessed with his seed like I have, you’d be down here with me.”

After listening to that I marched over and violently pulled Vectress out of the pod. Vectress go into my face, but I simply stared back at her just as angrily as she was staring at me. After a moment I simply pointed at the door. Vectress took the hint and stormed off.

I took a moment to calm myself before turning to face Master. “I’m sorry Master, it’s just that Vectress just isn’t used to not getting what she wants.”

“Are you, okay?”

I thought about how to answer this. “No,” I finally responded. “I want you just as badly as Vectress does, it’s just that...”

I paused here for a moment before resuming, this time with a tinge of sadness in my voice, “I know I can’t make you love me, like I love you.”

I then left before Master could respond. I felt bad, making Master feel guilty like that, but it was for the best. I needed him to feel some guilt now, so that when he lets go of it, he’ll start to treat both of us like the slaves we deserve to be.

I headed down the halls towards Cargo Bay 1-B. This is where I’d arranged to meet Vectress after that little performance we’d both played. Once I arrived Vectress was already there, practically jumping with excitement. “How’d I do?” she asked like a little kid wanting to open their present.

“Apart from the pathetic blowjob, you did just fine,” I answered her.

“Hey, I thought I did pretty good at that.”

“Trust me, you have no idea how good a blowjob can get and when we have more time, I’m going to show you. For now though, I need you to keep trying to entice him like we discussed.”

“But,” I added, “in between bouts of trying to get Master to fuck you, I need you to be edging.”

“Oh, okay. Just one question. What’s edging?”

I just looked at her. I knew Vectress had little experience with sex, but I hadn’t thought she’d had this little. “Please tell me you at least know what masturbation is.”

“Oh yeah of course I know what that is. I mean, I’ve never done it, but I know what it is.”

Never masturbated? Really? I decided I needed to stop guessing at Vectress’ sexual history. “Okay, I need to know this, just how much experience do you have with sex anyway?’

Vectress looked a little nervous before sheepishly responding, “Um, well, I really didn’t have any before Master.”

Oh great. I need to seduce Master and the only help I have is practically a virgin! I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down before getting back to Vectress. “Okay, I can work with this. I’ll just have to explain this stuff to you as I go.”

“Edging,” I started, “Is when you masturbate right up to the moment of cumming, but then you stop just before you do. Then, once you’ve calmed down a little, you start masturbating again. The idea is to keep yourself just on the edge of cumming, but never actually doing it.”

Vectress considered what I’d told her. After thinking about it for a minute she responded with a question. “So, how is that going to seduce Master?”

“Well, there are a lot of men who get quite turned on seeing a woman desperate to cum but unable to do it. However this isn’t what this is about. No, getting you used to edging is about prepping you for the second phase of my plan.”

“The second phase?”

“Oh you’ll love that phase. After all,” I said before leaning in and whispering in her ear, “that’s the part where Master fucks you.”

This process went on for a few days. Vectress would try something to seduce Master, he would object and I would get involved to make sure Vectress never went too far. In between I would give Vectress some sex lessons, along with helping her learn how to better edge herself. After about 3 days, Vectress was finally ready.

“Please, let me cum, I need it.”

“No. I know you want to, but you can’t. Remember, only Master can make you cum.”

“I can’t wait any longer, please.”

“Tomorrow Vectress, tomorrow Master is going to make you cum.”

With that I leaned in and whispered the plan into Vectress’ ear. Tomorrow phase 2 begins.

“Have you seen Vectress?” I asked.

Master looked around carefully, worried that the mere mention of her name would somehow make Vectress appear out of thin air. “No, and frankly, I don’t wanna know where she is. She’s been going after me nonstop. Frankly, I need a break.”

“That’s actually what’s making me worried. After trying to seduce this hard, I don’t see why she would suddenly stop.”

Master thought about that for a few moments as a look of genuine concern crossed his face. While he may have been frustrated with Vectress, Master obviously didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. “Okay,” he said at last. “You go look for her. She might be planning something and if she is, I don’t want to be anywhere near her.”

I nodded in understanding and hurried out of the room to look for Vectress. Of course, since I already knew where she was, Cargo bay 1-A, finding her was fairly easy.

I walked in to find Vectress naked on the ground grinding her pussy with one hand, while groping her breast with the other. “Is he here?’ she asked as I walked into the room.

“No, not yet. Just hold out a little bit longer and Master will be here. Then you’ll be able to cum to your heart’s content.”

Vectress moaned in pleasure and I could see that just the thought of Master was now nearly enough to make her cum on her own. Fortunately she had been well trained by this point and managed to hold herself back. For my part, I simply set myself onto a chair and set a timer for one hour, enough time to convince Master that I had seriously looked for Vectress and tried to solve the problem myself once I’d found her. While I waited I took my tablet out and set it to play a looping video of Vectress’ earlier attempt at giving Master a blowjob. I then took out a dildo and began practicing my fellatio techniques on it as I watched Master’s cock and imagined it was me giving him that blowjob. It wasn’t quite time for me to be doing that just yet of course, but I wanted to keep myself in practice for when my time came.

“Master, come quick!” I yelled frantically as I ran into the lounge.

Master jumped up startled at my tone. “What is it?” he asked.

“It’s Vectress...”

“Stop,” Master said, interrupting me. “Whatever she’s up to, I don’t want anything to do with it.”

“Master,” I said, pleading with him. “Please. It’s bad, it’s really bad.”

Master looked at me, seeing the terror in my eyes as I begged him to help my friend. FInally he let out a deep sigh and responded. “Fine, let’s get this over with.”

After hearing Master’s agreement I hurried back to where I had left Vectress, with Master following close behind. Once we arrived he got a good look at Vectress writhing on the ground.

“What the fuck!” he said.

“I hurried over and knelt by Vectress. “She was like this when I found her. She’s not responding to anything.”

Master slowly approached and knelt down besides Vectress as well. He put his hands on her shoulders and gently shook her. “Vectress, snap out of it,” he said.

“Master....Master....Master,” was Vectress’ only reply as she continued to fondle herself.

As I knelt beside her, I turned my gaze away from her and towards Master. “Master,” I said, “I know you’re not going to want to tell me this, but I need to know. How often did you have sex with Vectress after Helen tricked you into enslaving her?”

“Nuetronia!” Master said, more shocked than anything.

“I’m sorry, but if I’m going to figure out how to help her, I NEED to know.”

Master looked at me with a look of determination. I simply stared right back at him. Inevitably, he was the one that broke first. “Just about every day,” he said as he looked down.

“That’s about what I thought,” I said as I turned back towards Vectress. I put the back of my hand and felt her forehead. “I think that she’s going through withdrawal.”


“From you. You have to understand. She got brainwashed into becoming your devoted slave and then spent the last month having daily sex with you. I think it’s become like a drug to her. Without it, she’s...well, you can see for yourself.”

“So what do we do?”

“You’re not going to like it.”

“Just tell me,” Master said with clear annoyance.

“We need to get her back to Earth. There’s nothing here that I can do for her, but once we’re back on Earth, the League’s resources can help her. Until then, we have to keep her going.”

“And how do we do that?” Master asked in a tone that implied that he already knew the answer and didn’t like it.

“You’re going to have to fuck her.”

Master stood up suddenly and started pacing around, agitated. “Can’t she just...go cold turkey?”

“We’re almost a month away from Earth. If she goes cold turkey and it goes bad, her brain could be mush by the time we get there. There’d be nothing left for the League to save.”

“What about Larnar? We’re only a few days removed from there.”

I stared back at Master critically. “Let me see if I’m hearing this right. You want to put Vectress’ fate in my BROTHER’S hands?”

Master flinched as he realized just how bad of an idea that was. I watched as he kept pacing back and forth, getting more and more agitated as he tried, desperately to think of some way, any way to get around this. Eventually he stopped and let out a scream of frustration.

This was my moment. I stood up and approached. Once I reached him I pulled him into a hug. “I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to do this, but it’s the only way to save her.”

Master relaxed into my arms. “I know, I just hate it,” he said, defeated.

I held onto him for a few moments more before letting him go. “I’ll give you some privacy,” I said as I walked out of the room.

As soon as the door slid shut I raced to my quarters and turned on my monitor, activating the camera’s I had set up in the cargo bay earlier. Master was about to fuck Vectress and I didn’t want miss a moment of it.

The footage began just as Master had begun to take his clothes off. He did so in a quick, but mechanical way, just getting it done without any regard for enticement. I wasn’t surprised of course, after all, Vectress was currently too far gone to appreciate it and besides, he’s the Master. It’s not his job to entice us, it’s ours to entice him.

FInally he was finished and he again approached Vectress. Interestingly, instead of rolling her onto her back to better position herself for him, Master chose to roll her onto her stomach. Thinking about it for a moment this made perfect sense. Master didn’t want to look at her face, since doing so would make this more real for him. Instead he placed her facing away from him so he could treat her as little more than an onahole for him to release his seed into. I don’t think it occurred to him that this was exactly the way Vectress wanted him to treat her.

Once he’d moved her onto her knees he paused for a moment, noticing the buttplug she was still wearing for the first time. Master shook his head and then put his hands on her hips as he positioned his cock over her pussy. Even at a distance through the monitor I could see how much she was just dripping with excitement. And then....Master thrust into her.

Vectress screamed and I swear you could have probably heard it anywhere on the ship she was so loud. All the pent up frustration from edging herself for 3 days straight had finally been undone as Vectress had what was probably the largest orgasm of her life to date. The sound of Vectress’ scream caused Master to pause, but when Vectress began instinctively grinding against him he started up again.

Master started with a slow rhythm, but sped up as Vectress’ scream turned into more of a low inarticulate moan of pleasure. The faster and harder he went the more she moaned. Something about this seemed odd though, so I reluctantly turned the camera away from Master and towards Vectress’ face. As I closed up I realized what was wrong. The pleasure had knocked Vectress out.

Her eyes had rolled back in her head and watching close up, it was clear that she hadn’t stopped orgasming the whole time. Her brain had simply shut down in order to save herself from the pleasure. Master was unaware of this as he kept pounding her over and over again. Finally he pulled out and his cum poured onto Vectress’ back.

After seeing that the show was over now, I turned the monitor off and sat back to think about what I’d seen. I didn’t know if what had happened to Vectress was a result of having her edge herself for so long, or if it was due to Master’s control over us, but at that moment, seeing the look of pure bliss on Vectress’ face, I sincerely hoped it was the latter.

I waited until I heard the sound of a door sliding open and shut, signalling that Master had gone to his room, then I headed out and went to check on Vectress.

She was still lying face down, passed out where she had lain. I looked at her before kneeling down so that I could lick Master’s cum off her back. I knew I probably shouldn’t, as it would be some time before I would be able to taste Master’s cum again, but by the gods, I’d earned this. I must say, even having gone cold as Master’s cum had here, it was still the most delicious thing I’d ever tasted. After tasting it I desperately rolled my tongue all over Vectress’ back, trying to collect every last bit of Master’s cum.

When finally, no matter how hard I tried, I could no longer taste any more of Master’s cum, I finally pulled Vectress up and slapped her across the face. The shock, though not enough to cause her real pain, was enough to wake her out of the orgasmic daze she had been in.

“What the?” She exclaimed as she shook off the cobwebs.

“Welcome back,” I replied with a little grin.

Vectress took a moment here to process as her brain caught up with everything that happened. Once it did she broke into a smile that you generally only see on children while opening presents. “Oh my god, that was amazing!” she exclaimed while grabbing my arms.

“Glad to see you enjoyed yourself.”

Vectress was practically jumping off the walls now, she had so much energy. I waited around for her to calm down a bit. When she finally did she turned back towards me and asked, “So what now?”

“For now, you should go and get yourself cleaned up. Tomorrow you’re going to, ‘apologize,’ to Master for the way you’d been acting. Meanwhile I’ll work out a schedule for exactly when and were Master will fuck you.”

“Jjust tell him to fuck me whenever he wants.”

“That’s for later. For now, we need to schedule this so Master feels more comfortable with the act of fucking you. Plus, it should get him more used to the idea of viewing you as nothing more than a receptacle for his lusts.”

Vectress paused to consider what I had said. “Oh, Okay then. But you should hurry it up. After all, we still need Master to fuck you.”

“Oh don’t worry about that. I already know exactly how I’m going to accomplish that,” I said as I strolled out of the room. Now that I was done seeing to Vectress, it was time to help Master come to terms with what he’d just done.

I had a good guess as to where Master went after he left Vectress where she was lying and I took a moment to get changed into a more suitable outfit. This time I didn’t go for anything revealing or sexy. Instead I went for a fairly modest piece of purple pajamas, the kind you would not be surprised to see any ordinary person wearing to bed. I wore this because Master’s bed was where I was going.

I quietly slipped into his room and was rewarded with the sight of Master lying in his sleeping pod. He hadn’t noticed that I’d come in, so I took advantage of that and slowly moved my way until I was standing next to the bed, looking down at Master as he lay on his side, with his back to me. I paused for only a moment before slipping into the pod myself and laying myself down next to him.

I could feel Master’s body flinch as I wrapped my arms around him. “It’s okay,” I whispered to him as I held onto him softly. Master’s body slowly relaxed as he began to realize I wasn’t trying anything sexual with him. Once I knew he’d calmed down enough I started talking to him again.

“This isn’t your fault.”

Master tensed again as he listened to what I’d said. Eventually he responded, as though he felt he was obligated to do so. “It feels like it’s my fault,” he said.

“Well it isn’t,” I said as I snuggled in closer to him. “You didn’t do this, it was done TO you. You’re as much a victim of this as we are.”

Master went silent after that and I felt his body shift as though he’d been carrying a great weight and it had finally been removed. I just smiled as I continued to hold onto him as we both fell asleep together.

I know what you’re thinking, why didn’t I try to have sex with him there. Perhaps I could have succeeded then (though the more likely scenario would be Master throwing me out and all the hard work I’d done to this point would be lost) but the truth is I wasn’t even tempted to try. You have to realize that I am Master’s slave. For me, my desire’s have to come second to what is best for Master. That means that at that moment, rather than trying to seduce Master, I needed to spend this time helping Master feel better about the situation he’d found himself in.

Besides, it wasn’t going to matter soon anyway. I’d already gotten him to push past that first line anyway.

The thing you have to understand about people, is that despite what they may tell you, lines are fluid. They may say they will never do something, but if you find a good enough reason, they’ll cross that line. Of course, once they’ve crossed that line once, it’ll be much easier to get them to cross it again and again. Do it enough times and eventually the line just doesn’t exist anymore. Ultimately, that’s how this plan works.

The first part was to get Master to have sex with Vectress. I chose her because he’d already slept with her before. Of course, he didn’t know she was brainwashed at the time, but ultimately it doesn’t matter. It’s just easier for him to justify having sex with her, since he’s already done it before.

Now that he’s crossed that line, my plan is to get him to have sex with her whenever he feels like it, because once I’ve gotten him to do that it’s only a small leap towards having sex with me.

To that end I’d begun the next part of the plan. This started with Vectress’ apology. Honestly she didn’t do a very good job of it. Admittedly I’d have had a hard time seeming contrite while I was still basking in the afterglow of Master’s affections.

It didn’t matter though in the end. Master knew that he was going to have to continue having sex with Vectress if he was going to avoid a repeat of the previous day. To that end I suggested that he and Vectress should start the day with a bout of sex. It should calm her down so that he can get through the rest of the day without having to worry about her starting to go after him as the day progressed, especially since, while the threat was small, there was still the chance that we could get attacked on the way and if that did occur we would want Vectress to be at her best.

Of course, that’s not all there is to it. I set up a plan with Vectress so that she would begin to entice Master to have sex with her outside of the originally scheduled times. The beginning would simply involve her dressing up in various outfits to, ‘gauge Master’s interest in what she should wear for their next scheduled session.’ From there we would slowly ratchet up the seduction to eventually wear Master down. I figured that this should all about a week before Master succumbs and begins to fuck Vectress regularly.

As for what I was to do, the answer was not much. To begin with I was simply to arrive to insure that Vectress didn’t try to push things too hard and to assure Master that I didn’t think anything that was happening was too egregious.

That’s why it was such a surprise for me to walk into the lounge only to find Vectress sitting on top of Master as he furiously pumped his cock in and out of her pussy.

Vectress was wearing what I believe is called a, reverse bunny outfit, though this one was done all in pink, including a pair of beautiful pink bunny ears, though with the sole exception of her bowtie, which was done in white. She was also wearing a pair of pink heart shaped pasties over her nipples, though at certain parts her areolas were so big they actually popped out through the ends on a few spots.

I froze right where I was as I watched Vectress grind her pussy against Master’s cock and moaning in ecstasy, while Master reached around and fondled her breasts. I don’t know how long I was frozen there, just watching them pleasure each other before Vectress finally seemed to notice I was there. “Nuetronia?” Vectress said in a weak voice.

Master stopped what he was doing immediately when he heard that. I could see him move his head around Vectress’ body so that he could see me, standing by the door. His face had a look of shock, but primarily one of guilt. That look proved to be too much for me and I turned around and ran from the room, tears already beginning to fall from my face.

I was sitting at the edge of my sleeping pod, trying desperately to stop crying, while cursing myself for reacting the way I had and ruining everything. Wasn’t this exactly what I had been planning for all along? I should have been happy that, instead of taking a whole week, Vectress had successfully seduced Master in less than a day!

Instead I was devastated and I was slowly beginning to realize why. Previously I’d always been somewhat removed from the reality of what was happening. I’d planned out when and where Master and Vectress were going to have sex. Furthermore, I had never been in the room when it happened, always watching from a monitor, which helped me to make it feel less real.

But this time, it wasn’t planned. I was hit with it like a punch to the face.

I was jealous.

It was the only explanation for what I’d done. I saw Master with Vectress and I wished that it was me there, but it couldn’t be. He wasn’t ready yet for me, I knew that much of course, but I’d been ignoring just how frustrated with that fact I was becoming. Frankly I think the only reason I’d been able to hold it together all this time was...because...I was....controlling everything.

Oh fuck.

I think a little history is in order. You may recall that I came to Earth because I’d crash landed here. Now that story is in fact true, though it omits the fact that the reason I was crashing was because I’d deliberately sabotaged the engines. It may seem weird now that I’d tried to commit suicide, but at the time, it seemed to be the only way out. My father was...very controlling. He twisted and manipulated everyone like puppets dancing on his own strings, but for me it was worse.

You see, I was supposed to be the Empress. Father had expectations of me. He wanted me to be just as deceitful and manipulative as he was. Over the years he twisted me back and forth until I became the perfect little mirror of himself. The day I’d turned the girl I’d been pretending was my best friend into a sacrifice to get a piece of jewelry I’d been eyeing was the first time I’d ever heard my father tell me he was proud of me.

I hated it. I hated what I’d done, but what I hated most was how happy his pride had made me feel. But I couldn’t stop. I kept twisting and turning things, creating a persona of the perfect angelic princess, the one who always did the right thing, while secretly manipulating everyone to get what I wanted.

One day, it had just been too much. I knew I couldn’t stop and even if I could, he wouldn’t let me. So, I decided to just make it simple. I arranged my own death.

Of course, things didn’t quite go the way I had planned them. Mind you, I don’t think I can be blamed for not planning on Vectress smashing her way through the hull of my ship, grabbing me, and flying me to safety at the last second. I mean, you know your mother, once she puts her mind to something, she just can’t be stopped.

It was the same when we ended up as partners. She simply told me, “Happy to be working with you.” When I noted that I hadn’t agreed to work with her she just smiled and retorted, “What, you have something better to do?”

I must admit I found it quite refreshing dealing with Vectress. She always knew who she was and what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to get it. She didn’t care about what other people thought of her, only what she thought of herself. In my own way I loved her.

Not romantically of course. While I find nothing wrong with playing around with the same sex occasionally (and by that I mean putting on a show for Master’s enjoyment) I personally am completely heterosexual. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t love her. Ultimately, I wanted to be like her. Instead I betrayed her. I turned her into a dirty, lying little manipulator.

Just like me.

I needed to get away from here, before I could corrupt Master any further with my twisted machinations. Just as I was coming to this conclusion I felt an arm reach around and pull me close. Master had apparently chosen that exact moment to find me and try and console me.

Just feeling his arms across me I couldn’t help but lean into him. “I’m sorry,” I said to him as I tried to control the sobs that were coming from me.

“Don’t be,” Master said. “This is my fault, I lost control...”

“No!” I retorted. “You didn’t. I made you lose it.”

Master paused then, before briefly laughing. “Sorry, but I don’t think you have any control over Vectress.”

“Yes, I do,” I responded. Master looked at me with a confused expression on his face. Alarm bells were ringing in my head, telling me I had to stop, to make up some elaborate story that would let Master think I was just being too hard on myself, but I refused to listen. I needed to tell Master the truth and I needed to do it now, while I was clear-headed. Any longer and I would shift back to my old deceitful self and Master would be doomed.

So I told him. I told him about my lies, about how I co-ordinated with Vectress to get Master to have sex with her again. I even told him about how I was going to get him to fuck me as well. I held nothing back.

After it was over I looked up and saw Master’s face. His face had become blank, leaving me unable to figure out just what he was thinking then. It didn’t matter, because I knew what I needed to do. I got up and started to walk away, only to be stopped suddenly. I looked back and saw Master was still holding on to my hand. “Master,” I said, “Please. You need to let me go. I don’t know how to stop manipulating you. That’s why I need to get far away from you before I do anything worse than what I’ve already done.”

“And exactly where on this ship could you possibly go to get far away from me?” Master asked.

I opened my mouth to respond and then immediately closed it. I knew the only place I could go to get away from Master. Worst of all, Master knew too and that was why he wouldn’t let go of me.”

As I stood there silently, Master stood up and pulled me close. He grabbed me by the shoulders and looked directly at me. “Now, I’m giving you a direct order,” He said. “I want you to tell me, with no lies or deceptions whatsoever, what it is that you really want.”

I froze in shock at that question. How could I answer Master honestly, when I didn’t even know what it was I really wanted. Yet somehow, despite all of this, I felt something stirring from deep within me and suddenly I found my body answering him for me. “I want someone else to decide everything for me. I just don’t want to think for myself.”

As I heard myself say this, everything suddenly clicked in my head. I was so manipulative because that was what my father wanted me to be. Why did I try to kill myself? Because I’d seen my father get sick and I knew that soon I’d be the empress and then I’d have to make all the decisions. Joining the League was all Vectress’ idea and when my brother decided to make me a slave I was quietly relieved, because then I would never have to make a decision again. Everything I had ever done, was because someone told me to do it. The only real decision I’d ever made was to try and force Master to become my Master in truth, so that he could start making decisions for me.

With that revelation came a sudden calm. I looked back up at Master and said what I was truly feeling. “Please, make me your slave.”

Master pulled away from me then. “No!” he cried out. “You’ve been brainwashed, forced to feel this way.”

“No,” I told him. “This is who I’ve always been. I’ve always wanted a Master. You’ve just decided for me who it would be.”

I slowly approached Master as he stayed locked in his position. “This is what I want, what I’ve always wanted. Please Master, make me yours.”

I leaned myself onto Master’s chest and waited. I couldn’t go any further. This had to be Master’s choice, not mine.

I waited silently as the seconds ticked by. Each moment seemed to my mind to take an eternity. Still, I waited.

Eventually I began to fear that nothing would ever happen, that I would simply stand here waiting forever.

Still I waited.

And finally, after a wait so long that I felt like I must have gone mad, Master moved. He reached up and held my chin, pushing it up so that I could look at him. His face was full of sadness and something else, a hunger that I don’t think was there before. Then he pressed his lips against mine.

Instantly I melted against his kiss. I felt his tongue begin to press against my lips and I opened them up to accept him inside of me. I reached around and held him tight, almost afraid that if I let him go I’d suddenly wake up and discover that this paradise I’d found was nothing more than a dream.

Eventually Master pulled away. I wanted to pull him back towards me, but I knew that wasn’t what Master wanted, so I let him go. Master took a step back and looked at me carefully. “Don’t move,” he said as he again approached me.

I froze where I stood, unable to go against Master’s command. Master walked past me and disappeared from my sight. I felt a moment of panic then. It was as though I were a child and the moment Master stepped out of my sight it was like he was gone. That panic left me when I suddenly felt Master’s hands upon my hips. Master slowly moved his hands up my sides and hooked his thumbs on my shirt, pulling it up as he went. I raised my arms as he went, easing his path to removing it from my body.

Once my shirt was off Master reached around and felt at my breasts. His hands caressed them carefully as he first pushed them together and then reached underneath my bra to fondle them directly. A low moan began to escape my lips as his thumb and index finger began to twist my nipples. If you haven’t had this happen to you, it’s hard to explain what it feels like. What’s more, with Master doing it, I was experiencing even greater pleasure as the moment his fingers touched my nipples it felt like my nipples had turned into my clitoris. The pleasure made me blank out for a moment, only coming back to myself when Master stopped briefly to pull my bra off entirely.

Once he’d done that he returned to fondling my breast, but with his other hand he reached down and inserted it into my skirt, placing his fingers directly on the entrance to my pussy. A small hiss escaped my lips as I felt two of his fingers enter me and begin to stimulate my insides. I closed my eyes to better focus on the pleasure as I began to subconsciously grind my hips to match his motion.

Just as I was about to cum Master stopped and again pulled himself back from me. I groaned in frustration. I’d been so close!. My anger slipped away however when I heard my Master’s command. “Now it’s your turn to please me.”

Of course, for a moment there I had forgotten that my purpose was to fulfill Master’s desires. I smiled as I turned around and slowly sashayed my way over towards him. As I did so I lightly caressed my breasts, not to pleasure myself, but to more prominently display them for Master’s benefit. Finally I reached Master’s front and began to suck on his neck, leaving a small hickey. I wanted to leave my own mark on Master, even if only a slight one. As I did this my hands reached up and grabbed the top of his shirt.

Rather than slowly pull Master’s shirt over his body I instead used my strength to rip his shirt apart from the front. Master reacted with an inarticulate shout in shock, but then looked down at me and laughed at the absurdity of it all. For my part, I took the opportunity to begin moving down his chest, leaving small kisses on his body as I went.

Once I reached his pants I again used my strength to rip his pants directly off his body. Master was much more relaxed as this time he was expecting it. This left me on my knees with nothing but Master’s boxers between me and his cock. I began to slowly rub my face across it as I inhaled his scent. If I hadn’t already been wet from Master’s earlier ministrations this alone would have left me gushing.

Rather than pull his boxers off, I decided to do something a little different. I reached into the opening on the front of his boxers and pulled his cock out through them, leaving his underwear on, but his glorious cock outside so that I could give it the proper blowjob it deserved.

Now I think it is the proper time to tell you about fellatio. Proper fellatio is an art form and it is as much a performance art as it is about making your partner feel pleasure. The trick is to worship the cock, making your partner feel your enjoyment of the act, increasing their own at the same time.

To that end I began by leaning into Master’s cock and deeply inhaling its scent into me, then after enticing Master with a hint of what was to come, I would take a long slow lick of Master’s cock from the base up to the tip. Once I reached the tip I began to lick around the edge of glans and the foreskin as a means of simulating that I was cleaning Master’s cock as I used one of my hands to begin to lightly jerk him off lightly.

Now by lightly I mean exactly that. At this point I’m merely ensuring that while I concentrate on cleaning Master’s cock that I also make sure that it remains hard, but not so hard as to risk a premature ejaculation. It’s important in these early parts to keep the amount of pleasure your partner is feeling light, as you want to slowly build your actions towards his eventual orgasm. Going too hard in the early parts is only going to end in your partner cumming far too quickly, leaving both of you vaguely unsatisfied.

Once I could taste the pre-cum leaking out of Master’s cock I knew I was ready to begin the next part. After taking a tiny kiss of the top of Master’s cock (mostly done as a means of making Master feel more dominant), I moved down and engulfed Master’s ball sack into my mouth. I gently (and I mean gently, these are the most sensitive and vulnerable parts of a man’s body, I did NOT want this to end by accidentally causing Master to double over in pain) began to suck on them, while slightly ramping up the stroking my hand was doing to stimulate Master’s balls to begin releasing it’s semen.

The low grunts of Master’s voice was a clear indication that my ministrations were having their intended effect, so with a deliberately over the top popping sound, I released his balls and moved once more up top so that I could get the real part started. I took the opening of Master’s cock into my mouth and began to slowly move my head up and down along the first half of his cock. As I did this I made a slight turning motion to simulate a corkscrew motion. This is important at this point because it creates the type of sensation along Master’s cock that only your mouth can provide. As I did this I rubbed my tongue all across his cock, increasing the stimulation, but in a targeted way.

I should mention at this point the use of your teeth at this stage. Now most people would think that using your teeth in any way on a person’s penis is a very bad idea. This assumption is wrong. A light application of one’s teeth along the base of the penis can actually cause a quite enjoyable sensation on the person it’s being used on. Of course this is a delicate balancing act, as using too much teeth, or doing it for too long can turn what would normally be a unique and quite enjoyable act into nothing but pain. This balance is of course different for each person, so some experimentation is necessary to find that perfect amount for the person you’re using it on. In the case of Master, since this was the first time I was giving Master head, I wanted to make sure that there was no risk of me causing him anything other than pleasure, so for this instance I made sure that my teeth would in no way come into contact with his cock. After all, I knew that I would have plenty of time to experiment later.

I began to start alternating on the speed I would move my head back and forth, along with my hand that was still rubbing across him. I would at first speed up and then slow it down, preventing Master from getting used to the sensations, increasing his pleasure. As I did this I used my free hand to reach down under the bottom of my skirt and move my panties to the side so that I could stimulate my vagina directly. I made a loud moaning noise, despite my mouth still being full of Master’s cock, drawing his attention to what I was doing.

Pleasuring yourself in the middle of fellatio depends on the person you’re doing it with. Some people get off on the idea of using you entirely for their own pleasure, getting upset if they see you trying to get yourself off as well. However by this time I knew Master well enough to know that he would find increased pleasure out of watching me masturbate as I sucked him off. This is why I was pleasing myself from over my skirt instead of reaching under it. I wanted Master to see what I was doing instead of merely imagining it.

Finally I determined Master was ready and with a slight grunt I pushed Master’s cock down my throat all the way to the base. I held myself there for a second as I continued to run my tongue along the base of Master’s cock. Then I slowly pulled myself back until I’d almost pulled Master’s cock entirely out of my mouth, before pushing down again all the way to the base. Once I’d assured myself that I had suppressed my gag reflex I began to speed up developing a steady rhythm as my head bounced up and down along the shaft. I was rewarded with the sound of Master’s groans of pleasure as I used my newly freed hand to hold onto Master’s ass, mostly to steady myself, but also just because I wanted to touch Master’s ass.

The feeling of a faint pulse in my throat from Master’s cock clued me into the fact that Master was about to cum. With a final push I thrust myself fully down his cock as I felt his balls release and Master’s cum began flooding down my throat. As that happened my body jerked as the sensation caused me to cum as well. My head went blank for a brief moment before coming back to myself just in time for Master’s ejaculation to finish. I slowly pulled back and extracted Master’s cock from my mouth. As I did this I gathered all of the remaining cum from his cock onto my tongue as I swirled it around my mouth, tasting it.

How do I describe the taste of Master’s cum? Imagine if you will, the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted. Now compared to Master’s cum, that thing tastes like utter garbage. Even I, with my very refined palate, found myself wishing to taste nothing else ever again. However this was not the moment to savor this. Instead I reluctantly swallowed while using my hands to begin working Master back up to a full erection.

After about a minute Master pulled me up to face him. I looked into his eyes as I saw the heat building inside of him. Not knowing what to do I stayed frozen, leaving Master to grab me and push me onto the sleeping pod.

My body drifted onto a stop and I laid there as Master slowly got on top of me. Once again I stared deep into his eyes until I felt a pressure at my pussy. Instinctively I reached down and took Master’s cock into my hands, guiding it slowly into my entrance. Once the tip had slipped inside I let go and with one thrust Master pushed himself fully inside of me.

I came.

Electricity flew across my brain as pleasure overwhelmed me. I barely noticed as Master leaned in and began kissing me as he pulled himself out for another thrust. Then, with his tongue invading my mouth he thrust forward again.

I came.

My mind was being blown apart by pleasure. Every time Master thrust inside me my body instantly came. We would realize later that the reason for this was because of how wonderful Master was. He took pleasure in giving us pleasure. As a result our bodies subconsciously reacted to this by causing us to orgasm pretty much every time he thrust into us. Eventually we’d learn how to control this, allowing us to better build pleasure before cumming at Master’s command. Unfortunately for me that moment was something that would come until later, leaving me at the mercy of the orgasm hell Master was putting me through.

In a last desperate bid to save what was left of my sanity I grabbed Master and rolled myself on top. My hope was that this way I could control the speed and intensity of Master’s thrusts, keeping my pleasure at least somewhat in check. However just as quickly as I’d put myself on top, Master grabbed ahold of me and rolled himself back on top. “Oh no, you don’t get to control this,” Master told me. “Right now, you just lay back and take whatever I choose to give you.”

Master’s command left me helpless. I could do nothing but lay back, spread my legs and let Master control everything. Somewhere deep inside whatever was left of my rational mind was reminding me that this is what I had said I’d wanted. I didn’t respond however, as I was too busy basking in Master’s love.

Again and again Master thrust himself into me and again and again I would cum. A continuous scream escaped my lips as my eyes began to roll back in my head. After what somehow seemed like both an eternity and far too short a time, I could feel Master cumming deep inside of me. This sparked the largest orgasm I’d experienced in my life. My entire body began spasming as I lost control of my bodily functions. Looking back on it, I can only thank the gods that somehow I didn’t accidentally harm Master during this moment. Fortunately, either due to my subconscious knowledge that I needed to prevent myself from harming him, or just the fact that the weight of all the orgasms I’d had to this moment had left me as weak as a newborn babe, my flailing about failed to cause any real harm. Instead, as the final wave of orgasms passed over me, I completely passed out.

I don’t know how long I was unconscious, just that I awoke to a slapping sound. I made a light groaning noise as I blearily opened my eyes. Once I’d gotten some sense of self I saw what was making the noise that had woken me up. Master was standing by the pod, with Vectress on her knees in front of him. Master had his hands on Vectress’ head as he slammed his cock down her throat over and over again. Vectress for her part had her hands behind her back and was making loud gagging sounds as she wordlessly accepted Master using her for his own pleasure.

Master turned his head and noticed that I had gotten up. “Just a moment,” he said as he began pounding his cock even faster down Vectress’ throat.

A few seconds later Master paused and began shuddering as he poured his cum into Vectress’ mouth. I tried my best not to feel jealous as I watched Vectress’ look of bliss as she gratefully took all of Master’s cum.

After Vectress recovered from her face fucking Master sat down next to me. I felt his arms go around my body and pulled me closer to him. “Feeling better now?” he asked.

My heart raced being held so close to Master, but something was bothering me. Master seemed to have changed and I needed to know why. “Master, I don’t understand. You and Vectress...”

“Well she is my slave too after all.”

I shook my head. “I know that. But before...”

I was interrupted by the sound of Master chuckling. “Yeah, I know,” He said. “It’s hard to explain. Best I can say is that, while you were asleep, Vectress and I had a good long conversation.”

I was almost afraid to ask, but I felt I had to. “About?”

Master simply smiled back at me. “It doesn’t matter,” he said.


“Because, it’s not your problem. You only need to do what you’re told. You don’t ever have to worry about why ever again.”

The joy of hearing that statement began to make me tear up and I disguised it by hugging Master tight to me. “Now now,” he said. “It’s not time to be quite so happy just yet. I still need to punish you.”

I froze when I heard Master say that. “Punish?” I said quietly, a hint of fear beginning to creep into my voice.

“Yeah,” Master replied. “After all, you tried to manipulate me. That’s not what a good slave does. Now you may have learned your lesson, but you still have to be punished for it.”

I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that. Of course, I had sinned against Master, obviously I would have to pay a price for that. “Of course, Master,” I said with determination.

“Good. Now, stand up and face me.”

I obeyed Master’s command and stood still in front of him. “Now, take the rest of your clothes off,” Master commanded.

Normally I might have tried to be more erotic as I stripped my skirt and panties off, but this was about punishment, not pleasure, so instead I simply took my clothing off as quickly and efficiently as I could. This meant that fairly quickly I was done and I presented my naked body so that Master could inspect me.

Master slowly walked around me as I stood there. His hands would occasionally lightly brush against my bare flesh, causing little jolts of electricity inside me every time it happened. I tried my best however to remain motionless and pretend he wasn’t making my body quiver in anticipation. It became almost impossible when his hand reached out and began caressing my ass. I tightened up instinctively as Master’s hand tightly gripped one asscheck and then the other. “Tell me,” he said, leaning up behind me so that he could whisper in my ear, “how much experience have you had?”

“Before you I was a virgin Master.”

Suddenly I felt a hard slap on my ass. The stinging sensation clued me in to what must have happened, Vectress had spanked me.

It had to have been Vectress who had spanked me because my durability meant that if Master had spanked me I would have felt almost nothing, while Master would have felt like he had spanked a brick wall.

“Don’t lie to me,” I heard Master say angrily behind me.

“I’m sorry Master,” I said hurriedly, “The truth is, I’ve had numerous lovers and have trained heavily in the art of lovemaking.”

“So why did you lie?”

I bit my lip slightly at that question, but Master had asked, so I had to answer. “Because,” I said, “I know humans like to take their lover’s virginity, so I lied to make you happy.”

Having read Master’s account of what had happened with Vectress I find it funny that both she and I lied to Master about our virginity. The only difference is that she lied about not being a virgin in order to make Master feel okay with having sex with her, while I lied about being a virgin in order to Make Master feel more dominant, like he’d conquered the unconquerable.

Well, that and the fact that, unlike Vectress, I’d been caught and I was going to need to make up for that.

“Umm, Master?”

“What is it?”

“I do have one virginity left.”

There was a moment of silence then before Master walked back into view in front of me. He paused and looked me dead in the eyes, with probably the most serious look I’d ever seen on his face. “And what virginity is that?” he asked.

“I still have my anal virginity Master.”

This was true. Though I had taken care to train my anus so that I could experience at some point, I’d never actually had anal sex with anyone just yet. With this at least, I had something I could offer Master to prove his conquest of me.

Master gave a strange sideways smile when he heard this. “That’s good,” he said. “However, you’re forgetting one thing. This isn’t a reward, it’s a punishment.”

It was then that I felt something on my backside. While I had been distracted by Master, Vectress had slipped up close behind me and she was now rubbing a strap-on dildo across my ass. It didn’t take a genius to realize what was going to happen next.

Vectress grabbed me from behind and lifted me up. Once I was up in the air she took hold of my legs. I reached back and wrapped my arms around hers to prevent myself from falling out of her grip. This left me being held in the air in an M pose with my pussy open to view in front of Master. Looking down I could see the large strap-on underneath me as Vectress rubbed it across my pussy so that she could lubricate it for what was to come. Once she’d finally gotten it ready she lifted me up slightly higher so she could position the dildo in front of my anal entrance and then slowly lowered me onto it.

I could feel a pressure on my ass as the dildo struggled to push its way through my entrance. Then, just as suddenly, my ass gave way and the dildo fully entered into me, taking away the only virginity I had to offer Master.

My eyes began to tear up as I struggled with the feeling of fullness inside of me. After about a minute Vectress seemed to be satisfied that I’d fully gotten used to dildo and began to slowly rock her hips back and forth, stimulating my insides as the dildo pushed in and out of my ass.

I struggled to keep from moaning. I didn’t want to admit to the pleasure I was feeling from this, as it felt like feeling pleasure with someone else was somehow a betrayal of Master. For his part Master watched carefully before walking up next to us, getting close enough that his face was mere inches away from my own.

My mouth instinctively opened as it prepared for my Master to shove his tongue into my mouth. However instead of kissing me he pressed himself tight to me and moved his head to the side as he kissed Vectress instead.

This was now a true punishment. I was trapped with Master so close to me, but instead of granting me his love, he was giving it to Vectress instead. “Oh please Master, I promise I’ll be good. Please Master, I need it.”

I begged shamelessly. Right now I didn’t care about my dignity or anything else. All that mattered was Master and his love.

Master seemingly ignored me however. Instead he continued to kiss Vectress while his hands reached around me and grabbed Vectress’ ass. Vectress was pulled closer to me, squishing me even harder between the two of them. All I could do was remain were I was, trapped between them, hoping that eventually the punishment would end.

Finally, Master pulled back just slightly and addressed me again. “Now, do you promise to never try to lie or manipulate me ever again?”

“Oh yes, yes Master, I swear!” I cried out, afraid that any delay might cause Master to return to punishing me.

“And you will obey any order, without ever questioning it again?”

This time the answer was even easier. “Yes, I swear to be your loyal slave, to obey every command no matter what it is.”

“Good,” Master said, before thrusting into my pussy.

I screamed as the sudden penetration made me cum again. Before I could recover from that both Master and Vectress began moving. Again my brain began to shut down as Master and Vectress began to get a good rhythm, pumping in and out of me over and over again. My head turned to the side to find Vectress right next to me. Vectress pushed her tongue into my mouth and I instinctively fought back until Master said, “Now play nice.”

Hearing Master’s order I opened my mouth and began to furiously make out with Vectress in front of Master. Now, while I may appreciate the female form I personally only have an interest in men. But this wasn’t about me being turned on by Vectress, this was about turning Master by having him watch two girls making out. The process seemed to work, as I could somehow feel Master getting harder inside of me, a feeling that was followed up by Master increasing his pistoning of my pussy.

Vectress matched Master’s new pace and it wasn’t long until we were all loudly moaning in tandem. This continued until Master suddenly jerked forward hard and came inside me. As he did this he grabbed Vectress’ ass again and pulled her forward, locking us in place. This caused yet another massive orgasm for myself and from the sounds Vectress was making, I think she came too.

Once Master was done Vectress released me and I collapsed, spent on the floor. Vectress for her part, moved forward and began using her breasts to clean Master’s cock of my juices and his cum. I barely recognized this at all, as I was still in a post orgasmic daze. However it seemed regular access to Master’s cock was beginning to give me some minor resistance to this, as I didn’t pass out this time. Instead I simply laid there until Vectress was done before getting to my knees and crawling over to her so that I could lick up Master’s ejaculate from Vectress breasts. I of course made sure to make a production of it in order to entice Master for yet one more round.

Master however only groaned when he saw this. “Sorry girls,” he said, “but I’m spent.”

Mentally I winced when I heard that. I’d forgotten that Master wasn’t some grand superhuman with infinite stamina. Of course he’d be worn out after only a few rounds. “That’s just fine,” I told him. “You get some rest while we clean up. Just know, we’ll be there whenever you’re ready.”

Vectress however had some other plans. She walked over and picked Master up as though they were newlyweds and she was getting ready to carry him over the threshold. “What the,” Master shouted in confusion.

“If you haven’t forgotten, this ain’t your room. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get there.”

“I can still walk. Besides, this is really embarrassing.”

Vectress just smiled wickedly at that and replied, “Sorry, but I’d prefer you preserve your energy for fucking us silly. Besides, if you don’t like it, I’ll gladly let you punish me any way you want.”

And with that, Vectress carried Master through the door and out of my room. I collapsed into the sleeping pod, but sleep eluded me. I was too energized from finally having all of my dreams fulfilled and I worried that if I fell asleep, I’d somehow wake up and find that none of it had happened.

While I lay there I heard the door slide open again. I sat up and came face to face with Helen.

I’d barely seen her ever since she’d revealed the truth to us all. Mostly I’d see her walking down a corridor either to her room, or the cockpit. This of course begged the question, why had she come here? Helen simply smiled and said, “Congratulations on the pregnancy.”

“Pregnancy?” I said, incredulously. Instinctively my hands reached down to my stomach. Could I really already be pregnant?

“It won’t be official till we get back to Earth and the League runs its tests on you, but yeah, you’re pregnant.”

I paused to think about this. Naturally I was thrilled of course. This was the ultimate proof of my submission to Master. But I still wasn’t sure what exactly Helen had planned.

Of course, Helen already knew about my concerns so she addressed them immediately. “Don’t worry, I’m not interested in your son. I’m just here to let you know, your mission isn’t over.”

“Mission?” I asked, confused.

“Yeah. Now that Peter has accepted his role as your Master, it’s now your mission to protect him.”

I leaned forward, my face now showing the seriousness I was now taking our conversation. “And how exactly am I going to be protecting Master?” I asked.

This was actually quite important. You see, I couldn’t quite trust Helen, at least, not yet. Obviously she was Master’s daughter, so she couldn’t do anything to prevent her own birth. Plus she’d arranged my enslavement to Master, something I was very grateful for, but at the same time she herself wasn’t one of Master’s slaves, so there was the possibility that she could be plotting something I wasn’t aware of.

Helen looked right at me, smirked and said, “Sorry, but I’m not allowed to tell you.”

That was....not an answer I was expecting. “Allowed? By who?” I asked.

“By you.”

Helen could see the obvious confusion on my face when she said that, so she continued. “You see, at some point in the future, you’re going to write all of this down and when you do, you explicitly say that I don’t tell you what you’re supposed to do to protect Master. Instead, I’m supposed to tell Vectress.”

“Vectress?” I said, incredulously.

Yeah, I’ve already told her everything. She knows what’s going to happen and what you need to do. All you have to do is wait for Vectress to tell you what to do and then do. So you never have to think or make a decision again.”

With that she turned around and walked out of the room, leaving me with a lot of questions, none of which I wanted answered, preferring instead to do just as she said, what I was told.

Eventually of course I would discover the danger to Master and what my part in protecting him was. But I don’t think I’m the right person to tell that story. Instead, I think it’s time to get Vectress in here to tell her side of the story. She doesn’t really want to, but neither Master nor I was here for everything, so if we want to make sure you don’t miss anything important, we’re going to need her part of the story too.

So I’ll leave the rest to her. For my part I need to go. Master will be going to bed soon and he’s going to need a pussy to keep his cock warm while he sleeps...

I don’t want to do this. Seriously, this is fucking insane. But Neutronia is right, you do need to know this. Plus as much as I hate to admit it, talking about all the ways Master fucked me senseless is going to be humiliating as all fuck and just the thought of it is already making me wet.

However, unlike those other two, I’m not going to just give this away for free. They may trust that you’re going to do whatever it takes to make sure this all happens, but I prefer to play it safe. So I’m going to seal my part of this story under one more signature lock. If you want to read the rest of this, you’re going to need to ensure that there’s no chance you don’t complete this mission.

So, read on, if you’ve got the guts...