The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Incapacity Benefit

By Maximilian Cummings

Part 5

What indeed would Ruth do next? She certainly liked the idea of meeting Jason and, having got the idea in her head, she did not wish to be thwarted. Having to lie in bed day after day was frustrating but she was learning how to get her own way, despite relying on others, by using her newfound hold over men and her developing friendship with Karen. Though only yesterday she had had a very enjoyable sexual experience with the fluorescent orange vibrator, now back in Karen’s possession (not the thing to leave lying around a sick girl’s bedroom for all to see—what with visiting aunts, nephews and nieces and all!), Ruth was again feeling in need of sexual stimulation.

“I was thinking,” said Ruth.

“Oh, and what is this about,” replied Karen as she put another spoonful of lunch in Ruth’s mouth. Karen had to wait for the answer.

“I can’t wait until I can feed myself again this is so awful—but that isn’t what I was thinking.”

Karen still had to wait for the revelation about what Ruth was thinking because she presented another spoon of lunch to Ruth.

“This lunch is better than usual Karen, thank you. Well I was thinking...” she began again and yet another spoonful appeared.

“Look, I’m not a baby, hold on a second and let me tell you.”

“It’ll get cold.”

“I was thinking...”

“Yes, I heard that bit.”

Ruth may have been incapacitated in a big way but she could still glare, “...about how I could get to see Jason.”

“Oh, yes?” but the loaded spoon re-appeared and Ruth gave up until feeding time was over. In her mind it was never breakfast, lunch or dinner. Always ‘feeding time’. Feeding time for baby, feeding time at the zoo, feeding time for the cripple—it didn’t matter which. She hated her incapacity.

Having your nails cut does not prevent talking and Ruth launched into her plan. Why couldn’t Karen and James or Karen and Bob take her around to see Jason? Surely it was possible to move her by stretcher. She really didn’t need to stay at home all the time and it would be great to get out.

“Jason could come here just as easily.”

“But it was my idea.”

Karen said she’d talk to colleagues, talk to Jason and see what could be arranged—but she wasn’t promising anything.

And so Ruth, for the first time in weeks, found herself leaving her bedroom, strapped to a stretcher, and taken downstairs and out of the house, out of what she increasingly saw as her prison and into the outside world. To sense the wind and sun on her face, the fresh air and the feeling of escape from her bedroom gaol—even if only for a few hours—was wonderful.

It was Bob helping Karen rather than James. Karen had reminded Ruth that she had James thinking he had to be naked in her presence, because of her allergies, and it would have looked a bit strange to have a naked man holding one end of Ruth’s stretcher out in the road. Ruth had giggled and hoped James would come to bathe her again soon. She liked him being naked. Ruth could not help noticing that Bob looked nervous and wary of her. He hadn’t forgotten his earlier experience.

Carefully Ruth was laid down on Jason’s bed but she could only see him out of the corner of her eye until Karen moved her head and there she was facing him and he facing her neither able to move but able to look and speak.



“Well we’ll leave you to chat for an hour and then we’ll come back and make some tea.”

There Ruth was in her pyjamas, Jason in his, a girl and a boy—two strangers together in a double bed but nothing could have been more proper: because nothing could happen.

They got on like a house on fire. Of course the first twenty minutes was taken up with talking about their shared interest—the illness and its problems, their discussion of which became more personal as they became more comfortable with each other’s company.

Their mutual friend Karen soon came into the conversation and, via that, the frustration of being unable to masturbate or have sexual relations. They were surprisingly frank—both knew things about the other from Karen and both knew the other knew.

“Karen described your breasts to me. I would love to see them.”

“I’d show them to you if I could. She told me you came when she described them—I would love to see that!”

They laughed together in a good companionable way.

Above the bed, suspended from the ceiling, was a complicated system of ropes, bars and pulleys. “It’s to lift me up,” Jason had explained, “makes it easier for everyone.”

Ruth was not sure she would like to be moved around like a sack of potatoes and was happy enough with the manual movement she experienced but she could see the sense in it.

All too soon it was time to go.

“Karen move my head, please, so I can kiss Jason goodbye.”

It was a bit more than a goodbye kiss; it was not just lips to cheek but lips to lips and an exploration of tongues.

“Have you finished?” said Karen with amusement after a couple of minutes.

Back in her own bed Ruth reflected on her day. A smile crossed her face. She had another idea. A really good idea and she would tell Karen tomorrow.

“You want to what?”

Karen looked at Ruth in astonishment. She knew Jason and Ruth had got along well but...

“You’ll have to wait—there is no way you can—it’s simply not possible for you both. You, of all people should know that. I can see one or the other could—but with somebody else. You need to be able to move, to hold, and to wriggle at the very least. Trust me, I know. You’ll have to wait.”

Ruth looked annoyed, “Why not? You got me round to Jason’s with help—why should you not help me in this?”

“But we’d be doing everything for you both—and I mean everything. The coupling together, the insertion is only the start. We would have to move the two of you like dolls; we would have to do everything. Would it be much fun for you or Jason, would either of you come? Wait ‘til you are better.”

“I can have fun if I want to, all I have to do is think and James or Bob or Dr Svengeld does what I want. Jason doesn’t have that option. The best he’s had is your kind hand and that was a little bit my request to you wasn’t it? I want to have sex with Jason; I am sure he does too and we don’t want to wait!”

“My, you are impatient. So this is not so much for you as for him is it?”

Ruth was silent for a moment and then opened her eyes wide with a coy smile, “Sort of, but I like the idea for me as well. Please Karen.”

They talked about it and how the act was to be accomplished. It was not going to be a simple matter. For most people it is, of course, a very simple matter—one of the easiest and most natural acts which does not require planning at all. It sort of comes naturally. It is the consequences of the act that can need planning or more accurately planning to avoid the consequences of the act. Both the act and the possible consequences needed planning for Ruth and Jason.

The day for Ruth’s next visit to Jason came round. Karen arrived accompanied not by Bob but a man Ruth had not seen before.

“This is Gary, Ruth, he is a new trainee.”

He certainly looked young and you couldn’t miss him in a crowd. He must have been six foot seven; thin as a rake and with the most carroty hair Ruth had ever seen with freckles to match. Not just a few freckles but an explosion of them. He seemed to be permanently grinning and cheerful.

As before Ruth and Jason were left alone to talk. It was towards the end of the time just before Karen and Gary were due to return that Ruth broached her idea of intercourse. Naturally Jason was incredulous but willing to give it a go—if Karen was up for it, he certainly would be.

Gary’s face was a picture when in reply to Karen’s question, “Are we ready to go?” Ruth had replied, “Not yet, if you have the time we want to fuck first, would you mind helping?”

Gary had just gaped.

It was Karen who replied, “Well Ruth, consenting adults and all that, but it won’t be very private.”

Gary, standing there ready to take Ruth home, seemed lost for words. Ruth helped him by thinking, “Ruth’s request is not surprising, you feel comfortable with the idea, keen to help and assist Karen. What she says goes.”

Gary stammered, “”

“We use the lifting equipment to raise Jason over Ruth and then we drop him into position,” she grinned, “there may need to be some fine adjustments by hand. Then, I suppose, we will have to work Jason’s hips to achieve the necessary friction and, hopefully, a successful conclusion.”

“Yes, I suppose so, yes I understand but, like I’ve not done this sort of thing before. Is this something we do often?”

“Only at the clients’ request,” Karen looked at Ruth and Jason, “you both want to do this?”

They did.

It was a normal and easy procedure to get Jason naked and into his harness. Karen had done it many times before and Gary was not unused to such equipment. The straps were tightened. Jason lay flat on the bed ready to be lifted.

“Let’s get Ruth stripped, I’ll do the top, you the bottoms.”

Ruth felt Gary’s hand at her drawstring and then the tug as the bottoms were slipped down her legs. Karen’s buttons were undone and her shirt drawn aside to reveal her chest.

“Gary, could you open Ruth’s thighs in a suitable position.”

“Suitable for what—oh, yes I...”

Ruth smiled. Karen was teasing Gary. Ruth felt like teasing him some more and thought him into a feeling of sexual excitement. After all, she reasoned, if he was ‘up’ he was likely to be keener in his helping of Jason and her. She felt her knees being bent and her legs opened.

“Right, let’s lift Jason.”

The ropes were pulled and Jason was lifted, rotated to face downwards and swung across and over Ruth.

Unable to move, neither had seen the preparation of the other and so had had to make do with anticipation. As Jason was swung up into the air he caught his first sight of Ruth’s little breasts—the breasts whose description by Karen had caused his penis to flow. They were having a similar initial effect now. He hung there suspended, his penis growing out from him as he looked down at Ruth’s face and chest. They smiled at each other.

Gently Karen lowered Jason onto Ruth, her aim was good and their lips touched and they kissed. Ruth felt the weight of Jason’s body against her breasts and the pressing of what felt like a short stick against the curls at the join of her thighs—Jason’s erection was against her. They kissed long and deeply but that was all they could do. There was no clasping of body to body, no stroking of breasts, no kneading of buttocks, no tweaking of nipples, no grasping of penis or gentle sliding of foreskin. There was so little they could do themselves—it really was all up to their assistants.

Jason felt himself being slowly lifted upwards again, his lips left Ruth’s—the touch was broken.

“Jason, I’d put your hand on Ruth’s breast only you are too strapped in. I told you both that this was not going to be easy. Not like normal intercourse at all. Down again?”

Jason was lowered. Lips touched. Mouths opened. Tongues caressed.

Gary was watching with a mixture of professional concern, puzzlement and sexual excitement. This was an unusual procedure, which needed to be done properly. It did feel odd though—a very strange thing to be doing and he couldn’t take his eyes from Ruth’s body—he desperately wanted to touch those breasts and trail his fingers in her exposed sex. He could hardly contain himself as he heard Ruth say, as Karen lifted Jason again,

“Could Gary stroke my breasts please, Karen?”

Karen looked at Gary, “they are going to need our help. There is not much they are going to be able to do themselves. Did they teach you about ‘assisted sex’ at college?”

Gary’s puzzled mind could not recall anything he had read in a textbook, heard at a lecture, discussed in a seminar let alone attended a practical about the topic. Even so, the logic of Karen was irrefutable and his excitement at the prospect considerable. Ruth’s power over his mind had had its effect. His hands reached out, pushing under Jason’s body so that he cupped Ruth’s breasts feeling their warm softness in the palms of his hands and the harder points of her nipples.

“You need to do a bit more than that, Gary, a bit of manipulation. Imagine it’s your girlfriend. You need to do what Jason would like to do. You get the idea?”

Gary got. He didn’t just do what Jason would have liked to do; he did what he actually wanted to do. He squeezed, he pulled, he stroked. He rolled the nipples between his fingers. He would have suckled had the breasts not been beneath Jason.

It was not just Ruth being assisted; Karen’s hand had slipped between the two bodies and was lightly stroking Jason’s cock. She did not want to over-excite him, did not want a spilling before he had even penetrated Ruth but she was doing her best with assisted foreplay. She made a quick finger test to see if Ruth was wet, to see if she was sufficiently excited and sufficiently lubricated ready for Jason’s cock to be inserted. She was.

Karen did not want to spoil the kissing, spoil all they could do by themselves but she was conscious of Jason’s dead weight on Ruth so she lifted him again—so different from when two people in control of themselves lie one on top of the other and are able to move and adjust the distribution of their weight as needed. Once again Jason rose into the air cock pointing down and forwards.

“Could I, could I—this seems so weird having to ask this—could you pull my head down to Ruth’s breasts?”

It was what anyone would have wanted to do but poor Jason had to ask.

Karen and Gary maneuvered the harness and ropes until Jason’s head was over Ruth’s chest.

“Right a bit, left a bit, lower.” Gary gave the fine adjustment instructions to Karen and Jason’s mouth was position right above Ruth’s left nipple. It stood waiting, a little cherry ready for Jason to nibble. The harness was lowered and Jason’s lips touched Ruth’s nipple and began to suckle.

There was a moan from Ruth—she liked that. The suspended Jason was left to play for a minute or two and then lifted, though his lips did immediately let go and Ruth’s nipple was rather pulled—she liked that, and then he was lowered to the right breast where instead of nibbling he licked—Ruth liked that too.

Jason was returned to hovering over Ruth, face to face.

“Should we then, you guys, attempt intercourse?”

Ruth and Jason assented their readiness.

Karen tore open the packet of a condom. It would not do for Ruth to become pregnant and there had been no opportunity to get her on ‘The Pill’. Carefully she placed it on Jason’s cock head and unrolled it along the shaft. It was ready.

“Right Gary, if I lower away slowly can you line up and insert. You will need to push Jason into Ruth and I think this will be easiest if he is still just floating in his harness, not lying on Ruth. Sorry you guys, I know this sounds terribly mechanistic but we have to co-ordinate our actions if we are to get you coupled. Not very romantic but it is the best we can do. Try and pretend we are not here.”

That was hardly possible.

Gary moved from breast duty. He had been enjoying that but now had the opportunity of touching Ruth in an even more interesting area. His hand did what he had wanted to do before and he let his fingers run up Ruth’s sex. “Just checking... checking you are ready Ruth,” he explained.

Karen smiled knowingly and lowered Jason.

Gary found himself squatting and peering between the few inches separating the two bodies. He realised it would be easier if Ruth’s knees were bent a little more so he could crook his arm under her thigh and reach his hand up to grasp the cock and guide it in position. The movement of the knees effected he took hold of Jason’s sheathed cock. At first he wasn’t too keen holding another bloke’s cock but the attraction of the proxy insertion into Ruth was certainly a counter to this. Putting his own cock, feeling uncomfortably constrained in his trousers, into Ruth would have been a lot better but this was exciting enough—inserting his own was an unattainable desire.

“Down a bit Karen, yes that’s it. Right let’s line them up, yes that looks about right.” It wasn’t too easy to see now with Jason’s hips in the way but holding the cock firmly Gary pulled Jason forward so his penis touched Ruth and, he thought, went in a bit. “Is that right, Ruth?”

“Oh yes!”

With his free hand Gary pushed Jason’s buttocks to hold him in position and stop him swinging back and away from Ruth; he removed his other hand from the sheathed penis; stood and pushed with both hands on Jason’s buttocks. Jason swung a little way forward.

“Oh yes!” said Jason and Ruth in unison.

“Are we in?” said Karen unnecessarily.

Gary straightened and took a step backwards taking his hands from Jason’s buttocks. Without the pressure, the pendulum that was Jason inevitably tried to swing back, it was only a little out of the vertical but Jason’s weight made it a heavy pendulum and this was enough to overcome the, perhaps limited, friction of the penis in vagina and that friction was not sufficient to hold back the swing. Slowly the penis withdrew as Jason swung back.

Gary spotted the movement, stepped forward and his hand caught Jason’s buttock on the outwards swing just before the penis was fully out. He pushed and Jason swung back with a little extra force back up and into Ruth. And so Jason was swung back and forth, Gary alternately pushing and releasing him as he floated just above Ruth, his penis rhythmically pistoning Ruth’s vagina. It was good for Ruth and Jason but, of course, in that position they could not kiss.

“You’re doing well, Gary,” said Karen.

Pleased by the praise, and finding the whole experience very erotic—desperate to touch himself, Gary pushed a little harder, Jason went into Ruth rather more firmly, and even a little further, but of course Newton’s Third Law applied—Action and Reaction are Equal and Opposite—and the outward swing was stronger and Jason’s cock completely left Ruth. Now it could have been that the angle of his erect penis was completely right for re-entry on the inward swing but that was not how Jason was built, his penis did not project at quite the right angle, it therefore missed and was pushed upwards to run right over Ruth’s clitoris, its head running on and into her curly hair.

“I’m out,” said Jason.

Gary slowed Jason’s movement and lined him up again.

“Can we kiss?” Said Ruth.

Gary pushed Jason’s buttocks forward and his penis slipped into Ruth. Karen lowered so Jason was resting again on Ruth.

Once more Ruth and Jason could kiss but this time with the additional pleasure of cock in vagina.

Clamping the ropes in position Karen came round to Gary and between them they began to rock Gary’s buttocks and hips to and fro with the result his penis moved a little back and forth in Ruth. Not as much as before but a decent movement. They could kiss at the same time though this was not now an energetic coupling, going hammer and tongs, but it was intercourse and was very pleasurable for the two passive participants.

After a few minutes, Karen lifted Jason’s head off Ruth’s. “Alright still, do you want lifting off?”

But they were very happy and so she went back to helping Gary.

Unfortunately mouth on mouth meant Ruth and Jason were unable to communicate with Karen or Gary. Jason, so excited by the new sensations and having his cock in such a new warm sliding place, was unable to ask for a cessation of movement to prevent him coming too soon. So come he did.

“Sorry Ruth,” was the first thing he said when Karen checked again.

But of course Ruth had known. The change in breathing and kissing had been clear enough and she had felt firmness ebbing away. It was a disappointment not a surprise. It had been very good whilst it had lasted and there would be other times—particularly when they were better. “Doesn’t matter,” she said, “that was great wasn’t it?”

As Jason was carefully uncoupled and the condom removed Ruth’s quick mind turned to thinking Jason’s was not the only cock in the room and why shouldn’t Gary carry on where Jason had left off. She thought and Gary reacted.

“If you like, Ruth, I could offer further assistance.” He was surprised at the words tumbling from his mouth.

“Further assistance?” said Karen, who immediately guessed what Ruth was up to. “A bit over and above?”

“I don’t mind,” he said lamely glancing downwards a bit embarrassed at what he had said—though his eyes immediately fell on Ruth’s exposed and rather open sex. His penis hardened a little more. Surely he couldn’t be so fortunate.

“I haven’t a second condom,” said Karen practically.

“I could... I could pull out,” replied Gary. He looked at Karen.

She shrugged her shoulders

“Please,” said Ruth simply, “if Jason doesn’t mind.”

Jason wasn’t totally sure whether he did mind or not but it seemed churlish to object given he had come too soon. He was also taken with the idea of watching and he asked to be propped up so he could see.

Karen and Gary got him out of his harness and made him comfortable, propped up on pillows.

It was one thing for Gary to offer but another for him to summon courage to take his trousers off and reveal himself naked. A quick thought by Ruth and his attitude changed and he was standing between her thighs, cock pointing at the ceiling.

“Now Gary, this is assisted sex—the aim is for Ruth to come: not for you to come. It’s your hardness we want not your semen! So concentrate and whatever you do don’t come inside Ruth—pull out if needs be! But best of all don’t come and make sure Ruth comes.”

Gary could hardly believe he was climbing up on the bed to get on top of Ruth. Only minutes before he had been helping Jason put his cock into Ruth, dreaming of doing the same thing and now here he was doing just that. It was rather embarrassing to be fucking with a colleague watching but, actually, he had never felt so sexually excited before. It was odd. He did not know why he felt like this, was vaguely worried by the turn of events, but too caught up in the sex really to think about that. He knelt between Ruth’s splayed legs and lowered himself onto her. The lack of response—so unlike his previous partners was strange but of course poor Ruth could not move. He pushed himself forward so his penis head just touched Ruth’s wetness. It felt so good, just that feeling of warm wetness. He stirred with the end rubbing on Ruth’s clitoris. She did not move at all but the moan indicated he was doing the right thing. Gary kept to his task of pleasuring Ruth—which was not to say he was not enjoying himself at the same time. The feeling of warm wetness was exquisite. He felt a restriction on movement and realised, without meaning to, he had gone beyond the soft folds and slipped the head into Ruth. Gary resisted the temptation to lunge but instead pulled out and continued his stroking motion. Through his head went the thought that he was the first to go naked there. He understood today was Ruth’s first time and unlike Jason his cock was not sheathed in a layer of latex. It was he who was really taking her virginity.

Gary’s stirring slowed and he waited knowing Ruth would know what was to come next and the anticipation would make the actual moment of total penetration the more exciting. Gary pushed forward and, eyes closed, felt his penis slide easily straight up and into Ruth right to the hilt—naked and embedded. Probably further in than Jason had been—though that had been difficult to judge. Warm, wet and comfortable. Gary bit his lip—he must not come, but his excitement, the feeling on his cock and indeed the touch of those breasts against his chest coupled with the knowledge of what he was doing was almost too much. He held himself still.

“Not doing anything you shouldn’t?” Karen’s voice intruded on his pleasure reminding him he was being watched.

“No, no,” he turned to her, “just keeping myself under control.” It was odd having his colleague there whilst he was having sex. In his aroused state the idea of her joining in came to him, he wondered what her little athletic body looked like naked? Danger passed he began to move again sliding himself almost out and then slowly in again. Taking it slowly so as not to provoke his own orgasm. It would not do to come too soon and release his semen inside.

Karen glanced at Jason propped up on the pillows watching, his own wet cock lying still. He seemed fascinated by what was going on. She turned back to Ruth and Gary and watched the muscles of Gary’s small bottom moving. She smiled. She was the only one missing out here. Never mind. It was good to see Ruth and Jason happy and rather amusing to see what Ruth was doing to Gary. She was a rather naughty girl.

Gary kept up his slow action, slow and steady but pleasurable for both, his cock sliding back and forth. More normal intercourse than Jason and Ruth but still with one passive party.

“Is that all right, Ruth?” he asked.

“Yes, yes great. Keep that up I’m nearly, nearly there.”

Gary’s careful and thoughtful attention was having its effect. Ruth could feel her orgasm building.

“Faster Gary, please.” She wanted the feel of a man pushing hard at her—really fucking her.

Gary obliged. Push, push and push. His cock moved quickly in and out, sliding easily in the smooth sheath.

The rapid movement, the extra stimulation had the predictable effect on Gary. It happened too quickly and before he could hold still he felt the tightening, the increased sensation, the readying of the muscles to expel his semen. He was going to come and too soon, too soon for Ruth. Reluctantly he pulled out on the backstroke lifting his buttocks up. Hanging below him, free in the air, his penis spurted sending a shower of semen onto Ruth’s tummy safely away from her sex. Gary would much preferred to have still felt the warmth and wetness of Ruth, Karen’s hand or even his own hand on his penis but even without further stimulation the orgasm was good. The image of his penis spurting freely, the semen flying and splashing onto Ruth’s smooth flawless skin, pooling in her tummy button remained an erotic image the rest of his life. One that often came to him when he was alone in bed, penis in hand.

Gary stood sheepishly looking at Karen, his wet penis starting to wilt, a final oozing of semen hanging from it. Ruth was pouting obviously disappointed to be denied her orgasm.

“Sorry,” he said repeating Jason.

“Well,” said Karen, “you didn’t do much good there, did you Gary. I said you were not to come until Ruth had. So I suppose...” she suddenly started moving, “I’d better finish the job myself as you men seem unable.”

To Gary and Ruth’s surprise Karen pulled Ruth’s legs up so she had better access and plunged her face down into Ruth’s sex clearly intent on orally bringing her to a climax. Gary glanced at Jason in surprise. Jason was grinning and his penis showing signs of returning to life—a surprisingly fast recuperation. Gary turned back to Karen who was energetically at work, her mouth nibbling and tongue caressing where they would do most good.

Ruth was certainly surprised at the development. She didn’t fancy Karen, she didn’t fancy girls at all but there was nothing she could do about it but protest. Though, in her near orgasm state, the touch of Karen’s lips and tongue were very stimulating and surrounded as she was by naked boys the combination was enough. With a gasp she climaxed—Ruth saw lights.

A wet faced Karen surfaced looking vaguely puzzled.

There was a slightly uncomfortable pause as Ruth recovered.

“Karen, that was unexpected but nice,” said Ruth, “I hadn’t expected that particular assistance.”

“No, I sort of... I” Karen seemed a bit lost for words and looked around a little puzzled and said as if she was trying to change the subject, “Oh Jason how did you recover so fast?”

Recover he certainly had, as propped up in bed he was sitting there with an erection once more.

Karen continued to look at him, “Would you like me to see to that?”

“Oh yes, if you would?”

Karen knelt by the bed next to Jason, moving from oral sex on a girl to oral sex on a boy. This was rather more than Jason had expected. Certainly the idea had been in his head, a desire, but not something he had thought at all would happen. He had thought she would take him in hand.

Karen looked at Jason’s hard cock, shining with the remains of the condom’s lubrication. The smell of latex still present. Not unpleasant but slightly odd. Rather than lick she just took it straight into her mouth, a single sliding motion. She began to work it with her lips and tongue, Karen knew what she was doing and knew how to do it well.

“What’s going on?” Asked Ruth stuck staring at the ceiling. The frustration of not being able to turn your neck is not something easily imagined until experienced.

“Oh Ruth, I got hard again and Karen was kind enough, I mean is kind enough to... to well she cannot speak right now.”

“Gary, can I see please?”

And so Ruth was propped up right next to Justin—rather like two manikins leaning against each other. Both heads placed so they could watch Karen at work and rather sweetly they were holding hands. Gary’s idea. Ruth’s moveable finger and thumb caressed Jason’s hand and she was surprised to feel a response. He was getting better too.

Ruth smiled. She wondered what it was like sucking Jason’s cock. She hadn’t done that yet—not to anyone. She could have asked to but she rather wanted to be in control when she did that, able to move her head, she wasn’t sure she quite liked the idea of her mouth being, well fucked, she rather preferred the idea of sucking the boy to a climax—an extraction rather than an insertion—it was a point of view.

“What’s it like?” she whispered to Jason.

“Like I’m nearly about to come and there is nothing I can do to stop it, just Karen’s wet lips stroking. It’s really good, Ruth, ‘course I wish it was you,” he whispered back. “I’m nearly there and I so wish I could hold you tight, kiss your breasts—kiss you and...”

Jason came, a strong pulse into Karen’s mouth. Not plentiful but he had, after all, very recently come. Karen swallowed still rather puzzled why she was doing this—she hadn’t meant to get involved.

The tidying up took a little time and then there was the taking home of Ruth, back to her bed and her own thoughts. Ruth was pleased with her day. It had not gone quite as expected but it had certainly been a success, a very enjoyable day indeed. She wasn’t a virgin anymore, there was promise of more sex to come with her now close friend Jason, she had plans and what was more her hand was definitely a little more mobile—it wasn’t just her finger and thumb now. She watched the movement for some time before she realised she had turned her head just a bit to see her hand. Things were looking up. Could she ask Dr Svengeld about The Pill?