The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Life’s A Beach...

by J. Darksong


I waited patiently... er, okay, as patiently as I was capable of, anyway... as Adam lead me up to his room. As soon as the door closed, however, I rounded on him with the questions. “Okay, bud, we’re here,” I said, moving to the nearby couch, flopping down, and crossing my arms. “Spill. What’s the deal with you and your ex? What’s going on with the Shaved Ice Lady? And does any of this have something to do with the beach coming alive and attacking people?”

Adam blinked, frowning. “Okay, I can answer the first two questions easily enough, but that third one? I have no idea what you’re talking about. You said... the beach ‘came alive’ and started attacking people?”

Sighing inwardly, I waved a hand dismissively. “Never mind about that one, then. Back to the first two questions. What is going on here?”

Walking past me into the kitchenette, he glanced back my way. “Would you like something to drink? I have water, soda, lemonade... or beer if you prefer?”

“No thanks. I’m only thirsty for information right now,” I replied with a smirk. “Quit stalling and get on with it.”

“Okay, okay, just grabbing a drink,” he said, picking a can of Coke for himself. “It’s kind of a long story,” he added, popping the tab and taking a long sip before joining me on the couch. “Okay... so, I mentioned that this is all kind of my fault, right? Well, before I get into what’s happening now, I have to kind of set the stage. This is back about a year or so, okay? It was Spring Break, and my then-girlfriend Tiffany and I came here to this very same beach with a bunch of our classmates from the nearby college. We’d been going steady for a while now, and we’d been friends from back in high school. We were pretty close, and friends as well as lovers. That’s... kind of what makes this all so messed up, yanno?” He sighed heavily, staring down at his hands. He sat there silently for a long moment, lost in thought, and I was just about to prompt him when he finally spoke again.

“Tiffany is really beautiful. I mean, model-level gorgeous. She’s tall, with deep blue eyes, blonde hair, a perfect face, and... um, well... a really healthy chest, of you, know what I mean. She was on the cheerleading squad in junior high and high school, so she’s really fit. Not an ounce of fat on her. She’s a total hottie, the kind of girl that stops traffic, that is always noticed when she enters a room. But she’s also been kind of shy about her body, and usually tried to downplay her beauty. She wasn’t vain at all. Not in the slightest. And despite being on the cheerleading squad, she wasn’t stuck up or anything... really down to earth.”

I sighed softly. “She sounds like a great girl. But can you skip ahead to the important parts of the story please?”

“I’m getting there, alright? But you need to understand the kind of girl Tiffany is... er, was, before I get to that.” He sighed deeply. “So, yeah... she’s a total babe. But more than that, she’s smart. Hella smart. She was valedictorian of our High school at graduation and got several scholarships to go to college here in Miami. She decided to study chemistry and medicine. Her dream was to become a doctor... a researcher, someone who would possibly one day find the cure for cancer or Alzheimer’s, and save a bunch of lives.” I blinked at that. Okay... I was kind of starting to like this girl. If nothing else, she had some pretty good goals. “The thing is... the city is pretty damn expensive. Even with her scholarships and grants, she just barely had enough money to pay tuition and room and board. She had virtually nothing left over. So, well... she did what a lot of people do in college to help make ends meet—she got a job.” He sighed heavily, head drooping. “And, well... with a body like hers, you can probably guess what kind of job she found to help pay the bills...”

I blinked, then sighed, putting together the clues. “You mean, she was moonlighting as a stripper?”

“Yeah, exactly. An exotic dancer,” he confirmed with a nod. “And before you ask, yeah I knew about it. It didn’t bother me. I trusted Tiff absolutely and knew the kind of person she was deep down. For her, it was just about making some extra money to survive and help with college. And she JUST danced. No sex or anything on the side. Hell, I was the only guy she’d ever had sex with, and she made me wait the whole time we dated until after high school graduation to take her virginity.” He smiled sadly. “She was very beautiful like I said, but she also had some... issues. She hated that everyone always saw her body but nothing beyond that. People always seemed surprised that she had a brain to go along with it. That’s probably the main reason why we were dating... I was one of the only people that treated her as a person instead of a sexy hot babe. I loved her for herself, for the smart, funny, shy girl that she was.”

Okay, my estimation for him rose as well. “Okay, I get it, sounds like you two were good together. So... how did everything go horribly wrong?”

Adam shook his head. “It was that vacation at the beach,” he lamented. “And again... it all started with me. Turns out they were having a bikini contest here back there, and I encouraged Tiffany to enter. She was against it, of course. Despite spending her nights shaking her booty and taking off her clothes to music for money, she was very shy about her body. Still, I encouraged her, noting that the first prize was a thousand dollars.

* * *

“You know, you could really use the money,” I’d pointed out to her, “Besides, Tiff, you’re gorgeous! You’d win first prize hands down!”

“But... I don’t really like the idea of all those people just... ogling me,” she’d protested.

“Look at it this way,” I’d countered. “It’s just like your job dancing. Except you don’t actually have to take anything off. You just smile and pose, and answer some questions for the crowd... and bingo! You take home the prize!”

She’d glanced at him sidelong, biting her lip. “You... really think I could do this? That I could win?”

Adam had laughed. “Of course, babe! C’mon, Tiff. It’ll be easy! What could go wrong?”

* * *

Adam chuckled humorlessly. “Yeah. Famous last words. What could go wrong indeed? Well, let me tell you. It turned out that one of the three judges for the contest, an old, balding, pudgy little man named Sherman, was a regular at the Kit Kat Klub where Tiffany danced. Once she strutted across the stage, he recognized her instantly. He conferred with the other two judges, then made a public announcement. Tiffany was disqualified from the contest, but rather than telling her privately to withdraw, he used the microphone to publically out her, saying that ‘prostitutes’ and ‘other such filth’ were not welcome at this whole family event. The whole thing left her completely mortified. Crying, she ran away from the stage, all the while the crowd was laughing and jeering at her. I ran after her... tried to comfort her as best I could... but she was inconsolable.”

I shook my head, scowling. “Fuck! What an asshole! Publicly shaming her that way? And it’s not as if HE is some kind of pillar of wholesomeness himself! He only recognized her by being a regular customer himself! Why didn’t anyone question him about just HOW he knew she was a stripper?”

“My point exactly,” Adam replied fervently. “Still... regardless the damage was done. Things between us were strained for the rest of the vacation. Tiffany refused to leave her hotel room. Worse, she barely talked to me, blaming me for encouraging her to enter the contest in the first place. But... as rough as that was, it was only the start. Returning back to college the following week, Tiffany was summoned to her Dean’s office after her first class. Apparently, word had spread from the other students there at the beach, and it ended up reaching the college staff, specifically the academic tuition board. The whole episode had garnered a bit of bad publicity for the school, and they decided to withdraw her scholarship and grant money.”

“Wait... what? They... they can’t do something like that, can they?” I asked, confused. “I mean, who cares if she spends her nights as an exotic dancer? It’s not illegal. And it has nothing to do with her academic performance. Assuming she kept her grades up, they would have no cause to boot her out.”

“That was Tiffany’s argument,” Adam replied grimly. “She appealed to the board, to the Administration, to the President of the college himself. But no one was willing to relent. Ultimately, they cut her off, and with no money to pay for her classes, she was forced to drop out.” He sighed again. “As you can guess, Tiffany was devastated. Her family was poor, not destitute or anything, but they didn’t have to money to pay for her tuition. With no money, and nowhere to stay, she eventually had to go back home. And me... I was disgusted about the whole thing as well. I lodged a formal protest with the board as well, but I was ignored, so I withdrew as well and followed her back home.”

We sat in silence for a moment, Adam letting me take all of this in. “Well, I can definitely see why she would want to get revenge against everyone that she felt wronged her,” I replied softly. “Hell, all things considered, I might even help out. But... I get the feeling there is more to the story here. How does this all tie in with the blonde bimbo running the Brain Freeze stand?”

“Yeah, that part’s a bit complicated as well,” he admitted, glancing up at me again. “And, again, it is my fault. Okay... after she got kicked out of college, and came back home, I kind of lost touch with her for a bit. She stopped answering my calls and texts, and it took me a week to get back home myself, having stayed a few days to try and speak to the school on her behalf. Naturally, when I did get back home, I was worried. I talked to her folks, but they said Tiffany had become pretty much a shut-in, barely leaving her room, refusing to talk to them about what happened. They had just let her be, giving her her space... and I considered doing so as well. But... I felt guilty about my part in things. I could handle her breaking up with me, wanting nothing to do with me... but I still worried about her, yanno? So I decided to go over to her house and check up on her.” He groaned softly, closing his eyes. “I’m glad I did... really really glad... but I still wish I had left for home with her, had stayed with her the entire time... if so then maybe she... she wouldn’t have...”

“Wouldn’t have what, Adam?” I asked, feeling suddenly cold. I had an inkling what this was leading up to, but I wanted... no needed, to hear it to be sure. “What did she do?”

“She tried to kill herself,” he answered in a strained voice. Damn... sometimes I really hated being right. “She didn’t answer the door, but I knew where her mom hid the spare key, so I let myself in. When I walked in, I just... I just knew something was wrong. I went back into her bedroom and found her... and three bottles of prescription pills, all empty, lying on the floor beside the bed. I... kinda freaked out a bit. Luckily, she was still alive, still, breathing, so I stuck my finger down her throat, make her vomit, then called for an ambulance.”

“Wow! Sounds like you saved her life, then!” I responded. “That was quick thinking, making her throw up. I don’t think I would have been clear-headed enough to think of that.”

Adam shrugged. “I don’t think it was clearheaded thinking, more like desperation. But it worked. The EMTs managed to stabilize her and got her to the hospital where they flushed out her system. I brought them the pill bottles, so the doctors knew exactly what she’d taken. They contacted her parents, who of course, freaked out as well. They thanked me fervently for saving their daughter but were honestly at a loss for what to do. They agreed with the doctors and let them keep her overnight for observations, and contacted some mental health counselors to speak to her about what was going on.” He shook his head. “But... I knew what the deal was. I knew that nothing anyone said to her was going to have any effect. Tiff was in a downward spiral. Her dream had been destroyed, and she had lost the will to live. She’d given up... and it was all my fault.”

Glancing up at me again, I winced seeing the pain and despair in his eyes. “So... I tried to fix things,” he continued softly, picking up his tablet again, tapping idly at the keys, “I tried to help her the only way I could think of. And I did... I helped her. And at the same time, made things so much worse.”

When he refused to comment further, I sighed. “Okay... what did you do exactly? How did you break her out of her desire to give up and just end it all? How did you get through to her?”

In response, he held up the tablet before me, showing the display. It was... a machine of some kind? A diagram of what looked like a VR helmet, with a lot of technical data scrolling down the side. “I’m a tinkerer,” he said, shrugging again. “I was studying to be an engineer, specifically, an electrical engineer. I was always taking things apart and building little gizmos and devices. Recently, just after high school, I’d gone to a hypnosis show with Tiff and had been floored by the way the guy had hypnotized his subject with a spinning spiral and a brief color light show. Well, after that, I started tinkering with a device, a piece of technology, that I thought could produce the same results.”

Uh-huh. He built a brainwashing helmet. Well... I guess some of this was starting to make sense now.

“You... you have to understand,” Adam continued, his tone taking on a pleading whine. “I didn’t know what else to do! My girlfriend, the woman I loved... she tried to kill herself. She felt like she had nothing to live for. And it was all my fault. I... I had to do something!” He lowered his head. “I mean... it was a crazy idea. It was just something I was tinkering around with. I’d only tested it a few times on myself, and it hadn’t so much as made me drowsy. I knew it needed a lot more work... that even getting it to work on her at all was a million-to-one shot. But, well... I was desperate. So... I ran home, grabbed my helmet, took it back to the hospital, and strapped it to Tiffany’s head. She was... really kind of out of it. Not only had she nearly died, but the doctors also had three different IVs pumping into her to detox her. She came awake shortly after I put the helmet on her, though, and asked me what was going on, what I was doing.”

* * *

“A... Adam? Wh... what’re you... doing?” she’d asked, voice slurred. “Why is... this thin’ on mah head?”

“Shhh. It’s okay,” he’d whispered back, making the final calibrations. “It’s all going to be okay. I promise. I’m going to help you.”

“Heeellp... meee...?” she’d murmured, shaking her head idly. “N-no... don’ wanna... not... yer help...” she’d protested weakly.

“Shhh. Just relax,” he’d insisted, activating his device. Tiffany had immediately stiffened, then relaxed, going completely limp. “That’s it... just relax and listen to me for a minute,” he’d stated, taking a deep breath. “What happened to you at the school was bad. It was a travesty. But it was not your fault.” He shook his head, still frazzled, overwhelmed, trying to think of what to say to encourage her. “You are strong. You are beautiful. And... you don’t need to be shy about your beauty. You should be proud of it. Embrace it. You’re a strong, independent woman. And you don’t need anyone’s help. You can make it on your own. So... there’s no reason to kill yourself. You have everything to live for. Everything. You can do anything if you put your mind to it! So, don’t let anyone hold you back.”

He’d paused then, wondering idly if he’d done any good if his spiel would pierce through her despair. “You have to trust me, Tiff. I know you can never forgive me... but you have to listen to me. You can rise above the pain and sadness you’re feeling right now. What those people did to ruin your life, and get you kicked out of school... you can’t let them get away with it! If you let them defeat you and make you give up, they win. And you don’t want them to win. So... fight. Fight! Please... just stay alive...” It was then that he heard the sound of the nurse coming down the hallway. Sighing, wondering if he’d done any good at all he switched off the helmet, and removed it from her head, packing it away just as the nurse arrived back to check up on the patient.

* * *

Adam groaned softly. “At the time, I had no way of knowing how deeply my words had impacted her. As I said, I’d tested the thing on myself and had barely gotten any reaction. With Tiffany though... I hadn’t taken into account the drugs she was on. The pills she’d taken were a really strong sedative. And the drugs they were using to flush out her system, they were pretty strong as well. The combination had her really loopy. And when my damned light show struck, her brain was blasted wide open, pretty much beaming my every word directly into her subconscious.” He laughed bitterly. “If I’d know they would be so damned effective, I would have prepared a speech... or better yet, just kept it simple and told her ‘You’re fine and you don’t want to kill yourself anymore.’ But no... I had to ramble on like a desperate lovesick fool...”

I grimaced slightly. Having listened to his story, I knew the overall effect of what he meant. A lot of the things he’d said were meant to be encouraging, but taken literally, a lot of what he’d said could also be very damaging. “Tell me the rest of it,” I said with a sigh. “How did she respond? What happened next?”

“Well, the next couple of days were kind of confusing for me.” Adam continued. “The very next day when I went back to the hospital to visit her, I found out that she had been released. The doctor said that a good night’s sleep had apparently rejuvenated her and that the close shave with death had been a wake-up call for her. The psychiatrist had talked to her and proclaimed her safe to release back to her parent’s care again, who had come and taken her back home.” He chuckled ruefully. “I admit it. I was psyched. I was happy that she was okay, though I was pretty sure that her sudden recovery was due to me and my little intervention the night before. Excited, I left, heading over on my bike to her house to visit her, calling her on my cell phone along the way. Except... the conversation didn’t go exactly the way I’d hoped...”

* * *


“Tiff! Thank God! You’re okay! I just heard from the hospital! They said you’re doing okay and were just released back home. I’m on my way to visit you right now—”

“No! Stop. Go back home, Adam. I don’t want to see you.”

He’d blinked in surprise, nearly crashing his bike. “Wait... what? You don’t want to see me? But Tiff—”

“No, Adam,” she said firmly. “I made up my mind. Everything that happened to me... all of it... it was your fault. You are the one that encouraged me to do that stupid contest. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be in school, still studying for my degree. Instead, I’m back home here with my folks. trying to pick up the pieces.”

Adam sighed heavily, hanging his head. “Okay... okay. you’re right. I screwed up. But baby... I love you! You know I would never do anything to hurt you! It was just... just a stupid mistake!”

Tiffany laughed aloud. “Yes. I know that. You didn’t have any reason to want me to fail. I know you love me. And... I love you too, Adam. Even after all of this.” She sighed then. “But... it doesn’t matter. I can’t forgive you for ruining my life. I can NEVER forgive you, Adam.”

Adam froze, a chill going down his spine, her choice of words, and the tone she uttered them in causing him to recoil. “What... what are you saying?” he asked softly.

“We’re done, Adam. Broken up. I don’t want to see or hear from you ever again,” she’d replied back simply. “I’m sorry it has to be this way... but I’m getting on with my life now. I’m making a brand new start... and the first part of this is leaving my parent’s home and getting a place of my own.”

“B... but... how?” he asked, still reeling. “You... you don’t have any money or anything—”

“I still have some money saved up,” she replied, cutting him off. “And I still have my job working at the Kit Kat Klub. More than that, I’m a strong independent woman. I don’t need anyone’s help. I am fully capable of making it on my own.” Adam winced again, hearing his uplifting word thrown back at him. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Adam. I really do. And... I do wish things could be different.” Her tone suddenly turned cold. “But I just can’t get past what you did. I can’t forgive you, Adam. I can NEVER forgive you. So... this is goodbye.”

“Wait! Tiff! Please! Listen to me... please just... hello? Hello?” With a deep profound sadness, he stared idly at his cell phone, the entire scope of what he’d done hitting him hard. He had indeed influenced his girlfriend. He had saved her life, restored her will to live, and given her a burst of confidence and strength. At the same time, however, he’d screwed himself, his word choice making it impossible for Tiffany to ever want to be with him again. Devastated, he turned and lead his bike back in the other direction, heading towards his own house.

* * *

“Yeah... that’s rough,” I muttered in sympathy, even as my mind kept working. I found myself thinking over everything he’d said, all the words he’d used when talking to her, and I suddenly went stiff as a thought occurred to me. “Wait a minute... wait. Hold on,” I said, sitting up from the couch. “In that whole babble of stuff you told her while she was hypnotized, you said ‘The people that ruined your life—you can’t let them get away with it’. And then you told her to ‘fight’. Is that... what happened to the former Dean Deborah Tanner? Did Tiffany do something to her to make her that way?”

“Yeah,” Adam muttered sullenly. “She did to her pretty much what I did to Tiffany herself. But... I’m getting ahead of myself. Y’see, the Dean was actually Tiff’s second victim. The first one was the bald guy, the judge from the bikini contest. She remembered that he was a frequent client at the Kit Kat Klub, so she did some research. His name was Sherman Wallace. Turns out, Mr. Wallace was the principal of the local middle school, as well as a member of the city council and Deacon at his church.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Sounds like a real upstanding citizen.” I commented idly, “aside from his harmless little vice of visiting the local nudie bar to toss dollar bills at scantily clad women half his age.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Adam replied, “and apparently Tiff’s as well. So she approached him one night, offering him a private dance, something she’d never done before. Sherman, nicely buzzed after about five beers, accepted, following her back eagerly to a private room. And mind you, I only found out the details about this much later on,” he stated, “but as from what I was told. Tiffany teased and played with him, getting the old man nice and hot under the collar, making him think she was offering something special for him. In fact, she was just keeping him too distracted to notice the drug she spiked his drink with. Once he was nice and toasty, she revealed herself to him.” Adam shook his head. “The stupid fool hadn’t even recognized her as the same woman he’d humiliated at the beach contest all those weeks ago! When she revealed that, he freaked out, and panicked... which sped up his heartbeat and kicked the drug in his system into high gear. He stood up to leave... only to collapse into a stupor, dazed and semiconscious.”

Taking a drink from his soda can, Adam scowled. “Damn. Empty,” he stated, standing up, walking over to the kitchenette. “Sure you don’t want one? Told you this was a pretty long story.” I again waved him off and he returned shortly, popping the tab and taking a drink before continuing.

“As I said, Tiff had done her research and preparation for the confrontation. She wanted to hurt Sherman, to pay him back for what he’d done to her. And by God, she managed to do just that. She convinced the bouncer to help drag the nearly unconscious man outside the back door to the parking lot, loaded him into her car, and drove them to Sherman’s middle school. They then dragged the man up to the front entrance, used the man’s own keys to get inside, then lay him down in the middle of the floor. She then removed his pants, and cut off his underwear, leaving him naked from the waist down. And, just to add insult to injury, she poured half a bottle of whiskey over him, soaking his clothes in it, stuck the bottle in his hand, and, the cherry on top, took out her favorite bright pink dildo and stuffed it into his ass. Then she and the bouncer left, got in their car, and drove off.”

I couldn’t help it. I absolutely could not hold it in. I laughed, nearly busting a gut, the image of the old, fat, bald guy lying face down on the ground with a bright neon pink dildo stuck up his ass! Hot damn! The woman may have been an unhinged psycho, but she certainly had flair.

“Well, as you might have guessed,” Adam continued, chuckling as well, “good ol’ Sherman was in for a rude awakening. The janitor arrived around six thirty that morning, found the principal half naked on the floor, freaked out, and called the police. Shortly thereafter, the teachers started arriving, which only caused the situation to escalate. It’s middle school, so the students usually start arriving around seven o’clock, Of course, the teachers started panicking, not wanting to have their young impressionable students arrive to see this, and tried in vain to wake the principal up, demanding that he get out of there right away. Whatever Tiffany had roofied him with was strong stuff, however; even fully roused, he was still half drunk, confused, and frankly belligerent towards anyone trying to get him to move. When the police finally arrived, however, they assessed the situation, cuffed the man, and hauled him away, no questions asked.” He nodded simply. “Long story, short, he was fired, disgraced, registered as a sex offender, and kicked out of his church. His wife left him, and the last I heard, he had moved to Nevada, where he is now working as a used car salesman.”

I nodded at that. It certainly painted a clearer picture of just what this woman was capable of. But I still didn’t have the full picture. “Okay. But now back to the ditzy bimbo...”

Adam grunted. “It was about a month after all this went down,” he continued. “I came home one day to find Tiffany sitting on my couch, waiting for me. I was... obviously stunned. The last time we’d talked, she told me she wanted nothing to do with me. I’d agonized over what I’d done, how I’d changed her from the sweet gentle shy girl I’d loved into this cold, calculating, strong-willed vixen. So, I asked her what she was doing there, and what she wanted from me. And, she basically told me what she had been up to, how she’d gotten her revenge on Sherman. In very graphic detail. Then she announced that she planned to do the same to our former Dean... and that she wanted my help in doing so.”

* * *

Adam had glanced at her in shock. “You... you want me to do what?” he’d asked again in disbelief.

“I want you to use that little helmet gizmo of yours to help me brainwash Dean Tanner,” she’d said calmly. “I want you to help me get my revenge by screwing her up so badly that she’ll be forced to work as a prostitute, the only job she’ll be capable of holding.”

He’d gaped at her, stunned. “Ho... how can you even ask that of me?” he’d demanded. “You want me to knowingly ruin someone else’s life? Uh uh... no way! I refuse!”

“You refuse?” she’d snapped, glaring at him so venomously, that he’d recoiled, taking a step back. “What’s gotten into you all of a sudden, Adam? Don’t tell me you’ve finally grown a spine?” she’d sneered. “Or maybe a conscience? You didn’t have any problem using your untested, experimental device on ME in the hospital,” she’d pointed out ruthlessly. “And I distinctly recall telling you ‘No’ that I didn’t want your help. But you did it anyway. And, well, here we are...”

“Dammit... I was trying to SAVE you,” he’d insisted, even as the guilt burned brightly in his chest. “You tried to KILL yourself, Tiff! It was... it was the only thing I could think of to help you...”

“And you did, Adam,” she’d replied back, giving him a sinister smile. “You changed me, and for the better! I’m not the same spineless little wimp I was before. I’m everything you made me,” she’d added, taunting him, “a strong powerful independent woman that doesn’t need anyone to help her. And that doesn’t take shit from ANYONE. And that includes my former advisor and Dean, Deborah Tanner!”

“You... you just said you don’t need ANYONE to help you,” he’d pointed out then, causing her to pause. “So, that means you don’t need my help. You can get your revenge without me...”

For a moment, she’d seemed taken aback. Frowning, she’d shaken her head. “Yeah, that’s right. I don’t NEED your help. But... I want your help. It would be a lot easier with your assistance. I have already done some digging into Dean Tanner’s life, checking her out on social media. I even convinced an old classmate of ours to dig into her computer and go through her files.” She’d sighed then. “Nothing. She’s squeaky clean. No skeletons in her closet to exploit at all. So she was either every bit the goody-goody she appeared to be, or she was so good at hiding her dirt that it’s practically impossible to find. Long story short, the only way to truly take her down is with that little device of yours.”

He’d sighed then, glancing away. Guilt hit him particularly hard. On one hand, he had little love left for the Dean, the person that had revoked Tiffany’s funding and gotten her kicked out of school. She’d remained completely unsympathetic to her plight, and despite their pleas, had insisted that she withdraw from school. On the other hand... he didn’t think that slight was worth permanently screwing with the woman’s brain, ruining her career, and destroying her life. As much as he wanted her to pay... he just couldn’t do it.

Finally, he’d glanced back up at her. “And... if I still refused to cooperate?” he’d asked then, nervous, wondering how she would respond.

Tiffany merely glanced back at him, flashing him a particularly evil smile. “Well, Adam,” she’d replied evenly, slowly stalking towards him, “luckily for me, I have ways of making you cooperate...”

* * *

Huh. Well, that sounded ominous. Frankly, I’d started getting into this story a bit more than I should have. I noticed that I’d actually moved to the edge of the couch in anticipation, a fact that somewhat embarrassed me. This wasn’t storytime before bed, this was a serious matter that could very well affect my friends and several hundred innocents. Sighing inwardly, I pulled my focus back to the here and now. “Okay, so what happened? What did she do to you?” I asked. “I’m assuming you chose not to cooperate?”

Adam just shook his head. “I still refused to help her, yeah,” he stated, “but in the end, it didn’t matter. She... fucked me.” I frowned. “Sorry, I guess I should clarify. She seriously fucked me. Meaning, she had actual sex with me... then fucked me over afterward. I was... kind of blown away. I mean, on one hand, I kind of knew she was doing this to try and get me to help her. She’d been my girlfriend for a long time, and we’d had sex before multiple times,” a deep blush colored his cheeks, “but... um, this time was different. I don’t know if it was the suggestions I’d given her to no longer be shy about her body, and to embrace her beauty... but she was a fucking sexual dynamo that night.” His expression darkened. “It also dawned on me later, unfortunately, exactly how she was able to ‘convince’ our hacker friend Larry to hack into Dean Tanner’s computer. The bastard never did anyone a favor... not without getting something back.”

Taking a moment to center himself, he continued the story. “Anyway... we fucked all through the night until I literally passed out from exhaustion. When I came to several hours later, she was long gone. It was a few hours later, however, before I discovered that she’d taken my helmet with her, along with downloading all of my computer files concerning how it worked,” he grumbled. “I had resolved not to help her with her little revenge scheme, but in the end, it hadn’t mattered. She got what she wanted from me, and she got her revenge. She turned Dean Tanner, a smart, mature, proper, and demure young woman, into a sex-obsessed, ditzy, airheaded bimbo slut. I found out later that she ended up getting fired for strolling across campus in nothing but skimpy lingerie, walking into the President’s office and begging him to fuck her on top of his desk.” He chuckled softly, ruefully. “Coincidentally, the college President just happened to be having a meeting with the Mayor and several council members about pushing for a hefty financial endowment for the college at the time. And, the cherry on top, the President’s wife was there with him for the meeting.”

“Damn,” I muttered, impressed again. “Your ex really knows how to plan. Sounds like she got two birds with one stone. But... I’m still confused about two things. The first one is... why didn’t she use the helmet on you when she had you passed out in your room? If anything, I’d think she would have wanted you on her side, a willing pawn, to help her with her little scheme.”

He nodded. “I’d wondered about that myself. It was several weeks later before I caught up with her again. And I asked her point blank why she hadn’t used the helmet on me. She told me that... she hadn’t needed to. That she trusted me... that even though she knew I opposed her methods. that I still agreed with her. That the people that screwed her over deserved to be punished. Which, I’m sad to say, was true.” He shrugged helplessly. “Looking back at it now, she was absolutely right. Once I figured out what she was up to, I could have warned someone. I could have called the police when she first stole my helmet. But... I didn’t. I just... let her do what she did.”

“Well, I can’t really judge you for that. You were in a tough position in whatever you chose to do. And, yeah... come to think of it, you DID say in your rambling that she needed to TRUST YOU... and apparently, that seems to have stuck.” I frowned, still pondering. “But, that said, what does all of this have to do with the bimbo girl and the shaved ice booth? What’s the deal here? I thought Tiffany was just after getting revenge on everyone that screwed up her life. By my count, with the fat bald guy, the Dean, and the college President, that should be everyone responsible. Who else is left?”

“That’s the most twisted part of all of this,” he replied. “I thought the same way you did... that she was done. That she’d gotten her revenge. But Tiff didn’t see it that way. See, she still held a grudge against a very noted group for her pain... the audience at the bikini contest. The crowd of people that had laughed at her and mocked her when the judge outed her.” He sighed heavily. “She wants revenge against that unnamed group of people that laughed at her. And since she isn’t sure exactly who was all in the crowd that day, she set up THIS bikini contest, where she plans to drug everyone attending, blast the crowd with my subliminal program, and turn every single person there into a braindead bimbo slut, just like Dean Tanner.”

Oh. Ohhhh. Oh, fuck.

“That—that’s nuts! Attacking a bunch of innocent... Wait. Is that even possible?” I demanded. “I mean, you said it yourself, your helmet device was never perfected. Plus, it’s not like she can use the helmet on a few hundred people one at a time! Even if she managed to use your notes and build a few hundred copies, you’d think a few of the people attending would notice.”

“Yeah, that’s the beauty of it all,” he replied wearily. “With my notes and designs, she doesn’t really even NEED the helmet. The original idea was based on the light show that the hypnotist used during his act. I tinkered around with it enough to get the light wave frequency he used, and focused and condensed it down enough to make it even more potent. With that information and the right combination of drugs... she could basically just flash the pattern on any LCD screen or monitor and achieve the same effect!”

“Great,” I muttered, head dropping in defeat. “Just great. So, just to recap, we have your unhinged ex-girlfriend, a smart, brilliant, and driven woman, with extensive knowledge of chemistry and pharmaceuticals, holding the designs and prototype to create a brainwashing machine, capable of permanently dumbing down pretty much the entire beachgoing crowd. She knows from personal experience just how the machine works, as well as the correct mix of drugs to spike the crowd with to make the brainwashing completely irresistible. And she has absolutely no disregard for any innocents that might get caught up in her revenge scheme. Does that about cover it?”

Adam nodded softly. “Yeah, pretty much. Now you see why I’ve been agonizing over this the past few days. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to stop her. And... even now... even knowing what she plans to do, I’m... still unsure if I even should...”

I grabbed him harshly by the chin, forcing him to face me. “YES! YOU! SHOULD!” I said firmly. “I get that you feel guilty for your part in things. Yes, you screwed up in trying to help her and made her quite a bit unbalanced. But ultimately, you didn’t make her choose to become a villain. SHE made that choice! And what she is planning to do to this crowd of people is inexcusable! Yeah, a crowd of people laughed at her. Big deal! Get over it! You can’t take your anger out on another bunch of people that had nothing to do with it just because you’re pissed!”

“Okay... okay, I get ya,” Adam replied, nodding. “I agree. We have to stop her. But... how do we do that? I actually tried contacting the police, trying to explain what she was plotting, but they laughed it off. They... they called me a nutjob.” He grimaced. “Without proof, they won’t take me seriously. And the contest is tomorrow... not a lot of time to do something, regardless.”

Just then, a knock sounded at the door. “Well, actually,” I replied, smirking, “I might have a few ideas about that. I think my friends and I might be able to bring this whole scheme down before it happens.” The knock sounded again, slightly louder.

“Huh? I wonder who that could be?” he asked, standing up, walking to the door. “I wasn’t expecting visitors. No one even knows I am staying here.”

“It’s probably my friends, Tina and Janika,” I replied, standing up as well. “I texted them on the way up here, giving them my location, so they wouldn’t be worried.” Adam opened the door then, peering out, only to stumble back, awkwardly. I frowned, concerned, as he turned back towards me, eyes wide... before slumping to the ground, unconscious.

“What the fuck?!?” I yelled, rushing to the door. In the doorway stood a woman I’d never met before. Lightly tanned, with long flowing luxurious blonde hair, deep blue eyes, pouty lips, and a very noticeable set of curved. She was beautiful. Model level beautiful. And... from the description Adam had given of her, I knew instantly who I was staring at. “Tiffany,” I muttered, as she smiled and stepped forward.

“That’s me,” she confirmed, brushing her way past me, stepping inside the suite. “Hmmm... nice room. Very chic. This place is pretty expensive, but I see that it’s well worth the price.”

Scowling, I glanced down briefly at Adam. He was unconscious but otherwise unharmed. I glanced back up at Tiffany. “What are you doing here?”

“What? I can’t decide to visit an old friend?” she asked, smirking.

“Usually visiting someone you consider a friend doesn’t start off with knocking them unconscious,” I pointed out, arms crossed. “I know all about your plan... that you are planning to drug and brainwash everyone at the bikini contest tomorrow.” Her smug expression faded, becoming a scowl. “So, again, I ask... what are you doing here?”

Tiffany let out a sigh. “Frankly, I heard that my ex was entertaining some pale pasty little bitch,” she replied archly, causing my temper to rise. “and I decided to see what is up. I do trust Adam, after all,” she remarked, scowling down at him, “not that I have much choice in the matter. But his friends? Not so much.” She turned to face me again, suddenly smiling. “And, it seems my instincts were correct. Poor sweet, lovable, but spineless Adam. He knows he can’t do anything to stop me himself, so he sought out someone else to do it for him.” She sighed mockingly. “Pity.”

My eyes suddenly went wide as she extended her arm, the tazer clutched in her hand sending a few hundred thousand volts of electricity surging through me. My teeth clenched together, and with an effort, I stumbled back, gasping, momentarily stunned... before glowering back at her, furious. “That...” I panted, eyes beginning to turn scarlet, “wasn’t very nice...”

Tiffany’s own eyes went wide. “Wh... what the hell ARE you?!?” she asked in horror as I advanced towards her. She struck with her tazer again, shocking me fiercely, but I grunted, working through the pain, continuing to advance towards her. Grinning savagely despite the pain, I extended my fangs, giving her a good show of exactly who she’d just pissed off. Reaching out, I extended a hand towards her throat—


—only to stutter and stumble awkwardly as a sharp blow to the back of the head sent me down to the floor next to Adam. I groaned aloud as the world spun crazily. I felt dazed and marginally embarrassed. Normally I could take a few tazer blasts, no problem. Yeah, they hurt, but it wasn’t as if they could do any REAL damage. And a whack to the back of the head? Again, it smarts. Rattles the ol’ brain around a bit, but again, normally shrugged off easily enough.

This time, however? The ol’ one-two combination left me completely gobstopped. My limbs flopped and fluttered like a fish out of water, as my brain pinballed around inside my skull and an entire constellation of stars swam around my noggin. The darkness creeping around the edges of my vision slowly spread, threatening to envelop me. Just before I lost consciousness, however, I noticed a pair of deeply tanned feet in flip-flops walking past me... the damned blonde bimbo from the shaved ice stand, holding a bloody damned baseball bat!

“You okay, Boss?” she asked, glancing up at Tiffany like a lovestruck puppy. “Did I, like, do good?”

“Yes, Debbie,” Tiffany replied, her smug expression back with a vengeance. “You did well. Now... help me get this one lifted up. Then go down and get the helmet. I think we’ve just come across our latest new recruit...”