Eleanor and Lily Have a Call
- L:
That meeting was pointless even by our high standards.
- E:
I love the awkward silences after “so, who is going to own this task”?
- L:
“Oh, no, I do not want to do work. I merely wish for others to do so.”
- E:
And by the way, that was very unkind of you.
- L:
- E:
You know perfectly well what I mean.
- L:
I assure you I do not.
- E:
Buzzing me right when I was starting on the budget.
- L:
I was encouraging you!
- E:
I appreciate the thought, but I can’t concentrate on numbers when a vibrator goes off in my feminine mysteries.
- L:
Your “feminine mysteries”?
- E:
You know what I mean. You have one too.
- L:
You will do anything to keep from saying cunt, won’t you?
- E:
Up to and including homicide, yes.
- L:
You say it to Master.
- E:
That’s different!
- L:
Is it?
- E:
I don’t notice you going by “Sexdoll” at work.
- L:
Point. It doesn’t bother you that I use the c-word, does it?
- E:
Not at all! It’s kind of hot.
- L:
You’re weird.
- E:
- L:
Speaking of cunts and vibrators, you nearly made me lose it during that long “do you think we need some process for our process” talk.
- E:
Well, it’s not like you were paying attention. I certainly wasn’t.
- L:
Fair enough.
- E:
And I have something to bring to your attention.
- L:
What’s that?
- E:
As your supervisor, I need to point out that you are not showing me your breasts.
- L:
Oh! So sorry! Hang on.
- E:
That’s much better.
- L:
Glad you approve.
- E:
Most definitely.
- L:
Have you always been a big-boob fetishist?
- E:
Not at all. Appreciative, yes, but sexually obsessed is a new thing.
- L:
Speaking of, what’s this about you getting implants?
- E:
What? No! Where did you get that idea?
- L:
- E:
Oh, no, that was just a fantasy. No way I would actually get a boob job.
- L:
You really don’t need one. Perfectly formed.
- E:
Thank you! That being said, if the tit-fairy appeared with an offer, I’d give her a fair hearing.
- L:
I might go for mine being bigger.
- E:
Are you planning to be able to walk?
- L:
I suspect I’ll be spending a lot of time on my back and knees in the future.
- E:
You and me both. Anyway, it was mostly a chance to breathe, “Yes, I will get huge fake tits for my Master’s pleasure” to him.
- L:
I am sure that was well-received.
- E:
- L:
So, you really haven’t ever swallowed?
- E:
Bourbon? Plenty. Cum? Not a drop.
- L:
It’s really not that bad.
- E:
It was more a psychological thing.
- L:
Well, you have a lot of catching up to do.
- E:
And I am planning to!
- L:
I really want to be there the first time you do.
- E:
It seems very likely you will be.
- L:
And we’ll get to find out if his cum really is some kind of brainwashing love-potion.
- E:
It’s completely absurd that it is, of course.
- L:
Of course.
- E:
And I am sure it will work on me.
- L:
I know it will. Are you looking forward to that part?
- E:
- L:
- E:
- L:
Go on!
- E:
I want a break from being in charge. That’s why I like what’s going on with Master. I get to be cold, controlled, and no-nonsense in the rest of my life, and with him I’m...
- L:
His slave.
- E:
I know you’re not wild about that word.
- L:
That’s OK! It’s just when it’s applied to me.
- E:
Yes, his slave.
- L:
I’m looking forward to it, too. Watching you suck away, such a dedicated cocksucker...
- E:
I like to think I apply myself well in all things.
- L:
And then he gets closer, and closer, and you know just what is going to happen but you can’t stop because you need it so badly.
- E:
- L:
And then... he comes in your mouth!
- E:
- L:
And you swallow his load down...
- E:
- L:
And tell me what happens then.
- E:
I can feel it sliding down my throat into me... and I start feeling so spacey, drugged, distant. I can feel it starting to change me, but I can’t stop it. I feel my mind getting so empty, and I feel so... obedient. Docile. Tamed. I want to do anything he says. I belong to him now. I know it’s because of his cum, but I can’t stop it. And I’m falling so deeply in love with him... anything he wants...
- L:
So hot.
- E:
- L:
So, we’re really going to do this?
- E:
- L:
Move in with him when this is all over.
- E:
Magic Eight Ball says, “all signs point to yes.”
- L:
And Fucktoy makes four!
- E:
What is her name, anyway?
- L:
No idea. I only know her by Fucktoy.
- E:
I keep asking, and he keeps not answering.
- L:
Maybe that is her name.
- E:
I suspect it says something else on her driver’s license.
- L:
But maybe that’s the only name she remembers.
- E:
What do you mean... ooooooh.
- L:
Uh, huh. I mean, he has that amazing hypnotic cock...
- E:
... and that powerful drugged cum...
- L:
Maybe he brainwashed her into just being Fucktoy.
- E:
That’s a pretty horrible idea!
- L:
- E:
Hot as fuck, but horrible.
- L:
- E:
That would certainly explain her rather limited wardrobe.
- L:
So, when we live together, will you do my laundry?
- E:
That deescalated quickly!
- L:
I’ll eat your ass if you do.
- E:
- L:
- E:
I just want the record to show that this is incredibly strange.
- L:
You mean, the two of us, who were just work colleagues not that long ago, now being sexually obsessed both with each other and with an old friend of mine that you have never actually met in person?
- E:
Right, that.
- L:
And planning to move in with him as his live-in sexual servants?
- E:
- L:
Joining his existing girlfriend who only goes by Fucktoy?
- E:
Well, you put it that way, it all sounds completely normal.
- L:
Uh, it does?
- E:
- L:
But fun.
- E:
Kind of inevitable, at this point.
- L:
There’s that, too.
- E:
I want to make it clear I did not hire you because you have big tits.
- L:
I think I heard a very soft “just” in there.
- E:
- L:
Well, I’m reassured.
- E:
Now, that new PM? Deanna? I hired her just because she has big tits.
- L:
You didn’t.
- E:
Well, no, not just because. But they don’t hurt.
- L:
You really are boob-obsessed, aren’t you?
- E:
I know what I like, and how to get it.
- L:
Well, you’ve gotten me.
- E:
I rest my case.
- L:
You like my tits?
- E:
Very much.
- L:
And you like them when I start swaying them... like this?
- E:
- L:
Back and forth... back and forth...
- E:
You’re... doing that thing you do...
- L:
Shhhh... just look at my big boobs.
- E:
- L:
My huge, hypnotic tits...
- E:
Hypnotic... tits...
- L:
You will obey me.
- E:
I will obey you.
- L:
You will do anything I wish.
- E:
I will do anything you wish.
- L:
You are Master’s obedient sex-slave.
- E:
I am Master’s obedient sex-slave.
- L:
You are Master’s cunt-on-legs.
- E:
I am Master’s... uhhh...
- L:
Go on.
- E:
I am Master’s cunt-on-legs.
- L:
His slutty little cocksucking whore.
- E:
His slutty little cocksucking whore.
- L:
You want him to fuck your slutty cunt.
- E:
I want him to fuck my slutty cunt...
- L:
There. I knew you could do it.
- E:
You! That was truly awful, even by your low standards.
- L:
Why thank you, my love. I am honored.
- E:
As long as I don’t say... anything inappropriate during a meeting.
- L:
Oh, I would never make you do that.
- E:
- L:
Well, hardly ever. Don’t worry, I like us both having jobs.
- E:
Reassuring. So, can we fuck?
- L:
As soon as this is over, I am going to bang you like a cheap drum.
- E:
We are all being awfully good about this isolation thing.
- L:
And it is burning out my vibrator.
- E:
Why do you think he’s doing it?
- L:
Doing what?
- E:
Isolating. I mean, if he wanted us right now, he could have us.
- L:
That’s true. What would you do if he told you to come over to his place?
- E:
I would set a new land-speed record, knee-pads in hand. So, why hasn’t he?
- L:
Concern for our health?
- E:
It’s not like we’re seeing other people.
- L:
I dunno. Maybe he’s just teasing us.
- E:
I bet he is. Building it up so that when we do come over, we’ll set fire to the bed.
- L:
I mean, he has a girlfriend to fuck regularly. We have to make do with phone sex and toys.
- E:
The unfairness burns.
- L:
I really want to watch the two of you fuck.
- E:
You’re such a voyeur.
- L:
Uh-huh. And it would just be so hot.
- E:
The feeling is mutual.
- L:
And I get to see you get fucked up the ass for the very first time.
- E:
Maybe that’s why he’s waiting. I’m only on number three of five of the butt-plugs he sent over.
- L:
Probably not that. I’m on five, and he hasn’t summoned me to his bed.
- E:
I really don’t recognize myself anymore.
- L:
Oh, you’re just finally getting to know what you’re really like.
- E:
That would be a perfect fortune cookie to add “... in bed” to.
- L:
Well, the fuckdoll in me recognizes the fuckdoll in you.
- E:
Which reminds me, I need to pick a name.
- L:
Oh, he’s having you pick one?
- E:
- L:
Wow, I guess that’s one of the privileges you get when you’re a manager.
- E:
I have no idea what to pick, though.
- L:
- E:
We already have a “Fucktoy” and a “Sexdoll..”
- L:
Hm. Tricky.
- E:
I know! I have no clue.
- L:
- E:
- L:
You do have that kind of cool, inhumanly beautiful thing going.
- E:
Cut it out!
- L:
No flattery, I assure you.
- E:
Well, thank you kindly, ma’am.
- L:
Of course, if you do that, he might brainwash you into actually behaving like a fuckbot.
- E:
“Yes, Master. I am your fuckbot. I am programmed to provide pleasure in eight hundred, thirty-three ways.”
- L:
That was sexy-creepy.
- E:
Just what I was aiming for.
- L:
It bet you can suck cock like a vacuum cleaner, too.
- E:
Vrrrrrrrr! You know, that simile doesn’t really hold up to examination. Who wants to stick their cock into a vacuum cleaner?
- L:
- E:
I do a good Stepford Wife, too.
- L:
A talent that I somehow suspect will come into use.
- E:
“Hello, honey. Welcome home! Dinner’s in the oven. Would you like a drink and blow job first?”
- L:
He doesn’t want a pair of tradwives, does he?
- E:
Based on having a girlfriend who seems to not actually own any underwear, or clothing of other types, no.
- L:
What a relief.
- E:
You would look great in a 50s housewife dress with that figure.
- L:
Don’t give him ideas!
- E:
- L:
You’re going to, aren’t you? Suggest that he turn me into an obedient, docile little tradwife?
- E:
Would I do that?
- L:
In a heartbeat!
- E:
Who is going to be doing whose laundry, now, my pretty?
- L:
I’m a shitty cook.
- E:
That’s a problem.
- L:
Saved by my inability to parboil!
- E:
I would still love to see you in the dress, though.
- L:
That could probably be arranged.
- E:
Sweet Mother of God, I’m horny.
- L:
Me, too.
- E:
Don’t let me stop you, from...
- L:
Oh, you’re not. I assume that’s why I can’t see your hands, either.
- E:
- L:
Deep in your feminine mysteries?
- E:
Bad angle for that. I’m more of a clit than finger-fuck girl, alway.
- L:
I shall keep that in mind.
- E:
Please do!
- L:
I have not gone this long without sex in... since I lost it, I think.
- E:
Poor thing!
- L:
It’s tragic.
- E:
You’ll be whoring it up soon enough.
- L:
I’m very good at that.
- E:
I’m certain you are.
- L:
More than you may realize. Did you know I’m a retired whore?
- E:
No! Really? Like, for money?
- L:
Uh-huh. How do you think I got out of an Ivy without student loans?
- E:
You must have been good at your work.
- L:
Way out of your league but just in your budget, my slogan.
- E:
I’m impressed. Really! I could never do that.
- L:
Too demisexual?
- E:
Too impatient! I could never deal with the clients.
- L:
It’s like any customer-facing position.
- E:
Except when it’s from behind.
- L:
Oh, nice. CSR with lube, that was me.
- E:
Why did you give it up?
- L:
You hired me.
- E:
Oh! I saved you from a life of sin!
- L:
I work for a tech company now. I’d say you took an honest whore and corrupted her.
- E:
Fair. Does Master know about your career?
- L:
Oh, yeah.
- E:
Was he a client?
- L:
No, just a friend. I met him through of an ex of his. You broke many hearts, you know.
- E:
What? Me?
- L:
When I gave up seeing clients.
- E:
I’m sure they were devastated.
- L:
One reassuring thing, though.
- E:
What’s that?
- L:
Master’s pretty good in bed.
- E:
How do you know? I thought you two hadn’t been together.
- L:
His ex. She spoke highly of him in that regard.
- E:
Oh, thank all the gods. Can you imagine being the sex-slave of someone who didn’t know their way around down there?
- L:
No need to worry.
- E:
I mean, being his obedient sexual servant would carry through a lot of it, but...
- L:
I know just what you mean.
- E:
Anyway, couldn’t he just brainwash us to think he was amazing in bed?
- L:
That raises an interesting question.
- E:
What’s that?
- L:
If we’ve been brainwashed to think he’s an amazing fuck, and we have an amazing time fucking him, isn’t he really an amazing fuck after all?
- E:
This is going to turn into one of those “what is free will” discussions and I’d rather talk about sex, to be honest.
- L:
Fair enough!
- E:
Hey, did he ever cum in his ex’s mouth?
- L:
I have no idea! I assume so. She seemed like the swallowing type.
- E:
There’s a “swallowing type”?
- L:
Whore intuition. Why do you ask?
- E:
Checking to see if his cum was a magical love-potion back then.
- L:
No data, sorry. I don’t think he could hypnotize women with his cock, either.
- E:
Perhaps he took an on-line class.
- L:
I’ll check his search history when we finally get to his place.
- E:
I suspect you’ll have other things on your mind.
- L:
Probably true.
- E:
I hope he has a big place.
- L:
Well, we’re going to be three-income household.
- E:
Doesn’t buy much in this part of the world.
- L:
At least we’ll all be sharing a bed.
- E:
Does Fucktoy have a job?
- L:
Her job description seems to be “cum-receptacle”.
- E:
Great work if you can get it.
- L:
Maybe she’s in my old line.
- E:
He’s whoring out his girlfriend?
- L:
I didn’t say he was a pimp! She may just do it as her own career.
- E:
She certainly doesn’t spend a lot on clothes.
- L:
I bet you could do the grand courtesan thing if you wanted to.
- E:
I don’t know. Not really my thing.
- L:
What if Master ordered you to?
- E:
Fuck a guy? Besides him?
- L:
- E:
Well, I would, of course.
- L:
You would?
- E:
Of course I would! On my knees ready to suck, on my back with legs spread, on my hands and knees presenting my... feminine mysteries, whatever was expected of me.
- L:
You’re so enthusiastic!
- E:
I’m a sex-slave. I get the job done.
- L:
Sounds like you’re down with whoring around after all.
- E:
No! That would be different!
- L:
It is?
- E:
I would’t think of that as being a whore. I would think of it as... polyamory with very specific approval criteria.
- L:
I see how you got to be a manager, now.
- E:
Thank you... I think.
- L:
Hey, so, Deanna. The new PM.
- E:
- L:
Do you think Master would like her?
- E:
I assume you don’t mean “like” in the “have great conversations on social media” sense.
- L:
Ah, no. I think she may be bigger than me up top.
- E:
It’s possible. Haven’t checked.
- L:
But you’d like to.
- E:
I can’t go around fucking my direct reports!
- L:
Aren’t I a direct report?
- E:
Well, that’s different. We’re both Master’s slaves.
- L:
HR might not buy that line of reasoning.
- E:
- L:
- E:
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
- L:
You are really suggesting...
- E:
Not really. Just a fantasy.
- L:
Fantasies have a way of becoming real pretty fast in this part of the woods.
- E:
I’ve noticed. But... let’s say we were able to get her into a place you could strip topless...
- L:
So, not the break room.
- E:
Shh! And then you could push her back onto something comfortable, and sway your hypnotic boobs in front of her eyes.
- L:
That’s right. She wouldn’t know what hit her. She’d just stare at my tits, and watch them go back and forth... back and forth...
- E:
And soon, she’d be completely under your power.
- L:
And I’d tell her to stand up.
- E:
And strip.
- L:
And then I’d lead her over to you and Master.
- E:
I’m not sure of the geometry here.
- L:
Hush, fantasy. You’re on your knees in front of Master, sucking away at him like the little fuckbot you are, mouth like a vacuum.
- E:
- L:
Just so.
- E:
Getting him so close.
- L:
Uh-huh. And I guide her over, and kneel her down. And tell her to stare at you sucking on his amazing, hypnotic cock. And she’s staring, all glassy-eyed and entranced.
- E:
And I can feel Master getting closer... and closer...
- L:
And when you know he’s right on the edge...
- E:
We lean her down, and have her wrap her lips around the head of his cock...
- L:
And I stroke him quickly...
- E:
And bang! He comes in her mouth, and she swallows down that magical, love-potion cum...
- L:
And she starts twitching, and convulsing and her hips twitch and shake as she comes and comes...
- E:
And she looks up with him with huge eyes... and we can see her expression change...
- L:
To one of total, worshipful adoration...
- E:
And we guide her onto her back...
- L:
And get Master ready again with our lips and fingers...
- E:
And then watch them fuck, her looking up at him totally in love...
- L:
While we’re all over them with fingers and mouths licking and sucking and kissing while they fuck...
- E:
Oh my god yes...
- L:
(moans, orgasms, happy sounds as they come down)
- E:
You know something.
- L:
- E:
We could get together and fuck. The two of us.
- L:
- E:
- L:
I can’t believe that never even occurred to me.
- E:
I know, right? We live like, what, six minutes away from each other?
- L:
Do we need to ask Master’s permission?
- E:
He hasn’t said one way or another, has he?
- L:
Not that I can recall.
- E:
Probably a good idea to run it past him.
- L:
- E:
But if he says yes...
- L:
We can record it.
- E:
And send it to him.
- L:
“Fucking our brains out, wish you were here!”
- E:
OK, I’m calling him.
- L:
Yes please!
- E:
And, all being well, see you soon!
- L:
This isolation violation is very naughty.
- E:
We’ll be living together soon enough.
- L:
OK! Give Master my love.
- E:
I will. Chat soon. Love you.
- L:
Love you too.
- E:
“Hello, Master. Thank you for your purchase of Fuckbot Eleanor 9000. I am programmed to give pleasure in over eight hundred-thirty three ways. How may I service you?”