The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive





This story is dedicated to the charismatic, clever, coyly coquettish, compassionate, and calculatingly capricious LADY KRYSTAL MESMER. It should not be read by any minor. It should not be read by anyone who is ethically, legally, morally, religiously, or personally {for any reason(s)} prohibited or proscribed from doing so. It should not be read by anyone who is fearful of, or uncomfortable with, the subject of feminine influence/control/domination/superiority/supremacy/inspiration or the topic of mind control in any of its forms or both.


Someone sensual and superior learns some invaluable lessons from an unexpected source in some unorthodoxly unforgettable ways.


“As you wish.”

“How much?” she inquired.

“Four dollars and ninety-nine cents will suffice.”

His choice for this particular stake intrigued her. Was he unsure of his footing in this matter? Had she discovered a chink in his seemingly invulnerable psychological aegis or a failing in his mental arsenal or both? Something nagged at her. Was he setting her up to take a devastating fall? Should she openly probe for his reason(s) for this odd choice? No. That might be perceived as an indication of her weakness. Mistress da Vinci could not afford to have this handicapped, mere male think such a thing. She accepted the terms.

“Who is taller, your father or your mother?”

“My father.”

“Amongst your relatives and familial friends who are members of heterosexual couples, who is usually taller the male or the female member of said couples?”

“The males.”

“In a majority of the heterosexual couples you have seen, in your day to day life, who is taller?”

“The men.”

“When you have watched heterosexual, romantically linked couples in cinemas or television shows, who is almost always portrayed as taller the females or the males?”

“The males.” Why did he keep asking her questions? What was he fishing for? She was becoming exasperated. “What is your point?”

“Throughout your lifetime, your mind has constantly received the following image. A heterosexual, romantic couple in which the male is taller than the female. This hyper-saturation by the aforementioned kind of image has become a catalyst for two of your thoughts. “I expect the man to be taller than the woman in a heterosexual relationship.” This is your assumption about reality. “I want to date men who are taller than my height.” This is your desired reality. Your mind has been programmed by the images we have discussed. You expect to see and you wish to be a part of that with which you are familiar and by which you have been programmed. There are two ways in which someone’s mind can be programmed. Unintentional Mental Programming Accomplished by Repeated Perception of Analogous Stimuli or of a Unique Stimulus. This I call, UMPARPASUS. Intentional Mental Programming Accomplished by Repeated Perception of Analogous Stimuli or of a Unique Stimulus. This concept’s acronym is, IMPARPASUS. In most of the heterosexual couples you have seen, the man is taller than the woman. Here we have an example of UMPARPASUS using stimuli belonging to a specific set. This UMPARPASUS is a contributory factor to your desire to date men taller than yourself. The sighted person’s maxim is noted here. “What my vision does not see is less real to me.” Your mind was bombarded with the videotape of Rodney King’s arrest and beating. This is an instance of UMPARPASUS using a single stimulus. For this reason, what was done to him was elevated to a much higher level of prominence than what happened to the Two Samoan brothers I have mentioned and whose names you do not know. For the record, their names were Italia and Pouvi Tualaulelei. Web searches on the two incidents being discussed will reveal how much attention has been given to each of them. And all due to a few images on a television screen. Your primary sense has been used to program your mind. As you have been programmed, so you have thought and behaved.” He placed his hands on the table with his palms turned expectantly upward. “Game, set, and match. Make sure you settle up your account before your departure. Welshing on a bet is a significant character deficiency which shall not be countenanced. It is almost always the case that someone who has lived without sight, at least as long as you have existed, will have far more interactions with sighted people than you have had with those lacking the ability to see. Despite this fact, you believe that your sight gives you a larger knowledge base about blind people than any sightless person could have about you. This assumption is based on one of three theories. First, your knowledge pool is quantitatively superior to any blind person’s data set concerning you. Second, your pool of knowledge is qualitatively better than any sightless individual’s information about you. Third, both of these supposed axioms, which in fact are nought save baseless theorems, are valid. The things I have mentioned are indicators that you are enslaved to your primary sense. I grant you, your enthrallment is comfortable. Most things in all extant and previous cultures were designed by sighted persons for the benefit of those who can see. The ability to furnish one’s dungeon with personal possessions does not mean the cell’s occupant is not incarcerated. As it is with one’s body, so is it with your mind.”

The mistress inwardly cursed her decision to introduce herself to this man. Again he was correct in all he had said. This was bad enough. He had successfully linked her desire for tall men to her reactions to the Rodney King videotaped beating in a way she had never considered. He knew things about her she had nought dreamt of. How could she justify her attitude with respect to her assumed superiority to blind people? She had been so sure of herself. A psychologically debilitating idea began goading her consciousness. Her inaccurate assessments of sightless individuals and herself might only be the prelude to other unforeseen and unpleasant self-revelations.

Her pride goaded her to continue the struggle. Her ego would not permit her to concede. “At least I’m not as blind as a bat.”

Homer Teeter Herreshoff turned his unperceiving gaze away from the woman possessing, and possessed by, an unperceiving mind and sighed deeply. “I can not teach this one. The girl has no humility and less wisdom, Obi-Wan.” He cocked his head as if he was listening to a reply to his statement. “Like all too many others of her kind or in this profession or avocation is she.” Again he seemed to hear a response. “She is not ready to be an erotic hypnoteuse. Nor is she, in any wise, fit to be in charge of anyone in any way or to any degree.”

This was too much for Mistress Cleopatra da Vinci to stomach. Her competence in her chosen vocation was being castigated. “I am ready to.”

He cut her short with an emphatic wave of his left hand. “Ready are you? Overly proud, presumptuous, unthinking, unknowing, auto-apotheosized, and self-proclaimed mistress and hypnoteuse are you. What! know! you! of! rea!dy!?” He sighed once again. “For some time I have talked to this one. Not so great as she supposes is she. Anyone familiar with chiroptera would not be so foolish as to say that which fell from her lips. For bats are not blind. Doubtless, the thoughts in what is laughably and erroneously called her “mind” are these. “Bats fly at night. At night it is dark. Bats use radar for navigation. Therefore, bats can not see.” Wrong again is she. Cetaceans spend much of their lifetime underwater. Beneath the ocean’s surface the light is dim at best. They use sonar to successfully communicate with each other, and in the comprehension of and navigation in their watery world. Does anyone make the statement, “As blind as a bottle-nosed dolphin?” The use of echolocation does not prove the entity which does so is incapable of seeing. Is it not so?”

She wondered if there was anything else she could try? Every combative strategy she had employed had resulted in an unbroken series of defeats. She recalled a saying: “You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.” She considered buttering him up. The tenor of their interactions had been rancorous. Would he believe any flattery coming from her? She loathed him. Was her creation and usage of feigned praise good enough to deceive him? If it was, did she want to go to all that trouble? The answer was a resounding “No.” There was only one saying she deemed suitable for him, and it concerned moths, not flies. She must think up something else. The question was, “What should it be?”

Cleopatra had noticed him even before LADY MESMER’s arrival. She remembered her thoughts and recollected her feelings when she first realized his condition. She had a solution to her problem. It was not necessary for her to prevaricate. “I know now I should not have introduced Myself to you in the way I did. I would have come over here to you, even if you didn’t know LADY MESMER. You have been very helpful to Me. When I think about what it must be like to be blind, when I stop to consider how awful it is to not be able to see, then I am forcefully reminded, and I really start to understand, just how blessed I am.” She recalled watching the film, “The Miracle Worker.” She remembered how uplifted she felt after the movie’s conclusion. “A deaf and blind person actually was trained how to speak” she thought. She believed no cinema’s title could ever be as appropriate as this one’s was. Recollecting her thoughts and emotions about Helen Keller always made her feel sooooooo good. A thought was suddenly emblazoned in her mind. “I have a great! idea! You can do for other sighted people what you have done for Me. You could be such a great encouragement.” She snapped her fingers as another brilliant idea entered her mind. “I know, you can be a musician. Everyone knows all blind people are really good at music. I’ve often heard that we normal human beings only use a minuscule fraction of our true potential. I think the wonders we would achieve, if we lived up to our capabilities, are beyond! belief!” Rarely did anything or anyone get her this excited. “When I started talking to you, I know I treated you as if you were retarded. It is quite evident that whoever was responsible for you saw to it that you have been well-educated. Your teachers must have been amazing. Enabling you to understand the concepts you know says a great deal about your instructors’ stupendous teaching capabilities. If you, with your handicap—I mean limitation, are able to do such things, then what we sighted persons can do, when we do our best, must be incalculable! I am not much of a religious woman. Still, perhaps Divine providence saw fit to make you blind, so that others might come to know what I have learned? Though it is the right thing to do, you may not decide to be a singer or an instrumentalist. Nevertheless, there has to be some way for your talents to be a boon to normal people. There simply must be some way to make this work.”

“You know not neither what you say, nor what your words imply,” he thought. He hoped this was correct. Someone or something was smiling upon Mistress Cleopatra da Vinci on this day. Had she been seated on his side of the table, no human power could have prevented him from striking her down. It was necessary for him to respond to her revelation and her proposal. His anger, rage, and fury would not allow him to answer her civilly. So long as she made no sound of any kind, he could act as if she was nonextant. He composed his thoughts for his eminent soliloquy. “Why is this person handicapped?” This question, at times, goes far beyond attempting to ascertain the physical cause(s) of the disability under consideration. It can also cover the query, “For what greater or cosmic or even Divine purpose is this person disabled?” One answer, believed by some able-bodied persons, is this: “This person is disabled so that some normal person, or able-bodied individuals, cognizant of this individual’s handicap can learn: acceptance of differences; compassion for the less fortunate; gratitude for the good things in life; to achieve more than what is assumed can be accomplished; etc.” Believing one has learned something through one’s relationship with a disabled individual is one thing. It is possible for most people to learn, or be reminded of, valuable lessons from many of their interactions with others. One of two things must occur, if one is to receive or recollect any lesson, or lessons, from a particular individual or a specific circumstance: Number one, the potential learner is open to the possibility of being made aware of some knowledge or wisdom. Number two, the disciple is willing to expend the requisite effort to ferret out the information or principle which can be gleaned. Subscribing to the notion that a person was given a handicap so that some nondisabled person could acquire some benefit is an entirely different thing. What must one presuppose in order to accept this doctrine? “The necessity of the nondisabled person, or of the able-bodied individuals, learning the lessons which must be taught, is of greater significance than any, or all, obstacles the disability places upon its possessor.” The, hopefully unwitting, arrogance, conceit, self-absorption, self-centeredness, self-importance, and narcissism of any temporarily able-bodied individual, or persons, subscribing to this idea are only bounded by the limits of limitlessness.”

She was incensed. “How can you be so ungrateful? Our tax dollars have built special schools for you people. We have even tried to put some of you in public schools so you can be in the classroom with regular people. I believe the word for this is “mainstreaming”.”

She would never know how close she came to experiencing death by strangulation at his hands. “There are blind people who pay far more in taxes than does the average sighted person. Trust me on this one. Part of the money confiscated from us goes to pay for the creation and maintenance of museums—whose artworks we can not access, libraries—whose literature is impossible for us to read without some kind of human or technological assistance, and public schools—which are all too often designed primarily, or exclusively, with the needs of the so-called normals in mind. Should any of my hard-earned taxes go to any of these ventures?”

She soon realized she was precariously perched on the horns of a dilemma teetering upon the utmost edge of the very lip of a treacherous abyss, which, at any instant, might be transmogrified into a black hole. She suspected she knew what his response would be, if her answer to his query was, “Yes.” “Why are you complaining because your taxes go to meet the needs of people unlike yourself?” Suppose, “No” was her reply? “Why have your people been so willing to take that which you claim you should never have received?” Could, “Maybe” get her out of this fix? It did not seem likely such a response would do her any good. “Under what circumstances should the taxes of the blind go to support the needs or desires of only the sighted?” She speculated that any answer to this follow-up question would only open the door to his wreaking more havoc in her mind, heart, and soul.

She conjectured he would not let her off the hook. “No comment.” She grudgingly grumbled her response with stoical resignation.

He was fairly certain she would find no means of escaping the trap he had set. Some people never learn. Other persons must be taught their lessons the hard way. He wondered in which category she belonged? “Just so.” There was no need for him to say anything more. Her doom had come crashing down upon her. He assumed both of them knew her fate was sealed.

Her frustration boiled over. She loudly and painfully slammed her hands on the table. “What do you want from Me?”