The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Mutant Factor

Standard disclaimers:

Warning this is GAY erotic fiction if you don’t like that don’t read this.

This story is not for use on paidd access sites

Any celebrity mentioned in this fiction is a parody and is not intended to offend or imply anything about a real person. Any breach of any copyright is unintentional and not intended to infringe existing rights.

Part 4—Reality Manipulations

Karl looked at the crowd of about 60 that was busy chatting, and in many cases dating, while they waited their turn.

“Next..” he said “Ok, what’s your power?”

“I umm..glow in the dark” replied the girl embarrassed “..and sometimes in the dark I can get a straight girls to err do stuff.”

“Ok, Go through the left hand door for a briefing. Next....”

The next teen was wearing a large overcoat which when shed revealed a 10ft span of butterfly wings. His tall, slender yet chiseled physique having a faint pattern similar to that on the glorious wings.

“you can fly?”

“Hell yes!”

From the back of the hall the tone of conversation changed to an excited buzz. Two naked youths marched into the center of the hall. The SuperTeen had arrived.

Karl stood and indicated the right hand door. “Good to have you back Sir, if you’ll come this way.”

* * *

TK tweaked the control panel that Studz had set up in the Rainbow Avengers impromptu headquarters.

After escaping the Project, they’d persuaded the owner of the disused fire-station, to let them use the place in exchange for allowing him to perform paranormal experiments. That had been Brad’s fault, he’d turned out to be a closet Ghostbusters fan.

Setting loose all the supervillains that Tarantula had “straightened” had seemed like a good idea at the time. Unfortunately the supervillains seemed to be following the corrupting influence that Tarantula had planted in their brains.

Advertising for more recruits seemed to be the best way to warn the other gay mutants about Project Fast Asleep and its sinister agenda.

The door opened revealing the world’s first superhero, followed by a slightly shorter naked teen his new side-kick WonderTeen. TK slid out from under the console telekinetically pushing his paralyzed body upright.

“Sam ‘TK’ Boddenham..good to meet you at last! We were worried that Tarantula had killed you.”

“Tarantula? Never heard of the dude.” Replied SuperTeen

“Ok, here’s the basics. There was some kind of device in central park. It exploded and sent a weird energy surge across the city. Since then every gay or lesbian under age 25 has started developing mutant powers. Mental powers are most common, usually x2 to x5 more effective on heteros of the relevant sex.”

“Problem is something called Project Fast Asleep. guess is its a Government scheme that’s been subverted by a hypno-dominatrix called Tarantula. They’ve been capturing and “straightening” people. When we...the Rainbow Avengers....

“Nice Name” commented SuperTeen

“Thanks...When we escaped we kind of set their trainee supervillains loose as a distraction. We’ve been trying to capture and de-program them ever since. The Project took a bad hit, but we figure they’ll be back..”

“That device...could it have been something thing left over from the mind war?” suggested SuperTeen’s companion.

“It’s possible, The Master used to have access to serious technology...and Sk8tr..he has access to some very odd stuff.”

“Mind war? The Master? Sk8tr?” asked TK

“Long story, (15 chapters). So how many supervillains are we talking about?”

“Umm 40..that we set loose, plus however many the project kept hold of, plus a few naturally corrupt gay mutants...and The Transgenderiser” replied TK embarrassed

“You let Letoya loose?! damn!”

“umm its not all bad, most of the supervillains have a weakness. They’ve been programmed to be heterosexual, a naked babe of the opposite sex causes the poor bastards to go almost trancelike.” explained TK, his distaste evident. “In fact that’s how we’re keeping the three we captured passive..they’re at a lap dancing club that we..umm..took over.”

“That sounds like a first port of call then. I’m sure I can get them un-straightened.” replied SuperTeen

“No need, we’ve got one here that we’ve been practicing on.” replied TK floating himself into his wheelchair and then rolling into the next room where a youth dressed in red biking leathers stood at parade rest.

* * *

No.13 waited patiently for his superior to return. He had been on special assignment for two weeks now and not once had he been allowed to steal anything. He could sense TV transmissions, and knew that his fellow slaves had been busy making Mistress proud with the presents they were stealing. He desperately wanted to join them, but orders were orders.

His superior entered followed by two disgustingly naked teens. A small part of him felt a wrong emotion. And then he recognized the boy, it was the SuperTeen, an enemy. The Mistress would want him eliminated. Why had his superior not ordered him to attack?

“This is Trainee Supervillain 13, he is under orders to obey me. We’ve each tried several times to help him..but its not worked.” explained his black leather clad superior from his wheelchair.

“Beautiful” replied SuperTeen admiringly. “lets see if I can’t sort him out.”

No 13, felt disgust well up within him. The SuperTeen walked right up to him, so close that his erect nipples were almost brushing against 13’s costume.

“Look me in the eye” instructed the SuperTeen.

13 stiffened looking straight ahead. SuperTeen’s hand wrapped gently around his head and with a grip like silk wrapped iron, forced 13 to bend his neck until he was looking down into those glowing eyes.

With a swirl his memory started playing backwards like a video tape set to reverse.

Suddenly he was back in the college common room looking in amazement at his friends.

He’d brushed against Andy coming through the door, almost instantly the Jock had started to grope him. He’d staggered back and brushed against Damon. The black youth had dropped his books and begun to lick at his ear.

He’d told them to stop and they had. The other guys in the room had been in an uproar, believing it was a great practical joke to play on their gay friend.

Experimentally he had touched one of them, his laughing stopped as he tried to kiss Tyler..Tyler his name was Tyler..funny that he should remember that now.

He’d gotten a bit carried away then touching each in turn. The last one, sensing something wrong had tried to run. But the others had blocked his way so that Tyler could touch him too.

He’d let them rip his clothes off. Let them suck on his nipples, his cock, his anus.

How the men in black had known he never knew. One minute he was the center of a spontaneous orgy the next black suited, mirror shaded agents were everywhere firing tranq darts.

The pain started. But it wasn’t remembered was now. He was looking into the most wonderful eyes he’d ever seen, surrounded by a face he’d secretly longed to kiss since the SuperTeen had first flown over central park.

The soft iron hand on his neck pulled him down into the kiss. His hands moved over the naked hero’s body, feeling the soft flesh over rock-like muscle. The eyes pulled him in deeper and deeper until nothing mattered but pleasuring his Master.

He could sense cold air on his cock, his leather pants had been opened. A single finger touched the very tip of his cock, where precum oozed from between its tiny lips. That touch was enough, two weeks of abstinence gushed out.

“Master!” he gasped collapsing to his knees.

SuperTeen licked the cum from his fingers and turned to face TK “Nasty, I had to burn out the last two weeks entirely. We’re going to have to move fast. Once the Tarantula’s enslavement is more than a month old it will take a lobotomy to cure them.”

* * *

Glowboy watched as Speedo circled the Paramount Hotel building at top speed before climbing back into his current host who had waited patiently for his rider to return.

After a day of nearly constant habitation a host became symbiotic, addicted to Speedo’s presence. Speedo had quickly acquired a selection of hosts, the Ex-Agent, a weightlifter, a swimmer and the host he was wearing at the moment, Jack Ryder, chosen for its handsome photogenic looks, he was Olav’s favorite...the one he slept in.

“It’s her alright” said the odd double voice. “We’ll want the whole gang for this Glowboy”

“Ok...calling it in” replied Brad flipping open a mobile phone he had stashed in his leather jacket.

A few seconds later, satisfied, he put the phone away and took off his precious jacket, hanging it off a street sign out of harms way.

Letting go his tight mental control Glowboy allowed his power to absorb the rest of his clothes, causing him to glow radiantly. After the first few days he’d got used to going naked and lighting up whenever he wasn’t concentrating hard on looking normal.

Passers by seeing his transformation seemed to be in a mixed mood. Some ran, cars braked or accelerated, some stopped to watch expecting a free show. Others heckled the words faggot and mutant being the most complementary. Glowboy took a note of the hecklers.

Studz was next to arrive his virtual form pixellating into existence.

“Here. Any volunteers today?”

Glowboy smiled “yeah..him, that one there and the one with the Mohawk haircut and nose chain”

As he spoke the three in question clutched at their necks, slave collars materializing. Seconds later the three new super strong Tom-O-Finlands pushed through the crowd to pose next to their master, oiled virtual muscle glistening.

Only seconds later a flash of light deposited TK, SuperTeen, WonderTeen and No.13 next to Studz.

“What’s the emergency?” asked TK

“I think Tarantula is in there. I got a twinge of danger sense when I walked by here..according to the receptionist about 50 Agents led by a bizarrely dressed woman just flashed ID and stormed right past her...they did something nasty to the lift attendant too, petrified, she says.”

“What’s really odd.” commented Studz “Is that the fire department’s computer records show this hotel with three less floors than I can count from here.”

SuperTeen looked up at the hotel speculatively. “A lot of innocent people in there...and no way to tell which are the extra floors without searching. If this is what I think, then your Tarantula is playing in the major league.”

“What do you mean?” asked TK

“I think she’s trying to get her hands on a reality manipulation device owned by a guest at the hotel.”

“A what?”

“A very rare artifact, an RMD allows its owner to re-write local reality. Any aspect of “what is” can be changed utterly or even eradicated.

You’ve wondered where I’ve been for two weeks?..for me only a day had passed..the island I was lured to must have had an RMD hidden on it slowing time.”

Studz frowned “Could an RMD be used to inhibit superpower development?.”


“Then that’s what the device in central park was! An RMD set to inhibit our natural abilities!” exclaimed TK.

“We are going to have to be very careful in there” insisted SuperTeen “Tarantula almost certainly has a portable low powered device that lets her enter those extra floors and the owner will definitely have set traps. Don’t be seen and strike without warning, trust nothing.”

“We’ll start at the top, you Rainbow Avengers come up from below.” said SuperTeen taking to the air. “I suggest one of you stay here as backup. Tyler, stay here and teleport the Rainbow Avengers where ever they need to be.”

“I Obey”

15th floor

By now thoroughly bored, Studz followed his three Tom-o-Finland’s down the luxurious corridor. So far he’d passed through 9 floors and seen nothing unusual. Ahead some pre-schoolers were playing with waterpistols in the corridor.

Alerts began flashing on the display for the three slaves who were walking ahead of him. They were being transformed, already the size of a young adolescents and rapidly shrinking.

Studz checked his mental domination, with relief he found that while they were no longer held by the strong sexual bonds, the three were fixating on him as their parent. The strength boosting virtuality fields that surrounded the three were also still active making them look like the ridiculous Little Hercules.

Studz flicked a command sending a message icon materializing next to the other two groups. “Watch out, floor 15 is blocked by an age reduction field, There was no warning. There’s a few Agents got caught here, I’m recruiting them now.”

Davey wanted to play with the shiny doorknob, but daddy wanted him to play tag with the other boys. After a moments thought playing tag sounded like fun. The boy playing spies squirted him with his water pistol which was BAD! So he touched him on the neck. A nice collar appeared just like the one he was wearing. Davey’s new brother joined the tag game and they both chased after the remaining spy kids.

* * *

Floor 16

Studz’ smiley transmission icon vanished from view. Glowboy reached into a decorative ashtray, disintegrating the contents to boost his energy charge.

Ahead, the corridor appeared to be covered in vines.

“I’m getting a bad feeling about this!” warned Speedo.

“You and me both” replied Glowboy

The corridor appeared to be opening out into a wide forest clearing. An uprooted sign lay on the grass “Now Entering Xanth”

One of Speedo’s spare hosts, the swimmer, nervously touched his rider’s arm indicating considerable agitation. Speedo emerged from his handsome host and merged into the communicative host.

“My host remembers this, it’s fictional. A comedy/fantasy realm. The over-riding principle is comic effect or rhyming and the double entendre.”

“Great, so we get to die in humorous ways, I’m so pleased.” replied Glowboy

In the distance the sound of pan-pipes could be heard playing a wild tune.

“I guess that’s as good a direction as any.”

Glowboy, Speedo and the spare hosts jogged toward the sound. After a short while coming across a stream, a small herd of wild cows was nibbling the long grass on its bank.

A chuff of silenced gunfire stitched a row of holes across the ground in front of them and Glowboy was blown off his feet by a lightning blast.

“Oooo that felt good!” gasped Glowboy feeling the narcotic high of the powerboost.

“My Mistress has ordered us to stop you, you shirtlifting scum!” shouted Flashbolt, the recently renamed Supervillain 36.

“One agent and our old friend Flashbolt.” whispered Glowboy “No contest.”

“Wait!” replied Speedo “My host is telling me something. The Water! Don’t let the water touch you! It can have mind altering properties. A “hate pool” for example can turn someone homicidal against the first person he sees.”

“Can we use that?” asked Glowboy

“I think so...can you keep them busy?”

“Sure!” replied Glowboy throwing an ecstasy bolt that exploded just short of the Agent. Nervously lowing, the cows ambled away from the noise, and behind the two villains.

Speedo eased his way out of the warm comfortable host, and then sprinted across the intervening meadow at over 60mph. At the last instant he leaped into the air delivering a flying kick to both the agent and Flashbolt simultaneously.

The two villains fell back into the clear fast flowing waters sending a wave of water splashing into the herd on the opposite bank.

The agent was first to emerge, tearing at his clothing all thought of combat erased. His cock growing to a staggering 3ft length over 6inches in diameter. Bellowing his passion he charged at the nearest cow sliding his magically adapted cock into the one place it was designed for.

Flashbolt climbed out next, facing the Bull. He gasped in delighted surprise before French kissing his new mate’s wide moist bovine lips .

The suddenly aroused bull’s massive low slung member began to expand ready to service the newest member of the herd.

“A lust pool, not a hate pool” said Speedo’s host quietly

“Shouldn’t we separate them? That bull’s gonna do damage” smiled Glowboy.

“Nah, He’ll be alright. My host tells me the lust spell includes a compatibility charm. He’s going get reamed and enjoy every foot of it.” replied Speedo

“Whatever. Those two are no longer a problem. Lets find where that music’s coming from.”

The two Rainbow Avengers traveled on through the forest, taking a wide path around a cratered grove of cherry bomb trees, finally arriving at a large meadow.

A large crowd clustered about a boulder that acted as a natural stage.

“Are those?”

“Satyrs, yes. My host says that Xanthian Satyrs are exactly as advertised, muscular, hairy legged, cloven hooved, horny, lusty, party dudes.”

“Excellent! We can recruit a guide.” grinned Glowboy enjoying the swirling dance music.

The dance was like nothing Glowboy had ever seen. In a normal rave the dancers at the edges of the crowd conserved energy by dancing in a minimal way. The Satyr and human dancers were going at it at maximum energy.

As he approached the edge of the dance the nearest dancer, a Satyr, saw him, cried in delight and began dancing very close, whirling around grabbing his hand and leading him deeper into the crowd.

The pipe music seemed to be as loud now as any normal concert. Doing a few dance moves while he tried to communicate by shouting at the creature seemed a good idea.

The Satyr smiled seeming finally to have understood, only to be grabbed by another Satyr dance partner. All thought of Glowboy clearly evaporated as the Satyr’s new dance partner got close up and personal.

Frustrated, Glowboy looked around for a new dance partner. One of the humans, still wearing part of his suit like uniform, began doing a striptease for him revealing an impressive cock and a rather hairy pair of legs.

It seemed only fair to disintegrate the thong that held his own cock tightly constrained as the music reached a spiraling crescendo. Laughing they did a “sword dance” clashing their long penises as if they were blades.

The tempo accelerated again and the hairy agent was swept away, but it didn’t matter, a Satyr took his place and then another, and another, and a human, and another Satyr.

It was getting so that his trainers hurt from all the dancing. Normally it was the toes that pinched in new shoes, this time it was the heals forcing him to dance on tiptoe.

In the back of his mind he knew he had to do something but the tempo increased again and he had to dance harder to keep up with the mirror-shade wearing Satyr that was doing interesting things to his nipples.

Suddenly a Satyr that was not dancing grabbed him and started pulling him away toward the edge of the party. He didn’t WANT to stop and petulantly let his disintegration powers burn the Satyr’s hand.

The Satyr said something its voice drowned out by the pipes. Judging from it’s expression it was uncomplimentary. The Satyr froze in place and his friend Olav climbed out, grabbing him and pulling him along at a speed faster than his legs could keep up with.

What seemed like seconds later the pair were several hundred yards from the dance. Glowboy turned and immediately started back toward the music.

“Snap out of it!” growled Speedo “I wasted a host getting you out of there.”

“huh?, but I want to party” replied Glowboy feeling the music’s pull even at a distance.

“Take a look at yourself Brad! They nearly had you dancing permanently!”

Glowboy looked down at himself, and gasped in shock. His legs appeared to have grown hairy and his feet seemed to be half way to becoming cloven hooves.

“Shit! I’m gonna have to start waxing!” moaned Brad

“..And I get to pull the wax off you moron. I lost the one host that knows anything about Xanth trying to get you out. In the end I had to move from body to body through crowd to get close enough to grab you.”

“yeah? Sorry, lets get out of here, that pipe music’s not as hot as I thought.”

“Agreed. Comedy/Fantasy fiction is a lot more humorous when all you have to do is read it.” replied Speedo merging back into Jack’s body.

* * *

SuperTeen landed on the roof garden lawn, followed moments later by WonderTeen.

“Our Rainbow Avenger friends have no idea how dangerous this is Lewis.”

“Actually, I don’t either” replied WonderTeen. “What do you know about this Reality Manipulator gizmo, supes?”

“ Its not a gizmo as such. It’s a computer program, that can be run on nearly any computer, even a palmtop. The more powerful the computer the greater the area of effect...and its what Masterson used to give you and I our powers. Fortunately its not on general release, the users are very careful to eliminate spare copies.”

“I can imagine.”

“ I know of only two people that have access to it, Governor Masterson in New Orleans, and the person who gave it to him. I’m betting its that guy who’s parked his home in this least I hope it is, cuz it means we have an edge.” said SuperTeen entering the stairwell.

“How can Tarantula hope to steal this thing? The sort of security you could set up with it ought to be impenetrable.” said WonderTeen.

“Only one way. She’s got an RMD of her own and has used it to deactivate or subvert the security.”

The doors to the 17th floor, an extraordinary delicate work of glass, wood and chrome decorated in heroically erotic male figures, lay shattered and twisted, explosive flash burns scarring the walls.

Just beyond the doors stood a number of polished chrome statues stood in poses that were either combative or fleeing. The statues depicted male skateboarders partially clad in baggy clothing, just pair of shorts here, just a Football shirt there, one naked and swinging his board like a club. Without exception they represented the ideal in male beauty.

A figure appeared, stepping into the wide marble encrusted corridor from a side door.

“The Tarantula I presume” said SuperTeen “You’ve caused a lot of trouble bitch.”

“You know us? How sweet, our reputation precedes us.” smiled the evil dominatrix “We wonder if you are as good a fuck as you’re reputed to be. We will have to give you a try out once you’re straightened.”

“Sorry bitch, you’re not my type” replied SuperTeen sending twin Beams of hypnotic laser light slashing down the corridor.

The beams reached to within 6ft of Tarantula and transformed into scarlet silk ribbons that drifted to the floor, the effect moving back along the beams. SuperTeen closed his eyes cutting off the beams before the transformation reached his eyes.

“Ah wonderful day! Those government morons were right. You two aren’t a mutants at all, you’re reality constructs!” Gloated Tarantula holding up a fist sized object.

“Interesting device this, something our slaves knocked up to give us access..a reality lockpick if you will. It causes things that have been modified to become inert, passive, compliant.”

SuperTeen felt a lassitude sweep over him. Much easier just to stand here rather than bother with all that rushing about. Looking down at his fingers he noted in an uninterested way that some of the chrome had rubbed off where he’d touched the statue. The woman was still talking.

“Well boys, that’s much better. I can see we’re going to get along just fine. As you can see you are gradually becoming chrome statues just like these skaters. Actually that’s just an intermediate stage...all it takes is the addition of a CPU chip to turn you into a useful addition to our web of crime.”

Slightly alarmed, SuperTeen tried to move only to find that he was locked in place. All that he had left was his telepathic link to Tyler. Slowly, carefully he formed the thought/words to send. It was a great effort and once it was done he thought he’d just rest..for....a.........moment.

Smiling her poisonous smile the Tarantula clipped a chip just above SuperTeen’s eyebrow.

Tyler gasped causing TK to swivel his wheelchair around.


“My Master! Something bad has happened to him.” explained the ex-trainee supervillain.

“Right! That’s it! Screw this strategic reserve BS. Can you teleport us in near to SuperTeen?”

“Of Course.”

Like someone turning up the “saturation” on a photoedit everything became brighter, more colorful, until everything merged into whiteness...and then they were somewhere else.

The room was a palatial hotel suite with a sunken bed easily big enough for a football team, filling half the room. The other half of the room was dominated by a large octagonal work station that surrounded a pillar of circuitry that moved slowly up and down.

TK moved over to the console caressing it reverently, careful not to touch any of the controls.

“Excellent.” He whispered.

Suddenly a group of leather collar wearing pre-schoolers burst through one of the doors. A moment later Studz’ virtual body materialized behind them.

“What kept you” grinned TK

“A fecking age reduction field. Look what its done to my slaves!”

“We’d better ‘port them out man. I don’t want to see a kid that age stopping a bullet. Look at it this way in ten years time they’ll be just right”

“Ok. Its not like they’re much use.” agreed Studz.

With a nod, Tyler caused the gaggle of children to flash out of existance. As he did so the rest of the Rainbow Avengers stumbled into the room.

Speedo wearing his Jack Ryder hostbody, followed by his remaining spare host. The ex-wrestler host aided an injured Glowboy who’s arm had a thorny vine fragment still wrapped around it.

“Don’t ask..” growled Glowboy “So..I suppose that thing is what all the fuss is looks kinda familiar.”

“At least we got here first!” said Speedo. “So what now?”

For a moment the five mutants just looked at each other, At a loss.

“I guess we should prepare some sort of barricade. Tarantula’s still headed here.”

“Surprised she didn’t get here yet.”

“SuperTeen caught up to her. He didn’t stop her.” Informed Tyler grimly

“Oh we did better than that.” said a voice from the doorway. Tarantula swaggered into the room followed by seven chromium plated androids and eight tazer armed agents.

“Poor SuperTeen” said Tarantula caressing an android that looked like a metal coated version of the hero. “A victim of...

The supervillain’s gloating was cut off in mid sentence as the Rainbow Avengers instinctively went into attack mode.

Studz materializing behind the group grasping one of the agents by the neck and forming a slave collar.

TK formed a wall of telekinetic force between the combatants and the device.

Glowboy’s hurled ecstasy bolts felled another agent but failed to do anything to an android skateboarder.

Speedo emerged from his host, leaving Jack standing passively while he let loose a rain of blows and kicks against Tarantula.

Tyler teleported, materializing between two of the agents, an out stretched hand caressing and enslaving each.

Enslaved and un-enslaved agents battled one another. The androidized youths, invulnerable to attack, moved slowly but inexorably forward.

The SuperTeen’s head slowly swiveled like a gun turret. lining up with Tyler sending beams of hypnotic light straight into the ex-villains eyes. Seconds later Tyler’s knees buckled as he attempted to get his mouth around his own cock.

Without any sign of emotion WonderTeen’s chrome armored arm lashed out sideways knocking Speedo to the ground.

In what seemed like moments TK found himself the only Rainbow Avenger still standing. Tarantula had a sinister looking device aimed at his forcewall.

Time seemed to slow to a stop. The most handsome man he had ever seen, his dark hair carefully highlighted in a reddish Blond, stood in the doorway a macy’s carrier bag in each hand.

“Just what do you freckle sucking drongos think your doing in my room?” demanded the skateboarder.

Tarantula swiftly altered her aim pointing the fist sized lockpick device at the new arrival. “Lets see what you looked like before you manipulated your appearance.”

“Call that a reality manipulator?” smiled the smoothly tanned, skateboarder. Completely unaffected by the device’s energy .... “THIS is a reality manipulator”

TK glanced at the large device they’d been defending and then at the sleek palmtop PC in the new arrival’s hand. “That’s the reality manipulator?”

The invisible and unequal battle between the two devices ended abruptly, the chrome like biomechanical stuff that coated the Tarantula’s slaves shattering like safety glass. The device in her hand turning to mercury and dribbling through her fingers.

Recognizing the threat of being changed utterly, The Tarantula hit her costume’s belt buckle teleporting away.

“Well mates, it looks like I owe you some thanks for putting yourselves at risk.” said the skateboarder tapping at the RMD.

Glowboy looked down to see his satyrized legs morphing back to normal.

TK felt a surge of pleasure from his cock, the first sensation he had felt below the neck since his fall from liberty’s head.

Studz felt a tightness across his chest and pulled off the VR helmet, his body had grown large and muscular, slicked with oil and decked in leather. A certainty formed in his mind. It was time to come out of the closet...and Ma would understand and love her son anyway.

Speedo didn’t notice any difference until later that day when he found the credit card, VTOL vehicle keys and US passport in Jack Ryder’s back pocket.

“That’s the chores done, now I don’t know about you guys but I could use a good blowjob.”

Whether the Rainbow Avengers wanted to suck cock or whether their reality was altered so that they had no choice in the matter is an open question..the results were the same however.

* * *

Cuthy dropped the brand new VTOL vehicle containing the sleeping heroes off at their headquarters, before taking out his beloved skateboard and boarding back to the hotel. He’d already tendered his resignation all that remained was to take the lift to the 17th floor and join the Sk8tr’s posse in its hyperdimensional voyage. There were new realities to see, new cocks to suck. His arse clenched in anticipation.