The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

My Boss, the Naga (1/2)

Graduation, for me it meant I was finally going to make some real money. After this course I could be a very useful employee for many successful companies. Unfortunately we were in a time of recession and getting a job had become far from easy.

So with all my degrees I was now sitting at home surfing on the internet to find some opportunities. After another day without progress I decided to relax a bit and find something interesting to masturbate on. I didn’t go to a porn site though, I had this thing for woman with hypnotic powers. Call it a fetish if you will. I would always browse YouTube and look for clips where woman would hypnotize me, I was especially interested when they used computer effects to create a kaa-mowgli kind of scene.

After my personal time was over I stumbled on a real funny video. But when I decided to share it something went terribly wrong. Instead of sharing the funny video I uploaded one of the hypnosis clips on facebook. With the speed of light itself I deleted it of my page praying no one had noticed.

Just when I thought I was save a chat window popped up. It was from a beautiful woman named Katja, whom I met a couple of months ago in a club. She was the girlfriend of girl I knew from collage and after some awkward small talk I just added her on facebook without making a move. I really wasn’t the smooth talker, in fact I was terrible. So when Katja wanted to talk to me a minute after I deleted the video I was slightly panicking. I opened the window hoping it was just a coincidence.

Katja: Hey there mike how’s it going?

What a relief she didn’t saw the video, she actually wanted to talk to him. I tried a ‘not caring to much respond’ hoping to make a good impression with it.

Mike: hey, im fine. You?

Katja: I’m great tnx for asking. Say now I heard you where looking for a job and I happen to offer one. It requires administrating appointments for my clients and taking care of most of the financial business.

Katja: You see I’m working for myself as a therapist, interested?

Her interest in me was strictly business which was a small disappointment, but it didn’t matter this was a great opportunity.

Mike: Yes in fact I am, I’ve been doing nothing for quite a while now.

Katja: Great I’ll mail you the address of my office, along with an appointment so we can discuss things.

Mike: Sounds great and tank you for this Katja.

Katja: Such a good boy thanking me, you’re welcome :)

I stared at that last comment, the hypnotic woman of YouTube also used the line ‘such a good boy’. I convinced myself that it was just a coincidence , it had to be right?

Three days later I talked with Katja at her office, we discussed my salary and work hours. Basically it came down to a lot of work but for a salary. After our talk she showed me my work place and the room where she worked herself . It was a room you would’ve expected from a therapist. There was a long comfortable bench for her clients and a chair for herself. Only strange thing was a big glass door that lead to the garden of the building. The garden contained one of the largest of threes I’d ever seen. When I walked out I noticed a painting with a spiral in it.

Katja saw my look and said: “ow yaeh I didn’t tell you yet, I specialize in hypnosisss.”

It was the way she lured out the ‘s’ that send shivers down my spine. Just an coincidence I thought.

After my first few weeks of work I already knew most clients by face. They weren’t everyday therapy clients though, I noticed that they were all muscular man or beautiful woman in their mid twenties. Also after their session they had this dreamy look on their face. I often found myself fantasizing about what was going on in that room. I even considered asking katja if she could hypnotize me once, but I was afraid I would get aroused by it. How awkward that would be.

On the Friday of the fourth week I had already finished my work for that day. The last client of the day had just entered Katja’s room. But when he entered he didn’t close the door properly, when I went to shut it I couldn’t help but take a peek inside.

How strange, the room was completely empty. I walked inside and looked around, the only other exit of this room was the door from the backyard. I went outside closed the door behind me and immediately froze. There was a hissing voice coming from the three. As I looked thru the leafs I saw the most incredible scene, Katja was up in the three with her client. Her legs where replaced by a huge snake tail which was wrapped around a few large branches and a part had totally wrapped up her client from his neck to his ankles. He stared open mouthed into Katja’s eyes which were spiraling out of control whit all kind of colors.

I did what most people would have done in this situation, I panicked. I immediately turned around and smacked myself against the glass door. Because of what I’d just seen I totally forgot that I had closed it.

I looked back hoping Katja hadn’t heard me, but she did and was already heading down from the three.

It was if my fear had taken away my ability to move as I watched Katja raise herself a few feet away from me, just like a real snake ready to leap at its prey. “Sssoo you decssided to take a peek, naughty naughty.” Katja hissed. I closed my eyes knowing she was going to charge, this is it I thought she’s going to kill me for sure.