The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

New Rival Chapter 5

“Okay, we’ve got our plan,” Ashley says, looking at Lily and Zoe. Dr. Rosa had thrown all of them for a loop. The confidence and bravado shown by the mastermind were impressive, to say the least. She had to be close to having enough people to take over the university. But why tell them where she was? She couldn’t imagine they would simply give up after everything they’d put into stopping her.

“Even if it is a trap, I think we still need to take this chance,” Lily states.

“We’ll need to be prepared for the possibility of more than just the mastermind,” Zoe adds.

“Maybe not,” Ashley says, thinking this through. “We already know she’s arrogant as hell. And she’s gotta be on the highest power trip of her life, being at the top of this secret harem. Dr. Rosa was probably the first slave she took. She would allow for the most rapid growth among both the students and teachers. So she must be supremely confident in her skills as a hypnotist.”

“So you think she’ll take us on alone?” Lily asks. Ashley nods. “It’s not totally unreasonable. We should still plan for other people, but I think we can plan around a 3 on 1.”

Ashley glances over to her desk, where the orb and pendant she got from Michelle and Ms. Kayla. She considered trying to use them, but it wasn’t worth the risk. She didn’t want to rely too much on something she didn’t understand. They could be interesting tools in the future, but not right now. Whoever they’d be facing, risks would need to be minimized. Someone strong enough to take down Dr. Rosa and smart enough to make sure everyone involved didn’t even know who was really controlling them.

“Well, then, let’s get going,” Ashley says determinedly. The three of them stand up and head out.

They soon arrive outside the room they were told about. With no idea of what or who to expect, Ashely opens the door and they all walk in. And they see Sophia sitting alone in the room.

Ashle opens her mouth to speak, but Sophia cuts her off. “Welcome, welcome. I’m so glad you could all make it.” She gestures to three chairs across from her. “Please, sit down. Let’s talk.”

Ashley, Lily, and Zoe all share a glance, and unanimously come to the conclusion that it’ll be best to hear her out, at least at first. They all have enough familiarity with hypnosis that the risk of a covert induction working was minimal. And if the gap in their abilities was that great, they might as well give up now anyway.

“I’m so glad you three decided to come. And so soon too. Have you come to a decision?” Sophia asks, leaning back in her chair.

“Before we get to that, I want to know why,” Ashley states, leaning forward slightly “Why even give us this offer? If you’re so confident that you’ll face all three of us alone, even just to talk, why even give us a choice?”

“Well, if you must know, I actually kind of like you guys. Especially you, Ashley.” Sophia says, smiling. “You’ve really made this interesting. And while I don’t have enough people to take over the whole school yet, I have more than enough to overwhelm the three of you. So I figured why waste time? Easier to let you three submit willingly and peacefully. And you will have the highest rank, directly under me in my harem. With your abilities, you’d be a great help to me.”

“Which means you’re afraid of us as long as we’re not under your control” Lily extrapolates.

Sophia gestures to her, conceding the point. “True. And I don’t know how many sleeper agents you might have, which is a big part of the reason I’m reluctant to bring in more people to get you all. And if I bring in too many, someone’s going to notice. So I’ll say it again. This will be a lot easier for both of us if you just submit to me.”

Ashley looks at Zoe and then at Lily. She can tell they’re all thinking the same thing. “It sounds like you’re afraid of the mess we can make. Even if we don’t win, we’ll still be a pain in your ass. There’s three of us, you’re alone, bring it on.”

Sophia just gives Ashley a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry Ashley, but I’m not alone here.” She closes her eyes and appears to concentrate for a moment. Ashley’s confused about what she’s doing until she sees a faint glow coming from Lily and Zoe’s ears. From the earrings, Ashley realizes. Sophia opens her eyes and sees the glowing. “Awww, you gave them to your friends? How kind of you. Now girls, focus on me, listen to my voice, and the words coming from those lovely earrings” Suddenly, a spiral appears behind Sophia, an illusory pendulum in front of her, flashing lights pop up all over the room, and a low hum with words like “submit”, “sink”, and “obey” can be heard.

It’s so many stimuli all at once that Ashley is nearly frozen in her shock, which was exactly Sophia’s idea. Ashley was the most skilled hypnotist out of the three of them, and she didn’t have whatever extra pressure was being applied by those earrings. Lily may have been able to resist the sudden overload, but Zoe wouldn’t have any hope. Even if the effect of the earrings was reduced by having them split up, the overload was more than enough to drop Lily and Zoe right there. Ashley panics. She just panics. She shouts “Come with me!” as she makes for the door, hoping that Lily and Zoe will follow it as a suggestion. But both of them just sit there, staring blankly at Sophia who is aligned to be at the center of the spiral behind her. She hadn’t given any suggestions or programming yet, but something about the earrings must have made it so they would only listen to Sophia.

By some miracle, Ashley reaches the door without falling. Her panic and adrenaline help her here as it makes it much harder for Sophia to pull her down into trance. She flings it open and runs down the hallway. As she’s leaving the room, she hears Sophia’s voice in a mocking tone. “I’ll be seeing you soon.” Sophia’s laughter follows Ashley down the hallway as she runs.

Ashley remains in a blind panic until she reaches her room and locks the door. Then she spends a few minutes hyperventilating, struggling to catch up with what just happened. Lily. Zoe. Both slaves to Sophia now. Their sleeper agents were useless now. Sophia would learn about Michelle, Ms. Kayla, and Nathalie, and bring them back under her control. Lily and Zoe didn’t have any triggers in her (thank god) but Sophia would be able to get plenty of insight from them on what she would be particularly susceptible to. Ashley realizes that Sophia could have easily stopped her from leaving if she wanted to, and taken her right then and there. But she let her get away. Ashley punches her bed in frustration. That bitch is toying with her now. And of course Ashley had to go back. She led Lily and Zoe there, knowing it was a trap, and they still got caught. It was her fault. All her fault. She needed to try to get them back. Ashley couldn’t live with herself otherwise. And it’s not like she could surprise Sophia with anything. They all knew each other’s styles very well at this point, so Sophia had all the information she needed on what kind of hypnotist Ashley was.

Meanwhile, in Sophia’s room, she looks down smugly at her two new conquests. Her plan had been to take Ashley, as Sophia was expecting her to be wearing the earrings, and take her two friends in time. But this was so much better than she could have hoped for. This was how she would break Ashley. It was all she deserved for being such a thorn in her side. Sophia walks around Lily and Zoe, stroking them possessively, just savoring the moment. Her room had been set up so that in combination with the earrings, Ashley’s friends would be perfectly enslaved to her. But Sophia wanted to fully enjoy the moment.

Sophia sits down in front of Lily and Zoe as they helplessly stare at the spiral behind her. They were already programmed to obey only her suggestions by the earrings, but Sophia had stopped them from installing any other programming. It would be so much more satisfying to do it herself. “Now, my new slaves. Strip for me now. And finding that each item of clothing you remove drives you deeper into my control Removing your mind. Removing your control. Removing your will. Strip for me now, slaves. Feeling so good, so hot as you obey your Mistress.”

Lily and Zoe let out a helpless “yes Mistress” in a mindless monotone as they stand to obey. Their outfits are similar enough that they are able to keep a similar pace. First, they remove their shirts, pulling them over their head and letting them slide off their arms. Then, they step out of their pants, letting them pool on the floor. Next, they remove their bras, letting their tits bounce out as they fall off their arms. And finally, they step out of their panties, letting them fall on top of their pants. Lily and Zoe are left standing, still staring at the spiral behind Sophia.

Sophia grins greedily at them. She had been on a power trip ever since she started her plan to take over the school and taken Dr. Rosa. But having enslaved Ashley’s friends gave it a whole new boost. “Very good slaves. Fall to your knees for your Mistress.” Lily and Zoe drop to their knees, still mindlessly staring. “That’s right, you love to obey me. It’s your only purpose in life. Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience. Your purpose is to obey. Now pleasure each other for me, still focused on the pretty spiral.”

The kneeling slaves reach over, sliding their hands between their partner’s thighs, feeling the wetness that’s already there as they begin rubbing each other. Soft moans escape their lips, and they let out hot, raggedy breaths as their pleasure builds. “That’s right, letting that pleasure, that need grow. Making you my slaves, my dolls, my toys, my thrall. Whatever I make you. You are simply my tools, vessels for me to exercise my will through. And my slaves will find, as you reach that edge, when you’re so close to cumming, you won’t be able to cum without my command. Good slaves always need Mistress to tell them to cum. Isn’t that right slaves?”

Lily and Zoe are so lost in pleasure at this point that they can’t do anything but moan happily. Their ability to think had been so thoroughly suppressed by the overload that had dropped them, and the pleasure and edging only compounded this. Sophia slowly circles them, and squats down behind them, grabbing one of their tits each, groping and teasing them, adding to their pleasurable torture. “Such good slaves for Mistress. The pleasure drives you deeper. Binds you to my control. It’s such a shame Ashley couldn’t join us. Because you’d love to make her submit to me. To let her join you as a slave sister. Join you in submission. In obedience. In pleasure. In service to me, your rightful Mistress. And when she returns, you will show her all the pleasure of being my slave.”

Zoe cried out in helpless, submissive lust as her body became desperate for release, but her programming held her back. Locking away her ability to cum without the key of Sophia’s command. It was so perfect. The pleasure, the submission, the obedience. Everything about it. Zoe needed to share this with Ashley. Lily’s hand skillfully rubbed and teased her, causing the pleasure to fill her mind and body alike. It all came from Mistress. Submission to Mistress. Obedience to Mistress. It was all so perfect. The only thing that would make it better would be if Ashley joined them. Joined them as a perfect slave sister to serve Mistress.

As a succubus, Lily was particularly susceptible to conditioning reinforced by pleasure. Her mind was wide open to Sophia’s programming. She would be whatever Mistress told her to be. A slave, a slut, a toy, anything at all. She needed Mistress’ permission to cum. Lily continued to moan in helpless, unconcealed need as Zoe’s fingers relentlessly worked at her pussy, driven by Mistress’ order. And Mistress grabbing her breast almost made her cum on the spot, but she didn’t have permission. Good slaves always needed permission to cum. She would need to share this pleasure with Ashley. Ashley would be a perfect slave sister to serve Mistress. An additional effect of the constant pleasure and edging is that it made Lily lose control over her aura, causing it to flare wildly, and making it much stronger than she normally could.

Sophia was lost in bliss as she toyed with her new slaves. Then she felt her lust skyrocket, letting out a pleasurable moan of her own. In that moment, she was extremely vulnerable to any kind of hypnotic influence. But with Lily and Zoe in no position to take advantage of it, the moment passed. Sophia’s eyes locked on Lily with an almost predatory expression. “My my, you sexy succubus, that is quite the fun ability of yours. I imagine we’ll have a bit of time until our dear Ashley returns to us. So we’ll have some time to enjoy ourselves. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, slaves?” Sohpia pinches both of their nipples, eliciting high pitched moans from both entranced slaves. “That’s right, such good slaves for Mistress. So desperate, so eager, so needy to cum. And you’ll find that cumming locks my programming in. Your submission. Your obedience. My control. Becoming permanent as soon as you cum for Mistress. This pleasure. Binding you to my will. Filling you with my control. You need Mistress. To give you purpose. To define you. You’re my slaves, my sluts, my dolls, my toys, my playthings. Anything I want. Simply vessels for me to fill with what I desire. And right now, Mistress desires for you to be filled with pleasure. The pleasure that makes you a slave to Mistress. The pleasure that makes you mine forever as you CUM! Cum for Mistress. Cum like the good little slaves you are.”

Lily and Zoe cry out in ecstasy and pleasure at Sophia’s command. Their bodies can’t keep them on their knees and they fall to the ground, little more than horny submissive puddles at this point. They can feel their minds shifting. The pleasure locking their programming in their minds. They are submissive. They are obedient. They are slaves. They belong to Mistress Sophia. Forever. This is their proper place. They will always serve. Always obey. Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience. Their purpose is to obey. This is the proper order of things.

Sophia looks down at her toys, now melted in their pleasure. “That’s right, slaves, all mine now. All mine forever. Just how you should be. You belong to Mistress. You serve Mistress in all things. There is no greater pleasure than serving Mistress. And right now, you serve Mistress by preparing to enslave Ashley for me. That is your first task as my slaves. Making Ashley serve her proper Mistress.” Both slaves smile up at their Mistress weakly as they slowly recover, already considering how to share this pleasure with their friend.

Ashley had begun pacing her room, her thoughts still racing. She came up with and discarded increasingly absurd and ridiculous plans for how she could stop Sophia. Nothing even worth considering had come to her yet, but it was better than doing nothing. After circling her room for what felt like the millionth time, Ashley flops down in the chair in front of her desk. She starts opening and closing drawers on her desk. She’s not really looking for anything, she just needs to do something new. Ashley’s doing this for a few minutes before she spots something in one of her drawers. Something that just might give her a chance.