The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

New Sales Horizons

I’ve been in sales more than twenty five years now. I turned fifty a couple of weeks ago and, if truth be told, feeling a little burnt out as it happens, but these development seminars, the one I attended today, are arranged regularly by the firm, and non-attendance is not only frowned upon, it’s a contractual obligation. There must have been about thirty of us in the room, all bar two were guys. I knew about half of them. Neither of the women though. A lot of new guys around, but the obligatory name tags helped eliminate the need to repeatedly identify ourselves to each other as we engaged. Tea, coffee and sandwiches laid on as always, and you just do get to mingle to share the odd tale or anecdote before taking a seat. I made sure I got to talk to Heather, the far better looking of the two women there. About thirty, brunette, and a figure that just got the mind guessing what it was like underneath those clothes. Brenda was a little older and no, not for me, nor any of the other guys present I’d wager my next bonus on. What always strikes me about these seminars, and it just might be the industry, or the firm’s policy, but how so racially diverse it is. Being white placed me just about in the majority group, but there were a couple from the Indian sub-continent for sure, then three, or was it four, from Southeast Asia way. The rest a mixture of Afro-Caribbean and African. Oh, and the facilitator this time around was from Jamaica, and very proud of being so he told us. Johnson was his name, and I wasn’t quite sure if that was his first or surname. We were eventually told to take our seats in one of three rows of ten, I sat in the third, and the presentation was to begin. First off, though, we had to put on these wireless headphones to hear the audio soundtrack, which was an unusual development in these seminars, although I suppose they are, by definition, development seminars. There was a big screen to focus on and I have to say that the presentation was as boring as fuck. The sales strategies suggested were old school, and to be honest, a little embarrassing to watch, especially with the intermittent onscreen interference, and occasional array of coloured lights that just gave me a headache. Just for a few seconds, mind, but aggravating nonetheless, and causing a little brain fog as well, as it happens.

As it stopped and got me thinking at fucking last, there was Johnson out there in front with a big beaming smile. “So, ladies and gentlemen, what did we think of the new sales presentation you’re going to be operating out in the field?” He asked. Most present looked around at each other with, I’d guess, the same sort of view; ‘What the fuck was that’. “Look, I know it didn’t seem like much” said Johnson, “But it was audio subliminal, complimented by a mental will destabiliser developed by a biotech company I work for, and introduced into the drinks and food you all had. Now what we did make sure of was that each and every one of you either drank or ate today”. Now when he finished saying that, the looks shared by everyone then became a mixture of confusion and puzzlement. I turned to the guy beside me, who I didn’t know and said “Is that for real?” He just shrugged his shoulders saying “I’ve no fucking idea”. “Ok, then”, said Johnson. “I want you all to relax. Are you relaxed?” “Yes” I said out loud, and so I thought then did everyone else there. “What we’re looking to achieve here today is being able to tell you that you want something, and that you’ll pay anything you’re told to pay for it because you want it, and you’ll want it bad. And we’re going to instruct you on how to do that out in the field. Sound interesting?” He asked, and almost to a one we all said “Yes”. “So, I’m going to offer two or three of you something now, and whoever you are, you’ll want it, and you’ll pay anything for it, because I’ve told you that you want it, Ok?” “Ok” I said, but not so loud this time, becoming both intrigued and not a little apprehensive, actually. Just how is he going to do this I asked myself? And I’m sure everyone else said the same. Whether they felt the same, I wouldn’t know. “First up, Gordon” he said. “Step up out here for me, Gordon”, and the Gordon I knew got up from the front row and stood beside him. “Are you homosexual, Gordon?” Johnson asked him, and looking towards us with a big smile, Gordon said “No. I’m happily married to Jenny”. As he did I thought to myself, ‘I’m not gay either, and happily married to Alison, for twenty years, and had two kids, thank you very much, but why ask?’ And so Johnson went on, “Now Gordon, I’m going to offer you the chance to suck my cock and charge you only a thousand for the privilege because you want it, you want to suck my cock. What do you say?” A little hesitantly, Gordon responded “Well, I’m not sure. I’m not gay. And a thousand. Seems a bit step”. Again he was looking in our direction, but with a little apprehension as well as hesitancy now. “Not sure Gordon? Look at me Gordon” Johnson said in a particularly stern way. “Now you want this, Gordon. You really want to suck my cock. And the price is now two thousand. What do you say now?” “Yes. Yes, I’ll do it” Gordon responded this time, turning again towards us with a positivity about the smile on his face. “What is you want, then Gordon?” Johnson asked. “To suck you cock. I want to suck your cock”. “On your knees then. Do it in front of your colleagues here. Show them how much you want it”. And Gordon went down on his knees, fumbled a bit with the trouser zipper, but once successful with it he pulled out a cock which was above average in size, well at least bigger than mine anyway. Gordon took it in his mouth and began to work at it like he’d had some experience of doing just that. Johnson looked towards us. “Can you see the benefits of the new sales technique you’re going to operate from now on?” He asked. Everyone said “Yes”, including me. Pretty impressive it was, for sure. As I continued to watch Gordon servicing Johnson’s cock I began thinking more and more about this new sales technique, and what it would be worth in increased sales commission. “Out you come Heather. Come and join us” Johnson said, with a casual glance down at Gordon’s mouth on his cock. “Look up at me whilst you’re doing that Gordon. That’s it” he encouraged him. Heather got to the front. “Undress for me Heather” Johnson said. “No” she responded loudly. “You really want this, Heather, you really want to undress for me. I’ll give you five hundred to show everyone else here what you’ve got there in the flesh. “Five hundred?” She asked. “Seven Fifty, now Heather. Seven hundred and fifty for you to get undressed and finger fuck yourself for us, because you want to”. “Ok” she said as she began to undress. “That’ll do Gordon. I’m saving myself” he said, and Gordon pulled his mouth off. “Stand beside Heather there, pull your cock out and jerk off” Johnson told him. “And it’s still two thousand?” Gordon asked. “Yes, it is. I’m feeling generous” Johnson replied. Turning to us again, Johnson said “Anyone in the room who could take a shit right now?” Most looked around at each other quizzically, but then Ted said “I could”. “Great” said Johnson, “For just two hundred I’m going to let you shit in that trash bin over there? Go on. You really want it. Do it for me” “Ok” said Ted as he got up. There were a number of murmurings amongst us now, still seated. On the one hand fascinated by the new sales technique we were being shown, but at the same time wondering how realistic Johnson was being with his pricing. I have to say as well, that by this time Heather had been fingering away between her legs for a few minutes now, and it was a truly erotic sight. I’d have hazard a guess that there wasn’t anyone watching without a semi on, other than Brenda of course. Ted had obviously done his stuff as he stood up from the trash bin. It had been an experience watching someone walk over to a bin, pull their trousers down and squat over it like he had. “So which of you are going to go over to what Tom has just left in that bin, scoop it up and smear it over their face?” Johnson asked, but of course no-one was of a mind to get involved in that, but then Johnson was more specific, looking at Pete on the front row he said “Peter. All I’m asking for is one hundred for you to go to that bin and do it”. “No way” said Pete, then when in response Johnson said “You want to do it, Pete, and happy to pay five hundred, Ok?” Pete’s demeanour changed and he said with a smile “Yeah, Ok”, and made to get up. “Sit down Pete” Johnson told him, “I was only kidding. No sale there” he added with a broad smile on his face. Just as he’d said it, Gordon’s cock started spurting cum over the floor, and Heather started screaming as well, gushing as she did onto the floor leaving a small puddle mixing with Gordon’s cum. “Brenda. What do you say to coming out here and licking up all that cum off the floor? You know you want to. Just three hundred. That’s all I want” Johnson asked her. “Ok” she said as she stood up, then made her way to the front. “Heather, get yourself dressed and back there seated. You look exhausted, darling” Johnson told her. “I am. Thank you” she said as she made to pick up her clothes. “And Gordon. You too. Get back to your seat. And put that away, will you?” “Yes. Thanks” he said pushing his cock back into his trousers. As Brenda was down on her knees licking up the squirt and cum combo, Johnson said “Now that’s all there is, ladies and gentlemen. You’ll return here next week for further training on how to administer the mental will destabiliser to potential buyers, along with setting up the visual processing, and the key trigger phrases you’ll need to use. Until next week then, when I’ll take questions then”. As we all started to rise and look around to catch the eyes of others, each of us were pulling faces bearing a combination of puzzlement, yet anticipation of what next week held in store now. It certainly was the most persuasive presentation I’d ever seen, and I couldn’t help but ponder the selling potential in it. A customer who would buy anything you sought to sell because you told them that they wanted it, and charge what you wanted to. Priceless.

I was talking to a couple of the others just outside in the foyer when Johnson came up to me and said “Steve, would you mind giving me a lift home, I got a taxi here?” “Yes, of course” I said, “Do you want to leave now?” I asked. “Yes, if we could” he confirmed and we made our way to the car park. “Where to?” I asked as we drove out. “The nearest rail station to yours. I’ve got to catch a train” he said, and on the way we engaged in small talk, mostly about how our respective clubs were performing in the championship. As I was nearing the station car park he turned to me and said “I’ve changed my mind Steve. Have you ever sucked cock?” Quite taken aback by the suggestion I said “No, absolutely not. Never. And I wouldn’t”. Then in that finely tuned sales voice of his he said “But you want to suck mine, Steve, and I’ll let you do it for twenty. Go on. You know you want to”. Suck his cock, I thought. It did look big when Gordon got it out. What would it taste like? How exactly do you do it, I asked myself, but then thought twenty? That seems a bit of a bargain. “Ok” I said. “Where?” I asked. “At yours” he said, “Right now. Let’s go there” he directed me, quite firmly.

As we walked through the front door I knew Alison wouldn’t be in for a couple of hours, and the kids were at school. “How do we do it?” I asked as we went into the kitchen. “Well, I’m going to lean back on the side here and you’re going to get down on your knees, take it out, and start sucking” he said as he found his place and turned towards me. I got down on my knees and unzipped his trousers. “Hold on. Undress for me” he said. “Undress?” I asked. “You know you want to, Steve. This is a bargain offer you’re getting”. And I knew he was right. It was a bargain, so I did undress and got down again before him. He’d got it out, and it looked a lot bigger close up than it had from that third row. I put my mouth over it, and immediately felt it start to harden. I wasn’t sure what to do, so sucked a little. Then took it in my hand and started to gently jerk it. I took my mouth off and started licking the shaft. “And the balls” he said, so I licked them too. I started sucking and jerking again, and got into a bit of a rhythm, when he said “Stand up and bend over the sideboard here, and I guess I should have objected then and there, but somehow couldn’t. I actually felt I wanted it. Had always wanted it. “Pull your arse cheeks apart, you know you want to” he said and I did. He’s going to arse fuck me I thought. Somehow, I knew that I’d always wanted to be fucked in the arse by a black cock. I then sensed something, obviously his cock now up against the entrance to the hole there, and felt it pushing in. It hurt, really hurt to start, before he began to build up a rhythm, and actually telling me I wanted it really helped, because I knew then for certain that I had always wanted it. He told me to beg for him to do it, and I did. “Please. Please Johnson. Fuck me. Fuck my arse” I said more than once. “I love it. That’s it. Just do me” I said, really enjoying it now, not knowing how it was going to end when he said “When I tell you to, turn round and get on your knees with your mouth open”, then a few seconds later he shouted “Now!” I spun around, went down on my knees with my mouth open as he’d said and then as the tip of his cock touched my lower lip felt the first spurt hit the back of my throat. Then onto my cheek, then chin, and then he pushed it in my mouth. “Suck” he said, and I did. I sucked and jerked it for I don’t know how long, before he pulled away. “Wow” I said, and couldn’t help myself add “That was something else. Something special. When can we do it again?” But he said “Sorry my friend. It’s all been an exercise in field testing what we’ve developed in the lab. I’ll see you next week for what will be a bit of a debriefing when you’ll learn to forget what’s happened today and learn to go out there and make money. In the meantime, happy memories”. As I showed him out the door, still naked I was, he turned towards me and said with that customary smile, “Don’t forget next week to bring that twenty you owe me”.