The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Ovalords

As she walked with the sun on her face Kylie sang a tune she’d known since junior school. “Masters look after us… we obey our Masters” she stopped and waved to her neighbour Jean who ignored her. Kylie smiled and continued on her way “I want to serve, I want to serve, I want to serve our Masters”.

She arrived home. Home was a free-standing two-storey house. One of the few left. Her suburb, Willington Heights was now an anarchoonism. Since the invasion most humans had been moved into collective accomodation., but her dad Bill Sorenson was one of the privileged few; he had been Governor of the state when the invasion happened. He was now a ‘mouth-piece’ for the new regime telling those that still were not in bondage of the wonderful life everyone now had.

Kylie wore only a bra and panties, and carried a small rucksack. She had short pink socks and comfortable shoes. The dress-code meant that women were now either not clothed, or hardly at all. And, with dominance over much of life there were no sexual assaults, or assaults at all. Crime was nil… except for those still against the Masters.

Kylie opened the door—no need for locks. She wandered into the bedroom. It used to be the lounge-room.

Bill and his wife Jenny had felt uncomfortable sleeping with their daughters Kylie and Karin but it was also part of the new ways.

Kylie peeled off her top. She scratched her left boob. Jenny walked in from the kitchen

“Mom!” Kylie shrieked surprised.

“Oh, sorry!” Jenny gasped as she quickly took her dress off.

“What were you wearing?” Kylie questioned her

“I…I was just doing it as a joke!” Jenny lied

“I could report you for violating Section 7 of the Code!”

“No, honey!” Jenny gasped as she folded her dress and put it away, “Don’t do that… please…”

“The Masters have given us these rules for a reason!” Kylie said, still wondering why her mother would be so covered up.

“Please honey…”

“Let me at least burn it…” Kylie said


“Or should I…?” she said, getting out her phone, “Report this to Citizen’s Watch?”

“No…” Jenny said, closing in on her daughter, “Look, we’ll both burn it…” she said, smiling weakly.

“Okay” Kylie said, putting her phone away.

Kylie went to the draw and opened it and was shocked to find other dresses. “These will all have to go, mom”

“Yes, of course” Jenny nodded nervously.

They both went into the backyard with the dresses and the lighter needed.

“I saw Jean this afternoon” Kylie said as she watched her mom build a small fire.

“Oh?” Jenny said

“She doesn’t seem willing to talk to me…”

“Well she just lost her daughter…?



“She’s not lost… she’s been taken for breeding” Kyle said, “That’s not lost!”

“Er…” Jenny said nervously, “I mean, she’s lost her daughter to the Masters”

“That should be a source of pride…”

“Not everyone feels the same way…”

“Well they should!” Kylie said as her mom lit the dresses.

“Do you feel that way?” Kylie asked, suspiciously…

“I… you know I’m loyal to the Masters!” Jenny said, seeing her daughter studying her.

Over the years of indoctrination parents could no longer trust their children. Kylie had known very little from before the invasion. Years of controlled teaching had taught her not to question the Masters. Jenny knew of three families who were ‘taken away’ because of reporting by their children.

Being ‘taken away’ was the last step. Conditioning. Kylie was only trained to obey. Deep down it was still possible for her to question—a human trait. Conditioning removed that completely. Total enslavement. Jenny had seen it happen. Her own sister Lorraine was returned with her family and she showed no real personality ever after that. One time she’d been speaking in hushed tones of the possibility of heading south… to freedom, next she was monotonically extolling the virtues of the Masters. They’d even impregnated her and her daughters; Fiona, and Fay. Her husband Mike was never returned. After an eleven month pregnancy Kylie found her sister with one of those small grey-green things sucking from her breasts, three more playing near-by. Jenny’s nieces also hatched their own broods of four and three respectively.

Jenny stopped visiting her sister after a few years when the then adult brood started fucking Lorraine in front of her, impregnating her again, and her again.

Jenny still had to play it safe or she and her daughters might end up as nothing but life-support systems for their ova.

Jenny snapped out of her awful reclamation of events. Kylie wasn’t there. Jenny hosed the remainder of clothes and then went inside. Kylie was at the front of the house, on the phone.

“Yes, right away” Kylie said and put her phone away

“Who were you calling?” Jenny asked nervously

“Citizen’s Watch”

Jenny gulped an audible gulp.

“Really….?” she trembled “About…?”

“Jean” Kylie smiled, “I reported her as suspect…”


“Yes” Kylie said happily

Even as Jenny stood there dumbstruck at how casually evil her daughter had acted they could hear the ‘whoop whoop’ of the Collection already.

Jenny went outside. She know what was happening but she had to see.

Jean screamed as they broke into her house. She managed to run out the back, and then down the side to the street.

One of the aliens was there.

Jean almost ran into it.

“Nooooo!” she cried, but it was too late… It had made eye-contact

Her whole being calmed. She stood still. It maintained eye contact.

A Collector ran up to them and apologised to the Master for having let her almost get a away. The Master turned to him. He screamed as pain punched into him like a train. He collapsed to the ground howling.

Other Collectors ran up and just watched as their colleague was punished.

The Master turned back to Jean

“Yes” she said, to an unspoken question.

“Yes” she said again. The Master was speaking to her without words

“I have three daughters” she said in monotone.

“They are hidden in my basement…” she said

“Yes… I will show you”

She turned to a collector “Come” she said and lead them away.

One had to step over the remains of his colleague as Jean happily took them inside to betray her daughters.

Jenny turned to Kylie who stood there masturbating, smiling. Jenny shivered. She realised she was naked. But she dare not cover herself in public. “This is such a turn on”Kylie said, she was also on the phone to her friends telling them about what was happing.

More screams as the Collectors caught Jean’s daughters.

Jean came out and went to the Master

“Yes” she said “I serve you…”

She turned around and bent over.

“Oh my!” Kylie gasped, “He’s going to impregnate here right there!”

The creatures groin-slit opened up and it’s phallus pushed slowly out of its protective sheath. It’s cock was small and pointy at the end, but bulged outwards in the middle. It pushed itself into her.

“Ohhhhhh!” Jean cried as she was fucked. “Oh, yessss….!”

“Oh, yessss!” Kylie gasped as she furiously masturbated as she watched the girls being carried into a waiting truck. But then she turned her attention to the Master fucking Jean. It gave her spasms of delight as she only wished that it was her being used.

“Uh! Ohhhh! Uh!” the two of them seemed to each each other’s joy.

Jenny looked around at the small street. Several others were out watching, masturbating, sharing in the moment.

She saw her neighbour Heather Thom watching from her window. Heather gave her a short wave and then disappeared. Jenny smiled, at least not everyone in the street were so bereft of human decencies.

Jenny slipped back inside her own home. She noticed that Heather had been wearing a skirt… at least partly covering herself up… but it was risky.

There were no private lives, since the invasion. People… most of the… lived in groups. It also aided in control because with so many people around… a dozen eyes were always watching you. Husbands still made love to their wives, but now in the presence of the others in the communal house. Over time it became normal. It was abnormal not to… even to masturbate alone was considered taboo.

All through High School, and into Junior College Karin, and then her younger sister Kylie had joined Two Finger Societies. Women—in groups—who met regularly and masturbated together, usually watching a porn film—and usually a scenario of a woman being abducted by an alien. Sometimes guys at college joined in.

Most young girls wanted to save themselves fo a Master—but some were ordered to breed with a human so as to produce more slaves for the Masters… Kylie hoped this would never happen. Having one child at a time seemed so bizarre. She wanted a clutch of Masters. She knew how it worked. As they fucked a woman their pre-cum forced multiple ovulations and thus when they came they’d have three to five pups at a time.

Jenny prepared dinner when Kylie came in and wrapped her arms around her. She smiled that she had this small moment of comfort with her daughter. It was for her how she’d always imagined a normal family should be.

“Wasn’t that wonderful” Kylie sighed, resting her head on her mom’s shoulder.


“Watching a Master at work… I do hope she bears him lots of pups”

Jenny shivered as her small moment of familial bliss was shattered by her daughter’s musings.

Karin came home from work and Kylie was eager to tell her about what she’d seen. Jenny found them on the bed masturbating, looking at each other.

Bill arrived home. She turned to him and quietly sobbed in his arms. Bill caressed her but watched his two daughters fingering themselves.

Bill grew hard. Jenny looked down at him. She was shocked. He tried to apologise for it… hard to do when you’re naked is to hide one’s boner…

Then he thought “Fuck it…” He looked at his wife as if he shouldn’t need to be sorry… “Sex is meant to be shared” he said to her.

She slunk away. Did he really believe it?

Bill went and knelt between his daughters and masturbated. They smiled as he joined them.

“Sex is meant to be shared, Daddy” Karin said.

“I think your mom is unwell!” Bill said afterwards

“I think so too, Daddy” Kylie said

Bill picked up the phone…

Bill felt a small amount of remorse as he sat alone in the kitchen. Karin came home and cooked him some dinner, as if nothing had happened to her mom.

Kylie wore panties now, only because she also wore a sanitary pad. She hated this time of the month and wished again a Master would impregnate her.

“Hi, Daddy” she said as she came in, scratching and tugging at her panties.

“Hi, sweetheart”.

“What are you doing?” she asked when she saw his cock hanging limp, “Aren’t you going to wank?”

“Not now” he said as he ate, “I’m thinking about a speech the Masters want me to make…”

“I love the Masters” Kylie said

“I want to serve them” Karin said automatically

“I want to serve the Masters, too…” Bill said with more conviction than normal… perhaps it really was for the best?

Bill sighed as he looked at his two gorgeous daughters. He would have tried to fuck them but they were saving themselves for the Masters.

Bill gave a speech on air about the benefits of their new society. A Master came up to him after and told him he had done well. Bill smiled. He was happy to serve.

“We have a reward for you” the alien thought. Bill could hear it as clear as if it were spoken.

Bill was ushered into another room. Jenny stood there. She smiled when she saw him.

“Bill!” she smiled

Bill was genuinely suspired. She ran to him and leaped into his arms. Her legs came up about his waist. She kissed him passionately. His cock grew hard and pressed against her. She felt it too and slid down a little, and onto him.

He looked over at a Master, even more surprised as Jenny started to fuck him there and then

He looked into her eyes

“They changed me” she grinned as she rode his cock.


Having been returned to her husband to serve him, Jenny spent a wonderful night fucking him in front of her daughters. Kylie and Karin masturbated as they watched…. sex should be shared!

In the morning Jenny called Citizen’s Watch…

“Hello?” she smiled, “This is Jenny Sorenson… wife of Prime Citizen Bill Sorenson” she continued as she took the phone out onto the porch. She saw Heather Tom there in her front garden and gave her a small wave. Heather looked up and down the street and then waved back at her.

“Yes….” Jenny continued, “I’l like to report a suspicious person…”

Jenny turned off the phone and then waited to watch the Collection.

Heather Tom ran inside at the first familiar sound…whoop-whoop-whoop

When they came Jenny started to masturbate. Kylie joined her. Both stood on the street fingering themselves as the screaming in the Thom household began.

The End