Party Toy
Chapter 2: What Just Happened
Vasundhara closed her mouth, relaxed her legs, and shifted position to get more comfortable. She leaned against the spanking bench, blinked a little bit, then closed her eyes in relaxed concentration.
“Um, do we need to do anything...?” she heard Jeff say.
“Nah. She likes to take a few minutes to sift through the memories when we’re done.”
It was like Vasundhara’s mind had a bunch of password locks that she had not noticed before, except now she had the password for each and every one. She began working her way through the memories, pinning down what happened when.
Let’s start with that glorious fuckdoll suggestion, Vasundhara thought, fixing on one moment—right after Kendra put her down by the spanking bench and immediately before that inflating sensation had started.
“Pause,” Kendra had said, freezing Vasundhara on the floor. This was a pretty standard part of their play—Kendra would “pause” Vasundhara, give her suggestions, and Vasundhara would wake up acting on them without knowing.
“And now, Vasundhara, you start feeling like you’re being inflated, like a sex doll, with every breath in. With every breath in, you feel warm air coming into your body, filling you, until you feel the air pressing against the inside of your skin; warm, hot air on the inside of your skin that arouses you and makes you hot and horny. You feel the air inside you pushing your body into that sex doll pose, with your legs spread, your mouth wide open, your arms helplessly out of the way as you get hotter, and hornier, and wetter with every breath in that fills you with warm air, that inflates you until you’re a helpless, horny fuckdoll without a thought or care except for how you might be used by me and Jeff, getting hotter and wetter with each passing moment, resume.”
Aah yes, Vasundhara thought. This was another staple of her play with Kendra, but the amnesia made it feel like a novelty each time.
Vasundhara rewound a little bit to when the oral sex had started, figuring out what had been the last change Kendra had made before Vasundhara got to experience her being-passed-around fantasy.
Vasundhara had just gotten on her knees, playing with her nipples. “Pause.” Vasundhara’s fingertips had stopped in mid-circle, her mouth holding still while ragged breath moved in and out. “And now you’re starting to think of yourself as a slut, as a bimbo, as a fucktoy, as a plaything for our enjoyment, and you even start referring to yourself as ‘this slut’ instead of ‘I’ or ‘me’ when it feels natural, and you’re just really eager and ready to be played with. Resume.”
No matter how many times she did it, Vasundhara still marveled that she could start talking in third person and not notice that anything had changed.
There was a bit after that that made her wonder. She had popped out of the bimbo headspace to ask Jeff to put on a condom. She turned her mind back to the induction.
“So, how would you like to start?” Kendra had asked.
Vasundhara considered. “Hmm...I’m good with whatever. You know your way around me pretty well.”
“ that case,” Kendra said, gently grabbing Vasundhara’s wrist. “Just let your arm go nice and limp for me, just relax all of the muscles in your arm right now, Vasundhara,” she pattered. Vasundhara willed her arm into noodle-like consistency as Kendra swirled it around. “And now follow my fingers,” Kendra continued, her digits tickling the air in front of Vasundhara’s eyes, “folow my fingers,” she said as Vasundhara’s eyes darted left, up, left, right, up, left, right, left up, right, down, “and SLEEP,” Kendra finished, tugging Vasundhara’s arm toward her body. Vasundhara’s world went dark and hazy.
Ha, butterfly induction, Vasundhara mused. It wasn’t Vasundhara’s favorite, but it was very efficient for something on the fly. Kendra must have been trying to save time so that they did not take up the playspace any longer than necessary.
“Dropping deeper, and deeper, and deeper, Vasundhara,” Kendra had said just after the arm tug. “Letting everything go and relaxing into me.” Vasundhara hazily noticed that Kendra was doing interesting things with positioning and leverage to hold her up, given that Vasundhara was quite a bit taller and probably a bit bigger.
“And just like you have before, Vasundhara, you can just start forgetting everythng right now, forgetting your name, forgetting how to think, forgetting everything until your mind is nice and empty,” Kendra continued in a fast-paced whisper that overwhelmed Vasundhara’s senses. Vasundhara’s mind had slowed, unable to keep up with the suggestions; by the time she caught up to understanding them, she already could not remember how to make sense of what she had just heard. She just knew that it was true.
Sometimes Kendra did that forgetting-how-to-think bit as the induction instead of as a deepener. Vasundhara would have to ask Kendra if the butterfly induction had been meant to ensure that Vasundhara went under despite the unfamiliar environment. She continued replaying the scene in her head:
“And you remember the ways we’ve played before, you remember how whenever I and only I say the word ‘pause,’ your mind goes totally blank and you freeze in place,” Kendra said, Vasundhara pulling up this recollection from the empty void that was her voluntary memory. “And when I say ‘resume’ you pick up where you left off, acting on my suggestions but not even realizing that you went under or remembering what suggestions I gave you, but acting on those suggestions without knowing, understood?”
“Yes,” Vasundhara whispered distantly.
“That’s right, that’s good,” Kendra said, “and no matter how many changes I make, no matter how you end up acting, you will always be able to pop back to normal if you need to, or if you need either me or Jeff to know something; you will always be able to wake all the way up long enough to tell us to stop or make any adjustment you need, and you can stop the session at any time if you want or need to.”
Bingo. Safety suggestions for the win.
“So, when I wake you up in a moment, you’ll have no memory of going under just now, thinking we’re about to start and even forgetting that we’ve already talked over the scene, thinking we’re about to start talking about it, and you will remember everything when I say the phrase ‘full recall’ or if you need to stop the scene, you remember everything we’ve done, all of your time in hypnosis, all of the suggestions I give you, when I say full recall, and now as you wake up on three...”
So that was where my memory started in the scene, Vasundhara mused. Let’s see, was there something before that...yup, thought so...
“So, what were you thinking we should do?” Kendra said while they settled into the room, just after Steph and her partner had left it empty.
“Well, you know how I like my memory played with,” Vasundhara replied. “And the gradual bimbofication would be a lot of fun.”
“And were you hoping for Jeff to be a participant or a voyeur?”
Jeff was cute. He seemed like a good guy. Kendra was watching her back and had picked him out as someone Vasundhara should talk to. And this was a golden chance to try out a threesome and try something new that she had fantasized about. “I’m game for his participation if he is.”
Kendra looked over at Jeff. “Does that sound good by you, hon?”
“Oh! Yeah, if she’s cool with that. Which, uh, she just said she is, so yes.” Jeff was grinning, but seemed taken aback—like this was a little beyond his expectations, but welcome all the same.
Kendra took a moment, rolling her eyes upward and muttering under her breath while processing this information. “OK. I had some ideas for that fuckdoll suggestion. Are you good doing that in semi-public like this, Vasundhara?”
Vasundhara smiled. “I have the opposite of objections to that idea.”
Kendra turned back around toward Jeff. “Do you need anything explained? I’ll be giving her a lot of suggestions on the fly, so you should be getting what’s happening as it happens, but I’m good with giving you a rundown before we start.”
“I’ll follow, I think. She said playing with memory, right? So...can she, like, forget any of the times when I have to ask questions?”
Vasundhara and Kendra shared a giggle at that. “Yes,” Vasundhara said, “but I’ll remember all of it afterward. Are you always this cute when you’re awkward? Because I think I’ll enjoy those memories a lot when I get to them.”
I can predict myself pretty well, Vasundhara mused. She moved on, searching for the bit from the negotiation that she wanted:
“Would you be good with a blowjob?” Vasundhara had asked Jeff.
“Sure!” Jeff replied. “I’m, ah, I haven’t done that in a first play session before, but I’m not against it. I do like them.”
“Vasundhara and I always use condoms when we play, over the strap-on,” Kendra interjected. You good with wearing one? No latex allergy or anything?”
“No allergy, I’ve never had problems with them,” Jeff said. “And yeah, that’s a good call.”
“Condom covers most of the safety, but just in case—any STI history?”
“Nothing since the last time I tested, which was after the last time I had sex.”
“Cool. I get tested plenty, and Vasundhara’s up to date. Anything else you want to cover, hon?” Kendra said, turning to Vasundhara.
“Nope! I think I’m good to get started.”
Alright, that explains everything between entering the room and the start of the scene, Vasundhara thought. And explains why I didn’t pop out of the headspace longer before going to town on him.
That was all of the details that went into the sex. She had a sense of how Kendra used the pauses, so she thought back to the point where she had begun taking off clothes. Vasundhara had been nibbling her hair, thinking about going down on either of their dicks or sucking Kendra’s nipples...
“Pause.” Cocks and nipples alike had slipped from Vasundhara’s head along with everything else. “You’re getting hotter and hornier, and your clothes are starting to feel too warm, too hot, too confining, and you would feel much better showing off your body, feeling like you really want us to see your breasts, really want us to see your legs, just feeling hot and horny and finding your clothes too annoying to wear right now. Resume.”
Yup, that’s what got me to strip, Vasundhara thought. ...not that I was going to keep any of that on anyway, but good to know. Vasundhara smiled when she probed the memory and realized she had been paused mid-strip, while she was taking off her shirt.
“Pause,” Kendra had said as Vasundhara lifted the shirt above her head. Her arms were stuck there, holding up the shirt like a canvas overhang above her head. Some of Vasundhara’s hair, dragged upward by the shirt’s motion, fell back around her face and ears as Vasundhara herself stared forward, unreacting.
Vasundhara mentally filed away the experience of being frozen in the moment like some oversexualized mannequin for future masturbation material. Then she continued remembering that particular pause:
“And now,” Kendra had continued, “you’re feeling almost uncontrollably aroused, and starting to feel ditzy and spacey as well, it just gets harder to think about anything but sex and fucking, and if you try to think too hard about anything else your mind just comes back to sex and your oral fixation and showing off your body, and your desire to be used just gets stronger and stronger as your thoughts get slower and spacier. Resume.”
Urgh, Vasundhara thought. OK, that’s probably going to be even better for the masturbation archive. She always loved the way Kendra phrased bimbofication suggestions. The words and concepts always worked wonders.
So let’s review how it started. It was just after Vasundhara had voiced that she had “negative objections” to being put to “all sorts of use.” Vasundhara had not even realized she was using that joke for the second time that night—she took some pleasure in her amnesia-induced lack of originality.
Vasundhara had stopped. She did not move. Moving did not even occur to her.
“You are getting a bit horny now, and it’s getting a little harder to think about anything but sex and being used, you may find that any time you try to think too hard or to think too long about something, your mind just trails off and you think about sex and how horny you are and what you’d like me and Jeff to do to you, and you feel a little bit less inhibited about this than you would be normally. Resume.”
Easing into it, but still plenty hot. Vasundhara scanned her mental archive of the night’s happenings for anything else that had just been unlocked. She came up with just one, right before she had begun nibbling her hair. She had been thinking about how Jeff’s chest would look without a shirt, when Kendra interrupted her thoughts.
“Pause.” Vasundhara had mindlessly awaited her next alteration. “Your oral fixation is starting to act up,” Kendra began, and Vasundhara’s blank mind reached for the parts that seriously got off on sensations in her mouth, on any stimulation around her lips and tongue, on all of the pleasure she could take from that. “It’s getting into your mind and distracting you and giving you all sorts of ideas about how you might use your mouth: kissing, licking, sucking; using your mouth to play with my breasts, pleasure Jeff; imagining the feeling of your mouth sliding over my strap-on or Jeff’s penis, and getting so very turned on by the thought. And while all of this is happening, it gets harder and harder to hold these thoughts back, and easier and easier to be open about your fantasies and your kinks. Resume.”
Yeah. That was good. That is good. Vasundhara loved getting to experience all of this without knowing it, but she even more loved getting to go back over it and get off on how unaware she was of Kendra’s influence.
“Mmm,” Vasundhara said, breaking her reverie. Maybe a minute or two had actually passed as she caught up on the missed time. “That was fantastic.”
“Glad to make it worth your while, babe,” Kendra said. “You doing good there?”
“Yep. Knees are still made of rubber instead of flesh. Will get back to you when that changes.” Vasundhara took a deep breath, resting off the physical aftereffects. “Thank you. Both of you. That was delightful.”
“Um...thank you, actually,” Jeff said. “That was...intense and really cool,” he added.
“You need anything, Jeff?” Kendra said distractedly as she put away her harness and strap-on.
“Oh, I’m good,” he said quickly. “Do we need to get going?”
“We can wait until Vasundhara can stand again. Which should be soon, unless I miss my guess, hon?”
“Yeah,” Vasundhara sighed, powering herself upward. Hey, I should go grab my plate, she thought suddenly. She flexed her right knee, bending it and unbending it until a cramp disappeared. Vasundhara dragged herself to her feet, picked up and put on her t-shirt, slung her jeans over her shoulder, and finally grabbed the cup and plate that had been sitting disused this entire time. “I could stand to relaod on food,” she said. Jeff and Kendra made themselves decent behind her as she double-checked that she had everything before heading for the doorway.
She found Steph, still topless, peering into the room and smiling at her as she exited. “That was really hot!” she whispered.
“It...was?” Vasundhara said, confused. She had not quite considered how visible she might be during that entire scene, but the thought of being observed the whole time brought a rush of heat to her cheeks and loins. She had wanted to be seen, but she did not think that there would have been much to see for someone looking in like Steph was.
“Seriously! I overheard most of it, and you were amazing to watch!”
Vasundhara beamed. Steph’s scene earlier had given her a glimpse of something different and interesting, and she buzzed with excitement at having returned that favor.
“Ask me about it downstairs. I’ll probably be hanging with Jeff and Kendra for a while, but you’re welcome to talk. But right now, I need food.”
“Oh, of course!” Steph said in a hushed squeak.
Vasundhara headed downstairs through a press of bodies while Steph waited outside the room for Kendra and Jeff. All in one night, she had had another great scene with Kendra, met a guy she would absolutely keep up with afterward, maybe even made a new friend in Steph—all while getting to indulge some of her long-standing fantasies.
I might just get out and do this again.