The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Percpetion is Reality

Chapter 5: The Dire Yoga Debacle

“Are you alright? You don’t look so good?”

Beyla groaned and rubbed her eyes. “I’m fine, just a little tired is all.”

“You’re not getting sick are you, ’cuz I just can’t get sick right now, I’m swamped!” Lisa was a sweet girl, but she could be less than tactful from time to time.

Beyla took a breath and straightened up. She’d been on autopilot all day at the library and this was a week after the mess of a gauntlet she’d endured. Every day since she seemed to feel more tired than the last day.

A week ago, Gold Falcon had gone through the ringer of sexual torment all to end up failing when the last ‘task’ he had planned was revealed. He’d wanted to hypnotize her. She should have known his offer of leaving town was too good to be true. It was only a shame that she couldn’t have gone through with it, but the price was way too high. Now, Beyla was just trying to get through another day at the library to a desperately needed good night’s sleep. “I’m fine, just had a late night last night.”

Lisa smiled, “Ooh, do tell, do you have a secret life as a clubber? Is this librarian thing just a cover?”

Beyla chuckled, “Hardly, no, I just couldn’t get to sleep.”

“Ugh, that’s just the worst, you know, I hate that, like when you are in bed and you know you should be asleep, but your brain is like, ‘omg you’re not sleeping tonight, woohoo!’” Lisa was even more animated and energetic than usual.

Beyla couldn’t help but smile despite her exhaustion. She nodded quietly.

“You know what I do? I do yoga, it really calms my mind. It’s just perfect.” Lisa twirled a finger through her hair idly as she offered her advice.

“Huh, okay I might try that tonight.” Beyla offered her a tired smiled and started to turn back to her cataloging.

Lisa turned to leave, but suddenly came to an abrupt halt. Beyla frowned at her young friend who seemed to haze over as she gazed off into the distance. “Lisa?”

She turned back with glassy eyes and words tumbled out, “I have a suggestion for the the good librarian.

Beyla’s mind spun as her eyes fluttered wildly behind eyelids that pulled down shut. After a moment, she replied quietly, “I’m a good librarian.”

Lisa leaned in and replied in a whisper, “Tonight, you’ll go to the 7 PM yoga class at the gym on the corner of Burlington and Amato.” Beyla kept listening to the words her friend utterly entranced until she realized she was trying to get a reaction out of her.

“Hello, earth to Beyla?” Lisa complained.

“Sorry, I must have zoned out there. Like I said, I’m a little tired.” Beyla sighed. If she was going to keep up the crime fighting double life, she was going to need to get some good rest. Maybe this yoga idea wasn’t that bad. But how would she do yoga without even taking a lesson. Sure she could look it up, but it would probably be better to take a class with someone who could correct you if you were doing it wrong. She resolved to find a place to take a class. She’d even start right away.

She was overjoyed to find a gym that could work. It wasn’t exactly on the way home but it was near a mall so she was able to get a yoga outfit on the way there. It was perfect right up until the moment that it wasn’t.

She’d stretched up in her tank top, sports bra, and long black yoga pants, getting ready for class when she spotted the first sign of trouble. Three women came in wearing pink hoodies walked in chatting amongst each other. Instinctively her fingers stole away to the charm around her neck, but she did not transform right away. They didn’t seem to be in a trance, they were all talking like old friends and the instructor greeted them as they found their spots on the floor and set up their mats. Were they thralls of Perceptron? She couldn’t call upon her power to see if they were enchanted without activating her charm and transforming, and that was out of the question. She resolved to keep a watchful eye on them.

The class was challenging enough as a beginner in addition to the distraction of trying to suss out if the other three women were controlled. By the time it ended she was positively frazzled with distraction. But there were no outward signs of control or at least there was nothing obvious. As it ended, she saw them chatting amiably with the instructor. Beyla spied a pink hoodie wrapped up by the exit. Her eyes locked on it. What if the girls weren’t enchanted, what if it was the hoodies? Her eyes focused in on the hoodie, her vision tunnelled as she focused in on it. Those hoodies were worn by all of his thralls. It might have a clue. It might be the key. It might help lead her back to him. She needed to get it. Beyla didn’t notice the hazy dizziness that swept over her as she focused on the hoodie. Beyla obeyed the crazed flash of compulsion. She walked by the hoodie and picked it up as casually as possible while the women chatted distractedly. Her heart thumped as she walked out of class then hurried to the locker room.

Locking the door to the bathroom stall, she stared at the hoodie in her hands. Through tired eyes, she knew she was looking at a dangerous piece of evidence that could lead her to the man who’d become her greatest nemesis. It felt so strange to be so excited just by holding a piece of fabric. Part of her wanted to put it on, wondering what it would be like to be part of the collective. We’re they mindless drones? Or were they in their own illusory paradise? What would her paradise be? Would she be able to break free? No, those were silly thoughts. Her fingers caressed the fabric idly as she asserted she would be able to break any enchantment. Of course she could.

Unless it was too strong. What if it captivated her mind and she couldn’t resist. Would she put it on unthinking? Was it working on her mind now as she held it?

Beyla dropped the hoodie in a flash of fear. ‘What am I doing?’ Beyla admonished herself for her carelessness. She had to transform to be able to detect the magic. But she couldn’t transform while she way wearing her own clothes. That was a rule she’d made for herself a long time ago.

She stripped off her yoga attire and began to transform, but again she stopped. ‘I can’t transform while I am wearing Beyla’s clothes.’ Unthinking, she stripped out of her bra and panties, safely hidden from view in the bathroom stall.

With a slight glow she summoned the mask and her hair grew turning platinum turning her into a very nude Gold Falcon. This time when she reached down and picked up the hoodie she had no fear. There was no magic.

That was so silly of her. All this time she’d been obsessing over nothing. Just a silly hoodie. She needed to return it. She stopped for a moment feeling the softness of it against her bare skin. She looked down at herself at the curves of her body caressed by the cloth. She blinked, her mind slowing down. Her fingers began to rise along the zipper up her body. A memory of a hand moving to her face flashed but she scrunched her eyes closed and shook off the haze.

Beyla pulled off the hoodie and wrapped herself in a towel.

She’d just about made it to the semi private showers when a woman’s voice called out to her, “Hey, is that my...?”

It was the young woman who’d been in yoga with her. Busted. “Hey, yeah sorry I think I picked up your jacket. Been zoned out in autopilot, you know?”

“Phew!” She was relieved. “I thought I was going crazy here.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. Not sure where my mind is at these days.” Beyla handed her the hoodie.

“It’s no big, you know I—” The young woman started, but when the pink material touched the young woman’s hand, her eyes glazed over and her lips parted slowly. She almost sighed as she spoke the words, “I have a suggestion for the good librarian.

The words whirled her and Beyla’s mind dropped down once more. Her head drooped as her eyes glazed. After a moment, she murmured, “I’m a good librarian.”

“Take off the towel and put on the hoodie.”

Beyla obeyed.

“You’ll forget this conversation and...” she kept talking and Beyla listened attentively to the really great ideas she was getting.

Beyla blinked and realized she was beyond exhausted. Zoning out twice in a day was too much. Not bothering to change back into her street clothes, she headed out towards home and a good night’s sleep. She’d barely gotten to the door when one of the gym trainers stopped her. “Miss, uh, you can’t go out like that.”

She rolled her eyes at him, “I’m fine.” With a sigh, she shook her head. Just because she hadn’t changed back into her street clothes he was going to tell her how to dress? Absurd.

Beyla walked out into the cool air feeling refreshed. She probably should have been more tired with the anxiety about the pink hoodie women, but somehow she still managed to be revitalized. The spring in her step must have shown because she was clearly turning heads. She walked head held high as one man cat called her, “Damn girl, you hot but the police are going to roll up on that ass.”

With a smile she decided not to be bothered by strangely phrased pick up lines. A couple turned away from her in disgust, probably at the comment she’d gotten. In fact, as she walked she felt the eyes of the world all over her. Some people even went too far, openly calling her a slut.

Meanwhile some of the leers were more fun than others. One man on a phone rubbernecked so bad that when she caught his eye, she winked at him leaving him fumbling as he walked straight into a light post.

She couldn’t for the life of her understand all the commotion, but the insults and leers she was getting were excessive. But it was the patrol car that pulled up and whooped its siren at her once that actually worried her. She froze for an instant unsure why they were there.

“Ma’am? Ma’am, you’re going to need to come with us.” A young uniformed officer had stepped out of the car and approached her quickly while his partner was on the radio saying something about a possible Perceptron victim.

“What is it, officer? Is something wrong?”

He chuckled, “Well, yeah, and since this ain’t Carnival or Mardi Gras, I’d say so. Ma’am if you’ll please just come with me.”

Her mind spun with worry. Gold Falcon was wanted for assault on officers for having tickled a bunch of them while helping Perceptron escape. But she wasn’t in her Gold Falcon persona, she was Beyla. Unless the police had figured out her secret. “Am I under arrest?”

“Ma’am, now I don’t want to go that route, but that’s really up to you, you can come with me now, or I am going to have to arrest you, and you and I both don’t want that, so why don’t you...”

She stopped listening to him. He knew. They knew, somehow the magic that concealed her identity had failed. Determination steeled across her face. If they knew, there was no need to hide it. With a touch, her Falcon pendant activated shining brightly as the mask covered her face and her hair bloomed out in big platinum waves. She summoned the golden shimmered wings and extended them through her pink hoodie, “I’m sorry but I can’t go just yet.”

Gold Falcon took to the sky, exhilarated by the feel of the wind on her body and the freedom of flight.

Her mind whirled at what she had to do. She’d now fled from police twice. What would be the most heroic thing to do? Probably turn herself in. Except if she did that how could she catch Perceptron? After all, until the city had another hero with the power to dispel magic, she was the only one who could stop him. She had to convince them she was still on the side of justice. Her eyes scanned the highways below and fell on a scene that brought her clarity. A man had gotten out of his truck shouting obscenities at another vehicle, both were pulled over.

No matter what, she was a super heroine and her calling was to bring justice and safety to her chosen city. Even for something as small as road rage. No matter what else happened, she was still the Gold Falcon and nothing could take that away from her.

She swooped down, landing in front of the vehicle where a family was the subject of his verbal abuse. “Stop right there in the name of justice.” She struck a proud superheroine pose utterly amused to see the absolute shock on his face. She disarmed him without any resistance, but it was a bit odd that the family of suburbanites hadn’t fawned over with thanks for breaking up the fight before it started. Instead, the father fretted. She told him he had nothing to be afraid of, but he was looking around in fear.

“What’s wrong?” Gold Falcon asked him as her own suspicion had risen. “You are looking a little nervous.”

“Is Perceptron here? Is he- no, I mean, are you, or rather, where is he?” He turned to his wife, still in the minivan, “Honey, close your eyes and don’t say a thing unless you know, you remember the thing that we talked about?”

“Don’t worry, sir, I promise you, I will find Perceptron and bring him his just deserts.” She smiled, but he was unmollified. She watched the young family leave even more shaken than when she arrived to see the truck driver screaming at them.

Flying again over the city, she decided the wind was a little more distracting than usual and it was probably due to her exhaustion. It was time to cut short the impromptu patrol and head home for the night. She half expected to see it staked out by the police, but they weren’t there. If they knew, she’d have to deal with that soon enough, but for the moment they seemed to be leaving her in peace.

Gold Falcon took off her pink hoodie and set it down over the back of her chair. Something about that seemed off, but as she looked in the mirror, everything was fine. It was good to have routine to fall back on. When she was this tired, it was best to just follow her routine and get to sleep. She transformed back into Beyla, just like she did every night after patrol, and hopped in the shower. Once she was clean, she towel dried her hair and wrapped herself in her robe. Beyla was feeling more and more dazed as she moved through her routine, going into her closet and pulling out a familiar black case.

Without thinking about it, she unplugged the charger from the case, took out the VR headset, and sat down. Then just like she did every other night, she placed the unit on her head and it sprang to life. She was already deeply hypnotized before the first glimpse of the spiral.

* * *

Social media had lit up the next morning. Pictures of Gold Falcon wearing a Pink Hoodie were up everywhere online. News reports were breathless trying to figure out what this meant. When Beyla saw the first one, she was shocked at the photoshop job. It had to be a fake. But there were two other images captured where you could clearly see the heroine sporting the pink accoutrement.

Beyla rubbed her eyes and tried to push it out of her mind as she got ready for work. It wasn’t until she saw the hoodie crumpled on the floor that she remembered. “Oh my God.”

She turned the channel to cable news, but that was always National news and she was local or regional at best. The local station was broadcasting traffic reports, but she left it on just in case they ran a story. She had to know what the world was thinking of Gold Falcon.

Staring at the hoodie, she wondered ‘how?’ How could she have forgotten she was wearing it? It was a perfect fit and she did look way hot in it, but that was beside the point. Also, it was perfect for keeping warm but not too hot in the morning. She looked down at the garment that somehow had made its way to her hands.

No, she shouldn’t put it on. It didn’t even belong to her. Her stomach twisted in excited anxiety as she held it. She wanted to get her hands on Perceptron and wipe that damned sexy smirk off his face. What if she showed up at his lair wearing the pink hoodie and captured him right there? Except, she knew if she did that he’d have some trap for her and she’d find herself stripping off her clothes begging for his hot hands to go all over her body. She positively creamed at the thought of him pulling her hair back, stripping off her hoodie and claiming her with his lips. That was it. She’d been focusing too much on work and patrolling and not enough on her own utter lack of a love life.

Beyla should have been getting ready for work, instead her long lean legs spread apart as she lay in bed seeing the news reports on her phone. Her fingers instinctively found the long lean pink buzzer in her nightstand. A guilty smile crossed her moistened lips at the sound of the vibrator humming to life. She went back to an old fantasy of that one crazy summer night in Central City, but for some reason, she couldn’t keep the memory in mind. The news reports that she hadn’t bothered to turn off spoke about Perception. She couldn’t help but think about that dastardly villain. He was in her mind staring into her with those powerful penetrating eyes. They sparkled with magical power that threatened to seduce her into delights she couldn’t imagine. She pushed the pleasuring buzzer against her hot flesh losing more and more control. Lips parted, breath panting, she squirmed at the thought of his hands on her skin. She pressed the vibrator against her entrance. She clenched her cunt to feign resistance, she pictured him looking into her eyes, saying, “Let Met In!” And with those words, she shoved the vibrator inside her. Desperate and writhing, she rubbed fast circles around her clit while fucking herself with the vibrator chanting out, “Yes, yes, yes!”

Beyla’s stared wide-eyed into nothing while her mental image of him claimed her and fucked her into mindless oblivion. She was filled with the thought of him deep inside, pushing higher until she fell over the edge and lost herself in the crash of insane ecstasy.

Her shame flared red as her pleasure died down. Beyla fled to the bathroom but the mirror reflected the look of a sexual junkie that hadn’t slept in days overwhelmed by a post-orgasmic haze.

In the other room, news reports continued. “...Whether she has had a change of heart or Perception has found a way past her magical defenses, one thing is clear to this reporter, Gold Falcon has been compromised and is on her way to being Perceptron’s slave. The only question left is who will stop her.”

“No.” She whispered. It wasn’t true! She shook her head. He’d done something to her, maybe some chemical in the jacket. There had to be some trick he was pulling since she didn’t want to be his mindless love slave. But how could she convince the public?