The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The usual disclaimers apply.

Questions of Ownership, Conclusion

Friday morning, 10 AM, and Diya lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, the previous days memories spooling out. Her time with Lexi, Peggy and Suzy was so… Normal. When they had woken on Wednesday, Suzie suggested that after Sarah’s visit, they all needed to relax. So after a leisurely lunch, they spent the afternoon at a spa a number the girls from the club used. Thursday was spent sleeping in, then shopping, then watching DVD movies after dinner. Except for the crazy, monkey sex before (and well after) bedtime, they were the kind of day she could’ve spent with any of her girlfriends.

Diya stretched, and smiled… Not that she was complaining.

The bedroom door swung open slowly, and Lexi peaked in.

“Oh good, you’re awake,” she almost pranced into the room, wearing only a simple set of white panties and bra. By the bed, she peeled those off quickly and jumped in.

“Where were you?” Diya asked.

“I had to drive Peggy and Suzy home, they both have stuff they needed to get done today.”

“Like what?”

“Well, Peg’s mom is very sick, she needs someone with her all the time. Peg’s brother and sister watch her the rest of the week, but Peg watches her Fridays and Saturdays.”

“That’s so sad!”

“It’s worse than you know,” Lexi continued, “Fridays and Saturdays are the best shifts at the club, so she’s also missing out on a ton of money. By the way, she wanted me to apologize to you for not being around and she hopes you aren’t mad.”

“I’ll call her in a little bit and tell her not to worry.”

“You’re so good to us,” Lexi smiled. “Suzy had to go breakup with her boyfriend. Obviously she doesn’t need him if she’s got you. She’s going to work tonight, but after her shift she’s going back to her place to finish packing. I said she could stay with me for a little while. I hope that’s okay.”

Diya definitely like the idea of having Suzie and her super-talented tongue around, “I think it’s a great idea.”

“Great,” Lexi snuggled closer.

“And when do you need to leave for work?”

“In about six hours.”

“What you want to do?”

Lexi smiled again, a little more wickedly this time, “I want to fuck long and slow with lots and lots of foreplay. What do you say?”

“I say I like how you think.”

“I thought you might,” Lexi offered up one of her breasts, the nipple already erect.

A few hours later, and still in the foreplay stage, the doorbell rang. Diya’s head popped up. Lexi pulled her back down for a kiss.

“Ignore it,” she purred, but the doorbell rang again, then again, and finally Lexi had to give up. “Fine, go get it. I can tell it’s going to drive you nuts if you don’t.”

Diya put on a robe. At the door was a nondescript woman, neither pretty nor ugly, dressed non distinctly.

“Are you Diya?” Diya nodded. The woman nodded in return, not unpleasantly, “My name is Melissa. I want to talk to about the … oh what should we call it… The unpleasantness with Sarah the other day.”

Diya stiffened noticeably.

“I just want to talk, I assure you.”

“Sarah said I was going to be sorry.”

“Sarah says a lot of things,” Melissa sounded exasperated, “she does not speak for me, I promise. May I please come in?”

Diya thought it over and, reluctantly, stepped aside.

“Thank you, you have a lovely place,” Melissa said as they moved to the living room.

But Diya wasn’t in the mood for pleasantries, “So what do you want?”

Melissa took a seat on the couch, “I’m here to do my due diligence and satisfy my curiosity. Obviously, Sarah’s given her side of the story, I would love to hear yours.”

Diya didn’t you see any harm in talking, so she talked. She described her capture at the wedding, Sarah’s instructions, how everything had gone not as expected with Lexi, Peg and Suzy, and of the near brawl Wednesday morning. She left out the sexual details, and Melissa didn’t ask.

“Interesting, could you describe… umm, for me…uhh,” Melissa’s voice trailed off and her eyes drifted behind Diya.

Lexi had come downstairs, wearing her panties but having crammed herself into one of Diya’s T-shirts. The fabric looked highly stressed across the chest, and as it was, didn’t come down low enough to cover her midriff. Conspicuously, she placed the bottle of gel on the table by Diya, and pulled up a stool for herself.

Melissa chuckled, “I understand why you think it would be a good idea to have the gel handy, Lexi…”

Lexi started to say something, but Melissa cut her off with an “I know everything about you” smirk.

“… But I promise it won’t work on me.”

“And why is that?” Lexi asked, surprised to find herself on the defensive.

“Because I was on the team that developed the gel,” Melissa said as if explaining the intricacies of 2+2. “If we are bright enough to invent the stuff, don’t you think we’d make damn sure it didn’t work on us?”

“Were getting off point,” Diya snapped. “You were going to ask me something else?”

“I was… I wanted to know how you feel about Sarah now?”

The question caught Diya flat-footed. The thought of Sarah made her stomach a little fluttery and her pussy a little juicy. She couldn’t deny she still felt a bit subservient to her, and that she’d cum really, really hard for her that night in New Hampshire. But there was also that part of her that couldn’t really believe she’d ever got with Sarah, and the idea of going back to that…

“It’s hard to describe.”

“If Sarah told you to hand over Lexi, Sue and Peg, would you do it?”

“Absolutely not,” her conviction felt much stronger than it had the other night.

“Assuming the issue with the gel could be fixed, and Sarah told you to bring her different women, strangers, would you do it?”

Diya thought this over, “No, I don’t think so. She’s cruel. No, definitely not.”

“Interesting,” Melissa nodded. “Well, for my part, I only have one last favor to ask. Would you let me do a blood test on you. I just stick a finger and take a drop that’s it.”

Diya looked over at Lexi, who did not look enthusiastic.

“I really think it will clear a lot of things up,” Melissa insisted.

Finally, Diya agreed. Melissa swabbed and pricked the finger, collecting the blood in a short and very thin tube. She handed Diya a cotton ball, and place the tube into a slot on her cell phone. She pressed a button on the number pad, and a couple of seconds later, the phone beeped. Melissa examined the results, a look of astonishment spreading across her face.

“What is it? Lexi asked.

“It’s hard to explain,” Melissa answered.

“Try me!” Diya snapped.

For the first time, Melissa looked annoyed, “I’m sorry, are you a medical doctor?”

“No,” Diya replied, surprised.

“Are you a research scientist of some sort?”


“Then you know what? It’s really hard to explain and you wouldn’t understand anyway!” Melissa snapped herself, then took a deep, calming breath.

“I’m sorry. I know this is a lot to absorb, and naturally you have a million questions. It would be easier to show you then explain. Why don’t you come to my office next Saturday, and I’ll be a bit better able to answer all your questions.”

“That’s eight days! What am I supposed to do until then?”

Melissa smirked and snuck a glance at Lexi, “Looks to me like you’re doing just fine. Just keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll be okay!”

“But what about Sarah?”

“Don’t worry about her, I’ll tell her to lay off.”

“What if she doesn’t listen?”

“Oh she’ll listen… If she doesn’t, no more gel, and that’s just for starters,” Melissa smiled. “And in a few days, a week at most, her imprint will have worn off of you.”

“Sarah won’t own her anymore?” Lexi asked.

“Sarah never really did,” Melissa replied. “But for all intents and purposes… Yes.”

Lexi looked delighted, then stricken, “What about me? Will it wear off on me?”

“No. The gel works differently with Diya than for you. For you it’s permanent.”

Lexi looked immensely relieved, “Babe, I have to get ready for work.”

She went back up the stairs.

“And on that note, I should be going as well,” Melissa stood, then handed Diya her card. “Call me in a few days and will set up a time for you to come by.”

At the door, as Diya let her out, Melissa said, “It’s going to be okay, I promise.”

* * *

On Saturday, Diya showed up at Melissa’s office at the appointed hour. The building was unremarkable, just a single floor brick building in an anonymous industrial park. The parking lot was barely adequate for the building. Diya stood next to her car, staring at the building, not entirely sure she was in the right place.

Not entirely sure, that is, until Sarah stepped out of the front door. The tiny blonde was halfway to her car when she noticed Diya staring at her. Sarah said nothing, she barely broke stride, but the seething glare of hatred she leveled at Diya was unmistakable. Diya stuck close to her car, waiting until she was absolutely sure Sarah had left before approaching the office.

The reception area was completely empty. No desk or chairs, no receptionist, no plants in the corner or pictures on the wall. Just a door on the far side of the room and a camera that hung above it. Diya waited in only a few minutes later, Melissa appeared from behind the far door.

“Thank you for coming, I’m sorry to have made you wait,” Melissa said and she sounded sincere. She motioned for Diya to follow her.

“I just saw Sarah.”

Melissa shook her head sadly, “I was afraid of that. I really thought I could get rid of her before you got here, but you know how she gets. She’s not the type of woman who takes no for an answer.”

“What did she want?”

“To complain about you, naturally.”

“What you say?” Diya asked anxiously.

“I told her to get over it,” Melissa replied firmly. “All we do is provide the gel. We don’t guarantee happiness. If things didn’t turn out the way Sarah wanted, that Sarah’s problem not ours. And if Sarah makes it our problem, we can make things very difficult for her. So I told her to leave you alone or else.”

“Thanks, I guess.” The pair arrived in Melissa’s office.

“Have a seat,” on the desk, Melissa turned a laptop computer around so it’s screen faced Diya. She remembered enough of her high school biology to know that a red blood cell was on the display. A series of numbers Diya could not decipher were listed in the lower right-hand corner. Melissa pulled up a chair…

… And launched into a highly technical explanation that Diya immediately was incapable of following. It went on for about 5 min. before Melissa realized she had completely lost Diya. With a sigh, and a deep breath, Melissa tried it again.

“What it comes down to is this, pretty much any woman can use the gel on another woman and reduce the receptive woman to a highly suggestible state ,” Melissa said. “However, only certain women, a vanishingly small percentage of the population, can imprint their will on another woman the way Sarah did to you or you did to Lexi. These Imprinters have a certain blood chemistry. We combed the medical records of millions of women…”

Diya interrupted, “Wait a sec, aren’t medical records supposed to be private or something?”

“Yes,” Melissa smiled as if Diya had said something quaint, “SUPPOSED to be…

“The point is we thought we had found all the women who fit the profile. You fell through the cracks, we’re still trying to figure out how, and it was just dumb luck that Sarah found you.”

“So you had no idea what would happen if one of these Imprinters used the gel on another?” Diya asked.

“On the contrary, we gave it quite a bit of thought and ran a number of simulations,” Melissa assured her. “Obviously, because there are so few Imprinters, we were not eager to test our theories on humans. But if it makes you feel better, your case seems to confirm the results of our simulations.”

“And those results were?”

“That’s an Imprinter would initially respond like any woman, but was incapable of having her will subverted, so that eventually the imprint would wear off… Just as if a non-Imprinter tried to use the gel on another woman.”

Diya was quiet for a moment, “Is that why it’s so important to you that Sarah stay away from me?”

Melissa nodded, “Precisely, otherwise she would just keep using the gel on you to freshen up, so to speak, her imprint. It’s much more beneficial to us for you to just go about your business, free of Sarah’s imprint.”

Diya took a deep breath, “Who are you guys? Why are you doing this?”

Melissa shrugged, “I can’t tell you, you’re knowing that would affect the parameters of the experiment. I know that’s a crappy answer, so I’m prepared to offer you the same deal we’ve offered Sarah and all the other imprinters.”

Melissa stood and grabbing a pen, wrote on a piece of paper, “I’m writing down a number, and in return for your participation in the experiment, and your agreement not to keep quiet and not ask questions, we will provide you with all the gel you need, and once a year, deposit this much money into the bank account of your choosing. I assure you, you needn’t worry about taxes or anyone asking any questions about where the money is coming from.”

Melissa folded the piece of paper and handed it to Diya. As Diya took it, Melissa said, “But make no mistake, this is hush money. And we expect to get our money’s worth. Take it or leave it.”

Diya unfolded the note and gasped at the number she saw.

“Do we have a deal?”

Diya thought it over, “I have one condition.”

Melissa shook her head, “Apparently, someone doesn’t understand the definition of take it or leave it. But fine, whatever, let’s hear your condition.”

“One of my friends, apparently, has a mother who is very sick. The mother needs round-the-clock care, which my friend is doing along with her brother and sister. I want you, or your people, to do what you can for the mother, and if you can’t cure her, at least arrange for the care she needs. That’s it.”

Melissa looked Diya over carefully, “Here’s my counter-counteroffer. We’ll do what you ask and take care of Peg’s mom in lieu of the money. So, you can have the care or you can have the money, but you can’t have both.”

“The care,” Diya said, after some thought.

“You’re sure?”


“Then we have a deal.”

“But I do have a question,” Diya said. “How did you know I was talking about Peg?”

Melissa smiled, “We know things.”

* * *

Though fast asleep, Diya could feel the plush lips nuzzling her neck and the hand gently caressing her body. Lexi was home.

“Hey,” Diya mumbled, “how was work?”

“Fantastic!” Lexi said. “I think you’re my good luck charm.”

“I’m glad,” Diya scooted over to make room.

“No, you need to get up,” Lexi said. “I brought a friend.”


“Please,” Lexi begged. “Melissa said you should keep doing what you were doing.”

Melissa had said that.

“Just meet her,” Lexi continued, “then you can decide.”

That sounded reasonable to Diya. After all, if the girl was already here…

The girl sitting 0n the couch was completely different than Lexi, Pam and Susie; tiny, with alabaster skin, short red hair and sad looking, icy blue eyes.

“Diya, this is Natalia. Natalia, Diya.”

“Hello,” Natalia had a Slavic sounding accent.

Once she’d laid eyes on the Natalia, before the introduction even, Diya knew she’d use the gel on the tiny girl. It wasn’t just that Natalia was both adorable and dead sexy; the redhead gave off such an air of vulnerability that Diya wanted to take her in her arms and protect her.

Diya took a seat on the coffee table, “So what did Lexi tell you?”

“That you had something that makes you feel wonderful,” Natalia’s accent was soft and her English perfect. Diya had the sense she was a very smart girl. “Peg and Susie also said that you were very nice and that we would all become good friends.”

“They are so sweet,” Diya smiled, “and I’m sure they’re right. So let me show you what I have.”

Diya produced the gel bottle and lathered her hands.

“Stick out your hands.”

Natalia did so, immediately, her blue eyes locking with Diya. She looked utterly impassive, yet completely trusting.

Unlike the others, Natalia didn’t flinch or make to pull away when Diya took her hand. She gasped, long and sharp, and stared wide-eyed and slack-jawed as Diya worked the gel in.

“What is it doing… What is it…” Natalia whispered when Diya released her hands, then she collapsed onto the couch.

Diya slid off the table, between Natalia is splayed legs. The redhead’s jeans were so tight Diya had some difficulty undoing the fly and pulling them off. The milky white, flawless skin of her face extended over all of her body. She seemed to be completely hairless and smooth, no trace of stubble, not even on her pussy which was cherry red and puffy.

Lexi had less difficulty with Natalia’s blouse, which was long since discarded. Natalia was small enough not to require a bra, and Lexi was already sucking at one of the distended nipples, which seemed unusually large compared to the tiny breasts. Natalia was stroking her small fingers through Lexi’s long black hair.

Diya began to lick slowly. There was no need for the DVD anymore, so Diya took her time, savoring Natalia’s taste and texture. Keeping her tongue flat, she burrowed deep in and worked up, letting her tong Ortiz grace the click before starting a new. Each cycle was punctuated by an encouraging gasp or whimper from the floundering girl.

Other than that occasional choking gasp, Natalia was silent and passive, staring at the ceiling while Diya and Lexi did their work. Eventually, her hands drifted down, her fingertips dotting Diya’s head. With the gentlest application of pressure, Natalia move to Diya to precisely the spots she wanted licked.

Eventually, Natalia’s hips began to move. Unlike the others, who thrust forward and back, Natalia’s hips moved in a circular motion that was gradually gaining momentum. Diya could see the muscles in Natalia’s abdomen flex and relax. Her hands were more forceful now, pulling Diya further in. Her legs raised up, feet toward the ceiling. Diya could hear Lexi slurping noisily on Natalia’s breast.

Diya knew it was close, but nonetheless, the redhead’s orgasm arrived with a suddenness and ferocity that took Diya by surprise. First was a tremor, a noticeable spasm inNatalia’s pussy, followed by her discharge. Natalia wasn’t a squirter, like Peg; instead, it was as if Natalia’s cunt was suddenly infused with delicious pussy juice. Her slim thighs clamped around his head, her back arched and she howled like a cat fighting for its life.


She stayed like that for long time, bent backwards with Diya trapped against her twat; long enough for Diya to become lightheaded from lack of air. Finally, she crashed back into the couch and lay almost perfectly still, making quiet, nonsensical noises.

For a long while no one moved until eventually, Natalia found the strength to set up. She stared at Diya for a moment with those big blue eyes that still bespoke a sadness but betrayed nothing else. In that moment, Diya had absolutely no idea what Natalia would do or say next.

Finally, Natalia reached out, taking Diya’s head in her hands and pulled her in for a deep, scorching kiss.

“That was… Glorious,” Natalia enthused.

“I’m so glad to hear you say that, Diya replied.

“Would you let me do that to you?” Natalia asked with touching politeness, a coy smile spreading across her face.

“Of course.”

The two quickly so traded places, with Lexi dropping off the couch to kneel next to the Natasha. The big girl gently fondled the redhead’s ass.

“Before you do, always remember,” Lexi said. “Susie, Peg, me and now you… We live to make Diya happy. Nothing else matters.”

“Yes,” Natalia agreed emphatically, “yes! That is all I want, to make you happy Diya.”

Diya started to object, but then Natalia started to lick, and the pleasure overwhelmed her.

* * *

One year later, and Diya was on the verge of a momentous decision. She was on the verge of breaking the one unbreakable rule she’d made for Lexi, Susie, Peg and Natalia.

Within months of the night Natalia had been brought in, Peg and Susie had jointly bought one of the units, number two, in Diya’s and Lexi’s building. Diya, at first, had been unenthusiastic about their making such a commitment, but they’d insisted they could handle it, financially, and there was no doubting it simplified the logistics.

Shortly thereafter, Natalia moved into Lexi’s condo. In reality, she only kept her things and had her mail delivered there. She spent her nights in Lexi’s, or Peg’s or Susie’s, or Diya’s bed.

It took a while, and some thought, for Diya to hit on a description of her relationship with the others that didn’t imply ownership. What she arrived at was “first among equals”. It wasn’t the truth, everyone knew that, but it was a happy fiction that kept the peace.

In reality, Diya was the star the others orbited around. Susie and Peg maintained the facade of normalcy for the rest of the world and did what was asked of them instantly and with enthusiasm. Natalia retained the most of her prior independence, including some hobbies and outside interests. But Diya’s needs always came first.

Lexi settled into the role of “cruise director” an observation Peg made as a joke, but which eventually stuck. She controlled the access to Diya, and since it was the unspoken assumption of everyone that she was Diya’s favorite, it seemed only normal for her to assume that role.

For a year, it worked… And it worked because early on, Diya had made a single, unbreakable, rule. No new women would be exposed to the gel.

And now, Diya wanted to break that rule.

As with so many things that turn out to be a big deal, Diya at first had been sure it wouldn’t a big deal at all. She asked Lexi about it mainly as a courtesy and certainly not because she thought it would be something Lexi would have a problem with.

Lexi, it turned out, had a big problem with it.

“You asking me my opinion, or are you telling me what you’re going to do?” Lexi asked when Diya explained what she had in mind.

Something in Lexi’s face and tone of voice alerted Diya things were not going to go as she thought, “I’m asking you of course.”

“I don’t want you to do it.”

Diya was stunned, “I don’t know what to say.”

Lexi only shrugged.

“She’s miserable, we can help her,” Diya explained.

“You’re the one that can help her,” Lexi replied. “Nothing I do will make a difference one way or the other.”

“I don’t think I agree with that,” Diya said, “but even if it’s true, and you agree that I can help her, don’t you think I should?”

“I understand why you think you should.”

“And why is that?”

Lexi shrugged again, “She’s your best friend, you’ve known her forever. Of course you don’t want to see her sad and depressed.”

“So why don’t you think I should help her?”

Lexi shrugged yet again. She didn’t want it to happen, but she couldn’t want to say why.

“I tell you what, let’s invite her over Tuesday night. Talk to her, get to know her, see what she’s going through. And if you still don’t think we should help, we won’t. Can you do that much for me?”

Lexi said she could. Of course she could. But she knew it wouldn’t make any difference.

Gail’s marriage was broken beyond the point of repair. Everyone knew it. Everyone but Gail. Her husband had moved out after eight months; he’d started dating again almost immediately. Gail had convinced herself he was going through a phase and that he’d come home soon enough. She cried herself to sleep every night waiting for him to snap out of it.

She looked fairly normal when she arrived at Diya’s condo and managed to even be a little friendly when she was introduced to Lexi. She struggled nobly to keep her emotions in check through the first bottle of wine. The second bottle of wine, however, proved to be too much. Gail was eager to explain the situation to Lexi; as a neutral third-party, Lexi would surely bring a fresh perspective. But Lexi could only shrugged and feebly apologize for not really knowing what to think or what to say, so Gail tried to explain. The tears started before they were even halfway through that second bottle. Diya excused herself to get something for Gail to blow her nose into. Not knowing what else to do, Lexi simply excused herself.

“What did I tell you?” Diya asked.

“I never doubted you,” Lexi replied.

“So you see why we need to help her.”

Lexi looked distinctly uncomfortable.

“I don’t get it, what’s wrong.”

Lexi sighed. She was trapped and she knew it. How could she say no? Gail was more than miserable, she was pathetically so. And all Diya wanted to do was help her friend. How much of a bitch would I be, Lexi wondered, to keep a friend from helping another friend?

“Nothing’s wrong,” Lexi said hating every word of it, “we’ll do this.”

Diya smiled and hugged Lexi tightly.

Lexi felt hollowed out as the two walked back to the living room, as though her better judgment had exited her body and was watching the proceedings with extreme disapproval. Watching Diya talk to Gail was like watching something in super slow motion with hyper clarity and a strong sense of the unreal. Diya calming Gail down, Diya producing the bottle of gel, Diya rubbing the gel onto her hands, Gail offering her hands and Diya taking them.

Deep inside, Lexi hoped something, anything, would go wrong, that this one time the gel with not work. It was not to be. Gail swooned, as had all the others, when the gel touched her skin. She remained receptively passive as the gel worked its way in, and then it was done. Diya slipping gracefully to her knees, tugging at Gail’s slacks. Gail lifting her hips to speed things along, begging Diya to go faster.

She’d been forgotten already. Not willing to slip away quietly, gracefully or ungracefully, Lexi climbed onto the couch to position herself directly behind Gail. Her arms slipped around the woman’s slim waist, and Gail turned to look at Lexi, her eyes wide and wild with lust. Gail reached up to Lexi and pulled her close, the kiss both passionate and earnest.

Lexi hoped she was wrong about Gail and the way things would turn out, that their kiss proved that things would stay the same. Lexi hoped she was wrong, but she did not think she was