The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


This is an original story and a complete work of fiction.

All names and descriptions were chosen completely at random.

Any resemblance to any actual people or events are purely coincidental.

Author’s Note: This story is a sequel/spin-off to an earlier stories in the “Simplify Your Life” series, also available for reading on this site. It takes place after the original story and may have some small references to it but overall this is a separate story. Reading the previous SYL stories is not mandatory to enjoy this story but recommended.

Simplify Your Life — Trading Up

“Honey! Sharon, please! PLEASE stop packing!”

Gary Holmen tripped as he frantically followed his wife around the bedroom, crashing against the bed and banging his head against the half-filled suitcase resting on top of it. He didn’t bang it too hard but the pain was the final trigger he needed to break down sobbing. He curled up and ran his hands through his short red hair as tears streamed down his freckled middle-aged face. While he sat there, Sharon Holmen continued to strut around the room, her long black hair wisping behind her as she continued to pack her things to leave him forever.

Sharon ignored her scrawny husband until his crying finally became an annoyance. She stopped and glared at him, her frown making her face appear ten years older than she actually was. Finally this middle-aged harpy rolled her eyes and said, “Aww, did da wittle baby have a boo-boo?”

She scoffed at him and went back to rummaging through the closet to decide what clothes were worth bringing with her. Her new boyfriend promised to buy a whole new wardrobe for her when she moved in but she had a few select garments she wanted to keep regardless. Her last lingering sentiment of the years she spent with Wimpy Gary.

“Twenty-one years!” Sharon growled. “Twenty-one years of my life down the crapper because of you!” She practically spat at her husband with that last word. “You promised me the moon and stars when you proposed to me and like a sucker I bought it. What did I get instead? Ten years of languishing in some suburban hell while you toddled off to that shitty little business of yours! Then another eleven years of stress and finally poverty as your dumbass business went bankrupt and our savings went dry! I may have hated that little suburban shack we lived in but at least it was a genuine house! NOW look where we live!”

She motioned around the room to indicate the small condominium bedroom they were stuck in. After they sold their house this was the best place they could afford. The neighborhood was questionable and the condo had been neglected for some time before they moved in but ultimately it was better than living on the streets. That wasn’t enough for Sharon though, despite the numerous times Gary tried to explain the situation.

“Sharon, I didn’t work all those years just to spite you or neglect you or anything! I worked my ass off to please you!” Gary sobbed. “Your new car, all your new clothes, those expensive vacations and even that house cost a lot of money! I had to work lots of overtime just to make ends meet! But then the market took a downturn. I did everything I could to salvage my business but it was beyond my control. Please don’t leave me! You know I have another job interview lined up! This is the second one with this place so I really think they’re going to hire me! Please…just be a little patient…”

“I HAVE BEEN PATIENT!” Sharon bellowed, causing Gary to cringe. “You’re living in a fucking dream world if you think any company is going to hire a dickless WIMP like YOU!! Well I’m done! I’m trading up! I’ve learned an important lesson from all this. Never settle for the first good thing to come along! Always shop for the best deal.”

Sharon spat some more venom at her cowering husband as she packed the last of her things. Slamming her suitcase shut, she picked it up and marched out the door without a backwards glance. Gary sat there trembling for a moment until he found his strength. He quickly clamored to his feet and gave chase to his wife, desperate not to lose her.

“Sharon, I’m begging you!” he sobbed again, following her down the hall to the living room. “If you won’t stay for me…won’t you at least stay for Anna?”

Sharon stopped as she reached the living room where Anna was sitting. Anna was their daughter, a 20-year-old woman with a very slender build wearing a plain t-shirt and jeans, the combination of which often leading her to be mistaken for a boy. If not for her long dark hair and her cute face, she’d easily be mistaken for one even by her parents. Even as she climbed through puberty she never really developed a curvy figure or other “girly” traits so instead she embraced the tomboy persona, much to her mother’s chagrin.

Anna was sitting on the couch with her feet on the coffee table when her parents stormed in. She glanced up briefly but largely ignored them as she kept her focus on her sketchbook. Naturally she heard all the shouting from the bedroom but she had trouble finding a reason to care. Anna never got along well with her mother and saw this day coming a mile away. The only worry she had was what impact this would have on her father whom she cared for very much but deep down she knew that this would be for the best. Her mother was toxic and he needed to cut her out of his life. That’s why Anna decided it was best to just sit back and let it happen.

Anna’s nonchalant attitude was just one of the many things that infuriated Sharon about her “deadbeat” daughter. Without a word she stomped up to Anna and snatched the sketchbook out of her hands. Anna didn’t protest and just glared at her mother while Sharon scowled at her latest sketch. It was a drawing of a very angry witch that bore an unmistakable resemblance to Sharon. Though she wasn’t finished yet, the extreme level of detail displayed in her work revealed an incredible amount of artistic talent on Anna’s part. Years of practice while pursuing her dream to be an artist was paying off for her. The only thing left to do was find a way to be publicly recognized and get a job in her field. Anyone who saw Anna’s work would understand her talent and worth…all except Sharon of course.

“Fucking waste of space,” Sharon growled at her daughter. “If you spent even half the time and energy you’ve pissed away doodling towards finding a job or even going to college, maybe we’d actually be living somewhere decent! We need every breadwinner we can get in this useless family!”

Anna learned long ago that the best way to handle one of her mother’s tantrums was to remain calm and quiet until Sharon burnt herself out. However the hypocrisy of her words really got her riled up, considering that Mommy Dearest hadn’t worked a day in her life. But Anna maintained her composure and let her mother rant some more. After all, it’d be the last time.

“Consider this my last piece of motherly advice,” Sharon said with a snarky grin. “Get yourself a fucking job. Better yet, find yourself a man! Getting yourself knocked up would be miles better than sitting on your ass all day doodling! At least you’d get child support! If you look hard enough you should find someone who wants a washboard like you…”

Normally Anna had no problem staying calm in her mother’s presence but years of enduring this bullshit finally made her crack. Anna slammed her hands on the coffee table, stood up, gave her mother the coldest death-glare she could and practically screamed, “Unlike YOU…I’m NOT a fucking GOLD-DIGGER!!! I’m not going to marry some guy or get myself pregnant just to get at his money! The only piece of motherly advice I’m going to accept from you is how not to BE you! You think I’m a waste of space? I’d rather be that than stupidly cling to some Sugar Daddy for the rest of my life! I’m going to build my own life with my drawings and you know what the best thing about it will be? It won’t involve YOU! Now GET OUT!!!!”

Anna grabbed Sharon’s suitcase and threw it at the front door, much to the shock of both Sharon and Gary. Gary started sobbing again at the sight of his family breaking apart while Sharon quickly collected herself and threw the sketchbook into the kitchen before picking up her suitcase and storming out.

Sharon hurried to the parking lot and climbed into the waiting cab, all the while muttering under her breath as her face turned red from rage. She desperately wanted to go back in and give that disrespectful brat one last spanking but she remembered that her boyfriend was waiting for her at the airport, having already made plans to leave for another city and start a new life together. He had a very good job and came from a wealthy family so it was unlikely she’d have a repeat of what she went through with Gary so Sharon wanted to make absolutely sure she didn’t risk anything that might spoil her renewed fortunes. She grunted a quick “Get going” to the cab driver who, until this point, had been pretending not to hear all the shouting.

As they pulled out of the parking space, Sharon glared back up at the rundown condo complex one last time. With a grin, Sharon confidently thought that she’d never lay eyes on this hellhole again. Thinking about it, this was the perfect place for losers like Gary and Anna to live. With any luck, they’d be robbed of their last few possessions and have nothing left to pay the rent with. Sharon amused herself picturing the two of them being dragged out of the complex by a bunch of police officers and left to sleep in some garbage-filled alley someplace. She clearly envisioned Gary as some dirty homeless beggar and saw Anna as some dumb prostitute sucking cock at a reduced price, unable to get high-paying customers because of her boyish body. The perfect karma for the two idiots who wasted half her life.

“So long, suckers!” she laughed as the cab pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the street to the airport…

Early one summer day, a cab drove into the condo complex and parked in the exact same spot Sharon pulled out of four years prior. The cab was still and silent for a few minutes, the cabbie having been paid and waiting for his passenger to disembark. For some reason the dark-haired woman in the backseat just sat there, her head down and her breathing shaky. The cabbie was on the verge of asking her if she was alright and needed to go to the hospital when she suddenly opened the door and hurried out without a word. The cabbie shrugged and backed out, the last he saw of his passenger was her backside as she stared up at the condo complex wearing cheap department store clothes that showed signs of not having been washed in a while.

Sharon stood at the foot of the old complex, fighting back the urge to cry as she clung to her purse slung over her shoulder. Last time she was in this spot she was so sure she’d never see this place again and yet here she was, crawling back out of desperation…

Things with Sharon’s new boyfriend didn’t go the way she expected them too. Long story short, her Sugar Daddy finally wised up to the fact that she was a gold-digger and kicked her to the curb. The past year and a half has been the most miserable time of her life, staying at cheap motels while working whatever minimum wage job she could find to scrape together what cash she could. Sharon never went to college and had no real skillset to speak of so simple jobs flipping burgers and whatnot, things she once deemed utterly demeaning and beneath her, were the best she could do. Thanks to her attitude she had a hard time holding down any one of these jobs for very long and left her in a state of poverty far worse than what she experienced living with Gary.

The moment she understood this fact, Sharon realized what she had to do. Though it galled her…she knew that Gary was her only hope. In her current state, the chances of her finding a new boyfriend who could provide for her the way she wanted was practically nil. Gary was a wimp but he was a wimp that she had wrapped around her little finger and living with him for so long, she still remembered what buttons to push to get him to do what she wanted. Though it had been four years, Sharon was confident that she could still find a way back into Wimpy Gary’s heart and home. She scraped together what little cash she had and bought herself a plane ticket back to the old city.

“Home…” she muttered, her voice on the verge of breaking. She took a moment to compose herself and steadily approached the condo door. It was still early in the morning and things were quiet inside. Maybe they were still asleep? Or could they be at work? Sharon suddenly remembered that Gary seemed pretty confident about a pending job interview. Maybe it worked out after all? Well, even if it did, Anna would surely be home to let her in. As ungrateful as she was the last time they saw each other, surely she’d still open the door for her mother?

Sharon took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a few minutes she heard shuffling inside. There were the sounds of someone unlocking the door and it cracked open…revealing a little old lady. She looked at Sharon through the crack, the chain still visible on the door to keep Sharon out.

“Yes? Can I help you?” the old lady asked. Sharon was shocked. Where was Gary and Anna?

“Um…” Sharon started, not sure what to say. “I’m looking for my husband and daughter. They…used to live here…”

The old lady gave her a perplexed look. “Your husband and daughter? You mean to say that you don’t know where your own family is?”

Sharon didn’t know how to respond to that. Thankfully before she did, the old lady’s eyes widened in realization.

“Oh! Are you Sharon?”

Sharon perked up and nodded.

“Ah yes. Now I remember. You look just like the picture the last man who lived here showed me when he dropped off the letter,” declared the old lady.

“Letter? What letter?” asked a perplexed Sharon. The old lady told her to wait a minute and closed the door. Sharon heard more shuffling inside and the sound of drawers opening and shutting. Eventually she heard the old lady undoing the chain on the door and opened it so she could hand Sharon a plain white envelope with her name on it.

“A year ago a very handsome man appeared on my doorstep and gave me this letter,” explained the old lady. “He showed me your picture and asked me very kindly that if you were to ever show up here looking for him to give it to you.”

“A handsome man?” Sharon repeated as she took the letter. “That can’t be Gary…”

“His name was Gary, yes. And I must say, he was exactly the type of man I had hoped to meet when I was a youth. Oh the pains of old age…”

“You must have poor taste in men…” Sharon grumbled under her breath too softly for the old lady to hear, picturing the scrawny little guy she knew. She quickly opened the letter and started reading it.


I’m leaving this letter behind on the remote chance that you show up again looking for me or Anna. If you haven’t guessed by now, we’ve moved. I got that job and we’ve really bounced back. Even Anna is working now and has a job that lets her put her artistic talents to good use.

You said a lot of hurtful things to me and Anna the day that you left us. By all rights I shouldn’t even be writing this and should leave you wondering where we ended up. But for the sake of those twenty years we spent together, I think we should meet one more time. You can find my new address below. Show this letter to the gate guard and they’ll let you in.

See you whenever.
Gary Holmen

Down at the bottom of the letter was an address. Sharon had to read it a few times and rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t misreading it. Finally she showed the old lady the letter and asked her to confirm the address.

“Ooh! I know that neighborhood!” she said. “At least I’ve driven past it. That’s one of those new gated communities they’ve built exclusively for corporate employees. That one should be for the really big company that opened an office downtown a few years ago. What was the name of it again? ‘Simply Life’ or something like that? I don’t remember…”

“A gated community in the wealthiest part of the city?” Sharon clarified in disbelief. “No way that wimpy husband of mine could ever get himself a job that warrants a house in a place like that!

The old lady raised an eyebrow. “Wimpy? You think he’s wimpy? Dear Lord! If you consider a man like that wimpy I shudder to think what you consider a strong man!”

The old lady laughed and disappeared back into the condo, her laughter ringing long after the door shut. Sharon continued to stand there like a statue for five minutes staring at the letter. Could it be true? Could Gary’s fortunes have turned around so much in the past four years? It didn’t seem possible…but there was one way to find out.

A couple hours later, Sharon arrived at the entrance to the gated community in the back of another taxi. Tall brick walls surrounded the whole neighborhood with a decorative sign in gold lettering declaring “Welcome to Serenity Gardens! Owned and operated by Perfection Real Estate, a subsidiary of Simplify Your Life, Inc.” The walls made it hard to see inside but even from over here Sharon could make out the upper floors of some very beautiful homes. Even as they pulled up to the gate Sharon could feel her anger and resentment reach a boiling point. She’s spent the last eighteen months in an impoverished hell while her idiot husband and child were living in luxury?! Was there no justice in the world??

The taxi came to a stop at the gate next to a guard station. Sharon was too preoccupied with trying to see more of the community through the bars of the gate to pay much attention to the gate guard, only looking that way when the taxi driver let out a loud, “Whoa!”

Whoa indeed. The guard shack door opened and out of it emerged a HUGE man! Not huge as in fat but huge as in MUSCULAR! The guy had to be six feet of pure muscle, his guard uniform consisting of black pants and a white polo shirt so tight that that Sharon could make out every curve of his abs. She actually found herself drooling at the sight of this gorgeous mass of muscle and her mind started pondering the question, “How can I seduce him?” until he knocked on the window.

Sharon rolled it down and the guard greeted her. “Welcome to Serenity Gardens,” he said in a dreamy voice that just made Sharon melt. “This is a gated community. Only residents and authorized guests may enter. Do you have business here?”

It took a few moments but Sharon finally snapped out of her stupor enough to answer him. “Yes. I’m here to see my husband and daughter. This note says they live here…”

She handed the guard the letter. He carefully examined it and when he looked back at her he gave her a strange look of realization and…contempt?

“Oh…you’re that Sharon. Mr. Holmen’s talked about you…”

Sharon slunk down a bit into her seat. Gary was never the type to badmouth people, even ones who had done him wrong, but they had parted on very bad terms. She shouldn’t be surprised that this guard knew about her, especially if he was friendly with Gary.

Fortunately the guard didn’t make an issue of it and let the taxi through but only after ordering the driver to drop Sharon off and leave immediately. No loitering was allowed. If Sharon would need a ride later, Serenity Garden’s security would arrange something.

The address on the letter wasn’t far from the gate so they only had to go a couple blocks. As Sharon feared, it was a large two-story modern-style home that looked too expensive for even her ex-boyfriend! As instructed, the taxi driver dropped her off and sped out of there, not wanting to risk the wrath of a security guard that could probably snap him like a toothpick. Sharon stood at the end of the driveway where a Porsche was parked and stared up at the house in fury. She couldn’t believe she missed out on all this! This was like watching someone at a casino win the grand prize from a slot machine you just finished using. For the first time in her life Sharon was cursing herself for not listening to her idiot husband!

After glaring at the house for a solid ten minutes, Sharon turned her attention to the rest of the neighborhood. It was a posh, beautiful place with perfect houses and gorgeous lawns and gardens. Everything was brand new and absolutely spotless. The only odd thing she noticed was that it appeared to be strangely empty. Where was everyone? It was a gorgeous summer day so you’d expect a lot of people to be outside walking, gardening, having fun and of course see little kids running around playing. Sharon could faintly hear some chatter and soft music drifting in from somewhere but couldn’t make out where.

Eventually Sharon had enough of stewing and approached the house. Dreading this moment since she first decided to come home, she rang the doorbell and braced herself for the no doubt smug-looking Gary to answer the door. She could picture him standing on the threshold in a business suit and wasting no time telling her, “I told you so.” Well…he could say it as much as he wanted…so long as she could convince him to let her stay. She had Gary under her thumb for twenty years and was confident she could still play him like a fiddle.

It took so long for someone to come to the door that Sharon rang the doorbell again. At last she heard someone on the other side and the door handle turned. The door slowly opened and a figure appeared in the doorway. As soon as she saw them, Sharon’s eyes grew so large they were on the verge of popping out of her head as her gaze settled on…tits.

A bimbo…a genuine bimbo had answered the door. A woman in her early to mid-twenties, she possessed a perfect hourglass figure with a very large ass and HUGE breasts! They were bigger than the woman’s head! A head possessing a beautiful face with puffy red lips and a head full of golden blonde hair. The bimbo towered over Sharon courtesy of her platform high heels made of some see-through plastic and the rest of her “outfit” consisted of a sling bikini in a colorful floral design. At least Sharon assumed that was the pattern. It was hard to make out since there was so little fabric, consisting of nothing but two strings that ran up from her crotch and over her oversized breasts, widening just enough to cover her nipples before sliding around her neck and down her back. The bimbo answered the door with a colorful drink in her hand with a little umbrella in it like she had just stepped away from a beachside bar.

When the bimbo answered the door she opened her mouth to speak but her eyes immediately went as wide as Sharon’s. Neither of them spoke for what felt like ages until Sharon finally squeaked out, “I-I’m sorry. I think I have the wrong house…”

She quickly turned to leave but froze on the spot when the bimbo sighed and said, “Unfortunately you don’t have the wrong house…Mom…”

Every muscle in Sharon’s body froze and her heart skipped a beat when this bimbo called her Mom. Slowly she turned back and stared at the bimbo with her jaw hanging open.

“What…did you call me?” she finally sighed.

The bimbo sighed again. “Well, I wanted to call you ‘Bitch’ but I promised Daddy that if you ever showed up on our doorstep that I’d be polite to you. So ‘Mom’ it is. Welcome back, Mommy Dearest…”

Sharon’s jaw dropped even further, if possible, as she finally recognized the angry glare this bimbo was giving her. Only one person ever looked at her like that.

“…Anna? ANNA?! Is that…YOU???”

“Took you long enough…” grumbled Anna. She leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms under her boobs, causing them to become even more pronounced and press tightly against the strings of her bikini. Another silent spell followed until Anna said, “Well? You going to come in or not?”

Finally Sharon snapped out of her stupor and followed Anna inside. The living room was just as big and posh as Sharon expected…but what she didn’t expected was a number of hand-drawn and colored portraits decorating the walls, all featuring women as big-boobed and curvy as Anna in various styles of revealing outfits. As for Anna, she strutted across the living room with incredible grace on her platform heels, a distinct sway in her hips that made her plump ass jiggle and bounce with each step. She disappeared into the kitchen to deposit her drink and returned to her mother, elegantly sitting down on the couch with her legs crossed and her arms spread out along the back edge. Anna coldly watched her mother as she stood in the middle of the room, ogling the house and shooting disgusted glances at the pictures on the wall.

Why are these obscene things decorating the walls?” she asked, the disgust in her voice palpable.

“Oh, you like them?” Anna asked sarcastically. “They’re some of my favorite pieces. Daddy loved them so much that he insisted we frame them.”

Sharon gave her a look of utter disbelief.

“YOU drew these?! And your father…let you frame them??? Since when did you draw PORN?!?”

To Sharon’s surprise, Anna burst out laughing, her huge tits bouncing as her chest heaved and almost falling out of her bikini.

“You think these are porn?! Hardly! I drew these pieces for work! After Daddy was hired, he got me a job at Simplify Your Life too. They’ve got more divisions for more products than you’d expect. I’ve done work designing outfits for their Fashion Division, drawing comic books for their Entertainment Division and even drawn personal portraits for company executives. They love my art style and they said I have a keen imagination for new clothing designs. Don’t be surprised if some of these outfits you see end up on the market one day. That makes them business, not porn. But if you want to see my actual porn sketches that I draw to warm up and inspire myself…I’d be more than happy to oblige…”

Anna gave her mother a sly smile and laughed at her stunned expression. Once again Sharon turned her focus to Anna’s body. It was totally different from the scrawny little girl she left behind four years ago! No WAY could a person’s body change so much in such a short amount of time!

“This is…this is a sick joke!” Sharon finally declared. “You can’t be my Anna! My daughter doesn’t look like you! She was a—“

“I believe the term you used was ‘washboard’,” Anna cut her off coldly. “You also called me a waste of space…and I called you a gold-digger. Remember all that…?”

Sharon felt like she’d been slapped in the face, Anna’s words absolute proof that she was indeed her daughter. Though she still didn’t understand how. Anna was always a little tomboy and Sharon often complained that she wished her daughter was more feminine but…this went WAY above anything she wanted.

“How did…why did…?” was all Sharon could say, eyeing her daughter from the tips of her painted toenails all the way to the top of her perfect golden blonde hair. Anna took a while to answer, clearly trying to gather her thoughts, which apparently seemed difficult as every so often her expression would soften and go strangely blank, her eyes glazing over like she was lost deep in thought.

“One day I…decided to reinvent myself,” she finally said. “Working at SYL taught me that a woman…should never be ashamed of her body…or her sexuality. They should be celebrated…and what better way to do so than to bring them to their peak? What people call the ‘bimbo body’ is not something to be shunned and scorned. It should be embraced. That’s why SYL has created all kinds of products designed to help both men and women reach a state of physical and mental perfection. SYL only hires the best and the brightest…and with their help, that’s exactly what we’ve become. I can see the disdain in your eyes but this body of mine…” She ran her hands down her waist and her thighs. “…Is what every woman should strive for. Not stay some small-titted dork like you…”

That last insult sparked Sharon’s anger, finally helping her snap out of her stupor and compose herself.

“Best and the brightest?” Sharon repeated in disbelief. “I fail to see how that could ever apply to the likes of you and your father…”

Suddenly Anna bolted up, jumping to her feet with such speed and intensity that her boobs finally bounced out of her bikini and her naked tits jiggled in front of her mother’s eyes all while she glared at her with unbridled fury.

“Don’t you dare…insult Daddy again…” she breathed.

“Daddy? Since when do you call him Daddy?”

“He’s earned it…” she said softly, putting her boobs back into her bikini. Once they were in place she pressed on her boobs, her hands barely able to cup them, and sighed.

“Speaking of Daddy, I’m guessing you want to see him too while you’re here.”

“That would be nice, yes,” Sharon answered sarcastically.

Anna ignored her tone and said, “He’s out back. His division at SYL just finished a very successful quarter so he’s having a pool party with our friends and neighbors to celebrate. Come with me…”

A pool party? This place has a pool too?! Sharon’s jealousy spiked again as Anna motioned for her to follow. Her eyes were again stuck on her oversized jiggling ass, the back string of her bikini disappearing between her ass cheeks, as they passed through the kitchen and approached the glass sliding doors at the back. Sharon again heard the music and chattering from earlier and finally understood why the neighborhood was so quiet. Everyone was in Gary’s backyard! She bit her lip and again cursed the circumstances that made her miss out on the SYL lottery. Quickly taking a few deep breaths, Sharon composed herself so she’d be in the right mindset to try and seduce Gary again. She missed out in the beginning but if she played her cards right she could still get a piece of the pie.

Anna opened the glass door and stood aside to let her mother go first. Sharon turned up her nose at her daughter and strutted past, determined to carry an air of confidence and authority as she met her husband and future neighbors in their…

Bikinis and speedos.

Sharon’s jaw dropped again as soon as her eyes adjusted to the light outside. The yard was huge and easily fit the 40 or 50 people invited to this party, most of them gathered around the pool and patio area. Everyone there was…not what Sharon expected. Anna’s new look shocked her but Sharon assumed she was a special case, having gone overboard with whatever products SYL got her to buy. Turned out, Anna was the new norm. Every single woman gathered there, around 30 in total, had a perfect bimbo body just like Anna’s with breast sizes ranging from large to EXTREMELY large, some even bigger than Anna’s! Hair colors ranged the spectrum from red to black to blonde though golden and platinum blonde were the predominant colors. They all wore bikinis of various styles and design, some sling bikinis like Anna’s while others were more normal but super small and barely covering anything. Some were barefoot, some wore platform heels like Anna and others wore regular heels. Sharon even spotted a few women wearing dog collars!

Anna’s body seemed to be the template for all the women gathered here. As for the men…the security guard she met at the gate was the standard! They were all GORGEOUS super-muscular studs with rock hard abs and all wore speedos that did little to conceal the huge…HUGE bulges they carried. What monster cocks did these men have to have to create bulges like that?! Tall, bronzed and handsome barely even began to describe these men as they cozied up to their bimbo partners. Sharon felt her legs turn to jelly in the presence of 20 or so shining examples of her greatest wet dreams…though admittedly started feeling very self-conscious as she realized she didn’t stand a chance catching their attentions with all these bimbos around.

Sharon scanned all the studs to find Gary’s familiar wire frame, expecting him to stand out like a sore thumb, but for the life of her couldn’t find him. Finally she asked Anna where he was and she just smiled and motioned for her to follow her. She led her through the crowd and nearly bumped into a bimbo waitress while trying to catch up. Sharon stopped for a moment to mumble an apology and froze when she got a look into this waitress’s eyes. She was dressed in a bikini like everyone else but also wore white stockings and gloves. On top of her head was a lace tiara like you’d see on a maid and she carried in her hands a tray filled with drinks and snacks. Her outfit wasn’t that strange considering the crowd but what made Sharon pause was the look in her eyes. The waitress’s eyes were…blank. Almost lifeless. She stared at Sharon, almost stared straight through her, before holding up the tray and saying in a bland voice, “Drink, Mistress?”

Sharon couldn’t answer and just shook her head. Without another word the waitress turned and walked away, her walking strangely rigid like she were a robot and her head swiveling on the spot like a searchlight, seeking to detect anyone in need of service.

“Mom, come on!”

Sharon snapped out of it at Anna’s call and quickly caught up to her. They approached the BBQ grill area where two bronzed studs were talking. One was bald and the other had a head of wavy red hair. The bald stud had a single bimbo hanging on his arm while the red-haired stud had two bimbos practically fawning over him. They clung to his arms like their lives depended on it and rested their heads on his shoulders, their ample tits pressing against his body and no doubt the cause of the very large bulge in his speedos. The size of his cock had to be monstrous and Sharon was surprised his speedos weren’t shooting across the yard!

“Wait here,” Anna instructed her mother. Anna approached the two studs and spoke to them. Sharon couldn’t make out what they were saying over the music and chattering but the studs both turned to look at Sharon and the red-haired stud’s eyes widened in shock. He then smiled and said something to Anna, prompting her to kiss him passionately on the lips. He said something to the two bimbos clinging to him, something that made them look a bit disappointed and let him go. They turned to the bald stud and smiled as they followed him off into the crowd, their tits and asses shaking as they hurried to catch up. As they retreated, Sharon swore she heard one of them who had been clinging to the red-haired stud say to the bald one, “Let’s go find your brother, honey!” Meanwhile Anna took the place of the bimbos clinging to the red-haired stud’s arms, resting her head on his shoulder while motioning for her to come closer. She did so…and when the stud spoke she almost passed out on the spot.

“Long time no see, honey. How are things working out with your new boy toy?” the stud asked in the all-too familiar voice of her husband Gary.

“GARY?!?” Sharon shrieked, prompting a few heads to turn her way.

She looked Gary up and down. It was Gary’s voice…and she started to recognize Gary’s freckles on his face…but everything else was completely different. It was like some muscular behemoth had come along, ate her husband and absorbed his voice and some of his physical traits. The scrawny little man who used to cower in her presence all hunched over now stood before her tall, proud and confident with his bimbo daughter on his arm, both smiling at her with an air of incredible smugness. How Sharon didn’t pass out from shock seeing them like this surprised even her but somehow she managed to keep it together as she questioned them to the best of her abilities.

“This…is impossible. Nightmare…” she babbled, still having trouble comprehending what she was seeing. “How…? How…?”

Her actions did a better job asking her questions better than her words, repeating the word “how” over and over like a broken record while her head swiveled to look around at everything. Gary’s smile widened and his smugness intensified, his dream of seeing his wife’s stupefied face when confronted with his success finally coming to life.

“You call it a nightmare. I call it a dream come true. And it’s all thanks to SYL,” he proudly declared. The people within earshot had all been ignoring the conversation but upon mentioning the company name they all turned and cheerfully chimed in their agreement.

“SYL is the greatest!” said one man.

“SYL is the best! They’ve changed my life!” cheered another woman.

They all murmured further praises for SYL before turning back to their conversations. Sharon found their love of this corporation a bit…creepy. Meanwhile Gary continued his bragging.

“I got that job I told you about. Turned out I was so good at it that they promoted me within the first six months! Then I got Anna a job at the company as well, at which point I found out about Serenity Gardens, a private community for SYL employees and their families…provided all family members are employees too. We moved here and ever since…life’s been good…”

Gary turned his gaze to Anna and gave her a very strange look. Not the type of look you’d expect a man to give his daughter. It was almost…hungry as he scanned her bimbo features, running his hand up and down the curve of her back like she were a lover. Anna’s eyes fluttered at his touch and she squeezed his arm harder as smiled contently. All in all, it sent chills down Sharon’s spine.

“But you’ve…changed…” Sharon stammered, looking Gary up and down. “Even if you hit the gym…four years? Four years and this?!

Gary and Anna both laughed. “I told you, Mom. SYL believes in helping people achieve a state of physical perfection. This applies to men as well as women. They sell all kinds of nutrients and supplements to help speed the process along. You should try it someday…”

Sharon felt a twinge of something sinister in Anna’s voice when she said that last bit. As tempting as it was (not), Sharon had no interest in becoming a walking blow-up doll like her daughter, even if it did mean hooking up with a stud like Gary is now.

Speaking of which…

“So…big house!” Sharon said, forcing a smile as she desperately changed the subject. “With just the two of you living here, you must have plenty of space! Surely you have room for your wife to move back in…?”

The Gary she knew was a firm believer in the sanctity of marriage. When they were dating she couldn’t get him even close to the bedroom, insisting that they should wait until their wedding night. Sharon reluctantly did so, keeping her eye on the big payout she expected from marrying him, and recognizing the added benefit that he’d never cheat on her. He even once admitted to her that he didn’t like the concept of divorce! Even if he had physically changed, Sharon firmly believed his feelings on this matter would remain. Despite four years away, she was still his wife and legally entitled to a piece of everything.

Sharon expected Gary to maybe grow a little sour or angry but ultimately acquiesce to letting her stay but the looks he and Anna gave her chilled her right to the bone. Such loathing and contempt…she never thought feelings so negative existed within Gary. Anna, sure, but Gary? He never raised his voice or put his foot down the entire time they were together so Gary looking at her with such hatred really threw her off.

“What makes you think you have any right to call yourself my wife after the way you left us? After all the things you said?” he growled, low and deep but somehow still audible over the music and chatter. Sharon found herself taking a step back. Was she actually…afraid of Gary…?

“I…” she stammered a bit before finding her voice. “That was…a long time ago. Some hurtful things were said, I know, but I’m still your wife and the mother of our daughter.”

She glanced at Anna who promptly rolled her eyes and glared at her again. “Unbelievable! You’re not even bothering to apologize for what you did four years ago!” Anna said, shaking her head in disbelief. Hell would freeze over before Sharon apologized to the likes of Gary and Anna so she quickly tried to brush it off.

“Say whatever you like but we’re family,” declared Sharon, turning up her nose at Anna. “And families—“

“FAMILY?!?” Gary suddenly bellowed. Everyone at the party instantly stopped talking, swimming and eating and turned to see Gary, his face burning red and his fists clenching tight as he parted from Anna and stood before Sharon. The wall of muscles he’d become, he towered over Sharon who literally cowered in his presence and turning a bit pale as she witnessed for the first time Gary’s rage. For a moment she thought he was going to smash her into the ground like he were the Incredible Hulk but he just pointed menacingly at Sharon, the tip of his finger an inch from her nose.

“You…” he breathed, struggling to keep his boiling rage under control, “Gave up the right to call us family. I don’t know what you are anymore…but you are no mother to my daughter…and certainly not my wife anymore…”

Many at the party were noticing Sharon for the first time and immediately their expressions soured when they realized who she was. Gary had told most of them the story of his wife at one time or another and all shared angry feelings for the gold-digger that left their friend, neighbor and coworker high and dry. Someone turned off the music so everyone could hear the exchange between Gary and his infamous wife.

Everyone waited to see what Sharon had to say. It took a long time for her to find her voice, a deep terror gripping her soul at the sight of her massive husband. Eventually she found enough courage to squeak out, “We…we’re still married! That means you have to—“

“What makes you think we’re still married?” he cut her off, putting his hands on his hips and looking at her inquisitively. “You really think I wouldn’t divorce your scrawny worthless ass after all the bullshit you pulled?”

Sharon’s heart stopped. Divorce? He divorced her?!

“But…I didn’t sign off on that!” she sputtered. “You have to—“

Gary held up his hand to silence her and smiled evilly.

“Working at SYL comes with a lot of benefits, not just a big house and a ripped body. They treat their employees well…and have a top-notch legal team willing to assist employees with damn near any kind of legal trouble they could get into. Including divorce. More than a few members of our legal team have been burned by ex-spouses so once they heard my tale they were more than happy to assist. You really shouldn’t have made yourself so hard to find or else you could’ve been alerted and contested the proceedings. But you didn’t…and here you stand with absolutely nothing…my ex-wife Sharon…”

The air of triumph he carried was palpable as he watched the color drain from Sharon’s face. People in the crowd snickered as they watched this nasty woman’s whole world fall apart as he explained how the SYL lawyers got him absolutely everything, leaving Sharon unable to claim a single cent of his newfound wealth. She spent her last dime to get here so that meant…she was utterly broke. Anna felt practically orgasmic watching her father finally crush her bitch of a mother. She probably would’ve fingered herself right then and there if Gary hadn’t spoken up again.

“If you’re desperate enough to come back here I’m guessing you’re completely broke. I’ll call Serenity Garden Security and tell them to give you a ride to the nearest soup kitchen. Consider this my last act of kindness towards you. Goodbye…Honey…”

Sharon was so stunned she didn’t notice two guests sneak up behind her. They waited for Gary to say his final goodbye and swiftly grabbed her by the arms. Big studs like them were far too strong for her to break free and at first she was too stunned to resist as they literally dragged her away. She looked at Gary in utter disbelief before turning her gaze to Anna. Her daughter smiled evilly and gave her one last finger-wave goodbye, prompting Sharon to finally snap out of her stupor.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” she bellowed. “NO, NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”

To be continued…