The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Sleepover Part 1, by GDMex

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After Alice receives a call from her boyfriend, plans for a sleepover at her house completely change.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the suburban landscape, a house on Willow Street hummed with youthful energy. The air was thick and heavy, carrying with it the promise of a scorching summer night. Inside, the windows were thrown wide open, their curtains swaying gently in the evening breeze.

In the heart of this cozy home, the laughter of eighteen-year-old Jenna and her inseparable companion, Jasmine, danced through the air. Jenna’s long, black locks cascaded in loose waves down her back, perfectly complementing her striking blue eyes. Beside her, Jasmine, with her earthy oak-colored hair and eyes to match, radiated an effortless charm.

Clad in pajamas adorned with a riot of vibrant patterns, the girls had wisely swapped out their usual sets for cooler, shorter counterparts, the fabric skimming their skin in relief of the sultry temperature.

Horror movies flickered on the screen, casting eerie shadows across their animated faces. Bowls of popcorn and an assortment of tempting snacks lay strewn about, a sign of their shared love for cinematic frights. Sodas glistened with condensation, offering sweet respite from the summer heat.

In the midst of this youthful revelry, Alice, Jenna’s older sister, took on the role of guardian and companion. At twenty, she exuded extreme beauty and maturity; her long raven hair framing features nearly identical to her younger sibling’s, while her blue eyes were mirrors of Jenna’s and seemed like the passageway to reach the ocean itself.

The clock on the wall chimed, marking the passage of time: seven o’clock. With their parents out for the evening, the responsibility of overseeing the night’s festivities fell squarely on Alice’s capable shoulders. In the warm embrace of the suburban night, the trio settled in, ready for a sleepover that promised both thrills and cherished memories.

While the two young friends were in Jenna’s room watching television, Alice sat on the couch, talking softly on the phone with her boyfriend, Jake. She was wearing a white blouse along with some baggy blue shorts that despite not showing much of her splendid figure, they did give a hint that beneath those clothes a tremendous sensuality hid, sensuality that Alice had no intention of showing at that moment, especially in front of two girls.

“So, what’s happening over there?", Jake asked.

“Just a little sisterly sleepover,” Alice replied while stretching her legs. “Jenna and Jasmine are having a blast watching scary movies.”

Jake, a hint of curiosity in his voice, asked Alice, “Why are they having a sleepover? Aren’t they a bit old for that?”

Alice chuckled, “Well, you know how it is. They’re still young at heart, and it’s a great way for them to have some fun together. Plus, it gives my parents and Jasmine’s a little break. And hey, I’m not that old myself, you know. I’m only twenty!”

Jake, sounding a bit like a troublemaker, asked, “Is there any chance I could come over and join you?”

Alice sighed softly, “I’d love to have you here, but my parents were pretty clear about it. They want all of us girls to have some quality time together on our own. Maybe next weekend?”

At that moment, the last thing Alice wanted was company. The week had been too long and she had a lot of homework to finish, so she would take the entire weekend to get ahead of her tasks so that she could have the following week completely free to do all kinds of things, but at the moment, receiving Jake was not possible; if she did so, not only would she be distracted, but if at any point Jenna or Jasmine told their parents, she would get into big trouble that she better wanted to avoid.

Jake persisted, a playful tone in his voice, “Come on, Alice. It’ll be a blast. We’ll have our own movie night, order some pizza, just the two of us. It’ll be a mini-sleepover!”

Alice considered it for a moment, tempted by the idea. “I’d love that, really, but my parents were pretty clear about everyone staying put. I promised them I’d follow their instructions.”

Jake responded, a touch of disappointment, “I get it, rules are rules. But it sounds like a pretty strict sleepover if no one can join in.”

Alice sighed, a knowing tone in her voice. “You know how my parents are, Jake. They like things to go exactly according to plan, especially when it comes to the girls.”

Jake’s mischievous laughter echoed through the phone. “You’re right, I do know your parents can be pretty strict about these things. But hey, since they’re not home, I might have to resort to some creative tactics.”

Alice raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Creative tactics? What do you have up your sleeve, Jake?”

“It’s a surprise,” he teased, his voice filled with excitement. “I’ve got something special planned for you three. You’ll just have to wait and see. But trust me, it’s going to be a night to remember.”

Alice couldn’t help but feel a twinge of curiosity about Jake’s surprise. She glanced around the room, trying to think of something that the girls and herself would all enjoy.She mentally sifted through various possibilities, determined to uncover the mystery before Jake had a chance to reveal it himself. It was all in good fun, and she was sure whatever he had planned would be a delightful addition to the sleepover, but before saying anything, Jake himself took the word.

Jake’s voice crackled mischievously through the phone. “Alice, my dear, enter the rabbit hole that leads to Wonderland.”

By hearing those words, Alice stood frozen, her eyes vacant, as if a veil has been drawn over her consciousness. Her once vibrant thoughts and feelings now seemed to drift away like leaves caught in a gentle breeze, leaving behind an emptiness, a void waiting to be filled. There was a serene stillness in her, as if she existed in a state of suspended animation. Her breaths came slow and even, mirroring the calmness that now resided within her.

Within seconds, the traces of her independent spirit were all gone, along with everything else that had been there. Thanks those simple words, all that Alice had in her mind had been replaced with a tranquil emptiness, a blank canvas ready to receive the brushstrokes of Jake’s desires. Sitting in the sofa was not Alice, but a vessel for Jake’s will to fill, awaiting his commands, ready to be shaped and molded according to what he wanted.

In this state, Alice was just a reflection of Jake’s influence. Patient and obedient, she waited for her master to speak to her.

Jake’s voice was tinged with concern as he asked, “Alice, are you there?”

Alice’s response came with an eerie mechanical tone, devoid of her usual warmth and liveliness. “I am here, master.”

Knowing he had Alice just as he wanted her, his voice took on a commanding tone. “Alice, you will set aside your current tasks and make preparations for my visit. You will not tell the girls about my coming, understood?”

Alice’s voice was now submissive, devoid of any resistance. “Yes, Master. I will do as you command.”

“One more thing,” Jake said before ending the call. “I want you to wear the red lingerie I bought for you last time I took you shopping. You can wear it underneath whatever you have right now, but when I arrive, I want to see it on you.”

“Yes, master,” replied Alice.

When the call ended, Alice, still in her entranced state, received Jake’s command without a flicker of resistance. His words sank deep into her consciousness, embedding themselves in the core of her being. With a slow pace, she walked towards her room, a serene acquiescence in her eyes, as if the very idea of resistance has been erased from her mind.

As the minutes passed, her movements became deliberate and methodical; she moved with a single purpose: selecting the lingerie Jake had bought for her.

Arriving at the closet where the beautiful young woman kept her normal clothes, she opened it, and avoiding everything that had nothing to do with the order that her master had given her, she opened one of the upper drawers, thus reaching a solitary box that was in the corner. With a quick movement, she took took it out of its place and then put it on the bed, where she opened it.

There, lay the passionate red lingerie Jake liked the most on her. The bra featured delicate lace cups, adorned with intricate floral patterns that danced across the fabric. The lace extended down to form a scalloped edge along the bottom, adding a touch of elegance. Matching panties completed the set, crafted from the same luxurious lace. But the best part was the garter belt; a true showstopper. Featuring a mix of lace and satin panels, it created a sensual contrast of textures that cinched to create an hourglass silhouette.

Completing the already sexy outfit awaited a pair of thigh-high matching red stockings that she put effortlessly in her sexy legs.

Without wasting a second, Alice took off every piece of her comfortable pajamas so she could put on that outfit that her master had ordered her to wear. First came the blouse, leaving Alice’s breasts completely exposed; due to the heat, the girl had decided to take off her bra, so with one less item of clothing to stop her, she proceeded to lower the baggy shorts that covered part of her legs. Finally, she went to her panties, which quickly fell to the floor, leaving the beautiful young woman naked.

Thanks to her precise movements, she changed into the alluring red ensemble with an almost mechanical essence; if anyone had been watching the girl change like that, one could easily have assured that she was a programmed robot.

When she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw no trace of self-consciousness or hesitation; instead, her reflection showed a beautiful and sexy girl with an understanding to fulfill Jake’s desires as her sole purpose.

With her clothes ready, Alice moved with a quiet grace, slipping back into her comfortable pajamas and replacing the baggy shorts with long pants, being careful to conceal the alluring lingerie beneath from the girls, who could get out of their room at any moment to ask something from her. After ensuring her lingerie was safely tucked away, she moved to the living room, pretending that nothing happened and awaiting her master’s arrival.

It didn’t take long for Jake to arrive, and when he did, Alice, who had been watching from the living room, met him at the front door.

Without saying a single word, the guy took Alice by the waist and pulled her strongly, causing the entire hipnotized girl’s body to go towards her master, who received her with open arms and began to kiss her passionately. With wet noises, the couple kissed for a long time, mixing their tongues and creating delicious sounds that invited the temperature to rise.

With a big smile on his face and feeling a rush of euphoria throughout his body, Jake entered the house; in his mind, he still couldn’t believe what was happening. Evidently, he had used a phrase that could put Alice in a deep hypnotic trance so that she would comply with his orders; this had been achieved by Jake thanks to years of study in the field of hypnosis.

At first, Alice and Jake had been good friends, but over time and improving his skills, the boy managed to hypnotize her to change her perception of him, then he got her yes when he asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend, and when he decided to take her virginity, she didn’t object at all.

Using the time he had with her as a boyfriend, Jake conditioned Alice so he could put her in the deepest trance—that of total submission—whenever he wanted. When he needed to have something hot with her, he would simply say the phrase and she would immediately fall for it; all this with enough precautions to prevent anyone from suspecting what he was doing to her. And if he only wanted the pretty girlfriend who could give him affection, he had a less daring Alice with her personality intact who gave him cuddles. Because she had been innocent for her entire life, he had had to use this phrase quite often, in order to turn Alice into a girl with two facets: Angel and devil alike.

When she told him that she would be alone for the weekend, Jake became hopeful, believing that he would have her for himself the entire weekend, but when he found out that she had to take care of her younger sister and her friend, things changed. Driven by his sexual desire, Jake decided to go visit them, and there, he would use the same techniques that he used with Alice with the two unawaring young ladies in order to not only have one sex slave, but three. If everything went well—and it would—he would have a weekend full of pleasure with three beautiful young women at his disposal.

“Are the girls aware of my presence?” Jake asked.

Alice’s voice came like a sweet song for Jake’s ears. “No, Master. They’re in their room, indulging in candies, snacks, and sodas. They won’t be leaving anytime soon.”

“Good.” Jake replied, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. “Show me the lingerie.”

Jake’s jaw dropped after Alice took off her pajamas and was left in the outfit he had picked out for her. She looked so sensual that he wanted to take her right there. Her large breasts, well supported by the bra she was wearing, seemed to want to burst the fabric of the young woman’s clothing. Her flat abdomen looked like a road leading down to her long, toned legs, which looked shiny from the delicate fabric that covered them, and her ass—the first thing Jake noticed when he arrived—was like a huge, juicy watermelon that he would soon taste.

“Darling,” Jake stated. “Why don’t we go to your room so you can give me a nice blowjob? I want to have fun with you before I get distracted with your sister and her friend.”

“Of course, master,” replied the entranced girl.

Taking Jake by the hand, Alice took him to her room so she could complete her task; all this while in the room above, both Jenna and Jasmine continued watching the movie scared, not knowing that something more interesting was about to happen downstairs...