The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Summer Camp

mc mm


Right out of high school, working at a summer camp. A weekly hypnosis show fascinated me. Then it fascinated my boyfriend. Why is sex after hypnosis so much better.

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This is a novella. This isn’t really a mind-control story. It is more of a mm love story, with hypnosis in it.

More of my Stories:

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Chapter: 1. I Was 70% Sure He Was Gay (no sex)

After high school, I took a gap year.

I had no desire to go to college.

During my high school junior year, the school guidance councilor gave a presentation; explaining all the “wonderful careers available” to someone with a college education. None of those jobs seemed even remotely interesting.

I wanted to see the world. I wanted to experience life a little; before I settled down.

My uncle offered me a winter job; down in Florida. He had zero openings during the summer months—but his business would ramp up in October. He worked in “hospitality”. His company was a tour operation. During the winter he needed tour guides, retail help, office staff, and such. I spent several years in drama club and had no problem working in front of a crowd; and I had worked retail.

Winter taken care of; I needed a job for the summer.

When I was very young (8 or 9 years old), my family had spent two weeks at the local summer camp. It was Camp Little Bear—on the shores of the Little Bear Lake. We had a great time. There was boating, sailing, swimming, crafts, hikes, and games. Every evening, there was a family-friendly party. The camp staff seemed like they were having a great time. I had always wondered what it would be like to work there.

Two months before I graduated from high school, I gave Camp Little Bear a call. They gave me a phone interview, two face-to-face interviews, and invited me to an all-day “get together”.

They were trying to be subtle, but I could tell. That all-day “get together” was an all-day job interview. Camp management, supervisors, returning employees, and all the new hopefuls spent the day playing games and doing activities—while management watched everyone, and picked who they wanted for the summer season.

I guess they liked me enough. I got the job.

I had barely made any effort, and I already had my first year scheduled. Summer working at the camp and winter giving tours for my uncle. There would be a gap of three or four weeks between the park and Florida. I could use that time to travel slowly to Florida, and sight see along the way. I had everything planned out—from high school graduation until the Florida weather got hot; twelve months after graduation.

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(no sex)

The first two weeks at Camp Little Bear was spent setting everything up. Getting everything out of winter storage, cleaned, and ready for the guests to arrive. The guests would arrive at the beginning of week three, and everything had to be ready for them.

For the first week and a half, we all slept on the floor of the dining hall. I thought that this was weird at first—but then I realized that management wanted to keep an eye on everyone at first.

Their plan seemed to work. Within a few days, two of the guys were fired for fighting. A couple of days later, three more were fired—we never found out why the second group was let go. The rumor mill worked overtime on that, but no one seemed to actually know why they were fired.

A big advantage of having everyone in one big room, was that we were all making friends amongst ourselves. We were picking who we wanted to bunk with. Each bunk house fit eight people. We started falling into groups, working on the same projects together and playing together.

Management was aware that we were going to be spending four months in close quarters—they wanted everyone to be happy in their jobs.

At the middle of the second week, we turned in our bunking lists. I was happy that our list of eight names included Robert.

Robert was wonderful.

He was tall, broad shouldered, and muscular. He towered over me. He was at least half a foot taller than me. He was clean shaven—but if he had had a full beard, he would look like a lumber jack. He had longish hair. (I am a sucker for long hair.) The few times I saw him in the showers, I carefully noticed that he had nothing to complain about in the ... personal area. He was a couple of years older than I—so, I rightly assumed, that he was more sophisticated than I.

I was 70% sure he was Gay.

The few times I tried to make a pass at him, I don’t think he noticed.

Moving into the bunk house in the middle of week two, I was delighted that Robert suggested that the two of us choose bunks next to each other, right at the back of our bunk house.

The end of week two found everything in Camp Little Bear ready to go. All the boats were cleaned and tied up at the dock. All the craft supplies were arranged and sorted for the kids. The hiking maps were printed and stacked in their little holders. We managed to paint the dining hall and several of the customer cabins. Everything was clean, tidy, and ready to go.

Friday morning, two days before the guests arrived, camp management treated us to party. After breakfast, we played games and had some sporting competitions. Midmorning, there was swimming.

The day wasn’t completely without employee training. We did some of the crafts that the guest would be doing. We went boating. Boating was an education. Most of us had never been in a small boat. Just getting the pointy end (the “bow”) pointed where we wanted to was harder than it looked. Sailing was even worse. There was a rudder, tiller, boom, sail, and sheet. All the sailboat bits had to be worked at the same time. And, the wind never went the way we wanted it to go. Still—we had fun, and we learned a lot.

After dinner, they switched on the flood lights. There was music and dancing.

Again, there were a few lessons. There were camp songs that we had to learn. And there were dances that we needed to be taught. Mostly group dances. There were a couple of square dances to learn. I had never square danced before. (Square Dancing wasn’t something that we did when I went to Camp Little Bear, when I was younger.) I thought that square dancing was going to be awful. To my enormous surprise, square dancing turned out to be kind of fun.

We ended the evening roasting s’mores around the campfire. There were more songs to learn. We also had to remember a couple of “multi-part stories”. “Multi-part stories” were stories with audience participation. Stories with cute hand gestures, shouted lines, and sometimes songs.

We all had a good time. At least, I had a good time. I realize that management snuck a bunch of training in the middle of our “party”, but it was all in good fun.

We all went to bed that night, very tired; but generally happy.