The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Dr. Marie Beale had a promising medical career, but other were watching and had plans for her. Little did Marie know that people wronged in the past can hold a grudge and seek their revenge on a younger generation.


She was being restrained, held down and fucked. Her body was violated, filled and then teased until she wanted to scream in frustration. She felt rough hands on her nipples as she was turned over and placed on her hands and knees. Again, her pussy was teased unmercifully. She felt pressure on her rose bud and screamed, “no not that,” but it was too late. Her attacker pressed a finger into her virgin ass and slowly penetrated her with each stroke moving deeper. She heard herself screaming in a mixture of frustration, pain and pleasure.

“Please,” she begged.

The voice holding her down laughed telling unseen strangers, “see, I told you she was a whore. Look how wet she’s become.”

A hand slapped her upturned hips and the same voice said, “ just admit you are nothing but a whore and I will let you come.” As those words were spoken an unseen finger started playing with her clit. Someone whispered in her ear, “just say it.”

“I am a whore,” she heard herself say and when asked “what,” she again answered, “I am a whore.”

As she did, she felt intense pressure on her rose bud and more stimulation on her clit causing her to scream reaching the edge.

Her eyes flew open and Marie immediately realized she was in her own room, laying on her stomach and alone. Her nightgown was up over her thighs and she was wet, soaking wet, but it had been a dream, a vivid and disturbing dream. It was the same dream she had every night for the last six nights and it was seriously damaging her sleep cycle.

“What is going on with me?” Marie asked to no one in particular.

She got out of her bed still groggy and made her way to the shower. Standing under the spray, Marie could not help by feel the fine needle spray play across her body. For a moment, she relaxed, shut her eyes and let her mind wander. It went right back to last night’s dream and how wanton she acted to gain sexual release. “I am not a whore,” she whispered under her breath.

Marie was anything but a whore. At 26 yrs old in the city, she was probably an anomaly. She was still a virgin. Marie was not a prude by any means, but decided she would save sexual intercourse for the wedding bed. Currently, she had good friends of both sexes and an active social life, but she drew the line at random hookups, or any hookup for that matter.

Dressing for work, Marie threw on casual clothes and grabbed a coffee before heading out the door. She had an hour to get to work, change into scrubs and start rounds as a second year resident at St Andrews hospital.

Walking through the lobby of her condo building, Marie reflected on how lucky she was in life. She had an condo well beyond the means of a resident courtesy of her deceased grandfather’s former business partner. Out of the blue, he contacted her after graduation and stated he had a promise to fulfill to Marie’s grandfather and would she please accept the condo. How could she turn down free housing and two weeks later, Marie moved in.

Passing Jimmy, the doorman, Marie smiled and said “good morning.”

“Good morning, Dr. Beale,” Jimmy replied with a smile.

“Please Jimmy, I have asked you to call me Marie for months. Dr. Beale seems too formal.” Marie walked towards the door which Jimmy held open.

“If I called you Marie and Russell caught me, I would be fired.”

Russell Martin was her grandfather’s former associate and now a semi-recluse although still one of the most active philanthropist in the city. Marie had only met him twice since her graduation from medical school.

Making her way to rounds, Elise Smithy, laughed when she saw Marie. “Wow, did you party late last night?”

“No, I had trouble sleeping.” She paused and said “again.”

“I hate that,” Elise said.

“Yes, six nights in a row,” Marie laughed.

“You know, we have pills for that,” Elise added, “better living through chemistry.”

Across town, Russell Martin sat is his downtown penthouse listening to a report on the phone. After smiling, he hung up and sipping a coffee announced to his wife, “Jeremy Beale probably would not like what we are doing to his grand daughter, but it makes no difference. He cheated me at business and before he died, I cursed him and told him that one day, I would take my revenge. It is just too bad he is not alive to watch.”

“Dear, are you sure? His granddaughter is so innocent in all of this.” His wife seemed to be pleading for Marie.

Martin dismissed her with a wave, “she carries the same last name, so she will do.”

Shuffling off to his office, Russell flipped through his papers muttering to himself, “that bastard stole my patent and dismissed my work. Now, I will steal something much more precious.”

Russell Martin was somewhat a pioneer in the area of neural commands and brain wave research. He surmised that given the right patterns and commands, the brain was like any other piece of electrical machinery and could be reprogrammed and modified. He was initially attempting to use it within the prison system to reform hardened criminals, but his research was deemed too controversial and dismissed as fringe science. The one patent he held for a neural transmitter was stolen by Jeremy Beale and sold for a small fortune. While Beale prospered, Martin became a recluse shut out of the scientific world. Luckily, he was independently wealthy and he used his philanthropy to stay connected with what was going on in the city.

He looked out his window towards St. Andrew’s hospital wondering out loud how Dr. Beale was doing this morning.

Finishing rounds, Marie was exhausted. Over lunch, she took a nap, but as soon as she shut her eyes, the previous night’s dream came to life in her head. By the time her shift ended, she was exhausted. Walking by Jimmy at the condo doors, she heard him comment, “it looks like you need some sleep.”

As she got on the elevator heading to her condo, she did not see Jimmy pick up the phone and dial Russell Martin. “Yes sir, she is back and looks exhausted.” There was a silence as Martin was talking. Jimmy answered “yes sir, her wine bottles have been doctored as have her speakers.”

Again there was silence before Jimmy nodded his head adding “your technical team was here and installed the cameras. I understand you should have the feed tonight.” He concluded with “I checked her place and everything is expertly hidden, she will not suspect a thing.”

Russell Martin hung up about to put his plan into motion.

Marie slipped out of her clothes and into a scented bath along with a glass of wine. As she shut her eyes trying to relax, the young doctor had no idea her mind and body were being assaulted leaving her open to manipulation and suggestion nor that she was part of Russell Martin’s revenge plan.

Within a few minutes, the wine and subliminal neural waves from the sound system had done their work and Marie drifted off into another dream. This one was different. She was at a dinner party where an older gentleman made an obvious pass at her. Instead of being insulted, Marie was flattered and flirted back. One thing led to another and Marie found herself on a balcony high above the city passionately kissing a stranger who she found irresistible. The more his hands wandered over her dress, the more Marie wanted them to wander. Marie felt her arousal build and when he broke the kiss, she murmured “no.” Opening her eyes, Marie realized she was again dreaming and got out of the tub as the water was cooling off. Standing in front of the mirror, Marie examined herself unaware that across town another set of eyes was doing the same.

“Beautiful,” Russell Martin whispered as he sipped a scotch.

Marie’s conditioning continued over the next few weeks. Although initially disturbed by her dreams, conditioning now allowed her to accept them as normal.

In his office, Russell look out toward one of his engineers, “so you think these patterns will alter her behavior and tastes as I desired?”

“Yes sir, after conditioning, she will want an entirely new wardrobe and look and will think nothing strange about her changing tastes.” He then added, and she will sacrifice her virginity at any time.”

“On that last point, let’s hold on that one. I want to make sure Marie gives herself in a way that she will always remember as will others.”

The engineer nodded as he left the office.

Each night, Russell Martin got a show. His programs worked perfectly and Marie was more and more like a puppet and plaything for the recluse. Martin’s wife knew better than complain as she had fallen prey to the conditioning program long ago. How else could Martin have snared such a trophy wife 35 years younger than he was.

That night, as Marie got ready for a shower, she examined her body and from out of no where decided her body needed a waxing. Martin heard her make the call setting the appointment and smiled. The programming was working perfectly. When subsequently, she called a spa for a makeover weekend, Martin could not help but laugh realizing the granddaughter of his rival was now ensnared in his trap.

The following morning, Martin told his secretary to find out who owned Meadowcroft Mountain Spa. He soon had the information he needed and for a hefty sum arranged to have some of his trained staff members replace normal spa attendants and personally oversee the treatments for Dr. Marie Beale.

Friday evening found Marie pulling up to the luxurious Meadowcroft Mountain Spa serenely situated in a lush alpine meadow overlooking a crystal clear lake. “Maybe this is what I need to relax,” the young doctor whispered to herself as she got out of the car handing the keys to the valet.

Checking in, Marie was pleasantly surprised to find she had been upgraded to a mountain view suite. “Compliment of the house,” the smiling attendant said when she asked “why.” When she walked into the suite, fresh flowers, a bottle of wine and hand dipped strawberries greeted her. All of the attention brought a smile to Marie’s face.

After unpacking, there was a light tap on the door and opening it, Marie was greeted by a petite, but beautiful young woman who announced that she would be her attendant for the weekend. “I have your schedule to review, but most of all wanted to welcome you and wish you a great stay.” She added, by the way, my name is Amber.”

“Tomorrow will start with your waxing as it is best to get that out of the way early.” She added, we will then work in facials, massage, and hair finishing with nails and makeup. You will then be ready for our Saturday evening dinner reception which all guests seem to enjoy.”

Marie looked over the schedule and nodded, “it all looks wonderful.”

“May I open the wine for you ? Amber waited for an answer while looking at the tray of wine and strawberries.”

Marie just nodded and automatically took the glass of wine the young woman presented her sipping it slowly. As she turned to take in the scenic view, Marie missed the smile on the attendant’s face.

An hour later as the sun set, Marie head to the lounge for a bite to eat and an evening cocktail. She noticed how relaxed she felt attributing it to the atmosphere and the prospect of a relaxing weekend. Sitting at a table near the window for a view of the evening twilight, Marie was almost oblivious to the world around her. When her server recommended the Lodge’s specialty cocktail, without thought Marie found herself nodding in agreement. The bartender, well tipped by Russell Martin, slipped a small vile of yellowish liquid into the drink as instructed. It was the easiest $1000 he ever made.

As Marie sat watching the crowd, she felt her mind wander among the various couples and singles mingling in the crowd. Lost in thought, she watched a tall athletic man approach his significant other and immediately saw herself with them both. In her mind, they had Marie bound, helpless on their bed and were sexually teasing her without mercy. Marie was snapped out of her thoughts only when the waitress asked her if she wanted another drink.

“Yes,” Marie quickly said almost embarrassed at her recent thoughts and then she blushed as she realized how wet she had become. “OMG,” she thought, “where in the hell did that come from?” However, as soon as she had that reaction, her mind quickly got back to the crowd and her growing fantasy. Somewhat disoriented, the young doctor returned to her room where she collapsed on her bed.

Marie did not hear the door lock open or see the figures enter her suite. She tried to open her eyes but a soft feminine voice just said “relax” and Marie did. She never felt the IV line inserted in the back of her hand or the cold saline pushed to open the line. With practiced precision, two drugs fentanyl and versed were injected into the line carrying the young doctor away on a cloud of twilight sleep. Marie was sedated, but conscious enough to respond to simple commands.

“Strip her quickly,” a voice said and Marie was positioned face up on her bed where she was photographed multiple times. When told to smile, Marie smiled into the camera.

“Marie, turn over and raise your hips,” the voice said and Marie did, smiling again as she looked back to the camera.

“Touch yourself,” the voice said, and the semi-sedated doctor did as instructed to the edge of orgasm when the same voice said “stop.” Everyone smiled when they heard a whimper of frustration.

Unhooking the IV, the team gathered their equipment and left the room but not before one of the assistants injected Marie with a purplish looking drug directly into the hip. Locking the door behind them, the assistant laughed, that last shot should give her some vivid memories.

Throughout the night, Marie thrashed around in her bed as sexual images raced through her head. As before, she saw herself, bound, assaulted and to her humiliation, loving it. Over and over she murmured, “I am a whore, I am a whore,” to the delight of those monitoring her room through hidden cameras. Of course, Russell Martin was enjoying the show from his penthouse in the city.

“Yes dear, you are nothing but a whore,” he said and added, “and your grandfather would be so proud.”

To Be Continued....