Worth It
By Ius Magister and Blue Collar Girl
Chapter 1
Tim knew, as the police put cuffs on him and put him in the back of the police car, that it had been worth it. He had never tried anything like it in his whole life, but he was in awe. Her breasts, her lips...he could still see them in his mind. As he looked out the window, he thought he saw her looking at him through the window. Idly, he wondered if the hypnotic conditioning would still keep her enthralled to him while he was in jail…..
One Year Earlier.
Esther was a problem. He was a happily taken man, and all lolita thoughts aside, it was entirely inappropriate for a girl to dress like that in the classroom. He had already spoken to the principal, but she was barely out of grad school, and had a much different idea than he did about how appropriate it was to dress like a slut. He was in his early forties, tall, with thinning brown hair and relatively thin. He was no athlete but he didn’t have a gut yet (thank god) but the principal simply wasn’t willing to deal with her exceptionally well connected and very INVOLVED parents.
Well, Tim was.
So here they were in detention. Idly, he looked at the clock to see if she was going to be late.
With a yawn, Esther stretched and ran a hand through her short baby blue hair. Between that and her almost micro school uniform, she looked like she might’ve walked straight out of an anime. Her black stockings ended mid thigh, not much higher than the black lace up boots. Her short plaid skirt didn’t exactly meet the dress code, but no one had complained if they got an occasional glimpse of her ass.
No one until fifth period in Mr. Wilson’s class.
She growled as she slid her cutesy panda backpack over her shoulders and headed back to his room for detention. He had been angry about the skirt, yes, but that hadn’t touched how incensed he was about her bright blue bra that he could see through her sheer white, too-tight, barely buttoned blouse. Well, whatever. She’d sit through the old prude’s detention and find a way to transfer out of his class. It’s not like he was the only teacher of senior history.
Tim knew that she talked a good game but wasn’t so convinced she was as tough as she looked. He said,“Normally you are supposed to do homework, and normally you are supposed to not dress like a young porn star but no one seems to care. Well, I care, so we are going to watch an inspirational video.”
He booted up the big screen TV and the video he had found called “chastity " on YouTube and started it. “You are not to leave that desk until this is done. I will be back and if you aren’t watching you get detention tomorrow. ”
Mr Wilson started the video and left.
What he hadn’t known was that it wasn’t a chastity education video but a hypnotic video about forced chastity rendering her unable to cum without her masters permission.
It started out tranquil enough but the flickering lights and subliminal messages started to flash. After ten minutes, Mr Wilson still not in the room, the images of bondage, breasts, cocks and chastity devices flickered faster and faster.
Esther felt strange watching the video. She expected it to put her to sleep—after all, chastity held little interest for her. One of those stupid relics from a bygone age, much like his notion that he thought she looked like a porn star. But instead of some preacher shouting nonsense at her, it was a very calming video. There was a very faint sound in the background, like a gong ringing maybe, and a bunch of imagines that she couldn’t make out because they moved too fast.
And yet, as her mind drifted from the undulating lights, she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. For some reason, she was getting wet, and she felt her nipples stiffening. She couldn’t take her eyes off the video, and her mouth eventually fell open as her mind took in the messages, putting them to use inside her brain without her awareness. She didn’t notice when she started to drool a little, and didn’t hear Mr. Wilson reenter the room or say her name.
As she heard him mention her name, it clearly linked the video’s command that only her master could make her come to Mr Wilson. Tim? Wasn’t his name Tim? Or was it Sir? Thinking was so hard, and the colors were so pretty. She needed to watch, and the more she watched, the more aroused she got. It made it obvious that as a slut, and she was a slut that was obvious, dressing like a slut was not only good but the best since that helped her see this video and it helped make Mr Wilson interested in her.
She had to make him MORE interested of course, and detention was good. It was the best.
Time with him was the best.
He moved in front of her, waving his hand in front of her. That only bound her more to him. Of course that was natural and good.
Abruptly the colors disappeared. Esther blinked, still locked in the state the video had put her in for a moment. And then she saw Mr. Wilson looking angrily at her. “Are you on drugs, girl? I’ve been saying your name for five minutes.”
“N..no, sir,” she stammered. “I would never do drugs. Not if you thought it was wrong.” Sir? Where did that come from? And when the hell did she start to care about whether he thought something was right or wrong?
But Mr. Wilson just rolled his eyes at her, and she found it hurt her deeply for him to do that. Tears welled up in her eyes as he dismissed her. “Go on, Esther. Go home. And do better.”
She snatched up her backpack and mumbled, “Yes sir,” as she ran for the door. She didn’t notice the enormous damp spot she left behind on her chair.
When she left, the arousal hadnt left or the desire for more and more hypnotic videos hadn’t left either. It was a persistent pulse in the back of her mind, like hunger when you hadnt eaten anything, and it was not going away. She kept seeing his face.
Meanwhile, back in the room, he turned off the video. It was erotic, to be sure, and seeing her like that had been, nice, but he didnt touch his cock despite it tingling and hoped this didnt get him fired. She had obviously been traumatized and her parents could do god knew what. He tried not to think about it and just hoped SOMETHNIG from the video had finally stuck. He really didn’t know what he was going to do if it didn’t.
He grabbed his hat and briefcase and strode out of the school walking slower than he ever had in his life. For the first time, he found himself having truly inappropriate thoughts about a student, but while still (unlike her) in control of his faculties, he couldn’t make them simply go away by thinking of well….horrific things he normally did to shrivel his cock if he had to.
Meanwhile, Esther got home.
“Honey,” her mom called to her as she ran in the backdoor and ran up to her room. Tears had been leaking down her cheeks since she’d gotten into her cute sporty car and flown home, and she didn’t know why. All she could think of was the stark disapproval and disappointment on Mr. Wilson’s face. It cut her to the bone.
She slammed the door to room and threw herself across her bed. She let herself sob for ten minutes before it dissolved. She wiped her damp face, got up off the bed and stood in front of her mirror. Maybe, she thought, he had a point. Maybe she did dress like a slut.
That thought made her pussy pulse, and confused signals raced through her mind. She’d gotten detention for dressing like a slut. But then she watched his video, and it made her feel so good that she wanted to dress more like a slut. She didn’t know what he wanted from her, and pleasing him seemed like the most important thing right now.
Him being pleased with her made her hornier and hornier. Pretty soon her hand snuck inside her panties as she masturbated in front of the mirror. Esther bit her lip as she grew hotter. But nothing she did—with her fingers, or adding some hentai from her phone, or even shoving the end of her brush up into her pussy—nothing got her off.
She cried herself to sleep in confused frustration.
Chapter 2
The next morning she went through her closet and found an old outfit from two years ago before her chest had developed that strained across her tits in peach cream, along with light cream nylons and a pencil thin skirt. Was she dressing to please a grownup? What would make Mr Wilson hot?
She didn’t know. But she did know that she had to please him. And that meant another chance at detention. She had to.
A little bit of terror fluttered in her heart: what if he didn’t give her detention?
She put on a thick sweater to hide her top so her parents wouldn’t freak and then took it off at school. And she undid the slit in the dress to show her gorgeous hip and leg. She took off the sweater with her boobs practically popping out as she undid three buttons.
Now she looked like a slut and knew it from the looks everyone gave her as she walked to class. Those looks didn’t faze her—the other kids in this place were used to her pushing the limits of what she could get away with. And the teachers never gave a shit.
Except Mr. Wilson.
Her heart raced as fifth period approached. Esther ducked into the bathroom for a second before his class, making sure her hair was disheveled just so, her thick eyeliner hadn’t run at all, and her bubblegum lip gloss gave her lips a sugary pout.
In a flash of last second inspiration, she reached inside her shirt and tweaked her nipples. It felt so good that she wanted to cry, but this wasn’t for her. It was for Him. If she wasn’t the perfect little slut, He wouldn’t give her the detention she needed to be alone with Him.
She took a deep breath, steadied herself, and then strutted down into the history hallway like she was walking to her corner to find a john.
Tim’s eye boggled. He had never approved of Esther’s dress but it had a certain level of class to it. She had dressed with her own style and own casual comfort in her sexuality that he quietly approved of. For when she was an adult. And she was definitely not an adult yet.
This? This was a tragedy. She looked like an adult 9 years her senior but she also looked like a heroin addict asking to do anything for another fix. Had she even slept at all?
He almost sent her home right then and there, consequences be damned. Then he saw her nipples.
God help him. He sighed and said,“Detention. Sit down.”
It worked! She breathed a sigh of relief in knowing Mr. Wilson saw her for the slut she was. A little happy smile played on her face as she turned around and found her desk to the chorus of “oooooohs” that followed her.
It was the first time she was annoyed that her seat was all the way in the back row. If she were upfront, then Mr. Wilson would keep His eyes on her, which was where they were supposed to be. Without Him, she was just a child running loose. With Him…
Confusion bubbled up for a moment. With him what? There was something lurking around that she couldn’t quite name, but frankly it scared the hell out of her. Because whatever it was, she felt it might overwhelm her. And God knew, she wanted it bad.
So she sat quietly in the back, but every time Mr. Wilson glanced in her direction, her pussy throbbed, reminding her of that release she couldn’t find last night. By the end of class, her thong was soaked and her nipples were harder than when she’d arrived. As she sashayed past His desk, she whispered, “see you after school, sir,” before heading off to lunch.
This disturbed Tim on a quantum level. What had HAPPENED to her? He thought about it and after a thorough self examination he decided he hadn’t changed. Well except for sexual tension with a walking jail sentence, he was the same. As Doyle said, no matter how improbable, when all else was eliminated, the impossible must be considered.
He spent his planning period looking on his phone for details on the guy who had created that video on youtube. He called himself chaos master and had several blogs talking about hypnosis, nlp and mind control. This was one FUCKED UP guy.
He finally found a video titled, “If you have concerns about potential side effects on you or your loved one, allow me to explain…”
Finally! He clicked the video and…
Suddenly the bell rang. It was time for detention and his planning period was over.
What had just happened?
Chapter 3
Esther strode into the room, full of anxious anticipation. She felt like she couldn’t catch her breath, and her bosom heaved as she stood in front of her teacher for a long half minute, his eyes burning straight through to the center of her, before she sat down.
Despite her dress and attitude, her posture remained prim: legs crossed at the ankles and tucked under the seat, back and shoulders straight—emphasizing the ridiculous tightness of her shirt—and hands folded on the desk. Her pale blue eyes were wide but pupils narrowed into pinpricks as she watched his every twitch. What was he going to do to her today?
She shivered with anticipation.
Tim knew something about this was not normal. He knew it was normal for attractive women like Esther to want his attention and seek to obey him, and he knew that the videos were the solution, not the problem but the rest of this didn’t make any sense.
“Before I have you watch the next video, I want you to tell me everything that has happened since I helped you with the video yesterday.” There. That felt right.
Communication was good. Communication helped everything.
With a clear but demure voice, Esther reported, “I drove home, where I cried my eyes out for disappointing you so badly. And then I was trying to find a way to please you instead, and…” She faltered as her face began to burn. She did not want to admit the next part.
But Mr. Wilson would not relent. “Go on, girl.”
Choking on her shame, she managed to continue. “The more I thought about pleasing you, the…” Her eyes dropped to her hands, where she played with her badly chipped powder blue nails. “The...Mr. Wilson, please, I —”
“No excuses,” his implacable voice demanded.
Barely speaking above a whisper now, Esther said, “The hornier I got. I tried masturbating, and watching porn. Nothing got me off. I even…” Tears welled up in her eyes now, spilling down her face and leaving black streaks where her eyeliner ran. “I even used my hairbrush to...you know.” She glanced up and saw just how clearly he knew.
“I don’t understand why nothing gave me any relief, sir. And now, just sitting here in front of you, I feel like I might die from needing to cum.”
Tim rolled his eyes, not realizing the ramifications of what he was saying when he said, “Well of course you can cum.”
At that moment, of course, she threw her head back as an orgasm tore through her. Her knuckles went white from clenching the desk, and her heels drummed the floor as her legs kicked wildly. Her eyes flooded, giving her a desperately gothy look she couldn’t have replicated if she tried. She didn’t even make any noise. Her whole body just spasmed, and it was like a white light seared across her mind. All she could think of as the pleasure wracked her body was that her master allowed her release.
Tim just stood there, opened mouth, focusing his manhood not to rise. That was inappropriate. He was her teacher, not her lover. He sighed and pinched his fingers on the bridge of his nose, “I meant you can cum later. I never told you not to cum, so you can cum at home. Now….” he said, his eyes getting a bit more glassy, “You didn’t even finish the chastity video yesterday, you need to watch the whole thing.”
Not realizing that it was going to make it even harder for her to cum without him telling her to.
With her breathing barely back under control, Esther sat up straight in her chair. He wanted her to watch the video again, and so she would. It didn’t matter how much her tits ached for someone to suck on them. It didn’t matter how much her pussy craved a cock inside it. What mattered was that He told her to watch this, and so she would.
And that He told her that she could come later, at home.
He turned on the t.v. and hit play. The video returned, and soon she fell straight back into the blur of images, of the barely registering words, and the faint ringing of a distant gong. It didn’t matter that she had just exploded in a climax. In just a few minutes, she was hornier than ever as the programming reinforced itself from yesterday. She could smell His cologne, meaning He was hovering somewhere close to her, and the scent imprinted itself in her mind. Even years later, after all of this had fallen apart, she would always grow helplessly wet at the smell of Coach.
Time disappeared, and Esther didn’t care. She let herself get lost in the images and the knowledge that she was tied to a man she wanted to hate but wanted to serve more.
He watched her, and could tell she was insanely aroused, but he tried to help her feel better. “How do you feel Esther, do you understand why I am trying to get you to dress properly now? I really want it to come home and hope this video helped you. When you go home will you think about this and really take it in?”
He was trying to be helpful, he didn’t realize that he had basically made her his plaything, without even realizing he could play.
Esther stared up at Him, her eyes blank as his commands solidified inside of her. “Properly. Yes, Sir, I understand.” She rose, still somewhere deep inside her suggestive state, and promised, “I will think about your instructions and take it in.”
Her legs got her to the car, and memory drove her home. She managed to avoid the disapproving eyes of her parents before she got up to her room to change into her skimpy pajamas. She studied herself in the mirror, looking for and finding the slut Mr. Wilson wanted her to be. And when she saw her, she smiled. He would be so pleased with her tomorrow.
A knock came on her door, startling her out of her enchanted state. “What?” she snapped.
“Do you want to come down for dinner, honey?” Her mom’s voice sounded concerned.
“Not hungry, thanks.” She wanted until her mom went back downstairs before she wiped the smeared makeup off her face. Then she pulled up some tutorials on YouTube to practice getting her smoky eye just right.
Later, after she had gotten her technique down pat, she snuck downstairs to grab a bowl of cereal. It stopped her stomach from rumbling, but that wasn’t the hunger she wanted to feed. She rinsed the bowl and left it in the sink before racing back up to her room. She’d barely gotten under the sheets before her fingers were inside her.
But the video had overwritten the earlier permission to cum. She spent nearly an hour rubbing her clit before she fell into a frustrated sleep filled with dreams of being on her knees in front of Mr. Wilson.
Chapter 4
Mr Wilson was single, but he was dating a respectable accountant named Sarah. They didnt fuck often but after date that night he dominated her, held her arms behind her back and thrust into her with release and need that had been building for hours.
She looked at him, happy but flustered,“Where did that come from?”
Then he came into his sock again later since his girlfriend had gone home, and was determined NOT to think about Esther as he did so. Even if Sarah looked a lot like Esther.
He collapsed and went to sleep.
The next morning he coffeed up and went to work, genuinely believing the problem with Esther was finally solved.
The morning dragged. Instead of 4 hours, it felt like four years to Esther. She was cold as her white shirt, maybe three sizes too small, was barely thick enough to keep her areola from showing through it. She had completely forgone undergarments today, her fashion sense completely subsumed. Her pleated pink skirt was just long enough to keep from flashing her privates when she stood or sat. Her white knee high socks were nicely offset by her platform saddle shoes.
Other students were beginning to talk and snicker about her in the hallways. Their approval and concern didn’t mean shit to her. She cared only about one thing: making Mr. Wilson happy, preferably happy enough to let her cum. The first part was the most important, but she really, really wanted to earn the second.
The closer it got to fifth period, the wetter she got in anticipation of seeing Him again. She stopped by her locker on the way to his class. There she reapplied her pink lip gloss, popped some bubblegum into her mouth, and sauntered into his class, every nerve on edge.
Tim was….not happy. He wasn’t happy for a lot of reasons. He wasn’t happy because he had failed. He wasn’t happy because this walking porn star refugee was going to distract him throughout class. He wasnt happy because he had to focus the entirety of his will on not getting an erection (the boys in class had failed) and he wasnt happy because she was under age and he was a bad person for wanting to fuck her right there.
He frowned at her, looking and feeling furious. “Detention.”
With a sly smile, Esther wrapped the tip of her index finger around her gum. She pulled, a string of sugary pink stickiness following. Then she placed her finger on her tongue and, as sensually as a girl her age knew how, sucked the mess off off.
“Whatever you say, sir,” she replied sweetly. The other students in class heard rebellion in her meekness, a loud “fuck you” that they all wanted to say themselves. But deep in her heart, Esther truly meant whatever He said. And she would do anything that put her near Him and the incomprehensible power He had over her.
Two of the boys came right there in class. The smell grew so noxious they had to open the windows. He sent the two of them out to the nurse. Everyone but Tim laughed.
This wasn’t working.
During his planning period, he found one of the videos titled, “Troubleshooting if the videos aren’t working” and clicked the link.
Suddenly, the bell woke him up AGAIN. What had just happened?
When the last bell for the day rang, Esther’s best friend Elsa met her at her locker. “Dude, what’s up with you lately?”
The blue haired girl shrugged, uninterested in trying to explain herself. “It is what it is, Els.” She felt her pussy starting to leak at the prospect of being alone with Mr. Wilson in moments. “Don’t worry about me. I know what I’m doing.” Which was partially true. She knew she was trying to serve a man she thought of as her master, even if she hadn’t figured out why this happened.
If her friend started to get too nosy, she knew a nice video she could make her watch if she had to but she really wanted Him by herself. She needed Him to herself and she needed Him to understand what she needed. She would help Him, and He would help her, she was so sure of it.
Why didn’t matter. Not any more. The only thing that mattered was His will.
She gave her friend an unenthusiastic hug before practically skipping to Mr. Wilson’s room. Once there, she found him looking exceptionally stern, which quelled her eagerness. She presented herself in front of him, holding onto the desperate hope that he found her pleasing.
“What?” He looked at her, “I told you to be more conservative in your dress not THIS?” He fingered her nipples through her dress and though he thought he stopped didn’t, “Now you are making boys cum in the class room, stinking up the place and making people think that you are winning in a war against me. You are humiliating me in front of the other teachers and for that you will be punished.”
Then he folded her over his knee, still (without realizing it) fingering her nipples, spanking her ass. He did this for ten solid minutes.
Esther thought she was going to die. His touch burned across her skin. The moment He pinched her nipple, she might as well have been naked. The cloth of her shirt offered no protection, nor did she want any.
And then He bent her over His knee and spanked her. Never in her life had she ever been spanked! Each strike of His hand reverberated through her body, and she ground her clit against His knee. His fingers across her nipples only drove her to the edge of insanity.
In no time, He reduced her to sobs. Her bare ass must have flames erupting off it, she thought, though it didn’t compare to the burning ache in her pussy. She would do anything He asked—anything—if only He would ease that ache.
Finally, He finished, panting from the exertion. Esther slid to the floor, knees bruising as she caught herself on them, and buried her face against His leg. “Please, please, sir,” she kept sniffling, unable to stop her tears. She wasn’t even sure what she was begging for. She just knew He held it in His hands. “Please.”
He didn’t know what he wanted but his cock was erect and his eyes were glazed but he wasn’t going to let himself be a pervert. He understood after….watching? The video that if it wasn’t working he needed to help her by using more powerful videos.
He assumed that she was begging him to stop spanking her and so he did. He pointed to the seat and had her watch a video titled “Obedience to Authority.”
“Watch this. Sit still. Listen and accept all of it. If you convince me you accept it you may go home and get relief and sleep.”
She leapt to her feet and flew to the desk, landing so hard she nearly tipped it over. Her skirt flew up enough that her flaming red butt stuck to the plastic, making her whimper. But she forced herself to stillness, ignoring her discomfort because He demanded it.
Mr. Wilson pulled up a different video, and she immediately noticed the difference in tone. Rather than a swirl of pretty flickering colors, it was in a sepia tone that left her cold. Her welts throbbed in rhythm of the harsh drumbeat that resonated through the room.
As the video went on, her posture managed to grow even straighter. Each minute strengthened her determination to do exactly what Mr. Wilson demanded of her. His word was Law, and He was her Lord.
Then the video ended, and Esther remained seated, eyes vacant and jaw slack despite her rigid back.
“Esther?” He went over to her and said, “Have you learned the lessons of obedience?”
He looked at her and she nodded.
“You will do what I tell you now?”
She nodded.
“Then you will start dressing conservatively?”
She hesitated and didn’t know what to do.
“Will you dress in a way that won’t embarrass me anymore?”
She nodded.
“Good enough.”
Good enough. Those words lifted her soul. He praised her, or close enough. She got up from her desk, kneeled down before Him, pressing her forehead to his shoes, before rising. “Thank you for the instruction, sir.” Then she went home.
She didn’t bother eating dinner again. Instead, she spent all evening on her bed, fingers buried inside her as she came over and over until she passed out.
As she dreamed, she couldn’t dream of anything but him fucking her, more and more realistically throught the night.
He went home and masturbated, thinking about Esther but pretending it was some other girl who looked the same, dressed the same and acted the same but was 2 years older. He came. He tried to sleep, and masturbated again.
He took a sleeping pill.
Couldn’t sleep and edged watching porn and nearly forgot her...and came thinking about her a third time.
Then a fourth time. His cock was sore and he had no sleep at 6am.
She had nothing to wear. Esther stared at her closet dejectedly as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Her brain felt fuzzy today, and she had a hard time remembering the past week or so. She didn’t think she’d been sleeping well, but she wasn’t sure. Her dreams were in unclear but also instructive somehow.
What she knew was that she had to stop this open war with Mr. Wilson. He was her favorite teacher, and she wanted his attention, but embarrassing him in front of the school...just thinking it made her feel wretched. She shouldn’t defy him, not like that.
Not ever.
That last bit made her shiver, though she couldn’t say why. Maybe she was obsessed with him. She didnt know. She just knew that picking an outfit for the day should not be this stressful.
In the end, she settled for a slim pair of khakis that rode low on her hips with an oversized fuzzy white sweater. It basically hid her shape while still letting her leave her breasts free. Plus the fabric was scratchy enough to keep her nipples at attention. The ache it created between her legs would be a nice distraction for the day.
The good news? He didn’t get upset at the clothing.
The bad news? She didn’t get detention. HE slept like a baby but she was made more and more eager waiting for class, and then had to deal with the failure to get his attention and now the palpable need for his attention or a video drove her to search the net for wherever he got these videos with nothing but a moderately good “how to masturbate” video that made her horny, frustrated and totally unable to cum.
Clearly NOT dressing like a slut wasn’t a solution either.
She didnt even want to get out of bed the next morning. She spent the night crying into her pillow. Now her eyes were red and swollen, and her clit actually hurt from rubbing it so much. Everything sucked.
Her mom knocked on the door when she still wasn’t up about half an hour before school started. “Esther baby, are you feeling okay?” When the girl didn’t answer, her mom pulled back the covers to find her, shivering and sniffling and clearly upset. “Oh honey, what’s wrong?”
Of course Esther couldn’t tell her—her mom would misunderstand everything. That didn’t stop her from crawling into her mom’s lap, where the tears started up again in earnest.
“Did you have a fight with Elsa?” she asked as she stroked her baby’s hair. When Esther shook her head, she asked, “Is someone bullying you?” Another negative head shake. “Are you having trouble in one of your classes?” There had been times over the years when the girl struggled, no matter how smart she was.
The light bulb flicked on inside her mind. “Y..y..yes,” she sniveled. “My history class. I don’t know why, but I’m having a really hard time with it. I really like the teacher, but for some reason I’m just not able to give him what he wants.” Painful but true to admit. “Do you think maybe you could talk to the principal so he could tutor me after school?” She made her face as innocent looking as possible. “I can’t afford even a C if I still want to go to Stanford next year.”
Esther didn’t give two shits about Stanford, but it was her parents’ dream for her to go to their alma mater. Her mom was already pulling out of her cell. “I’ll take care of it, sweetie. Now get dressed.” Her mom left the room talking to the principal. “Leslie? It’s Karen. I need a favor.”
She did it! And she did it without breaking Mr. Wilson’s directive. She bounced up, put on a tight, knee-length black skirt, a black sweater (again sans bra), and her tall black lace-up boots. She left her hair disheveled and tossed on some quick makeup. Sure, she would still be late, but her mom was smoothing all of that over.
And today, she would have the time alone with (her master) Mr. Wilson.
Meanwhile, Tim’s eyes bulged as Leslie TOLD him, not asked, not suggested, not requested that he would be tutoring Esther every single day. “What?”
“They are making a donation that will fix every deficit program in the school. Eliminating all student lunch debt, tutoring for others, a real football scoreboard and a gifted and talented program.”
“And you will be paid double overtime…”
“And I would owe you a personal favor.”
Tim paused. Leslie was not unattractive which made it harder to say no but he had been trying to become head of the department for five years. He sighed,“Fine.” He considered,“If her parents back up any disciplinary actions. Entirely. Whatever I need.”
Leslie paused a moment and then nodded,“I am sure they will be fine with that.”
Tim relaxed. Good. He was in control then.
During class, Esther sat in the back, keeping to herself. She let it appear that Mr. Wilson had bested her. She didn’t mind—her ego could take it when it came to her peers. All that mattered was Mr. Wilson and what He thought.
She purposely flunked a quiz He sprang on them, wanting to at least give the appearance of needing His help. And she knew she did need it. She just didn’t know how or why.
By the end of the day, she found her mood buoyed by the notion she was about to see Him. She hadn’t disobeyed or disrespected Him, and she couldn’t wait to be in His capable hands again.
She came in while he was working and he looked up, “You aren’t wearing a bra are you?” It was the boldest question he had ever asked her and he considered,“If I give you a new quiz and you pass it I can let you watch a video.”
Esther tried to find some defiance inside her, but there was none. “No sir, I am not.” She nibbled on the corner of her lip. “But my dress is conservative enough, isnt it?” She sort of realized that, whenever she stood in front of Him, her posture was straighter, her arms down at her sides, as if she had nothing to hide. And she supposed she didn’t. Mr. Wilson had tapped down into a primal piece of her mind that craved his approval and forced her obedience to gain it.
“Yes, fine. But take off your sweater you must be a million degrees in there. I don’t mind if you relax here when we are learning just don’t keep embarrassing me to my peers.” It seemed a reasonable compromise “Now tell me the right answers on the quiz. I know you arent stupid.”
He looked right at her chest as her sweater came off and they bounced. He sighed but resume his lecture,“Tell me what I know we both know you know. Right now.”
Esther pulled the black sweater slowly over her head before setting it on the desk behind her. She didn’t feel self conscious at all, or an urge to cover herself in front of a man old enough to be her father. Instead, she felt a warmth spread through her as He gave her an approving look.
“Who was the president of the continental congress?” He snapped.
“John Hancock, sir.” Giving Him the correct answer to the question gave her a floaty feeling, which she’d never gotten from the written quiz, even with the answers she’d gotten right.
“What is the capital of Assyria?” He asked.
“What...I don’t know.” She looked panicked.
“That was a joke dear. You take everything so serious.”
“That was a joke?” She blinked, rubbing her breasts in a blatant way that forced him to look at them.
He grabbed her arms and put them by her side and asked each of the remaining questions on the quiz, which she got perfectly.
Shaking his head, Tim looked at her, “And why are you really here?”
She swallowed and met His eye. “This is where I am supposed to be, sir.”
“What does that even mean? And why do you keep calling me sir all of a sudden?”
Both questions confused Esther. Were these more jokes? Trick questions? “I am here for your instruction and pleasure, sir. And, of course, your discipline if you believe I need that. That’s what I learned in detention with you, sir, don’t you remember?” She wasn’t exactly sure how those lessons were learned in there, but that didn’t matter.
“And why would I not call you ‘sir’? Do...do you prefer master instead?”
He got a vague and glassy look on his face and eyes and then said,“master ...the video yes that’s the source of this. Come here.” He beckoned her to his computer,“Every time I tried to find something wrong with one of these, I watched a video explaining why, but as I did so I got the solution but also something didn’t quite...fit. Look, you stand right there and don’t look, just look at me.”
He clicked,“When she calls you master” and got a vague look on his face, it was very easy to look and get lost in. He stared at it.
Esther was happy to look at Him. She stood facing away from His computer, so she couldn’t see what He was seeing, but she watched His pupils go all funny. The video had strange sounds, nothing like the ones she had watched, but they didn’t affect her without the images to accompany them.
After a few minutes, Mr. Wilson’s hand crept up her front and latched onto one of her breasts. It made her knees weak to have Him touch her like that again, this time without a shirt in the way. She stood there happily as He finished the video.
He gently caressed her breasts, helping her get the release she needed,“well that’s the problem. You need me to give you release or you won’t be able to study.”
He caressed her nipples, not pinching them but poking his fingers on them and skillfully stimulating as only an experienced adult male could. “That explains everything.”
Her knees trembled at His touches, but she stood as still as she could despite wanting to throw herself at His feet. She closed her eyes, but He slapped her breast. “No, keep watching me.” She did, His eyes boring into hers as she grew desperately aroused. He almost seemed amused in watching her, but He didn’t stop.
Eventually the sensation grew to be too much for her willpower. “Please,” she whimpered. “Please sir.” Her whole body shook with the need she had.
He sighed, she didn’t deserve it but likely hadn’t had release since the last time they had spoken. Besides, release in his presence was important to help her have a proper attitude towards male authority figures which would help her serve men and her future husband. The video had explained it all perfectly logically. “If I simply give you permission, you will have a melt down and we can’t have that.” He carefully caressed them and licked her nipples trying to determine if she was ready for an orgasm.
He waited and while he was almost tempted to suck on them blew on them. Rationally, he knew this didn’t make any sense but he also felt a throbbing between his legs and it took all his willpower to keep it in check. While he didn’t understand everything, he knew getting a boner was inappropriate. Boner? Since when did he think of boners as erectio...of erections as boners ... never mind.
She might not be cooled enough but she was visibly suffering, “You may have release.” He said it reluctantly but with some degree of kindness.
His tongue on her nipple had nearly been too much. Tears threatened as she trembled under His probing examination. It was torture how badly she needed to cum, but it could never overwrite her need to serve Him.
And then, He said the magic words. It was like a bomb went off inside of her. Every nerve sang as pleasure exploded from her pussy outwards. But her mind had also taken in that a meltdown was not acceptable. So she stood before him, body locked in place, her head thrown back as her hands somehow found a way inside her skirt. Her fingers were flooded with her juices as the orgasm went on for what felt like an eternity.
When the intensity wore off, she knelt in front of Him and, again, rested her forehead on His feet. Shockwaves continued to ripple through her as she offered her gratitude. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she chanted, not knowing that each spasm, each word of thanks, tied her pleasure to his whim tighter and tighter.
Tim avoided the boner but it took all his will power to do so. He understood, truly, for the first time the word from1984 “doublethink”, where this was inappropriate and that a boner to her tits would make him a perv…..pervert. At the same time, she was inflicted with cyclical nymphomania derived from an externally generated need derived from an appeal to authority and that, once started, the only way to cure her was through rather than around.
He realized rationally that this was gibberish but, when he tried to think of an action that involved countering it, such as reporting himself, not seeing Esther or failing to give her periodic (but carefully regulated) relief, he felt a pseudo boner as if she were sucking his cock, which had not yet...wasn’t going to happen but it made it hard to think. Which was good if he wasn’t thinking good think…
Rubbing his eyes, he shook his head trying to clear it and bid her rise. “Good girl. You are a very good girl.”
Where her nerves hummed from the glorious orgasms she’d just experienced lingered, His words made her heart soar. Good girl. That was all she wanted to be for Him. It meant she was doing what she was supposed to—following His directives—and He was pleased with her obedience.
He got her up to her feet, but she was barely off her knees when she threw herself into His arms. She pressed against His chest, arms crushing herself to Him, and kissing His neck. “Thank you, Mr. Wilson. It is my pleasure to serve you, sir.” An occasional tremor still worked its way through her body as she clung to Him.
He had to think of absolute atrocities and war crimes not to get a boner from the soft rubbing of her tits all over him, and he also was disgusted at the sudden perv impulse to kiss her so instead he hugged her back and gently brushed her hair, “there there, its alright, shhhh there there, such a good girl.”
He put up with this for about ten minutes until he finally pulled her away, having had to combine war crimes on top of each other to keep his boner at bay when he said,“Alright go home and be good.”
Esther slipped back into her sweater and gathered her stuff, but paused before leaving. Mr. Wilson frowned. “What is it, Esther?”
Blushing, she shuffled back to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Good night, sir.” Then she fled for her car.
She managed dinner with the family that night. Her mom peppered her with questions about the tutoring session after school. “What did you and your tutor do today?”
Esther shrugged. Even without the video conditioning she knew one word about what really happened would tear Mr. Wilson away from her. So she played with the potato on her plate. “I dunno. Went back over a quiz we had in class. Talked about his expectations from me, and vice versa.” Which was basically true. Basically.
“About time you started taking your studies seriously,” her father grumbled. “Just because you’ve been able to coast in high school doesn’t mean you’ll be able to in college, especially at Stanford.”
She rolled her eyes. Colleges and grades felt so unimportant anymore. What she needed was to serve. That was the higher education she needed, not more schools and books. Nothing else mattered.
Meanwhile, Tim was on Tindr looking for places to put his cock now that he could barely control his boners. He kept finding many physically attractive but knew they just weren’t sub enough for him. He started looking at fetish sites and found some promising leads but realized he was hopelessly out of his depth and would need to study some more.
He went to the videos and...suddenly it was morning again. He felt relaxed and refreshed. Had he slept? He couldn’t tell but he showered and got dressed for school which was a wonderful day job as cover for his true calling as Counselor. Deep down he wanted to say Master but that was perv think.