The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Are You Chicken?

Chapter 5

I felt just a little bad quitting my job. It was a good job, but my heart wasn’t in it any more. Seeing Shawn had taken away my desire to live a normal life. Still, it had been a crazy few days, and I needed a break. So, I picked up Nancy at work on Wednesday night. She was off the next two days, and now I was too. When she saw me, she waved and ran over to the car with her weekend bag in hand.

“Nice ride, you hit the lotto or something?”

“I borrowed it from a friend.” It was a sporty little blue German convertible.

“Some friend! Anyone I know?”

“Okay, I’ll be honest; I really just used my powers of mental persuasion to convince some random guy on the street to let me borrow it.”

She laughed at my jest, and I laughed even harder knowing that it was true. We zipped from the hospital to the freeway. Conveniently, everyone seemed to be merging out of the fast lane just as I came up behind them, and we made good time into the hills. It started to get dark and the wind grew chilly, so we put the top up, and soon started to see spots of snow along the road. Then only the headlights illuminated the drifts of snow, which were much higher than the car.

I pulled in to the valet parking at the lodge. We checked in, and the bellhop beat us to our room with our two little bags. Nancy raised her eyebrows at the large wad of cash out of which I pulled a ten dollar tip.

“Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“I’ve been saving up.”

“I can see that.”

She turned and looked out the large window of the suite. I walked up behind her and held her from behind. For a few minutes we watched people skiing down the mountain under the lights. Then, without a word, she turned and we kissed.

We made love, like we never had before. It was passionate, selfless lovemaking. It was great, intense, satisfying for both of us. It made me wonder if I was being greedy, wanting any more than to have Nancy to myself. Ever since the beginning, she had required little prompting to become the best fuck I’d had yet.


“Mmmm?” She replied from my shoulder.

“Where are we going with this?”

She smiled wickedly, and her hand groped my flaccid member. “With this? Wherever you want.”

I shook my head. “No I’m just saying… I owe a lot to you. If you hadn’t come along, I might still be in that… nightmare.”

“What do you mean? Look, what I did was just brought you to the surface. You would have recovered eventually. And it was a bad idea.”

“Nancy, I think it’s time I told you the whole story.”

She sat up. “What do you mean, the whole story?”

I sighed and closed my eyes. I knew if I tried to explain it to her, she would think I was nuts. I closed my eyes and tuned in on her mind. In a steady flow of thoughts, I made her understand about finding her in the void, about finding my powers. I erased the feeling of doubt, and let it ride.

She blinked. “It… you… wow. How did you… I guess… this is a lot to think about. I guess it all makes sense now.”

“Sorry, I just didn’t think it would ring true with words. And don’t worry; I haven’t changed you – I’ve only listened until now, except to heighten your pleasure.”

“Oh, so that’s your trick!” She playfully slapped at me.

“Not always, not tonight. Just now was… all you and me. Being in your head gives me an edge on what you like, of course.”

She smiled, and then her brow wrinkled in thought. “I see. So do you always know what I think?”

“Before I recovered, I ‘listened’ to many of your thoughts. Since then I have respected your privacy.”

“Well, there’s something I’ve wanted to talk about, and I guess now is as good a time as any to say it. Before you happen to ‘overhear’ it.”


“Well, you know, the sex with you has been great.”

I smirked. She paused, gathering her thoughts.

“But before you came along, I was in a different place.”

“Good or bad?”

“Well, just, different.”

“How so?” I was curious where this was going.

“Well, you see, I’ve always sort of…” she paused for a long moment.

“Think it to me.”

“…thought of myself… pardon?”

“Just think it, but think it to me. I’ll hear you.”

“Umm, okay.” She closed her eyes. I did too.

“Can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear. Now, just open up, and I’ll hear you.”

“This is cool. Okay.” I heard her take a deep breath. “I think I’m a lesbian.”

We both opened our eyes and she looked at me, waiting for my reaction. I raised an eyebrow. “Sweetie, I’m fairly sure you’ve had sex with at least one man recently.”

She blushed. “I mean before. I hadn’t dated a man in six months. It’s not that I don’t like sex with men…”


“…and I really think I love you. But when I dream, I dream about being in love with a woman.”

I nodded, considering.

“So I like being with you but... I don’t want to give up on that dream just yet, and if the right girl comes along, I don’t want to be tied down. You’re not mad are you?”

“No, no. In fact…”


“Let’s just say that you weren’t the only one I took advantage of.”

“Oh. Oh! How many?”

I squinted, counting, “three and a half.”

“Well… huh. I guess I’m supposed to be mad at you.”

I shrugged. “If you want. I guess I couldn’t have expected you to be open to the idea.”

“Well, if you make it up to me…”

“I fully intend to,” I said, a hand caressing her stomach.

“…by helping me learn.”

I stopped my hand. “Learn what?”

“What it’s like to make love with a woman.”

“You’ve never…”

“No. I went a few times to a gay bar, and met some other… lesbians, and even went on a date with one gal.”


“Well, she was cute, but I got so nervous I snuck out in the middle of the date.”

“What are you nervous about?”

“About not knowing what to do, that I’ll mess up. I’m just worried that I’ll make a fool of myself. Or I’ll meet ‘Miss Right’ and we’ll fall in love, but she won’t have me because I won’t be able to get her off.”

“So you want a little practice.”

“Right. And since you can… do what you do… maybe you can find me someone to learn with?”

“Sounds fair. You want someone experienced? Show you the ropes?”

She thought it over. “Not necessarily. I just want someone I have a little chemistry with. Maybe someone like me who always wanted to but never tried. You can make two fantasies come true at once.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

She grinned, climbing up on top of me. She straddled my stomach, and giggled. “I’m in the mood for a little snow bunny.”

“Fair enough. Now, you want to stop wiggling around like that before you wake the beast? I think I need to save my energy.”

“Alright, alright,” she said, hopping to her feet and skittering in to the bathroom. She hummed as she started the shower. It was rather amazing how quickly she had adjusted. I chalked it up to my super-natural persuasion. I watched with amusement as she dolled herself up, and raised my eyebrows at the sexy new lingerie she took from her bag. She blushed and finished dressing.

Fifteen minutes later, we were sitting down for dinner in the lodge’s restaurant. We took a corner booth that let us have a nice view of both the restaurant and the snowy landscape. After we ordered we sat, and Nancy looked out at the other diners, giddy with possibilities.

“So you can make anyone do anything you want?”

“I guess. I haven’t failed yet.”

“Just one person at a time?”

“No, several. Not sure how many.”

“Wow. Is it hard to do?”

A woman at the next table turned and spoke to Nancy. “Nope, not for simple stuff,” I replied through her. The woman’s companion didn’t even notice.

Nancy jumped. “Shit, that startled me.” I grinned.

“Okay, how about a game. I’ll tell you a secret about someone in the room, and you tell me who you think it is.”

Nancy clapped her hands together and straightened up. “Okay!”

“First, though,” I thought to her, “Let’s talk this way. It takes a bit of work to be sure nobody can hear us.”

“Okay,” she thought back. “Can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear,” I sent her. “I could get used to this. Okay, first one: she has a vibrator in her purse.”

Nancy scanned the room with her eye. “Her,” she thought, indicating with her eyes a blonde-haired young woman on a date.


“Hmmm, her?” This time a red-headed 40-year-old in expensive clothes.

“Nope. One more guess.”

“Must be her then.” She indicated a chubby woman wearing too much makeup.

“Nope. It’s our waitress.”

“Oooh, kinky. She using it at work or what?”

“Her boyfriend gave it to her, she’s been carrying it since. Oh, here’s a good one: he’s enjoying a romantic fling with his mistress, but he’s being watched by a private investigator, who is dining with an escort he hired to keep his cover.

“Wow, intrigue!” She scanned the room again. “There, that guy is the cheater…” she looked a moment more… “And there’s the investigator.”

“Well done,” I said. She giggled excitedly. “Ooh, I hope that’s your foot I feel,” I thought, jumping slightly.

Nancy just winked at me. Dinner arrived and we shared a secret smile as we looked at the waitress in a new light. We ate our light dinner and then headed over to the lounge. As we sat down at a table, Nancy looked around the room with an appraising eye. She ordered a White Russian and I just had a cherry coke – I wasn’t sure what would happen if I got tipsy.

Nancy’s eyes caught on a young woman sitting near the fireplace with a mixed group of people. She was 22 and short, with long hair and a sculpted body. I stepped out of the way and beckoned her over. I sat at the bar while they made introductions. After a few minutes, though, it was clear that the chemistry was not sufficient.

Over the next hour, Nancy talked to a few more girls who caught her eye, but none held any true chemistry. I reflected on how much simpler it was to be a man. She was getting frustrated and I sensed that she was about to call it quits.

“Hang on, let me see what I can do,” I said, and closed my eyes. In front of me hovered a blue-green orb that I imagined as a composite of Nancy’s personality and libido. Behind her were scattered many more orbs – some smaller, some larger, all in light gray. I stepped back, widening my view to the limits of my abilities – just about the entire lodge. As I glanced at each one, its color shifted. A few stood out for matching or complimenting Nancy’s shade. One in particular caught my eye, and when I compared it to Nancy’s, I knew that if my visualization was accurate, this was the one. I summoned her.

I wondered how well my experiment would work, and received my answer when Nancy’s eyes locked on her as she walked in. She was a long-haired Latina beauty, five and a half feet tall, in a short, simple cream-colored dress that accentuated her figure without distracting from it. The line of her side tapered gently from her chest to her waist, but the gentle curve was made up for by ample breasts and full, wide hips and ass. Her face was soft and innocent, accented by the sharp pinkness of her lips. Her name was Kim, and her dark brown eyes peered out into the room, her confusion evident.

“Wait a minute,” she thought, “what did I come in here for again?”

“You were just about to have a seat over there on the sofa,” I suggested, and she hesitantly took a spot on the recently vacated sofa near the fire.

“I shouldn’t stay long,” she thought, “Shane will be expecting me back.” Shane was her boyfriend, who was waiting for her in their room. I sought him out, two floors up, and gave him a distraction.

“Shane is busy for a while,” I suggested, “you’re all on your own.”

She relaxed visibly. Nancy was looking between me and her.

“Go sit by her,” I thought to Nancy.

“Alright,” she thought back, and walked over.

“Hi,” said Nancy, “is this seat taken?”

“Oh, no, help yourself,” said Kim. She looked Nancy over, dressed in a short skirt and blouse with high heels. I concentrated on that first moment, zoomed in, and several thoughts came to the surface.

“She’s cute. I wish I had her figure. Her skin looks soft.”

I drew the last one into the front of her mind.

“Her skin looks soft,” she repeated.

“You want to touch her skin.”

“I want to touch her skin.”

Back to real time. “My name’s Nancy.”

“Kim, nice to meet you.”

They shook hands, and as their hands touched, their eyes met for the first time. The moment sizzled for a long breath before Kim broke the spell, withdrawing her hand. “You on your own too?”

“Yeah,” said Nancy. She took a cue from me. “My boyfriend is off watching the football game.”

“Mine too!” said Kim with a frustrated half-sigh and a roll of the eyes. “He brings me all the way up here, and then abandons me.

“I guess it could be worse… they could have made us watch!”

They both laughed. A waitress showed up with a fresh White Russian for Nancy, and a Cosmopolitan for Kim.

“That’s funny,” thought Kim, “I don’t remember ordering a drink. I must have, though, because this is exactly what I was craving. Geez, the bartender mixed it strong.”

“So, do you ski?” Asked Nancy.

“Snowboard, every chance I get! I used to do instruction on the weekends, before I started my internships. That’s how I met Shane.”

“Internships, huh? What are you studying?”

“Radiology technician,” she said.

“Oh, cool, I’m a CNA, working on my RN.”

“Really? Where at?”

“I work at Mercy West, and I’m studying at the University.”

“What a small world! I’ve got a position waiting for me at Mercy when I graduate next month.”

“Wow! Well, I work in the long-term care unit. You’ll have to come by and say hi! Where are you studying?”

Kim turned more towards Nancy, pulling her left leg under her. “At the Community College. I was thinking of getting my 4-year, but Mercy is ready to pay me pretty well as it is.”

“Yeah, I thought of doing that program. It’s hard to resist what they’re paying the RNs over there, and they pay most of my tuition too.”

“Sweet deal.”


They both sipped their drinks for a moment, and then Nancy spoke up again. “So, you come up here lot, what’s there to do aside from the slopes?”

“On a weeknight, this is pretty much it: sit, drink, chat. Watch football.” More chuckles. “I also make a point to visit the hot tub.”

“Oooh, that sounds nice. Must be crowded, though.”

“Sometimes. There’s a more secluded one up on the level where the suites are, if you don’t get kicked out.”

Nancy smiled. “We’re staying in a suite.”

Kim raised her eyebrows. “Really. Credit cards or trust fund?”

“He’s got his ways. I think it was a bonus.”

Kim’s eyes rolled whimsically. “And yet he abandons you for football. Guess you can’t have everything.”

“Well, I can damn well try! I’ll need to change. Meet me up there in ten?”


Nancy watched Kim’s swaying backside as she walked out. “I take it you like her then? You like the chemistry?” I asked.

“Electricity is more like it. I must be grinning like an idiot.”

“A little. Now hurry up and get changed.”

I rode up in the elevator with Nancy. I remembered just in time to keep Kim from running in to Shane. Nancy went to change and I scouted out the hot tub room. There was a couple already soaking there. Just as Nancy came down the hall, they rushed past her to their room, suddenly in a hurry to be alone.

My directorial role was put on hold as the sight of Nancy in her bikini took my breath away. It was the first time I’d seen the hot red and pink flowered two-piece. It was trimmed in dark blue to accent and it made her skin look like it was on fire. Her dirty blonde hair, with brighter golden streaks, hung loosely past her shoulders. The bikini top was the perfect flattering cut for her C-cup chest, with the slightest ruffle at the edge, and the string hanging down her back. She smirked at me, and I could tell she had re-applied her lipstick.

“I’m not here,” I said, “just relax and enjoy. I’ll guide things in the right direction.

She nodded, took a deep breath, and headed in to wait in the tub room.

I turned back down the hall and watched as Kim came in to sight. She was dressed in a bright yellow angular cut two-piece, her smooth, tanned skin making a sharp contrast. Her hair was tied back in a bun, and she was wearing pink flip-flops on her feet. She stopped in front of me, obviously oblivious to my presence.

“Okay, relax,” she thought. “What is it about this girl? Why can’t I stop thinking about touching her? And now, I’m going to sit half naked with her. I hope someone else is there to distract me. Jesus, my nipples are hard. I’m sure she’ll notice. God, maybe I should just go back to my room.” She was just a little dizzy from the extra strong cocktail. Her mind opened easily to me.

“Everything will be fine. Just relax and enjoy yourself.”

“I’m sure everything will be fine. I should just relax and enjoy myself.”

She walked forward towards the door. Her ass jiggled enticingly with each step she took. She entered, and then I followed and took a look around the steam-filled room. There was a pile of towels near the door, and wooden benches on two walls. The floor was tiled and in the middle was a bubbling hot tub large enough to accommodate six or seven people. Right now Nancy was its only occupant, lounging lazily in the water, enjoying her buoyancy.

“Come on in, it’s nice,” said Nancy. Kim kicked off her sandals and stepped in to the water.

“Ahh,” she exhaled as she sat down opposite Nancy, “I’ve been needing this.” I shed all my clothing and crawled in off to one side with a wink to Nancy.

Nancy was distracted. Her eyes were trained on Kim’s serene face and glistening cleavage, her breasts bobbing half-submerged in the water. She breathed through parted lips, thoughts of things to come dancing up and down her spine. She closed her eyes, and bit her lip.

Kim probably would have been shocked to look at Nancy if she hadn’t already closed her eyes. She was trying to avoid the image of the other girl’s skin, pale against her own, pressed close, too close, closer than friends, damp with perspiration, perfectly soft as they moved together in a rhythm that was undeniably erotic.

I closed my own eyes, and I found myself flying above the clouds. Two long ribbons flew near me, purple-blue and blue-green, dancing back and forth, always a few feet apart. I reached out and took one in each hand, and pulled their tips together. Light flashed, and I opened my eyes just in time to see two fantasies come to life.

Both young women had opened their eyes.

“Kim,” asked Nancy, “you look tense. Would you like me to rub your shoulders?”

“Y.. yes,” Kim managed to say meekly. She turned to allow Nancy access as she moved in to place behind her. She drew in a sharp breath as Nancy’s hands touched her shoulders. In a few moments she had relaxed, but her breathing was heavy.

Nancy’s hands moved lower, massaging Kim’s back, and then her bare sides. Her motion started to seem less like a massage, and more like a caress. Kim’s skin was burning under Nancy’s fingers.

“Oh my god,” Kim thought, “What is she doing? I can’t believe she’s doing this. I can’t believe I’m letting her. I can’t believe I’m enjoying it. I have to stop this.”

“Let it happen,” I suggested.

“God her hands feel so good, I don’t want her to stop,” she thought. She was now leaning back against Nancy, whose fingers danced around her navel under the warm water.

“You want her to touch you more.”

“I want her to touch me more.”

“You want her to touch you everywhere.”

“I want her to touch me everywhere.”

“Ask her to remove your top.”

“Nancy?” Asked Kim.

Nancy paused. “Yes?”

“Would you mind taking off my top?”

Nancy’s reply came as a quick tug which released the back of Kim’s yellow top. Up and away it went. Kim’s nipples, just above the water line, were erect in the comparatively cool air.

No further coaxing was required: Nancy’s hands rose to the top of the water and tenderly touched Kim’s breasts. She circled around the sensitive tips, and Kim could feel her heart beating in her swollen and crinkled aureoles. When Nancy finally traced a finger tip over her nipples, Kim let out a barely audible moan.

Nancy experimentally manipulated her playmate’s teats. Kim was lying back completely against her now, back pressed to breasts and enlarged nipples. No longer maintaining any false pretense, Nancy leaned forward and kissed Kim gently on the neck.

All movement ceased except the stirring of the bubbles and the slow, unstoppable progression of Nancy’s lips up Kim’s neck. She reached Kim’s ear and tenderly kissed it. At that moment, Kim turned around in one smooth motion, kneeling and leaning forward to kiss Nancy on the lips.

There’s something special about the way two girls – women – kiss. A certain empathy, often aided by anatomy, is a big part. Straight women may think they’ve met a good kisser, but they’re really missing out on the fact that straight men, and gay women will readily share: girls are just nicer to kiss. The appeal of kissing a guy is largely emotional, while women are more viscerally stimulating. Gal-gal kissing is the best of it all: gentle, soft, patient, and wet in all the right places.

That’s not what Nancy and Kim were thinking, though, in the midst of their first taste of womanly passion. Their minds were immersed in this very passion and appeal. The kiss lasted an eternity, evolving slowly from tentative to unbridled to urgent. The steamy air robbed them of air, and after a while they broke to breath in the air.

“Oh my god,” said Kim.

“I agree,” said Nancy, pushing Kim back and grasping for her bikini bottom. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Me either,” said Kim, lifting her ass so Nancy could pull off her suit. Now completely naked, she lunged forward at Nancy, kissing her as she pulled the blonde girl’s top off over her head. The remaining items of clothing were tossed aside and they pressed their bodies together, their hands straying up and down over slick, supple flesh. Both were oblivious to the fact that they were practically in my lap. I wasn’t, and it was all I could do to stay out of the sexy fray.

I watched them undulate against each other, their moans and gasps making a sexy soundtrack to the lusty action above and below the foamy water. Kim’s moans became sharper, more immediate, and Nancy concentrated on her face. Under the water, I could make out Nancy’s hand moving between Kim’s legs. For several minutes Nancy explored, and Kim’s moans let us both know that Nancy was on the right track. Nancy withdrew her hand, and Kim slowly opened her eyes.

“I want to taste you,” said Nancy.

Taking a deep breath, Kim nodded. Nancy guided her to sit on the edge of the tub and lay back. Nancy knelt between her parted thighs, face to face with her first pussy. I watched Nancy from behind, her head moving up to allow her to touch and taste and tease the valley of Kim’s thighs, leading inward to the young Latina’s swollen sex. Kim panted heavily, rolling her head back and forth, her body refusing to hold still as Nancy took her time with her tender parts.

Nancy narrowed in on Kim’s sweet center, and I could only see the back of her head, moving back and forth, up and down by a few inches. Her trepidation was gone, and she seemed to have a better understanding of Kim’s pleasure than I could glean from her mind. Kim’s hands moved to the back of Nancy’s head, in a manner more intimate than guiding. I got up and moved to the bench near Kim’s head, to get a different view.

From there, I could see Nancy’s nose pressed into the patch of fur at the top of Kim’s pussy. I could hear her tongue moving; see her hand thrusting under her chin. Kim’s body rippled, tensing and relaxing in waves, each new sensation coaxing a loud moan from her lips. Nancy pulled her face back, and I could see that she had her middle finger deep inside Kim, palm up, her knuckles pressed against her outer lips and thumb in position to press against the swollen nub of Kim’s clit.

She twisted her hand to one side, then back, and Kim’s body jerked. Nancy fluttered her hand back and forth several times, and Kim let out a steady moan. Her back arched, her ass lifted up, and her toes curled in the water. It was short and intense, and afterward she slowly opened her eyes as Nancy slowly withdrew her glistening finger. While Kim breathed, Nancy crawled out of the water and up to Kim’s lips. Their kiss was more subdued than before.

“I don’t know if I can beat that,” said Kim, rolling over on top of Nancy, “but I’m damn well gonna try!”

“Want to go someplace more… private?”

“Umm, sure,” said Kim, “I guess we’re kind of out in the open here.”

They wrapped themselves in their towels and carried their damp suits back to our suite. As soon as the door was closed, they both jumped on to the big bed. Nancy laid back, smiling seductively, and Kim paused to let her hair down before she pounced on Nancy.

“I’m glad we met,” said Nancy.

“Yeah,” agreed Kim, kissing Nancy’s chest, “I’ve thought before that I wanted to try… this…”

“Me too. Oooh, that’s nice. Mmmm, suck that a little harder.”

Slurp… pop! “Like that?”

“Oh, yeah. Do the other one.”

“Mmmm. With pleasure.”

Nancy sighed. “Oh, that almost tickles. Mmm, that’s better. Yeah. Oooh!”

“Mmm. You smell so… sexy. Do I smell like that?”

Another sigh, bordering on a moan. “Oh yeah.”

“And this part is so soft.”


“Stop wiggling, I intend to repay your teasing way.”

“Mmmmm, yes ma’am.”

“Oooh, sexy. I’ve got to be thorough, you know. I may not get another chance like this soon.”

“Well, we WILL be working… ahh… in the same building…”

“Oooh, right. We’ll see. Now just relax and enjoy.”

“Right. Oh, god. Yeah. Mmmhh. Oh, god. OH! Right there. Yeah, remember that spot. AH! Nevermind, rember that one. Oh, fuck! Yeah. Two fingers… there. Ahh.” There was a long moment of heavy breathing; expressions of lust and concentration.

Nancy spoke again. “Faster. Come on, faster you tease! Now, ahh! Do it! Ahh, DO IT! Unnngh! Almost, almost! Give it to me! Yeah! FUCK! Ahhhh!”

Kim slowed down. “Was that…”

“Yeah, but don’t stop.”

“Oooh, you’re one of the multi-orgasmic ones?”

“Are you?”

Kim paused a moment to think. “I’m not sure.”

I made a suggestion, and Nancy went along with it.

“Want to try?”

“Sure,” said Kim. Nancy guided her around, so that Kim was on top of her, face-to-crotch.

Nancy rubbed Kim’s ass. “Mind if I try something?”

“What’s that?”

“I want to use this toy on you while you lick me.”

“Oh, sure.”

I had taken the spectator role long enough. I crawled on the bed with them. “Concentrate on Nancy’s pussy,” I told Kim. She complied, tenderly licking and playing at Nancy’s slit. I made sure that the illusion would stick, and moved in behind her.

My dick, as you can imagine, was hard enough to pound nails. I snuck it in between Kim’s legs. Nancy lifted her head, licking at the underside of my shaft. Her attention pressed the top against Kim’s moist pussy, pulled open by her position and the angle of her legs. I slid back and forth slightly between moist tongue and slippery labia. Kim started to moan, and I’m sure the vibrations felt good to Nancy.

Of all the sexual positions, kneeling behind your mate’s upturned backside is the first in the primitive mind of man. It evokes the instinctual brain; it makes one feel like a king. Having multiple mates increases the feeling of being the “alpha male”. Having absolute control of those mates increases the feeling tenfold. The primal feeling took over. I moved quickly. It seemed my position was perfect; I moved back a scant inch, and the head of my cock slipped into place against Kim’s slick lips. I thrust forward smoothly and entered her. My penis felt huge inside her. She gasped, and Nancy’s tongue traced down to my balls. As I started thrusting, Nancy couldn’t keep up and let her head down. I held Kim firmly by the hips and fucked her with long, firm strokes.

My motion seemed to motivate her busy tongue, as Nancy suddenly came again. Kim barely slowed, and I certainly didn’t. My overheated scrotum hung low, slapping against her crotch. I felt Nancy’s teeth bite down on my leg. The Kim’s fleshy hips indented under my gripping hands. I felt Nancy’s thumb darting over Kim’s clitoral bump. I pushed deep and held there as Kim’s orgasm rippled over my pole.

I withdrew and Kim collapsed onto the bed, sliding off the “toy”, leaving Nancy hanging between peaks. I had Nancy turn over on all fours and slurp Kim’s wetness off my cock, and then moved around behind her. I was in her in a second, and soon she was getting the rapid-fire treatment that Kim was recovering from.

I deepened Kim’s illusion. Kim and Nancy kissed in front of me. Kim broke off, and got down on all fours opposite Nancy. She put a hand on my ass, encouraging me to fuck Nancy. In her mind, it was her hand pushing the toy into Nancy.

“You like the way I fuck you?”

“Yeah,” sighed Nancy.

“You like it fast and hard, don’t you?”

“Fuck, yeah.”

“It feels good filling you up. Teasing your spot.” She reached under Nancy and started rubbing her clit.

“Mmmh, yeah.”

“Cum, baby,” said Kim, “let me see you cum.”

Like magic, with no mental help from me, Nancy let out a high pitched squeak, fucking back against me when I slowed down. I almost came; somehow I stopped myself. Nancy went limp; I pulled back and let her fall to the bed.

“Lick it,” Nancy mumbled, “lick that toy clean.”

Kim turned to my cock, throbbing in the air. She wrapped two fingers around the base and pulled me closer. She put out her tongue and licked, long and slow, from the bottom to the top of my shaft. Carefully, she licked every part of my shaft and head.

Nancy had partially recovered and put her hand in place of Kim’s. She started jerking me off. “Suck the end.”

Kim sucked on the head of my cock while Nancy stroked me. I felt my balls boil, and tighten, and I knew I was almost there. I held Kim’s head and pushed into her mouth. I stroked back and forth, fucking her mouth. I felt myself go deep; her lips touched the base of my shaft.

“Swallow it all now,” said Nancy, “it’s a special treat.”

That was the last straw, and my cock erupted. I pulled back to keep her from gagging, and my jizz filled her mouth. After a moment’s hesitation, she swallowed it, then sucked on my cock, drawing forth the last dribbles. I pulled free and fell back on the bed.

The girls slept, cuddled together. I felt bad for Shane; he’d been expecting to get laid, and not only was Kim spending the night with us, she would probably be too worn out for him the next day. Oh well; I took a moment to be sure he wouldn’t worry about Kim through the night, and he surfed for cable porn two floors down. I nodded off.

I woke up to giggles from the shower. I almost joined them, but I was too groggy to be in the mood to preserve the illusion with Kim. I took a leak and relaxed in bed while the giggles turned to moans. I watched the early birds on the slope and dozed off again.

I stirred again. Kim was putting her bikini back on – the only thing she had – and put one of my undershirts over it. They whispered and kissed before Kim slid out into the hall.

“So, you two have a nice shower?”

“Now I know what I was missing all these years.”

“Joining the pink side, eh?”

“Maybe. I’ll get back to you. God, you fucked me sore last night. I needed a little tenderness.”

“Glad she still didn’t notice me.”

“She didn’t, although she almost freaked out about staying over. I did some fast talking, she’s fine now.”

“Good, good. I’ll check on her in a bit. For now, how about some room service?”


By the time I finished showering, breakfast had arrived. We ate at the table by the window. When I finished, I leaned back in the chair with my coffee.

“This is great. I’m not sure how it could get much better.”

“Really?” Said Nancy, sauntering over and kneeling in front of me. “How about this?” She took the syrup from the table, opened my robe, and drizzled some of the warm sticky syrup over my semi-erect cock.

“Okay,” I admitted as she slurped my pliable member into her mouth, “this is significantly better.”

I looked out the window at the people below, preparing to hit the slopes. They seemed so small, so insignificant. My mind was filled with thoughts of what might lay in store for me, what I could achieve with my abilities. I knew I had only scratched the surface with my rather superficial sexual escapades. The true test was to be my plan for Shawn. Aside from gaining vengeance, I would find the limits of my abilities, and then I could think about the place I wanted in the world.

My thoughts returned to lighter subjects, though, as my cock filled Nancy’s mouth with her sweet reward.