The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Film at Eleven

Chapter 6 — Playing the Field

Kelly groaned as consciousness finally came upon her but she almost wished she weren’t awake. Her head was pounding and her mouth was dry and if that weren’t bad enough, there was a naked guy lying next to her in her bed.

Only it wasn’t her bed, she realized. In fact, it wasn’t her room at all. What the hell had happened to her, Kelly wondered and just where the hell was she.

Kelly groaned as she rolled herself over in her bed. Any movement, it seemed, made her head hurt even worse.

The man wasn’t the only naked one, Kelly realized. Her body was just as naked as his and unless she was very mistakened, her pussy was full of cum.

Just what the hell had happened to her?

Jim, she thought. The guy’s name was Jim. He’d brought her here. She remembered that much, and ... and she’d come willingly. She remembered that, too, but then she groaned again. What else, she asked herself. There had to be more.

But there wasn’t more, or at least she didn’t remember anything more.

She had to get out of there, she decided even before she knew where “there” was. She had to get out of there.

Slowly, she pulled herself out of bed and she stifled the urge to moan but the truth was her head hurt really bad.

Where were her clothes? She looked around the room but she could find nothing. Well that wasn’t exactly true. She found a flimsy little pair of panties and a top that did little more than just barely cover her breasts but she found nothing else.

The man groaned and rolled over but he did not wake up.

She had to get out of there. She snatched up the panties and the top. They were hardly better than nothing but since nothing was what she now wore, they would have to do.

Where the hell were shoes?

She looked around. Where the hell were her shoes?

She found one shoe first and then its mate and somewhere along the way, she found her purse as well but these shoes, they couldn’t possibly be hers. Their heels were incredibly high and the shoes were clearly not her type and yet one look at them was enough to tell her that these shoes were definitely her size. Not for the first time, Kelly wondered how she’d come to be here in this room.

She snatched up the shoes. She couldn’t run in them, but at least like the rest of the clothes she found, they’d be better than nothing.

She was in a hotel room. She knew that already, but where exactly was she.

She opened the door. There was no one in the hall and she was glad of that. She didn’t want to be seen, at least not yet, not until she knew what was going on.

She crept out of the room. Her head was banging away in what was an obvious reminder of the abuse she’d put herself through the night before but she tried not to pay it any attention. She had to get out of there and that’s all there was to it.

Somebody had fucked her good. She could tell that from the way her pussy felt.

She wasn’t even sure which way would take her to the lobby. She tried one way and as luck would have it, that led her to a bank of elevators.

She rode one of the elevators down to the lobby and she peered out. She felt subconscious about the way she was dressed. It covered her but it did little more than that. People were going to stare and yet even while they did, Kelly couldn’t help but think she kind of liked it.

She knew what she must look like. Dressed the way she was and in a hotel no less, she looked like, well, she’d be kind to herself and she’d say she looked like a tramp but she knew it probably looked worse than that, and people were starting to stare. She had to get out of there. She had to get home. She needed to go to bed.

She almost made it to the door.

“Pardon me, miss. May I have a word with you.”

Kelly turned to see a man in a suit looking at her.


“I’m a detective here,” the man said. “I was wondering if I might have a word with you. Are you a guest here in this hotel?”

“No, but—”

“This is a family establishment,” the man started.

“I know. It looks nice—”

“And we want to make sure we don’t attract the wrong element.”

“That makes perfect sense to me.”

“So I hope you’ll understand when I tell you that we don’t want you or your type coming around here.”

“My type?”

“If you must ply your trade, at least take the john somewhere else. If you don’t, I’m afraid we will have to call the police.”

“At least take the what? Wait a minute. You think I’m a hooker.”

“I didn’t say that exactly, miss. I was merely making a suggestion.”

“I am not a hooker,” Kelly argued and almost immediately, she groaned. She forgot about how badly her head hurt. “I am not a hooker,” she said in a quieter tone.”

“I suppose you were visiting a friend here then.”

“Yes. That’s it. I was visiting a friend.”

“Then perhaps you could give me his name.”

Kelly shook her head.

“Perhaps his room number then.”

Again, Kelly shook her head.

The man nodded knowingly. “I’m sure you’ll understand that without that information, I’m not all that inclined to believe what you have to say.”

Kelly supposed she really could see it from his point of view and it didn’t help any that she knew she had a pussy full of cum. It was just that she knew she wasn’t a hooker.

Or at least she didn’t think she was.

“We’ll let you go this time,” the man said, “but if we see you around here again, we will call the police. Is that understood?”

Kelly nodded her head.

“All right then, if you’ll follow me.”

“Follow you where?”

“We’re going to get you out of here.”

Kelly wasn’t sure if she should trust the man but since he wanted the same thing she wanted, she let him lead the way.

The man led her through a kitchen area and then out to a loading area where a cab was waiting. The man gave the cabbie a couple of twenties. “Wherever she wants to go,” he told the cabbie, and then once more, he turned back towards Kelly. “Remember, we don’t want to see you around here anymore. Next time we do, it won’t be a cab that takes you away. It’ll be a police car. Do you understand?”

Kelly nodded.

“All right then. In you go.”

The cab drove her home and Kelly dragged herself up to her apartment. As bad as she was feeling, even that was painful. She should call in sick, she told herself.

But she’d already done that in that past week. They’d be pissed if she did it again.

But so what. She really was sick. She was hung over.

Yeah, but she couldn’t tell them that. If that was why she was calling in sick, then they’d really be pissed off at her.

Somehow, she managed to get herself into the shower. It would have felt better she thought if the water didn’t make so much fucking noise.

Okay, so she could drag herself into work. It was only a half day anyway so she could drag herself in there and then she could come home and sleep it off. What was wrong with that?

Something was wrong. That was what bothered Kelly. She was sure there really was something wrong with that.

The news director seemed to be waiting for her. No sooner had Kelly put her things down in her cubicle than her phone was ringing. “Kelly,” the man said, “can you come to my office.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Anderson,” Kelly said but inwardly, she was groaning. The last thing she needed was to be talking to the news director.

“Kelly, close the door and have a seat. Say, are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” she assured the man.

“You’re sure?”

“I’m fine,” she said again. It wasn’t true, but she wasn’t going to let him know that.

The man shook his head. “All right then. Kelly, I wanted to talk to you about your performance. I have to tell you, I’ve been getting some complaints.”

“Some complaints about me?”

The man nodded. “Your work product’s been slipping and people are noticing.”

Kelly wanted to shake her head but she knew how much that would hurt.

“You got anything to say for yourself,” the man asked.

“I’ll do better,” Kelly said helplessly.

“That’s good for a start,” the man said, “but I want to know why you’re not doing better now.”

Kelly shook her head. “I don’t know,” she muttered.

“Then what makes you think you’ll do better if I give you a second chance?”

“I just will,” Kelly assured him.

“Kelly, your job is important. People rely on you to get their jobs done.”

“I know.”

“If you’re late with your work or if your work is shoddy, you affect what they produce.”

“I know.”

“I just want you to understand how important your job is.”

“But if it’s so important, why’d you cut my hours back.” Kelly hadn’t meant to say that. It had just sort of rolled out and now there it was.

“Kelly, you have to understand. It’s the economy.”

“I know.”

“Everyone has to sacrifice.”

Kelly didn’t say anything.

“Look, I want you to take some time off, unpaid, of course, but I want you to get your head together.”

Kelly nodded glumly.

“And when you got your act together, you can give me a call, okay? How’s that sound?”

It sucked but Kelly wasn’t about to say that so Kelly said nothing.

“We okay with that?”

“I guess.”

“Good. So since it looks like you’re not really all here already, how about we say your leave starts right now.”

“But my job—”

“Your job right now is getting your head together. Understand?”


“All right then. You can go.”

Kelly left the news director’s office and she had the feeling that people already knew. She wasn’t even gone yet and already, it felt like she wasn’t part of the news team.

The sunlight hurt her eyes as she stepped out into the morning light. What was she going to do with herself now, she wondered.

She was headed home to sleep off the effects of the previous night’s activities, or at least that’s what she thought at first. She was headed in that general direction but suddenly, she now knew she wasn’t going home.

It wasn’t until she saw the club that she realized where she was going. She didn’t even know why. All she knew was that was where she was going.

“Mr. Avery wants to see you when you get in,” said the bouncer at the door.

It was weird, she thought. It was as if people here knew her here, and yet, she didn’t know them, and weirder still, she knew exactly where she was going to find Mr. Avery.

Sure enough, the club manager was sitting at the end of the bar right where she’d thought he’d be. “You wanted to see me,” she asked.

“I did indeed. I wanted to know how you were doing after last night.”

“After last night?”

“You were drinking pretty heavily,” the man said. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

Here, Kelly thought. This was where she’d gotten herself drunk. In a strip club?! This was getting weirder by the moment.

“So how are you doing,” the man asked.

“I’m okay.”

“You sure?”

“I’m okay.”

“You sure? You look a little hung over. Sean has something to take care of hangovers, don’t you, Sean?”

“Yeah sure,” said the bartender.

“So what about it,” the manager asked. “You want Sean to fix you up his special tonic?”

Kelly didn’t want to admit it, but if the bartender had something that would help, she definitely wanted to get it. “I guess,” she said.

The manager grinned. “Sean, if you’d please.”

Moments later, Kelly had a drink in her hand. “You’re sure this is going to do it,” she asked.

“It’s not going to cure it, but I think I can assure that in a few moments, you’ll be feeling a whole lot better.”

Kelly looked at it dubiously and then she took one sip and then another.

“It’s better if you down it all at once.”

Again, Kelly looked at the glass and then without another thought, she downed the entire contents.

“And now,” said the club manager, “if you’ll follow me, I have some things I’d like to discuss with you.”

Kelly followed the man into his office.

“Now Kelly, you look troubled. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on.”

For a moment, Kelly was sure she wasn’t going to say anything and then all of the sudden, it all started to roll out, her problems in the newsroom, her reduced hours, and now the performance problems. She couldn’t stop herself. It all came tumbling out.

“My, my, my, Kelly. You certainly do have an active imagination.”

“An active imagination?”

The man nodded. “To think that you thought you were a reporter when we both know what you really are, but let us assume for a moment that you were a reporter and that you were in your boss’s office.”

“All right.”

“Your boss is telling you to take some time off. How does that make you feel?”

“It makes me feel bad.”

“Because you want to work. Because you want to be in control of your life. Is that correct?”


“All right then. Now suppose you were naked in your boss’s office when he was trying to tell you this. Now, how would he react?”

“He would be mad. He would tell me to put some clothes on. He might even throw me out.”

“No, I don’t think so.”


“No,” the man said again. “I don’t think so. You are a beautiful, young woman. You know that. You know guys like to stare at your body.”

She did know that.

“So it only stands to reason that if you had a boss like you’ve described, he would want to stare at your body, too.”

When he put it that way, Kelly thought, that did sound right. Her boss would want to stare at her body.

“Now, remember, this is only a speculation. You don’t really have a boss like this. You’re not really a reporter, but now imagine yourself sitting there in your so-called boss’s office but instead of just sitting there, imagine yourself playing with your tits. What is your boss doing?”

“He’s watching me play with my tits.”

“And now imagine that you are sliding your legs open. Your fictitious boss is looking down, isn’t he. He’s trying to see between your legs. He wants to see your pussy, doesn’t he?”


“He’s not talking anymore. He’s looking and he’s staring and you know he’s hard behind his desk, don’t you?”


“You made him hard and all you had to do was show him your body. That excites you, doesn’t it. The power you have. The power to make men hard. That excites you.”

Kelly murmured to herself. When he put it like that, she thought. Yeah, it did excite her.

“You like being naked in front of men.”

He was right about that.

“You like being naked in front of men,” the man said again. “You like the power it gives you.”


“It’s such a turn-on being naked in front of men.”


“It makes you wet between your legs when you’re naked in front of a man. It makes you so horny.”

Kelly wasn’t even sure why Mr. Avery was even telling her this. It was so obvious. Of course she got horny in front of men. Who wouldn’t get horny in front of men?

“You like the power it gives you, but you know you’re only eighteen.”

Kelly didn’t even bother to question the suggestion that she was eighteen.

“You like the power it gives you and it makes you horny, but you also know you’re young and you’re naive. You like being young and you like being naive because that makes men want you even more and that gives you even more power.”

Kelly was glad she was only eighteen.

“You like being around men. You want them to guide you. You need their advice. You want their help.”

Kelly could see that.

“You want them to guide you. That means you want them to tell you what to do, and that means you want to please them because that’s how you get them to tell you what to do.”

That made perfect sense to Kelly.

“Now you and I both know that this was all hypothetical. You and I both know that you’re not really a reporter, that it was just a childhood fantasy. You and I both know that you’ve chosen a career that is perfectly suited for you, a career that allows you to be naked in front of men for just about all the time.

It was the perfect career, Kelly thought.

“You like being young and nubile and so eager to please. You like being wet and horny whenever you’re naked in front of men. You like it because you like having men tell you what to do.”

It all made perfect sense, Kelly thought. She wanted men to tell her what to do.

“You like pleasing men,” the man said again. “You like pleasing men. Keep saying that to yourself. You like pleasing men.”

She liked pleasing men.

“Keep saying that,” the man said, “and the more you say it, the more your hangover will go away and when your hangover is all gone, you’ll be ready to go to work.”

She liked pleasing men, Kelly kept telling herself. She liked pleasing men.

The man watched her for a few moments longer before he finally got up and left his office.

A short while later, Kelly left the office. She knew she’d come in here with a pounding headache but now it seemed as if everything was great.

And that was good because she really liked pleasing men.

“Well, look who’s back,” someone said when Kelly walked into the dressing room. “I didn’t expect to see you around here.”

Kelly turned to look at Gina. “Yeah? Why’s that?”

“Because as much alcohol as you were drinking last night, I was sure you’d be hung over or passed out.”

Kelly grinned. “Don’t be silly. I’m not old enough to drink.”

“Yeah right,” the dancer said. “You can say that if you want, but I know what I saw.”

“Well, do I look hung over to you,” Kelly asked spryly.

“No,” Gina admitted.

“Well then I guess I must not be hung over.”

Gina looked at the girl and then she groaned in frustration.

Kelly quickly took her place at her station and she set about to get herself ready to go on stage. It was amazing she told herself. This morning when she’d awoken, she’d felt like crap, but now, she felt great, and that was good, because she really did like pleasing men.

Zeke stuck his head in the dressing room. “Shiloh, you ready to go.”

“I’m ready,” she said.

“All right then. Get your butt in gear and let’s get you up on stage.”

Zeke keyed the button on the microphone and his voice blared out over the club. “Gentlemen, it’s time for our next dancer. Please welcome to the stage the very lovely ... and very talented ... Shi-loh.”

Men clapped as Kelly strode out on stage and Kelly couldn’t help it. She liked having men watch her and she was going to like it even more when she finally got her clothes off so they could see her naked body. It was going to make her so horny.

She strode across the stage and then strode back again and she loved the way every set of eyes watched her. These guys, they were so into her, and Kelly couldn’t help it. She was so into them, too.

She toyed with the top, undoing the strings but holding it there over her tits. She knew they were waiting. They wanted to see her tits, and Kelly gave them exactly what it was they wanted to see.

She knelt in front of a guy and she practically was pushing her now bare breasts in his face but then she pulled back and she leaned back and her finger worked itself between her legs.

The guy couldn’t help it. He was staring between her legs and Kelly knew what he wanted to see.

Off came the bottoms and now she was naked again and once more, the guy was staring between her legs, only this time, Kelly could feel her pussy getting wetter as the guy stared at her.

She moved on to the next guy and the next, giving each guy a good look at her body and getting wetter and wetter as she went. She loved having guys stare at her body and she really did love her job. It just made her so fucking horny.

“Gentlemen,” Zeke’s voice boomed, “that was the very lovely Shiloh. If you want to get up close and personal with her, now’s the time to ask her for a very sexy, and very private dance.”

Kelly collected her tips and then waved at the guys as she left the stage.

But she was back again very shortly. The first one, the one who’d gotten the first look at her pussy, he wanted an even better look.

Kelly tapped the man on the shoulder. “Are you ready,” she asked.

Kelly let the man lead her into the back. She knew what the rules were. She wasn’t supposed to touch the customers and she definitely wasn’t supposed to let them touch her only ...

Only her pussy was so wet and she really did know what she needed and it didn’t matter that there were cameras around but one, little touch, what would that matter?

One little touch. What would it matter?

No, she couldn’t, she told herself. She just couldn’t.

She began to remove her clothes and she loved the way the man was watching her. Oh geez, she moaned to herself. She was so wet.

Just focus, she told herself. Focus on the guy. Focus on the show. Focus on him.

But that was the problem, Kelly told herself. She was focusing on him, and she was getting even wetter.

She let her fingers slide between her legs and she could feel how wet she was and she loved the way he was looking at her. Her eyes locked in on his eyes and she loved it.

She looked down at the man and suddenly, she realized he had his cock out. She couldn’t let him do that, she told himself. She couldn’t let him do that.

But geez it was so hot watching him sit there and stroke his cock.

She let her body slide closer and then closer and then she was pressing her body up against her against his, pushing her tits against his mouth.

Oh geez, he was kissing her. He was kissing her nipples. Oh geez, she shouldn’t be doing this but she wanted to.

She let her hand slide down and then she was stroking the man’s cock. “I like this,” she purred. “I like this. Do you like it, too?”

“Yeah,” the man groaned.

“I want to feel this inside me,” she said. “Do you want that?”

“Yeah,” the man groaned.

“My pussy’s so wet,” she said. “My pussy is wet for you,” and then she let the lips of her pussy graze the top of his cock. “Do you want to feel what it feels like to have your cock in my pussy.”

“Yeah,” the man groaned again.

Kelly couldn’t believe she was doing this but then she was pushing her pussy down on the man’s cock and she couldn’t help but moan. It felt so good having his cock inside her.

“Oh God,” the man groaned. “Oh God, I’m going to cum.”

She should tell him no, Kelly thought. She should tell him ... tell him ... aw fuck it. “I want you to,” she said. “I want you to do it. I want you to cum inside me.”

And that was all it took. He was cumming inside her and it felt so fucking good.

She was going to have to get herself cleaned up, Kelly told herself when the private dance was done, and after that, she was going to have to go find another guy to fuck her.