The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

For The Love Of Goddess Radha

By Nialvan

Chapter Eighteen: The effectiveness of the new maid

Sam had returned back to the house at 2pm as he had earlier promised Radha. In fact he had arrived at 2pm on the dot as he was so eager to have lunch. He was in a very optimistic mood and had a good feeling that things were going to get better between him and Radha. He could just sense it.

In fact he wasn’t at Ross’s house for long and was only too eager to leave Ross’s place as soon as it was lunchtime. Even Ross had found his behaviour very out of character. Usually when Sam visits, the two men spent the rest of the day together but today Sam seemed to be edgy and come 1pm he insisted that he leave so that he can have lunch at his place. He even refused Ross’s offer of having meals at Ross’s own home—cooking being one of Ross’s limited talents.

At this point Sam had finally told Ross that he has now employed a full time maid, though he decided not to disclose the fact that the maid in question was none other than Radha—his fantasy woman. He wanted to tell Ross that it was Radha that he had employed but the minute he revealed that he has now gotten himself a maid, Ross begun teasing him. As Sam quickly left Ross’s house, Ross knew that something was up.

By the time Sam had arrived home he was quite shocked to see that the interior of his house had changed. Usually his house was a complete mess as Sam had little time to tidy up, but now the whole place seemed spotlessly clean.

The floors appeared to be scrubbed, the table surfaces appeared to be wiped clean, the furniture was all dusted down and other household accessories that were usually left lying around in disarray have all been gathered up and neatly stacked away.

As Sam looked around the house and admired it, he was genuinely moved. It could be argued that it had been a while since he had a maid and should expect anything less from a maid especially one that he is paying twice the standard rate. Even so he had never seen effectiveness like it. It was as if Radha had a style of her own.

When Sam entered the dining room he found that the food was already laid out for him, just like that morning. It was amazing. She even managed to squeeze in lunch as well. And the food looked delicious. Even the smell made him hungry. He sat down at the table and helped himself.

As before Radha appeared to be in the kitchen. Sam could hear her. He had thought about calling Radha over to join him but decided against it. He knew that Radha was busy in the kitchen and since she was always dedicated to her work, he knew she would refuse his offer. It was probably best not to make things awkward for the both of them, especially since she seemed to be mellowing in her feelings towards him.

* * *

By the time Sam had finished his meal, he was again stuffed. It was a deliciously filling meal. Even though Radha was costing him twice the usual rate for a maid, she still exceeded his expectations of quality and was proving to be value for money.

Sam decided that the very least he could do to express his gratitude for his new maid was to wash his own dishes. He started to pick up all the dishes that he had eaten from. Like before there was still a lot of left over food. Sam neatly put them to one side.

He picked up the dirty dishes and then made his way to the kitchen.