The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

I Hate You

Part 9

“Okay, we’re here Sis. What’s wrong?” Jasmine said as she, Cassie and Samantha were led into the back of the restaurant by an older woman. Marie was sitting on a chair. She had her legs pulled up to her chin with her arms wrapped around her knees. Her left cheek was slightly red. She relaxed a little when she saw her Sisters but was still a wreck.

“Are all three of you her Sisters?” The elderly woman asked. “Marie never talks about her family.”

“No Mrs. Nelson.” Marie said, still shaking slightly. “Only Cassie and Jasmine are my Sisters.”

Cassie smiled. “So you’re Mrs. Nelson. Marie has told us about you. We lost touch with our little Sister and only found her again recently. I want to thank you for helping her when no one else would.”

“No trouble Dear. She’s been a joy. I’ve never seen a nicer girl before and it’s a shame what happened today.”

“Do you need help? I’ve been a waitress before and I’ll finish her shift.” Cassie offered.

“Well, the lunch crowd is due in soon. Marie, can you finish the day? Don’t worry, I won’t fire you if you can’t.” Mrs. Nelson asked with concern.

“No Mrs. Nelson, I don’t think I can. I’m sorry.” Marie said crying.

“After what he did to you, call it karma for what happened to him.” Mrs. Nelson said gently.

Cassie turned back to Mrs. Nelson. “Just give me an apron, a menu and a list of today’s specials. I have a great memory.” She liked Mrs. Nelson.

“We’ll take Marie to her home and meet you there Sis.” Jasmine said as she took charge of Marie.

“See you later. Marie, relax it’s over now.” Cassie told her little Sister.

“No, it’s not.” Marie said scared.

“I’ll be back with the apron.” Mrs. Nelson said as she left.

“Marie this is for your own good.” Cassie said as she quietly whispered a spell. Soon Marie got less agitated and then became very calm. “I’ll alter the spell when I am done with your shift.”

“Thank you Sis.” Jasmine said as she and Samantha led Marie out.

“Here you are. Are you Cassie or Jasmine?” Mrs. Nelson asked as she gave Cassie an apron and a menu.

“My name is Cassie.” she said with a smile as she cast a memorization spell. She had the menu learned in a minute.

“Thank you so much for helping out today.”

“All set.” Cassie said and went out to work the rest of Marie’s shift.

Three hours later, Cassie finished the shift and gave the apron back to Mrs. Nelson.

“Thank you Dear. I hope Marie is okay.” Mrs. Nelson said with concern.

“She’s strong so I’m sure she is. Can you tell me what happened?”

“I didn’t see it all but there was an abusive customer that came in smoking. Marie kindly informed him that state law prohibited him from smoking in the restaurant. He got belligerent, started swearing and slapped her when she asked him again to put out his cigarette. My Husband came out and told him to get out. He punched my Husband. Because of the man’s size, none of the other customers would confront him.

I went to call the police and when I came back, Marie was in hysterics on the floor in a ball. The man was on the ground writhing in pain with smoke coming out of his groin area. It seems his disposable lighter exploded in his pants.”

“Really?” Cassie said somewhere between anger and laughter.

“Yes Dear. I was going to close the place without Marie or my Husband to help during lunch, but then you volunteered. With your help I was able to handle the restaurant. Another waitress will be here shortly. My Husband called from the emergency room. He needed a couple of stitches but he’s okay now.”

“Do you think Marie can get her shift on Saturday moved a little? We need to visit an Aunt Abigail of ours. Could she get off early? She could work from eight to four. I’ll agree to help on Sunday. Gratis.”

“Thank you Dear. I don’t see a problem. She’s such a sweet person. She’s always offering to work more hours. Unfortunately with the economy, I can’t. If she needs a few days off to recover, I’ll understand.”

“Thank you. I’ll have her call you if she does and here.” Cassie said as she pulled out around fifty dollars. “I assume all tips are pooled and divided each day.”

“I declare! You must be one heck of a charmer to get that many tips from my usual lunch crowd.” Mrs. Nelson exclaimed.

Cassie smiled and thought, “Not a charmer but a witch.” Then she headed out of the restaurant.

Jasmine looked up as Samantha let Cassie in. “Sis. She won’t answer me about what happened. Everything else she’ll talk about.” Both Jasmine and Marie were sitting on the couch. Cassie took off her coat and tossed it onto the chair.

“It was for her protection. However, it appears it may also have been for yours as well if you had pushed her too hard.” Cassie said. She continued before Jasmine could ask a question. “Before I release her, has anything strange happened to you recently?”

“No. Why?” Jasmine asked concerned.

“It seems our little Sister is an early bloomer.” Cassie said and explained what happened in the restaurant.

“You think Marie did that?” Samantha asked.

“Not intentionally. When my powers first came in, I caused the lights in the girl’s locker room to explode when I saw my secret crush showering. Strong emotional responses when your powers first come in have unwanted side effects. I think fear or anger triggered Marie.”

“But Sis, you said it would take a few weeks. This was less than two days!” Jasmine exclaimed.

“The two weeks was an estimate. Kind of like nine months to have a baby. The minute we were joined fully as Sisters by the spell, your ability could have kicked in full strength.”

“So what do we do now?” Jasmine asked.

“We wait for Abigail. She’ll be here in about an hour. I called her before I left the restaurant.” Cassie informed them. “I’m going to release Marie now. Marie, I want you to remain calm. You understand why I did what I did to you. Mr. Nelson is okay. You will also be able to explain to us what happened in the restaurant without getting scared or angry. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sis.” Marie confirmed in an overly calm voice. Cassie, with a quick gesture, released the spell.

“Okay, can you please explain what happened after the man hit Mr. Nelson?” Cassie requested gently.

“He was going to hit him again. He picked Mr. Nelson up off the floor. The wild look of glee in his eye and the fact no one moved to help Mr. Nelson made me scared. I was more scared than I have been in a long time, maybe even my whole life. I felt something like a wave flow out of me at him. Then he started screaming while smoke and fire came out of his pants.”

“Sis. You just did your first act of magic. Don’t worry, Abigail is on her way with special necklaces for you and Jasmine. While you wear them you can’t tap your magic abilities. That’s why she wanted to see us on Saturday. But you my little over achiever—” Cassie said with an affectionate grin as she tousled Marie’s hair. “moved the first meeting up. She still wants to meet us formally on Saturday.

Mrs. Nelson agreed to let you work from eight to four on Saturday or take tomorrow and Saturday off.”

“I could have killed him.” Marie said sadly and fearfully.

“If you had wanted him dead, then he would be dead. Don’t let an asshole ruin your day or the joy of your gift.”

“But you said it’s also a curse.”

“Not for you. Samantha, I need to tell Marie something very personal about myself. Jasmine knows what I going to tell her. Would you mind waiting outside?”

“No Cassie.” Samantha said as she scooped up her coat.

“I’ll join you.” Jasmine said as both women went outside.

Cassie spent the next half hour telling Marie about her “inner demons” due to being bipolar. Marie let Cassie finish before asking any questions.

Cassie went over to the sink. “Let me get some water.”

“Did your magic abilities cause all of that?” Marie asked, scared that she also would be affected.

“No. Abigail is okay and so are you and Jasmine and most other witches. I had this condition before I got my powers. I have mood swings like you can’t believe. That’s why I was studying both psychology and philosophy in school. I wanted to see how I could cope better.”

“And that’s why you do yoga?”

“Well that and I’m able to do more in bed with my partners.” Cassie admitted with a grin before continuing. “You didn’t allow what happened in prison or after to change you from the sweet adorable person that you are. That’s why I know it’s not a curse for you to have powers.”

“What if it happens again?”

“It can’t while you’re wearing the necklace. Just wear it when you’re not practicing magic until you’re ready. Okay Sis?”


“Marie, Jasmine and I will never let anything bad happen to you. If after learning to do magic you still don’t want your powers, we can bind them. But powers or no powers, you’re always going to be our little Sister.” Cassie confirmed with a smile as she hugged Marie. Marie returned the hug with love.

“I wish they would hurry up in there. I’m freezing my butt off.” Samantha said.

“Come here. I’ll keep you warm Sammie.” Jasmine said with open arms and a smile. Samantha was settling into the inviting hug and warmth of Jasmine’s body when a SUV pulled up. A woman got out. She appeared to be in her late twenties with red hair. She was dressed in a style that looked Bohemian but she looked more like she was Irish or Scottish. Something about her energy as she approached made Jasmine realize who this was before she spoke to them.

“Excuse me. Is this where Marie Kelly lives?” The woman asked in a pleasant voice with a slight brogue. Her voice also carried a quiet authority behind it.

“Yes and should I address you as Miss Abigail, Abigail or drill sergeant.”

“I see you’ve been talking to Barry.” Abigail laughed. It had an almost musical quality about it. “Until I formally start teaching you, Abigail is fine. However after today, and until I say otherwise, it’s Miss Boyd. I take it you’re Jasmine?”

“Yes and this in my partner Samantha. She knows what I am. Is Boyd your original last name or the one you’re currently using?”

“My original. Although I’ve also used Burns, Black and Mrs. Young when I was married.”

“You said married? Is your Husband gone?” Samantha asked.

“He died during World War I. The war that was supposed to end all wars. I begged him not to go but he said that it was his duty to help make the world safe. I gave him a special medallion to keep him safe from bullets, bayonets and mortars. However I, and most of the world, didn’t know about mustard gas yet. It’s why I left Ireland and came to America.” She said with a tinge of sadness and guilt.

“I’m sorry I brought it up.” Samantha said a little guilty.

“Dear we are talking about something that happened over seventy years before you were born. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Now Jasmine, have your abilities manifested yet?”

“No Miss Boyd. And before you say it, I know what you said about calling you Abigail. I just want to get into the habit of addressing you the proper way.”

“You show more sense than Cassie did starting out. But you’re also the oldest starting student I’ve had. Most people get their ability to do magic when they’re eighteen. It might be refreshing to have someone like you.” Abigail said with a pleasant smile.

“Is there anything I can offer you in return for releasing Barry from his oath?” Jasmine asked hopefully.

“Sorry, no. He’s too valuable. There are advantages to having someone immune to magic indebted to you.”

“Like for spanking unruly witches?” Jasmine said with a wry knowing smile.

“Among other things.” Abigail acknowledged ruefully. “By using his blood I am able to make the necklaces that can inhibit yours and Marie’s powers. I just wish I knew how to make these when Cassie first started out. For most, the ability comes in gradually. But due to the unique circumstances through which you and Marie got yours, I made the necklaces to prevent accidents like Cassie had when she got her powers. Unfortunately, Marie jumped the gun, so to speak.”

“Marie and I are both grateful that you’re willing to teach us. What is your favorite wine? Barry said you asked Cassie to bring some and I want to make sure I bring some also.”

“Now I know I’m going to like you.” Abigail laughed and Jasmine joined in.

“Jasmine, Samantha you can come back in now.” Cassie called out a few minutes later.

All three women walked in. Marie was looking better and happier. Cassie smiled and went over to hug Abigail.

“Miss Boyd. Thank you for coming.” It slightly confused Jasmine to hear Cassie refer to her that way. The way Cassie talked about Abigail, Jasmine thought that Cassie was on a more friendly or equal footing in their relationship.

“Good to see you too Cassie. And I told you months ago to call me Abigail.” Abigail admonished her.

“Sorry, old habit kicked in. I see you’ve met Jasmine and I would like you to meet our little Sister Marie.” Cassie beamed.

“You don’t look a hundred forty three.” Marie blurted out nervously.

“If I couldn’t cast a wee proper anti-aging spell, what kind of magic teacher would I be?” Abigail asked with a laugh.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.” Marie answered embarrassed.

“I didn’t take offense and it was flattering. Cassie, you were right about her being adorable.” Abigail stated with a disarming smile. It made Marie relax.

“Before I give Jasmine and Marie their necklaces, let’s see what I’m working with. I’ll also need your help Samantha.”

“What do you need from me?” Samantha asked curiously.

“I need you to hold this bowl for a minute and then give it to Marie. Next do the same thing again before handing it to Jasmine.” Abigail informed her as she handed Samantha a small silver bowl. A golden, liquid-like flame sprang up in it. The second Samantha took the bowl, the flame started to die down until it went out. After waiting as requested, she handed it to Marie. After a few seconds, the golden flame burst forth again. Abigail was obviously surprised. The procedure was repeated for Jasmine and again the golden flame roared to life. Again the results surprised Abigail but she quickly recovered.

“Excellent. You both have the same basic potential I have. When a non-magic user holds the bowl there’s no flame like when Samantha held it. By having her handle it before each of you, it makes sure it’s not reading the previous witch. The flame color lets me know what type of spells I can teach you. I can tell what spells you’ll have the ability to call up and control.

There are five different color flames that a witch can generate.

Blue is the weakest. Around forty percent of all potential witches are in this group although some decide not to even learn magic.”

“Why?” Marie asked curiously.

“Because of the relatively small number of spells that they can actually cast. What most of them don’t realize is that you don’t need to have great inner spell strength levels to brew potions. Potions sometimes have greater strength than spells but still need only minor magical ability to create. You need the right teacher to explain this. Most young people nowadays just give up because when they hear ‘witch’ they think of Samantha or Sabrina from those old TV shows. They think that’s how magic works. When it doesn’t work that way. When they snap their fingers and a tirty carat diamond doesn’t appear, they give up and quit.” Abigail said. Marie thought the way Abigail pronounced ‘thirty’ sounded strange but decided against asking about it.

“Then going up in strength and ability, green and red are about twenty five percent each. Then there’s gold, which I am and the both of you are, around ten percent. You will be able to learn and cast all but the most powerful spells.” Abigail informed them.

“When we had our hands joined in the loyalty spell, they glowed with a golden color Miss Boyd.” Jasmine stated, then queried. “I thought you said there were five different color flames.”

“Good. You pay attention. I like this one Cassie.” Abigail said a smile. “Samantha hand the bowl to Cassie.”

When Samantha handed the bowl to Cassie a pure white, beautiful flame erupted. It nearly reached the ceiling. The flame almost appeared alive and it danced until Cassie put the bowl down. This time it took longer for the flame to disappear.

“Only a handful of witches can generate that flame and Cassie is the first one in over forty years.

Jasmine, you said that during the spell your hands had a gold glow?” Abigail inquired.

“Yes Miss Boyd.”

“Then you should also have your powers now. We know Marie has used her powers. Have you had anything really strong emotionally happened to you recently?”

Jasmine blushed and described what happened with one of Cassie’s special chocolate bars.

“Probably something did happen but you were so focused on sexual relief that you didn’t notice. Would you like to try to cast a spell?”

“Yes please. Samantha has requested that the first spell I learn be an arousal spell.” Jasmine admitted and Samantha blushed.

“Okay, for some reason that’s usually on the top of every witch’s partner’s list.” Abigail said and they all started laughing. “Marie may I please have some paper and a pen?”

“Yes Miss Boyd.” Marie said as she went to the desk with the TV on it. She figured if her big Sister was going to refer to Abigail as Miss Boyd, she should as well.

It pleased Abigail that both of her new students had no problem showing her respect. Marie hurried back with the requested items. Abigail sat down at the card table that doubled as Marie’s kitchen table and began writing.

“Miss Boyd, may I ask a few questions?” Marie requested.

“Are they about magic?”

“One yes and one no.”

“Go ahead.”

“How many witches are there?”

“If you count some of the pigheaded males that call themselves warlocks or wizards instead of witches then there are around maybe fifty tousand world wide. It sounds like a big number but when you realize that with the world’s population at seven billion; you’re talking about one witch for roughly every one hundred forty tousand persons. So in Illinois, which has a population of roughly tirteen million people, there would be around eighty five witches of which only eight would be as powerful as you.

What’s your second question?”

“Were you living here when Chicago had the world’s fair?”

“Which one? I was living near Dublin during the 1893 Colombian Exposition but I was here for the Century of Progress one in tirty tree. Why do you ask?”

“My Grandfather and Grandmother used to describe it to me. They went as children. I think that if you did then it would be like they were alive again.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem. You should see some of the souvenirs I still have from it. You walked in with empty arms and could walk out with shopping bags full of free give aways.

Now Jasmine, I wrote the spell phonetically out for you. This is the lowest level arousal spell. So low Cassie didn’t even want to learn it. Just speak or whisper it and think about who you want it on. You can even cast it yourself, though I wouldn’t advise it with this one. It’s only strong enough for the person to show interest in you and want to kiss you immediately. It won’t cause them to have sex with you but still be careful who you cast it on. After you cast it, quickly rip the page up. Understand?”

“Yes Miss Boyd.” Jasmine acknowledged. She was thinking back to what Barry had told her about the way Abigail did things. She made sure you knew everything before starting.

“Cassie, before they visit me on Saturday, I want you to introduce them to Fitzgerald.” Abigail ordered.

“Who is Fitzgerald?” Marie asked.

Cassie chimed in. “He owns a magic shop. Barry went to him first to see about getting me magic lessons. If you need anything magically related, he is the guy in the area to see. We will need to pick up some special books for you to record your spells in. If Samantha or someone else non magical were to open your book, they wouldn’t be able to read it. The only exception I know of is Barry.”

Samantha was paying attention to what Cassie was saying when she suddenly felt an urgent need to kiss Jasmine. She rushed over and kissed her deeply until she almost passed out from lack of oxygen. Her hands flew furiously up and down Jasmine’s back before finally stopping on her rear. When she finally broke the lip lock, she playfully slapped her.

“You bitch. You could have warned me.”

“If I had warned you, then how would I know it was the spell and not you humoring me?” Jasmine protested with a smile. “This proves I can do magic. Correct Miss Boyd?”

“Yes it does. But a word of advice. Do not cast spells on your lover without their permission. It will cause fewer headaches for you and me down the road.” Abigail admonished Jasmine while handing her a necklace. “Marie, for the next four days, I want you to leave your necklace off at night.”

“Yes Miss Boyd. May I ask why?”

“I’m going to give you a salve that’s magically based. The necklace might inhibit its properties. The salve should remove the scar tissue from your back altogether. However, if there is any left, Cassie or I should be able to remove the rest. Make sure you completely cover all the scar tissue and leave it on for at least six hours before showering or bathing.” Abigail informed her as she handed her a necklace and a small pot of something that reeked.

“May I please hug you?” Marie requested with tear filled eyes.

“You may.” Abigail confirmed with a smile and Marie almost launched herself at the woman. Abigail caught Marie and held her until Marie broke the hug.

“I expect all of you, except Samantha, at my place no later than six in the evening on Saturday. Cassie can give you the directions if you don’t all come together. Do not be late!”

“Yes Miss Boyd.” Jasmine and Marie answered in unison.

“Thank you Abigail.” Cassie said with a smile.

“Can I walk you out to your SUV?” Jasmine asked.

“You ‘can’ but the proper word is this instance is ‘may’.”

“Yes Miss Boyd. May I walk you to your SUV?”

“Yes.” Abigail said. She and Jasmine walked outside.

Abigail looked over at Jasmine. “What do you need to ask me that you didn’t want the others to hear?”

“Could what happened to me and my Sisters happen again?” Jasmine asked.

“I don’t know. What happened to you three is unique. You should have only become Sisters with you and Marie being in the blue or green range at best, if at all. But then considering both Barry and Cassie, unique best describes your family. I take it you’re curious if Cassie could do the same for Samantha.”

“The thought had crossed my mind.”

“If it was possible then there would probably be more witches than there currently are. There are stories of witches in the past trying to create covens with their friends that way and failing. Besides, do you want Samantha as a lover or a Sister?”

“Definitely lover. Thank you for being honest with me Miss Boyd. I’ll see you on Saturday with Cassie and Marie.” Jasmine said as she went back inside.

“What did you ask her?” Samantha asked Jasmine.

“I forgot to get the name of her favorite wine. She said to ask Cassie.”

“I’ll send it to you as a text and where to buy it besides at Fitzgerald’s.” Cassie said. “So any other spells you want to try before you start classes?”

“A sound proofing spell.” Jasmine requested.

“Neighbors complaining?” Cassie leered.

“No!” Jasmine and Samantha said together, embarrassed.

“Then you’re not doing it right.” Cassie laughed. Both Jasmine and Samantha were now turning beet red.

“We’re going to be moving in with Daddy and I don’t want him to hear me practicing magic.” Jasmine finally got out.

“Sure. You’re going with that story huh.” Cassie teased.

“Alright Sis. I don’t want him to hear me and Samantha having sex!” Jasmine exclaimed, exasperated. “I know he accepts that Sammie and I are lovers, but what Father wants to hear his little girl enjoying wild jungle love?!”

“That’s all you had to say. We’ll all go to Fitzgerald’s shop and buy your spell books. You can transcribe the spell into it there.”

“Sis, what if I can’t afford my book?” Marie asked.

“I’ve got you covered.” Cassie told her with a smile. “Please don’t wear your necklaces when we go into the store. That way he can see that you’re witches.”

“Okay Sis.” Marie said. “But I want you and Jasmine to keep track of everything you spend on me. I intend to pay you both back.” Then she sheepishly added, “Eventually.”

“No problem. I’ll call a cab.” Cassie said.

“And I’ll check on the status of Jewel’s release from the hospital.” Jasmine said. “Frank is due back today and we’ll introduce Marie to all of them tomorrow. Jasmine turned to look at Marie. “Marie I want you to call the restaurant and ask for tomorrow off. Cassie said they’re willing to give you the day off. I’ll cover your missed wages and I won’t take ‘No’ from you as an answer.” Jasmine ordered.

Samantha marveled at how well Jasmine had embraced her role of big Sister. If she didn’t know what had happened, she would assume that the three of them had been Sisters for years instead of days. She knew that Jasmine’s Dad always wanted a big family but her Mom was against it. “Probably to keep her portion of the inheritance pie bigger.” Samantha thought. She wondered how Mr. Kane would react to finding out he now had three Daughters.

While they waited for the taxi, Samantha got to know Marie better. While they were talking, Cassie applied the salve to Marie’s back by reaching under her shirt.

“If I ever meet the monster that did this to you Sis, I will forget the Wiccan Rede and make her wish she was never born.” Cassie muttered with venom.

“’Wiccan Rede’? That’s the second time I’ve heard you use that phrase. What is it Sis?” Marie inquired.

“It’s a moral code that I follow.”

“Like the ‘Golden Rule’?”

“Kind of.” Cassie confirmed.

Samantha turned to Cassie. “You offered to sit down with Jasmine and me to explain the Rede and Wiccan Chivalry. We would like to do that. Let me know when it’s convenient for you.” Samantha offered.

“It may take days to explain it properly.” Cassie warned.

“It’ll give me time to get to know my future Sister-in-law better.” Samantha said to her with a smile.

Marie was going to say something, when they heard a loud ‘pop’. All three looked in the direction of the sound and saw Jasmine standing in a cloud of smoke, coughing.

“You didn’t rip the paper up with the spell on it yet, did you Sis?” Cassie accused laughing.

“I was going to.” Jasmine protested guiltily.

“That’s why Abigail told you to rip it up right after you did it. Unless they are written on special materials, spells become unstable after being cast and need to be destroyed. It is lucky you did that with a low power spell. I almost blew up my desk in organic chem lab one time. Luckily I was able to blame it on me trying to make nitro glycerin and not using enough sawdust to lessen the explosion.

Don’t worry. I won’t tell teacher her new star pupil didn’t follow the rules. Unless?”

“Unless what?” Jasmine said wary.

“You buy the wine and say we went in together.”

“Agreed.” Jasmine said with resignation. “Okay Marie. What’s the amount for your silence?”

“Let me think about it.” Marie said.

“How about I take you out for a mani pedi Sis?” Jasmine offered. She was going to take Marie anyway tomorrow. By doing it this way, Marie would hopefully feel like she didn’t owe Jasmine.

“Deal!” Marie gleefully agreed.

“What about me?” Samantha demanded with a grin.

“Et tu Sammie?”

“I think my initial request for moving in with your Dad should suffice.”

“But I’m not limber enough for page fifty three.” Jasmine protested.

“Page fifty three?” Marie asked innocently.

“Kama Sutra for Lesbians.” Cassie informed her. When she saw Marie was clueless, Cassie smiled and got down on the floor. She then twisted her body into the position effortlessly.

“Picture me naked with my partner wrapped around me.” She grinned.

“Isn’t that the shape I was almost in during your yoga class when I cramped up?” Marie asked.

“Why do you think I started laughing so hard.” Cassie confirmed. Marie turned beet red as the other women started laughing.

“Okay Jas, if both of your Sisters can get in that position, you have no excuse.”

“Okay, but Cassie definitely needs to teach me the sound proofing spell first.” Jasmine conceded in defeat.

“Anything for the lovebirds. The cab should be here soon. Let’s head outside.” Cassie suggested.

“What about my back?” Marie asked.

“Sis, it’s a magic based salve. Your back is already dry.”

The cab let them off near the address Cassie gave. Jasmine paid. She was glad she would be getting her car back soon. The cost of all of the cab rides was starting to pile up. Luckily, her Dad had given her a three thousand dollar a month allowance. She hoped that she would get the new job and be able to support herself, but she was glad she had his help now.

“Do I have to wait outside?” Samantha asked.

“No, but don’t touch anything while you’re in there. You might grow a third breast or sprout hair all over your body.”

“Are you joking?” Jasmine demanded.

“About one, not the other.” Cassie said with a grin.

Either way Samantha decided not to touch anything.

“Hi Paddy!” Cassie called out to the portly, ruddy, middle aged looking man behind the counter. Currently there were no other customers in the place. Jasmine looked at the pink light behind the counter that Barry had described.

“Cassie! Long time no see. And who are the lovely lassies with you?”

“Jasmine, Marie this is Patrick ‘Paddy’ Fitzgerald. He got the nickname from the way he was usually brought home after a night on the town in his youth. In a paddy wagon. Don’t believe him if he tries to tell you that he was the cause of the great Chicago Fire in eighteen seventy one. I know he’s only a hundred twenty.”

“Darling, you cut me to the quick.” Paddy said with mock pain.

“Paddy, these are my Sisters. I had a loyalty spell transform into something wonderful instead. They weren’t magic users before. I need you to set them up with spell books, pens and ink. Also we need two bottles of Abigail’s favorite wine. She has agreed to teach them. Later we’ll worry about potion ingredients.”

“And who be the third lass?” He asked looking at Samantha.

“That’s Samantha. She is Jasmine’s partner. Don’t worry. She knows.” Cassie said.

“Why are all the pretty ones spoken for?” Paddy said with sorrow.

“I see you have a bit of the Blarney about you.” Samantha said slightly flattered.

“That I do. Cassie, know what level are they?” He followed up.

“Abigail tested them. Gold.” Cassie confirmed with pride.

“Gold?! That must have been one helluva a spell you cast. I assume she got the same fee to teach them.”

Jasmine nodded. “Yes. She gets another five years from Barry. Marie and I were a two for one special.”

“That Cousin of yours is one special man.”

“Yes he is.” The three Sisters said in unison and then started laughing.

“Give me a minute and I’ll be back with what you need.” Paddy said as he went into the back.

“Isn’t he afraid of shop lifters?” Marie asked.

“He knows and trusts me. Besides no real witch will steal from him no matter how powerful they are. Once word got out, no other magic shop owner in the world would deal with them.”

“What about non-magic thieves?” Jasmine asked.

“They would only get one foot out the door before a special spell would kick in. Remember Sis when I told you I turned Kimberly into a mannequin for a week? Who do you think taught me the spell? Check the window next time you visit. He usually leaves them there for a week or two.” Cassie answered with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“Sis, do you have a spell book?” Marie asked.

“I have three. I have a pretty good memory, so I only refer to them when necessary. When you’re ready, I’ll let you and Jasmine copy any spell out of the first two books that Abigail hasn’t given you already.”

“Why only the first two?” Jasmine asked puzzled.

“The third book contains spells that can only be cast by a white level witch. If you or Marie tried to cast best it would not work, at worst it could hurt or kill you. It was a gift from Abigail since she couldn’t use them. I think it was her way of telling me I’m ready. She trusts that I won’t cast them foolishly. Well at least that I’ll think before I act.”

“Here you are lassies.” Paddy called out with full hands and a basket hooked on his right forearm. He headed back behind the counter and laid out the material. The books looked like they came out of the eighteenth century. Leather bound with vellum like pages. Old fashioned ink pens that Jasmine remembered using when she learned calligraphy. Two ink pots and finally, two bottles of wine. “How will you be paying? Cash? Credit Cards? Kisses?” Paddy said “kisses” like a young child pleading for ice cream while knowing it was not going to happen. It made Marie giggle.

“I’m paying cash for Marie’s stuff.” Cassie said. She paid for one each of the books, pens and ink bottles.

“I’ll be charging the rest.” Jasmine confirmed as she took out her card. “Could you somehow list it as art supplies on the receipt?”

“For Cassie’s Sister, anyway you want.” He said with a wink as he took her card.

“There’s a room upstairs that we can use for me to give you the spell unless it’s occupied. There’s also a small library in there but Paddy charges by the spell if you want to copy them. Some magic users aren’t lucky enough to have a magic teacher or friends to help them.

Paddy, anyone currently upstairs?” Cassie inquired.

“Not since Lilith Ann was earlier.” Paddy confirmed. He made a sour face at the mention of her name. He handed Jasmine back her card.

“Do you know her Cassie?” Jasmine asked.

“Unfortunately. If you thought the old Lydia was a bitch, she would have been Mother Theresa compared to Lilith. If you put a beer can in her crotch, it would stay cold for weeks. She’s a red level bi-sexual witch who uses spells to get all her sexual partners. She made the mistake of trying to make Barry one of her sex toys last year.

He was coming here to meet me to pick out a birthday present for me and take me to dinner. She had just left the store, saw him and liked what she saw. She was trying to entrance him when I came up and saw what she was doing. Until Barry informed us yesterday that he is immune to magic, I thought I stopped her just in time. Had I known she couldn’t entrance him, maybe I would have made the sentence lighter.”

“What did you do Sis?” Marie asked.

“I made her bald for a month. No spell she could cast would counter it. Even if she put a wig on, it would fall apart. I also made it that she couldn’t get sexual gratification until she released all her sex toys. She stays clear of me now.”

“So why do you let her still come here?” Samantha asked Paddy, confused.

“This is a neutral place. Her money is just as good as your lover’s. Since she doesn’t cast the spells in here, there is nothing I can do. Had she done it in here, then I could act against her. Magic is neither good nor bad by itself. It’s the person wielding it that makes it good or bad. There are certain rules we must abide by. Besides, I think Cassie’s solution was better than what I could have done to her.” He said with a grin.

“How much to use the room?” Jasmine inquired.

“Since Cassie just created two new, lovely customers for me; this time it’s on the house.”

“Thank you Paddy.” Cassie said as she began to head upstairs, followed by her Sisters and Samantha. When they got there, Cassie held the door and Marie went in first. Jasmine went in next. Samantha tried to follow but she felt like she walked into a brick wall. She tried again with the same results. She turned to Cassie with a confused look.

“Sorry Samantha, I forgot. Only witches can enter. You need to have active magic inside you. There is a fun way around it. Jasmine come back out.”

“What do you need?” Jasmine asked.

“I need for you to French kiss Samantha deeply while you hug her, then both of you walk in together while doing so. It’s either that or Samantha waits downstairs.” Cassie informed them.

“Your call Sammie.” Jasmine said with a grin since she knew what Samantha’s answer would be.

“Like you need a reason.” Samantha joked before she felt Jasmine’s tongue almost touching her uvula. Soon, Samantha was so caught up in the moment that she didn’t notice Cassie gently guiding the pair thru the doorway. When they didn’t break the tongue lock after a few minutes, Cassie started to get annoyed.

“To get her back out, you’re going to have to stick your tongue up her ass.” Cassie said.

“Not funny Thith!” Jasmine said after Samantha bit down when she started laughing.

“Sorry, but Marie and I still need to get home. You have all night to do that.” Cassie said as she began to lay Marie’s equipment on the table. Jasmine did the same and they all sat down around the table. “Label the spell so you know what it is. Try to write down what I say exactly. I’ll go slowly and wait. If you pace a spell out long enough while speaking, it won’t be cast. Any questions before I start?”

“Ready when you are Sis.” Jasmine said and Marie nodded in agreement.

Cassie spoke the first four words of the spell and stopped.

“Cassie, what are you doing? I’ve heard you cast spells before and none of them were in English.” Jasmine piped up surprised.

“Sis, are all spells in English? Why did Miss Boyd write Jasmine’s out phonetically?” Marie asked before beginning to write.

“What do you mean English? All I heard were syllables in a strange language.” Samantha said confused.

“I was speaking in the language of magic.” Cassie answered. “When a witch speaks a spell, it sounds to other witches like it’s in their native language. To a non-magic user, it sounds like gibberish.

Although you can understand magic being spoken out loud now, you don’t have the ability to actually speak it correctly yet. That’s why you need Abigail’s help to learn. Otherwise it would be like trying to translate Italian into French using a Spanish dictionary. After I give you the spell, I’ll teach you how to say it correctly.”

“So why don’t you say it out loud in English.” Marie enquired.

“Because I need to see if you do actually understand what I am saying. A wrong tense or words spoken out of order can have disastrous consequences. Ready to begin again?”

Cassie kept the same pace of four word blocks until the spell was finished. She then looked in both Jasmine’s and Marie’s spell books. She was happy to see that they both had gotten it right. But then again, what did she expect? They were her Sisters after all.

“Samantha, please tell me what you see in Jasmine’s book.” Cassie asked.


“As I explained before, non-magic users cannot read what’s written in spell books.”

Cassie then taught Jasmine and Marie how to pronounce the words, four at a time, over and over until they could repeat the spell.

“Congratulations! You now have your first spell. Later, Abigail will teach you how to alter it, if you choose to. With this soundproofing spell you will still be able to hear sound inside the room, like someone knocking on the door. However, even if you yell at the top of your lungs, no one outside the room will hear. Now you two can have all the screaming orgasms you want. Not all spells are the same length. Most are shorter and quicker to cast, others take a longer time.” Cassie told them with pride.

“Can you give me an arousal spell now?” Jasmine asked.

“Not yet. Not until Abigail feels you’re ready. The spell I just gave you can’t alter a person. That’s why I can let you have it. Anything that directly affects or influences a person needs control. You did that first arousal spell while Abigail was present. That’s why she allowed it and now knowing your power level, I agree with her. Although you are older than me, I don’t want you to repeat some of the mistakes I made when I first started.

Let’s get out of here now in case someone else wants to use the library.”

“How do I really get Samantha out of here?” Jasmine inquired.

“All kidding aside Sis, to get Samantha out of here just kiss her the same way you did to get her in.”

After gathering everything up, Samantha assumed the position and Jasmine started another round of tonsil hockey with her. Again Cassie guided the happy couple thru the doorway. They went down the stairs and said there goodbyes to Paddy.

“Now what will keep my day bright without all of your radiate beauty?” Paddy said sadly as they walked out.

“I’ll see you Saturday. Have fun trying out the spell.” Cassie said with a wink and hugged her Sisters goodbye before heading off.

Jasmine turned to Marie. “I’ll be stopping by around ten tomorrow for a day of Sisterly bonding. Cassie is not your only fun older Sister. After we’re done, we’ll go meet Jewel, my Cousin Steve and Frank.”

“What if Frank doesn’t like me?” Marie asked.

Before Jasmine could answer, Samantha said with a wicked smile, “Then your big Sister and I will kick his butt up and down Lake Shore Drive.”

“What she said.” Jasmine confirmed with a grin. “Now go home and decide if you’re wearing the green or blue dress. Here is the money to get home. Don’t worry about Frank. Take care.”

“It’s too much Sis. For the ride to the train station and then the train, I only need half of this.” Marie protested as she tried to give some of the money back.

Jasmine gently curled her hand around Marie’s hand to keep her from giving back the money, “You haven’t eaten since this morning. Use the money to go get something to eat.” Jasmine said with a smile as she hugged her little Sister goodbye. Jasmine let Marie take the first taxi. She and Samantha took the next one.

Jasmine and Samantha arrived back at their place around eight thirty. Jasmine asked Sammie to wait and went into the bedroom. She was in there over fifteen minutes before she came back out.

“Well Sammie?”

“I didn’t hear a thing Jas. Did you cast it?”

“Yes and I’ve been yelling at you to get your beautiful butt in here.” Jasmine said as she pulled Samantha into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind them.

Jasmine pushed Samantha onto the bed and began to furiously pull her own clothes off. Sammie started matching her as if it was a race to see who could get naked first. It wound up being a tie but they both knew that there was never going to be a loser in this contest. Samantha smiled as Jasmine sat on the bed, picked up Sammie’s left foot and started kissing it. Jasmine rested Samantha’s heel on her shoulder as she moved down her calf with kisses. When Jasmine reached Samantha’s thigh, Samantha bent her leg over Jasmine’s shoulder as she continued kissing Samantha’s thigh heading towards Samantha’s womanhood.

Jasmine leaned forward to begin sampling her favorite candy, Sweet Sammie. Samantha wrapped her right leg around Jasmine’s other shoulder. Jasmine grabbed Samantha near the hips and began with long teasing licks that increased in speed in time with Sammie’s moans. Samantha began to quiver as Jasmine’s tongue got near to the center of her carnal lollipop. After a furious blizzard of licks, Sammie orgasmed and dispensed her sweet juices into Jasmine’s eager mouth.

Jasmine let Sammie recover for a few minutes. Then Jasmine maneuvered herself into a kneeling sixty nine with her wet nether lips dangling over Sammie’s eager mouth. She indulged her erotic sweet tooth with another serving of Sammie. After they both shared orgasms, Jasmine lay down next to Sammie and the two began to cuddle.

“Tomorrow is the day Jas. Do you think you can pull off Marie as Jewel’s Sister?” Samantha asked.

“We have to Sammie. Too many people’s happiness is riding on this now for us to fail. Before I asked Cassie for help, I only thought of protecting Steve. Now this has turned into helping Jewel, Frank, Steve and my Sister Marie. Along the way, we’ve already helped my Aunt, Uncle and Lydia as well.

Although I always thought it was a stupid line, my new mantra is ‘failure is not an option’.”

To Be Continued.