The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Mind Contagion

Chapter Five — Outside Influences

“That being said, his behavior has been erratic and I would like to have you look into it, Karla.”

Karla brushed her loose blonde curls out of her face, the new style playing havoc on her when she was on the phone. “Yes, sir. I’ll get right on it.”

“Your best discretion as usual, Miss Valentine.” The husky voice finished before the line went dead.

The boss was an odd duck. That scratchy low voice was all that she knew of him, having never had the opportunity to meet him face to face. Most people hadn’t, simply taking their orders verbally after having been put in contact by their respective handlers.

Karla was an investigator. At least that’s the title she would have given herself if she had a business card, but her work was a little too sensitive for that. She performed everything from the drudgery of auditing costs and expenses to corporate espionage, preventing drugs and processes from the company’s labs from being sold to the highest bidder; or being used for personal gain, which is what was suspected of her current case.

She did a once-over of her notes from the brief phone conversation, then ran them through the shredder, the relevant data already locked away in her mind. It was going to be a long flight, but she’d be able to start first thing in the morning. She had been to this particular research center once before, successfully uncovering a scientist covertly sharing his data with a foreign company. In her line of work, the last she usually heard of a case was when she filed her reports. She had no way of knowing the resolution.

* * *

Jeremy stroked Lauren’s cheek, his eyes lost in hers as they lay intertwined on the couch, not really following the movie they had sat down to watch. The two had been making out like teenagers, neither apparently able to hit the ball far enough to advance bases. For Jeremy’s part, he wasn’t concerned about it. He was enjoying his time with her and their budding relationship while venting his pent-up frustrations through his ‘research’. He had shifted his working hours back to his original project while his other formula had become a personal project; he didn’t want management to think that he had stopped making progress. There were some hopeful signs, though, that made him pleased. He was closer than ever to targeted emotional changes. Unfortunately, a love potion just wasn’t what they were after.

“Next time, my place.” Lauren said, preparing to leave. “I’ve got something special in store for you, mister.”

“Sounds good to me.” Jeremy replied, handing her the light jacket draped over the barstool. “I’m really happy that we got together.”

“So am I.” She said, kissing him one last time. “But like they say in academia, ‘publish or perish’.”

With that she was gone and Jeremy was left wondering what that could possibly mean.

* * *

Karla kicked the treadmill in the hotel gym up another notch, putting her at about a seven-minute pace for a mile. Sweat was trickling between her breasts from her neck, absorbing into the moisture-wicking fabric of her sports bra. At five in the morning, she generally chose to work out in comfort, there being less gawkers to worry about. Her legs were tingling with the familiar numbness, but they cranked out the miles, left after right, over and over again. Running was her tool to combat her own brain, clearing out the unnecessary distractions that kept her from focusing on her goal.

A middle-aged guy practically stumbled in the small gym and his first ten minutes produced more stares than sweat or calories burned. In his defense, the twenty-eight-year-old was hard to not look at. She had a flawless runner’s body and an angelic face that could charm the socks off of anyone; part of the reason she was so successful at her work. She was flushed and soaked with sweat, two conditions that did very little to distract from her model good looks. She gradually backed off the speed settings, finally dropping to a walk. She left, feeling the man’s eyes following her out, or at least her backside.

The shower was as hot as the workout, and she found herself making her plans as usual. She was leaning towards going the route of seduction after reading his bio, though she would make the final determination of her approach after she met him. His daily habits were virtually non-existent, so she had arranged to be placed on the inside rather than lie in wait for a ‘random’ meeting. As her mind wandered, she rinsed the sweat from her body and found herself considering the convenient coincidence that the department secretary’s father had passed away the day before, giving her an opening as a temporary replacement. She pushed away the thought that that sort of ‘coincidence’ happened a lot in her work. None of my business, she thought, stick with the task at hand.

* * *

I’m getting spoiled, Jeremy thought to himself as his car chirped. Walking up to the front door of his nondescript offices, he realized that because he hadn’t gone out the night before after Lauren had left, he was feeling a little bit anxious, ready for more action. Can’t even go one night before I get all worked up. Definitely time to take a break, he thought, not realizing he was mentally undressing the cashier from the coffee place as he pulled open the front door.

“Good morning, sir.” The voice came as his head was buried in his phone.

Jeremy almost jumped. Sarah?

“Oh, good morning.” Jeremy said, catching the new face at the desk. Have strength man, he thought. “Where’s Sarah?”

“Death in the family.” The pretty blonde replied truthfully. “Sorry, but I’ll need to see your badge. Protocol, you know. I’m good with faces though, so you won’t need to show me tomorrow.

Jeremy fumbled his wallet out of his pants. He hadn’t shown his badge since Sarah had started working and he couldn’t even remember how long ago that had been.

“It’s in here somewhere. Sorry, sometimes I’m not so organized.

“It’s okay.” The blonde laughed. “It’s been the same with just about everyone this morning. I’m Evelyn, by the way.”

He paused, looking up to meet her blue eyes. “Jeremy. And I’ll prove it in just a minute. There!”

Jeremy handed his card to Evelyn, who was smiling. Great smile, he thought, then checked himself. Hand out of the cookie jar, Jeremy.

“Okay, Jeremy, you’re good to go.” She said, professionally, waving him through. “It was a pleasure to meet you.”

“You too, Evelyn.” Jeremy replied, opening the inner door at the buzz. Certainly a lot nicer than Sarah was, he thought.

As he approached his office, Lauren was already there and she looked agitated.

“I have to talk to you.”

“Sure. Are you okay?” He said, punching in his code. As the light went green he gestured her inside.

“I think I might have had an accident in my lab.” She said, steering away from his comforting touch. “Don’t. I might be contagious.”

Jeremy looked her up and down. “You look fine. Why do you think you had an accident?”

“I just don’t feel right. I can’t pinpoint any particular thing that happened in the lab, but something’s wrong.”

“What are your symptoms?” Jeremy asked, his researcher side making a natural appearance.

“It’s kind of embarrassing.” She said, lowering her eyes.

“C’mon, we’re both scientists here.” He said, though she shied away from his touch once more.

He could see the pained expression on her face and it tore at him. All he could think about was her exposure in his lab the previous week. Was this a side-effect, delayed reaction?

“Well.” She said, coming to a full stop and pausing. “At night, it’s the dreams. During the daytime, it’s just mental imagery and daydreams of a sort.”

“Okay, are you working on anything psycho-reactive?” Jeremy asked.

“I…well…” Lauren stammered.

“You can’t tell me that. Okay, understood. What are the dreams about?”

“That’s the embarrassing part.” She said, finally looking back up at him.

The worry started to rise up in Jeremy’s stomach. This was looking less and less likely that something had happened with Lauren’s research.

“Fantasies, mostly.” She finally said, softly.

“Well, that’s relatively normal, isn’t it?”

“Not like this.”

“What do you mean?”

“They’re rather…” Another long pause. “Intense.”

“That can happen.” He said, trying to reassure her. “Have you been overly stressed, not sleeping well?”

“No. My research is going well, I’m sleeping fine otherwise, and I’ve got you in my life, so things are good.”

Jeremy felt a warmth at her words.

“I’m not going to pressure you, Lauren.” He said, leaning against the desk. “But I’m a good listener.”

“I know you are, Jeremy.” She said, wiping her cheek. “You’re a good guy.”

The warmth turned into something more akin to guilt.

“Everyone has their dark side.”

“Not you, you’re just…you.”

Lauren’s phone played its ringtone in her hand.

“I’ve got to get this.” She said, looking apologetic.

“You know where to find me, Lauren.”

He scrambled to his notes the moment the door closed behind her. Oh shit, he thought, what have I done?

* * *

“Interesting.” Karla said, turning the audio feed back down.

Her temporary position had also come with temporary software on the secretary’s computer. Live audio-visual feeds of the researchers below. She made a note of Jeremy’s visitor’s name. Lauren. Geek love at its finest, she thought.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and incredibly boring. The movies made field-work so fucking glamorous, she thought. Generally, it’s a lot of sitting and waiting. She sighed, waiting for the researchers to leave for the day. The girl had visited him again for lunch, but they didn’t do much talking, other than a promised phone call that evening. Hopefully the tap had gone through already.

As she watched him get in the elevator, Karla quickly let down her blonde curls and unbuttoned one, then two buttons on her blouse. Three, she finally decided, adjusting the girls for their part in her mission.

“Good night, Evelyn.” Jeremy said as he left the inner office area.

“Jeremy, right?” She said, leaning forward to highlight her recent adjustments. “What’s there to do around here for someone new?”

“I’m definitely the wrong buy to ask, unless you like seminars.” He said, smiling weakly.

“Not exactly what I was after.” She replied, putting the eraser of her pencil to her lips.

“Sorry, I’ve gotta run.” He said, dismissing himself.

“Well, shit.” Karla said to the empty office.

* * *

“I don’t want to taint what we have together.” Lauren said over the phone, sadness in her voice.

“I don’t understand, Lauren. Why don’t I come over and we could talk about it?”

“No. Don’t.” There was an urgency and firmness in her voice. “I just need some time to be by myself, Jeremy.”

“Okay, I’m not going to push it, but I’m here for you. Anytime, anywhere, just call me and I’ll get to you.”

“I know you will.” Lauren replied. “Hey, I’m going to let you go.”


The line went dead. Jeremy stared out his living room window, worried about what might follow and what was happening to Lauren.

Inspiration hit him and he dialed the phone.


“Hey, Sarah. How are you doing?”

“Okay, I guess. This is a surprise.”

“I just wanted to check up on you. Are you feeling okay?”

“About as okay as can be expected considering the circumstances.” Sarah said, her voice low as if she was in a room with other people.

“Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. I’m sorry for your loss.”

“That’s nice, Jeremy, thanks. I can see what Lauren sees in you. I gotta go, though. Talk to you later?”

“Sure thing.” Jeremy said.

He dialed again. Lindsay.


“Hey, I don’t know if you remember me or not, but we…met at your restaurant a while back and you gave me your number.”

“Of course I remember.” Lindsay said, excitement creeping into her voice. “I can’t wait to see you again. Tonight?”

Jeremy was floored as he scanned through his notes during the call. Lindsay should be fully recovered by now. He struggled to keep up both his reading and the conversation.

“Can I ask you a question?” He asked.

“Sure, but you could ask me in person.” Lindsay said, a little seduction mixing in.

“Have you been having a lot of dreams?”

“Just about you.”

“What kind of dreams?”

“Why don’t you let me show you?”

“During the day too?”

“Yeah, I’ve been wanting you since that day. Kicking myself for not getting your number. So, what’s it going to be?”

Jeremy sat in thought for a moment, until the pause was getting too long. For science, right? He gave her the address.

“Is twenty minutes too long?”

It turned out to be closer to fifteen. He looked out the peephole at the knock. She was prettier than he had remembered, but the way his life had been, their brief encounter in the restaurant bathroom had been ages ago.

Lindsay was dressed to make tongues drag. Short skirt, heel and a skintight blouse accentuated every curve of her body, which he had only previously seen in her work uniform which was not nearly as flattering. It took all of his focus to keep his mind on his work, spending the first fifteen minutes essentially grilling her about her emotions, feelings, wants and desires. His initial thought was that she was no longer susceptible to suggestion, but her sex drive was off the charts. Amazingly, it was still tied to him as well. She had had no other lovers since, even though she was practically going crazy with lust. Why her and not Sarah? That was the sticking point. Backtracking his conquests to date was going to have to be the next step. Who had this side-effect and who didn’t? Lauren, obviously, to his dismay. Sarah, nothing.

“I want you inside of me.” Lindsay growled huskily after his cock popped noisily out of her mouth. He had spent the last few minutes of the interrogation with her between his knees on the couch, answering questions between strokes on his shaft.

“My pleasure.” He grinned, guiding her to the couch, where she scooched down and spread her legs seductively, revealing moist cotton panties at the junction of those shapely gams. He hadn’t had the opportunity for more than a blowjob on their first encounter and he was anxious to get inside of her as well. The panties stripped off, he watched as the likely artificially slutty waitress held herself open for him.

“Come get it, stud.” She cooed, her eyes alight with passion.

She was tight and wet and heavenly. Those fiery red curls bounced around her face as he fucked her, sliding in hard and deep, to her obvious delight. His scientific mind was still working even as he enjoyed his new toy, trying to determine the difference in subject responses to the contagion. It just didn’t make sense. He knew he was basically using her at this point, his focus not enough to care about her pleasure. Not his normal response, but there it was. Because of that, it caught him off guard when she came, her body squeezing him with spasm after spasm, causing him to explode shortly thereafter, pumping his load into her willing and greedy body.

“Oh, my God.” She said. “I so needed that.”

Some of his own juices dribbled out between her legs as he withdrew, watching her fingers snake down to catch the slow flow, bringing it back to her lips and rolling it on her tongue. He was able to question her some more about her libido and got the impression that it had ebbed somewhat. Within fifteen more minutes, Lindsay was out the door.

* * *

Karla watched the redhead leave the apartment. It had only been about forty-five minutes since she had walked in. Kind of a looker for Jeremy, she thought, making a mental note; yet so is Lauren. She watched the lights go out in the apartment and made the decision to follow the girl and leave Jeremy unattended. He wasn’t going anywhere.

She ended up at a night club. Karla parked and followed her in. From the looks of it, the young hottie was on the prowl.

“You having any luck?” Karla asked, sliding in next to the red head at the bar.

“Not yet, but it’s early.” The girl smiled. “How about you?”

“Evelyn. Evelyn Nance.” She responded, holding out her hand which the other girl took.

“Lindsay. Yeah, the place starts picking up a little later in the night.”

“Maybe we could offer a two for one special.” Karla joked.

Lindsay looked her up and down, as if appraising a product.

“Maybe just the two of us if not?”

“Reading my mind, beautiful.”

It was not, and the end of the night found Karla in Lindsay’s studio apartment, the young girl between her legs, providing a pretty exceptional service.

“This will never replace a guy, but it’s certainly nothing to sneeze at.” She said, running her fingers through the red curls. “The last guy I was with rocked my world.”

Lindsay looked up from between her legs, her face glistening, a smile forming.

“I was just with a guy like that tonight.”

“Oh, do tell…but let’s wrap this up first. Don’t leave a girl hanging.”

* * *

It really wasn’t Murder on the Orient Express or anything like that. He was an experienced researcher after all. Effectively, if his subject had an orgasm by him, it essentially ‘satisfied’ the contagion, at least that’s the term he had in his notes. If Lindsay was an example, it effectively cured the disease. Sarah had had multiple orgasms, where she had not. He hadn’t even touched Lauren. Unfortunately for him, these weren’t the terms under which he wanted to win her sexually, but making her come seemed to be the only way to alleviate her symptoms. Catch 22, he thought, with a dirty little twist. Fuck.

He stayed up watching television and thinking about it most of the night. His streaming services weren’t offering anything he wanted, so for the first time in ages, he watched one of the broadcast networks, an old and fittingly appropriate movie about women being in the thrall of their mysterious master. Campy, but perfect. He put up with the commercial breaks he wasn’t used to, which was kismet, because he found a possible solution.

He texted Lauren.


It took a few minutes, then he heard the chime.






“I wish I could help you.” Jeremy said when she picked up.

“I know. I’ll figure it out soon, I hope.” She said, her voice tired.

“I think I know what you meant by ‘publish or perish’.” He said. “So I’m a little thick sometimes, but you know that.”

Lauren gave a half laugh. “Yeah, it’s one of the qualities I like.”

“I want to publish.” He said.

“I do too, but…” She started.

“Shh…” He said, interrupting her. “Let me talk.”

Silence on the other end.

“First, I’d taste those lips again. Wine, honey, there’s no good metaphor. I love your lips on mine, your eyes on mine.”

“Go on.” She said, her voice barely audible.

“I’d find the courage and the strength to leave them though, my lips going to the nape of your neck, feeling my own breath echo off your sweet skin.”

Silence apart from the sound of her breath on the line.

“My hands would be independent, exploring in advance of my lips, which would follow shortly. They would linger on your breasts, only giving up and moving on so my mouth could take their place.

“Jeremy.” The soft voice again. He continued.

“As my lips explored your breasts my hands would have moved down to your hips, working off whatever kept me from touching your skin, my lips now at your stomach.”

The breathing on the other end of the line was becoming more pronounced.

Jeremy had never done this before, but it was exciting him. He found himself stroking his hardening shaft as he spoke.

“Restrictions removed, I would touch you. Gentle at first, your skin so soft and inviting, a finger hesitantly searching for an opening. Before that, though, my mouth would have caught up with my hands, leaving them free to explore your legs. The first penetration would have to be my tongue, slipping gently inside you, your body targeting all of my senses.”

Her breath was steady and measured. He had opened his shorts and was stroking himself as he listened to her and spoke some more.

“Those legs wrapped around me, touching me, drowning out the sounds you make, my focus directly on your body, at that heaven between your legs.”

“Oh, Jeremy. I…” She paused her voice urgent, her breath becoming ragged.

“I so want to be inside of you, Lauren.” He said. “I want you to be mine.”

The sound from the other end of the line was unmistakable, erotic and intense and he felt his own fluids on his hands as he joined her in pleasure. His first thought was, does that count?

“Are you okay, Lauren?” He said to the silence. A few moments passed.

“Yes. God, I love you.”

If there was ever a pleasant slap to the face, that was it.

“I can’t wait to see you.” He whispered.

“Tomorrow night. Around seven.” She said, her voice soft and airy.

“Bells on.”

“Goodnight, Jeremy.” She said, then added. “And thanks.”

* * *

“He’s definitely got something.” Lauren said to the boss over the secured line.

“What do you think it is?”

“I’m not sure yet, but it’s something. The girl I talked to kept spouting about how hot he was. Geeky-cute maybe, but definitely not ‘hot’ or even close.” She said, thinking of Jeremy.

The mysterious voice on the other end laughed.

“Let me know when you have more.”

“Are my taps coming through today?”

“I’ll make sure it happens.”

The conversation ended at that point. She hadn’t really expected a goodbye anyway. She knew she was just a cog in a wheel, unable to even see the size of the whole thing.

She got dressed for work, thinking about the evening she had spent with her new lover slash informant. Definitely worse jobs to have, she thought.

* * *

The outfit was about as hot as you could get away with in a business environment. Lots of cleavage and ass, the business suit was perfectly tailored. Karla had been monitoring the outside cameras for about an hour when she saw Jeremy coming in, alone as usual. She pushed out from behind the desk and went to the front. As she heard the door opening, she bent at the waist, pretending to look at the cables going from her monitor to the computer on the floor.

Jeremy’s eyes locked on the moment he saw that body. Strength, he said to himself. Self-control. He cleared his throat.

Karla turned her head, still bent over. She flashed her pearly whites.

“Hey Jeremy, can you give me a hand with this?”

“Uh, sure Evelyn.” He said, still a little flummoxed.

She had unplugged the monitor and he quickly found the solution. She noted that her body had not gone unnoticed, or even un-stared at. She smiled. Progress.

“Thanks, Jeremy, you’re a big help.” She said, straightening up. “Hey, I went to Club Paradis last night, you ever been?”

“No, not really my scene. Good?” He said, anxious to get down to the labs in hope of seeing Lauren. He was having a harder time resisting. Hands off the new secretary, he told himself.

“It was fun. It would be better if I knew someone there.”

Even Jeremy knew that was a sign. Maybe he was getting less oblivious. Regardless, he wanted to extricate himself from the temptation.

“Oh, you’ll find people.” He said. “It’s probably easier for you to make friends than me.”

Karla looked at him, trying to mask her frustration.

“I don’t see why, you’re a nice enough guy.” She said.

Jeremy smiled. “Thanks. I appreciate it. Don’t want to be late, though.”

Karla buzzed him through to the inner office.

“What the hell is the deal?” She asked herself aloud. The internal dialogue was harsher. Am I losing it?