The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter 17

As it turned out I needed the lunch break I had only just finished, simply to bring myself down from the sensual high where Jackie’s naked body had taken me to. She had responded perfectly while completely awake and aware of everything that had been going on around her-mainly her own hands removing every stitch of clothing she was wearing until she stood naked before me for a second time that morning. The sight of her lovely breasts with their long, dark nipples and that fiery shock of lush pubic hair had almost been too much for my lance, which, at the time, had been trying to stand through a non-existent hole it had been attempting to rip through the material of my trousers.

A nice quiet lunch and a cigarette had been just what the doctor ordered. I was calm again now, sitting at my desk and waiting for Angela to arrive. I had already made my notes on the morning’s work and results with Jackie and was now ready to move ahead with Angela in any way our session wanted to take a turn. I only planned to begin it, then see where it went on its own.

Angela arrived on time and seated herself quietly opposite me at my desk. She smiled as I gave her a mock salute.

‘Afternoon, ma’am.’ I said brightly.

‘Good afternoon, Sir.’ She replied with a girlish grin.

‘How’s things with you?’ I inquired.

Her brow furrowed for a brief instant than smoothed once again.

‘Fine.’ She answered. ’ I’ve been sleeping well, and eating well. And I feel good about myself. I don’t think I’ve ever really done that, all that much.’

‘How do you mean?’ I asked.

‘You know, without feeling guilty.’ She answered.

‘Yes.’ I caught on. ‘You deserve to feel good that way. We all do.’

‘I used to feel guilty about feeling good.’ Angela ventured unprompted. ‘No matter what it was. Whenever I began to feel good, I’d then start to feel guilty, as if I didn’t deserve it or something.’

I smiled warmly at her, wondering why some man hadn’t snapped this lovely warm person up for himself and whisked her away out of sight from every other man in town.

‘Shame, guilt, anger, hurt or fear.’ I offered. ’ The cornerstone foundations of most of the problems of humanity in general. Most problems come down to one of those as their main cause.’

‘Yes.’ Angela nodded, agreeing with me.

‘Like the man I saw last month.’ I began. ‘As I spoke to him .. I could see he had .. focused his gaze on .. some aspect of my face that .. he found interesting .. or different .. for some reason and .. just continued to gaze at it while .. I continued speaking. I didn’t really know just what special and different part of my face .. he found so interesting that .. he’d never noticed before, but he .. noticed it that time and .. never took his eyes off it while .. I continued to speak to him of .. shame, guilt, hurt, anger and fear so that .. he could watch .. that part of my face that .. he found so interesting while his subconscious mind could .. listen to what I was saying about .. shame, guilt, anger, hurt or fear and .. he became very relaxed while .. doing just that .. looking at that .. very interesting part of my face that .. he’d never noticed before while .. I talked and .. he just became .. more and more relaxed-more and more deeply calm-more and more .. wonderfully at peace as .. he watched my face and .. his subconscious .. listened to very word I said while .. he became so relaxed that .. his eyes just couldn’t stay open a second longer and .. he decided to just listen anyway while .. I spoke and .. he relaxed even further .. deeply down .. and down .. and down while .. I spoke and .. every word helped to .. carry him down even further .. into a very peaceful state of mind where .. everything was so peaceful and .. so calm and .. his eyes just slammed shut .. like two garage doors .. so heavy and .. so full of weight and .. just slammed tightly shut and .. stayed tightly shut while .. he just went deeper .. and deeper into the most .. relaxing state he’d ever experienced and just .. remained very silent, enjoying that peaceful place while .. I rested my voice .. every now and then and .. he just went deeper .. into his own silence.’

I watched, smiling. Angela’s mind had been taken completely and subtly by surprise and without even knowing it. Her subconscious mind had followed my suggestion and had found an interesting aspect of my face to focus on while I spoke. After that it had only been a matter of time while her inner mind followed and acted upon each and every descriptive word I uttered. Her body naturally followed the directions of her feeling mine and was now completely relaxed with her mind hypnotised. Her eyes had shut at the mention of it happening with only a couple of blinks. Then it had been simply lights out.

Now Angela sat deeply tranced and would only remember sitting down and listening to me talking about some other patient I’d had last month-all part of her overall hypnotic conditioning for her greater cause. I gave her several moments to get used to and explore at her own pace wherever she found her mind and senses right then before proceeding to the next phase of my planned session format with her. Yes, I concluded, as I watched her peaceful countenance. The subconscious feeling mind was always listening. It was just that sometimes it listened more closely than at others, especially when told to, or guided to, or directed to.

‘Angela?’ I asked quietly.

‘Yes.’ Came her slurred answer.

‘Can you hear me quite clearly?’

‘Yes.’ She answered a little more clearly.

‘Are you peaceful?’ I asked her.

‘Yes. Very.’ She replied.

‘Are you hypnotised?’

‘Yes. I think so.’ She responded.

‘Take yourself deeper now, with each breath and silent counting in any way you can and want to imagine, deeper down to a level where you are sure you are deeply hypnotised.’ I told her quietly, but firmly. ‘Let me know when you’re there.’

‘Yes.’ Angela said with a long sigh.

I then watched as she breathed deeply and regularly, each exhalation becoming a little longer than the previous breath until finally she slumped well forward in the chair, her hair cascading all around her face, covering most of it. Her shoulders were rounded and her head hung well forward and down toward her chest.

‘I’m there.’ Angela breathed quietly.

‘That’s fine, Angela. You’re doing perfectly.’ I told her firmly. ‘Enjoy where you are for a few moments longer and become more sensitive to yourself-more sensitive to who you really are, remembering clearly that you are not your thoughts, or your emotions, or your physical sensations. They’re only what you are-remembering that who you really are is beyond your mind, and, is the pure awareness of what you’re not.’

I remained silent then while Angela digested, considered and made sense out of my last deliberately confusional statement. I wanted her hung up on herself and her own inner thought process, at least until all recollection and awareness of where she was with reference to my office had disappeared and she reached truly an altered state of awareness with no attachment to the chair on which she sat.

‘Angela?’ I asked quietly, but firmly.


‘In a few moments I am going to ask you to open your eyes, stand up, and then walk into the therapy room and make yourself comfortable lying down in the therapy chair. Each step you take will seem like you are stepping down deeper and deeper into the inner recesses of your deepest mind, becoming more and more deeply hypnotised as you do so. By the time you have become comfortable in that chair you will be more deeply hypnotised than you have ever been before-so deeply hypnotised that your conscious mind will step aside willingly and allow full and free reign to your deepest inner mind to freely converse with me in any subject it wishes to discuss. At all times you will remain deeply calm and observe what is being said and will not become distressed at any time. Do you understand clearly?’


‘Do it now.’ I told her.

I watched then as Angela took a deep breath, sighed, and then slowly opened her eyes. She stood and turned, then walked through to the therapy room and sat down in the chair. I followed behind her. Reaching down she then extended the footrest and reclined back and closed her eyes.

I sat down and dimmed the lights, then made myself comfortable. After a few minutes of deep breathing I gave my own subconscious mind its Go trigger to trance down as I had practised at home. Instantly I felt myself sinking through the chair, noticing how pleased I was with the trigger’s effect on my physical body. I let go and went with the feeling, not wanting to make anything happen-not wanting to prevent anything from happening-just allowing everything to happen by itself, naturally.

I felt like I was floating-cut loose on a sea of calm and tranquillity way out in space. I was surrounded by a warm light and felt that I was not alone. It was Angela. I could feel her-sense her presence-her warmth-her personality. I became unaware of my body or whether I had any limbs. I was just me, in essence, yet my mental clarity was pure, somehow. I followed the feeling deeper into myself, somehow feeling that I was taking Angela with me, or that she was coming anyway.

Then I stopped sinking. I could feel it as clearly as if an elevator had

stopped at a floor and was waiting for me to get off. Everything was grey and moving slowly in my awareness. I was aware I was looking around myself, but saw nothing. Nevertheless, I knew I was not alone. Then I was moving away from where I had been-moving forward into the greyness, and still not alone. I was warm. Then I was aware that it was not Angela’s presence I could feel with me, but another’s. I began to panic a little, then calmed for some reason. The presence was all around me, yet still I could feel Angela somewhere, but I couldn’t see her.

‘Why are you here?’ I asked, not choosing the question.

‘You chose to be here.’ Came the answer inside my head as loud as thunder.

‘Why?’ the question came from me again without choosing it.

‘You chose to come here,’ Came the answer, not male or female. I was aware there was a part of me that was listening, separate to that part of me asking the questions. I was calm and could still feel Angela’s presence, but I still couldn’t see her. I was concerned for her, but not for myself for some reason.

‘She is here.’ the voice said, not as loudly as before.

‘I’m here.’ Came Angela’s voice clearly inside my head, and I was instantly relieved.

‘Why?’ Came the same question from my voice.

‘There are many reasons.’ the voice said inside my head.

The part of me that was observing and listening was asking me what the hell was going on, but the part of me asking the question was telling it to shut up. I felt odd, to say the least, but I was no longer worried about Angela.

‘What is happening here?’ I asked without choosing to ask.

‘You once had a thought, which led to a question that was a long time in coming, and so you are here.’ Came the puzzling answer from the voice I was acutely aware of as neither being male or female.

‘Why are you here?’ Asked my voice without my choosing.

‘You chose to be here.’ Came the voice inside my head. ‘You have arrived here. Now it is time for you to move on.’

‘What do want?’ I asked then.

‘What do you want.’ Came the answer repeating my own question, but asking me the same thing.

‘This must be a dream, or a movie.’ I said in choosing. ‘Who are you?’ I asked with a choice. Then suddenly I became aware of Angela’s distress building and instantly she became my prime concern.

‘Count up, Angela.’ I told her. ‘Breathe and count yourself up. I’ll come with you. Do it now.’

I felt myself lifting immediately, floating higher, leaving wherever I had been with Angela quickly behind. I could hear her counting in her mind. Each time she said a number I rose like a balloon being lifted by a string. I felt calm, with thoughts only of Angela’s safety and peace of mind as I quickly regained the awareness of my present surroundings. My eyes opened to see Angela blinking and opening her own to stare directly at me-a puzzled, panicked expression lining her brow and face, and in her eyes.

‘What the....?’ She asked, her voice trembling.

‘Close your eyes, Angela. Now!’ I commanded her firmly. ‘Go deep to a restful place of peace and quiet and absolute safety. Do it! Now!’

Watching her do as she had been instructed I breathed deeply, needing time to think. I remembered everything that happened, but there was no need for her to-not until I figured out just what the hell was going on, anyway. Angela went quickly and deeply into trance and lay quietly breathing, her chest rising and falling gently with each breath.

When she had settled I implanted complete amnesia for all that had occurred, brought her out of her trance, tested her, took her back down and strengthened it, then brought her out and tested her again. She couldn’t remember a thing that had happened. I thanked her and let her go after making another appointment for her.

When the door closed I breathed deeply, held it for almost a minute, and then let it out with a long, slow sigh. My mind was racing. My thoughts were chaotic trying to make sense of it all. I whipped out a cigarette and lit it, sucking strongly and drawing it deeply into my lungs, then watching the thin stream of blue smoke leave my body in front of my face. The cigarette was finished in less than three minutes. I lit another one. It was gone in the same quick time. My mind was still racing. What had happened? What had just happened? Whose voice was that? It wasn’t Angela’s or mine. That was for sure. It hadn’t sound either male or female, but whose was it? Whose?

Shaking my head, I’d had enough. I needed some fresh sea air inside my body. I was going home, then to the beach for a long, long walk.