The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter 23

We sat on the deck, both of us gazing out over the emerald green ocean with its myriad of life unseen beneath its gently rolling surface. Tina had taken the news of her being a mule well, I thought, and had said very little about it. Now we sat in a comfortable silence, each waiting for the other to lead whatever conversation was to follow; each collecting our thoughts. God, she was beautiful, I thought, as I glanced at her sideways. Her flaming red hair just set me off, really starting my motor humming. Groin-inflaming images of her fiery red bush flooded my mind. Then I heard her chuckle and remembered. I grinned. I was such a slow bloody learner-no doubt about it. She chuckled again and I cursed silently, wondering if I’d ever learn.

‘Probably not.’ She said softly. ‘But that’s all right.’

I smiled and looked deeply into her eyes as she turned to look at me, desperately trying to blank the sexual images of us both together from my mind.

‘It’s a losing battle, that one.’ She grinned.

‘I know.’ I replied. ‘But that’s not why you’re here.’

‘Yes.’ She said, her face rapidly becoming serious. ‘Why I’m here. Well, let’s get on with it. Maybe we’ll both learn something. I know I’m a bit confused as to a few things as well.’

‘Tina.’ I began, not really knowing where to start. ‘The other night I was doing some self hypnosis and I seemed to achieve a state I’ve never experienced before. To tell you the truth, I don’t even know the name of it, except to tell you that it was deeper than I’ve ever been. Anyway, the bottom line is, I experienced a sort of euphoria, and I feel absolutely amazing, health-wise-better than I’ve felt for years.’

‘Why would you complain about that?’ Tina grinned at me.

‘I’m not complaining. It was just one of the things that has seemed to come as a by-product of the trance state. That’s all. But the rest sort of leaves me puzzled.’

‘Tell me about the rest.’ Tina said, her face a little apprehensive now.

‘I will. But first, can you tell me if you’ve ever experienced anything similar to what I’ve just said?’

She looked at me for a few seconds before answering. Then; ‘Yes. I have. But I want to hear what else you have to tell me about it.’

I felt relieved immediately, although I didn’t really know why.

‘Okay.’ I said. ‘But I can tell you I feel better already.’

‘Good.’ Tina answered with a thin smile. ‘Let’s move on. Okay?’

‘Sure. Well, It seems, whether I was, in fact, dreaming the whole thing or not, I don’t know, but I seemed to have opened some kind of or passed some kind of barrier, either to a dream state or directly to my subconscious mind, or a part of it, anyway. Knowledge you wouldn’t believe is running around my head I’ve always wondered about, but never really pursued with any degree of motivation.’

‘Knowledge about the soul and different aspects of your mind?’ She asked with a serious look.

‘Yes!’ I exclaimed. ‘Yes! Exactly! Then you know! You have experienced something similar!’

‘Yes. I have.’ She answered. ‘But I want to hear more.’

‘Sure. That’s great!’ I said, becoming excited that at least I had an ally I could believe and know that I hadn’t imagined the whole thing. ‘First, I seem to understand now that there is a pattern in the material plane or the physical plane and that it also exists in the spiritual plane; a pattern for spiritual and material things, which are just the same conditions, only raised to a different condition of the same element. To be quite honest with you, even what I just said I’m not sure as to where it even came from, except that I somehow know it to be true, and I understand its place in the overall scheme of things. But I know all force of any kind is one, made up of my super-conscious mind or spirit, being just and only one aspect of my overall mind. Does any of this make sense to you at all?’

‘Yes. Keep going.’ She replied, her eyes wide and her lips parted slightly.

‘Okay. Well, I feel, or rather, I know, that my subconscious mind never forgets anything-not a single thing. And that until the awareness of my soul or spirit, or the conscious awareness of my soul or spirit has reached a specific level of development wherein my spirit is raised to that level of conscious awareness above the earth’s sphere, all that goes on here, is the earth’s natural attractive forces, of which I have only a wild guess as to what they might be… ’

‘Slow down!’ Tina suddenly cut me off laughing. ‘It’s bubbling out of you like a mad man!’

I laughed with her, realising it was doing exactly that. I couldn’t stop it, it seemed.

‘Okay.’ I said. ‘That’s what I mean. See?’

‘Yes.’ She chuckled. ‘Go on, but take it easy. Throw in a full stop or a comma every now and then so my mind can take a breath. Okay?’

‘Yes, ma’am.’ I laughed. ‘Well, It seems I feel that my ‘whole’ mind grows and continues to reach upward and outward until it’s included in the all, or until ‘I’ am included in the all. Do you understand what I mean by that?’

‘Yes, I do. Go on.’

‘Okay. Well I think or I know, rather, that I have many phases to my mind, not just one or two, and that my ‘will’ is the active principle against which all of the earth’s natural attractive forces respond. And that it’s meant to be that way so I can gain the knowledge of my own actions; the knowledge that comes through my senses in my physical body to my conscious mind. My subconscious mind is the storehouse of all that knowledge, which my consciousness receives through the senses of that knowledge. And my Will is the action against the incentives set forth in them. Does that make any sense to you at all?’

‘Yes. Go on.’

‘Okay. Well, This knowledge I seem to have now seems to include knowledge that my spiritual forces began their development through the awakening of whatever spiritual forces existed in my soul in the first place, which was my birth into the spiritual world, whenever that happened to be. Because for me to be born to that realm or plane in the first place, I, or my spirit or soul would have had to approach a sufficient level of mind to include knowledge of my physical mind, as well as the mind of my soul itself and my spiritual mind as well, thereby reaching some kind of Oneness with it all.’

‘God, what a mouthful!’ Tina exclaimed chuckling.

‘I know.’ I said exasperated. ‘I don’t know where to stop and I don’t really know where to begin. There seems to be so much awareness, as if I’m in overload all of a sudden, as if someone or something is trying to force-feed me all this information quickly for some reason.’

‘Yes.’ Tina said evenly, her face serious again. It does seem like that, doesn’t it?’

‘You bet it does. And it’s driving me a little crazy, I have to tell you.’

‘Are you aware of anything regarding the psychic?’ Tine asked slowly.

I looked at her, but her face told me nothing, other than she was waiting to hear whatever it was I was going to say.

‘Not a lot. I don’t think.’ I answered, thinking. ‘I feel that the only real life for soul growth for me is in the material or the physical plane. That’s what I call psychic. And that when I’m operating in the spiritual world my unconscious mind becomes conscious, as well as ‘my’awareness that goes with it-the full awareness, of everything.’

‘Yes. Go on.’ She said.

‘Well, I believe, no, I know now that I can reach from one sphere to the other, and that it’s never that far away. I feel that it’s my soul who wants to learn all of the time somehow, and feeds on the experiences of my subconscious mind’s interpretation of my physical senses and I grow from there, or my soul does, anyway. And that the more I can manage or arrange to live in my subconscious mind the more my soul learns and grows and the more spiritual I become as an individual.’

‘Perfect! Slow down.’ Tina smiled. ‘My sentiments exactly!’

‘This is all very exciting. I don’t mind telling you. But I need to know or discover somehow, hopefully with your help, why this is all happening to me-why it seems so important all of a sudden, to me and to whoever or whatever is responsible for it happening to me in the first place.’

‘I know.’ She said. ‘And I will help you, wherever and whenever I can. Go on.’

‘Thanks.’ I said and meant it. It was a nice feeling now to know I wasn’t alone in all this. ‘I now don’t have to wonder any more if a thought I have is a memory or a memory I have is a thought because my subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between either, or between what’s real or what’s imagined. ’

‘Very good.’ Tina said and I stopped talking. I don’t know why I did, but I did. I just stared at her open-mouthed.

‘What?’ She asked, her face full of concern

‘I don’t know. What you said. But I don’t know. It sounded familiar, as if I’ve heard those words said before, and in exactly the same way and tone of voice.’

‘Keep going.’ She said, moving me forward in thought.

‘Okay. Well, I think, no, I feel that if a thought, any thought, became so powerful as to consume every waking moment, it would be because it would be necessary, somehow, for my overall development as a soul, with or without the permission of my conscious Will.’

‘Excellent!’ Tina suddenly exclaimed, smiling ‘Excellent!’

‘Excellent?’ I queried. ‘What’s excellent?’

‘You know!’ She said. ‘That any experience brings soul growth, whether it’s mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. You know!’

‘I don’t know what I know!’ I said feeling frustrated. ‘A lot of what I used to know doesn’t seem right anymore.’

‘Yes, I know. But that’s okay with you, though. Isn’t it?’

‘Yes.’ I replied, knowing that it was. The old had to make way for the new.

‘That’s right.’ She said. ‘And you shouldn’t enter into any of those conditions if there was a chance that it would unbalance your overall mind or inhibit its growth.’

I didn’t know how, but I knew she knew. And I didn’t know whether that made me feel any better or not. Still, it was better than talking to myself.

‘What’s this all about, Tina? Do you know? Can you shed any light on any of it at all?’ I asked her honestly.

‘Well,’ She began. ‘I know that we all have to pay a price necessary for the development of our real self, who we really are, and that it doesn’t have to be a bad price, or a painful price. It might be just the having to let go of old beliefs or values, like you seem to be doing right now.’

‘Yes.’ I answered quietly, listening to her for a change. It was a small relief.

‘I know that in essence we, as growing souls do not stand alone in our learning’s and that the conscious means that which is able to be manifested in the physical plane through one of the senses, its seat being the solar plexus, central to the physical body itself.’

‘Really?’ I asked, amazed.

‘Yes.’ Was all she said.

‘And?’ I pushed, curious more than ever at listening to what she knew for a change.

‘And, I know that if I wanted to understand the infinite mind of who I really am I must approach that with the finite in such conditions so as to receive that spiritual awareness or insight and be prepared to accept it and let go of old beliefs about it.’

That one didn’t make a real lot of sense to me. It must have showed.

‘With me?’ She asked, her eyebrows raised on her pretty face.

‘I’m hanging on by my fingernails.’ I smiled dryly. She belly-laughed. I loved the sound of it and thought instantly of the flaming red bush I knew was hiding between her legs.

‘How can you think of that at a time like this?’ She smiled at me like a mother admonishing her little boy. I suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

‘Mmmmmmmmmm’ She said as she leaned over and kissed me on the lips. Then she moved back and chuckled to herself.

‘Okay. Well, planets cast their own shadow, dark or light. And you can only understand your own subconscious mind when you view it from the spiritual viewpoint or aspect.’

‘Copy that.’ I grinned, and I did.

‘Good. Well, your conscious mind rarely gains any truth in or from the subconscious mind, except in rest, sleep, meditation or in self-hypnosis; that is, through the actual act of doing just that. When your conscious mind views your subconscious mind’s forces they appear bent and impractical, even illogical, or you might have the suggestion in trying to direct a truth from your subconscious mind, but all you’d get would be a distorted version at best, at least through the eyes or viewpoint of your conscious mind.’

‘Still with you so far.’ I answered in reply to her asking raised eyebrows.

‘Good. Well, your conscious mind would still get the truth, only a different aspect of it, a literal aspect of it, or a spiritual aspect of it. But the end result would be the same, because your conscious mind is not your subconscious mind or your spiritual mind or your soul mind. It would not comprehend it in its original truth form. You see?’

‘Yes.’ I answered. And I did. I didn’t know how it was all helping me or going to help me, but I understood.

‘Your subconscious mind,’ She went on. ‘And the abnormal, or the unconscious conscious, is the mind of your soul, and in sleep it seeks the real diversion. Your conscious mind is pure suggestion in action, using only its own elements to communicate with to other aspects of your overall mind.’

‘Jesus!’ I whistled. ‘This is getting deep and bloody meaningful, don’t you think?’

Tina laughed loudly, from the belly. I loved it. It did not help my confusion, but it took my mind off it.

‘What I mean is,’ she went on, smiling, ‘that when you deliberately or somehow merge the conscious to the subconscious, the personality of your body, or certain portions of it are removed and lie above your body. By training in the mental, through physical force or hypnosis, your subconscious urge, which is the soul faculty of doing whatever feels right without any intended injustice toward another, lends assistance to the overall uplifting of your awareness in all of your minds at the same time. And then basically, from that point onward, you are never the same person you used to be.’

‘Jesus!’ I said again, and I bloody meant it. Tina just chuckled.

‘Through a single thought,’ Tina went on. ‘You can direct other minds, either of an individual, or, the minds of the masses, toward good… or bad.’

My eyes suddenly went wide. Something fell into place. I didn’t know what, but it did. I didn’t know whether it concerned me, Tina, the place we worked at or what. But something clicked, and, it belonged squarely with hypnosis and its potential for mind control, and on the deepest level possible. I sensed it as surely as I knew my own name.

‘Now you’re getting it.’ Tina said, but her eyes were not smiling.’By allowing your subconscious mind to direct, instead of your conscious mind, you don’t build barriers in between that you then have to overcome before you can proceed further.’ She went on. ‘To overcome any barriers accidentally created or deliberately built, brings about an increase in conscious awareness, a Oneness of mind overall, of soul and body both in growth, and when that happens,a merging of the conscious with the subconscious mind, the subconscious always takes the direction, and it takes it in the physical plane. You can be aware consciously of when your subconscious mind takes control, or you can give it the lead deliberately by out-of-focus visualising.’

‘Yes. I’ve experienced that and use it as way of inducing self hypnosis quickly.’ I said.

‘Yes. But when it’s necessary to reach the subconscious mind of another individual you can do it through the senses of their physical body, before they know it’s happening, or before they become aware of it happening. Then the spoken word of command or suggestion will be more effective. Whatever is spoken by way of a command or a suggestion to their subconscious mind in an oral manner, or to a semiconscious mind or even a sleeping mind, will act even more strongly and powerfully in the depths of that mind for the acting out of it, at a later time.’

I just looked at her, stunned.

‘Yes.’ She answered my unasked, but not unthought question. ‘It’s all about the control of other people’s minds.’

‘So it’s not all about spiritual revelations of any kind?’ I asked, feeling disappointed and disillusioned. ‘It’s all about control?’

‘It’s about both.’ She answered. ‘You can’t have one without the other. It’s what we do with it, that knowledge, that makes it good or evil. Control is not necessarily evil, unless its intent is directed that way. Control can be for good, too.’

My mind stopped working for a moment. That was one view I had never considered- the control of people’s minds for the purposes of good.

‘It all subliminal teaching, one way or the other.’ Tina stated matter-of-factly. ‘And, it works. The subconscious mind of us all has one integral force, one spark, or one aspect of the common human soul that drives it. That commonality is in every human being alive and those not alive as well. ’

I could see that clearly. I knew I’d never thought of it that way before, but I could see it.

‘The super-conscious is the dividing line, that Oneness lying between the soul and the spirit force, within the spiritual mind of the individual.’ She went on. ‘It’s not of earth forces at all-only awakened with the spiritual indwelling, and acquired individually, or, forced to be acquired by a particular individual.’

Things were clicking inside my head everywhere. I let them click while Tina continued.

‘There’s a big difference between spiritual forces and soul forces. About and within each force there appears to be set guards or boundaries. These seem to lie nearer to the centres of the sensory system. The soul appears to reside in the brain and the nervous system. And the spiritual forces of an individual’s life, the reproductive forces, the libido, seems to be the basic soul-development principle, and, the gateway to subliminal control of the deeper minds of others. The central nervous system is a soul waiting for development, which is why sensual sensations are felt so fully and so deeply, and why it is the most direct and most effective access point to another’s subconscious mind-because the feeling mind is in charge and is being affected.’

It was all falling into place; answers to questions I had always had about hypnosis, how it was achieved and how and why it worked the way it did.

‘There are those elements,’ Tine continued. ‘Which, if applied in a material way, can bring into the experience of another, of each atom of the mind and body’s naturally inherent force or forces, the awareness of itself, or even more, if that is what’s desired at the time for any particular reason. And in that way, a gently forced awareness might make possible a conscious awareness of itself in its original source with the whole; that creative energy called nature-not Mother nature-human nature.’ .

I sat there amazed and stunned. Tina knew. She knew, and she knew more than I ever thought she did or would. I was beginning to doubt now my original theory that she was a mule for someone else, after all.

Tina then smiled warmly at me. I felt her love immediately.

‘No.’ She said softly as she read my thoughts. ‘I’m not a mule. But you’re close. When an individual within their inner selves opens their soul, ‘all’ is recorded. The soul never forgets its own Will to carry all of its learning’s through to eternity. It enjoys no joy or happiness unless founded on truth, and it keeps its own line heritage. It’s not a God in the sense we tend to think of it as such, and can use its vast experiences to whatever ends it chooses to in order to simply learn and to grow.’

‘Really?’ I asked, becoming more amazed at just how much she seemed to know.

‘Yes.’ She replied with a smile. ‘It will usually choose experiences that allow it to feel good about itself, without feeling guilt or shame, as acquired by the conscious mind. Guilt and shame are learned belief patterns that the conscious mind learns and tries to force upon the soul through the subconscious mind’s culturally conditioned patterns of right and wrong, as again taught to the conscious mind by the culture of the day. Guilt and shame are not natural human emotions. They are simply learned belief patterns, but learned or taught with such force that they appear to the subconscious mind as natural. But they are not.’

‘Incredible!’ Was all I could manage to say. My head felt as if it were going to burst any second.

‘You’ll make it.’ She chuckled. ‘The soul has its own value system or commandments, but its not God, and doesn’t think of itself as such. It just wants to learn and experience anything and everything that allows it the opportunity to feel good about itself with feeling ashamed or guilty. It harbours no injustice toward another soul and follows only what feels right, unless overridden by the learned belief patterns of the conscious or subconscious mind, both of which can be changed or modified deliberately or by accident, or by natural soul growth.’

‘You mean my soul just wants to have fun?’ I asked seriously.

Tina laughed from the belly again. I loved it. It relaxed me.

‘The soul’s overall mind is both material and spiritual.’ She went on by way of her answer. I knew it wasn’t going to be a short one, somehow. ‘It has many windows and each window you look out of through conscious and subconscious awareness you are looking out of your inner self. Because each serious look for fun without feeling ashamed or guilty is self-seeking self in order to learn and to grow, which is the soul’s primary purpose-to learn and to grow.’

In a strange, yet familiar kind of way, that made sense. I didn’t know why. It just did.

‘What the soul is seeking, in seeking fun without guilt or shame attached to it, is to know its whole mind’s own destiny. And it becomes that, its own destiny, little by little, either by a fun thought, or an assimilation that involves fun, or by any fun activity. Also, it can be by influence, or by the influence of the very activity itself-even through the influence of another.’

‘Is that how a soul sees its own life?’ I asked seriously. ‘One big life of fun and games?’

‘Not quite like that.’ Tina answered. ‘Because it doesn’t see itself at all. It just is, and knows what it wants-like a cloud moves in a certain direction as it feels the impulse of the gentle wind, so, too, does the soul move upon feeling the impulse of anything that feels right and might be fun, without ashamed or feeling guilty. That way it feels good about itself, and then it learns and grows some more.’

I was amazed.’You mean it’s not all complicated and mystical?’ I asked even more seriously, feeling that all religion was being threatened at that very moment.

‘No.’ Tina smiled warmly at me in her answer. ‘It’s not all that complicated at all. In the material world of consciousness we’ve made it appear that way, but it isn’t. It really isn’t. A person’s sixth sense, as we call it, is brought about by whatever passes within the sense range of that person when he or she is relaxed.’ Tina continued. ‘Or it might be presented in some form to the body or those parts of the mind that interpret and then pass on, or pass around to all aspects of the mind yet to experience whatever it was.

‘Really?’ I asked.

‘Yes. A subconscious mind can be trained or left to its own initiative to learn, but it learns fastest and most effectively that which it feels is fun, without guilt or shame, and will continue to do so, until it either makes war with itself over some existing learned belief pattern involving shame or guilt or it makes war with the soul’s own golden rule-no injustice intended toward another. Then it’s brought back into line.’

‘Brought back into line?’

‘Yes. The soul doesn’t know right from wrong because to the soul, there is no right or wrong. There’s just learning, fun, or a feel-good feeling, without any injustice intended toward another soul. The soul simply sees no point in that. No learning comes from injuring another soul. It knows that, so it simply isn’t interested. But the subconscious mind can be culturally or deliberately trained or taught belief patterns that might cause injury to others. When the soul realises this, it stops whatever activity or thought is involved. It just stops it.’

‘It doesn’t know right from wrong?’ I asked incredulously.

‘No. To the soul there is no right or wrong. It simply doesn’t exist. There is only learning that brings with it a feel-good feeling without guilt or shame attached so it can grow and move on. The only thing you would call wrong is anything that stands in the way of natural soul development and growth.’

‘Amazing.’ Was all I could say.

‘What is amazing, ’ Tina continued. ‘Is all the misinformation given deliberately about all of this to those who are interested. The soul really doesn’t know anything as wrong, just not desirable for learning. That’s all. The subconscious contacts the sixth sense when the body’s at rest and this leaves a definite impression. Then other aspects of the overall mind communicate with the soul, of that impression.’

‘You mean our minds talk to our body?’

‘In a way. All aspects of the overall mind communicate with the soul because that from which the soul sprang in its concept, its awareness of itself and the creative forces of its own nature within their own experience, is what tells it has never been born and will never die. It has no fear. The soul has no fear at all. Life and death as we know it are one to the soul and serve a natural purpose for higher growth and learning. The soul uses the mind as a tool, as a source of learning, and tries to keep it on the straight and narrow with its own rule-anything that feels good without guilt or shame is great-anything that injures another soul is rejected flat out-no questions asked-not as wrong-just not interested in the slightest.’

‘But we still do negative things?’ I said questioningly.

‘Consciously we do. But the soul’s force in the mind it owns, and it does own it, lock, stock and barrel-has two points about both the positive forces, and the negative forces within the culturally conditioned mind. The soul has no such forces. They are learned forces through the conditioned conscious mind. Only positive forces exist naturally and came with the original package. Negative forces have been learned and accepted by the subconscious mind through the conscious mind’s cultural experiences. That doesn’t mean they have been accepted by the soul. They just are. To the soul there ‘is’ no right or wrong, no positive or negative, no good or bad; just what feels good without feeling guilty and what doesn’t. To the soul there is only ever forward, and to the soul and subconscious mind there is no future and no past-only now.’

‘Amazing!’ I repeated myself. It was all I could think of to say.

‘It’s the natural nature of the soul, the subconscious mind, as well as the conscious mind when guided from within, to always seek the deeper levels of learning, of relaxation, and of pleasure-in other words, whatever feels good without feeling ashamed or guilty. How simple and uncomplicated is that?’ Tina smiled.

‘Very.’ I answered and reached for a smoke. I lit it and drew heavily, then exhaled slowly, wondering why I could now feel good about coughing and knowing it was one of the very last cigarettes I would ever have. ‘So, it’s all about mind control, Tina? Is that it? Me? You? The others? Where we work? The whole bloody lot? It’s all about controlling the minds of other people?’

‘Yes,’ She answered, smiling. ‘and our own. Mind control… but for the purposes of good.’

I shook my head slowly from side to side, wondering suddenly if she knew about all of the past pleasures I had received from my women clients who had shown me the richness of the naked forms while under hypnosis.

‘Yep.’ Tina chuckled. ‘But you meant them no harm, and, you didn’t seem to feel ashamed or guilty about it. Did you?’

And then she laughed. Through my embarrassment, I laughed with her, and through my forced learning, I knew everything she had told me was true. All I needed to know now was where I fitted into the jig saw puzzle-why I was given all of this knowledge-why I had been singled out, and I knew I had.

‘Very good.’ Tina smiled warmly.

That voice. That tone. That warmth, and those words! It had been her! In my trance! I knew now! I remembered! Tina! It had been ‘she’ who had spoken! Those same words! My eyes widened and glared at her-stared at her-questioned her!

‘Yes.’ She smiled. ‘It was me.’

‘But why?’ I asked, desperate for any kind of answer that made any kind of sense. Tina just continued to smile at me while her brow smoothed even more with natural warmth and relaxation.

‘Because… I can.’ She said softly. Then her smile softened. ‘And now… you can, too.’
