The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Skipped a week, so here’s two weeks worth. Or close, anyway. This was a good break point. ;)

I don’t have chapters in my ‘original’, but I thought that breaking it into chapters would be a good idea. This is a good place for one, as the dynamics of the story change substantially.

Of course they do. As Rachel herself says: They took their relationship to the next level over the weekend. In our society that’s considered a major ‘marker’ in a relationship.

Comments, criticism, whatever, goes to:

Hagiography—Ch. 2, Parts 1 & 2

I actually paid attention to the sermon the next day. It was about not paying attention to what the world wants, but instead to surprise the world with what we are.

Well, I could certainly do that.

Not today though; David wouldn’t want that.

Actually, this is out of order. I should mention Sunday school as well: we worked on our service in two weeks. The church always had the outgoing high schoolers do a service at the end of the year. I wasn’t doing much, but I was a part of it. I mention it mostly because Jessica was there, and kept eyeing me. I avoided her, for the moment.

After that was the service. As I said; I actually managed to pay attention, despite David being there.

I managed to casually run into David afterwards. We discussed the sermon. He felt that it was somewhat trite, but that the basic sentiment that people should be themselves and not what others expected of them was good.

“What are you two talking about?” This was Jessica, breaking in.

“Just discussing the sermon. I think it’s an overused theme; though the basic premise is sound. Rachel was saying that she felt it was still a fresh message. What do you think?” David answered.

Jessica looked back and forth between us. We waited for her answer.

“You’re talking about the sermon?”

“It’s church. What are you expecting us to talk about?” That was me. Jessica might be confused, but I knew my role in this act. We were friends, no more, talking about what was in front of us.

I’d explain to Jessica later, probably.

She looked back and forth between us again, and walked off.

David almost laughed, but kept it down to a smile. “Anyway, it’s been nice talking to you, Rachel. Maybe I’ll see you next week?”


“By the way, that’s a nice necklace.”

“Thanks. It was a gift from a friend.”

* * *

“Ok, what was up with you two yesterday?” Jessica, at lunch on Monday.

I wanted to have a little fun with her. “Nothing; we were just talking about the sermon.”

“Come on girl, you know what I’m talking about: you weren’t avoiding him, or making eyes at him, or both, or anything. And you were more... relaxed, I guess, then you’d been all week.”

I laughed. “Oh, we just have finally figured out what to do about... ‘us’ in church and ‘public.’ We’re playing friends, who grow a little closer over the summer. Not quite ‘more than friends’ by the end of the summer, but enough that it won’t seem surprising when we say we are later.”

“Ok, so that’s your public story. Which, I guess, explains your conversation. And at church others could overhear, so even with me you keep the act. Got it, and I’m glad you’ve got some plan for telling your parents.” She paused. “Still doesn’t explain why last week you could barely sit still, and this week you are miss relaxed.”

I took a drink from my juice-box. “Oh, David and I just took our relationship to the next level on Saturday.”

“The next level? What level were you at? ...Wait; don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. I’m going to imagine that you just had your first kiss or something.”

I laughed. “You know, we did. Have our first kiss, that is.” I think I implied we went further than that.

“Ok, I’m going to just ask how good he is at kissing.”

“At first, not that good. But He’s a fast learner.”

“You spent some time practicing?”

“You could say that...”

“That’s enough. Any more, and I might feel I have to report this. I don’t want to know if I have to talk about my best friend’s virginity in the past tense.”

I decided this conversation needed to be a little more serious. “Jessica, you don’t have to worry about me and David, you know that, right? He’ll take care of me. I’m sure of that.”

“I know you are sure of that. I’m worried about what form that ‘care’ will take. Whether it will be something you really want.”

“I want what David wants.” It was automatic; I even said it in the tone I had in my mantra.

It was probably the wrong thing to say at the moment though. Jessica’s eyes flared, just for a moment. “That’s... what I’m worried about.”

“Jessica... I agreed to this. I promise you that. David isn’t doing anything I didn’t ask for. He won’t. I know. I trust Him.”

“I know, you trust him with your life, not just your safety. You told me.”

“I do. I like trusting Him. Completely, with anything, everything. It... It feels as good as I expected it to. I don’t trust Him automatically, not fully, not yet. But every once in a while... I can feel it. This is what I wanted. I’m sure He’ll never betray my trust, no matter what. I don’t trust Him blindly: we discuss where we are going, what He wants, what I want. He told me His dreams first, before I asked for this. I liked them. I still do, now that I’m beginning to live in them. And He’s making sure I live a life I can like, that my friends and family will be proud of. That He can be proud of.”

“And you? Will you be proud of it?”

It wasn’t a question I was prepared for. “I... Will be proud to be at His side. No matter what.”

She sat back, absorbed that. Then she laughed. “So, when’s the wedding? You got that planned yet?”

I blushed, looked away. “We ah... David feels that calling us ‘husband and wife’ would sully the reputation of normal marriage.”

That got a raised eyebrow. “You’ve talked about this?”


“You two really are planning a life together, aren’t you.”

“Yes. That... was the plan from the start.”

She paused. “David wanted nothing less, right? All or nothing with him.” It was soft.

“His dreams... There is no middle ground.”

She nodded. “I think I see why he held them back.”

I didn’t ask. I would be forced to correct her, if she were wrong.

The bell rang.

* * *

“Jessica came to see me today. She was here when I got home, waiting.” David waited for my reaction.

I was scared, but not much. David was calm; therefore there wasn’t anything wrong. “Really?”

“Yes. She wanted to talk to me, without talking to you. Talk about what I was doing to you.” He took a deep breath. “She wanted to know if I was a serious as you were, I think. Also, she seemed scared that I had taken over such a large part of your life so quickly.”

“What did you tell her?” I wanted to be able to back Him up.

“That I consider this a lifetime commitment, and that the speed with which you’ve turned some parts of your life over scares even me, occasionally.”

“Like what?”

“Like... On Saturday, you left the door open as you showered, and ate basically nude. I planted a hypno-command that you would feel comfortable naked with me, but you went further: you actively sought out opportunities to let me see you, and enjoyed showing off your body to me.”

“I’m not supposed to?” I was confused.

“Rachel, it’s not about ‘supposed to.’ Were you thinking about what you were ‘supposed’ to do on Saturday?”

“No, I just thought you’d like to see my body, and wanted to please you.”

“I did, and I do. But... Have you ever been naked for a man before?”


“Most girls are shy their first time. A little, at least. I gave you a little, just enough I thought to help overcome that shyness. You... You decided to let me have anything I wanted. Even if I didn’t feel like asking for it at the moment.”

“Should I have waited until you asked?”

“Rachel, you did nothing wrong. You were great. You just went further than I expected. I don’t mind that, as long as you don’t make a mistake in what I want. But... It scares me, some. Because it means I don’t know what to expect, and because I’m not used to this power. Not yet at least. I’m worried I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“You’re doing fine.”

“Am I, Rachel? I know you are happy. So I haven’t completely messed up. Jessica is nervous though, and so am I.” David sighed. “Rachel, I probably am doing fine. I just have to worry about it, and I’m not sure how to tell, yet, if I’m doing fine. I think I know what I am doing, and I act as if I do. But I don’t want to mess up, so I hold back just a little, so I can see the results. Decide how I’m actually doing, by the visible results, which sometimes take some time to show themselves.”

He continued. “You, meanwhile, are throwing yourself whole-heartedly into this. Which I like. I’m glad of it; it reassures me that you want it, that I haven’t just talked you into this somehow. But it also means you occasionally move faster than I’m ready for. This is a big change in your life, but it is also a big change in mine. One I’ve held off from even attempting as it was unethical without a willing subject.”

“I’m a willing subject.”

“I know. But... Remember how you felt when you first started feeling an attraction to Jessica?”

“Yes. I freaked.”

“Well, a month ago I’d never had a girlfriend. I’d never been kissed. I wouldn’t let myself: she could get hurt. Now I have a girlfriend who will do anything I ask. Without question, or complaint. I like that, but it freaks me just a little on occasion. What did I do to deserve this? Am I ready for the responsibility? I have to ask myself.”

He went quiet. I wanted to answer His questions, but it took me a moment to find words. “David, You are making me happy. Happier than I’ve ever been. That’s what You’ve done to deserve this. As for the responsibility, the fact that You are asking these questions is enough to prove You are ready.”

“No it isn’t, but I thank you for the vote of confidence. It is nice to hear. Anyway, Jessica will be watching. Still. I think I managed to convince her I’m as serious as you are about this relationship, and that I understand how serious it is to you. And that my intentions, while they might not include the ceremonial trappings of marriage, are honorable, in their own fashion.”

“So, you think she’ll let us be?”

“Yes. For a while longer at least.”

“And the rest?” If He was freaking He needed to do something. I was ready to help.

“I think... I’m going to take this a little slower, for a while. No more hypnosis every night; it’s too effective on you.” He laughed a little. “I don’t get to watch you change.”

“You want to watch me change?”

“Yes. It’s one of the hottest parts of this for me. I don’t want to miss it.”

I had a thought. “Well, we could get me a web-cam. Then you could watch me change into my clothes every morning.”

He laughed. “I think your parents might notice. But I’ll keep the idea on file.”

It was good to hear Him laugh. “So, what do you want me to do?”

“I think I would like you to just relax for a night. No commands, no new mantras, just sleep on your own.”

“Nothing?” I was disappointed.

“Nothing new. There are always the old mantras if you really want to do something, but I’ll let you do them on your own. No manipulation from me tonight.”

“Ok.” It was what He wanted. “Anything else we need to go over tonight?”

“I think I went over everything I need to know. Unless something happened today at school that you still need to tell me about.”

“No. I think if you know about my conversation with Jessica you know just about everything.”

“Ok then. Sweet dreams, Rachel.”

“Good night, David.”

I lay there a while after He hung up. I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself. I went to school; David wanted me to excel. I talked to my friends; David wanted them to think I was normal. I talked to Jessica; David wanted her to accept what was going on. I came home, did my homework, but that was part of going to school. And I talked to David every night.

You know, laid out like that, it was... Weird. It was like I thought about David all the time. I didn’t think I did.

Not all the time at least.

Did I? Maybe I did.

Well, what of it? He wanted me to think of Him. He made it pleasant, and it was a large part of this fantasy we were living. That I would be nothing more than an extension of Him. That I would want what He wants, be whatever He wanted me to be.

I felt scared. He didn’t have anything for me to do: I was alone for the night.

I didn’t want to be alone.

Well, He had said I could use the old mantras to get to sleep. That would remind me of Him.

Start at the beginning: “I trust David. I trust David absolutely. I belong to David. Making David happy makes me happy.”

I soon fell asleep.

* * *

“You seem down today.” Jessica told me at lunch.

“Oh, well, I’m just thinking.”

“About what?”

“Oh, David thinks we need to slow down a bit. That I’m scaring Him a little.”

“How did this come up?”

“Well, we were talking about you visiting Him yesterday...”

“...And I said that you were scaring me. I got it. Look, Rachel, I’m not saying you shouldn’t be with him. I’m just saying normally it takes more than a couple weeks for a couple to start planning a life together. I want to be sure you know what you are getting into.”

“I know what I want.”

“I think I’m seeing that. Rachel, you are happy with David. I can see that. And from what I can tell, David is happy with you. I didn’t mean to get in between that. I just... You are going so fast. I can’t keep up.”

“But it felt right.”

“Rachel, call him. You need to hear this from him.”

I pulled out my phone, hit His number on the speed-dial.

“What’s up Rachel? Sorry, I won’t be able to talk long, but I’ve got a moment.”

“Jessica told me to call you.”

“She did? Can you tell me why?”

I asked Jessica. She gestured for the phone. “David, this is Jessica. Rachel’s a wreck today. Something you told her last night has got her blaming herself for something between you, I think. I can’t figure out how to reassure her, but you should be able to.”

“Ok. Thanks, Jessica. I... I’m glad you think I can help. I think I know what to say.” I could barely hear Him, but I knew His voice well enough to make it out.

“Just take care of her for me.” She handed me the phone.

“I’m back, David.” I said, and waited for what He had to say.

“Rachel, I’m sorry if I let you think anything was wrong. Nothing is. I’m just changing how we are doing this a bit, so I can watch the results better. I still am enjoying this, and I will enjoy it more as I get to watch the stages you go through better. Now, was there anything in particular that you missed last night?”

“You let me fall asleep on my own.”

“Yes, I did. Sorry; I had a plan, but I decided to change it and I hadn’t come up with anything to replace it with yet. I will have something for you tonight, I promise, ok?”


“It wasn’t because I didn’t want you doing something. It was because I didn’t know what I wanted you to do. Do you understand?”


“And can you be cheerful for Jessica at school today?”


“Good. In fact... I think my good girl deserves a reward. Enjoy the rest of your day; I’ll talk with you tonight.” He hung up.

I just caught the end as the orgasm He’d triggered washed over me. I knew I wasn’t going to let it show, much, but it was good to know He thought I had done well.

I hung up the phone, and smiled at Jessica. “Thank you. Talking to David helped.”

“I think it did more than helped...” It was under her breath. “Good. So, you can be cheerful the rest of the day?”

“No problem.” I grinned.

“So, um, how often does David do whatever he did to you at the end of that phone call?”

“You mean my ‘reward’? Not often.”

““Reward”. That’s what you are calling it.”

“Umm hmm.”

“And what were you being rewarded for?”

“I think... I think for calling Him up and telling Him I had a problem. And listening to His advice.”

“Which you did because of me.”

“Yes. I guess I should say thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She shook her head, looked away. “What am I doing?”

The question wasn’t for me, and I was saved from responding by the bell.

* * *

The first time I tried to call David that night the line was busy. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.

I waited a long five minutes before trying again.

“Hi Rachel. Sorry I was busy; I wanted to talk to Jessica again before our talk tonight, and I hadn’t quite gotten off the phone yet when you called.”

“Hi David. What were you talking about?”

“I wanted her impression of you today at school. Obviously she was worried enough that she had you call me—so I could talk to you—but I wanted to know what she’d seen to make her worry, and to know exactly how worried she was.”

“What did she say?”

“That you were listless, and paid only enough attention in the one class you had together to take notes. That you wouldn’t engage anyone, unless they came to you. I also asked about after lunch. She said that whatever I said helped: you were bright and cheerful again, and that you seemed to take more interest in the world around you.”

“So, what does all that mean?”

“It means that I made a mistake last night. By being scared on one aspect of how fast you are moving, I forgot another. I’m not just asking you to obey and trust me, I’m asking you to rely on me. Last night I let you down on that; I made you handle more than you are ready to handle on your own at this point.”

“All You did was tell me to go to sleep on my own.”

“No, I told you that you scared me, and left you to deal with that on your own. When I’ve been reinforcing serving me and making me happy as much as I can for the last few weeks. The implication was that you had let me down somehow, and that I was abandoning you. Neither is true, of course, but I didn’t clarify that when I should have.”

“I know you won’t leave me.”

“I know you trust that I won’t. But, as reinforced as that trust is, it is sill fragile right now. I strained it; and it has become a big part of you. I am sorry I caused that strain.”

“So, what do You want me to do?”

I have no idea why He chuckled at that. “About this? It is my problem, not yours. I need you to know about it because I accidentally made you deal with part of it that you shouldn’t have to. We will be strengthening you, in time, so that this won’t matter as much. But right now... I should have been more careful. Can you forgive me?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you. I do promise I won’t make this mistake again. So: Anything else happen at school today?”

“I can’t really remember much of the morning. I’m still doing well in English.”

“Good. Well, I have a new mantra for you, if you want to hear it...”

“I want.” I was smiling.

“Nice to hear. You ready?”

It took a moment for me to realize what He meant. Then I got into bed and turned out the lights. “Ready.”

“Ok. Repeat after me: I like to serve David.”

“I like to serve David.”

“My purpose is to serve David.”

“My purpose is to serve David.”

“I exist to serve David.”

“I exist to serve David.”

“Now, all together.”

“I like to serve David. My purpose is to serve David. I exist to serve David. This is from when we were shopping.”

“Yes it is. Again.”

“I like to serve David. My purpose is to serve David. I exist to serve David.”

“I know this probably isn’t anything new for you. I just want to reinforce it. Again, twice.”

“I like to serve David. My purpose is to serve David. I exist to serve David. I like to serve David. My purpose is to serve David. I exist to serve David. No problem.”

“Good. Again.”

“I like to serve David. My purpose is to serve David. I exist to serve David.”

“Ok. I’m going to hang up now, but I want you to keep repeating that until you fall asleep, ok?”

“Ok. Good night David.”

“Sweet dreams, Rachel.” He hung up.

“I like to serve David. My purpose is to serve David. I exist to serve David.” It was a comforting phrase.

I slept well that night.

* * *

“You better today?”

We were meeting at our lockers before school. “Yep. David and I had a talk last night.”

“You have a talk every night.”

“Yeah. Anyway, He went over why this was His problem, not mine, so I’m not going to worry about it.”

“His problem, so you don’t even think about anymore, huh?”


Jessica just shook her head and walked away.

After a moment she turned back, said: “Tell me again that David is giving you what you wanted.”

“He is.”

“And that it is what you expected.”

“It is. What I wanted, expected, and dreamed of.”

She stared at me for a moment intently. “Ok. I won’t interfere. You... Take care.”

“David will take care of me.”

“Right. Of course. How could I forget.” She looked away for a moment. “See you at lunch, Rachel.”

“’Later!” I headed to class.