The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Find me another story on this archive that has a discussion like the one in this chapter. I dare you.

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Hagiography—Part 6

We were studying English when David arrived at Jessica’s. He rang the doorbell.

Jessica let me beat her to the door. I hadn’t seen David in… Four days. It seemed longer. Or shorter.

After racing to the door, I was shy. I stood there, holding the door open. “Hi, David.”

“Hi Rachel.” He smiled, walked in like he intended to own the place.

He took my hand.

“So, what were you two doing to wait for me?”

“Studying English. Like you asked.”

Jessica had followed me. “Is that why you were so insistent on working on English? Because David asked you to?”


“Wait.” He looked from her to me. “We can have this discussion in the hallway, or we can sit down. I think we’d all prefer to sit down. We could be talking a while.”

Jess looked at Him, changed her mind, and said: “The living room is this way.”

I squeezed David’s hand. He’d guessed right.

We took the couch, where we could sit together. Jessica took a chair opposite us. “So, you first. Why did you want to have this talk?”

David looked at me a moment, seeing if I was ready. I hoped I was. “We wanted you to know you might be seeing changes in Rachel, and that Rachel and I had agreed on them.”

“What type of changes?”

“Different types: You mentioned the studying for English a moment ago. I challenged Rachel to get an ‘A’ in that class. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed her shoes; she’s been wearing heels when she can.”

“And calling you every night.”

“Yes. I want to know how her life is going. Get to know her better.”

“And take over her life, sounds like.”

That echoed in the silence for a moment.

David turned to me. “Rachel, do you trust me?”



“With my life, not just my safety.”

He turned to Jessica. “Ask her.” He told her.

She was staring at me. “You want this?”

“Yes. All of it.”

“How long?”

“Since I knew it was possible.”

Jessica turned back to David. “When did you know she would do this?”

“When she asked me to order lunch for her. When we met last Saturday.”

I turned to Him. “You hid it well.”

“Thanks. I told you why I couldn’t make it easy.”

Jessica interrupted: “How ‘not easy’ did he make it?”

“He tried to change the subject, every time I got close to asking him. I had to ask him point blank if he would have me.”

“And then?”

“He asked if I was sure. Three times, I think.”

She turned to David. “You don’t make it easy for a girl to be your girlfriend, do you?”

“No, I don’t. They have to be sure they know what they are getting in for. But once in, I’ll do anything to protect them. I promise.”

Jessica nodded. “I believe you. You two still aren’t telling me everything, but I believe you. I just want one promise from David.”

“What is it?”

“Promise that you’ll let her go, if she ever wants to.”

“You know you don’t need to ask.”

“I’m asking anyway.”

“And I promise, because you ask.”

She shook her head. “How many girlfriends have you had, David?”

“Counting Rachel? One. No one else has ever managed to know enough to be up for consideration.”

“And what are your plans?”

“To not let go.”


“Just that. I’ll hold as tight as she wants, and no tighter.”

“Do you love him?” That was to me.

“I…” I looked at our hands, still intertwined. “Not yet, I think. But I know him. And I trust Him.”

“And you, David?”

“She is… dear to me. I don’t think I know her well enough for more, yet.” That sideways smile came to his face. “We’re working on it.”

Jessica put up her hands. “Fine. I don’t see why you are asking my approval.”

David leaned forward. (Letting go of me for the moment. Which I noticed more.) “I want someone to approve. Someone who knows Rachel, and can see this happening from the start. Her parents would freak at the age difference alone right now. You’ve been watching, and Rachel considers you her best friend. You know how this started. I want you to believe I am not a monster.”

He leaned back, and I took His hand back. Yay for comfort.

“I… am undecided, right now. Rachel is intent on this, obviously. You… are willing to take her up on her offer. Neither of you are telling me your real motives, but I think you both know them. Which is fine, I guess, but then you drop on me the idea of you changing Rachel, and Rachel agreeing to it… I don’t know what to think.”

“Understood. I won’t ask for your blessing right now. I just ask that you keep an open mind, and tell one of us if you have concerns. Ok?”


“Thanks. So, I said I would check on how Rachel was doing on studying for her English quiz. What’s it on?”

We showed David what we were studying: some political theory from the late fifties was the current assignment. He looked it over.

“What is this stuff? Shouldn’t this be in history, or philosophy, or something? What’s it doing in an English class?” He skimmed some more. “Well, at least you don’t have to think: they tell you what it all is supposed to mean. What’s the point of this?” He looked at me. “Oh well. I’ll start working up a list of interesting reading for when you have time. At the moment, the point is for you to ace this class.”

A moment later we started actually working on studying: David asked us what we thought would be on the quiz, and then told us what He thought would be on the quiz, and we went over it all again. Then He put all our questions in a pile, closed the books, and gave me and Jessica a mini-quiz by pulling questions at random from the pile.

We were halfway through grading them together when Jessica looked at David and said: “I think I see what Rachel gets out of this now.”

His smile and “Good” was the extent of His reply. Then we went back to grading the quizzes.

I asked Him about it that night, on the phone. “What was that where Jessica said she knew what I got out of this? What did she mean?”

“It means, first off, that she approves. For the moment at least. She was wondering why you got into this in the first place: I’m obvious to her, but you weren’t. We were talking about the changes you would make, and how you agreed. So, what was in it for you, that you agreed to those changes? Me sitting there, going over that stuff with you, told her something about what you were getting out of it.”

“What did it tell her?”

“I don’t know. You’ll have to ask her, to be sure.” He chuckled. “She may not even know, in words at least. But she saw I was willing to help you, and how I approached doing so. She probably liked something about that.”

“As far as I’m concerned,” He continued, “it doesn’t really matter what she thinks she saw. The point is that she thought I had something to offer you at least potentially as valuable as what she knows you have offered me. So, for the moment, she’s ok with us.”

I absorbed that for a moment. “But I had said I agreed. Doesn’t that mean there was something?”

“That means you thought there was something for you in this arrangement. She couldn’t be sure what it was or if it actually existed. A jerk would pretend to offer something without really giving it.”

“So, she saw that I actually got something from this, besides instructions.”


“So, what are you going to have me read?”

“I’m not sure yet. I like science fiction, so it’ll probably be high on that, but I want you to well-versed in the classics. I’ve got a few ideas, but no concrete list yet. Besides, I don’t want to give you too much more to study at the moment. You’ve still got the end of the school year to deal with.”


“You just wait. I’ll have plenty for you.” He was pretending to scold. “For tonight: Instructions. Get in bed, and turn off the light.”


“What was last night’s mantra?” I repeated His instructions until I drifted to sleep.

* * *

I’ll get to how I did on the quiz in a bit: I didn’t get it back until Monday. Not that much really happened over the weekend. I didn’t see David on Saturday; He said He had some stuff He needed to work on. I asked Him what and He said He would show me when it was ready.

Which meant it was for me.

Sunday, of course, was the Youth Group meeting after church. The one He had said He would tell me His secret before.

A lot had happened since that campfire… It seemed longer.

I didn’t know what to do. Should I go in and sit next to him? Could I hold his hand? Did I have to pretend nothing had happened?

I couldn’t tell everyone I was dating Him, obviously. They had rules about that sort of thing. David would get in trouble.

But I had to let my friends know that He had kept His promise. Some would want to know more. Many of the girls who had been there that night didn’t go to my school.

I thought about the triggers He’d planted: I would have to let them know if He had touched me inappropriately. That almost made me laugh, as I realized the most He’d touched me was to hold my hand! Somehow, I would have thought He had done more in this last week.

He’d talked me to orgasm, but He had never even seen me naked, despite the fact that I was naked every day for Him.

These were my thoughts during church.

David was in church. I could see His head sticking over the rows of people. I resisted the urge to run up to Him immediately afterwards. I’d get my answers that way, but wouldn’t be able to use the answers.

When I got enough freedom to attempt wandering over to Him, He’d disappeared.

I headed to the room where the youth group met, after looking around for a while.

I wasn’t the first there. A couple of the other kids from the group were there before me.

As was David.

He was in what I realized was probably His normal chair: off to the side, and slightly apart from the rest of the chairs. He was the ‘second’ adult in this group: the church had a paid person who led the group, but required two adults there most of the time. David didn’t usually do that much, actually.

He was just there to back us all up when we needed it.

All of the kids who’d arrived so far were a couple of grades younger than me, mostly middle schoolers actually. They were chatting and horsing around, ignoring David entirely.

“Hi David,” I said, entering.

“Hi Rachel. Have a seat.” He nodded towards one of the empty chairs, between Him and the gang there already. I took it.

The kids who were there already said something rude to each other.

“Ignore the idiots. They’ll be human in a couple of years.”

“You sure?”

“Yep. Just about everyone is unbearable at that age.” He said, mock-glaring at them.

We chatted a couple minutes, I can’t remember about what, until everyone was there. I actually talked to my friends who arrived soon afterwards as much as I talked to Him.

But He stayed a part of the conversation, which I (later) realized was unusual.

The meeting was just a wrap-up for the retreat. It was also a bit of goodbye: the youth group shut down for the summer, basically, and there was only one more scheduled meeting before then.

I said the required things.

Afterwards David did His normal check-everyone-has-a-ride. I found myself separated out with the group from the campfire.

“So, did he tell you?” This was Jess. (As distinct from Jessica, who was also there. We all knew who we meant.)

“He answered my question.”

“What was he hiding?” Cheyenne this time.

“You know I can’t answer that.”

“That depends on if you got involved.” There was a leer attached to this question.

“I… Even then I wouldn’t answer it.”

“How far did you go?” Cheyenne again, more serious now.

“I’m not using any of your code words, am I?”

“That’s not an answer.”

“It means they haven’t done anything beyond talk about what she asked.” Jessica came to my rescue. “Any more, and you know those triggers would have come up. Come on girls, you know this is private.”

They agreed, and Cheyenne’s mom appeared, breaking up the group. We dispersed. I followed Jessica for a moment; waited until we were out of hearing range of the others. “Thanks.”

“I think you know what you are doing, and you answered as much as you would have been expected to.” She spotted her car. “Got to go! See you tomorrow!”

“See you!” My mom appeared, and I headed home.