The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Next Generation

By Latexthom

Chapter 6: Halley, 1

Alex arrived at school two minutes before the bell sounded for first period. Alex joined his class and found Tim, Cynthia, and Doris who were all wearing latex. The teacher for this period was Miss Maurine Sanderson who was almost as good looking as Nancy. The difference being that her hair was blond and it was down to the middle of her back. Miss Sanderson took the register and then berated Tim and his girls for wearing fetish clothing to school. Alex was still wearing the rubber mackintosh and ankle boots but no one saw them. They all saw him in a blue short-sleeved shirt and Levi jeans with white trainers.

Alex experimented with his material manipulation and removed Maurine’s bra and panties. Alex had seen a trench coat like Nancy’s, hanging in her office so he changed the lining of the coat and then caused the buttons and zips on the clothing she was wearing to disappear. Maurine attempted to hold her clothes together but Alex kept removing the material she was holding. She rushed into the office as the last piece of clothing evaporated. Slamming the door, she reached for her coat. She slipped her arms into the sleeves as Alex made it so that her skin could only accommodate latex. She did not notice the lining until she had fastened up the coat and the seam disappeared. As she shrieked, Alex changed her memory so every word in her vocabulary was latex or rubber.

He then stood and walked out of the classroom leaving Miss Sanderson to manage her lesson. Alex walked towards the school office and almost walked into Rosemary Twinam the current head girl and someone who had embarrassed and ridiculed Alex for years. She had been friendly with Audrey and was going out with a jock named Roderick Mason.

Alex apologized and Rosemary said, “Where are you going, you should be in class.” Alex said, “You are looking like a cat with the cream, what have you been doing.” Alex was in her mind and found that she had just managed to get the nerve to report her uncle for sexual abuse. She had just come from the school counselor. Alex continued, “Cat got your tongue, come with me.” Rosemary found herself following with no means of dissension. Alex walked back to the councilor’s office and walked straight in without knocking. Mrs. Colethard was just reaching for the phone on her desk. Alex slipped into her mind and made her, forgets all about her interview with Rosemary and then caused her to become horny when she heard embarrassing or humiliating tales. Turning he said to Rosemary, “Come, we will go and see to your Uncle.” They walked to the school bungalow where her uncle was the school caretaker and found him in the kitchen. Alex said, “This slut has just reported you to the school councilor but I have fixed her so she is yours.” Mr. Mason asked, “Fixed who.” Alex replied, “This Slut and Mrs. Colethard will do whatever you demand. Neither can avoid doing your bidding.” Mr. Mason said, “Get those clothes off slut. You are not permitted to wear any clothing unless I command it.” Alex turned and said, “You are free to abuse her as you would like. Good bye.”

Before he could walk out of the door, he saw the marks on Rosemary’s buttocks and back. Alex walked out of the school and headed home, when he got to the house where Nancy used to live he stopped. He opened his mind and found three minds in the house Crystal, Holly and another woman. Alex searched this mind and found Crystal’s grandmother. She was a very confused woman, her son had informed her that his wife died in childbirth but she remembered seeing her last week and Crystal was playing with Holly. Alex found that the old woman had a part of her memory as he and Frank had, but the synapses had never been invoked.

Alex walked up to the door and rang the bell. Crystal’s grandmother opened the door and Alex said, “I am sorry to disturb you, but I think my mother is here.” The woman said, “You are Alexander Mason are you not.” Alex replied, “Yes I am, who are you.” The woman said, “Come in, and I will tell you. What happened to my daughter-in-law?” The old woman led Alex through to a sitting room where Crystal was playing on the floor. Holly was also curled up asleep next to Crystal.

After asking Alex to set down, the woman whose name was Martha, said, “So this is your mother, and what happened to your Father.” Alex replied, “My Father was murdered when I was five year old. Uncle Frank allegedly, caused mother to be like this and your Daughter in-law to disappear. Would you like to remember your daughter-in-law or would you like to be in sync with everyone else.” Martha said, “Your mother and Father were step brother and sister. Your grandmother was my cousin and your grandfather was a tyrant. They died in a car accident on the M1, when you and your sister were only babies.” Alex peeked into Crystal’s mind and found a mind in turmoil; she could not understand why every action she attempted, came out as a four-year-old. Alex thought, “Wait until you are five, this filter has no ability to grow.”

Alex asked the woman, “How did a step sister and step brother marry, and are there any other relatives still around.” The woman was staring at Holly and did not answer any of Alex’s questions. Alex looked into her mind and saw the synapses associated with the latex fetish firing in her ancient memories. Alex added a command alongside this making her subservient to him. He then asked all his questions again and she replied, “I would like to be the same as everyone else. Your Mother and Father married because your grandfather decreed it. There are only a few of us left, Death in childbirth had been the most often cause. You have two uncles, Gerald and Frank and two cousins Caroline and Halley. Frank always said that he would get you to marry Halley but your Mother always countered it.

Alex replied, “I have not met Halley where is she now.” Martha replied, “She is now sixteen and is at school in oxford, she stays at my house.” Alex replied, “We break up in two weeks, does she do the same.” Martha continued, “You will meet her before then, she breaks up on Friday. You and Audrey should get together with her and Caroline.”

Alex said, “So there are no other boys.” Martha said, “You are the only one, you can have your pick.” Alex said, “Well it was nice meeting you Great Aunty Martha, I must go now.” He adjusted her mind so that it was in accord with Crystal’s Father, and that Holly was a golden retriever dog, he then departed. Martha had hidden her psychic talent from Alex but now she would have difficulty in finding it or deploying it.

Alex walked the remainder of the way home and as he entered, Nancy jumped into his arms. Miranda said, “She had been pining for you ever since you left this morning.” Alex replied, “Well, she will have to wait, I want your body.” Alex led Miranda up to the bedroom and Nancy followed. Every time Miranda moved into position, Nancy pushed her off the bed. After the fourth time, Alex said, “Let her have her fix and we can buggy next.”

Once Nancy had Alex’s cock in her mouth, she would not release him until he came four times. Before the fifth, Alex pushed her away and slid his cock into Miranda. After Alex had caused Miranda to orgasm, twice he slowed down and stopped. Miranda kissed him and asked, “What are we going to do with her.” Alex replied, “I will have to fix her mind.” As he stretched, the telephone started ringing Alex for the instrument by the bed. Alex answered and found himself talking to Gerald. “Gerald said, “I have mislaid Caroline, she did not come to work today and she has not returned home for lunch. Nevertheless, the reason for my call is that your Uncle Frank has been murdered and Halley is coming home. Can you meet her at Coventry railway station tomorrow at nine-thirty?” Alex agreed to collect her and said, “I have no idea what she looks like.” Gerald said, “Don’t worry she will find you, but be careful she is Franks daughter.”

After the phone call was terminated, Alex felt he wanted a shower but he was still unable to remove the mackintosh. He examined his mind to find the cause and he went straight to the area that had glowed in his great Auntie. His assumption was correct, it was the memory components, that were responsible for his fetishes, but he found that his had been significantly modified. Frank had modified this routine so that Alex would be evil to anyone wearing a Burberry Prorsham trench coat, and would be incapable of giving respite to their minds. Alex tried to remove this but the mention of the Burberry trench coat only got stronger he did manage to fix the filter that made it impossible to repair the mind of someone wearing one. He found the reference to his clothing and Halley and removed it.

As he looked through, the modified memories, he identified Frank’s signature. Frank had made it so he could not remove the mackintosh or boots he was wearing without Halley’s explicit approval. He then found his guardian routine and found that this had been compromised as well. This feature had been placed in there by his ancestors so parents could discipline delinquent male children. Frank had changed this so when Halley attacked this, his shield would diminish and allow her to enter.

Alex repaired these two processes and made them both much more robust. After he had completed this lengthy task, he removed his clothing, in his bathroom, and had a shower.

Frank had contacted Halley in Oxford, after he modified Alex’s mind, and updated her on his mental advancement. She already knew of his intention that they should marry and was please with his progress. They chatted about Alex’s deficiency in his knowledge pertaining to the ancient language. Halley had been versed for years by Frank and had a total understanding. Frank had underestimated Alex’s strength of character and his mental power. Halley was planning to enslave Alex at the weekend, and when she received the phone call from Gerald, she was devastated, and thought at first it would have been Alex. Gerald had assured her, that Alex had nothing to do with it. She left school early and purchased a ticked for the early morning train to Birmingham were she could change for Coventry. She called Gerald back, informed him of her estimated arrival time at Coventry station, and then asked him to arrange for Alex to pick her up.

She was hoping that he would be accompanied by Miranda, she had plans for her.

After Alex’s shower, he lay on his bed and opened his mind, he was searching for Halley and because of her leaking psychic energies, and Alex found her after fifteen minutes. Rather than attack her guardian routine, he used stealth and put her to sleep invoking the parent backdoor, she was at home packing when she slipped into her bedroom chair. Alex then slipped into her mind and reviewed her recent memories. Learning of her conversation with Frank and her assumed vulnerability with Alex’s mind, he changed her fetish routine and her guardian routine as Frank had modified his, She would never be able to wear none latex clothing and she could not be able to attach him. He then removed her ability to detect this by deleting the language translation processes in her mind. Lastly he embedded instructions that she would stay in Birmingham and do some shopping, purchasing a Burberry prorsham trench coat in blue and three latex mackintoshes from the Cocoon shop, from where Alex had ordered his latex clothing, online. He also embedded instructions that would ensure she never associated anything other than tiredness, for her sleep and she would not attempt to read her ancient memories.

When he had finished with Halley and ensuring that she would obey his spoken word without question, he looked into Nancy’s mind and found that he could fix her in seconds. The question that delayed him was, did he want to. She was, at that moment, sucking his cock and she was wearing that mackintosh. He then remembered doing something to someone else wearing a similar coat but he could not remember.

After filtering through, his recent memories, he found what he had done to his favorite teacher. He called out to Miranda and said, “You need to take me to school.”

He then fixed Nancy and asked, “What do you want, I can restore your mind fully.” Nancy replied, “I want nothing, being here with you is all I crave and need.” Alex replied, “If you stay here, you will have to help out and let me fuck you.”

Miranda objected and asked, “Why do you need to fuck her, she is old enough to be your mother.” Alex replied, “She is only twenty seven and if you need to fucked as often as her, get one of these coats. It is this coat that is fueling my fetish.”

Nancy lay on the bed with her legs open and Alex move on top of her. Miranda sat in the chair watching wondering where she could acquire a mackintosh like the one Nancy had... Alex brought Nancy through three earth-shattering orgasms and then came.

As he pulled away, he said, “Would you like to make lunch for four.” Nancy said, “I would love to.” Nancy, was pleased that Alex, had got her away, from her horrible husband and his spiteful child and she would do anything for this wonderful boy. He had just made love to her, something that had never happened before. She descended to the kitchen and started making lunch. Alex descended to Audrey’s room and opened her door. He said, “Zeta come down stairs but only talk when you are asked a question. He continued down to the ground floor with Miranda on his arm and Audrey following on behind looking very dejected.

Nancy was almost ready to serve the food so they all sat at the dining table. When the light meal, was served, Nancy joined them and asked, “Who is this young lady,” Alex replied, “This is my sister but she is being punished.” Nancy replied, “She looks very unhappy, when will her punishment finish.” Alex replied, “In about twenty-five to thirty years.”

Nancy did not say anymore so Alex asked, “Tell me sister, what did Frank, do to Miranda and I and what do you know of Halley.”

Audrey replied, “Frank came here when you were out and he fixed Mother and I, he waited for you to return and then sent you to sleep. While asleep he modified your mind saying that Halley would have no difficulty in enslaving you.” With regard to Halley, she is an utterly spoilt young girl and she is one to be, avoided. She has mind control abilities that outdo Mother and with what Frank did to you, she could be lethal.”

We will find out tomorrow, I have been asked, to collect her from Coventry Railway station. Audrey’s mouth was shouting but no words came out. Nancy said, “After we have eaten and I have washed up, could I have a shower, although I love the lining of this coat, I am a little sticky. Alex put his knife down and replied, “As you have decided to stay here, yes I will adjust your coat after we have finished eating.

After the meal and washing up, Nancy came into the sitting room and stood in front of Alex. Alex attempted to recreate the front seam and after a lot of effort, it reappeared. Nancy ran up the stairs and into her Master’s en-suite.

Alex said, “Sister, you are on probation, look after Nancy but do not leave the house and do not talk to anyone who is not your immediate family. Miranda and I are going for a drive.

Miranda drove Alex to school and parked in the teacher’s car park. Alex said, Wait here I will not be long. He walked into the school and straight to Miss Sanderson’s classroom. He entered and interrupted a classroom full of first years. Maurine was writing on the board and she was still dressed in the trench coat. Alex stood in front of the class and said, “You will all be good children and occupy yourselves for the remainder of this period, I need to borrow your teacher.” Not one would be able to disobey him so he led the startled teacher out into the corridor and from there out into the car park. He led her to his mother’s Range Rover and he climbed with her into the back seat. Alex said, “Home please Miranda.” Miranda pulled out of the car park and replied, “How many of your other woman, have a coat like that.”

Alex remained silent until they arrived at the Farmhouse and as he led Maurine out of the car, she opened her mouth and said, “Latex Rubber latex latex.” Alex replied, “I agree but if I don’t fix you, this will be your life.” Miranda asked, “What did she say?” Alex replied, “She wants sex with me.” Miranda continued, “That would be a given, even if she didn’t.”

Alex walked into the farmhouse and into the sitting room. Miranda followed up in the rear.” Alex pointed to a seat and Maurine sat down. He slipped into her mind and found what he had done. He liked the things he had done relating to the coat he had used the formula he found in his ancient memories and Maurine loved it. The formula was to protect the skin and stop it from aging. Maurine had never felt as calm and beautiful since she had put on her coat and had not given it any other thought.

Her vocabulary on the other hand was a mess and he started to fix her. Alex started by fixing her noun storage and recreated links to all the Male Christian names of her students and the female surnames. He inserted a filter so any female would be address, as Mistress ‘surname’ and then subsequently Maurine would do as commanded. He then looked at her verbs and adjectives.

As he started relinking the verbs and adjectives, he felt his attention was being hijacked.

He moved to her general vocabulary and restored all her swear words and sexual expletives. As he moved to the remainder of her mind, the hijack caused him to relook at his ancient memories. He trawled through the early sections and found another of Frank’s manipulations. Frank had added a command that stopped Alex from helping anyone wearing one of these Burberry trench coats. Alex thought about Halley and decided not to change this section of memory. He returned to the present and said, “Mirada would you please return Miss Sanderson to the school, she will need to come back here tonight so instruct her to come in her own car after school is over for the day.

Miranda and Maurine walked out of the house and Alex changed Nancy’s coat lining to be the synthetic latex and closed the seam again. He then took Nancy to his bed and fucked her. When Miranda returned he was back in the sitting room and Miranda told him that Maurine could only use swear words and sexual expletives. Alex said, “I will fix her properly, later.”

Alex spent most of the afternoon with the builders and at four forty-five, Maurine arrived in her little car. Alex walked over to the car as she got out and asked, “Could fucking please get my fucking mind back as it was.” Alex replied, “Hopefully tomorrow, in the mean time come with me.” Alex led her into the farmhouse and up two flights of stairs. In his large suite, he instructed her to lie on the bed with her legs open. As he moved into place Maurine asked him why she fucking did as he said.” Alex pushed his cock into her pussy and replied, “Because you are a little slut who loves doing as she is told.” Maurine wanted to argue but as the wonderful feeling mounted in her pussy, she stayed quiet and rode these magical sensations.

Alex made love to her as he had Nancy and by the time Maurine had orgasmed for the second time, she was completely smitten. Alex came after Maurine’s fourth orgasm and left her on the bed in a pleasure high. He returned to Miranda and kissed her saying, “She was as good as I expected but not as good as you.” Miranda asked, “Where do I get one of those coats. If I have to compete, I will have to do it on a level playing field.”

To be continued