The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Olivia’s Party

Chapter 5 — Party Games

“She’s a nymphomaniac, you know.” Just when I thought I’d had enough surprises for one night, he had to drop that one on me. Out of the blue, the last thing I was expecting.

The party was in full swing in Mick Norton’s lounge. Mick himself wasn’t there, that’s why he’d asked me to stay over and keep an eye on the kids. The birthday girl, Olivia, wasn’t around either. She was upstairs, her girlfriend Alex helping her to fix her makeup and calm down after their relationship had been a little shaken up. They’d promised me they’d be downstairs soon, though, so I was waiting in the kitchen. Gathered in front of the TV were Hannelore, Olivia’s 15-year-old sister; Her schoolfriend and mentor figure Cassandra Smoot; their best friend from the year above, Lauren Birch; Cassandra’s brother Kevin; Olivia’s only friend in her own age group, Paula-Petra Bean; every parent’s nightmare in the shape of wannabe frat-boy Delancey King; and almost responsible adults themselves, college girls and best friends forever Britney Porter and Kiva King.

I would have said I didn’t need to come, that Britney and Kiva could make sure the younger kids didn’t drink too much or trash the house, if I hadn’t got an inkling already that Kiva would be followed by her obnoxious cousin, and that Britney would be bringing her older boyfriend. While I’d seen Olivia’s older friends around enough to trust them, I could understand her father wouldn’t be too accepting of Marten’s presence. Right now, Marten had asked me into the kitchen to help him getting another tray of drinks. As the cider bottles had been down the side of his chair, I guessed maybe he wanted a man to man conversation. What he was going to say, I had no idea. Maybe he wanted tips from an older guy who’d been round the block a few times on how to keep Britney interested. It would be a bit weird, I still didn’t think of myself as that old, but nothing would surprise me now.

“She’s a nymphomaniac, you know.” Well, that surprised me. I took a swig from the glass I was holding, to mask any involuntary response until I’d thought what to say, “Olivia, I mean. I mean, she’s the serious straight-B student who thinks about nothing but work on the outside, but once you get to know her she’s mad for it.”

“I think that’s why her dad said ‘no boys’,” I muttered, stalling for time really until I could getsome idea of why he was coming to me with this.

“Not just boys,” he grinned, “Rumour is she’s a dyke. I mean, its not true, but you must have seen the way she looks at that Alex chick. Maybe she’s bi? You know they’re together, right?”

I nodded slightly, “I didn’t until tonight.” I didn’t mention that I’d found out half an hour earlier, after Alex walked in on me fucking her girlfriend. Until then, I’d been completely oblivious.

“Well, just wanted you to know, you being the responsible adult and all. She doesn’t like taking no for an answer. She made a lot of effort to get me drunk a few years ago, and now her dad’s letting her drink, y’know, I don’t want to be worrying about her taking advantage of somebody, or….”

“You?” I tore my eyes away from my glass to stare at the kid. I was pretty sure Olivia hadn’t been serious with anyone (except Alex, of course) since she’d recognised my profile on an Internet dating site, and that must have been a couple of years ago now. “You didn’t?”

He blushed. I would have expected outraged denial, or boasting. “She was thirteen, nearly fourteen,” he eventually confessed, in a voice thick with self-loathing. “I was still at college, I’m supposed to be mature, I get it, but I’d never drunk much. I’ll swear, she did it on purpose, those blue things are stronger than you think and I didn’t realise…”

I nodded, averted my eyes. As horrible as it sounds, I could imagine Olivia getting into something like that. She might even have tried to get me drunk once, but I’m old and wise enough to know my limits, and didn’t see the offer of beer as anything more than her being a good host when I came to help her study.

“Look, I’m not some kind of perv, right?” he misread my silence, and was suddenly on the defensive. “She’s got this thing about older guys, even when she was a kid she was going after college guys. I didn’t force her, I didn’t lead her on or anything, she’s just got this weird thing. Heck, I’m surprised she hasn’t been coming on to you, even, it’s kind of messed…” and he trailed off when he saw that this time, I was the one blushing.

“Oh God,” he laughed, “You sick fuck. How old are you?”

“Not that old. Anyway, I told her she’s got to wait until she’s old enough. More than you managed, anyway.”

He looked down at his feet again. Hopefully his own shame would keep him from realising that tonight, little Olivia was legal at last. I didn’t want anyone to discover my moment of weakness, knowing that could easily end my career and get me in so much trouble.

❀ ❀ ❀

Olivia and Alex were already back in the lounge. Now, I could see the furtive glances passing between then, sudden as summer lightning. Both were excited, I knew, and a good deal of that was my fault. How often had I failed to notice those looks? The younger kids were focused on the movie, which was a laugh a minute even if I didn’t get half of the jokes. Britney and Kiva were watching over the group almost like their own kids, and I made a mental note to at least thank the two college girls later, for making sure everything was under control in my absence.

Britney was sitting in Marten’s lap now, her focus on the movie somewhat reduced as his fingertips kept tracing lazy spirals on her thighs, or occasionally and “accidentally” pawing at her breasts through the thin summer dress. She had a smile on her face, though she was careful to give her boyfriend’s hand a playful slap if he went too far. (There were kids in the room, after all)

I couldn’t help feeling a little jealous, and I could see from the way her eyes lingered on the two that Alexandria felt the same. Maybe some day soon, Olivia would build up enough confidence to come out, and then those two could be so affectionate around their friends. I’d certainly be willing to encourage that, even though I knew my relationship with the birthday girl would have to remain forever secret.

The arrangement of different age students in this room made a lot more sense now, I thought. I knew that a few years ago, Olivia had worried her parents with the amount of time she was spending out of the house. They’d have been even more worried if they’d known she was hanging around outside college bars, trying to pick up older guys. So she’d somehow managed to get into a frat party, or some equivalent event, to seduce Marten Watergate. They’d stayed friends, of a sort. Then Marten and Britney got together, and Britney and Kiva were pretty much inseparable, so they all hung out together. You could say this for Olivia, she’s an easy person to be friends with, regardless of your age.

“Excuse me”, my train of thought was interrupted by Alex’s most stern voice, “Can I see you in the kitchen a minute, Mr Bicksteen?” For a second I was worried, but then I saw what had already got the attention of the other girls. She was holding a DVD, nonchalantly as if to draw everyone’s attar to the fact that she wasn’t showing it off. Kevin Smoot, though, had his eyes food on the box and seemed terrified.

One of his hands was on the bottom drawer of the bookcase full of Mick’s DVD collection. The drawer that had been blocked by the armchair, until the furniture had been rearranged for the party. Mick used to keep a couple of soft pom DVDs there, the kind any guy might have, until he got worried the kids might be old enough to find them. Now, that drawer was never opened, making it a perfect place for Olivia to hide her own stash.

I followed into the kitchen, trying to pretend the sole aim wasn’t for us “adults” to discuss how to deal with Kevin’s indiscretion. She hadn’t kept her feelings very secret, so the little kids probably knew he’d done something wrong. It was weird thinking of her as an adult, but I realised she’d been in the year above when Olivia met her at school. If Olivia was an adult in the eyes of the law, then Alex must be too.

“This is about Kevin’s porn addiction, I guess?” I asked as soon as the door was closed.

“Well, maybe,” she smiled as she threw the offending disc down on the counter. “Nymphomaniac Lesbian Vampire Hunters in Las Vegas,” I read the label. One of my girlfriend’s favourites, I’d heard.

“It’ll do the little perv good to think he’s been caught out by a genuine adult, not just one of Olivia’s creepy older friends.” I was sure that I was the creepiest of those friends, but from the perspective of the kids, she was probably right. I nodded, and grunted agreement.

“So we just need to have a nice, long, important talk that nobody wants to interrupt.” She presented the statement like a foregone conclusion, a decision already made, “Then when we come back, I smile at Kev and he panics. Might even scare him enough to stop hitting on Lauren. She could use a break.”

“Sounds like you got parenting all figured out already. How long should we wait, to build maximum dread in this bad boy’s mind?”

“Oh… I think just long enough to have a little chat about some of the things Olivia tells me you can do. I mean…” she clearly had the sentence lined up in her head, something she’d been planning to say but was a little nervous to get started. Then once she got the first of the words out, the rest followed in a rush, like the dam of inhibitions bursting: “I can see those two getting frisky out of the corner of my eye, and I can’t stop thinking that I wish I could do that with my girlfriend. It’s turning me on, I’m horny as fuck and there’s nothing I can do about it until we’re on our own later. Livvy’s been telling me for months about how you can make her feel things without having to touch her, and you said you were going to show me that stuff too, so I thought why not just ask.”

This time, it was my turn to hesitate for a good few seconds. It was true, I could easily trance Olivia and give her a new post-hypnotic suggestion in a few minutes. But that’s because I had experience working with her, and knew already which of the many tricks at my disposal would work with her mind.

“I can show you some of my tricks,” I said at last, “but hypnosis is very much something that lives inside your mind, and I don’t know the way into your mind right now, so I don’t know what might work. So, I’m going to describe some things to you, and you can imagine them, and we’ll see if you’re as good at this as Olivia is.” She nodded, a slight blush in her cheeks. She wasn’t exaggerating when she said thinking about what would happen later made her horny.

“You don’t even need to sit down, or lie down. You can stand fight there, and the more you think you’re going to enjoy imagining the things I’m describing, the easier it will be to keep on imagining how good its going to be to imagine the next thing you want to feel. It’s just a case of getting into the habit of feeling those things, and like any habit, you might not even realise to start with, but when you do notice that you’ve done what I asked without realising, that will make it so much easier to obey a little further. Can you imagine that happening?”

She nodded, but didn’t speak. Looked like this would be even easier than I expected. I moved a little closer, in case her body became a little too relaxed and I had to catch her.

“You can probably already imagine yourself starting to slip deeper and deeper. I might tell you that you’re starting to feel relaxed, and that can be an easy thing to imagine, but you don’t need to feel relaxed. You might just as well imagine that you’re focusing on my words so intently that everything else seems less and less important, or that every time you nod, that little momentary touch of dizziness makes it easier to obey, or that the more excited you become, the harder it is to resist my commands, and the more you realise just how impossible it will be to resist what I tell you to do, the more that turns you on.” Her eyes were wide, and she was nodding in acceptance of each statement. Breathing a little heavily, too, and her face slightly flushed. That was my clue; most people respond well to thinking about how easy it is to follow instructions, not even thinking. But there was a powerful submissive streak in this eccentric punk girl, and I knew now that she could go a lot deeper by thinking about the powerful, erotic sense of helplessness, of fighting to lose.

“Maybe you’ve started to obey without even realising, but as long as feeling your resistance break turns you on so much, knowing that you couldn’t stop yourself will make it ten times harder to resist every command that comes in future. Do you notice that you’re already nodding as you accept my commands, like I told you to?” She nodded, and gave a gasp of surprised pleasure. Maybe this time she’d thought of trying to fight the instruction, but too late to stop the habit-forming response. “And maybe you’ve already noticed that the more closely you follow my words, and imagine what I say you should feel, the more it turns you on. Are you already feeling so incredibly, submissively horny, as I commanded?” Another nod, and the gasp turned into a low moan.

I knew now I could do whatever I wanted. I was getting hard too, thinking about how easy it would be to take her right now. But that wasn’t the plan today; I wanted her first experience of my skills to be something where every moment was about pleasing her. I gave her a deepener while I thought about it, counting down from ten to one and asking her to imagine being twice as obedient with each step, and to find it more and more exciting to imagine and look forward to how deep the next step would take her. By six, I had to tell her to feel a gag tied around her mouth, to suppress the moans of pleasure in case the kids next door heard her over the TV.

By the time I’d reminded Alex that nodding your head causes a tiny part of your inner ear produces hormones that make it easier to relax, or to obey; and that a female orgasm shuts down the amygdala for a moment, causing post-hypnotic suggestions that are active at that point to be burned permanently into the hindbrain (both true to some degree, but oh so much more potent if I tell her how they will feel with her mind in this state), I eventually decided what she was going to feel tonight.

“Now, you’re so excited, I think you’re going to have an orgasm soon. But you can’t cum now, because we already agreed that was something for later. So when your arousal is too much to bear, you can just feel a little wave of pleasure rushing through your body. An incredible feeling, that sets my words deeper into your mind, and makes you gasp with delight, and makes you feel incredible. But 90% of the pleasure, and the arousal, that you feel will just be locked away in the back of your mind, helping you to feel refreshed, but still looking forward so much to what we’ll be doing later.”

“The first time I give you permission to orgasm, it will refresh your mind completely, waking you up from trance, and giving you control of your own actions again, even as it pushes my instructions so deeply into your mind that you can’t even think of resisting. It will feel so good, but even so, you will know that ten times as much pleasure is sealed away at the back of your mind, ready for you to feel later.” She nodded, again.

“And while we’re in the party, you might find yourself getting a little jealous of other people, touching and kissing. But that won’t be a big deal, because you know you’ll have that later, and you know you have something better. Because every time you meet Olivia’s eyes, up close or across the room, you will feel her kiss. That’s something you’ve felt before, isn’t it.” Nod, and a stifled moan, ”Every kiss moving around your body, growing more and more erotic. A kiss here, or here, or here.” I used a gentle circle with my fingertips; on her neck, lips, breasts, and inner thigh. She didn’t make any move to resist, but I wasn’t going to push my luck.

“Feel Olivia’s lips, bringing you as much pleasure as they have before. And if she keeps looking, you know she’s going to make you cum, hard and loud, as intense as anything she’s ever made you feel before. You couldn’t stop yourself, but you know I can, because my orders are so much more powerful than your will.” This time her gasp was sharper, more excited. She was trembling, her legs half crossed as she stood there. I’d better hurry up, before the anticipation and arousal overwhelmed her.

“And as long as other people are at the party, every time Olivia’s gaze brings you to the edge, I will take away 90% of the pleasure, so that as you orgasm, you will still be able to keep quiet, and nobody will ever know that you’re having sex with your girlfriend right there. And that 90% will be locked away at the back of your mind, ready to experience later, the anticipation making it easier to get so horny again, so soon. A succession of mini orgasms will be your fate for this party, feeling so good. Until when everyone else is away, when you get a moment of privacy with just Olivia, her slightest touch will unlock those feelings; all the arousal I’ve suppressed, and all the orgasms you had tonight, will rush over your body in an uncontrollable wave, washing away any last traces of resistance to my commands. Can you imagine that?”

I caught her slight form as she stumbled, head thrown back in pleasure. I couldn’t resist a smile; knowing this would be the first of many wonderful experiences for her tonight. I helped her sit down at the kitchen table, until she could recover her composure.

As we returned to the lounge, the little kids went silent for a moment. They hadn’t heard, and their eyes followed the DVD under my arm. I returned it to the drawer, gave Kevin my best warning glance, and moved a bean bag back so I could sit leaning against the bookcase; blocking any further investigation of the porn. Kiva King looked from Alex to me and back in some confusion, but I gave her a little wink and put a finger to my lips. The girls would share their secret if they were ready to, and she’d have to keep guessing for now. Britney and Marten, thankfully, were too wrapped up in each other to notice our return.

Olivia raised an eyebrow at Alex’s smile, but couldn’t say anything in front of her sister. For an answer, I pointed to my left eye with two fingers together, and then made a little sweeping gesture. We’d thought before about how it might be interesting to experience something discreetly when others were around, and I figured a gesture was more appropriate than trigger words in the circumstances; so until tonight, Alex and Olivia could have their first experience of my kind of teasing together.

I settled down to watch the film, sure that this birthday party would have the best entertainment ever.