The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Perfect Master

©2004 by

Part Five: The Main Course

Kari stepped back to her place beside Mike, and seated herself once again. She placed her hand on his right shoulder and spoke.

“Mike, tell me what number you’re on.”

“432,” he replied.

“Good, keep counting Mike, relaxing more and more with each number. I will return again to you shortly. Ignore our conversations once more until I touch you on your right shoulder again.”

Mike went back to counting, his lips barely registering the numbers.

The girls, Derrick’s Slaves as I’d now come to address them, just stared in absolute fascination. They deserved a bit of an explanation, so I gave it to them.

“Ladies, Mike and I hypnotize each other on a regular basis, not just for school, but for fun. Someday, if you’d like, I’ll teach you something about it on a one-to-one basis, at Derrick’s permission of course, and only if you’d really like to learn.”

Tabitha spoke first this time: “So, is he asleep right now? How can a tap on the forehead cause him to just… drop like that?”

“The tap I did on his forehead is what’s called a trigger. It’s a shortcut to deep trance. It’s put in place by suggestions that a hypnotist, me, gave to the subject, Mike, a long time ago. Mike is a very special type of person, rare in fact. He has the ability to drop into some very very deep hypnotic trances far faster than normal everyday people.”

“Many months ago, when we first met, I asked him if he’d be a partner to me in my hypnosis training for schooling. He’s studied hypnosis for most of his life, far longer than I have, so I was truly honored when he offered himself to me as a subject to train on.”

“So what you’re saying is that he submitted to you because he trusts you?” Faith replied.

“Yes, I suppose one could look at it that way. I wouldn’t use a word like ‘submitted’, however, it just doesn’t… well… it just…”

Derrick stepped in at that moment. “No, wait, Faith has a very good point there. Can you ask Mike some questions? Or can I? It’s important, Kari.”

The look on his face told me he had nothing but love for Mike and only wanted to see him be the best at whatever he chose to be.

“Of course you can, Derrick. Do any of you have questions you might like to ask Mike? I’m sure he won’t mind at this point. We trust each other completely. Even though he was very angry earlier, if he didn’t want to be in this trance right now, resting so deeply, he wouldn’t have allowed my tap to have any affect at all.”

“Wait a second,” Cassandra snapped back, “you’re saying that even though this is a trigger, something to automatically put him back in a deep hypnotic trance, that he can just decide he doesn’t want to be there anymore, or not even go into trance with the tap? How can that be?”

I was waiting on that one, and I wasn’t disappointed. Cassandra was one sharp cookie, and she and I are going to have to get together for lunch sometime. All of us girls will.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. You’ve probably been watching movies and TVs over the years, and that ‘movie mind control’ has ruined real hypnosis for you. It’s not like that, not really. It’s a natural state of mind, actually. You go in and out of light trances every day of your lives. But this isn’t the time for an at length discussion, I have to help Mike. So, do you all have questions or is it just down to Derrick and me?”

No one seemed to jump to the front of the line, so I went with it. I placed my hand back on his right shoulder again and spoke.

“Mike, Derrick and I would like to ask you some questions. You can answer some questions for us, can’t you, Mike?”


“Good boy. You will find it easier to speak to us, with almost no effort required at all. Raise your head, Mike, so you can speak directly to us when we ask you questions. Raise your head now, Mike.”

He raised his head slowly, sleepily as was expected. When it was in the upright position, he took in a deep breath on his own and exhaled through the mouth, relaxing into it.

Derrick took the lead. “Mike, I’d like you to think back to our discussion a few days ago about Daddy Doms. Do you remember that discussion?”


”What did you think of that talk, Mike?”

“I liked the idea of it. It sounded… it sounded like what I had… always dreamed of.”

With that answer I turned to look at Dawna and Jess. Both of them were already in tears, but I had to maintain my composure. One more outburst like the one I experienced earlier and they’d have to carry me out of here.

I realized what was happening. Mike was talking to his best friend of all, Derrick -- another man. That’s the secret here. Mike wouldn’t – or more appropriately couldn’t – bring himself to discussing his desires with a woman, not even me.

“Mike, drift once again for a few moments. I’ll speak to you again when I touch your right shoulder. Just drift… deeper… relax… let go and drift, Mike…”

His head slumped down, chin to chest, once more and his deep breathing resumed.

“Derrick, I know what the problem is. Dawna, Jess, do you get it?” I asked.

Dawna spoke: “Yeah, I get it, he doesn’t want to – or can’t -- talk about this with any of us. Not only is Derrick his best friend, but he’s a man. No offense baby brother, but that’s the facts,” and she smiled a big smile for her bro.

Derrick grinned right back at her: “Love ya Sis. So now that we know I’m going to be the messenger here, so to speak, what do I do?”

“You do just that, you become the messenger. I’ll bring him back again, and when I do, I’ll instruct him to listen only to you, he’ll only respond to your voice. Then I’ll give you the questions and the proper suggestions so we can resolve this and get him home. I’m too damned horny right now to think straight, we’ve got to get this over with now.”

I reached over and touched Mike on his shoulder once more. His head popped straight up this time before I even spoke.

“Mike, in a moment you will hear Derrick’s voice. From that moment you first hear his voice until I touch your shoulder again, Derrick is the only person in your world. You trust Derrick totally, don’t you? He’s your best friend. You will answer his questions and follow his suggestions without reservation. Do you understand?”

It was the moment of truth. If Mike said no, it was over. There was nothing more I’d be able to do because Mike would be making the decision for himself, of his own free will.

But if he said yes, then we’re home free. Several seconds go by and then finally…


I nodded at Derrick.

“Mike, it’s Derrick. I want you to relax, and go deeper for me now. Take a long slow deep breath in through your nose, hold it a moment and then exhale through your mouth in a sigh.”

Mike responded as suggested.

If I didn’t know better I’d think Mike had been teaching Derrick some hypnosis. And the more I thought about it, the more I was sure it was true. Very interesting development, but I was trying to focus on Mike at that time.

“Ask him what his plans were today when he came over to the apartment,” I quietly passed to Derrick.

“Mike, I’d like you to tell me what you had in mind when you went to Kari’s apartment earlier today. Think carefully about what your plans were once you had Kari all to yourself, and also if you had plans for Dawna and Jess.”

Mike shifted a bit in his seat, the same way he shifted at the apartment earlier that day, but not quite the total knee jerk reaction. It was different this time.

“I wanted… to ask Kari if she… found what you and your Slaves share was… pleasing. I was planning to ask Dawna and Jess the same questions, but alone. I didn’t think… I could handle being… … rejected by all three at once. If even one of them would have me as… their Master, I’d die a very happy man.”

Ok, I admit it, when Mike said “their Master” I was in tears. Light tears, not the emotional flood I experienced earlier. I can’t describe the feeling I had at that very moment.

Here was my best friend – male friend, mind you – saying that if I would be his Slave, or Dawna, or Jess, he’d die happy. How could I respond to that with anything other than tears of joy? And that’s exactly what I did. I cried tears of absolute joy.

“Ask him how he planned to respond if all three of us said no,” I whispered.

“Mike, what would you have done if Kari, Dawna and even Jess decided they would not want you as a Master? How were you planning to react?”

“I really hadn’t thought of that, I don’t know.” His face tensed up tightly on that one, a look of concentration as his mind searched for a possible answer.

After several seconds of silence, he took another deep breath then answered.

“I suppose I’d just continue helping them as before. I love them, each of them. I love everything about them, everything a man can love about women. I… I just don’t know… but yeah, that’s what I’d do. Go on loving them the best way they’d let me,” and he slipped back into silence.

“He’ll do it,” I said to Derrick, and the others. “I can see it in his face. He was afraid of the rejection, and that’s not an issue now. Derrick, in a few moments I want you to tell him these exact words: Mike, Kari, Dawna and Jess will now give you their answers. You will listen to each of them, and you will know their words are true.” I nodded to let Derrick know it was ok to speak.

“Mike, in a few moments, Kari, Dawna and Jess will now give you their answers.”

And just that simply, Mike’s whole demeanor changed. He almost sat completely upright in the chair. It surprised the hell out of everyone watching, but none more so than me.

I reached over, hesitating at the last moment, wondering if this was truly the right thing to do. I took in a deep breath, looked around quickly to my best friends and lovers on my sides of the table, over to my new friends and who knows what else on the other side, then turned back towards Mike and exhaled.

I touched Mike once again, for the last time during this trance, on his right shoulder.

“Mike, can you hear me?”

His head actually turned to face me. I wanted to see his eyes when I said the words, so…

“Mike, in a few moments I will count from one to three. At the count of three you will open your eyes, remaining deep in your trance. Do you understand?”


”Good boy. One… Two… Three.”

His eyes popped open, glassy and unfocused, pupils dilated.

“Mike, soon you may find it very easy to see me, in your field of vision. Focus your eyes on my face, that’s it. I’m here, Mike, right here. Relax, and focus on my face. Can you see me now, Mike?”


“Who do you see, Mike, tell me my name.”

“You’re Kari. Kari…” his voice drifted off.

“Mike, I have something very important to say to you, and you will remember this even into your waking consciousness. Do you understand?”


For some reason at this point I hesitated again. I felt Jess’s hand on my shoulder, and I put my hand on hers but I didn’t turn around. I looked into Derrick’s eyes for support, and felt nothing but love coming back at me.

Do it girl, don’t keep him waiting. He needs to love you, all three of you, now open your mouth and tell him…

”Mike, I would be honored to be your Slave. You have been my best friend for a very long time, you’ve never asked for anything other than that. I want to share my life, my home, my very life with you. I want to have you as my Master. I say this with all my heart and free will. If you’ll have me, I’ll be the very best Slave a Master could ever want.”

Mike reacted to that in a way that I never even dreamed he would.

He cried. He really cried, the tears just started pouring from his eyes, a non-stop torrent of tears. He was suddenly wracked with so much emotion, such feeling; I wasn’t sure what to do. I started to reach for his forehead again to stop his pain once more as I did earlier when Derrick grabbed my hand.

“No, Kari, he’s been holding these emotions in for a very long time, far longer than you know. Dawna and I have talked about this before, and she can back me up on it. Let him feel it once and for all. He’s not in pain, you know. Those are tears of joy. The same tears of joy you cried for him just a few minutes ago when you discovered he truly does want to be your Master.”

Derrick was right, of course, and I knew it. But it still didn’t stop me from feeling so bad.

Dawna spoke next.

“Mike, look at me. Focus your eyes on me. See me now, and tell me who I am.”

“Dawna,” in between his sobs was all he said.

“Yes Mike, it’s Dawna. I would be honored to be your Slave. You have been a friend to me like no one else ever has except for my brother. You helped me when I needed confidence in myself, and you will help me again in the future. You will mold me into the best Slave I can possibly be, and in the process, I will help you become the best Master you can possibly be. I offer myself to you, as your Slave, if you will have me. And I say this with all my heart and free will, but I accept you as my Master.”

Mike just started crying all over again. I wanted so desperately to just take him in my arms and never let him go until the crying and the pain went away. I understood what Derrick was saying, but it didn’t make my own suffering subside in the least.

Jess finally spoke at that moment.

“Mike, now I’d like you to look at me and tell me who I am.”

Mike actually wiped his own tears away from his face. Another incident I never thought I’d see. He was in control now, and I knew it. He wasn’t just sitting there deep in trance anymore, expecting me to give him suggestions. He was assuming control of all his feelings. I’d known him long enough and tranced him enough times to know what I was seeing was pure control of mind.

He turned his head towards Jess. She rose from her chair to take up a position just off his right side, then looked deep into his crying eyes and spoke.

“Mike, I would be honored to be your Slave. I have never loved a man as I love you. You are nothing but the best to me. Every time we come together you make me feel like I am more than I can be. You are kind, considerate, loving, and compassionate. I feel I am not worthy of your love, that I’m not worthy to be your Slave. But if you’ll have me, I promise I will be the very best Slave I can possibly be for you. I only want you to be the best Master that you can be, for me, and for all of us.”

And with that she kneeled down beside his chair, her head bowed down towards the floor.

Mike pretty much lost it at that point, but then he did the most amazing thing. He closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, and stood up, pushing his chair out from underneath him.

He looked at Jess, down on her knees, prostrate before him. He bent down slowly, one hand reaching out just underneath her chin. He lifted her head slowly, gazing into her eyes.

“Slave, you need never kneel before me, rise and embrace your Master.”

Jess was the one crying now, massive tears flowing down her cheeks, as though a dam inside her eyes had just broken loose.

He gently lifted her by the chin, her body rising to come close to him, and then she threw her arms around him squeezing as tightly as she could.

I was simply dumbstruck and couldn’t find words to describe how I was feeling. I turned towards Dawna and she was bawling her eyes out. She rose from the chair and walked around mine to stand before Mike.

“Master, if you’ll have me, I am yours,” she breathed out in a whisper-like voice.

“Slave, I will always love you. Embrace me.”

And Dawna took him in her arms, as well as she could with Jess never wanting to let go.

Now all that remained to be seen was how I would react. I glanced over at Derrick; he was lost in his own Slaves presently. They looked upon him with nothing but sheer adoration and love. I’d never seen such an outpouring of pure love in my entire life.

The tears in his Slave’s eyes, the pain and joy there, pain and joy he would accept willingly to make them better people. I watched as he touched their cheeks; I saw their desire to partake of his touch. It was simply the most beautiful thing I had ever seen with my own two eyes.

But then I looked back at Mike and my best friends, my lovers. And all at once, I knew my place.

I rose from my chair, stepping forward several inches, and I gave myself to my Master, willingly.

“Embrace me, Slave. Join us in this moment of joy. This is only the beginning, ladies. I will always love you, and I will always care for you, one and all, and none more than another. You are now mine, and we shall revel in our new life together this night.”

I took him in my arms, tears flowing as freely as ever, and I strangely felt like this was where I always wanted to be. Call me silly, but when you think about it, being a Slave to someone has so many negative connotations attached to it you can’t get past them.

“Slave” has taken on a bad wrap primarily because of the Slave trades that brought Africans to America hundreds of years ago. This type of “Slavery” that I was about to experience is not that type of Slavery.

This is a decision, made within my own mind, to submit myself to the love of another. There are so many kinds of submission it’s not even funny. But this is a mutual submission, in a way. Mike is submitting to his own desires to be dominant as I am submitting to my own desires to be submissive. It sounds crazy, believe me. I know that all too well.

Mike doesn’t control me, not in the least. I choose to follow his suggestions, and I choose to obey his commands. Never for one second would I do what he suggested or commanded if I didn’t want to do so. This is the dance of D/s. If you’re very lucky you may take this dance with a partner – and if you’re very luck indeed you might get to dance with more than one.

But it is the choice I made for myself on that night in that restaurant. I don’t regret it now as I recount my Master’s tale to you. That would dishonor the love that we share in our D/s polyamorous relationship. So instead of getting too deep into that part of it, I’ll tell you about what we did to Mike when we got him home.

Get comfortable because this is where the sex comes in, and I won’t leave out one damned detail. I wouldn’t be doing my Master proper justice otherwise.