The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Part 2: Is love an addiction?

Eventually, if not inevitability the craving subsided.

We gently floated down to the cold tiled floor, our naked bodies still wrapped up in each others arms. The water that had been suspended in the air fell like rain onto our exhausted bodies. We sat there motionless for a few minutes, simply unable or perhaps unwilling to let the moment pass.

“Who are you?” Melanie said, sitting up to face me.

“I’m a vampire” I said, with a half smile on my face.

That seemed to explain everything.

In the time that followed we picked ourselves off the shower room floor, dried each other and got dressed in the locker room. I wore one of her spare t-shirts, my raised breasts filling it out completely. I also borrowed some shorts and training shoes she had brought along to use at the gym. Melanie packed the wet towels, along with her used nurses’ uniform into a plastic wash bag and placed it inside her holdall.

On the way out we passed two nurses who had just ended their shift, my mind caressed their thoughts simultaneously and I implanted a mischievous idea between them. I would have joined them but I had other considerations.

“I need rest” I said to my new companion.

“Yea, so do I” she agreed, “its going to be sunlight in an hour, perhaps we should take you to my flat?”

In the car I explained everything: Waking in the morgue, my disorientation and lack of memory. Discovering my vampire powers and how they led me to her.

“So, can you like... read my mind?” Melanie asked as she drove, revealing her curiosity.

‘Like a book’, Melanie thought to herself... before looking towards me and realising that her thoughts were not her own.

“Wow, so you’re in my mind right now?” she asked.

“Can’t you feel it?”

“Well, I do have this warm dreamy feeling in my head. Like being safe, looked after, wanting to do everything I can to make you happy.” She looked at herself in the mirror for a second and asked “is that unusual?”

“I don’t know” I replied.

“I’m not sure, but I thought it had something to do with drinking that blood milk from your breasts...”

“Is that what it was?” I said, a little surprised to be talking about my anatomy in these terms.

“...It was so sweet, so rewarding to drink” she shuddered a little while remembering the taste. “I’m feeling a little embarrassed to say this, but... can I have some more when we get home?” Melanie said while licking the top of her lip.

* * *

A few minutes later Melanie parked the car, just as the sun was starting to appear on the horizon. As the sunlight rained down I became partially transparent, feeling myself getting weaker in its rays.

Luckily Melanie dragged me into the shadow of her building and helped me through the doorway. A few minutes later we emerged from the elevator and walked into her flat. While I cowered in a dark corner, she closed all the curtains in her bedroom and opened a sizable airing cupboard. Inside I found precious darkness, as she helped me into a sleeping bag and then covered my body in thick blankets.

I was so cold, so tired... in the darkness I slept.

* * *

My dreams were wild, playful and erotic.

I could feel myself flying effortlessly over endless fields by night. My hawk-like vision could see statues of people in each field, motionless, each frozen in a life like position. A man driving, a policewoman kneeling over, a couple making love, there seemed to be no logic to their arrangement. It was if they had been frozen in time and had all their surroundings taken away. Hundreds, if not thousands of people were just locked in place, unaware of their predicament.

And I was free to move between them.

* * *

“Melissa” said the male voice, “Melissa... come to me”.

I felt myself being drawn to the voice, finding myself in a dark alleyway floating bodiless in the air. Not far below stood a man in a dark suit, his features perfect and smooth. He was holding his hand up in the direction of a woman, her face hidden by the shadows.

“Come to me my Love” said the man in the same deep voice, his eyes glowing red.

The woman stepped forward, her face glazed over with a longing look in her eyes. As she stepped into the light, I recognised the face... it was my own. I had seen it not in a mirror, but when I had looked through Melanie’s eyes.

I was dressed in a tight fitting knee-length black dress, with matching high heel shoes. I was human, but by the look of things for how long?

“Who are you?” I asked, or more precisely my human manifestation asked.

“I am your master, the one you want to serve and obey” said the man, his voice growing deeper on each word.

“What?” I tried to say, my will resisting his thoughts. “No, that doesn’t make sense?” I felt confused, a fog forming in my mind.

“Lower your defences, my dear” he said walking closer, his eyes warping into red and grey swirls. “I will bring you great pleasure, you only need to look into my eyes and relax.”

His eyes were beautiful, warm swirls of colour which seemed to captivate my attention. His words almost lost in the random blur that had become my mind.

‘No’ came a voice, trying to form itself in the back of my mind, ‘this isn’t right... he doesn’t have the right to hypnotise you!’

“Just relax, trust my voice... don’t try to resist” he said, his words melting away into my subconscious.

‘Look away, you want to be yourself’ the voice tried to say. I suddenly released that I was no longer watching from above, but had become part of the scene.

“No, this is right... you want to do as I say. It gives you great pleasure to think of yourself submitting to my desires” he said as his eyes began to morph into dark metallic swirls.

‘This is wrong’ I thought to myself, still being aware of my situation. I just couldn’t look away from those beautiful loving eyes, as they just grew larger and larger, taking up more of my vision and more of my mind.

Another voice started speaking in the confusion that was my mind, one more prominent than anything that remained. ‘This is wonderful, I feel so good just being in the company of my master’ I thought, as the look of fear and frustration fell away from my face.

‘It’s so wonderful that he chose me to be his slave’ I thought, as a wave of relaxation started to flow across my body. With this his eyes returned to normal, as I began to smile in the company of my master.

“How can I express my gratitude, master?” I said as the wave of relaxation turned into one of arousal. My body shuddered as my master laid his hands on my cheeks and gently lowered my head down to his waist. I went onto my knees, as I suddenly developed a great thirst in my mouth.

“I want to taste you” I said as I parted my lips and opened his flies, his erect member quickly standing to attention. Being fully aware of my actions I wondered if this was my mind speaking or my master inside expressing his wishes. Somehow I just didn’t care... I just wanted to feel his cock inside my mouth.

* * *

I licked, sucked, caressed until I my master was ready to feed me his juice. Instinctively I held his bottom firmly with my hands, as I forced his cock deep inside my mouth. His body shook as his legs arched and I tasted the first drops of his fluid.

It dropped onto my tongue and sent a wave of pleasure throughout my body, at first it tasted like the finest red wine, then chocolate, then simply liquid ambrosia... the taste quickly overloading my senses and overpowering my will.

I wanted more, I needed more... I just couldn’t live anymore with this thirst. It was no longer a taste but a feeling... of love, lust, joy... with every moment I was becoming more addicted.

Until finally, he came into my mouth.

Sweet juices, plunged themselves down my throat. Filling both my body and mind, I felt like an empty vessel that just couldn’t be satisfied. I swallowed a much as I could, my body trying to gasp for air as I forgot to breathe. As wave after wave of fluid kept coming, I felt myself floating in an erotic paradise... separated from my physical form, knowing nothing but joy.

He finished.

Reality flooded back, as I lay powerless on the floor... my body gasping for air. A dark depression filled my mind as I wondered when my master would feed me again. The world I returned to seemed so colourless, so full of hopelessness and misery. I felt cold and alone, lying helpless on the cold concrete as a new figure entered the scene.

* * *

“Why are you wasting the good stuff on her?” exclaimed the new voice, female and venomous.

As I slowly regained my senses I looked up, to see the upside-down figure of a red headed woman dressed in a dark leather cat suit. Ample breasts protruded over the top of her tight fitting outfit, exposing large amounts of shapely bosom. Her black leather boots starting above the knee and followed her perfect form all the way down to the floor.

I realised I was still lying on my back.

“Ah my dear, I was wondering what had been keeping you so late into the night?” he said with his calming voice.

“I was finishing off an old friend” she replied, while stepping over my helpless form. Wrapping leather coated arms around his neck she quickly kissed him on the cheek with her dark red lips. As she smiled with perfect white teeth, I could see two pointy incisors slowly extend themselves from the top of her jaw.

The mood changed.

“She’s feasted on you...” she said, looking down towards me like a piece of meat. “...But you promised, I’ve waited so long” the anger building up in her voice with every word.

“I thought you weren’t coming...” the male vampire tried to explain, but her anger had asserted itself and it was directed at me.

“I’m sure there must still be plenty left inside you” she said, as she picked me up like a rag doll and savaged my neck with her teeth.

The pain was immense as I screamed out, my voice echoing in the stillness of the night. Knives stabbed into my throat as the airways were cut off. I continued to resist as my hands scratched and punched this impossibly strong woman, but to no avail.

She just stood upright, my body held firmly in her grasp. With my head locked over her shoulder, all I could see was my master looking around nervously a short distance away. He took pity on my suffering and held my head in his hands, looking me straight in the eyes. With his silvery spirals he said “feel no pain... just joy”, an expression of sadness forming on his face as the woman continued her jealous feast.

His words brought truth, with each swirl of his eyes the stabbing pain turned into one of pleasure. As he held my now limp hand, I felt myself looking forward to death... seeing nothing to fear as I felt it approach.

In the distance I saw a light, which quickly illuminated the alley. At first I thought this was the end, until it was followed by two policemen holding flashlights. Having heard my scream they had raced over to help, but by the time they had arrived the vampires had become little more than shadows in the dark.