The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“Shaken—Part 2 of 3”

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This work is copyright © 2000 by Orestes. You may download and keep copies for your personal use as long as the author’s byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copies. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.

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Kaitlyn Parker couldn’t force herself to sleep.

For two weeks, she had lied to herself, and had suppressed the part of herself that would search for the real answers. The Blueberry shakes had made it easy, she realized. They suppressed anxiety. They made her fit in with the other women.

And even now, she longed to be that wonderful, uninhibited creature who lived for sexual pleasure.

Everything would be so easy if she would just give in to her desires. However, there was a strong part of Kaitlyn that refused. It was the same part of her that had left home in her late teens to pursue academics despite the protests of her parents. It was the part of her that had achieved a masters degree in less than four years, before returning home for her parents’ funeral.

That stubborn, inquisitive part of Kaitlyn was reawakened as she stumbled out of the office of Dr. Phil Connelly, with the tastes of Pineapple and semen mingling in her throat. There was a swell of emotions in her chest as she realized what she had just done. Exhilaration. Depravity. Satisfaction. But somewhere within her, there was also a deep sense of humiliation about what she was becoming.

He hadn’t even asked for it. She dropped to her knees, and invited him into her mouth. She came twice while kneeling beneath him, worshipping his cock.

It was every bit the opposite of Kaitlyn’s normally conservative self, and as sexy as she felt at that moment, she absolutely knew that it was the result of the Pineapple shake she had just greedily consumed.

So she lay in bed alone, her mind whirling through the events of the last two weeks, and tried to keep herself from masturbating.

When she woke from a fitful slumber the next morning, her body ached from some unknown exertion. Kaitlyn’s nipples had been sensitive for over a week, and now felt even more swollen than before. Her stomach and thighs seemed tight from exercise, although she had done nothing physical the day before.

A thought struck her.

Goddamn, she scolded herself. I forgot about the e-mail I sent. Maybe I’ll be able to find some answers after all.

The thought prompted her to dress quickly, and begin her walk to the library. It had been a week since she sent the e-mail to her friend, Ellen Caplan, asking for information about Baldwin Pharmaceuticals. A sense of excitement filled her belly. As long as she stayed focused, she had a chance of figuring out this whole bizarre chain of events.

It wasn’t until she approached the library that she became aware that she had forgotten to wear her bra and panties today. She cursed silently at the short skirt she had chosen in her haste. It wasn’t like her to be so careless.

“ Hi Katie, " chirped Amanda as Kaitlyn approached the front doors of the little library building.

“ Amanda ? What are you doing here ? I don’t have you scheduled until the afternoon. ”

“ Oh, I was just feeling a little restless, and I decided to come down and check how you were doing. I was wondering what you needed to see the doctor about yesterday ?”

Kaitlyn felt self-conscious now. She was painfully aware that the short skirt she was wearing was little cover for her bare ass and pussy, and of how her swollen nipples must appear through the thin blouse she wore today. But that wasn’t all...

Something about the way that Amanda was talking made her feel... inferior. The young woman had never called her ‘Katie’ before. She was probing for information. For gossip. It was like she knew that Kaitlyn had switched to the stronger Pineapple shakes.

Kaitlyn’s face went red.

“ Why don’t we go inside, " she said, smoothing down the front of her skirt. " I need to talk to you about something. ”

The two women walked into the library office. Kaitlyn had a hard time resisting her instincts to walk behind the younger girl.

Kaitlyn sat at the computer, and breathed deeply. Even in her own head, everything sounded crazy. She didn’t know how her thoughts would seem to anyone else. But if she had to trust anyone, it was Amanda. The young woman looked up to her. Even idolized her in a way.

“ I think there’s something wrong with the shakes we’re drinking, " Kaitlyn began. Amanda was smiling in an almost condescending sort of way, but nodded for Kaitlyn to continue.

“ Please, Amanda, just listen carefully. I think I knew something was wrong since the beginning. Some things about me changed in a way that at first I thought was harmless. Suppression of anxiety... increased assertiveness... sexual energy...”

The younger woman laughed involuntarily.

“ What ?”

“ I don’t know, Katie, it just seems like you’re worrying yourself over nothing. So you feel a little more self-confident and get a bit horny when you drink the meal replacement shakes ? Is that anything to get all worked up about ?”

Kaitlyn’s frustration was beginning to show as tears welled up in her eyes. More than anything, she wanted Amanda to believe her. She needed someone she could trust to stand by her.

“ No, you don’t get it. Those are just the initial symptoms. The more I drank the shakes, the more severe it became. There are physical symptoms. My breasts are tender and swollen. So are my lips. I’ve lost five pounds...”

Amanda was shaking her head in amusement. Kaitlyn could tell that she wasn’t being taken seriously. When had this happened ? When had she lost the younger girl’s respect ?

“ God, Amanda, I really need you on my side. Everything is getting out of control, and I can’t trust myself to think straight. I think I’m addicted to the shakes. I spend every moment craving my next taste, and it gets worse every day. Think about it... try to think about how weird it is that Penny and Erin are now acting like servants for the other women in town, just because they’re addicted to a different flavour... and now me...”

Through teary eyes, she watched the younger girl for a reaction.

“ I’m sorry, " Amanda giggled, " but it’s hard to take you seriously while you’re spreading your legs like that. ”

Kaitlyn looked down at herself. It was a stupid, absent minded motion, and it left her body completely exposed at the edge of her seat. The lips of her pussy glistened from her almost constant state of arousal. She quickly brought her legs together, and began to sob with shame.

“ It’s happening to me, Amanda. I can feel it. Dr. Connelly told me that 20% of the women in the study were expected to develop a taste for something more than Blueberry. It’s happening to me, and I can’t stop it. Soon, I’ll be just like Penny and Erin are. Weak and stupid. All of the other women will know. They’ll see me becoming a bimbo, and they’ll laugh about it, not seeing that they’ve been changed too. ”

Amanda’s expression was slightly more sober. " You can’t be serious about this... there’s no way you could ever end up like Penny. She’s not like us... she’s...”

“ She’s exactly where I’ll be in a week. Tell me you can’t feel it already. You called me Katie this morning. You’ve never called me that before. You have trouble taking me seriously now. It’s only going to get worse.”

The girl seemed to conflicted, possibly struggling with the same feelings of incredulity that Kaitlyn had been wrestling with for over a week.

“ Okay, what if I believe you. What do you want me to do ?”

“ I don’t know. I need a couple of weeks to investigate everything. In the meantime, I don’t think that I can force myself to quit the shakes. I just need you to look out for me. ”

“ I will... I promise. ”

Kaitlyn stood and hugged the young woman. It felt so good to have someone on her side. At the same time, she realized that with the difficulty she had in convincing even her most loyal friend that something was wrong, it would be impossible to convince the others. It would just be the two of them, and she hoped it would be enough.

For the rest of the morning, Kaitlyn locked herself into the library office while Amanda handled the customers. She tried not to think about the rumours that would begin circulating about her just outside the office doors.

The way the women would laugh... for some reason it made her wet just to think about it.

Despite herself, Kaitlyn almost felt like she deserved their contempt. After all, she was drinking Pineapple now, and that made her lower than them. Weaker.

Kaitlyn opened her e-mail account anxiously, and found a message waiting from Ellen.

‘ Sorry, Kaitlyn, but Baldwin Pharmaceuticals is a privately held firm, and so there’s little public information in our files. I can only tell you that they seem to be a fairly young company, and have been in business for less than five years. I hope you find what you’re looking for. ’

The librarian was determined that she would. She began to send out requests for information to anyone she could think of. Government agencies. Trade magazines. Public records. She fought through the haze that was clouding her thoughts to look for answers.

By the time the library doors closed, and Amanda popped her head in the door to say goodbye, Kaitlyn had left phone messages and e-mail inquiries with dozens of potential information sources.

Then she was alone in the building, and her hunger returned. As she stood to clear her head, her legs almost gave out.

Kaitlyn looked herself in the mirror, and could see herself trembling. The subtle changes in her appearance were beginning to add up. Her lips were pouty and red, even without make-up. The here eyes were lit with lust, and her cheeks flushed with desire. She needed it now, more than ever, and she instinctively knew that even the powerful calming effects of the Blueberry shakes wouldn’t help her. She needed Pineapple.

She gathered her purse, and quickly locked up the library. As a cool breeze blew down the street, she felt it play on the bare skin beneath her skirt. Her tender nipples were clearly visible through her thin blouse.

As much as the slutty appearance bothered her, Kaitlyn knew that she couldn’t wait until she arrived home to get a shake. She walked quickly across the street towards the general store. She would have to get a new case of shakes sometime anyhow.

Luckily, there were no cars parked in front of the store when she arrived. That was a good sign.

“ Good affer’noon, " greeted Mrs. Applebee.

“ Oh, hi, " said Kaitlyn, scanning the aisles nervously to make sure she was indeed alone.

“ What can I do you for today ?” The woman had an outrageous southern accent that all the school children made fun of after visiting the store for candy. They would wander into the library afterwards with sticky hands, and a new stock of southern slang that drove Kaitlyn nuts.

“ Um... I need more of the shakes. ”

“ Awl right. Luckily, the doctor brought down s’more of the Blueberry un’s, ‘cause I was runnin’ straight out. ”

The woman bent to retrieve a package from under the counter.

“ No, I need the...” Kaitlyn’s face went totally red as she stammered out the words. " I I mean, I’ve switched to... um... Pineapple. ”

Mrs. Applebee seemed more surprised by Kaitlyn’s sudden nervousness than her request for the Pineapple shakes. " That’s jus’ fine, deary. It ain’t no trouble for me. I’ll jus’ go out back and get y’all a case of the Pineapple drink. ”

Once again, Kaitlyn scanned the store, and nervously glanced at the door. She tried to calm herself, but it was no use. The more she thought of the humiliation of switching to the Pineapple flavour, the more aroused the became. Then, of course, with the new arousal, came a new wave of shame.

The southern woman stomped around in the back room, searching through boxes of merchandise, leaving Kaitlyn staring at the wall behind the counter. Her eyes were drawn there, to the adult magazines on the wall. Suddenly, she wanted them very badly. The women on the covers were posed provocatively, their lips spread in mock lust.

She couldn’t. Not after the way the other women had mocked Erin Hansen the previous week for buying magazines.


Kaitlyn tried to banish these nasty thoughts from her head.

But maybe... if she bought the magazines, she could prevent herself from repeating the way she had thrown herself on Dr. Connelly the previous day. She just needed something to get rid of her sexual energy.

“ Here they are, deary. " Kaitlyn was stirred from her contemplation of the porn magazines as Mrs. Applebee re-entered the room. The older woman set a case of Pineapple shakes down on the counter.

“ Thanks, " Kailyn said, " Could I have a bag for that ?”

She hoped she wouldn’t run into any of the other women on the way home.

“ Oh, and... " she couldn’t stop herself from saying, " I need... a couple of those magazines. ”

Mrs. Applebee looked over her shoulder, as if unaware that she even carried the porn magazines. “You mean the girly magazines ?”

Kailyn’s pussy moistened with excitement. She could feel some of the wetness gathering on her bare thighs as her humiliation deepened. " Yes. ”

The store owner paused, waiting for Kaitlyn to choose some of the titles. Kailyn’s legs were trembling, both in anticipation of the nasty images in the skin magazines, and of the Pineapple shake she would soon be slurping down.

“ Just give me a couple. Any of them. I don’t care. ”

The woman dropped two magazines into a brown paper bag, and handed them over the counter.

“ Do you want to pay cash, or should I jus’ put those on your account, deary ?” The woman was trying not to embarrass Kaitlyn, but the librarian’s face was completely red with shame.

“ On my account, " Kaitlyn could barely manage to say, and then picked up the bags with the porn magazines and, more importantly, the Pineapple shakes.

She stepped out into the street again, her body screaming for attention. Every thought was centred on getting her next taste of the Pineapple drink. It was almost more than she could bear. In desperation, she looked for a private spot where she could stop and drink the shake. The first place that caught her eye was the dumpster beside the general store.

Kaitlyn walked unsteadily into the alleyway, checking the street to see if anyone was passing by. Quickly, she stepped around the garbage bin. It didn’t completely hide her from the street, but it would have to do. She just hoped nobody drove by at the wrong moment.

Her excitement growing, Kaitlyn set the bags down on the ground, and rummaged through them for a one of the shakes she craved so badly.

From the street, she could hear a car pulling up to the store. Damn. She hoped no one had spotted her kneeling in the alleyway, eagerly pulling open one of the plastic containers. She desperately hoped that the garbage bin been enough cover.

Despite her anxiety about the vehicle now stopped in front of the store, Kaitlyn couldn’t wait another moment for the Pineapple shake. The sweet aroma rose through the air, and in another moment, she was coaxing the warm sticky liquid into her mouth.

Then it all came to her: the rush of sexual energy, the lack of inhibition, acceptance of her position in the hierarchy of women.

When the container was empty, Kaitlyn held it near her lips, and began to scoop the warm liquid out with her fingers, licking each one in turn. The pleasure was intense. Finally, she dropped the plastic container into one of the garbage cans beside her, and reached for her bags again.

Then she froze.

While rifling through the bags, one of the porn magazines had slipped out, and was laying open on the ground. The image on the page was of two women, one extending her tongue ever so close to the other’s pussy. Kaitlyn’s body shuddered with a rush of excitement.

From out front of the store, she could hear the car’s engine still running. She could hear a male and a female voice conversing. There was still a chance they hadn’t seen her. Maybe they were talking about something else, she fooled herself.

Kaitlyn could hear the sound of her own breathing as she knelt forward and turned the page of the magazine. The new images on the next page pushed her arousal even deeper. She needed an orgasm now just to think straight.

Spreading her knees apart, she reached under her short skirt to the moist and swollen lips of her pussy. With the mixed aroma of Pineapple and garbage in her nostrils, everything about this scene felt right. It felt good to be dressed like a whore, in a short skirt and no panties. It felt perfect to be on her knees in an alleyway, hidden only by the garbage bins.

And, more than anything, it felt wonderful to be pushing two and then three fingers at a time into herself as she leafed through page after page depicting naked whores in mindless poses. Mindless. It felt so good to allow herself to be that way for a moment. It was such a struggle to keep her mind on anything other than sexual pleasure.

She began to whimper lightly as a small shudder of orgasm wracked her body, but as soon as the little climax escaped her, she could feel another, larger orgasm coming on.

The conversation was closer now. The male and female voices were near the entrance to the alleyway. Maybe they wouldn’t come, she tried to deceive herself again, but even in this mindless state, she knew it was a lie.

Frantically, she rubbed her wet opening, hoping against reason that she could satisfy herself before they came upon her. She could hear their foot steps just around the other side of the bin.

On the page, one of the women straddled the face of the other. In her mind’s eye, she imagined herself as the woman on her back, extending her tongue lewdly for the camera. The imagined the woman above as her friend Amanda. This so closely mirrored the fantasies that Kaitlyn had been harbouring ever since beginning on the shakes, that she gasped aloud with pleasure.

They were nearly behind her now. In desperation to cum, Kaitlyn leaned forward amongst the garbage, and put her face to the glossy page of the magazine. She let her tongue roam along the image of the woman’s pussy, suspended above the other woman’s face.

In this position, with her face lowered to the magazine, but her ass still raised in the air, she could feel her short skirt fall up around her waist. Her bare ass and pussy were fully exposed as she continued to frantically rub herself towards an intense climax.

It was at this moment that the couple found her. Kaitlyn couldn’t stop herself. She was moments away from cumming. She didn’t even look up at them, although she could see their shadows on the ground beside her.

She just pumped her hips back and forth, and relished the special humiliation of being found here, amongst the garbage, openly masturbating while letting her tongue play across the lewd image of a porn magazine.

“ Oh my god, is that... ?” the male voice started.

“ It’s Katie Parker... from the library,” finished the female voice, with some amount of amusement.

Through a new wave of utter humiliation, Kaitlyn could feel her body shaking in climax. Her fingers dripped with her juices as her body began to buck, and she moaned wildly against the magazine. She could feel their eyes on her as she completed the degrading scene for them by collapsing onto the garbage coated surface of the alleyway and thrashing about in pleasure.

By the time she caught her breath, and looked up from the magazine, the couple was gone. Left behind was the dirty, shameful feeling that tickled Kaitlyn’s pussy with lingering pleasure. Quickly, she scooped up her bags, and headed home.

She dreaded what was sure to happen the following day. The rumour would spread quickly amongst the tight circle of women who were on the product trial. Kaitlyn started out early for work the next morning, hoping to avoid seeing anyone in the street. She reminded herself to wear panties today, but couldn’t find a bra that would fit her comfortably now. Her smallish breasts were almost a full cup size too larger than her conservative bras. Kaitlyn had to settle for a light sweater that wouldn’t reveal her constantly erect nipples.

Once at the library, she sat down in the office, and began to write another e-mail.

This one was to a medical journal.

It was hard to keep her mind on what she was writing. A part of her was craving to go out and interact with the other women. They would further humiliate her, she knew, but a part of her longed to take her place, however low, in the hierarchy of the women.

She kept the e-mail simple. ’ Please don’t delete this e-mail. It’s a serious request. I’m hoping you can point me towards any research into a drug that is similar to female hormones. It would induce extreme sexual arousal, amongst other mental and physical side effects. Anything you can send would be of help. ”

Truthfully, she didn’t hold out too much hope. The early responses from the previous day’s requests were beginning to appear in her account, and each was more disappointing than the last. There was very little information to be found anywhere regarding Baldwin Pharmaceuticals.

Luckily, most of the women stayed away until Amanda began her shift in the afternoon. Once the younger librarian was there, though ,the local women began to congregate. They chatted and joked with each other, and with Amanda. The way they kept looking at Kaitlyn gave her little shivers of arousal. She just knew they were talking about her.

She tried to ignore it, and loaded up her book cart to re-shelve some books, but every time she came anywhere near the women, there would be a few moments of silence as they whispered amongst themselves, followed by a round of laughter.

The message was clear. She was no longer one of them. Until she accepted her position as subservient, she would be the butt of their jokes.

“ Amanda, may I see you in the office please ?” Kaitlyn tried to sound assertive in front of the other women, but it didn’t come out quite right. Even Amanda joined the laughter on that one. Nonetheless, she broke away from the other women, and led the way to the office. Kaitlyn followed behind obediently.

“ My god, Kaitlyn, I just heard about last night. Is it true ?”

Kaitlyn’s face went red. " Yes.”

“ And I suppose you’re going to blame this on the shakes ?”

“ Yes... I mean... no. I mean, I don’t know. I just can’t seem to control myself much anymore. If I just had more self control, I wouldn’t have let myself do it. Oh god, Amanda. You must think so little of me now. ”

The younger woman paused. " I’ll admit, it’s pretty hard to take you seriously after I heard the rumours. But you’re my friend, Kaitlyn, and I’ve always respected you. If you say it’s the shakes, I want to help you to figure it all out. ”

“ Thank you. " Kaitlyn hugged the young woman again, trying to suppress the sexual urge sink to her knees and show her appreciation more directly. " I’m going to keep on trying, but I have to find a way to control myself. That’s the most important thing right now. ”

For the rest of the day, Kaitlyn fought to keep her dignity amongst the town women. It was hard. She got the feeling that they could smell that she had switched to Pineapple flavour. Combined with the rumour that was surely circulating about her, Kaitlyn couldn’t even meet the eyes of the other women.

She couldn’t deny it. They would know. It was just a matter of time until she ended up like Erin or Penny, moronically serving every whim of the other women.

As the library closed, she could feel her appetite for the Pineapple shake growing again. She had eaten a light lunch, but the food had seemed lifeless compared to the wonderful texture and aromas of the meal replacement shakes.

One thought dominated her mind.

I have to find a way, she reminded herself. I have to find a way to stop myself from slipping further. One more public humiliation would end it. She could never redeem herself after that.

Quickly, she walked towards home. Since she had returned, she had taken to walking instead of driving. It was probably just a habit from her university days. Besides, she didn’t much enjoy driving the oversized pick-up truck she inherited from her father.

Now, though, that was her destination. It was her escape. The only way she could prevent herself from another humiliating scene... the only way she could be sure... was to get into that truck and drive away before drinking the next shake.

The engine roared in the rusty old truck as Kaitlyn pulled it out of the garage for the first time in months. On the passenger’s seat was the package of Pineapple shakes, and, for some impulsive reason, the two porn magazines she had bought the previous day.

It wasn’t long before she was driving too fast on a rural road, and the crotch of her panties were soaked in anticipation of her next taste of the fragrant shake. She tried to resist for as long as she could. She needed just a few minutes to get far away from town before she could finally indulge herself.

Direction didn’t matter. The large truck bounced up and down from the uneven surface of the road, feeding another sensation to Kaitlyn’s aroused body. In response, she pressed the gas down further, and enjoyed the responsive rush of power from the engine. Finally, when she couldn’t suppress her sexual urges any longer, she hastily slammed down on the brakes, and pulled off to the side of the road...

Right in front of the ‘Paddock Pub’. An involuntary shudder went down Kaitlyn’s spine.

The Paddock was well known locally as a strip club. It was, in fact, the only strip club within miles, and served the needs of three local towns, and traffic on the nearby highway. The parking lot was jammed full of cars and trucks for tonight’s show.

Some part of Kaitlyn must have known that she was driving in this direction. She couldn’t believe she could be so stupid. Had she really meant to bring herself here, she wondered, or was it just another mistake to prove how dull her mind was becoming.

Whatever the reason, her timing couldn’t have been worse. Wednesday. Amateur night.

Thoughtlessly, one hand drifted down to her damp crotch. All her life, the local folk had talked about this place in hushed tones. It was like a dirty little secret. Sitting here now, thinking her dirty little thoughts, Kaitlyn couldn’t help but fantasize about what it would be like to walk through those doors. It would be so naughty of her to step into the room filled with odours of beer, smoke and sex, and watch these bimbos display their tits for the audience.

With her other hand, she popped open one of the plastic containers, and raised the Pineapple shake to her lips.

As soon as the thick drink was on her tongue, her decision was made.

One step out of the truck, and she dropped the plastic container to the ground.

On her next step, she wiped her mouth with her hand.

Each step toward the pub brought a new level of excitement. Her heart pounded in her ears as the thrill of obscenity raced through her mind. She thought of the thrill of walking in to the strip club, surrounded by men. She thought of the way they would undress her with their eyes.

Aided by the sweetness of the Pineapple shake, her imagination rushed to the next step. She imagined how horny it would make her to watch some horny slut shaking her body on the stage. Kaitlyn knew how wet that would make her. Then, inevitably, she would lose control of her inhibitions, and climb onto the stage herself.

She knew exactly how the artificial lust of the sticky Pineapple would make her unable to resist the lure of exposing herself to these unknown men. She could already feel her swollen nipples pressing against the fabric of her sweater, and aching to be released.

The more she thought about it, the more it turned her on. She was nearing the doorway now, and her body buzzed with anticipation. Everything about this felt wonderful. She would open her legs for these men, and show them how wet she was. She would linger at the edge of the stage, holding out her breasts for their eyes.

The door opened and Kaitlyn stepped in.

A mischievous smile crossed her face as the men began to gawk at her. Everything about her radiated sex.

Then she saw them. At one table, three of the town women were sitting, watching the show. Suddenly, Kaitlyn’s stomach was filled with anxiety again. Jenna Klein looked her way, and their eyes met.

Kaitlyn could hide nothing. These women knew. Jenna nudged her friends, and they too looked her way. The women laughed amongst themselves. They knew exactly what she was here for. Kaitlyn felt like they could actually smell her uncontrolled arousal through the smoky air of the strip club.

They were here to watch.

She was here to dance for them.

It took all of Kaitlyn’s will to back out of the door into the cool evening air.

More than anything, she wanted to go back in there, and display her body like the cheap slut she was becoming. But not in front of Jenna. Not in front of the other women. The way she knew they would watch her, with amusement, made her wet with humiliation.

Her heart was in her throat.

Stay or go.

If she had paused an instant longer at the door, she would have been lost. Kaitlyn knew it. She pressed down the gas pedal further, racing back towards town. She needed release. She needed it more than anything.

When she reached her destination, she slammed the brakes again, letting the tires screech their disapproval. The large truck came to a stop, and Kaitlyn stumbled out the door.

She knocked on the door three times loudly, and then three times again.

Open the door, she begged. Please.

“ Katie ?”

“ Please Amanda, let me in, I need your help so badly. ”

The teenager showed her confusion in her expression. Kaitlyn was shaking.

“ Oh, god, Amanda. I can’t tell you what I almost did. If you don’t help me, I’ll probably go back. I can’t control myself. ”

“ It’s okay, Katie. Come in. ”

Kaitlyn stepped into the warmth of Amanda’s house. In the living room, her boyfriend was laying back on the sofa, watching a movie. Amanda pulled her boss aside, into the kitchen.

“ I know it now, Amanda. I know I really can’t control myself. I need you to do it for me. I need you to control me... sexually. If you don’t do it, someone else will. You’re the only one I can trust. You’re the only one who knows about the shakes. ”

The young woman seemed stunned by Kaitlyn’s manner, but recovered quickly. She stepped close to her friend, and took her shaking body into her arms.

“ It’s all going to be fine, Katie...” she said soothingly.

Kaitlyn could feel the control of the younger woman wrapping around her. This felt right. She needed one of the other women to control her. One of the women who drank Blueberry. She needed to belong to one of these women. This would make everything better.

“ You poor thing, " Amanda continued. " You really do need someone to take care of you. I’ll take care of all of your needs. ”

Kaitlyn could feel herself melting into her friend’s arms. Her cheek brushed against Amanda’s, sending a shiver of lust through her. The girl was warm, and soft, and smelled like blueberries. One of Amanda’s hands slipped under her skirt, and softly played along the moist crotch of Kaitlyn’s panties.

“ Mmmm. This is where you belong. You stay here a minute, and I’ll talk to Brad. He’s going to enjoy helping me to break you in. ”