The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Affection Multiplier App: The Boyfriend

By: BreaktheBar

Chapter 100

Cassidy grinned at me, making a silly face as she tried on a pair of sunglasses.

“You know, you’re laughing but they look really good on you,” I said.

“Really?” she asked, then looked into the little mirror on the display. “I look like I’m a pilot in Top Gun.”

“And that’s not sexy?” I asked, which made her giggle.

“OK,” she said. “If you like them, I’ll get them.”

She turned and pursed her lips dramatically to ask for a kiss, and I obliged her. The bell on the front door of the General Store tinkled loudly as it opened, and the cute gas girl walked in followed by Cattie. Gas Girl headed for the main counter, while Cattie came over to us.

“Hey,” Cass said, reaching out to Cattie and taking her hand.

“Hi,” she replied, and turned to me and put a hand on my chest lightly. “Robbie, do you mind if I talk to Cass for a second?”

“Sure, hon,” I said and gave her a very platonic side hug. She led Cass back deeper into the store, and I wandered closer to the front to give them some privacy. I ended up browsing the snacks near the counter. “So,” I said to the Gas Girl, “Did you find Becca?”

“I did, thanks,” she said. “I guess that you guys are going to be a little bit, though. It was like a dozen women came out of those boats and they’re going to start some sort of photoshoot? What kind of group are you guys?”

“Most of the people on our trip are models. Like cosplayers and internet streamers and stuff,” I said.

“You’re a model?” the girl asked.

“Ouch,” I laughed, miming that she’d stabbed me in the heart. “No, I’m not.”

“No, sorry, I didn’t mean it that way,” she said, looking a little abashed. “You’re actually pretty cute. Most tourists who come in that are your ages are usually duechey is all, and you and most of the girls I quickly talked to down there seemed pretty down to earth.”

“Becca was pretty picky when she was organizing the trip,” I said. “She’s been in the industry for a while and doesn’t take much bullshit. ‘Influencer’ types aren’t her style.”

“So if you’re not a model…?”

“Why am I on the trip?” I filled in. I turned and pointed back towards Cass and Cattie. They were wandering around the back, talking quietly and picking out snacks. “The girl with the purple hair is my fiancee. The one next to her is her best friend.”

“That looks like an intense conversation they’re having,” Gas Girl said.

“Uh, yeah,” I grinned sheepishly and could feel myself blushing a bit. “There’s a whole thing going on. I’m hoping it’s not going to become drama—I doubt it will with them, but get a bunch of people together and someone’s going to make a problem at some point.”

“Oh, I get not wanting drama,” the girl sighed.

“Yikes,” I said. “That’s the expression of someone with a lot going on.”

“Mmm,” she grunted. “You could say that. I broke up with my boyfriend last week because he cheated on me with a couple of friends. I didn’t even like him all that much to be honest, but he’s local and not a complete redneck so that’s more than most people I meet. But now he’s texting me non-stop, flip-flopping between being an asshole and begging for me back.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said. “And I get it. If I’m being honest with you, my fiance and I are going through something similar. We just have a lot more time and love between us that makes it worth fighting for.”

She scrunched up her face. “You cheated on a girl who looks like that?”

“No, actually,” I said. “We’re high school sweethearts and she admitted she cheated on me while we were back in high school and college together.”

“Oh,” she said. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry for assuming—”

“It’s alright,” I said, holding up my hands to calm her. “Seriously, I get it.”

A ringtone went off behind the counter and she reached down and took out a cell phone. She checked the message and scoffed and set it back down hard.

“Him again?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she said. She lifted her phone again and showed me the message. It was a screenshot of a dating app with a bunch of matches and conversations going on. “His new thing is trying to make me jealous, but telling me he doesn’t want to be doing it.”

“He sounds like a real prick,” I said. “You need to just cut him off like a knife.”

“Easier said than done,” she said. “I literally burned his old varsity jacket on my driveway. You’d think that would have been enough.”

“You should try some revenge porn,” Cass said, coming up from the other end of the store with Cattie. They both had armfuls of bags of chips and other snacks. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to listen in. And not like, revenge porn of him. I mean you should send him a video of you sucking or fucking some other guy. That should really tell him it’s over.”

The gas girl laughed. “Yeah, it probably would. But like I was telling your fiance, there aren’t exactly a lot of guys around who I’d consider worth it.”

“You could use Robbie if you want,” Cass shrugged, putting her armful of goodies on the counter and then sticking her hand out to offer a shake. “I’m Cassidy. How’d you like to fuck my fiance?”

Gas Girl gave me and Cassidy a look, and then another more considering one.

“I’m Cattie, by the way,” Cattie said with a little wave. “And I can guarantee you that he’s got a nice, big dick and will scratch whatever itch you might have.”

Gas Girl’s expression changed again, and she reached a hand forward and shook Cassidy’s. “Madison,” she said. “Are you for real?”

“Oh, absolutely,” Cassidy said. “You’ve got a great ass and you’re cute as fuck. If you just want to blow him that’s cool, but if you want the full experience you two should fuck. You’ll come at least twice, I promise.”

Madison looked at me, and I shrugged as if to say, ‘I’m just rolling with it at this point.’ She turned back to Cassidy. “At least twice?”

“At least,” Cattie nodded and winked.

* * *