The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Affection Multiplier App: The Boyfriend

By: BreaktheBar

Chapter 12

“Alright, alright,” I said as the other women made little catcalls at Cassidy and I. “Turn around so I can get your legs, Cass.”

She stood and quickly sat back down between my legs, but with hers up and nestling against my sides and under my arms. I quickly sprayed her shins and thighs and began rubbing the lotion in there.

“Now that is a new way of doing sunscreen,” Wanda said, watching me work.

“Not the most efficient,” I said, “But when you live in Vegas, you start finding new ways to make sunscreen flirty.”

“Hey, all power to you,” she laughed.

“It’s also great for foot massages as long as you’re a little limber,” Cassidy said, pulling one leg back and positioning her foot right in front of my chest. “We can still talk while looking each other in the eye.”

“Cute,” Heels said. “But I hate having my feet touched.”

That set off a whole conversation about feet and whether the girls liked foot massages or not, and the hypocrisy of receiving foot massages but not giving them out. Heather in particular had a hard stance of not wanting to give them, but being perfectly happy to receive—which Cattie made a sly dirty joke about that being the opposite in the bedroom.

I tuned most of it out though, as I worked Cassidy’s thighs and watched her face as she seemed to zone out and melt under my hands.

“Babe,” I said, and she opened her eyes with a smile. “Fess up.”

“Hmm?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m good, but I’m not this good,” I said. “So what’s going on? Is this one of those surprises you mentioned?”

Cassidy blushed and bit her lips, examining my features as she slowly nodded.

“Are you going to tell me what it is?” I asked.

“It’s called ‘Midas Hands,’ and was an upgrade of an upgrade. The first one meant your hands would feel good when you touched other people—like, a little pleasurable warmth. The second upgrade to it amped that up. The third makes your hands into perfection—you’ll always find the best spots to touch for the person you’re touching, and when you do they feel it and know it.”

“That explains Becca earlier,” I mumbled.

“What happened with Becca?” Cassidy asked, perking up a bit.

I had finished her legs and actually did start massaging my fiance’s feet. “The test driving boat hit the dock—on purpose—and she stumbled and I caught her. She was more thankful than I thought she should be, and I couldn’t figure out if she was getting flirty.”

“Oh,” Cassidy said and got a sneaky smile. “Yeah, that must be it.”

“Cass,” I said.

“OK, maybe it’s another one I got you,” Cassidy said.

“Are you going to tell me what it is?” I asked.

“Can I keep it a secret a bit longer?” Cassidy asked. “I promise, it’s fun. Please?”

“Would you tell me if I said you had to?”

“Immediately,” she said, no hesitation.

I slowly nodded. “OK, surprise for now, but I’m going to want to know.”

“I know. And I’ll tell you when it’s more relevant, OK?”

I just nodded.

She smiled and leaned forward and kissed me softly, then practically leapt up from her seat. “Alright, all done. Who was next, Wanda?”

“Mhmm,” Wanda nodded, taking the last sip from her melting cocktail. “Though I don’t think I’ll do the acrobat routine. Let me spread out a towel.” She skipped over to her things, which she’d left near the stairs, and quickly shook out a beach towel on the other side of the hot tub from the chairs where there was more room.

“Do you have your own sunscreen, or do you want to use ours?” I asked.

“What strength is that?” she asked as she slipped down onto the towel on her stomach, her amazing ass doing a ‘hungry bum’ act and eating at her cotton shorts a bit.

“SPF 60,” I said.

“OK, yeah we can do yours,” she said. “I need at least 60, sometimes 75.”

Wanda shifted her blonde hair out of the way, gathering it over her shoulder and then folded her arms under her head as she rested it sideways. “OK, ready,” she said.

I quickly sprayed down her back and started the same way I had with Cassidy, my thumbs aligned on her spine and her lower back, and my hands wrapping around her waist. Now, this wasn’t the first time I had rubbed sunscreen on a woman who wasn’t Cassidy—the variety spread from helping out my sister and mother, to Cattie on a beach day after San Diego ComicCon (though she’d been wearing a way less revealing bikini that time).

This was, however, the first time one of those women had moaned audibly and her skin had immediately goose-pimpled at the first few touches.

“Oooooh, fuck, Cassidy,” Wanda groaned. “You weren’t lying. Robbie, your hands are amazing!”

“I try,” I said, not sure what else to say.

The other girls were laughing, and Wanda played it up a bit, moaning louder and making it even more sexual on purpose for a minute, then faking an orgasm, which set all the ladies off in a snorting and giggle fit.

“What the hell is going on back there?” JC called from the captain’s cabin.

“Just Robbie giving Wanda a big orgasm, honey,” Terra called to her boyfriend. “Cattie’s next, then I’m after her.”

“Oh, that’s all?” he joked. “Well, alright. Yo, Robbie, make sure you tickle behind her right knee, she loves that.”

“Oh my god, Juan Carlos!” Terra laughed, covering her face with her hands.

“What, is that your naughty spot?” Cassidy giggled and asked.

“No, that’s like the most ticklish spot on my entire body,” Terra said. “Robbie, if you touch me there you might literally get kicked in the face, and it won’t be my fault. It’ll be full instinct.”

“Noted,” I laughed.

* * *