The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Affection Multiplier App: The Boyfriend

By: BreaktheBar

Chapter 323

“Alright,” I said. “Can I just start by saying this is a fantastic view?”

Leia had brought me back to the cabin, where almost all of my… lovers were now waiting. I really needed to come up with a collective term that encompassed them all, and it felt weird thinking ‘my girls’ because they were all beautiful, smart, talented women—but saying ‘my women’ sounded fucking cringe even in my head, let alone if I said it out loud.

My comment got a variety of smiles, smirks and eye-rolls from the ladies—Oh, maybe ‘my ladies?’—as they were arranged around the room in a rough semicircle. A couple of chairs had been brought in, and I was planted in one sitting in the doorway to the washroom so everyone could see me.

The only person missing was Terra, which was a little twinge in my chest, but just like last night it was tough to really get everyone in one room at the moment. So Terra was missing out, but Ami was in and I assumed already up to date on what the ladies had decided.

Becca cleared her throat. “I hereby call this meeting of the Orgy-lationship to order.”

I groaned. Half of the girls groaned. The other half cackled, knowing it was said just to tease me.

Her smile bright and edging on a smirk, Becca shushed everyone and took a breath. “OK. Robbie, as you know we had a meeting last night to discuss as a group where we felt things were heading, what sort of reasonable plans we could make, and how we saw ourselves as individuals meshing with you, and with your relationship with Cassidy, and each other. We talked through several possible ‘futures,’ in terms of short- and mid-term planning, and we came to a tentative agreement.”

“This isn’t set in stone,” Cattie took over, and I had a feeling Becca had divided out some responsibilities so that it wasn’t all coming from her and it really did feel like a group decision—which was exactly what I would have done. “And maybe you have different ideas or expectations or needs. And we’re all on different time frames for the idea so it wouldn’t all just happen, it’ll be timed out.”

“OK,” I said. “I hear the caveats, and I promise not to expect this to be a concrete plan. I’m also really curious what you all actually decided, so who’s going to tell me?”

All the ladies looked at Becca, who quirked a little smile. “My idea was that, since most of us except Ami are in positions where we can kind of work wherever we want to settle down, and we don’t want to be long-distance with our boyfriends for the foreseeable future, we would all likely be trying to move closer to you and Cassidy. We could all start looking for apartments as we reach the ends of our leases and stuff, and maybe some of us could get places together, but that felt… silly, and a little wasteful. So the other obvious option was that we all get a place together.”

I blinked. I hadn’t really been too sure what to expect, but this was… wow. “I- Are you asking me to move in with you?”

“Something like that, Tiger,” Cassidy said with a little smile. “Obviously our condo isn’t big enough to handle this many people though.”

“God, look at his face,” Wanda said with a laugh.

I was overjoyed, overwhelmed, overstimulated and any other ‘over’ I could wrap my mind around. They wanted to live together, which would mean not missing them, and being able to kiss and cuddle each of them and not stress about scheduling calls or video chats. I could take them on dates, and cook dinner, and- Fuck, the sex!

“The concept is that we would start our own holding company or corporation, and we would all own a percentage based on how much we could put into the House Fund—no looking down on anyone who can’t because of savings or debt or anything. You and Cassidy would be the ‘Owners’ of the company, I’d likely be the Financial Officer,” Becca said. “We’d want to get somewhere big—like big big with lots of rooms and a great property that we could use for shooting content. Then we could all work and live there, and chip in on bills and everything. Then from our own business perspectives we could pool resources and costumes, we would always have someone to collaborate with, and we could even host other models and influencers and even rent out rooms short-term. And on a personal front, we’d all get to live with each other which we already see works fairly well, and we’d get to live with our boyfriend.”

“It’s just the concept of the plan though,” Wanda cut in. “I can see your head already spinning, Robbie. There’s lots to figure out and you don’t need to do it all at once, or all by yourself. And that goes for you too, Becca. We all need to feel like we’re part of this.”

“Um,” I said, glancing at Cassidy. One look reminded me of what she told me earlier, and the look in her eyes reinforced it. She was supportive of this as long as I wasn’t against it. “I- wow. Shit. Fuck! We’re moving in together!”

My reaction brought grins and excited laughter, and I was quickly in the middle of a big group hug as their voices merged into a chaotic river of ideas and thoughts and hopes.

We were moving in together.

I’d have seven of my eight girlfriends under one roof.

My eyes went to Ami, at the back of the group, smiling sweetly but a little sadly as she had her hands supportingly on Zenya and Cassidy’s shoulders. I shifted a little, and the ladies let me worm my way through the group until I reached Ami. Taking her by the waist with one hand and raising my other to cup her cheek, I pulled her into a kiss and then hugged her tightly.

“It’s OK,” I whispered. “No pressure. Whenever you are ready, we can take more steps. I’m more than happy to just call you my girlfriend.”

“Thank you,” she whispered back, hugging me tightly.

We’d get there. I knew we would. And she was damn worth the wait.

* * *