The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Author: DazzlingLady


Email Status: Valid as of April 2020

Story Codes Added Updated
The Adventures of Hypno-Girl #1 mc ff mf fd 12 Feb 2022
The Adventures of Hypno-Girl #2 mc ff mf fd md 02 Jul 2022
The Adventures of Hypno-Girl #3 mc ff mf fd 20 Jul 2024
The Art of (Hypnotic) War mc ff mf fd 17 Feb 2024
The Art of Hypnosis For Hire mc ff 02 Mar 2024
The Art Of True Hypnosis: A New Beginning mc mf ff fd md ft 12 Feb 2022 26 Feb 2022
The Art of True Hypnosis: Emerging From the Shadow and Into the Light mc ff mf fd 11 Jun 2022 18 Jun 2022
The Art of True Hypnosis: Talent Assessment mc mf ff md fd ft 09 Apr 2022 14 May 2022
The Art of True Hypnotism mc mf ff fd 25 Apr 2020 10 Oct 2020
The Art of True Hypnotism: ...and One Hundred! mc ff mf fd 14 Oct 2023
The Art of True Hypnotism: Allies of Convenience mc ff mf fd 16 Mar 2024
The Art of True Hypnotism: Allies, Enemies and Entrancement mc ff mf fd 13 May 2023 20 May 2023
The Art of True Hypnotism: Bella Beguile and Sirena Shimmer mc ff mf fd 09 Jan 2021
The Art of True Hypnotism: Calculated Domination mc ff mf fd 26 Feb 2022
The Art of True Hypnotism: Consequences and Points of View mc ff mf fd 15 Jan 2022
The Art of True Hypnotism: Creative Differences mc ff mf fd 26 Jun 2021
The Art of True Hypnotism: Dark Hypnosis mc ff mf fd 18 Sep 2021
The Art of True Hypnotism: Domina Peggy mc ff mf fd 09 Dec 2023
The Art of True Hypnotism: Establishing Dominance mc mf ff fd 02 May 2020
The Art of True Hypnotism: Evolution of Power mc mf ff fd 30 May 2020
The Art of True Hypnotism: Lady Elizabeth’s Hypnotism Academy mc ff 10 Dec 2022
The Art of True Hypnotism: Lessons in Domination mc ff mf fd 15 May 2021
The Art of True Hypnotism: Lessons In The Real Use of Power mc ff mf fd 26 Aug 2023
The Art of True Hypnotism: New Paths mc ff mf fd 22 Oct 2022
The Art of True Hypnotism: Plans and Machinations mc ff mf fd 06 Jul 2024
The Art of True Hypnotism: Predators and Prey mc ff mf fd 16 Jan 2021
The Art of True Hypnotism: Pursuit of Power mc ff mf fd in 06 Nov 2021
The Art of True Hypnotism: Restoring Order mc ff mf fd 03 Oct 2020
The Art of True Hypnotism: Retribution and Humiliation mc ff mf fd 16 May 2020 29 Jan 2022
The Art of True Hypnotism: The Dragon of Hypnothea mc mf ff fd 02 Apr 2022
The Art of True Hypnotism: The Fascinating Five mc ff mf fd 08 Jan 2022
The Art of True Hypnotism: The Wisdom of Experience mc ff mf fd 23 Apr 2022 14 May 2022
The Art of True Hypnotism: Triggers, Trances and Treachery mc ff mf fd in 09 Oct 2021
The Battle of Boise, Part I mc mf ff fd 27 Jun 2020
The Battle of Boise, Part II mc mf ff fd 27 Jun 2020
Bella Beguile and The Art of True Hypnotism mc ff mf fd 30 May 2020
Bella Beguile, Corporate Spy mc mf ff fd 25 Apr 2020 02 Jan 2021
Bella Beguile, Shadow of Vengeance mc ff mf fd 09 May 2020
Bella Beguile, Submissive Sidekick mc ff mf fd 03 Jul 2021
Bella Beguile, Super Villainess mc ff mf fd 18 Apr 2020
Bella Beguile, Talent Scout mc mf ff fd 17 Apr 2021
Casey and Alexandria mc ff mf fd 26 Sep 2020 02 Oct 2021
Casey: A Tiny Tough Tale mc mf ff fd 16 May 2020 02 Jan 2021
Casey: Tiny Tough Unleashed mc ff mf fd 21 Aug 2021
Cassandra: Adaptable Evil mc ff mf fd 20 May 2023
Cassandra: Beautiful Evil mc mf ff fd 07 Nov 2020
Charissa: Chief Executive Hypnotist mc ff mf fd 07 Jan 2023
Dazzling Donna and The Scintillating Seven mc ff mf fd 05 Aug 2023
Doctor Victoria Dominique, Crime-Fighter mc ff 15 Mar 2009 06 Nov 2021
Doctor Victoria Dominique, Jewel Thief mc ff 25 Apr 2020
Doctor Victoria Dominique, Marriage Counselor mc mf ff fd 19 Sep 2009 26 Sep 2009
Doctor Victoria Dominique, Mistress of Hypnotism mc ff mf fd 02 Jan 2021 08 May 2021
Donna, True Hypnotist mc ff mf fd 13 Aug 2022 28 Oct 2023
An Easy Induction (DazzlingLady) mc ff mf fd 23 May 2020
An Easy Induction, Part II: Turnabout is Fair Play mc mf ff fd 06 Jun 2020
Fifty Stories, Time For A Wedding! mc ff mf fd 30 Oct 2021
Frankie’s Neighborhood mc mf ff fd 02 May 2020
Frankie’s Protege mc ff mf fd 09 May 2020 30 Oct 2020
Frankie’s Return mc ff mf fd 08 Apr 2023
Frankie’s Rise mc ff mf fd 30 Sep 2023
Frankie’s World mc ff mf fd 23 May 2020
Frankie’s Wrath mc ff mf fd 13 Jun 2020
Goddess Donna and The Art of True Hypnotism mc ff mf fd 01 Jan 2022
Goddess Donna, Celebrity Hypnotist mc ff mf fd 22 May 2021
Goddess Donna, Hypnotic Avenger mc ff mf fd 20 Nov 2021
A Golden Invitation mc ff mf fd 09 Apr 2022 12 Nov 2022
The High Conclave vs. The Supreme Council mc ff mf fd in 19 Jun 2021 02 Oct 2021
HypnoCorp: Executive Recruits mc ff mf fd 26 Mar 2022 16 Apr 2022
The Hypnosis War mc ff mf fd md 29 Jan 2022 05 Nov 2022
Hypnotic Affairs Division mc mf ff fd 26 Dec 2020 02 Oct 2021
Hypnotic Affairs: Goodspeed and Chen mc ff mf fd 11 Dec 2021
A Hypnotic Legacy mc ff mf fd hm 25 Jun 2022
Hypnotic Revelations and Miracles mc ff mf fd 30 Oct 2021
Hypnotism With a Vengeance mc ff mf fd 15 Apr 2023
Jevanna: Hypnotic Homemaker mc mf ff fd 13 Nov 2021
A Jewel of Many Facets mc ff mf fd 04 May 2024
Jing-Mei and Liliana: Girls’ Weekend mc ff 27 Feb 2021
Jing-Mei’s Blessing mc ff mf fd 29 Apr 2023
Jing-Mei’s Enlightenment mc ff mf fd 04 Jul 2020
Jing-Mei’s Purpose mc ff mf fd 21 Nov 2020
Liliana meets Nora mc mf ff fd 16 May 2020 06 Jul 2024
Lola: The Professional mc ff mf fd 01 Oct 2022
Lola: Troubleshooter mc ff mf fd 04 Feb 2023
Mercedes Jewel: Dance Hypnotic mc ff mf fd 28 Jan 2023
Mistress Kaz, Mercenary Hypnotist mc ff 11 Jun 2022
Mistress Maren, Maven of Mesmerism mc mf ff fd 27 May 2023
Mistress Patricia, True Hypnotist mc mf ff fd 06 Jul 2024
Nora and The Crow mc ff mf fd 24 Jul 2021 24 Sep 2022
The Power of True Hypnotism: Reconciliation mc ff 19 Feb 2022
The Power of True Hypnotism: Respect and Reputation mc ff mf fd 08 Oct 2022
The Power of True Hypnotism: Risk and Reward mc ff 24 Sep 2022
Rachel’s New Position mc ff mf fd 27 Nov 2021
Reinventing a Hypnotist mc ff mf fd 02 Sep 2023
Return of the Small Town Hypnotist mc ff 04 Jul 2020
The Rise of The Fascinating Five mc ff mf fd 28 May 2022 17 Sep 2022
Scenes of a Hypnotic Nature mc ff mf fd md 02 Oct 2021
The Scintillating Six mc ff mf fd 27 Feb 2021
Shannon: Company Hypnotist mc ff 11 Feb 2023
The Sisters Westbrook mc ff mf fd 29 Apr 2023
The Spiral: Grand Opening mc ff mf fd 17 Oct 2020 19 Dec 2020
Tales from The Spiral: An Interview With A Hypnotist mc ff mf fd 23 Jan 2021 27 Feb 2021
Tiny Tough: Unexpected Holiday mc ff mf fd 30 Mar 2024
True Hypnotism: The Archdomina, The Adjudicators and The Apprentices mc ff mf fd 23 Oct 2021
Truly Compelled by Hypnotism mc ff mf fd 28 Oct 2023
Truly Compelling mc ff hm 26 Aug 2023
Vanessa, High Mistress mc ff mf fd 29 Apr 2023
Various and Sundry Hypnotists mc ff mf fd 24 Apr 2021
The View From The Other Side Of The Pocket Watch mc ff mf fd 05 Feb 2022
War and Hypnotism: The End is the Beginning mc ff mf fd 24 Feb 2024
The World of True Hypnotism: All For One... mc ff mf fd 22 Oct 2022
Zebediah Clark: Restraints Rescinded mc mf ff md fd 16 Jul 2022 13 Jul 2024
Zoe Rain: Slavery and Redemption mc ff mf fd 18 Nov 2023