The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Binding Rings Book 2

Chapter 17

Author — Sidia

After the memorable occasion when Emma, Elle, Jason, and his mother had all spent an adventurous day together in bed, things had calmed down somewhat. Jason reflected that it was as if everyone was more comfortable together, settling into a groove. Odd though the composition was, they were a family and even in the cases where genuine affection wasn’t in play, at the very least everyone tried to get along with everyone else.

It had certainly helped matters that Jason had been making more of an effort in spreading himself around between all the women in his household. It was made easier for him as the there was a lot more group play going on now than there had been before. Elle sometimes joined Jason and his mother in bed, having become a willing playmate, although Jason was always vigilant that things didn’t get out of hand. Emma hadn’t minded lending her girlfriend out to him and Jason sometimes caught the redhead slipping into Karla’s bedroom on the nights she would otherwise have been alone. He occasionally wondered if it was a byproduct of the Rings—that those bound to him were all so comfortable and happy to sleep with the other members of their sex. Of course it could easily be because they all knew how arousing he found it—perhaps hoping that he would spontaneously decide to join them ... which had certainly happened on more than one occasion.

In fact, the only person not currently taking advantage of the new household dynamics was Sarah. Jason still visited his aunt just as regularly as he always had—still relished the sight and sensation of carefully thrusting his cock into her eager mouth—but being so close to her due date was starting to affect her mood. Jason never saw her snap or get angry with anyone in the house, but he could tell that little things like the fact she now walked with a noticeable waddle was getting on her nerves. Jason made sure to be as accommodating and caring as he could towards his aunt, but he knew she was looking forward to regaining some of her past freedoms after the baby arrived.

Even with the impending birth of his first child, the only thing that had really been weighing on Jason’s mind was the longterm state of his finances. The more and more that he looked into it, the more it worried him. He had enough to cover student loans but that was really it. Jason knew it would look different when he, Emma, and Elle got jobs, but that would be years in the future. In the meanwhile, if something happened that required sudden capital he could lose everything. He lay awake at night sometimes thinking about it. He tried not to let his worries show to any of the others but he knew he had been distant at times.

On one such night he was in bed with his mother, her head on his chest as she pressed her naked body to his side, when Jason heard her sigh. She raised her head and looked at him seriously.

“Jason, you’re too young to be so worried all the time.” Helen chided him. “Worrying alone has never solved a problem.”

“Sorry, mom.” It was Jason’s turn to sigh. “I’m just not sure what to do.”

“I don’t believe that.” His mother said primly. She propped herself up on one elbow, a heavy breast falling onto his chest. “You must have some ideas.”

“I suppose.” Jason said dryly. He lightened his voice and spoke jokingly. “You don’t happen to know any rich and single women do you?”

Jason hadn’t meant to be anything other than flippant, so he was startled to see a look of consideration on his mother’s face.

“You know what.” Helen mused. “I think I do.”

“You what?” Jason asked slowly.

“I do.” His mother said. “At the gym I’ve been going to. There’s a woman I know there that would tick all your boxes.”

“I didn’t know you were going to a gym.” Jason said. Inwards he felt a little annoyed. That was another expense he hadn’t considered.

“Sometimes.” Helen murmured. “Well, it’s more of a health spa I suppose. Very fancy. And I only go when I’m feeling restless. I don’t really have many reasons to leave the house these days.”

“Oh.” Jason said, feeling bad now for getting annoyed. He couldn’t begrudge his mother for retaining something of a normal life. “So ... she’s rich?”

“She does alright.” Helen said lightly. “She’s the CEO of some kind of drinks company.”

“And she goes to your gym?” Jason asked skeptically.

“Health Spa.” His mother corrected him gently. Her lips quirked up in a smile. “And I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s fancy.”

“Alright, alright.” Jason laughed quietly, the movement causing his mother’s breasts to jiggle. “So tell me more about this friend of yours.”

“I wouldn’t say she’s a friend.” Helen was quick to amend. “She seems like a stuck-up bitch if I’m honest, but I’ve said hello a few times. If gossip is to be believed she caught her husband cheating and took him to the cleaners—her lawyers were a lot more expensive than his—so she’s divorced and not interested in finding anyone else to replace him.”

“I see.” Jason said thoughtfully. Taking and binding a rich woman was something he had thought of before, but he could never think of a way to go about it. The only rich women he could think of were all well known—and he was sure that someone would notice if a famous actress suddenly started spending a lot of time with a no-name teenager. Plus it seemed kind of mercenary—taking someone only for their money—but he had to admit it was the simplest way out of the problem. “I guess she’d be pretty good with money as well if she’s a CEO.”

“That’s putting it mildly.” His mother said, her voice amused. “She’s the only woman I’ve ever seen that has an assistant trailing along behind her while she’s working out.”

“What does she —.” Jason swallowed, feeling embarrassed and shallow. He wasn’t sure if he could go through with binding someone if he wasn’t attracted to them. “What does she look like?”

Helen smiled at her son, swinging a leg over his waist and moving until she was straddling him. She leant down and planted a soft kiss on his mouth.

“Why don’t I show you?” His mother murmured, her lips tickling his as she spoke.

“Show me?” Jason breathed, distracted by his mother’s soft, warm weight on top of him. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her down harder—hearing her soft whisper of encouragement as her wet sex slid along his hardening shaft. What she had said suddenly registered with him. He looked at her incredulously. “Wait, you have pictures of this woman?”

“I’m not a stalker, Jason.” Helen said huskily. She raised her hips and reached between them to grasp his cock. Fitting her son’s dick into place, she sunk back down—taking him all the way inside of her. She kissed him again, sucking his lower lip into her mouth. She began to lift and lower her hips, purring when she felt Jason’s grip on her tighten. “Come with me tomorrow. I’ll show her to you and you can decide if you want her or not.”

The next day Jason’s mother was good to her word and led him into the cavernous lobby of the health spa that she had been going to. It was all that Jason could do to not gawk at just how opulent and palatial it was—a far cry form what he had been picturing when his mother had first said she had been going to a gym. He knew that she had her own money, but he still didn’t want to think about how much it cost to join.

After Helen had signed him in as her guest, she led Jason down the hall, stopping at a large series of windows looking into one of the workout rooms. There wasn’t too many people using the facilities and Jason ran his gaze over the people he could see, trying to pick out the woman that his mother had brought him to see.

“Is she in there?” Jason asked his mother as he peered in.

“No, she tends to use one of the smaller rooms.” Helen said, her tone distracted.

“Oh.” Jason said, turning his attention to her. His mother seemed to be staring very fixedly towards one spot. He followed her gaze and realised that she was focused on one woman using a treadmill in particular—to be precise she was staring at the way her tight ass rolled in her spandex shorts—although to Jason’s eyes she looked a little young to be called a woman. Even so, he had to admit he could see why his mother was staring. The girl was very slender and tall, with just enough curves to escape being described as lanky. She had very fine, dark hair that she had pulled up in a pony tail. Her breasts were high and pert, pulled tight across her chest in the sports top she was wearing, and only her tiny waist gave definition to her narrow hips. “Someone you know, mom?”

“No.” Helen let out a little sigh. Then she flashed her son a sly wink. “Not yet, anyway.”

“Geez, mom—she’s a little young for you isn’t ... she ...?” Jason said, trailing off. The girl happened to turn her head and he caught a glimpse of her face for the first time. She was stunning, like a porcelain doll. Even so, she looked like she was about fifteen. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts and frowned at his mother. “Scratch that, she is way too young.”

“Don’t look at me like that, Jason.” Helen protested, holding up her hand to stall him. “She’s almost the same age as you, she’ll be graduating in a few months. She’ll be able to vote and everything.”

“Really?” Jason said skeptically, turning back to look at the willowy girl. She had finished her run and was towelling off. He looked away, feeling too much like a voyeur.

“Yes, I’m sure.” His mother said. She gave him a small knowing smile. “She’s basically the same age as you, honey.”

“You don’t have to talk her up to me, mom.” Jason said dryly. “I already have a girlfriend.”

“I don’t.”

Jason started, surprised at the heat in his mother’s voice. He swallowed, uncomfortable all of a sudden. He knew that he had said that he would look into finding someone for his mother—someone to fulfil the whispered fantasies and desires she had—but he had always assumed he would be the one to go about looking for someone suitable. He hadn’t considered that his mother would take things into her own hands.

“Uh, mom?” Jason began. He cleared his throat. “It’s not like we can just go about taking whoever we want. We don’t know anything about that girl ...”

Jason trailed off, narrowing his eyes at his mother. She was attempting to look innocent and failing miserably.

“Mom. How exactly do you know how old she is?”

“Ah ... .” Helen said, looking slightly guilty. “That’s the daughter of the CEO I’ve brought you to see. Her names Miranda.”

Jason stared at his mother.

“And this girl—Miranda—is her daughter.” He said flatly.


“And it’s just a coincidence that we happen to see her while you’re taking me to see her mother.” Jason stated in a low voice.

“Not at all.” Helen said, smiling sweetly at her son. “She always comes along with her mother. They are always together—it’s like you can’t have one without the other.”

“Is that right.” Jason said, sighing. It seemed obvious that his mother had had her eyes on this family for some time. He should have guessed something was up when she immediately said she knew someone that might suit. “Tell me truthfully—did you only suggest the mother because you were interested in that girl?”

“I wasn’t lying or anything Jason.” His mother said earnestly. “I won’t deny that I’m interested in her—but that’s not the only reason. Apart from her daughter Miranda, this woman is pretty isolated—keeps to herself and is a workaholic. I think once you see her you’ll agree with me.”

“Hmmm ... .” Jason mused, thinking it over.

“Trust me, honey.” Helen said, smiling at her son. “Miranda gets her looks from her mother.”

“There she is.” Helen said in a hushed voice.

Jason and his mother were loitering in the upstairs hallway, looking towards one of the small private workout rooms. They had just spied a woman exiting with a towel draped casually around her neck.

“Damn.” Jason said, taking her in.

She was nearly as slender as her daughter, her age having added some weight to her rear and thighs. Jason could easily see this as she was wearing a matching skintight black tank top and black leggings—it was almost a catsuit. Her face was just as eye-catching and lovely as Miranda’s, except she had the addition of some harsh lines around her forehead and eyes. From her expression Jason got the impression that she didn’t smile all that much.

“Okay, color me interested.” Jason whispered. “What should we do now?”

“Introduce you of course.” Helen smiled, baring her teeth. She walked around the corner, heading towards the woman. “Come on.”

Jason stared, aghast at his mother for a moment before trailing after her. He hadn’t been planning on doing anything except look and now things felt like they were going a little too fast.

“Selene!” Helen called, her tone one of pleasant surprise as she closed in on the woman. “How are you?”

“Oh, hello.” Selene said, pausing what she was doing. A look of irritation flashed across her face before she quickly hid it. She frowned. “Ah, Helen, isn’t it?”

“That’s right.” Helen smiled easily, not phased by the lack of welcome. “Just finished for the day?”

“That’s right.” Selene’s eye’s darted past Helen to where Jason had come to a stop. She gave him a once over and then dismissed him. “Did you only just get here?”

“Pretty much.” Helen said. She gestured towards Jason. “I was just showing my son around. Jason, this is Selene. Selene, Jason.”

“Pleased to meet you.” Jason said politely, trying not to stand too rigidly.

“Likewise.” Selene said sourly. She frowned at him, looking a little closer.

“We saw Miranda on our way upstairs.” Helen said blithely. “She’s certainly turning into a lovely young woman! You must be very proud.”

“Yes.” Selene said, her face softening. “I am.”

“She must be ready to start college next year, mustn’t she.” Helen said. “Time flies doesn’t it! Jason started College this year and I still almost can’t believe it.”

“Oh, you’d be a year older than Miranda then.” Selene said vaguely, turning back to Jason. “What are you studying, young man?”

“Financial Planning.” Jason said.

“A bit generic, but not a bad choice.” Selene said, paying him more attention than she had before. “How are you finding it?”

“If I’m honest, it’s a bit dry.” Jason said, smiling slightly. “Still, I can already tell it’s going to be useful.”

“Yes, it is useful.” Selene said dryly. “Although I would advise that you avoid thinking of it that way—you’ll run into trouble further down the line. Business is never boring.”

“I didn’t mean —.” Jason stammered, but Selene had already turned away from him.

“It was nice to see you, Helen.” Selene said smiling distantly. She nodded at Jake. “You too.”

“Bye, Selene.” Helen said brightly as she and Jason turned to watch the woman as she walked away.

“Huh.” Jason said, his eyes on the trim woman’s figure as she left. He had to admit she had a nice round ass on her. “She was a bit ...”

“The word you are looking for is ‘bitch’, Jason.” Helen said lightly. “Although if I’m honest that was the most pleasant I have ever seen her.”

“Really?” Jason said skeptically.

“Yes, she must have liked you.” Helen teased.

“Yes, I really picked up on the overwhelming affection.” Jason said sarcastically.

“So you’re not interested?” His mother asked him casually.

“I ... I wouldn’t say that.” Jason said slowly. “Although I’d want to find out more about her first.”

“Maybe we could pump Miranda for information.” Helen whispered. She looked down the empty hallway to make sure they were alone and then stepped closer, pressing her breasts up against his chest. “That could be fun, don’t you think?”

“True.” Jason said, his voice a little hoarse from sudden display of affection. Having his mother touch him like this in public was as exciting as it was worrying. Anyone seeing them together would know there was something going on beyond a mother and son relationship. “Except that taking Miranda would mean we would have to take Selene—which I think you know already.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, baby.” Helen purred. She raised one leg and hooked it around his thigh. “All I’m thinking about is you giving me a little playmate all for my own.”

“And Selene doesn’t do it for you?” Jason asked in a strangled tone. His cock was hardening as his mother ground herself against him. He could feel her heat radiating onto his thigh. It felt so wrong to be talking about something like this—taking two women for such mercenary reasons. They were both lovely though ... . Jason supposed it wasn’t strange for a guy to fantasise about fucking a woman he didn’t know, but most people didn’t have the power that he did. He didn’t have to just fantasise—he could make it happen. For a second Jason pictured Selene and Miranda in bed together—having both the mother and daughter at the same time. Maybe watching them touch each other for the first time ... . He stifled a groan. “I would have thought you would enjoy being in charge of her.”

“Jason, please.” Helen said in a pained whisper. She nipped his earlobe playfully. “The house is full of young, hot women. At least let me have one for my very own.”

“I’m not sure ...” Jason wavered.

“I won’t push it anymore, Jason.” His mother said softly. She kissed his neck and then looked him in the eyes—her gaze hazy with arousal. “But I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone better than her. She’s a workaholic whose social life consists of visiting this gym a few times a week. The only people I’ve ever seen her around are the occasional assistant. She’s currently unattached and has a teenage daughter who will be finishing school this year. And as for Miranda, who’s to say that she that she wouldn’t choose to ‘study abroad’ after graduating?”

“I think I know what you’d like to have her studying.” Jason said wryly. He reached behind his mother and took hold of her ass, groping the firm buttocks. He couldn’t help it—even though they were out in public she was turning him on too much.

Helen groaned to feel her son’s hands on her. She looked at him intently for a moment and then bit her lip.

“Come with me.” Helen said, taking Jason by the hand and leading him down the hall.


“Come on.” Helen said, shivering.

She led Jason into the room Selene had vacated. It was small, not much bigger than a bedroom, and contained a handful of workout stations.

“What are we doing in here?” Jason asked, then stared as his mother shut the door behind them and latched it shut.

“They value privacy here.” Helen panted, turning back to her son. She gripped the tight waistband of her spandex shorts and started to shimmy them down her hips. “Once someone reserves a room they aren’t interrupted. No one will come in until Selene signs out.”

Jason watched his mother silently as she stripped herself naked below the waist. It felt too risky but he was captivated.

“Hurry up, baby.” Helen pleaded with her son. She walked over to an exercise bike and draped herself forward across the seat. She gripped the handles of the bike and raised herself up on her toes—pushing her bare ass into the air. “We don’t have a lot of time if we —.”

Her words cut off in a gasp as Jason swiftly stepped up behind her, shrugging his shorts off around his ankles, and quickly burying his cock inside of his mother’s pulsating and wet vagina.

“Oh, god yes, baby!” Helen said in a hoarse whisper as Jason immediately started to pound himself into her.

Jason grunted as he plowed his mother from behind. It was rough. It was animalistic. It was exactly what he needed. The risk of being caught was an extra turn on that he hadn’t felt since the early days with Karla at school. Jason gripped his mother around her waist and started pulling her back into him in time with his strokes, loving the cries of pleasure she uttered at every brutal thrust.

Suddenly his phone started buzzing, caught up in the pockets of the shorts around his ankles. His pace slowed for a split second, but at his mother’s hoarse entreaty to continue, he ignored it.

The sounds of their bodies slapping together filled the room, and Jason focused on nothing but the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of his mother’s tight channel. It was so perverse to be staring down at his mother’s bare ass—bent over a piece of exercise equipment—as he fucked her in public like this. He was only dimly aware of his phones incessant buzzing—it didn’t seem important at all.

Sweat from his forehead splattered down onto his mother’s hips and buttocks, pooling together in the crack of her ass as it rippled with the force of his body striking hers. He was grunting, his breathing ragged, and he gripped his mother’s waist with bruising force. The harder he fucked her the more she encouraged him—urging him on and on past the point of exhaustion. His mother’s feet were lifting off the floor as he hammered his cock into her body—only his tight hold on her keeping her balanced on the bikes seat.

“I’m nearly there, mom.” Jason gasped, feeling like his body was on the verge of giving out.

“Me too, oh baby, it feels so good!” His mother whimpered as her body shook from the force of his pounding. “Fill me up, Jason. I want to feel you cumming in me!”

Jason groaned; shuddering as his balls tightening ... and then he was pumping his seed deep into his mother’s eager pussy.

“Oh fuck!” Helen wailed at feeling her son’s load spurt inside of her. She shuddered and started her own climax—her pussy clamping down tightly on his pulsating shaft.

Mother and son moaned together as they both came, staying locked together until they had both recovered. When Jason pulled his cock out, he noted that his cum was oozing out of his mother’s freshly fucked pussy onto the seat of the exercise bike.

“I think we made a mess.” Jason joked tiredly as his mother eased herself off the bike with a slight groan.

“We?” Helen smiled playfully at her son. She pressed her thighs tightly together to prevent any more of Jason’s seed from leaking out of her. She reached for her pants and started to slip them up her legs. “That looks like your mess to me.”

“I think you’re supposed to wipe down the machines after use.” Jason grinned.

“True.” His mother said archly. She bent over at the waist, keeping her eyes on Jason, and extended her tongue—making a show of of licking the globule of semen up off the seat. “There—all clean.”

“Fuck, mom.” Jason said, smiling at her. “I swear you are —.”

He frowned as his phone rang yet again.

“Who the hell could be so intent on calling.” Jason muttered as pulled up his shorts, reaching into the pocket to pull out his phone. He looked at the caller id and saw that it was Emma. He answered the phone and held it to his ear. “Em, sorry I missed all your calls, I was a bit—ah—preoccupied. What’s the matter —.”

“Jason, thank god you picked up!” Emma said, her voice high and breathless. “I’m seriously freaking out here!”

“Why, what happened?” Jason asked, alarmed.

“It’s Sarah. She’s okay—I think—but she went into labor. We’re on our way to the hospital.”