The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Cinematic Debut

by J. Darksong & Second Chair

Chapter 5

“Well, that could have gone better,” Eugene muttered shaking his head, only to wince slightly at the glares he received from the other women in the room. “What? Ye were all thinking it, I merely said it aloud! Besides, this was hardly the worst-case scenario,” he pointed out. “Morgan was... stunned, aye, surprised. and a bit overwhelmed. But she didnae break down into a sobbing inconsolable mess, nor did she start screaming or foaming at the mouth, having a psychotic break.” He crossed his arms. “If anything, I would say her reaction was about normal, considering the situation.”

“Eugene, dear,” Eva replied wearily, “please do us all a favor, and keep your observations to yourself from now on.” Grunting, the aged Scotsman turned away and walked back to his seat at the table. Sighing, she glanced at Sabrina, who held her unconscious mother gently in her arms. “He is right, though, sweetie. All things considered, she took it all pretty well. I... felt the influx of memories hitting her. I tried to help filter it a bit, slow it down somewhat, but really, I think she just passed out from information overload.”

“That’s true,” Ana confirmed, nodding. “Morgan’s emotional state was... more confused and disbelief rather than panic or outrage. It was like staring in a mirror and finding yourself suddenly blue with two heads and a tail. She couldn’t comprehend what she was remembering. Even now, unconscious, her mind is still processing what happened.” She gave the worried young woman a sad smile. “Don’t worry, dear. She’ll be okay. Just... be patient, okay? And have some faith.”

“Faith? FAITH?!?” she growled, hands clenched into fists. “I did this to her! My mom... after everything she’s been through! All this time, struggling to get me freed, working herself half to death, all on her own, just to get me released from jail. Coming to visit me every damn day!” She shook her head, angry tears running down her cheeks. “And after being with for me less than a minute, I fry her brain. AGAIN! And this time without even using my powers!” She hung her head sadly. “Fuck... maybe she would have been better off if I’d stayed locked up in jail...”

She glances up as the shorter-haired blonde psychic places a hand on her shoulder. “I think you are being a bit too hard on yourself,” Ana stated. “I’ve spent a lot of time with your mom while you were... away... and I’ve gotten to know her pretty well,” she said, blushing deeply as she considered her own double entendre, “She’s a strong woman... but she’s also weak in a lot of ways. And much of her strength comes from YOU, Sabrina. You give her purpose, courage, and motivation. She told me, that before she had you, she was pretty aimless, without much of a life goal. But when she gave birth to you, suddenly she was a mom. She had responsibilities, and a purpose, and that purpose was to protect and raise you, to help you grow into the wonderful and beautiful young woman that you are. And what she became after that—the high powered confident lawyer and businesswoman—it was all powered by her drive to provide the best for you, and make sure that you had the very best education and life experiences she could give you.”

Sabrina blinked, her anger dissipating. In a way, it was all information that she’d always known, deep down, but to hear it explained in such a way... it made her appreciate her mom all the more. Yes, Morgan had always been there for her, had always encouraged and helped her growing up, and led her to believe she could do anything or be anything if she was willing to put her heart into it. Her mom had always been the most important figure in her life... and now she realized that SHE was the most important figure in her mom’s life.

That’s it. I have to fix this, she told herself firmly. Whatever it takes. Whatever mom needs to get through this, to make her happy again, I’ll do it.

“Let’s take her back to the guest room and let her rest a bit,” Eugene suggested. “I’m sure if we give her a wee bit, she’ll wake up again, right as rain. Though, I’d imagine she would probably need to talk to you about some things once she does...”

Nodding, Sabrina lifted her mom easily in her arms. “Yeah. I’ll take her into the bedroom. And I’ll stay with her until she wakes. Just be sure and save us some food,” she added as she walked back down the hallway.

* * *

The Broken Knob Bar sat squarely in the middle of the Western section of town, the poorer, derelict side of River City. Built back in the early 1970’s, it had since fallen upon hard times. What had once been a home to the sophisticated and adventurous of the city now catered to the dregs of society. Music played from the old jukebox stationed in the corner of the bar, largely ignored by the few customers littered around the room, sipping lightly on their watered-down drinks, trying to forget their troubled lives. Ignored by almost everyone, that is; at a small table just a few feet from the box, sat an auburn-haired woman, humming softly. She was dressed in a pair of old ripped blue jeans, and a plaid long-sleeved flannel shirt, tapping a booted foot to the music as it played.

See me ride out of the sunset
On your color TV screen
Out for all that I can get
If you know what I mean
Women to the left of me
And women to the right
Ain’t got no gun, ain’t got no knife
Don’t you start no fight...

As the chorus began, the woman perked up again, singing loudly along with the jukebox. “’Cause I’m T.N.T. I’m dynamite! T.N.T.! And I’ll win the fight! T.N.T. I’m a power load! T.N.T. Watch me explode!” She cheered aloud, whooping it up before taking a long pull from her beer bottle.

“Well, that was interesting,” a familiar voice spoke, causing the woman to glance up. “I didn’t realize you had your own theme song.” A young woman stood before her, smirking, dressed rather conservatively in a tight black leather skirt that showed off her long legs, a dark maroon blouse, a pair of black ankle boots, and a small dark red beret atop her head.

The redhead sighed heavily, draining the bottle dry before slamming it down hard onto the table. “What the hell are YOU doing here, Tabby?” she grunted, gesturing idly to the barkeep for another beer. “I thought the Knob was a bit too ‘low brow’ for your delicate sensibilities. Or, are you just ‘slumming it’ today?”

Tabitha merely shrugged. “I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by and say hi to an old friend. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?”

The woman snorted. “Oh, so we’re friends now, are we?” she asked, scowling. “Well, that’s news to me. I was good enough to watch your back in Juvie, back when we were kids, but now that you’re all grown up, and sophisticated, you’re too good for your ‘old friend’.” She accepted the fresh beer bottle the waitress brought her, popping the cap and taking a drink. “Not that I can blame you, I suppose,” she added with a sigh. “One of the world’s top thieves, contracted for jobs all over the country... I suppose if I could afford to live on Rodeo Drive, I wouldn’t bother coming down to the commons on a regular basis either.”

“Actually, people don’t really LIVE on Rodeo Drive,” Tabitha replied with a smirk, “that’s just where all the high-priced stores and shops are located. But I get your point.” She sighed. “Actually, Cass, I came here because I could use your help with a little project I’m working on—”

“Uh uh. No. No thank you,” Cassidy replied with a firm shake of her head. “I’d rather be ignored and forgotten than test my luck with one of your little ‘jobs’ again! I appreciate the sentiment, but the last job you offered me, that thing at the gold depository, blew up in my face.” She scowled, gesturing with her hand, creating a small glowing orb. “And considering that I, literally, have the power to blow things up in people’s faces, I can appreciate the irony of that statement.”

Manx winced slightly. She, too, recalled that incident, her old friend’s run-in with the then newly-debuted hero, Darklight. The entire situation had, of course, ended explosively, with a dead family, Nytro locked up behind bars, and the so-called hero on the run from the police. Worse, all of the stolen gold had ended up recovered and returned to the depository, making the entire thing pointless.

I can kind of understand her feelings about possibly dealing with that Darklight guy again, she mused to herself. I’m actually in the same headspace about my own little do-gooder heroine... that damned glowworm pixie, Luminaire. She smirked. The difference is, that I’m actually in the position to DO something about it. And, speaking of which...

“What I need your help with is more of a... personal endeavor,” Tabitha stated. “A few of our ‘mutual friends’ pissed me off, and I’m looking to get some payback. I’ve managed to obtain some information on where they’ll be and when, but I’m going to need a little backup.” She gave her the big ‘soulful eyes’ routine. “C’mon, Cass. Be a pal. Help a girl out, will ya?”

Nytro rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, like the big eyes routine will work on me. I know you all too well, Manx.” She sighed. “Tell you what, old friend. Why don’t you make it worth my while? Give me HALF of whatever you’re getting from this little endeavor of yours, and I’m in.”

“Half?!?” Tabitha grunted, shaking her head. “I already told you—this is about payback. There is NO money involved here, Cass, no big score! In fact, the reason I got pissed off in the first place was that annoying little bitch Red Rocket costing me a major payday on the Awada Financial Group job!”

“Awada Financial?” Cassidy chuckled aloud, slapping her thigh. “You were involved with that whole debacle? Hahhahaa... yeah, no wonder you’re pissed! Word on the street was that some idiot had blown a major score... said the scene looked like a total amateur hour. That was you, huh?”

Tabitha bristled, angrily. “Yes... all thanks to that fucking bitch interfering!” She let out a deep sigh, forcing herself to calm down again. “Look. There’s no big scheme or double-cross here, Cassidy. I just want to get revenge on some of these so-called heroes that have screwed me over this past year. And I’d think you would want to do the same.”

Cassidy frowned, taking another long swig of beer as she considered. “You do make a pretty good point. I wouldn’t mind getting some payback as well against this city’s ‘goody-goody’ squad. The problem is, we don’t know who they are or where they live. They only show up when we’re pulling a job, and then, right at the worst possible moment.”

“Oh, well, don’t worry about that,” Tabitha responded with a grin. “I have that part covered. I just recently managed to obtain some highly classified Intel. I not only now know several of their secret identities, I know where and when they’re going to be at their most vulnerable.” She smirked, “I have the perfect plan to take ’em down. All I really need is some extra manpower.”

Draining the rest of her beer, the wily villainess let out a loud belch, then slammed the bottle on the table. “You know what? Fuck it, I’m in,” she stated soundly, rising to her feet. “Consider me your extra manpower,” she said, as her fists began to glow a pale soft orange light. “As well as your extra firepower.”

* * *

A soft sigh escaped Morgan Cross’ lips, and she stirred gently before opening her eyes. Finding herself in strange surroundings it took her a moment to recall what had happened. She was just sitting up when a pair of strong arms grabbed hold of her, wrapping around her. “Mom! You’re awake! Oh, thank the Goddess,” Sabrina replied sincerely, hugging her warmly. “I was scared when you suddenly collapsed that way!” She pulled back, looking up at her, nervously. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?”

Morgan gave her a small smile. “I’m fine now, dear,” she said gently, reaching out to caress her daughter’s cheek. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I was just... a little overwhelmed, that’s all.” She shook her head ruefully. “I thought I was ready to see you again, but even with all the warnings Ana gave me, I was still caught completely off guard...” Pushing her thoughts aside, she turned her attention back to her daughter. “But enough about me. How are you doing, my love? Are you well? Any lingering effects from the way they had you locked away? Any problems at all?”

Sabrina laughed softly, wiping her tears. “No, no, mom. I’m perfectly fine. And don’t change the subject! How are YOU feeling? I mean, a person doesn’t just collapse for no reason. Are you REALLY okay? And... what you said, before you passed out... do you remember now? Umm... everything? From before?”

Morgan closed her eyes briefly, nodding. “Yes. I remember it all now. Everything... from that very first day, when you had that sudden migraine, and your powers unleashed for the first time... to the day Frasier strapped me into that cursed machine of his and broke your control over me and the other girls... and everything in between.” She let out a sad sigh and opened her eyes. “It’s kind of strange, really... sitting here with you this way. I mean... I feel like I should be kneeling before you, kissing your feet, begging you for some command—any command—to obey and serve you...”

Sabrina visibly winced. “No, mom. You don’t have to do that! You’re not my slave anymore. You’re free. You can be your old self again.” Her eyes blinked, the tears starting to form again against her will. “And mom... I am so, so, SO sorry for all of that! I never meant to make you my slave in the first place! Please... it was an accid—” only to be cut off as her mom pulled her back into a tight hug.

“Shhh, baby,” she said gently, rocking her daughter gently in her arms. “I know it was an accident. I don’t blame you at all, baby... not for a single thing that happened. It was all a very strange and unusual situation, and you did the best you could. You have nothing to apologize for.” She hung her head sadly. “If anything... I’m the one that should apologize to you.”

That got Sabrina’s attention. “What?” she asked, pulling back to look her mom in the face. “What are you talking about, Mom? What would YOU have to apologize for? I was the one that did everything wrong...”

“But you only ended up caught and captured because we failed you!” Morgan replied with such deep and audible regret that Sabrina could only gape at her in shock. “It’s true! All of us... all of your slaves... we... we failed you!” she repeated, the tears starting, running freely down her face. “Especially me. If I had been a better mother... a better slave... if I’d given you better advice, or helped you more... or... or.... done something more,” she said, starting to sob uncontrollably. “Frasier... h-he only b-beat you... because t-they... c-c-c-captured m-me,” she stammered, misery coming off her in waves. “He... used me... as a hostage... to make you give in. You... lost everything... all because of meeeeee....” she wailed, sliding off the bed, dropping down to her knees, kneeling at her stunned daughter’s feet. “Oh, goddess!! I’m so so sorry! It’s aaaalllll mmmyyyy ffaaauullltt!”

Snapped back to reality by her mother’s pain, Sabrina knelt down on the floor with her, forcing Morgan to look her directly in the face. “Mom! Please! Stop! Stop that... please! It’s not your fault! You didn’t fail me!” Slowly but surely, her words broke through the grief, and Morgan’s sobs faded to sniffles. “Mom... listen to me, okay? I love you more than anything in this entire world. You are my rock, my anchor. You have always been there for me. And you’ve been the absolute best mother a girl could possibly have!” She shook her head. “Eugene and Eva told me everything you put yourself through these past four years... working yourself half to death, trying to get me released.” She wiped the tears from her own eyes. “Four years... and you never once stopped trying to save me, trying to help your evil wicked perverted daughter—”

“Sabrina! You’re not!” Morgan said fiercely. “Don’t call yourself that! You are not evil or wicked. And... well, um,” she murmured blushing deeply, remembering again her naughty dreams over the past several months, “if you’re perverted in any way, believe me, baby, you got that from me.” She let out a sigh, taking a moment to compose herself. “Sabrina... I know I am twisted inside. Because... because even now, free and back in my own mind... all I want is to go back to being your slave again.”

Sabrina blinked in surprise. “Mom... no. You... you can’t be serious!” she answered in alarm. “I never meant for you to be my slave in the first place! It was a mistake... an accident...”

“I know, baby,” Morgan replied in a soft voice. “But still... it was the single best experience of my entire life.” She smiled sadly. “You can’t know... you can’t understand. I remember when we went to Dr. Snow... Eva’s office. When you made her and Melissa your slaves, she tried to use her powers on you but they failed. So, you can’t know what it’s like...” she said, eyes closing, her smile widening. “The freedom... the pure bliss. Your power doesn’t just change a person’s mind... it alters their entire reality. For me, and the others, becoming your slave became our reality, the reason we drew breath, the reason we existed. It took away everything that was confusing, or frustrating, or unfair about life. It took what was so complex and made it all simple.” She finally opened her eyes, and in them, Sabrina saw a twinge of fanaticism shining brightly.

“Sweetheart, people spend their entire lives searching for meaning, trying to find their purpose. ‘Why am I here’ has been one of mankind’s oldest unknowable questions. But with you, me and the other girls HAD our answer! We were alive to serve you... to obey and please you in any way you desire. And doing so was like the greatest feeling of fulfillment and happiness you can imagine!”

She let out a soft sigh, the fire in her dying out. “And then... it was gone. Dr. Frasier took it away from us.” She grunted, bitterly. “I know... and I understand why. But you have to understand how that feels, Sabrina... to have achieved perfect bliss and then have it snatched away from you forever. I can realize now, looking back... having our memories taken away, as cruel as it seemed at the time, was a blessing. Eva and Ana took away the pain of that loss. They took away the emptiness.” She glanced at Sabrina, her expression serious. “I can tell you plainly... if they hadn’t if I had had to endure these past four years knowing what I’d lost? Knowing what had been taken away? I would have absolutely killed myself.”

Sabrina swallowed painfully. Hearing her mother talk so calmly, so plainly, about wanting to kill herself struck her to her core. She’d meant it earlier when she’d called Morgan her rock and her anchor. The idea of losing her that way, of her mother in so much pain and loss that she might take her own life... it horrified her. Eva had warned her that her mother’s reaction to what had happened might be severe, but she hadn’t considered anything this extreme!

“Mom, please, don’t... don’t talk like that,” Sabrina insisted, taking her hand in hers. “It’s all going to be okay now, I promise. I’m here. I’m back. And I’m not going anywhere. You won’t lose me again, okay? And... I don’t want to lose you, either.”

The two just sat there a long moment holding each other. Eventually, they relaxed enough to just talk, to chat about things, Morgan talking a bit about the specifics of the past four years, and, after a bit of coaxing, a bit more about her time with Ana. Sabrina listened, feeling equal parts delighted, and slightly jealous, hearing how the two of them had bonded. And while they’d only met and talked briefly, she knew that Ana was very different from her sister Eva, not quite like night and day, but two distinctly different personalities.

“And really, Ana’s been a complete godsend these past few months,” Morgan was saying, smiling softly, staring idly into space. “She’s like the glue that’s been holding me together all this time. Why, just the other day, she went with me up to Salem to speak to the Governor about getting you a pardon, and...” she paused, noticing Sabrin’s Cheshire-like grin. “What? What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?”

”Oh, nothing,” Sabrina said teasingly. “I just think it’s cute. I’ve never seen you like this before, Mom.”

”Like what?” she asked, confused. ”What do you mean?”

”I mean, completely, totally, head-over-heels smitten,” Sabrina replied knowingly. ”Ana... you’re in love with her, aren’t you?”

Morgan blinked, jaw-dropping, cheeks burning scarlet. ”I... er... I mean...” she stammered, only to hang her head in defeat as her daughter burst into giggles. ”Hah. I guess there’s no hiding anything from you, sweetheart,” she conceded with a chuckle of her own. ”Fine. I admit it. Ana and I are deeply in love.” Her smile returned. “Oh, baby... she’s just the most wonderful woman I’ve ever known. And I’m sure you and she will get along great!” She sighed softly.

“Yes, I’m sure we will,” Sabrina replied with a soft sigh of her own. In truth, she had nothing against the older woman. And the fact that her mother was utterly infatuated with her certainly helped. And yet... she couldn’t help but feel sad, thinking about the two of them together, of having someone that looked exactly like her beloved Eva around all the time, reminding her of what she’d lost.

No... reminding me of what I never really had in the first place, she thought dimly. Dammit... I love my mom, I truly do... but it’s not fair that she finds happiness with her one true love when my own love life is such a burning train wreck...

Mogan, sensing her daughter’s disquiet, pulled her into a hug. “Baby,” she said gently. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I do love Ana, yes... but you are still the most important person in my life. And Ana understands that too.” She smiled softly. “No matter what, I’ll always love you the most.” She then surprised her by kissing her... softly, gently, on the lips.

With an effort, Sabrina pushed herself free. “MOM! I... er... that was... not exactly a very motherly kiss,” she stammered.

“I know, sweetie,” Morgan replied simply, still locking eyes with her. “But... you’re much more to me than just my daughter.” Still holding her gaze, she slid from the bed, and slowly. carefully, slid to the floor on her knees. “I love you, Sabrina. Please... make me your slave once again.”

Sabrina gaped at her, stunned. “Mom... you... you don’t know what you’re asking me,” Sabrina stated, clearly agitated. “How can you ask me to do that to you again, on purpose? I mean... what about Ana? You’re in love with her! How would you explain this to her?”

“She knows, sweetie,” Morgan replied, smiling, perfectly calm and composed. “I think she and the others suspected that this would happen... that I would want this... NEED this, when my memories returned. And Ana... yes, I love her. But more than anything, she wants me to be happy.” She sighed, chuckling softly. “So many things she said and hinted at make so much sense now... how she knew that I was a ‘submissive personality’ at heart.”

She thought back to the talk she and Ana had had after making love that first time only a few hours earlier. Ana had teased her gently about being a slave in need of a Mistress. She’d thought, given the way Ana had taken control and dominated their lovemaking that the beautiful blonde had meant herself, only for Ana to shake her head. “Sorry, love, but I’m not really the dominant type,” she’d told her with a small smile. “I can ‘switch’ it up a bit now and again... but deep down, I’m as much of a submissive as you are.” She’d sighed then, thoughtful. “I think we BOTH need a proper Mistress to keep us in line... to provide the discipline we both desire in our lives.”

She’d been confused by that, asking Ana what she’d meant, but the blonde psychic had gone all silent and enigmatic, merely saying that she would know when the time was right. I keep forgetting that among her other talents, Ana gets glimpses of the future, she mused, thoughtfully. I wonder... if she knew all along that this would happen, or if she just guessed, by knowing me so well after all this time.

“Mom... you can’t ask me to turn you back into my slave,” Sabrina insisted, drawing Morgan back to the present. “You don’t know what you’re saying! You’re... you’re just confused... overwhelmed,” she said, more to herself than to her mother. “Please! Just... just think about this for a minute, okay?”

But Morgan merely shook her head. “Baby, I have thought about it,” she told her gently. “From the moment I woke up in this bedroom, I knew what it was that I wanted. I know, I know... it doesn’t make any sense to you. And... I’m sorry for asking this of you,” she said, hanging her head. “It’s selfish of me. I know that.” She slowly raised her eyes, head still down. “But you... you can’t understand how perfect it was being your slave... your possession, your devoted thrall, owned and loved and dominated by you!” Her eyes took on that fanatic sheen once more, causing Sabrina to wince. “Please, Baby... I need it! I need to serve you,” she said, lowering her head to the floor again. “I promise... I will serve you well, with all of my heart and soul...”

Sabrina felt torn. “Oh, mom... what did I do to you?” she moaned softly. “And... how could I put you through all that again? Ohh... oh goddess...” she said, mournfully, hanging her head in shame. “What kind of person would DO that to their own mother?”

::A very loving and dutiful daughter,:: a familiar voice spoke up then, causing both women to turn.

A pale white light erupted in the corner of the room, fading to reveal a familiar golden-haired woman. Verdandi smiled at them both, walking over to hug and kiss Sabrina deeply, before doing so to Morgan as well. “Greetings to you both. And sorry I wasn’t here to meet you personally when you first arrived, Sabrina. My duties held me up a bit, but I came as quickly as I could.” She smiled, glancing sidelong at Morgan, still kneeling. “And it seems I arrived at the perfect time for once.”

“Lacie! It is good to see you again,” Sabrina replied, smiling sadly, “but surely you can’t be serious. You actually WANT me to turn my mother into my slave again? The very thing that caused a war between half the heroes in the city and ended up with me locked up in jail?”

“This is very different, sweetheart,” Lacie replied kindly. “Before, you weren’t really in control. Enslaving Morgan was an accident. And taking the other girls was more instinct, you acting on your repressed desires of love and lust, spun out of control. You took them all against their will, without their consent. But Morgan is giving you her consent now,” she pointed out. “Indeed, she is literally BEGGING for it.”

“B-but...” Sabrina protested weakly, only to sigh softly as Lacie pulled her close.

She pulled the girl into a warm hug. “Shhhh. Just listen, okay? Take it from someone who has been where she is... has experienced it and lived with it. Some people are simply slaves at their core, and denying that part of themselves only brings them pain and misery.” She glanced down at Morgan sadly. “Once that part of themselves is unlocked, they can’t go back to the way things used to be. They will search for someone who they can submit to, someone who will dominate them, kindly and lovingly, bringing structure and purpose to their lives. Anyone,” she added, her tone adding a bit of warning, “good or bad, as long as they can give them what they need.”

She kissed Sabrina on the lips, smiling. “And if they are very, very lucky, they might just find a kind, loving, compassionate Master... or Mistress, to submit to. Someone that can trust. Someone that they love... and will love them in return.”

Nodding softly, Sabrina turned to face her mother again. “Mom? Is this... really what you want?” she asked in a small voice.

“Yes, baby,” she replied, gently, hopefully. “More than anything in the world. I will always be your mother, sweetheart. Nothing will ever change that. But... I need this... I need to be your slave again. Please?”

Sabrina closed her eyes. This was it. This was her tipping point. In her time incarcerated, she’d had literal years to look back at her actions and think about the things she’d done. Her powers emerging as they had had been a complete shock, and she had, she now realized, gone more than a little power-mad. She hadn’t thought about the consequences of her actions at all. She’d simply wanted what she wanted, and used her power to take it. She’d felt justified. Brainwashing her mom had been a mistake, but even that mistake had given her more joy and pleasure than she’d ever experienced in her prior life. Doing the same to other beautiful women she found attractive had seemed natural. And despite it all, she’d been a mostly benevolent Mistress, treating all of her girls kindly... for the most part.

She still rather regretted how she’d treated Bethany and Karen at first, the way she’d let her anger drive her to treat them so cruelly.

Regardless, she’d learned her lesson. She’d been taught humility, that as smart and wise as she was, she wasn’t omniscient. Nor omnipotent. And though she’d deeply resented Eugene Frasier for taking away her love slaves and sending her to jail, in hindsight she’d felt it only right that she take responsibility for what she’d done.

And now... now all of the people who had stood against her, those who had insisted that she change her ways... they were the very ones asking her to become that person again? To start down that same wicked path by enslaving her own MOTHER, turning her into nothing more than her needy, slavish, mindlessly obedient puppet? The very thought turned her stomach. She couldn’t... she could NOT do that to her mom!

And yet... her MOM was the one asking for it, begging her with tears in her eyes! Could she deny her what she so desperately craved? Everyone, Gene, Eva, and now Lacie, kept telling her that this was what was best for Morgan, that things were different now, that her asking, making it consensual, somehow made warping her mother’s mind okay. She sighed heavily.

Fuck it, she thought to herself finally. Good, bad, evil, I don’t care anymore. If this is what mom wants... if this is what she needs to be happy, then I’ll do it. I just hope... that I don’t lose her. That after this, she’s still the mom I know and love...

::Don’t worry, child, she will be,:: Verdandi’s voice spoke into her mind again, as a wave of gentle comfort and warmth flowed over her. ::I’m sorry this is such a trial for you. But trust me, this really is the best thing... for both of you. You need this, to have your mom, your trusted advisor and friend back, just as much as SHE needs to have her Mistress. And doing this, using your powers this way, for something good instead of something selfish... is just the first step on your new path. Trust me, child... you can do this.::

“Okay,” she said aloud, nodding. “I’ll do it. Or, well... wait, I guess I actually can’t make you my slave,” she said with a frown. “Frasier put a hypnotic block in my mind preventing me from using my powers this way without his specific permission—”

“That’s not a problem,” Lacie replied, grinning. “Eva’s been monitoring the situation discretely all this time, and when you agreed to do it, she mentioned it to Gene. He said you can use your powers freely for something like this—to help someone in pain, someone who desires for you to use your powers on them. As long as it’s not in anger, or for selfish reasons, your mind powers will work at your command.”

Sabrina blinked, a bit surprised by that. That sneaky... here I was thinking he had me on total lockdown, and all this time he’s given me more freedom than I even realized! She shook her head, laughing ruefully. Eugene Frasier... just when I begin to think I have you figured out, you throw me another curve ball. Smiling, she knelt down on the floor, taking her mom’s hands in her own.

“Mom, I’m going to do what you asked,” she told her gently. “So I’m telling you right now how things are going to be. You will become my slave again. But... I want you to still be my mother. Last time, it was like you were ninety percent slave, with just ten percent of the old you intact. This time... I want it more even, more fifty-fifty, equal parts devoted slave and loving mother. Okay?”

Morgan nodded, smiling in return. “Thank you, Baby. That’s what I want as well.”

Sabrina nodded. Sighing to herself, she closed her eyes, focusing her powers, remembering her lessons from earlier, and opened her mental shutters, bathing her mother in a gentle but focused beam of psionic power...

* * *

“Hey!” Megan Tanner says, tapping her wireless earbuds connected to her cellphone, accepting the call, as she strode down the stairs leading outside of the airport.

“Hey!” the caller answers back. “Just checking up on you. Did you arrive back safe and sound?”

“Of course,” Megan replied, chuckling. “It’s not that far of a trip from Century to River City. How are things back there, Josie? Not too lonely without me, I hope?”

Her girlfriend chuckled. “Well, I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss you like crazy,” she admitted, “but I’m okay. Actually keeping myself busy. Just finished a little patrol of the city. It was a pretty quiet night—just a few muggers and some guy trying to break into the local Best Buy over on 16th. I was actually just about to take a nice hot bath, but thought that I’d give you a call.”

Megan chuckled. “Well, don’t let me stop you,” she teased, walking across the street as the light changed. “In fact, I rather like the idea of you talking to me while you’re in the bath... all naked, and wet, and slick, and soapy...” Josie’s sigh came through the earpiece, and Megan chuckled, knowing all too well that she was likely blushing deeply at the thought. Of the two of them, Josie was the more dominant, but sexually, Megan was usually the one to initiate, more than content to play the part of the naughty seductress.

“Sooooo,” Josie managed after a moment, “how long are you going to be in town, again?” Megan giggled.

“Not long, love. Just a few days, two, or three at the most. Now that I’m living in Century, I need to finalize the last of my moving arrangements and make sure my old place is cleaned out for the realtors.” She smiled at that. “And, of course, I thought I’d stop by and say ‘Hi’ to some old friends as well, while I’m here.”

“Okay, that sounds cool. Well, I’ll be around if you need me. Remember, babe... I can be there in just a few hours. Just say the word.”

“Thanks, love,” Megan replied, “but I’m fine. Trust me, this is all just paperwork and document signing. I’ve got this. And once I’m done, I’m on the first flight back to Century.”

Saying their goodbyes, Megan disconnected the call and made her way to the car rental. Expecting only to stay a couple of days at most, she’d merely brought a small carry-on bag with her, with a second set of clothes to change into, and some toiletries. All in all, she was in good spirits. She missed Josie, but it was nice to be back in River City again, the place she’d called home for so many years, even if she technically resided on the outskirts of the city proper.

Driving along the interstate, humming softly along with the familiar songs on the radio, she simply let herself relax and enjoy the moment of peace. While Century certainly had a much smaller concentration of supervillains, and Supers for that matter, it still held its own share of criminals and dangers that needed to be confronted. She and Josie had definitely had enough on their plates trying to keep their city safe and secure. On a positive note, Focus and Techna were becoming well-known among the hero community, without a whole roster of other heroes to overshadow them, like in River City. But yes, having a bit of a break from the action was nice.

Arriving at her former home, picking up a few remaining belongings that she intended to keep, she finished cleaning up the place, then locked up, stopping by the realtor to drop off the key before heading to her hotel. Preoccupied with finalizing her move, she hadn’t noticed the tail she’d picked up ever since leaving her former residence. Unpacked, tired from the trip, Megan had ordered room service, then stripped down, heading to the bathroom for a nice hot shower.

In the room’s foyer, the automatic lock disengaged, and a familiar figure crept inside. Hearing the sounds of the shower running, Manx relaxed, chuckling to herself. Interesting, she mused to herself, giving the room the once-over. Just a normal hotel room. Funny... for a hero that calls herself ‘Techna’ I kind of expected her to put up some kind of high-tech privacy or security measures... but nope. Nothing. She chuckled again. This is almost too easy!

Frankly, she’d pretty much resigned herself to missing out on getting revenge on the lovely, sexy, brunette nerd girl. When questioned under hypnosis, Bethany had relayed the news of Techna hooking up with another fledgling heroine and leaving River City to live in Century. And while she’d gotten the chance to play with Luminaire and Red Rocket a number of times, she’d never had the pleasure of pleasuring the Mistress of Technology. True, not having crossed paths with her as an adversary before, she had nothing really against her... but recognizing her coming out of her old house, running into her by sheer luck, she’d have been a fool to pass up this chance.

Speaking of luck, she thought, smirking to herself as she checked her belt, looking for just the right substance to ensnare her target, I wonder how my dear friend Cassidy is doing with her own target. I’d actually thought getting her to go after Luminaire and her little winged friends would be more of a hard sell... but as soon as I mentioned the name, she all but insisted that she be the one to take them down. She sighed softly. Well, more power to ya, Cass. The blonde alone is a definite handful. And her two friends are a lot more powerful than they seem. Better folks than you or I have tried to take ’em down and failed.

Her smile turned wicked, as she added her chosen drug to Megan’s food order, then slipped deftly into the closet to wait. Still, I have the added advantage of knowing their true identities, their names, and the location of where they live. I can attack them now when they are alone and at their most vulnerable. So... I’ll let Nytro take her shot. If she wins, fine, three targets are crossed off my list. And even if Cass fails, if nothing else, she’ll keep them busy and occupied until I’m ready to make my own move. She went silent as the shower switched off.

Ah yes... but for now, this cat has a brand new toy to focus on, Manx thought with glee. And I just can’t wait to play with her...