The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Coffee Shop V: Happiness Is A Handsome Hypnotized Hunk

Chapter 7. Who Let The Dogs Out?

“Is that any way to say hello to an old friend, Albert?” Asked the mystery policeman who stood blocking the doorway. “It must be fate for us to have run into each other again. I’ll be you thought you’d never see me again after you transferred to a K-9 unit in another city.”

“This isn’t fate, just plain bad luck, Gilbert,” Larry said heatedly as he turned about and looked at this Gilbert. (It was clear to me that these two men were not friends by any stretch of the imagination.) “Get lost!” Larry said to Gilbert. Larry couldn’t yell at Gilbert due to my post hypnotic suggestion, but he gave it a good try.

“I second that motion,” Albert said angrily. “Leave. You are not welcome here.” (Albert wasn’t on friendly terms with Gilbert either, but this wasn’t any of my business. Still I could not help but be curious about what was going on.)

“I too, must insist that you leave,” Andy said in a loud voice said as he stood up. “This is my hotel room, and I did not invite you. Go!”

“Oh, I don’t think you really want me to leave just yet,” Gilbert said in an oily self assured voice. “Unless, of course, you want me to share my little secret with you gentlemen and I don’t think Albert or Larry want that.”

I didn’t know Gilbert, but I was quickly coming to dislike him. When someone walks in and hints at blackmail I tend to start disliking that person. I guess I’m just funny that way.

“What do you want, Gilbert?” Albert asked with a sigh. “Come the point.”

“I just want to know what’s going on here,” Gilbert said confidently. “I noticed you out in the hotel earlier Albert and you looked rather strange. I called to you but you ignored me completely. I couldn’t believe that you’d have forgotten me so easily. I would hate to think I didn’t leave a lasting impression on you. So, I decided to follow you and find out what was so interesting to you that you’d ignore little old me.”

“Watching paint dry would be of more interest to me than spending time with you,” Albert retorted. “As for what we are doing here, you wouldn’t believe it even if we told you.”

“Hello, non-police presence in the room,” I called out. “Would someone please tell me what’s going on here? I feel like I arrived in the middle of a movie.”

Gilbert looked over at me, and slid his gaze from my head down to my toes, turning away from me as if I were of no importance. “Who’s the civilian?” He asked scathingly.

“My name is Paul Walton, and you are?” I asked him.

“Unimpressed to say the least, and my name is Gilbert Peters,” he answered as if by telling me his name he was granting me an enormous favour. This guy had really raised the being arrogant bar to a new height.

“Enough!” Andy cried out, causing everyone to direct their attention to him. “Officer Peters, leave now or the four of us will escort you from this room. The odds are not in your favor,” Andy stood up and took two slow deliberate steps towards Gilbert. Andy’s hands were balled into fists.

“Okay, I’m going, I’m going,” Gilbert said smugly. “By the way, did Albert ever tell you why he’s a K-9 cop?”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, realizing too late that I had taken the bait that Gilbert dangled in front of me.

“I didn’t think so. Albert never was a very good motorcycle cop,” Gilbert said maliciously. “He couldn’t take it and so he transferred to the K-9 division. A few years later he left our police force and transferred to another city. I haven’t seen Albert in years, but I sure do remember him. He was the most useless cop I ever had the displeasure to be partnered with.”

“I left that police force because you wouldn’t stop hounding me, about leaving the motorcycle division,” Albert retorted. “And I left the motorcycle division because you were impossible to work with. I got ulcers from working with you, and had to go on medical stress leave for nine months. I’ve found dogs to be for superior to you.”

“Coming from someone I consider a mangy cur, I’m not surprised to hear you say that,” Gilbert responded. “You should have been dismissed from the force, but they wouldn’t do that.”

It was clear to me that this was an old argument, and from the look on Albert’s face a painful one.

“I’m not going to have this argument with you again, Gilbert, Go!” Albert said in exasperation, his face becoming flushed. .

“I always suspected you were a wuss, when it came to a fight,” Gilbert growled. “At least you won’t be disgracing this uniform anymore.” Gilbert pressed his right thumb to his chest as he spoke. “I pity the police force that has you now.”

(The conversation was moving too quickly for me to spend any time examining Gilbert’s uniform. I did get the vague impression that he was wearing something light blue or gray.)

“Just fucking leave!” Albert cried out, as he turned away from Gilbert.

“Make me,” Gilbert challenged him.

“My pleasure,’ Larry growled at Gilbert. Larry struggled to stand up but the post hypnotic glue suggestion held him firmly to the love seat.

I didn’t know what Gilbert’s problem with Albert was, but Gilbert seemed to be spoiling for a fight. “I release you,” I called out to Albert and Larry. I figured fun time was over and Albert and Larry might need to defend themselves very shortly. Whatever was happening here was very quickly starting to get out of control. I didn’t know what to do, other than to try and stay out of the way.

Larry stood up and acknowledged my action with a brief nod of his head to me. Larry’s hands were balled into fists. He locked eyes with Gilbert.

“Typical, getting someone else to fight your battles for you, you chicken shit,” Gilbert spat out at Albert, without breaking eye contact with Larry.

Albert stood up, turned about and faced Gilbert. “Enough. Leave. Now” He said to Gilbert, the coldness in his voice made a blizzard seem warm and friendly. . Albert looked ready to knock Gilbert clear into next week.

“Oh and before I forget, these two are real live cock suckers,” Gilbert trumpeted. “They’re both gay and have been lovers for years. Well, my work here is done.” The smile on Gilbert’s face was filled with malice.

I looked away from Gilbert and snuck a quick peek at Albert and Larry. Larry’s face had gone white as the anger drained out of him. He stared, shocked and silent, at Gilbert. Albert’s face had gone beet red, and he looked ashamed and guilty. I wasn’t sure what to make of their expressions, but I knew what I thought of Gilbert’s unexpected statement.

“Why the hell would I care about that one way or the other?” I asked Gilbert. “You can find gay men in all walks of life.”

“Ah, but these are police officers, and for them it is a big deal,” Gilbert chuckled. “I can tell their superiors and make life very difficult for them, unless you tell me what is going on here.”

“But it’s not true!” Larry cried out. “I’m straight! I have a girlfriend. So do you, Albert. Tell them!”

“Yes, it’s true that you have a girlfriend, Larry,” Albert said softly. “Currently I don’t have a girlfriend, but none of that matters. Even without proof, Gilbert’s gossip can cause us a lot of trouble.”

“So you want to give in to this bully, and tell him then?” Larry asked Albert.

“It’s the easiest way, I think,” Albert replied. He looked like his spirit had been crushed.

“I win again!’ Gilbert cried with glee and locked eyes with me for a few seconds.

It took a supreme effort of will but I controlled the urge to send a few well chosen super hypnosis commands into Gilbert’s mind. I don’t’ like bullies, and when I find one, I usually take him down a peg or two. In Gilbert’s case it would have been a very long way down the ladder.

I looked away from Gilbert and directed my attention back at Larry and Albert. They were standing beside each other looking understandably upset. I want to go and comfort them, but I didn’t have a clue as to how do accomplish that. I wasn’t their friend after all. I looked over at Andy, who had remained silent through all of this banter. . He was looking over at the two uniformed policemen standing in front of the loveseat. I studied his face and saw the sadness in his eyes. I walked over to Andy and stood in front of him. I reached up and touched the left side of his face with my right hand.

“Go to them, dear heart,” I said softly as I looked into Andy’s pain filled eyes. “You’re their friend, not me. They need you now, and I think maybe you need to help them. I’ll wait.”

Andy nodded his head once and walked over to stand in front of Albert and Larry. Carefully Andy reached out with his big tree trunk arms and wrapped them about the two policemen. No words word spoken, at least none that I could hear from where I stood watching them. I walked over and softly closed the hotel room door. I returned to sand next to Gilbert which was oddly enough the best place to view the three policemen by the loveseat. A part of my mind registered the fact that Gilbert was much taller than I was. He had to be at least six feet tall if not six foot one inch. He towered over me. He was somewhat intimidating, to say the least.

“Oh Jesus, I think I’m gonna puke!” Gilbert cried out. “This is disgusting! A room full of queer cops! Get me a barf bag, quick.”

“No one invited you to stay, Gilbert,” I said to him stonily. “You are not welcome nor are you wanted.” I reminded him.

“Yeah, but I still want to know what you guys were doing in here, but since three of you are gay I think I have a pretty good idea,” Gilbert snarled at me.

I ignored Gilbert’s innuendo for the moment. I could not force him physically from the room, and I didn’t want the entanglements of using my super hypnosis powers on him to get him to leave. I decided to wait and see what happened.

After a few minutes Andy broke the hug and stepped away from Larry and Albert. All three of them turned slightly to the right to look at Gilbert and me.

“You’re still here,” Albert said stonily.

“You never miss a clue, Albert,” Gilbert replied. “I’m still waiting for you to tell me what’s going on here.”

I so wanted to slap or punch that arrogant condescending cop. His voice seemed to slip under your skin and irritate you like a thousand mosquito bites. I clamped down hard on my temper. It would not help at all for me to lose my temper. It would undoubtedly feel really good to tell Gilbert what I thought of him, but it would not solve anything.

“Fine, anything to get rid of you,” Albert said. “But first, I want your word that what is talked about in this room stays in this room. I want your word as an officer of the law.” Albert demanded.

“Like Gilbert is going to keep his word,” Larry said. Larry didn’t put much stock in Gilbert keeping his word.

“Actually, this is the one situation where I know Gilbert will keep his word,” Albert said to Larry. “Gilbert may not be the nicest guy in the world, and he might not be my first choice as a backup, but when it comes to his honour as a police officer, he has never broken his word. Even Gilbert has standards it seems.”

Gilbert glared at Albert, but did not say anything for a few moments.

“Well?” Albert prompted him.

“Fine,” Gilbert snarled. “You have my word as an officer of the law that I will not mention what happens in this room or has happened in this room, to anyone outside of the people in this room. Satisfied?”

“Yes,” Albert answered. “Larry and I dropped by to have Paul here hypnotize Larry to help him with his job stress. Larry’s had a hard time lately.”

“You’re kidding!” Gilbert cried out in disbelief.

“He’s telling the truth,” Larry assured Gilbert. “In fact Paul managed to hypnotize both Albert and myself. Why else would we be wearing our uniform ties?”

“This I’ve got to see. Give me some proof and then I’ll leave you guys to have your fun,” Gilbert said looking at Larry and Albert doubtfully.

“If they agree what would you like to see them do?” I asked Gilbert, almost dreading his answer. I really didn’t want to do this, but it seemed the easiest way to get rid of Gilbert.

“I’ll tell you after you supposedly have them under,” Gilbert hedged.

“Your call officers,” I said to Larry and Albert.

“Go ahead, Paul, as long as we don’t have to leave this room,” Albert said as he looked over at Larry.

“Agreed,” Larry said.

“Okay, then. Iron cowboy and firebird freedom,” I said to Albert and Larry. Immediately their eyes closed and their heads dropped down to their chests. An expression of profound peace blossomed onto their faces and they relaxed back into their super hypnosis states.

“That’s it?” Gilbert asked.

“Yes, they are ready. What do you want them to do?” I asked Gilbert.

“They’ll do anything I want?” Gilbert said and rubbed his hands with glee.

“They’ll do anything I tell them,” I answered. “I’ll accept any reasonable request that is not immoral, illegal and does not require them to leave this room.”

“You just have to ruin my fun,” Gilbert spat at me as he realized that I wasn’t going to let him do anything he wanted with Albert and Larry. “Fine. Make them act like two dogs in heat.”

I glanced over at Andy to see what his reaction to Gilbert’s suggestion was. He shook his head no and silently pleaded with me not to acquiesce to Gilbert’s humiliating suggestion.

“Dogs, yes. In heat, no,” I said to Gilbert. “At the count of three Albert and Larry you will both drop down to all fours and become the world’s best impersonators of a playful trusting puppy. You will carefully romp about the room and want to investigate everything. You will respond to your current real names, and find that you enjoy acting like playful obedient puppies.”

“Yes, sir,” Larry replied “Sir, yes sir!” Albert called out.

“One. Two. Three.” I said as I smiled pleasantly at Gilbert. Gilbert smiled back at me. I had something in mind for him, provided Albert was agreeable.

Albert and Larry immediately dropped down to their hands and knees. They barked a couple of times and started to pant, letting their tongues hand out of their mouths. They moved about the room sniffing the furniture and as far under the furniture that they could push their heads. I felt my cock grow hard and stiff as I caught sight of Larry’s beautiful butt pushed up in the air with his head on the carpet as he headed towards the closed closet door. I shuddered with joy as Larry moved directly away from me, because I got to see a full view of his ass in those snug uniform breeches. I so wanted to get down on my hands and knees and caress the padded area in the sea of those uniform breeches. I sighed softly to myself as I fought those desires. This was Gilbert’s show, much as it pained me to admit it.

“Here boy, here Albert,” Gilbert called out. “I have something for you boy.”

Albert stopped his investigation of the carpet under the bed and on his hands and knees, scampered over to Gilbert. (From what I could see, his ass looked damn sexy in those uniform pants, but I didn’t have time to gawk at Albert’s backside for more than a few seconds, because too much was happening all at once.) Albert’s face was open and trusting, like any cute puppy. He stopped in front of Gilbert and barked once. He wiggled his ass as he attempted to wag his tale. Larry in the meantime had bumped his head on the closed closet door and yelped in pain. He turned away from the closet and yelped again. I hurried over to him to see if he was alright.

“Are you okay, Larry?” I asked him as I walked up to him. Larry turned around, barked happily and wiggled his ass as I approached him. Clearly he wasn’t hurt. Where was a leash and dog collar when you really needed one? As much as I disapprove of humiliating guys whom I hypnotize, Larry was one sexy hypnotized policeman puppy. I would have enjoyed taking him for a walk about the hotel room, or romping with him on one of the hotel beds. I smiled as I thought of the fun I could have getting him to lie on his back and rubbing his tummy. But this wasn’t’ my show, it was Gilberts’ damn him.

“Sit up and beg, boy,” Gilbert commanded him. “Be a good boy and sit up and beg for your treat!”

I turned my attention back to Gilbert curious as to what the treat was that he had in mind. We didn’t have any food in the hotel room, and room service was a good thirty minutes away. Gilbert had dropped down to one knee in front of Albert the puppy dog. My guess is that he wanted a better view of Albert’s performance.

Albert did as he was told. He got up on his knees in front of Gilbert and then sat back on his heels. As he raised his body upright. Albert curled his arms and hands up just below his chin and barked several times.

“Good boy!’ Gilbert called out Albert with a big smile. Albert panted as he looked up at Gilbert, waiting for his ‘treat’. Gilbert pulled his right arm back, made a fist with his right hand and socked Albert across the jaw! The blow caused Albert to fall over onto his right side, yelping and whimpering with pain and shock.

It took me completely by surprise, and I was unable to stop Gilbert. “ What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I screamed at him. “Zero. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. WIDE AWAKE! WIDE AWAKE!!” I yelled out to Albert and Larry.

Larry jumped up to his feet and rushed over to where Albert was slowly picking himself up on the carpeted floor, rubbing the left side of his jaw with his left hand as he did so. In a few moments both Larry and Albert seemed to be back to their normal selves. They silently glared at Gilbert, almost as if they had expected something like this to happen. I was relieved that when they looked over at me for a few seconds, they didn’t seem to be angry with me for having let this happen.

“You always were a trusting fool, Albert,” Gilbert crowed with delight as he stood next to me.

Suddenly I felt unclean, like I’d just been standing next to an open sewer for a while. I wanted to take a shower and wash the ‘Gilbert stink’ off of me.

“You’ve got your proof and you’ve had your fun, correct?” Albert asked Gilbert.

“I suppose I have,” Gilbert agreed. “I’ll keep my word. I won’t mention either of your alternate lifestyles to your superiors.”

“Thank you. Think what you will, Gilbert,” Albert said with thinly veiled impatience. “In truth neither Larry nor I are gay. We have been good friends for many years, and we like to spend time together.”

“I should inform you Gilbert that my police force does not take lightly anyone impeaching the reputation of the force or its members,” Larry declared in a cool gruff voice. “Without iron clad proof to back up your claims, such action on your part would result in a most unpleasant experience for you.”

“Is that a threat?” Laughed Gilbert

“No, just some friendly advice from one police brother to another,” Larry said as he kept a tight rein on his temper.

“I’ll give it due consideration,” Gilbert said as he looked back at Larry.

Larry shot one last angry look at Gilbert, walked over and sat down in the loveseat. Albert joined Larry on the love seat a moment later. As a result of all the moving about the room while keeping track of the police puppies, I was now standing off to the left of and slightly behind the loveseat, and Gilbert was standing a few feet in front of me. This placed Albert sitting on the love seat off to my right, in front of me, with his back to me, with Larry seated next to Albert on Albert’s right (which was now also my right). I was pleased that Albert and Larry had decided to sit on the love seat again, as this kept them in my sight and also out of my way.

“Now that you’ve had your proof, Gilbert, how about I hypnotize you?” I asked him. I was fairly sure that he wouldn’t go for my idea. Bullies rarely do. I knew an easy way around that, though.

“No thanks,” Gilbert said as he dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand.

“Afraid that I’ll put you under and make you do something silly?” I taunted him.

“Not at all, I just don’t want to,” Gilbert declared. “I have better things to do with my time.”

“And the chicken shit motorcycle cop leaves the room!” I cried out, as Gilbert turned away from me and headed for the hotel room door. I had noticed by this time that Gilbert appeared to be wearing a motorcycle policeman uniform, similar to what Larry was wearing. Albert looked over at me as if I’d lost my mind. We were trying to get rid of Gilbert, not keep him around.

Gilbert stopped, and slowly turned around until he was facing me. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He snarled at me, as he started show anger on his face..

“It means that I don’t think you have anywhere near the balls of Larry or Albert,” I said confidently. “They were man enough to try hypnosis with me. They were not afraid of it as you obviously are.”

“Right. Like I care what you think,” Gilbert snarled at me.

“Look me in the eyes and tell me that you aren’t afraid of hypnosis or of me,” I taunted him. Oh, I was so going to enjoy hypnotizing him.

Gilbert walked up to me and looked right into my eyes, his face angry but controlled. “I do not fear you. I do not fear hypnosis.” He said to me. Bullies always hate it when you suggest that they might be afraid of you or of something else.

I had him. As soon as he started talking I pushed some commands into his mind. ‘Gilbert you want me to hypnotize you right now. You will enjoy having me hypnotize you. You will follow my suggestions easily and quickly. You will be unable to stop yourself from carrying out my suggestions.’

Gilbert rocked backward for an instant after he finished speaking with me. His eyes blinked and for just a moment his face went blank as my super hypnosis commands entered his mind and took effect. I had used a lot of power to project my thoughts into his mind. I had not tested Gilbert earlier so I did not know how responsive he would be. From his reaction to my thought projections, it appeared that he would be very receptive to my powers. Good for me. Not so good for him.

“Okay, get out the gold pocket watch and bring it on,” Gilbert challenged me a few seconds later.

“Oh, so now you want to try this? I asked him.

‘Sure. Why not?” Gilbert asked. “I know that you can’t make me do anything I don’t want to.” He smiled at me knowingly. “I know a little something about hypnosis too. So where do you want me?”

Talk about a loaded line. Where I wanted him was on his knees begging me to hypnotize him again. I did my best to keep the smile on my face pleasant. Gilbert didn’t know that he was going to fall into hypnosis in a big way but I did. With a little luck, Albert might even get some payback from Gilbert and I wasn’t talking about money.

“In front of me is fine,” I told him. “Now stand comfortably with your arms by your sides,”

“What, no gold pocket watch?” Gilbert quipped.

“I left it in my other suit at home,” I replied. “Now take both of your arms and hold them out in front of you at just about waist level.” I took a couple of steps away from Gilbert to be sure he had room.

Gilbert followed my instructions, with doubt written all over his face.

“Please turn your right hand palm up, and turn your left hand so your left thumb is pointing to the ceiling,,” I instructed him. “You are correct that I can’t make you do anything that you really don’t want to do, Gilbert. All I ask is that you follow my instructions to the best of your ability. Rest assured that if I give you a suggestion that goes against the grain for you, you’ll reject it.” I offered those reassurances to Gilbert for his benefit as well as Larry’s and Albert’s. I decided to keep my hypnotic inductions as consistent with the ones I had used on Larry and Albert, to avoid raising any suspicions. Andy, I knew, would keep quiet. He trusted me to know what I was doing. It took Gilbert only a few seconds to position his hands as I asked.

“Take a deep breath, hold it for a moment in time, and let it out in a long slow deep sigh, Gilbert,” I told him. He complied. “Good. Now take another deep breath, hold it for a moment in time, and let it out in a long slow deep sigh.” Gilbert did as he was told. “One more time, Gilbert.” As he finished letting out his third breath I addressed him. “These are simple relaxation exercised to focus your attention on the simple mechanics of breathing. You’ll probably notice that you feel just tiny bit more relaxed now then when you raised your arms up.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Gilbert said doubtfully.

“You can answer with a simple yes or no, or just nod or shake your head, whichever is easier for you,” I said to him. “Please pick a response and keep using it. Make sure that you are standing comfortably. Make sure your legs are not under any strain.”

Gilbert shuffled his booted feet a couple of inches. “Okay, I’m set,” he said.

I nodded my head at Gilbert. “Very good. Now take a couple of more deep breaths and when you feel yourself feeling a bit more calm and relaxed just say ‘yes’ or nod your head. In the meantime, close your eyes easily and naturally. Do not squeeze your eyes tight just let them close easily.”

Gilbert closed his eyes, and let a sigh. “Yes,” he said a few second later.

“Now use your imagination and pretend that I have placed a small lead weight in your right hand. At the same time imagine that I have tied a padded string around your left wrist. When you can see those images in your mind, when you can see them happening in your mind, just let me know with a simple ‘yes’, and continue to become more and more aware of your breathing.” I said as I started my hypnosis indication. “It may happen very quickly or it may take a few seconds, but when it happens, when you can see that small lead weight in your right palm and can see that padded string tied around your left wrist you let me know. You can talk even if I am still talking.”

“Yes, I can see it,” Gilbert said.

I let out a small sigh of frustration. Gilbert was responding with more information than I wanted. It seemed that he was one of those analytical subjects who were known to be difficult to hypnotize. Thank goodness I was using super hypnosis on him or this would have been a lot more difficult.

“Now imagine that I have attached a bright red helium filled balloon to the string tied about your left wrist. See it in your mind. Imagine it. Feel it. Let it become real.” I paused for a few seconds to let my words sink into Gilbert’s mind. “At the same time imagine that I have placed another small lead weight on the palm of your right hand. Feel the heaviness in your palm, the comfort it brings to you. Soon and very soon indeed, you will find it easier and easier to concentrate on my words and to let the meaning of my words flow into your mind in a smooth steady soothing stream.” I kept my voice pitched in a smooth soothing tone.

“When you can feel the slight tug of the helium filled balloon on your wrist, you respond, and when you can feel your right hand become just a tiny bit heavier as I place another small lead weight in your right palm, you respond.” I looked closely at Gilbert’s outstretched arms, but I could not see any indication that they were moving at all.

“Yes,“ Gilbert said, and he took another deep breath.

“Even your deep rhythmic breathing is helping you to relax more and more becoming more and more focussed on my words and how you feel,” I said as I adjusted my induction to match Gilbert’s physical reactions. “Another balloon attached to your left wrist and now I place another lead weight in your right palm. Each and every time when you feel these changes you respond easily, for it seems that with each response it becomes easier and easier to feel the changes.”

“Yes,” Gilbert said.

I thought I saw a slight movement in his right arm but I couldn’t be sure. It seemed that he was fighting the suggestions I was giving him. It was time to start overloading his mind with more physical sensations. “You find yourself standing feeling comfortable and relaxed, your legs easily supporting your body without any strain. In fact as you focus your attention on your uniform boots, you realize that they feel especially warm and comfortable. You can’t seem to recall them feeling so good before. When you feel this happen, you respond, and feel yourself slipping down deeper into these wonderful warm sensations.”

“Yes,” Gilbert said almost as soon as I finished speaking.

“Another balloon tied to your left wrist, and your left wrist starts to jerk upward, as you feel the pull of the helium filled balloons increase. At the same instant another lead weight placed on your right palm, causing your right arm to feel heavier and heavier.” I smiled to myself as I saw Gilbert’s right arm dip down slightly, while his left arm jerked upward a fraction of an inch.

“Soon and very soon indeed you notice that as your right arm feels heavier, your left arm feels lighter. The lighter your left arm feels the heavier your right arm becomes. It is an amazing and pleasing discovery that fascinates you and causes your attention to become even more focused and centered on your body as you explore deeper and deeper this wonderful state of relaxation and peace. When you feel your mind letting go of all your worries, concerns and troubles of the past few days, you find yourself taking another long slow deep breath and letting it out in a long slow deep relaxing sigh.”

“Yessss?..” Gilbert sighed. I saw his lips twitch as if he was suppressing a smile.

“And when you feel yourself going deeper you let me know by saying the word deeper,” I prompted him. “Right arm becoming heavier, left arm lighter and your legs feeling strong and steady in your uniform boots. Legs so strong supporting your body easily as your body feels more and more relaxed the deeper you go. You know that no matter how deep and relaxed you feel, your body will remain standing easily without any undo effort or strain.”

“Deeper?” Gilbert said a moment later. I noticed that Gilbert’s eyes were starting to twitch about beneath his eyelids. I smiled to myself. This was a good sign. Gilbert was starting to let go more and more, even if he didn’t realize it.

“Another five balloons on your left arm and it starts to rise up higher and higher, faster and faster. And you discover the more you try to hold your left arm down the lighter it feels and the higher it goes. It’s nothing that you have to worry about though, because the higher your left arm goes the more your mind seems to float up as if it is on a puffy white cloud where you don’t have any concerns cares or worries.” Gilbert’s left arm started to move upward slowly, as I finished speaking. He was reacting well. This was no time to stop, though.

“Another three lead weights on your right palm and it seems as if gravity has gotten stronger and stronger and is pulling your right arm down more and more. In fact the more you try to hold your right arm up the heavier it becomes, but it doesn’t concern you because the lower your right arm goes the deeper you go into this wonderful state of focused relaxation and concentration.” As expected Gilbert’s right arm started to dip down towards the floor. He did not realize it, but he was well on the path to entering a state of hypnosis, or super hypnosis in this case. The thought that Albert might object to the hypnosis of Gilbert flashed across my mind. I didn’t have any attention to spare, so I decided to deal with that possibility later on, if it arose.

“The deeper you go, the better you feel, Gilbert, and the better you feel the deeper you go,” I said to him.

“Yes. Deeper,” Gilbert agreed.

“So you find yourself letting go and just following along so that you can go down deeper into this super conscious state where you are completely aware of what is going on in the room around you, but you let all the sounds of the room just fade away into the background. You know that they are not important now. All that is important is that the deeper you go the better you feel and the better you feel the deeper you go. Heading down into that special place in your mind where you are safe secure and can let go completely of any troubles concerns or worries in your mind.

“Yes, deeper,” Gilbert responded immediately as he let out another soft sigh.

“Left arm moving upward faster now as the pull of the helium filled balloons becomes even stronger as I tie another five balloons to your left wrist, while your right arm feels even heavier as I place three more lead weights in your right palm.” Gilbert’s arms were moving more easily now. The left one was rising up smoothly toward the ceiling as his right arm was dropping down towards the floor. I watched him closely to be sure that I timed my next suggestions exactly. It wasn’t necessary to do that to insure his trance, but it would make things easier for me.

“Arms moving easily now, as you concentrate more and more on my voice, feeling better and going deeper and deeper with each word that I utter and with each breath that you take.”

“Yes?.deeper?.” Gilbert said softly.

“When you feel yourself going very deep, as your left arm continues to rise and your right arm continues to drop, you respond easily and effortlessly, because it seems that the deeper you go the better you feel and the better you feel the deeper you go. Always going deeper, always feeling better.”

“Deeper.” Gilbert replied. “Deeper.”

“Soon and very soon indeed your left arm will be floating straight up in the air and the instant it does, you will feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from your mind and your body as you let go of all the concerns, cares, troubles or worries that you have carried around with you the past few weeks. Whatever they might be they will lift up and out of your mind as if they had become tied to the bright red helium filled balloons attached to your left wrist. And when you feel that happen, you take a long slow deep breath, hold it for a moment in time and let it out in a soft contented sigh, as your head drops down to your chest and a small smile starts to break out on your face.” Gilbert’s left arm rose higher and higher as I spoke. It was at about seventy degrees. In less than a minute I was certain it would be floating straight up in the air. I turned my attention back to his right arm, which continued to move downward. The arm was pointing downward at about sixty degrees. I needed to take action before the arm was hanging all the way straight down.

“Deeper and deeper you go, as your right arm continues to get heavier and heavier and moves down towards the floor, and when it does your entire body will feel twice as relaxed and comfortable as it does now. Yet you will find it easy to remain standing comfortably on your feet. You’ll feel so good and relaxed that you will feel a smile come to your face, and the harder you try not to smile the bigger the smile becomes.”

Gilbert suddenly took a deep breath in. I flicked my eyes away from his right arm, which was disappointing because his right hand was moving close to Gilbert’s uniform pants. Gilbert’s left arm was straight up in the air, and pulling his left shoulder upward a bit as well. . I shifted my gaze on Gilbert’s face. Gilbert let out a slow deep sigh, as his face took on a peaceful expression. I saw the corners of his mouth twitch just before his head rolled forward and his chin touched his chest. A few moments later I saw Gilbert nod his head as he started to smile. “Deeper and deeper” he said softly.

I looked away from Gilbert’s face and back at his right arm and hand. I discovered that his right arm was hanging straight down and was pulling his right shoulder downwards as well. The combined effect was causing Gilbert’s body to lean towards the right. If I left him too long in that position he would fall over to his right.

“Deeper and deeper, Gilbert. Feels really good doesn’t it?” I asked.

“Yes?.feels good to go deeper,” Gilbert agreed.

“When I count to three, the bright red helium filled balloons will be cut from around your left wrist, and the balloons will rise up and out of the room taking with them all your worries, concerns, cares, troubles and problems. You will feel truly at peace, at ease, comfortable and very deeply relaxed. Your left arm will drop down easy to your left side and hang by your left side limp and relaxed. The weights will fall out of your right palm and your right arm will hang by your right side, limp and relaxed. You will feel yourself going twice as deep as you are right now, and you will have reached that special place in your mind where you are safe secure, comfortable and at ease. When you understand and agree with these instructions, nod your head.”

Gilbert nodded his head immediately.

“One. Two. Three.” I counted. Gilbert immediately undid his gun belt and let it drop to the floor. Before I could do more than stare in amazement, Gilbert undid his belt buckle, unzipped his pants, and pushed his pants down his legs to just above his knees. I suspected that he couldn’t get his pants completed off because he still had his uniform boots on. . I had only a glimpse of his white cotton briefs before he pushed them down to join his uniform pants. I can’t describe to you what Gilbert’s cock and balls looked like because this never happened. I just said that this happened to see if you were paying attention, dear reader. I suppose now you’re going to be disappointed when I tell you that after I counted to three, Gilbert did as he was told. His left arm dropped down to his left side, and he stood there relaxed and at peace. His right shoulder was still pulled down slightly, but it was not as pronounced as it had been. Oh I think what he said next might be of interest to you. It certainly was to me.

“No more,” Gilbert said softly. “Stop now.”

“What did you say?” I asked surprised.

“I want to stop now,” Gilbert answered. “I don’t want to go deeper. I want to leave.”

This was a shock. Gilbert should have continued to follow along with the induction, as per my mental commands. Why was he fighting me? I thought for a moment and realized that I had not explicitly told him not to fight me. The reason for his resistance was unclear. It would be interesting to find out why he was resisting. I considered forcing Gilbert to continue, but then realized there would be complications. Larry and Albert would not approve of my actions to say nothing of Andy’s reaction. I had already told Larry and Albert that when they were hypnotized, they were the ones in charge. If I forced the trance on Gilbert, Larry and Albert would not agree to any further hypnosis.

“Of course,” I agreed pleasantly. The other guys in the room had no idea how much effort it cost me to keep my voice calm and pleasant. “When I could from zero to five you will move from your current wonderful depth of trance, back up to being fully awake and aware. You will remember everything that happened to you since the trance started. When you understand these instructions, please nod your head once.” Gilbert nodded his head as soon as I finished speaking.

“Good,” I said as I placed the fingertips of my right hand on Gilbert’s forehead. “Relax now and know that I will begin to count you out of hypnosis shortly.” Quickly I scanned Gilbert’s mind searching for the reason behind his sudden resistance to continuing the hypnosis with me. I wasn’t too surprised to discover that Gilbert was uncomfortable with his sudden wiliness to do hypnosis with me. It didn’t feel right to him. He knew that he’d never wanted to be hypnotized before and he couldn’t understand why he suddenly wanted to try it with me. He had been enjoying the hypnosis but the continued loss of control was starting to scare him. I probed deeper and discovered some very interesting facts. Gilbert had a deep dark secret regarding Albert that he did not want to risk having exposed here tonight. Normally I respect my subject’s privacy and don’t push them to expose their secrets to me, but in Gilbert’s case I was going to make an exception. Gilbert’s secret was a desire that he had carried with him for a very long time, and oddly enough it would be better for him and all concerned for him to face it and deal with it. (Okay so that’s not exactly 100% true. The fact of the matter is that I wanted Gilbert to expose his dirty little secret because it would be a very sweet form of revenge. I wanted to take Gilbert down a few notches and this would be the perfect way to accomplish that feat.) Further probing revealed that Gilbert was still convinced that if I didn’t wake him up now, he would wake up himself and I would never be able to put him back under again. I would just have to use my sweet smile and sexy hypnotic voice (and a few more mental commands) to correct that situation.

I thought for few seconds and then implanted a few choice thoughts into Gilbert’s open mind. ‘Gilbert you cannot resist the desire that you have to be hypnotized by me. It feels very good to you for you to be able to finally give up control and not have to worry about anything except doing what I tell you to do. It seems natural and normal to you because I am not like any other hypnotist you have ever met before. You know that when you are hypnotized by me you are in a safe and secure place. You know that it is safe for you to let go and just be yourself, and just be what you really want to be.’ I took my fingers away from Gilbert’s forehead. I felt sure those commands would deal with Gilbert’s resistance to further hypnosis by me.

(At this point dear reader, it probably seems to you that I have compromised my ethics. You appear to have forgotten that Gilbert was harassing Albert for some time, and Gilbert had continued that harassment this evening. Gilbert was a bully, and like all bullies, he would eventually get what was due him. Tonight I was going to see that Gilbert got what he deserved. Who am I to judge you ask? I am the man who examined Gilberts mind and memories, and I know the full story. You don’t. Trust me on this, dear reader.)

“Zero, and starting to come up now. One, and you are moving back up to a normal waking state. Two, and you feel the urge for more oxygen so you take a deep breath now,” I said as I started the count. “Three and you move and stretch, your body feeling relaxed and refreshed your mind feels calm and clear. Four, nearly there and your eyelids are starting to flutter open. Five, eyes open and WIDE AWAKE!!! WIDE AWAKE!!!”

Gilbert raised his arms up over his head as he stretched his arms about while he awoke from his hypnotic trance. Gilbert blinked his eyes several times as he looked about the room getting his bearing. Gilbert looked at me standing in front of him, and then he looked over at Larry, Albert and Andy.

“How are you feeling Gilbert?” I asked him calmly.

“Pretty good, actually,” he said as he smiled at me. “It’s a good thing you counted me out, otherwise if you’d try to take me deeper I’d have popped out of that trance anyway.”

I controlled the anger I felt at the arrogance of this man. He’s be singing a new tune soon enough. “I’m pleased you enjoyed yourself. You seem to be a very responsive subject, although that doesn’t surprise me,” I said as pleasantly as I could.

“What do you mean by that?” Gilbert asked with a rough edge to his voice.

“In my experience, police officers and other guys who deal with very stressful jobs find hypnosis very enjoyable and this makes them excellent subjects,” I said quietly. “I’m sure that as a motorcycle policeman you deal with a lot of intense situations. It is probably a relief for you to be in a place where you could just let yourself go and not have to deal with all that.”

“Hmm, I never thought about it like that, but maybe you have a point,” Gilbert said.

“Since you enjoyed it so much, would you like another session now?” I asked. “I have the time if you do.”

“Maybe another short session of fifteen minutes or so. Since you didn’t give me a trigger phrase you’ll have to do induction all over from scratch. I’m not sure I could stand going through all that again,” Gilbert said doubtfully.

“There is more than one way to induce a trance, Gilbert,” I said as I walked over one of the double beds in the room. “Come over here and stand in front of the bed facing me, please.”

“Okay, but I don’t think this is going to work,” Gilbert said. “I’m not sure that I can concentrate like I did last time.”

“Hold your arms out in front of you with your hands turned so that your palms are facing each other, Gilbert,” I said as I ignored his statements of doubt.

“Like this?” Gilbert said as he held his arm up with his hands turned so that the palms of his hands were facing each other.

“Exactly,” I encouraged him “Now hold your hands about a foot and a half apart. Good.” I curled my right hand into a fist and placed it in between his hands. “Now focus your attention on my fist and on your two hands. Fix that image firmly in your mind’s eye. When you can see it clearly close your eyes,” I told him.

“Got it,” Gilbert said a few seconds later as he closed his eyes.

I dropped my right arm down next to my right side and unclenched my fist, as I said to Gilbert,” Now imagine that my fist is a magnet and your two hands are steel plates. When you can feel a slight tug on your hands, when you can feel them begin to move together just nod your head or say ‘yes’, and continue to focus on my words.”

A few seconds later I could see Gilbert’s hands twitch, followed by s slight nodding of his head.

“Hands slowly moving towards each other as the pull of the magnet on the steel plates becomes just a bit stronger,” I said to Gilbert, as I saw his hands starting to slowly move together. . “Moving closer and closer as you feel the magnetic attraction become stronger and stronger.” Gilbert’s hands were now less than a foot apart. I raised my arms so that my two hands just outside of his as I continued to talk to him. “Moving closer and closer. Closer and closer.” Gilbert’s hands continued to move towards one another.

‘Deep sleep!” I called out as I grabbed his hands with my hands, and slapped his hands with a loud clap while also pushing forward slightly on his clasped hands. . Gilbert’s body crumpled like a rag doll as he fell backward into the bed. His arms fell to his sides as he toppled back onto the bed. (Now you know why I had him stand in front of the bed.) At the same time I jumped off to the right side to be sure he would not hit my legs with those motorcycle boots he was wearing. I didn’t need any bruised shins, thank you very much. He lay there on his back in the bed very relaxed, with his booted feet hanging over the edge of the bed.

“Relaxing into that wonderful comfortable bed as you continue to head back down into a very deep, and pleasant and wonderful state of hypnosis, Gilbert,” I directed him. “Body is limp and loose, mind is clear and empty of all cares concerns and troubles. You are such a hard working motorcycle patrolman, that you deserve to be in a place where you can let go completely and go down ten times deeper than you were before. When you feel yourself going deeper, you just say the word ‘deeper’ and continue to let go. For the deeper you go, the better you feel and the better you feel the deeper you go. Always going deeper, always feeling better.” I looked at Gilbert as he lay there on the bed, and I couldn’t help but smile at him. He looked so peaceful and content.

“Deeper and deeper,” Gilbert said out loud a few seconds later, as he carried out his instructions. (Not like he really had a choice in the matter, after all.)

“When you want to go deeper and feel safer, more relaxed and more at peace, you just start counting backward from 100 to 0 by ones. Counting slowly and easily, and when you reach zero you will turn over on the bed, crawl up the bed so that your head is on the pillow and then roll back onto your back and go down even deeper,” I said to him. I didn’t want to bump into his dangling legs, and I need to keep him busy for a few minutes as I addressed the questions that were sure to start coming from Albert and Larry.

“Wow!,” Larry said “That was cool. Is he really under again?”

“Oh, yes, just as deeply as before, if not deeper,” I assured Larry. “He’ll carry out the deepening instructions I just gave him, and then we will see how creative an imagination he has.”

“What does that mean?” Albert asked me, with a look of concern on his face.

“I think we can have some innocent fun with Gilbert, if all of you agree,” I answered cautiously. (I could not tell them, not even Andy, exactly what I had in mind for Gilbert. Andy would have understood but Albert and Larry would have no idea how it was that I knew what I knew about Gilbert.) “To begin with we can have him go and put on a tie, and report back here to for duty like a good little motorcycle patrolman.”

“Deeper and deeper,” Gilbert called out.

“I have to admit the offer is tempting, “Albert admitted hesitantly. “But I don’t think it’s right. He is a brother officer. We should show more respect for him.”

“Like the respect he has shown you all these years Albert?” Larry asked. “If even half of what you have told me about him is true, a little payback is just what he deserves. I agree that we should not humiliate him in public, though. He is still a police officer.”

“Deeper and deeper,” Gilbert called out again.

“So I can still say ‘Gilbert go and put on a tie for your uniform, if you have one, and report back here for duty?’” I asked Albert.

“Yeah I agree with that,” Albert answered. “I’m not sure what else I want to have him do though. This is all so new to me.”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something, and if you don’t, rest assured that I have some ideas,” I said to Albert.

“Can I suggest stuff too?” Larry asked me with a smile on his face.

“Of course, but nothing too naughty,” I cautioned him. “Gilbert go and do a strip tease in the main lobby. I don’t want to hear you suggest that.”

Larry smile at me and nodded his head.

“Deeper and deeper”, Gilbert called out once more.

“I’ll give it some thought and get back to you,” Larry said. “Hey why is Gilbert getting off the bed?”

I turned about and saw that Gilbert had indeed climbed off the bed and was heading to the hotel room door. “Gilbert Stop!” I yelled at him.

Gilbert froze in his tracks. Slowly he turned around and looked at me. ”Yes sir. Is there a problem, sir?” He asked me in a calm voice. His face had that wonderfully blank expression on it that a deeply hypnotized subject shows.

“Where were you going and why? I told you to do your count and go deeper,” I asked him.

“Yes you did sir, but I also heard you tell me to go and put on my tie and then to go to the main lobby and strip. I was merely following your orders, sir.” Gilbert answered as if I should already have known this.

“Have you finished your count?” I asked him as I thought about his answer to my question.

“Not yet, sir. I thought these new orders were more important,” Gilbert answered.

‘I see. You can disregard the order about stripping and about the tie. Get back on the bed and finish your count like a good little motorcycle patrolman,” I told him calmly.

“Yes, sir. Of course, sir,” Gilbert answered. He smiled at me for a second, walked back to the bed and climbed onto it. He lay down, closed his eyes and started muttering to himself softly as he resumed his interrupted count.

I walked over to where Larry and Albert were seated. They looked up at me with shock on their faces.

What the hell was that all about?” Albert asked me.

“It would appear that Gilbert has gone so deep that he is starting to tap into a hidden submissive side to his personality,” I answered. “I intend to find out more about this when he finishes his count. In the meantime, we should be careful how we phrased our instructions to Gilbert.”

“No kidding,” Larry said with a chuckle. “I never dreamed that Gilbert would ever consider doing a strip tease for anyone much less in public.”

“Hush now and let Gilbert finish his count, I said softly.

I looked over at Gilbert. He was rolling from his stomach onto his back, so he was half done his count. It would be only a minute or so more, depending on how fast he was counting.

“I hope you know what you’re doing,” Andy whispered to me after he walked up and nudged me with his elbow to get my attention.

“I know exactly what I am doing,” I assured him as I whispered back. “The Gilbert show will be most educational for all concerned.”

Andy looked at me with one raised eyebrow, but he didn’t say anything. He knew me well enough to know that I was up to something. But at the same time, he trusted me enough to know that whatever it was that I had in mind would not be harmful to Gilbert.

I walked over to the bed where Gilbert was lying and studied him for a moment. His mouth did not seem to be moving. “If you have completed your count Gilbert, please come over here and stand at ease, in front of me,” I ordered him in a commanding tone of voice.

“Yes, sir!” Gilbert cried as he bounced off the bed and scrambled over to where I was standing. Gilbert placed himself directly in front of me and stood with his feet slightly apart and his hands clasped firmly behind his back.

“Gilbert, why are you suddenly very obedient to me? Why do you call me sir?” I asked him.

“Well, I have been hypnotized by you, sir. I must obey you. Isn’t that what hypnotized men do? Is it wrong for me to address you as sir? Do you wish me to address you as master, sir?” Gilbert answered a look of concern growing on his face.

“It is fine for you to call me sir, “I assured him. “However, not all hypnotized men must obey the hypnotist. In my experience only those men who have a desire, to be submissive, subservient and who actually like to be ordered about, will state that because they are hypnotized they must obey. The desire to be submissive may be one that they are not aware of until they are hypnotized. So what is the situation with you, Gilbert?” I awaited his response with sweet anticipation. Gilbert would now have to justify in his own mind, his sudden submissive attitude to me, with the super hypnosis commands I had implanted in his mind. Fortunately for me, Gilbert was actually a hidden (or if you prefer closet) submissive. It should not take him very long to come to the correct conclusion.

“I must be a submissive then, sir,” he admitted quietly, as he looked at me. “I never even realized that deep down I was, but now, I think I understand. It all makes sense now. I think I understand those feelings I’ve had for so long. Feelings that I could never admit. Feelings that I was afraid to admit I even had.”

Gilbert was very close to a breakthrough. But I needed to do one thing before we went any further. “Gilbert to make it easier to return to you to this wonderful state of deep hypnosis I am going to give you a trigger phrase. Would you like that?”

“Oh yes, sir, very much,” Gilbert said happily as he looked at me.

“Fine. Your trigger is the phrase ‘light rosebud’. Whenever you hear me say the phrase ‘light rosebud’ you will return to this state or an even deeper state than this, going down twice as deep and twice as fast as before. Do you understand, Gilbert?”

“Yes, sir, I understand. When you say ‘light rosebud’ that is my ticket back to this deep state of profound hypnosis where I must obey you, sir.” Gilbert agreed happily. He was laying it on a little thick, but who was I to complain?

“Good now pick a spot to look at on the fall wall, go deeper and stand there until I wake you up,” I told him.

“Yes sir,” Gilbert said as he focussed his eyes on the far wall. A small satisfied smirk came to his lips as he stood there breathing evenly and enjoying his state of hypnosis. (I enjoy the sight of a hypnotized man looking off into the distance while he is entranced. Can you blame me for taking the opportunity to have Gilbert strike that pose?)

“I want to give Gilbert a good looking over, if you gentlemen don’t mind,” I said to Albert, Larry and Andy.

“Let him have his eye candy for the next few minutes,” Andy chuckled at me as he addressed Albert and Larry. “Meanwhile we can discuss your hypnotic trances. I am curious to know if you find them as wonderful as I do.”

I smiled at Andy silently thanking him for providing a distraction for Larry and Albert. I did want to examine Gilbert in more detail. His uniform was different from either Larry’s or Albert’s, and until now I hadn’t had any opportunely to examine it or him.

Gilbert was about six feet one inch tall, since he seemed to be as tall as Andy. Physically, Gilbert’s body appeared to be well muscled, and I guessed that he worked out regularly to keep his body in such excellent physical condition. He was muscular without looking like a body builder, and I would have guessed his weight at somewhere around 225 pounds. His uniform shirt looked to be comfortable, not too loose and not tight enough to impair movement, but he appeared to fill out his uniform breeches completely. From what I could see, there was no hint of any type of belly on him, which is what I would expect. (In gay terms, he had a yummy body.) Gilbert’s dark full head of hair was trimmed in a crew cut, almost military style. It looked very good on him. It gave him an air of authority and dignity. If you didn’t know him better, you would feel respectful towards him the first time you met him. Actually it was the combination of the hair cut, the firm strong jaw, handsome chiseled features, cool gray eyes, strong Roman nose, flat nondescript ears and clean shaven face that created the aura of power and authority around Gilbert. Even hypnotized as he was, under my complete control, and staring off in to space like a zombie, Gilbert still projected an air of quiet authority and respect. It was very subtle, but it was still there. Of course that could just have been my instinctive respect for cops kicking in.

I let my eyes follow the curve of his strong bull neck down past his Adam’s apple, until I encountered the collar of his white cotton t-shirt peeking out from beneath his light gray uniform shirt. I blinked a couple of times as I focused my eyes on his long sleeved uniform shirt. It was the typical long sleeved uniform shirt with two chest pockets with button flaps, which were buttoned closed. Since his hands were being held behind his back I could not get a look at the cuffs of the sleeves on Gilbert’s uniform shirt. I made a mental note to myself to remember to do that when I got a look at the back of Gilbert’s uniform. On the shoulders of shirt were two dark gray epaulettes (for those of you who do not want to look up the word, you can substitute shoulder straps), fastened securely with button tabs halfway up the shoulder of the uniform shirt. The uniform shirt appeared to be neatly pressed, although the day’s events had added a few wrinkles here and there.

I let my eyes travel down the front of Gilbert’s uniform shirt noting that all the buttons, aside from the collar button were neatly done up. The shirt slightly tapered towards the waist, but still fit comfortably on Gilbert. It wasn’t loose but it did not appear to inhibit his movements any. An oval police badge with the number 8675309 was pinned just above the left shirt pocket. (Yes that is fake, dear reader. The number is from on a popular song.) A silver bar with G. Peters on it was fastens above the right shirt pocket. Continuing down the front of his shirt I encountered a large tongue in D-ring belt buckle set in a large wide black leather policeman’s utility belt. The belt was snug about Gilbert’s waist covering the belt of his uniform pants. The belt contained the usual assortment of police equipment, so I won’t bother to describe it in full detail, besides which I’d probably get the details wrong. I’m a civilian after all, and I don’t know what half the stuff is that policemen carry on their utility belts. I focus my attention on what they carry in the back pockets of their uniform pants, and what bulges I can detect in the front of their uniform pants. I noted that the black belt looked well broken in, and continued my examination of the front of Gilbert’s uniform.

The uniform pants, which were also known as breeches, were a darker shade of gray, and Gilbert’s legs must have been on the muscular side because he filled out those breeches nicely. The breeches bordered on being on the snug side, and I secretly hoped that they turned out to be tight in certain areas. (Do I have to draw you a map? I hoped they were tight in the crotch and across his buttocks. Come on now, you had to know that with my particular interest in that part of the male anatomy, I’d entertain such hopes.) Looking at the groin area of his uniform breeches, I was disappointed that there were no suspicious bulges. I was sure I would be able to remedy that situation, though. The breeches fit well enough and overall I was pleased with what I saw. From what I could see standing in front of Gilbert the breeches followed the contours of Gilbert’s legs all the way down to the tops of his black motorcycle boots. The boots were broken in but not scuffed. They didn’t need a good polishing, but some buffing wouldn’t have hurt. There were laces, tightly done up, that ran from the top of the foot part of each boot and stopped about one third the length of the shank of the boot.

“Gilbert, carefully remove your gun belt and hold it out in front of you with both hands,” I said to him.

“Yes, sir,” Gilbert replied. He brought his hands to front of his uniform gun belt and proceeded to carry out my instructions. He undid the buckle, carefully pulling the belt away from his waist, while grasping the two ends firmly with his hands. He moved his hands behind his back for a few seconds and then brought both arms up in front of him nearly level with his chest. His right hand was empty but his left hand was holding his gun belt. Gilbert grasped his gun belt with his right hand. “Done, sir” he stated.

“Thank you,” I said as I looked down at the front of his waist. As I had expected Gilbert’s uniform pants had big thick tunnel belt loops and a wide black leather belt was threaded through though the belt loops. A simple tongue-in-D-ring clasp, similar to the one on the gun belt, fastened that belt about Gilbert’s waist. With the gun belt removed I could see that Gilbert’s stomach area was flat without a trace of a paunch. Considering the shape of the rest of his body, that wasn’t too surprising. The waist of those uniform breeches encircled Gilbert’s waist nicely, suggesting that he had a lean build under that uniform. I also noted that the front of the uniform breeches had top pockets and not side angle pockets, which made me wonder how he got anything out of the front of his uniform pants when he was sitting on his motorcycle. I paused for a moment as I pictured Gilbert sitting on his parked motorcycle as I stood in front of him just to his right side, while he tried to thrust his right hand into the right front pocket of his uniform breeches for some reason. I was a little hazy on the reason why he would be doing that but hey, it was a microsecond daydream, it didn’t have to make sense. I walked around to the left, which was Gilbert’s right, so that I could continue my examination of the back of his uniform. As I walked past him I noticed that there was a wide dark gray stripe down the outside leg of his uniform breeches. The stripe followed the path of the outside seam of his right pant leg, all the way down to the top of his motorcycle boots. There were laces running down right outside side of Gilbert’s right motorcycle boot starting at the top of the shank and continuing about a third of the way down the shank. These laces were tightly done up. It was a good bet that the left motorcycle boot was similarly laced.

Finally I was standing behind Gilbert and I could take a good long look at the back of his uniform. I was not disappointed. If anything I was thrilled. I forced myself to keep my eyes on his motorcycle boots, so that I would not accidentally step on them. (Okay, the real reason was so that I would not let my hot little eyes jump up clamp themselves on Gilbert’s ass. I knew that ass of his was going to be heavenly, but I wanted to delay that moment of sweetness just a bit longer. His motorcycle boots were clean, without any scuff marks. The boots were polished but not that mirror bright shine that you might expect if he were on the parade ground. There wasn’t anything remarkable about Gilbert’s motorcycle boots so I let my eyes travel up the back of those boots to the tops of those well-rounded calves to just below the back of Gilbert’s knees. All in all Gilbert seemed to have muscular firm legs I noticed as I continued my visual journey up the back of his uniform pants. There is no question he filled up those uniform pants very well. I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe those pants were just a little too binding. I made a mental note to ask him that once I had the opportunity. I licked my lips as I paused for a second or two when my eyes reached the bottom curve of Gilbert’s buttocks. My eyes were greeted by the sight of two full round heavenly hemispheres enshrouded in the light gray material of Gilbert’s uniform breeches. There were two button flap back pockets on the back of those uniform breeches, both pockets buttoned closed As I had hoped the breeches fit snugly across Gilbert’s buttocks making his ass look very sexy. I was delighted to note that there was bulge in the right back pocket. Gilbert’s wallet wasn’t huge but it was large enough to cause the material of those uniform breeches to stretch just a bit more tightly across his right buttock. My hands itched to reach out and grab a handful of those two delicious ass cheeks that were only inches away from me. I wanted to breech those breeches, if you catch my meaning. Now was the not the time however. I turned my attention away from those sweet ass cheeks and continued my inspection of the back of Gilbert’s uniform. Up past the plain black leather belt my eyes travelled coming across the broad back of the policeman who stood in front of me. There wasn’t really much to note about the back of that light gray uniform shirt. There were two darts down each side of the back of the shirt which improved the overall trim appearance of the shirt but aside from that there wasn’t anything else worth noting.

“Put your gun belt back on and stand at ease Gilbert.”I ordered him as I suddenly realized he was still standing there with his gun belt held out in front of him.

“Yes Sir,” Gilbert replied. He took him only a few moments to place the utility belt around his waist and secure it snugly. Gilbert clasped his hands behind him and stood at ease. I smiled to myself as I saw his hands resting comfortably on top of those cute butt cheeks of his. I noticed that the cuffs of his long sleeved uniform shirt had two buttons on them as opposed to one. My inspection completed I carefully walked around Gilbert and stood in front of him. Now it was time for the fund to really begin.

“Gilbert, tell me how you’re feeling right now please.” I told him.

“I feel really good Sir. I can’t recall the last time I felt so calm and peaceful and relaxed Sir. It’s kind of nice following your instructions Sir. I don’t know why Sir, but I feel better when you tell me to do something Sir and I do it,” Gilbert said calmly.

“It doesn’t upset you at all to be taking orders from me, Gilbert?” I asked him.

“Well I suppose it should,” Gilbert admitted. “After all you are a fag and I’ve never really thought much of fags as a general rule. Fags aren’t really men. I’d have to respect a man to follow his orders. I guess if I’m following your order Sir I must respect you.”

Gilbert wasn’t giving an inch. He was still being cocky even deeply hypnotized. It is time to hammer home a few key points before I continued with my fun. “Let’s be clear about this Gilbert,” I said to him in a commanding tone of voice. “You agreed to let me hypnotize you. I have successfully hypnotized you. I have taken you very deep and with each passing moment you find yourself feeling more submissive and obedient towards me. You are giving up more and more control to me. A simple sign of your submissive and obedient nature towards me is that you are calling Sir without me even asking you to do that. It seems clear to me Gilbert that you enjoy being hypnotized by me and that you want to obey me more with each passing moment.”

“I guess that is true Sir,” Gilbert admitted reluctantly

“No guessing Gilbert!” I barked at him. “Tell me the truth now! Admit the truth to me now Gilbert! When you admit the truth you’ll feel better and go deeper and a huge smile will break on your face Gilbert.” I felt sure those commands would be enough to force Gilbert to admit the truth to me as well as himself. I couldn’t wait for him to start grinning like an idiot. There’s just something about hunky cop standing in front of you with a shit eating grin on his face that turns me on.

The calm relaxed expression on his face slowly melted into one of astonishment and wonder as he thought about what I just said to him. Slowly a smile came to Gilbert’s face as he accepted the truth of the situation. “It’s true Sir. I really do want to obey you, Sir. I trust you Sir and I know that the more I obey you Sir the better I’m going to feel.”

“The fact that I’m gay doesn’t bother you at all Gilbert?” I asked him if he had not addressed that consideration.

“Not at all Sir. Actually it’s kind of exciting Sir. I never realized that feeling controlled like this could be a turn on Sir.” Gilbert declared with a slight blush to his face.

“Finding yourself feeling slightly aroused by hypnosis or by being controlled is a very common reaction Gilbert,” I assured him. “Now I think that turnabout is fair play, Gilbert. In a few moments when I wake you up you will be the world’s best impersonator of a dog, a playful obedient doggy. When you wake up you will drop to all fours to show us what a good puppy dog you are. You will respond to the name ‘boy’. You will not try to leave the room. Since you are an impersonator of a dog you will be able to talk and respond normally when asked questions. When you understand these instructions and you’re ready to carry them out you will take off your gun belt and put it on the bed after which you will calmly stand there waiting for me to take you out of your trance.”

Gilbert’s hands flew to the buckle of this police gun belt. He couldn’t get that belt off and then put it on the bed fast enough. I turned to my right and looked at Larry and Albert sitting there on the love seat. They had been quiet the entire time that I’ve been entrancing Gilbert. They appeared to be a little shocked at the suggestion I just given Gilbert but after a few moments I could see a twinkle in their eyes and a smile come to their faces. Clearly turnabout was going to be enjoyable for both of them.

“One more thing before I count you out, Gilbert,” I said to him as he stood there expectantly. “Whenever you hear me say the phrase ‘police puppy’ you will return to this wonderful state and will once again my hypnotized obedient motorcycle policeman. Your previous trigger of ‘light rosebud’ has now been removed. When you know and accept your new trigger phrase Gilbert bark three times.”

“Woof! Woof! Woof!” Gilbert barked a few seconds later. Clearly he was raring to go. I quickly moved to position myself behind and just off to the left of Gilbert, so that I would have a good view of his butt when he dropped to all fours. (Can you blame me? His uniform breeches were already snug on his ass. I couldn’t wait to see how they would look when he was down on his hands and knees!) This position also provided me with a view of Albert and Larry (with Andy in the background) so I could see all their reactions to the show that Gilbert was about to put on. If my guess was right, I most certainly did not want to miss what was going to happen next.

“0...1...2...3...4.....5 Wide Awake, Gilbert!!! Wide Awake!!!”

Gilbert’s eyes fluttered and he blinked a few times as he struggled back to full consciousness. “Boy I feel good!” He declared with a small smile on his face. A puzzled expression came to his face as he looked over at me. He slapped his hands to his sides at his waist and said “What happened to my gun belt?” He looked about confused and concerned. He spied his gun belt lying on one of the beds. and the smile returned to his face. Gilbert slowly dropped to his knees as he looked over at Albert. (I felt a wave of intense pleasure as I watched Gilbert drop to his knees. Hypnotic surrender is so very sweet!) The smile on Gilbert’s face got bigger as he lowered himself to his hands and knees. “Woof!” He cried out once as he stood there on his hands and knees his gaze now locked on Albert.

My eyes were locked upon Gilbert’s butt, and only a fire alarm going off and smoke in the room would have dragged me away from that sexy cop ass that was just inches from my sweaty palms. Standing up, Gilbert’s bum in those snug fitting uniform breeches was a sexy sight indeed, and his wallet bulge on the right side made the pants look even more sexy. Now though, with him down on his hands and knees, his ass was awesome. Those uniforms breeches had moved from being snug to tight, and with the wallet in the right back pocket, very tight, sinfully tight, damn sexy and tight. It was all I could dot not to throw myself on those beautiful buns and hump that cop’s ass until he came or I did. Andy would not have approved of such an animal action on my part, and that is one reason why I didn’t give in to the powerful temptation that was wiggling back and forth just in front of me. So I did my best to keep myself under control but man, Gilbert made it hard. (Yes that is exactly what I mean! It was very hard, and my jeans were suddenly very snug as well.) This was what I lived for when I did hypnosis with a physically fit man with a firm, hard, tight ass that you could eat your dinner off of, using a plate of course.

“Boy, why don’t you show Albert and Larry how much you like them?” I said to Gilbert, once I had recovered from the sexual overload that Gilbert’s nice tight uniform clad cop ass, had caused in my brain. Considering what I had just seen and was watching now, it is a wonder that I could put two words together much less form a coherent sentence.

Gilbert barked once, crawled over to the love seat and stopped so he was just in front of both Larry and Albert. I watched every movement of his backside, unable to tear my attention away when Gilbert’s ass moved. Oh how I wanted to grab that ass! Reluctantly I decided to wait and see how things would play out. My curiosity about Gilbert’s deep dark secret regarding Albert also kept my hormones in check. As I lifted my eyes up and away from Gilbert’s graceful gratifying gluteus maximus it struck me that unlike Larry\s motorcycle uniform pants, Gilbert didn’t have any leather padding or anything on the seat of his uniform pants. Considering how tightly those pants were closing ranks on Gilbert buttocks any type of padding would have made those pants too constrictive in my humble opinion. Finally I succeeded in dragging those reluctant eyeballs of mine away from Gilbert’s backside to look over at Albert and Larry and see what reaction they were having to Gilbert’s dog impersonation.

They were stunned. The two policeman were sitting there with their mouths hanging open and a befuddled expression pasted on their faces. They didn’t seem to be upset at Gilbert’s actions just a little surprised. Gilbert stood there on his hands and knees and barked a few times and Albert as if he were trying to tell him something. I walked over and stood next to Gilbert deciding that I wanted a better view of whatever it was it was going to happen next. I took a few steps away from Gilbert, and positioned myself so that I could see Gilbert as well as Larry and Albert sitting on the love seat. Gilbert smiled at Albert and barked again. Gilbert crawled a little closer to Albert. When he was about 2 feet away from Albert’s knees Gilbert sat back into a kneeling position with his buttocks resting on the heels of his motorcycle boots, and then he raised his hands up and held him close to his chest. Gilbert barked a few times and then held his position panting with his tongue hanging out of his mouth just a little bit. Gilbert had struck the classic sit up and beg pose often taught to dogs. You didn’t have to have my mental abilities to see that Gilbert is literally begging for something from Albert. I smiled to myself as I realized I was the only one who had any idea of what was about to happen.

Gilbert cocked his head sideways at Albert as if to say ‘why don’t you give me what I want?’ Realizing that he wasn’t making any progress Gilbert dropped back down to all fours and barked once more at Albert. Gilbert rushed forward and buried his face in Albert’s crotch. Gilbert gently pushed for his face forward right up against the crotch and fly of Albert’s uniform pants while he moved his head backwards and forwards gently all the while breathing deeply and letting out soft moans.

“What are you doing Gilbert?” Albert asked Gilbert. There was no response.

“He responds to the name ‘boy’” I said to Albert.

“Oh, right.” Albert acknowledged. “Tell me what you doing and why boy,” Albert said to Gilbert.

“Boy likes the scent of his trainer,” Gilbert answered, after he stopped grinding his face into Albert’s crotch. “Boy wants to be trained by the powerful K-9 officer. The K-9 officer smells so good, so manly and strong and powerful. Boy wants the K-9 officer to like him so the K-9 officer will take Boy home and train him to be a police puppy.” Once Gilbert had finished speaking he thrust his face back into Albert’s crotch and started nuzzling every inch of the front of Albert’s uniform pants that he could reach.

“What about Larry, Boy?” I asked Gilbert. “Don’t forget to show us how much you like him.”

Gilbert backed away from Albert and turned his attention towards Larry. Gilbert looked over at Larry with the expression of reluctance. It was clear he’d much rather continue his explorations of Albert’s uniform pants and that wonderful crotch, than deal with Larry. Gilbert sighed softly and turned back to look at Larry, a cool expression on Gilbert’s face. Gilbert crawled over to Larry and positioned his body so that the right side of his torso was directly in front of Larry’s legs, and about one foot away from Larry’s legs. Slowly Gilbert lifted his right leg and cocked it so that his right leg was resting on Larry’s left knee. Gilbert began to growl at Larry. It was clear he didn’t like Larry very much. I couldn’t help but snicker at how humorous this looked. My amusement turned to shock as I saw the right side of the crotch of Gilbert’s gray uniform pants start to darken. Slowly the dark area spread outwards until it was covering the entire right side of Gilbert crotch and was moving slowly down the inside of his right uniform breeches leg. There was also a small trickle down the inside thigh area of the left leg, no doubt due to gravity. Gilbert was trying to mark his territory like a dog would, and in the process he was peeing his pants! The wet areas continued to spread as Gilbert emptied his bladder. I had to admit that Gilbert was giving a first rate impersonation of a dog. Maybe, just maybe, he was doing too good a job.

(I could’ve prevented this, since my scan of Gilbert’s mind had revealed to me that he had a deep-seated and long held desire to be dominated by Albert. Ordinarily I probably would’ve stopped Gilbert soon as he lifted his leg. But Gilbert had been an arrogant son of a bitch from the first moment I’d met him, and I thought a little humiliation was in order. Frankly I’ve been wanting to take Gilbert down a peg or two all evening and this seemed the perfect way. Why order him to humiliate himself, when I could tap into his own desires to accomplish the same thing? Was this evil of me dear reader? You decide for yourself. Personally, I have no problem with what happened.)

“What the hell is this?” Albert tried out after he recovered from stunned silence that had descended upon the room. “What the fuck did you do to Gilbert?” Albert glared at me the anger clearly evident on his face.

“I didn’t do anything other than help Gilbert express himself,” I answered calmly. ”I think if you called him over to you and asked him to explain himself you might have a better understanding of what’s going on.” I shoved my hands in the front pocket of my jeans and stood there calmly looking over at Albert. I was curious as to what his reaction was going to be when he heard the full story from Gilbert.

“Stop that Boy. and come over here.” Albert called to Gilbert. Gilbert responded immediately. He lowered his right leg back onto the floor and crawled over so he was directly in front of Albert. He looked up at Albert with a hopeful expression on his face as if he couldn’t wait for Albert to tell him what to do next. “Good boy,” Albert told him. “Now sit and stay.” Immediately Gilbert sat back down on his heels looked up at Albert and nodded his head a few times.

I couldn’t help but stare at the huge wet spot that covered the entire crotch of Gilbert’s uniform breeches. Seeing that made me feel so much better. Gilbert the arrogance S.O.B had become Gilbert the wet one and I didn’t have a single twinge of remorse or guilt about it.

“Now Boy, tell me the whole story about why you enjoy being a police puppy and why you want me to be your trainer. I want you to tell me the truth and I want you to know that no matter what you say I won’t get upset with you.”

Gilbert looked up at Albert with a slightly puzzled look on his face as if he couldn’t understand why he was being asked to explain himself. He took a deep breath and began speaking. “Boy thinks you are the most masculine powerful policemen he’s ever met. Boy has been in awe of you since the first time he met you, but has never had to courage to tell you. Boy was afraid that if he ever told you how he really felt about you, or if you ever found out, you would think he was weak and not a real man. Yet for many years Boy has wanted, ached to tell you, and at the same time has been afraid of what would happen if you did find out. Boy was also jealous of your friends because they got to spend time with you and he didn’t.”

Albert thought about this for a few seconds then he spoke to Gilbert. “So why have you been riding my ass all these years?”

Gilbert lowered his head and looked the floor clearly ashamed at what he was about to say. “Boy was bad to do that. Boy was angry at you and wanted to hurt you because Boy couldn’t have you. And when you became a K-9 officer you pushed Boy even farther away. Boy knew he could never be with you. ”

“Have me? Be with me? What do you mean by that?” Albert asked.

Gilbert looked up at Albert for a moment and his face turned completely red as the embarrassment he felt over what he was about to say flooded through him. “Boy wants you Sir. Boy wants to be yours Sir. Boy wants your cock Sir, in his mouth, in his ass whatever you want Sir, whatever you think Boy is worthy of Sir. But most of all Sir, Boy wants your collar around his neck. Boy wants to curl up at your feet and know the joy of you patting him on the head and telling him he’s good.”

“I see,” Albert said softly. “What you’re saying is that you’re gay, you’re attracted to me, you feel submissive towards me and you want me to dominate you, and you’d like me to put a dog collar on you and treat you like a slave.”

“Yes Sir,” Gilbert said looking up at Albert. The blush on Gilbert’s face had faded away and been replaced by worry. No one said anything for a few moments. I think we were all waiting for Albert’s or a reaction

“That is the most disgusting vile thing I have ever heard in my life! I wouldn’t touch you with a 10 foot pole much less dirty myself by putting a collar around your neck! You make me sick!” Albert yelled out at Gilbert. Strangely Larry was quiet. If he had an opinion about this startling revelation of Gilbert’s Larry was not keen to express it.

“You hate me Sir!” Gilbert cried out. His lower lip trembled as he started to cry big slow tears that rolled down his face at a snail’s pace. Gilbert didn’t say another word he just sat there and cried suffering the deep hurt of rejection like a rusty knife thrust into his gut and twisted about savagely. I had half expected Gilbert to crawl away and try hiding in a corner but either he was too proud to do that or he just didn’t care about anybody seeing him cry. I did feel a little sorry for Gilbert but I also felt that he was getting when he deserved. All those years of bullying Albert had come back to inflict just as much pain on Gilbert now. Still he was a policeman, and he did deserve some respect.

“Waking up at the count of five Gilbert, returning to your normal self in every way and remembering your trigger phrase police puppy. When you awaken you will not be able to leave this room, call for help or even raise your voice to yell at people until I give you explicit permission to do so. You’ll remember everything that happened during your hypnosis trance. 0...1...2...3...4....5 Wide awake Wide awake!” I said as I brought Gilbert out of his hypnosis trance.

Gilbert stopped crying and blinked his eyes a few times. He looked about the room in confusion and slowly climbed to his feet. Shock crept over his face as he looked down at himself and saw the huge wet spot on the front of his uniform pants. His ears burned red and his face was flushed a very bright red as the details of his hypnosis trance played through his mind. He didn’t say anything to me or anyone else he just looked around at us as if he’d never seen us before. He looked lost and bewildered as if he had no idea where he was or what to do next.

“Come and sit with me on the bed Gilbert,” I said to him soothingly as I slowly walked over to him stood next to him on his left side, reached out and put my right arm across his shoulders. I spared a few seconds to look over at Albert and shoot him in dirty look of my own. Albert was perfectly justified in rejecting Gilbert, but he could have been less cruel about it. Gently I escorted Gilbert to the edge of the bed and sat him down. Carefully I sat next to him and studied his face. It seemed the shock of his revelations to Albert had affected Gilbert more than I had anticipated. “It’s okay, Gilbert. I know it’s a shock to you. Just let it out, you’ll feel better,” I told him quietly. He didn’t move a muscle. After a few moments I carefully leaned towards him, wrapped my arms about that big muscular torso of his and pulled him towards me. I placed my hand on his left shoulder and whispered in his left ear. “You’re not any less a man, a policeman, or a person in my eyes Gilbert. You’re just as strong and powerful as you were before you admitted to us and to yourself that you are gay. Andy and I think no less of you, but I cannot speak for Albert or Larry. You’re not vile or disgusting because you find yourself attracted to Albert. Yes, it hurts that he wants nothing to do with you. That pain will fade in time but for now know that you are a human being, a person, and being gay doesn’t change that.” I removed my head from Gilbert’s shoulder and leaned back slightly so that I could look at him head on.

Slowly Gilbert started to cry again. The tears started to roll down his face more frequently and his sobs became louder and deeper. He squeezed his eyes shut as if to block out the site of everything in the room.. He blindly reached out with his powerful arms and wrapped them about my body. He clung fiercely to me, almost crushing me with the force of his anguish. I said nothing aside from a few “it’s okay Gilbert” that I muttered at him. I don’t know how long we sat there enfolded in each other’s arms. The next thing I remembered was a loud knock on the door and strange voice cheerfully calling out “Room service!”

“Come on Gilbert let’s go to the bathroom while Andy deals with room service,” I said to him as I pushed myself to my feet. We were still embraced, so I managed to drag Gilbert to his feet as well. I broke away from our embrace enough to shepherd Gilbert into the bathroom. As I closed the door behind us I turned and shot a quick look at Andy. Hopefully he read the expression on my face and knew I wanted him to come and get me and Gilbert once the room service waiter was gone. We had a few more important things to deal with than paying the bill for room service.