The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Crossing The Rubicon

There are moments in a lifetime where, with a single step, a line is crossed, a goal is achieved, a dream becomes a reality. Once that line is crossed, there’s no going back to who or what you might have been before. This is such a journey for one person.

To the dreamers... and to my Muse, it’s nice to see you again, it’s been a long time and I missed you terribly.

As always, this is a personal fantasy for adults only and it is possible because with hypnosis almost anything is. The rest, well, that’s up to your imagination.

Comments are always welcome and appreciated at the email address above.

Have fun, always...

* * *

Chapter 13

It took about 8 minutes to get to the theater: basically a left from Cellini’s, a quarter-mile down Simpson Avenue, then a right turn onto the main artery of the campus for about three-quarters of a mile that led to the admin building, past that another left turn and then a short block or two and the theater was on the right side.

Sam noted there were a lot of people outside waiting to get in.

He’d heard about these Monday night events in the past. Gary had invited him a few times, but again, what good would it do to show up and be nothing more than a wall hugger in such a crowded place? Sam felt a pretty severe case of apprehension coming on as the car rolled to a stop. He was still softly massaging the necks of the girls so he leaned into each and whispered “Wake up, we’re here” and both came up as instructed.

Both also gave him the evil-eye, so to speak, and winks, along with some pokes in his very sensitive sides that made him yelp once or twice. With a glance at the driver again it was obvious he would be happy to have them get the hell out of his vehicle ASAP. Laughing the entire time, they finally did extricate themselves, closed the door, and the vehicle began to roll off.

Kess remembered the box from Cellini’s and ran and tapped on the rear glass which caused the driver to stop. She opened the door, grabbed the box, and then slammed the door and ran back as the vehicle pulled out. Sam’s phone beeped, he noted the charge, added a decent tip not that the guy really seemed to deserve one, but all was right with Sam’s world so why not.

He pressed Send on the payment, got a confirmation from the app, then another confirmation from an email, and then yet another one from his bank alerting him to a charge.

He silenced the device and slid it back into a pocket. As Sam looked around at the crowd, maybe one-hundred to one-hundred and fifty people he guessed, that feeling stuck with him. Both Janine and Kess felt him tense up just a bit. Janine spoke first:

“Sam, we’re here to have a good time, but if you really don’t want to be here, we can do something else. I promise, I give you my word: trust yourself, trust us, and you’ll be fine.” She leaned behind him just a bit and so did Kess, and Janine offered a wink and a nod to get her to say something so she did:

“You’re safe with us, we promise. Nobody will snatch your mind out from under you and suck your balls dry tonight but us, I give you my word. At least not that you’ll remember, I suppose.”

Sam stopped, realized what Kess said, turned to look at her, got the full brunt of what she’d just said, and kissed her, deeply and passionately. Janine just kind of stood there beside them for several seconds, looking around, practically shuffling her feet. The split-second Sam was done with Kess he turned to Janine and before she had a chance he did exactly the same thing to her.

None of them realized in those few seconds of all that deep kissing they had suddenly become the main attraction as it almost got whisper-quiet even with all those people outside the entrance of the theater.

As soon as Sam released Janine, this massive wild cheering started up and just got louder and louder and that’s when the three of them realized suddenly they had become part of the show, more or less. A bunch of guys ran over to Sam and literally lifted him up on their shoulders for a minute or so, eventually setting him down again and offering lots of pats on the back and handshakes and fist-bumps and those silly things boys do in such situations.

From the crowd, Mark appeared, called out to Janine, and waved them over. Since he was a performer at the theater most every Monday evening, he knew all the personnel, so the four of them literally just walked in right past the bouncers and doormen smooth as satin.

Sam had only been inside the theater one time in the past for a performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and only then because the girl he was dating was in the show as Hermia, daughter of Egeus. She was quite good as Sam recalled but it’s not like he was a professional theatrical critic or anything. She was gorgeous, she was sexy, and she was absolutely a “let’s fuck like there’s no tomorrow and make the best of it whenever and wherever the mood strikes” kind of gal.

Sam was all the way good with it.

The relationship didn’t last long; it was a mutual thing so they parted on good terms and remained friends. They even studied together from time to time.

It was somewhat dark on the inside and even after coming in from the darkness of the evening outside it still took Sam’s eyes a few minutes to begin to adjust. The chairs he remembered on the main floor were removed, and the stage area had plenty of tower-style concert size speakers along with not one but two large DJ consoles. He tried to ask Mark about some of the setup, but Mark was busy speaking to one of the people with the show and didn’t hear him.

After a few moments, Mark turned back to them and said: “Hey, grab a seat anywhere you like, first drink’s on me tonight,” and he turned to the bartender on the left side of the venue. “Hey, Toby, these three, one round on me, got it?” and the guy behind the bar gave a thumbs up.

“Go, grab a drink, grab a seat, we’ll be starting in about,” glancing at his rather large round timepiece on his left wrist, “oh about ten, maybe twelve minutes. It’s gonna be a great night, kids, have fun. Janine, a minute?” and she nodded as they stepped away.

“Wonder what that’s all about?” Sam asked.

“Who knows, let’s get loaded,” Kess jibed.

“But you’re not old enough to drink and we know it, hell everybody here probably knows it.”

“Earth to Sam, Earth to Sam: it’s called humor, bonehead, sometimes it gets a little thick, come on,” and she literally dragged him across what was apparently the dance floor.

She tossed the box on the bar and shouted out:

“So, Tobias, what can you do for a girl like me?”

She was attempting to be somewhat sexy but failing somewhat miserably. Then she laughed when she couldn’t maintain the not-quite-so serious look on her face. She laughed more, then he laughed, then he reached across the bar as she climbed on a stool and gave her a big hug.

“How you doing tonight, T?” she asked with a big smile.

She pulled on the ribbon on the box and opened it and found three cannoli inside. Of course hers only lasted a few seconds, then she offered the box to Sam and he waved it off. He couldn’t comprehend where all that damned food disappeared inside that tight fit frame of hers, it was simply baffling.

“I’m doing fantastic, Special-K, what would Janine like tonight?” he asked.

Sam realized a bit too late that Kess obviously knew the guy, perhaps really well.

“I have no idea, to be honest, I think she usually gets a, what the hell is that thing called, Fern-gully something...” she attempted to say when Toby laughed:

“Fernet & Coke, coming up. How about your friend? I’m Toby, welcome to the show,” and he offered a handshake. Sam took it, introduced himself, said it’s a nice place and Toby answered:

“Yeah, we do this every Monday night, collect money for charity, most of the music department seniors participate. I see you know or you’ve met Mark, he’s good people, and crazy talented.”

“Looks like a good setup, how is this place for acoustics,” Sam asked right as some music started playing quite loudly and he wasn’t sure Toby caught what he’d said. Kess screamed out: “Gimme a ginger ale light ice, you dork. And these are for you,” as she placed the box over the bar on the inner area where the drinks were made.

Toby turned, glanced at the box, looked at her with one eyebrow raised high and nodded. Sam had no idea what to ask for considering his age; he certainly didn’t want to risk getting this place in trouble. When Toby turned with the drinks for the girls he pointed at Kess’ glass and then himself. Toby got it, made a second ginger ale with light ice and they made their way to a spot in the back where some booth-style seats were.

The seats sat about six feet above the actual floor of the theater so there were some steps to go up to get a spot. Kess chose one of the booths located along the front edge where she stood for a few moments and watched the people start to make their way inside. Sam asked if maybe it would be OK for him to go offer a few bucks towards the entrance fee. Kess told him it wasn’t that big of a deal, and they wouldn’t go broke just because the three of them got in free and had a drink and not to worry so much.

Kess stood there and as some music played she began to move back and forth. Sam hadn’t seen her dance before so it only took a moment to lock in. She was wearing those yoga pants again, a different color this time: grey, and not the dark blue or black she’d been wearing over the past few days. It didn’t really matter to him at all as he sat back in the rather comfy seat, sipped his ginger ale, and watched her sway back and forth.

It only took seconds for him to get hard as a rock once again considering the view. The fact that there was a black curtain hanging from the railing that went across the front edge of where their booth was located was a relief, but nobody from the floor could have seen it anyway.

As he watched her shifting back and forth, back and forth, he again realized he still hadn’t really had actually proper sex with her, nor had D for that matter—he was thankful for that, to be perfectly honest.

And so he mentally said to himself:

“No offense D, thank you for that, I’m sure there will be times when something sets you off and you’ll just want her as badly as I do but, thank you for allowing me to be with her first. Yeah, I know, I’m corny.”

D actually perked up just a bit and responded:

“I most definitely intend to enjoy every inch of her someday, but she is yours, have fun.”

It’s a strange experience to smirk inwardly at yourself but, that’s what Sam actually did and laughed about it. He sipped the drink and had no cares in the world except wanting to desperately grab Kess’ ass and just manhandle her right then and there.

She turned and looked back at him in that exact moment, caught him just about to put the glass to his lips, and saw exactly where his eyes were. She took two steps backward and promptly ground her tight fit incredibly soft ass in those yoga pants squarely on the tent in Sam’s pants. He looked up, barely had the focus to set the glass down, and looked right at her as she swung her head to one side.

Again, the way her hair swung away from her face, it was like slow motion: he saw her lips, her nose, then just the one eye turning to the right to catch him, practically freezing the moment in time.

She smiled and then her lips moved:

“Be still.”

Sam didn’t move a single muscle. He didn’t blink, speak, swallow, anything. He was absolutely still even as she continued to grind that perfect tight ass into his crotch. He never looked away from her face as she kept her head turned to keep that one eye on him.

She had him and he damned well knew it.

“Kess, give the poor guy a break, will you,” Janine offered as Kess shifted her focus to her Mistress. “We’re here to enjoy the show and have fun, the hot fucking mindless ball draining sheet drenching fuckfest can wait a few hours, right?”

“YES!, Mistress!” Kess exclaimed, practically squealing with delight as she bounced up to the railing. Sam just couldn’t move, and finally Janine asked him: “Sam, are you OK?”

“Something... something about what she said,” and he still hadn’t moved or blinked, and his eyes weren’t moving either. Janine had some idea of what happened: a spontaneous trance caused by Kess that probably shocked him deeply when she decided to plant that ass on his crotch.

“Kess, be a dear please, set Sam free,” she asked.

Kess spun around, saw Sam still in that exact same position, not even looking at her but to where her face was only a few moments prior: off her shoulder as she sat on him.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry, Sam, freedom,” and suddenly he was moving again.

“What the hell was that?” he asked, shifting himself back into an upright position in the seat.

“Apparently when Kess sat on your cock, she might have given you a suggestion for something. Did you, Kess? What did you say to him?” Janine asked.

“I looked at him over my shoulder and when I knew he was looking me in the eye I simply said ‘Be still’ and, well, that would do it in that moment, wouldn’t it?” she realized.


“Shit, that was weird, but pretty cool. I kept telling myself I had to move ’cause I was getting really close to popping, but no matter how much I put into the effort I wasn’t able to do anything at all. I couldn’t even look down at her ass on me and I really wanted to see that, but I felt all of it.”

“A lap dance ass-shock induction, I’ve heard of stranger things I guess,” Janine offered, and the laughter started once again.

A few moments later the music changed, and some lights started working, various colored ones and quite a few plain white strobes. Considering where they were seated, above the main floor by maybe eight feet to where their asses sat in those chairs, it gave an almost unobstructed view of the entire stage above the heads of most of the people.

There were a few really tall guys in there, more than likely basketball program team members, and they definitely stood out even in that situation.

But the lighting was just a bit much for Sam so he turned into the table and towards Janine while Kess of course just danced there at the railing. He desperately just wanted to watch her and nothing else, didn’t care about the music or the lights. He would have been quite happy to just watch her move back and forth, that ass he loved so much, every inch of her he loved so much.

He came to the realization that he was probably falling in love with Kess and that shocked him yet again right back to reality and right into Janine’s eyes.

“And then...?” she asked, laughing.

“Nothing, I just...” he started to say but then he glanced at Kess, then his drink, and took a sip.

“Sam, look at me,” she spoke a bit louder because the music had just gone up a few decibels.

He lifted his head, looked right into her eyes and even in spite of the music he heard every word crystal clear:

“Sam, I know you’re falling in love with Kess. Know that I’m very happy for you, and for her, and I want you to know it’s OK. I know you care about me, in a different way, and that makes me happy too. We’ll have a lot of fun together, vastly more than you think we’ve barely touched upon so far, but it’s perfectly OK to let yourself feel for her. I mean look at her, Sam, look at that insanely fucking hot body on that girl, watch as she lets herself go to the lights, and the music. Focus on Kess, Sam.”

And he did, and in doing so he never noticed that Janine had stood up from her chair on the outer edge and moved to the seat beside his as she leaned over the arm to get closer to him. More specifically, closer to his ear, and his neck, and when she reached up and softly stroked the back of his neck—not squeezed, but softly stroked the fingertips and nails up and down those soft hairs—Sam basically shivered from head to toe.

He didn’t notice it consciously because he was already long gone as Kess had already become the focus of his world just as she had suggested.

Janine continued stroking softly, just lightly grazing those tiny hairs on the back of his neck, creating goosebumps and shivers of simple pleasure for him. Sam lost himself in a dreamy fantasy of Kess dancing just for him, seducing him, teasing him, drawing out everything she could from him without even touching him.

She couldn’t hear the soft sighs and whimpers that Sam was making because of the loud music but that was fine. Her soft stroking and her whispers, which his unconscious mind grabbed hold of and ran with, were making another fantasy come true.

“And as you to continue to watch Kess, watch her surrender to the lights and the music, you can let go. Dream wonderful things about being with her, enjoying her as she enjoys you, lots of sleepy fun for both of you. Watch Kess, Sam, and it’s not important that you hear anything that I say to you but your deeper self can always hear me just the same. Watch Kess, feel her from a distance, every move, every part of her body back and forth, back and forth, and relax...”

Sam’s neck finally gave up the tension and as it did his head tilted back just a small amount and she caught him at the base of the neck. She squeezed softly over and over as she whispered Sam’s instructions to his sleeping mind for the events that would soon unfold.

With a helplessly aroused cock because of Kess and her movements, and Janine’s whispers slipping very deep into his sleeping mind, Sam basically slept with his eyes wide open as he allowed himself to be programmed for the night’s escapades.

Janine provided him with his instructions, got very gentle nods of confirmation that she felt in her hand. She told D that this was for Sam and if D understood and would be a good boy and not interfere that she would happily ride his face again later for as long as he so desired. When she asked D to confirm that he understood that the experience was for Sam and Sam alone, the right index finger on the body-known-as-Sam basically shot up straight in the air. She whispered:

“Good boy, and thank you.”

D shifted the muscles to form a thumbs-up, and then the right hand went limp, loose and relaxed once more.

Janine lifted her smartphone from the small table: 10:43 PM.

She told Sam to drift and float as he watched Kess, feeling so amazingly wonderful, and she would return in a few moments. Sam wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon as Kess swayed back and forth, back and forth. Deeply, completely, and quite profoundly hypnotized, Sam was as happy as someone in that state could possibly be.

Janine stood, stepped to Kess and whispered something in her ear and got a nod as Kess just kept dancing. She did turn to glance at Sam, noted the look and knew he was seriously deep. She looked at his tented pants, bit her lower lip, and then gave herself back to the music as she became the star of the only show that mattered for Sam.

* * *

There were other people up in the booth section by that time, so it took Janine a few moments to get through them down to the main floor and back to the lobby area. As she stepped in on the carpet and began to look around, she glanced at her smartphone once again and was startled by a voice like no other.

It was deep. It was husky. It was insanely sexy. And as always, it was utterly irresistible as it spoke:

“Sleep for me, my sleepy girl, now.“

Her conditioning and reinforcement by Theresa hadn’t been anything even remotely frequent or regular over the past year or so but it didn’t matter: Theresa owned her mind whenever she wanted it. After that day’s events, Janine wanted it so bad that at that moment when she dropped all she thought about was sucking Theresa’s pussy for hours even as her mind got emptied by that voice.

She nearly dropped her smartphone but luckily Theresa caught her hand and provided a suggestion to stand tall and comfortably on her own. Janine straightened up instantly as commanded, and Theresa stepped in front of her.

To say she was the definition of a mystery woman was so pale and lacking it would shower doubt on anyone using such language as if they were feeble-minded cretins with no appreciation for anything poetic whatsoever.

Janine stood and listened, and Theresa whispered. Janine accepted and obeyed, and Theresa smiled.

“Awaken at your own slow pace, and meet the Succubus of Sam’s dreams,” she said.

A slight twitch at first, then fluttering, a blink, some movement on the arms, shoulders, and Janine returned to herself.

Standing in front of her was the most amazing looking hottest fucking woman she’d ever seen in her life. Everything was black, head to toe, except for three aspects: a brilliant ruby red crystal nestled in the middle of her well-endowed cleavage; long ruby red satin gloves on each hand and forearm; and the ruby red lips that really caught Janine’s attention and just wouldn’t let go.

Her high heeled shoes were shiny black, the sheer leggings were black with some lace near the top, the mini-skirt was black, the top was black and the contrast of her dark tanned skin and her ample breasts held in tightly were a sight for all to see. She was wearing some kind of round black hat that had a very wide flat brim and she kept it at an angle that didn’t allow Janine to see her eyes.

Only those ruby red lips were visible, and they rapidly became the only thing Janine even took note of in her field of vision.

“Wow, Theresa, I mean, wow,” Janine whispered as she bit her lower lip and Theresa practically squealed to herself inside her own mind.

But then the lips opened and that voice dragged her down somewhat:

“Do you like what you see, my dear? Tell me what you think of my lips of red control, Janine.”

Upon uttering the word “like,” the lips separated wide and the pink wet tongue flicked out, then back against the front of the upper teeth as it accentuated and articulated the “l” sound rather dramatically. In fact, with the remaining words with the letter “l” in them she spoke, she did the same thing.

Janine found herself feeling as though every time she saw that tongue it was licking her quite deeply. It wasn’t possible of course but even so, for those briefest of moments—I mean think about it: how long is an “l” pronounced in a word like “like” anyway?—every time that tongue flicked out she felt that tongue licking her sex.

“I... I... lips... so nice...” was all Janine could offer in response even in her apparently waking state.

“Good girl,” the creature spoke, and as she did Janine’s eyes rolled back in her head as wave after wave of warm pleasure bombarded her senses head to toe. It wasn’t an orgasm, not there in that place, just pure warm pleasure all over. It lasted maybe fifteen seconds or so and then she re-opened her eyes but had a lot of trouble focusing on those lips which were still waiting for her patiently.

After another minute or so, the lips of red control spoke once more:

“Tell me, Janine, where is my prey for this evening?”

“He’s watching Kess, I tranced him and he’s focused only on Kess now. As long as she dances, she is the focus of his world.”

“As I am the focus of yours. Look into my eyes, my sleepy girl, and surrender, now.“

The brim of the hat rose up above the lips, the near-perfect tip of the nose, higher and higher, until the eyes—closed—could be seen clearly, and then the brim became parallel with the floor. A few moments passed and then those eyes opened, the most remarkable shade of blue Janine had ever seen, and suddenly Janine simply wasn’t there anymore. She had been pulled into those eyes by that voice and everything that creature was on every level that mattered.

Janine simply gave up everything she had as the creature placed a rather soft kiss on her lips, then leaned in to hug her, whispering words into her willing mind for the next few moments. Several people passed by them as they stood there, unsure of what the hell was going on, but they knew it was fucking hot just the same.

The creature programmed her with instructions that she would follow without hesitation or thought. She would obey, period, there was no other alternative. With every new instruction given, Janine softly whispered:

“I will obey.”

Over and over:

“I will obey.”

On the last instruction, when she said “I will obey” the creature smiled and said:

“Of course you will, you have no choice.”

The right arm and hand of the creature rose into the air in front of Janine to about shoulder level, and the left hand reached over to remove the red satin glove surrounding it. As the left hand removed the right glove slowly but accurately, suddenly the right hand, all five fingers, each with a brilliant ruby red fingernail, and the forearm, became instantly visible.

The ruby red fingernails of control flexed for a few moments. The light reflected off the nail polish and practically sparkled before Janine’s helplessly entranced eyes. A moment later the hand and fingers committed to a very loud and clear finger-snap which was coupled with the word “Obey.”

The body-known-as-Janine turned instantly and walked away exactly as it had been programmed to do.

She made her way patiently and efficiently through the crowd, and carefully navigated the steps back up to their booth. Kess saw her approaching, noted the blank stare with some excitement, and knew that Janine was way deep.

As she stepped towards her, Janine reached up in a similar manner as the creature had, hand to shoulder level. Even despite the loud music, when she snapped her fingers and said “Sleep,” Kess obeyed without hesitation.

Janine stepped to her, hugged her softly, and began whispering to Kess. Soft nods of confirmation and the same whispered “I will obey” caused shivers and goosebumps across both of the now helplessly entranced girls.

Sam was still watching Kess, now seeing her from the side as she stood there held closely to Janine. In his imagination, all he noted was the side view of her ass: a perfectly round scrumptious piece of it. He fantasized over and over again about just sliding from that chair, crawling to her where she stood, and burying his face right into her ass as he wrapped his arms around her thighs and held on for dear life.

D caught that one and thought that could be a great deal of fun so, he put it in the “A” pile back in the corner of Sam’s mind, for “Ass” of course.

When she was finished with Kess, Kess turned back to the railing and surrendered to the music and the lights once more, unaware of ever being tranced at all. She didn’t take note of Janine going back to her seat, she didn’t take note of Janine squeezing Sam’s neck, and she certainly didn’t take note of the additional instructions Janine began softly whispering into Sam’s open and willing mind.

After a few moments, Sam stood up slowly and made his way through the bodies, down the steps, and back into the lobby area. He dimly became aware of the fact that he needed to pee, and as he took three more steps, he found himself fully awake and aware of that need to a stronger level. He stood in a dark hallway where several people were shuffling about, saw a sign that said restrooms and decided to follow it.

At the end of the hallway which ran parallel to the inside of the theater, it turned to the right and then left, but the sign pointed to the right. There was a door at that intersection, and just as Sam passed it the door opened behind him as a voice reached out and grabbed him, and it held him to the spot.


He felt the voice inside his mind, not in his ears.


Again, inside his mind, a very curious thing.


A more enthusiastic tone that again rang inside his head oddly.

“What is your name?” the voice asked.

“Sam,” he was barely able to whisper.

“No, I mean your full proper name, tell me, now.“

“Samuel Bradley Wilkins.”

“Samuel, turn, please, and face me.”

It was a compulsion more than anything else and he found himself unable to resist. He turned slowly, shifting his balance carefully. In a few seconds, he found himself staring at the same creature that had captured Janine, but of course he had no awareness of this.

All Sam knew in those moments was whatever it was, it was the most arousing thing he’d ever seen. Instantly hard, helplessly erect, practically whimpering just at the sight of the creature standing there before him. He hadn’t been given any specific commands or instructions to look at her so thankfully his eyes were taking in the whole package for those few moments.

The outfit, the shoes, the legs, the leggings wrapped so tightly around them, the skirt cut off just above the knees, the tight-fitting top that accented the curves he could make out as the creature stood against the brown door behind it. The cleavage, breasts men and some women would murder for, the ruby red crystal snuggled safely between them.

One hand encased in those ruby red satin gloves raised to the ruby red lips and stroked the chin of the creature. All Sam could make out were those insane lips, and just the hint of the tip of the nose; the brim of the hat prevented him from seeing more.

“Samuel, would you like to come... with me?”

The voice was inside his head, it made no sense to him and he-

“Samuel, come... with me.”

He felt a pull towards the creature, another compulsion to step to her but he resisted.

“Samuel, you want to come... with me.”

Every time she paused, the cadence of her speech, the articulation, the precise enunciation of every single syllable of every single word coming from inside his mind caused his cock to pulse and throb each time she said the word “come” even though he knew she was attempting to steal him away someplace.

“Samuel, come... with me, now,” she said as one ruby red satin glove covered hand reached out. Sam felt himself reach for it without any hesitation or resistance at all; it just happened of its own accord. Upon contact with the glove, he shivered and trembled where he stood halfway between steps.

The creature turned and opened the door but glanced back once again. The lighting in the doorway lit the lower half of the creature’s face and the ruby red lips practically flared in Sam’s awareness. They smiled, and with just the faintest glimpse of the sparkling white teeth, the voice spoke once more:

“Good boy.”

Sam felt something he’d never felt in his entire life and would be hard-pressed to explain at a later time even if he gave it his best effort.

It wasn’t an orgasm, even despite his current state.

It wasn’t goosebumps, even despite that same state.

It wasn’t a warm fuzzy feeling either. It was like a combination of all those things, on top of feeling dreamily happy, drifting and floating, feet not touching the floor, soft and smooth, empty and blank, mindless and obedient. All of it mixed together in some crazy concoction that literally opened his mind wide as it drowned in the same sensations.

Sam looked down, saw the ruby red satin glove covered hand, felt the smooth finish of the material against his fingers. He felt a very gentle tug and followed wherever the creature wanted him to go.

The door closed after he passed through, and not another sound was heard save for the pounding beats coming from the main floor on the other side of fifteen feet of walls and equipment rooms off that hallway.

* * *

Very slowly, but very easily, Janine returned to herself and felt amazing. She lifted her smartphone and checked the time but noted a message had come in. The text was from Theresa and said:

Good girl, enjoy the show with Kess, make her feel it, and in doing so you will feel it yourself. Samuel is with me now and he’ll be set free around midnight because that’s when we Succubi sleep, you know. And now, remember.—T

Janine shivered as the word “remember” triggered the flood of memories from just minutes prior:

Of being tranced so softly and sweetly by Theresa’s voice again.

Of being kissed a few times by Theresa, enjoying her taste and her warmth.

Of being held so close and tight as she was programmed to carry out additional instructions that Theresa wanted firmly in place before she met Sam.

Of surrendering herself so quickly and easily to Theresa who wanted nothing but the best for her in all ways, always.

Of returning to their seats where she softly and sweetly dropped Kess and programmed her to surrender to the music and lights even more deeply than she normally would.

And finally programming those additional instructions into Sam for his pleasure. As she realized what they were, her arousal shot sky-high as she imagined what Theresa was really going to do to him, with him, and for him.

She wanted to cum so fucking bad it almost hurt. She wanted to grab Kess as she had at home and put Kess on her knees as she sucked her Mistress senseless without a single care about what anyone there might say or do about it. Janine had some idea of when Sam would be returned and, for a few moments, she wanted to get out of that place with Kess, fuck her senseless as Kess did the same for her, and be back in time to catch Sam as he returned to his senses.

“Theresa, what have you done to me?” she wondered aloud, knowing no one could hear her desperate whispers.

A few moments later, Mark took the stage. Janine saw him, stood up from her chair, and as the lights around the room changed, he caught her as one spotlight passed over her. He waved, gave a thumbs-up, and she returned it. If things went according to plan, Kess would find herself—if she was willing—practically the star of the main show in a matter of minutes.

Janine just got more aroused with each passing second.

The lights went down, and Kess stopped dancing as most people did. Mark got on the mic with a single spotlight on him alone:

“Good evening, friends, and welcome to the show. I’ve got some new tracks here that I’ve been working on with the help of a good friend of mine. I hope you find yourselves easily surrendering to the music and the lights as they wash over all of you. Let your minds go for a while, drift and float, dance and be happy, and play safe. Thanks for coming and as always the proceeds of the entry fees tonight go to local charities of various kinds. If you want more info there’s a sign in the lobby with info about the website. Let’s get this party started.”

He put his headset on, one ear covered so as to be able to hear the sound from the speakers and know what the audience was getting. He reached over to a sequencer and ran a patched program he’d created with input from Janine based on her suggestions of how best to mix the color sequences along with the music. He tapped the initiate button on the console and the program ran.

Now all he had to do was basically stand there and act like he was doing things because it was all automatic for the next twelve minutes or so.

The lights came up slowly from the front of the room on the outer boundaries of the stage itself, along the sides and top. The music started, and instantly Janine recognized the work—it was what he’d created for her for the light and sound machine—and she just waited. There were some slight variations with it because it wasn’t exactly the same as what she used, but Janine was confident that Kess wouldn’t even notice and would be captured too quickly to be consciously aware.

Kess was slowly moving side to side, arms up, her head moving slowly from side to side, her eyes closed. She spun in place once or twice and faced her Mistress sitting there behind her. Mistress was practically drooling at that point and Kess noted it, knew she had her, knew what lay ahead for them later in the night.

After what happened earlier at home, how Mistress had just given in and taken her, took the control that Kess desperately needed to give up, Kess found herself becoming quite highly aroused. She had one thought at that moment:

“You are mine, Mistress, right here, right now, all mine.”

No more than a second later, the lights changed, and so did the music.

Kess spun around to face the stage and was captured instantly by the warm pinkish-blue light ball that appeared along the top edge of the stage as the lights ran the programmed sequence. Kess was helpless to resist and surrendered instantly as she’d been programmed to respond.

Her arms dropped limp, loose and relaxed to her sides, and Janine basically squealed herself to an orgasm upon seeing Kess surrender so perfectly. She sat up straight and scooted back into the chair and fought off the urge to stroke herself senseless.

She really needed to finger fuck herself stupid but it just wasn’t the right place or time. Watching Kess surrender so quickly and easily pushed her buttons like nothing else ever had.

The pinkish-blue light ball slowly began to shift to Kess’ right, and her eyes locked on and couldn’t look away. Her captured eyes followed it, left and right, left and right, slowly moving and pulling her along with it as the music faded in more and more.

As Janine watched, Kess’ limp, loose, and relaxed arms slowly began to move back and forth, and so did Kess. Back and forth, back and forth, so sexy, so unbelievably insanely fucking hot Janine kept reminding herself as Kess surrendered more and more to the lights and the music.

This was why she came to this place practically every week: to watch her sleepy girl totally give in and surrender, setting herself free to enjoy surrender as the music and the lights took control. But this particular night was different because of Sam being there and of course the additional programming that Theresa had given to Janine to pass along to Kess.

Kess was now responding to the whims and suggestions provided by Theresa as the music tranced her to levels that she’d reached only with Theresa. Janine recognized some of the trigger phrases she’d been programmed to use with Kess as those were passed along; they had no effect on Janine but now that Janine was aware of them perhaps at some point she’d ask Theresa about them. She thought about it for a few more moments and realized maybe that wouldn’t be appropriate as such triggers and such experiences are highly personal and she’d never want to interfere with them.

She was very content to watch her sleepy girl give herself over to the lights and the music. As the scene played out, Janine felt more relaxed by the minute, sometimes losing the music herself because her focus was so intense on Kess moving back and forth, back and forth. She found herself rising from the chair and slipping up behind Kess, and the instant their bodies made contact Kess leaned her upper body back into Janine, tilted her head back, and said:

“Dance with me, sleepy girl.”

Janine dropped so deep, fast, and hard she had zero conscious awareness of being tranced at all. Suddenly the body-known-as-Kess turned to face the body-known-as-Janine, two unbelievably deeply hypnotized girls, in the middle of a crowd full of unsuspecting and unaware people. They made their way carefully to the dance floor, pressing towards the center through the bodies. Mark took note of them and tapped a few buttons which altered some of the lighting to the center area.

He’d been told by Janine that it would be Kess as the would-be star of that impromptu performance. Even across the brightly lit and slightly foggy room he could see Janine’s face and knew she was deep. He knew that aspect of her but never was able to get her there himself, sadly. He loved being put to sleep by Janine and was always willing to participate in whatever she had in mind.

Even despite that, he was happy to be up there behind his console at that moment: seeing Janine and Kess both deeply hypnotized and surrendering to his music made his cock extremely hard.

And he wasn’t the only one having that feeling.

As the crowd took note of where the lighting had fallen, many people simply stepped aside as Kess and Janine took the center. They danced without conscious thought, directed only by the music and the lights on the unconscious level of deep imagination wherever it would lead them.

They both had some experience with the light and sound machine, but Janine was way deeper at that point due to her consistent and regular reinforcement of usage.

Theresa’s suggestions to allow herself to surrender to the lights and music and feel it herself as stated in that text message had a curious side effect:

Theresa wasn’t aware of Janine’s work with the light and sound machine, or the custom music created by the very person now manning the console on the stage. His experience working with Janine, being her hypno-guinea pig, and of getting some basic understanding of how and why the light and sound machine worked gave him a leg up on all of it.

Along with modifying the same music he’d created for her to use with it, everything worked together to drive Janine into a trance she never saw coming.

The simple suggestion from Theresa to feel it herself only served to take her so amazingly deep that Janine was literally living and breathing the lights and the music much more strongly than Kess could have imagined. As the lights flashed, as the music played, Janine and Kess lost themselves in the bliss of shared motion with their bodies intertwined there for all to see.

There probably wasn’t a limp dick or dry slit in the entire place as literally everyone stopped and took note of those two insanely hot women and nothing else mattered for a while. Everyone just stood, stared, and couldn’t look away as Janine and Kess basically hypnotized the entire place with hardly any effort at all.

* * *

Sam followed the creature along without any cares or worries at all. She led him somewhere in the darkness and invited him inside. As he stepped inside, he noted some very bright lights mounted on what appeared to be a small stand on either side of what looked like a rather comfortable chair. Not hearing the door close behind him, the creature then stepped forward and whispered:

“Relax and listen, Samuel, relax... and listen.”

Staring straight ahead, he felt himself turning towards another wall but only really detected it because the room seemed to spin for a few seconds. He found himself staring at a dark grey wall, nothing on it but he could easily make out the shadow of himself and...

He could tell in his peripheral vision the creature was in front of him doing something, but there didn’t seem to be a shadow for it anywhere. He felt his clothing sliding off, his shirt rising as his arms floated up almost on their own. His belt came away, the button on his pants, the zipper, and the smooth finish of the ruby red satin gloves on the sides of his legs as they took his underwear and pants down to this ankles. The creature crouched and removed his shoes and socks and then the pants and underwear.

Sam stood there still wondering where the creature’s shadow had disappeared to as the lips returned to his awareness, directly in front of him. Even the hat wasn’t casting a shadow on the wall behind the creature. He wasn’t able to look down and see his cock at that point; he felt the cool air on it and knew he was quite hard even so.

“How delightfully odd,” he mentally noted. The lighting in the room was low towards the floor and once again provided light from under them so it splashed over the lower half of her face and neck to some degrees. All he saw were those ruby red lips once more as they parted and the voice returned to his mind:

“You’re doing so well, Samuel, but now I need you on the edge. I want you on the edge, you want to be on the edge, for me, on the edge, right where I want you to be. On that edge, comfortable, but on the edge, ready, but on the edge, for me, on the edge, so close to the edge, almost ready to be pushed clean over, but still on the edge. Tell me you want to be on the edge for me, Samuel, now.“

“I want... to be on the edge... for you.”

“Good boy.”

That feeling again, His jaw extended outward, trembled, his neck tensed, his cock pulsed and throbbed. He didn’t understand that feeling but he wanted more of it. As he shuddered from head to toe, the voice returned to his mind:

“You want to be on the edge for me, you want to ride the edge for me until I push you over, you will be on the edge for me, I’m going to put you on the edge, right now.“

In Sam’s mind, the phrase “on the edge” had the meaning of being at the brink of orgasm as many people understand it. It was with some shock when he found himself gently being pushed away from her to a point where the backs of his thighs above the knees touched something, and then he recalled there being a chair.

“The creature must want me to sit,” came to mind as he began to slowly lower himself in a haphazard crouch. He did indeed feel his tail sit on a surface of some kind, unable to make out the particular texture at that moment. As he began to relax into the seat and fall back, the voice commanded once again:

“Come... forward for me, Samuel. Come... forward just a bit, forward now, that’s right, come... forward. To the edge, I want you on that edge, you must obey.“

That last part caused him to almost lurch his hips forward at the creature’s command.

“Good boy, that’s right, right there,” the voice slipped in and that feeling again was rapturous, for lack of any better word which he wasn’t able to fathom.

Upon reaching the point where the creature wanted him, the next command in his mind was a simple one:

“Relax, Samuel, completely, you must obey,” even as those ruby red satin glove covered hands pressed his shoulders back and he did indeed fall into some crazy soft cushions that supported him very nicely. His eyes closed for a few moments as he found himself basically unable to move a muscle, or perhaps it was just a distinct desire not to do so, it really didn’t matter at that moment.

“Good boy,” the voice whispered and he felt like he was on that edge, which he actually was.

The lips parted and whispered:

“And now... sleep... sleep... sleep... sleep... sleep... you love to sleep for me... sleep... sleep... sleep.”

The dark grey room would have seemed insanely bright if he’d been able to compare it with the darkness that swept over him.

Sensations of various kinds, whispers, something stroking across his lower abdomen, incredibly soft, a cloth of some kind. Back and forth, back and forth, soft slow circles made with whatever material it happened to be, exciting him and relaxing him at the same time.

A very loud crystal-clear finger-snap, then another, and another and then dozens of them over and over again caused his cock to pulse and throb like never before. He heard a voice calling him “good boy” over and over as well.

Just when he felt happiest, like he was just going to explode with good feelings, the voice whispered that he was doing so well, but it was time to sleep... sleep... sleep... (SNAP)SLEEP!

Time passed and eventually his eyes popped open in spite of the pleasure nearly overwhelming him and he muttered out a barely distinguishable question:

“who... are you?”

“Ah, the question. Sooner or later everyone I feed on gets around to it I suppose,” and she left it hanging out there to gauge the reaction.

His lips parted, as expected.

His stomach muscles tensed, as expected.

His cock pulsed and throbbed like mad, bouncing back so intensely it smacked along his taut abdomen twice before calming and returning to a mostly upright angle.

“Yes, you enjoy the thought of feeding me, Samuel, do you not? I mean, you are a healthy specimen of a human male, are you not? You look positively delicious to me and I’ll find out soon enough, but as for my name, if you must use one for me, you may call me... Anonymous.”

At the utterance of the word she used for a name, Sam practically lost what little mind he still had some control over. He knew on some level there was something going on, that what was happening could not be real, but his mind simply offered no solace whatsoever in his moments of desperate agony masked as pleasure.

“I suppose I could offer you my real actual name given to me by the Goddess so long ago, but honestly I doubt you’d be able to pronounce it even with hours or days of practice. It’s too complicated to bother with at the moment, so forget about it.“

Sam forgot about whatever it was he was agonizing over, instantly.

“I need to discuss a few ground rules with you, Samuel, so be patient with me. I will make you as comfortable as I’m able, given my limitations, which you’ll soon understand. For the moment I need you to do something for me, you will obey.“

Before Sam could react in any way, he saw one ruby red satin glove covered hand and forearm rise up, saw the other similar one reach over, carefully remove the glove one finger at a time until it was free of them at which point the glove was removed with one quick yank. Because of the strange lighting in the room, the single hand seemed to capture most of it and Sam couldn’t help but focus on the hand as it reached very slowly for him.

As it did, it turned, front to back, back to front, and the ruby red fingernails so perfectly done glistened and shined in the light. The voice spoke:

“Fingernails of red control, to go along with my gloves of red control, and my crystal of red control, and finally my lips of red control. Deep luscious lips of red control, look at my lips, Samuel, and as you do, as you look at my luscious lips of red control, feel them, feel them in your most sensitive spots. Even as I’m speaking to you let your imagination run completely wild and free dreaming of what my luscious lips of red control are going to do to you, with you, and for you, very soon.”

Sam found himself panting, staring at those lips as they moved, knowing the voice was emanating from them but still feeling it inside his mind and not hearing it directly. With every word spoken, there was a slight glimpse of that pink wet tongue as it flicked out every now and again, and whenever it did he felt it on his cock.

He felt those lips on his cock even though he was watching them only inches from it moving in sync with the voice in his mind. The lips of red control, brightly lit and perfectly clear in his vision there before him, captured Sam and made him unable to look away even as he felt those lips as they moved up and down on his cock.

His cock pulsed and throbbed, and he simply stared. Sam felt the lips on his cock, saw the hand, had no idea what was happening and shuddered. Suddenly, the fingers flexed and formed something, and then a very loud finger-snap and the word “Sleep!” put Sam down, down, down, so hard, so fast, completely unaware that he’d just been deeply hypnotized at her whim.

The voice began rapidly whispering a sequence of commands and instructions confirmed by soft nods and the pulsing and throbbing of his cock. The creature smiled, licked its lips, and sucked Sam clear to his balls in one stroke, holding in place for many seconds. The creature’s tongue bathed Sam’s cock and even touched the upper part of his balls in the process.

The mouth retreated to the tip of his cock, and then it happened again, and again. For several minutes it continued as the creature enjoyed the flavor of the now very deeply hypnotized young man under its spell.

Sam didn’t move a single muscle because he was a good boy and he was told to obey.

* * *

As the crowd basically held still, Janine and Kess practically made love with their clothes on there on the dance floor as Mark looked down with a watchful eye. For a few moments, he wondered if Janine would really be OK with this show she had become a part of.

The agreement they had come to earlier—because he and Janine both knew Kess was a true exhibitionist at heart—was to use the lights and music he’d created to trance Kess and free her to enjoy the experience.

When Janine spoke to Mark briefly after her arrival, she laid out the plan:

Mark would use his music, and the lights as well, to cause the memory of Kess’ experience with the light and sound machine to trance her once again. Janine would make sure she responded by giving Kess suggestions that it would be OK to let go, to allow herself to be taken completely by the lights and the music and just let her imagination move her body however it so desired.

Seeing Janine there, so lost, so hot and insanely sexy along with Kess, he still couldn’t help wonder if she would truly be OK with all of it. He knew enough about hypnosis to understand she wouldn’t do anything she was truly against; he knew she wouldn’t strip there in front of people or anything that explicit. If he had to describe what they were doing along with his music and the lights, he would have said it was basically two hot girls making out big time with their clothes still on.

He glanced down at the console in front of him and noted there were two minutes and fifteen seconds to go before the changeover. Mark wasn’t sure what would happen with Janine when the song faded or Kess for that matter, and decided to put the changeover tracks on hold. He intended to get down to the floor as the song ended and the lights began to fade to make an attempt to bring them back before anyone else could step in and potentially cause problems.

Mark seriously loved watching Kess dance and had no idea Janine could even move the way she was moving right along with her, but their safety had become his primary concern. Looking down again he noted about one minute eleven seconds to go. He removed his headset, stepped to the edge of the stage—hard-on be damned, every guy standing around had one—and jumped down to the main floor.

He knew the song well enough to know it ended with a slow fade across the last sixteen measures so he just waited for the last discrete component which was a soft bell sound in the background. Most people would never notice it, but it was his music so it stood out like a sore thumb.

When he heard it, he knew he had roughly ten seconds to get to them as the crowd would surely flood back in on them. As he approached, he actually found himself waving off people slowly. Both Janine and Kess began to move slower, and slower, and slower still.

Soon enough, the music actually did stop and the lights all returned to normal for the scene: mostly white from the house lighting in the ceiling as the stage lights faded. Both Janine and Kess sank into each other as they stood, still very deeply tranced, completely safe and comfortable in each other’s arms, their heads resting on each other’s shoulders.

Mark raised a finger to his lips and looked around at everyone everywhere. He circled the girls twice and made sure everyone nodded confirmation of his request.

Then he stepped to the girls and whispered:

“Kess, Janine, I know you girls are very happy right now and very deep, and that makes me so happy to know you enjoyed my music so much that you gave yourself to it so freely. But the music has ended, and it’s time to come back up now. I know you’re very deep, but you must come back up now, girls, come back up, slowly, at your own pace, each of you, back to full waking consciousness, slowly,” and then he pressed gently on their shoulders to make them aware of his physical presence.

As he did, they both leaned into him and sighed and it made him quite happy but he repeated the same basic suggestions again and then just waited.

Kess came back first, seriously lethargic, barely able to speak really. Once she was conscious enough Mark looked at her and smiled and said:

“Hi, welcome back. Now, if you’re willing, can you help me bring your Mistress back?”

Kess smiled softly, then turned towards her Mistress, leaned to her ear and whispered:

“Wake up, Mistress, it’s time to awaken, at your own slow pace, wake up, now.“

It took about thirty seconds before there was any movement at all, but finally there was a twitch, and some drool of course but that wasn’t a big deal. She’d been so incredibly deep it was a small miracle she was still standing upright despite the support of Kess even then.

Similar to the feeling from earlier in the day with Theresa and that sample of Anonymistress’ file, she literally fought her way back to waking consciousness and shook it all off as best she could.

“Kess? What... what happened?” came out as she noted Mark standing there beside her. With a quick glance left, then right, and then back around, she noted the entire crowd around them, and not one person said a word.

Kess winked, Mark smiled, and Janine had absolutely no idea what was going on.

And then Mark stepped back and started to clap. And then another person started clapping, and another, then another, and in a matter of a few seconds the entire room filled with nothing but applause. It wasn’t catcalls and whistles and stupid country boy “YEEHAW!” type screaming, it was just applause, plain and simple. No words needed to be spoken, no screams or shouts needed to be offered, no bravos, no cheering of any kind, just simple basic applause.

Kess wasn’t sure what the hell was going on but she took a bow anyway and tugged on Janine’s hand to do the same and Janine suddenly found herself bowing twice as well.

Mark stepped forward and said:

“Hey, go get your seat, I’ll bring some drinks in a few, relax. That was fucking amazing, you ladies are astonishing.”

He gave them a soft push towards the back of the room and the applause just continued as they passed everyone. Nobody reached out, nobody did something silly like a high-five or even a pat on the back, no one spoke a word. It was just nodding and applause and nothing more.

They climbed the steps as people separated to let them pass, took their seats and the applause was still going. Kess hopped up and bowed again and attempted to get Janine back up for another but she wouldn’t do it. Finally, Kess flopped back into her seat as the applause abated. After another few seconds, Mark got back to his console and grabbed the mic:

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience. And to you, my dear friends, thank you for an accompanying performance to my music I will never ever forget,” and he offered a bow to Janine and Kess even as the music returned. He put the console on automatic, hopped down, grabbed some drinks from Toby, and made his way over to the girls.

“My God, what the hell happened back there, I thought it was just supposed to be Kess? Janine?” he asked, staring at her even as she was still attempting to gain some traction on the world around her.

“I don’t honestly know, Mark, that was never my idea tonight,” she commented as she sipped from her fresh drink.

“That’s probably on YouTube by now, and Facebook, and Twitter, and the local news, and Pornhub, and who knows where else. Fuck it, we’re famous, Mistress,” Kess added as she took a long swig of that older ginger ale and started working on the fresh one.

They all laughed hard for a minute or so, realizing it was entirely true and they’d hear about it for days and weeks to come if not forever.

“You know we’re going to have to watch that later because I mean even now I have zero, absolutely nothing, no memory of going down there at all. When I came back Mark was standing beside me, and you were totally zonked out there in my arms. Holy shit, Mistress, what did just happen?“

“I don’t know, Kess, but I have an idea, it’ll have to wait for a bit,” and at that moment she took her smartphone from her purse and checked the time: 11:33 PM.

“Sam, I hope you’re doing OK and having fun,” she whispered silently to herself. She looked at Mark and said: “I need something to eat, is there anything at the bar?”

“They usually have simple stuff like sliders, it depends on whether or not anyone made some before the show and brought ’em in, hang tight. I’ll get you some water as well, be right back.”

He bounded off and Janine and Kess found themselves staring at each other and realized the same thing at the same time:

“Yeah, he’s a good boy, we need to take care of him again sometime soon.”

They both liked Mark quite a bit, and both had a lot of fun playing with him. With a soft nod, they made a pact to make him a very sleepy boy again very soon indeed.

As the music played, Janine thought about Sam, and Kess just closed her eyes and thought of pretty lights and soft music as she drifted off once more, sinking into her chair deeply.

* * *

“Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Sam’s eyes opened, and as they did he was still there, on the edge it seemed. His cock was still seriously erect, but at that moment the thing that caught his attention instantly was that ruby red satin glove sliding up and down on his cock, and the feeling of the other one softly stroking his balls.

He’d never experienced anything like it, that soft smooth sheen of the satin against those most sensitive parts of him, and it felt wonderful but like torture at the same time.

He’d been on that edge for most of the afternoon and evening and needed to cum, quite badly. As the soft gloved fingers stroked his balls it was slightly uncomfortable to the touch, actually. He started to say something but found himself unable to speak. The look of surprise on his face alerted the creature to his return:

“Ah, yes, I decided for the time being it was best if you remained silent, for your own good you see. As a Succubus, I learned a very long time ago that most humans—and that includes you, sadly—don’t have much to offer in terms of good conversation, especially in your given state. Our natural presence tends to render a human male’s ability to form coherent thoughts as nothing more than babbling and mumbling, but it’s not unexpected.”

He blinked his eyes once and still couldn’t see hers, just the lower half of her face under the brim of the hat. It was maddening not being able to see more but maybe she had a reason for it. Her constant slow stroking of his cock up and down with one gloved hand coupled with those soft gloved fingers and palm on his balls was making it insanely difficult to focus on what she was apparently telling him.

“You see, Samuel, my kind, as I’m sure you are well aware, feed on the sexual energy of humans such as yourself. There are several ways we can feed on you, and it doesn’t really matter if it’s male or female energy, although I do have a very strong preference for young healthy males just... like... you.”

Sam couldn’t understand why the constant stimulation wasn’t pushing him into an orgasm and bucked his hips gently hoping she’d grab him and really stroke hard. She was deliberately edging him with his position on the seat which kept him fully open legs spread wide and also the stimulation which just didn’t stop.

It didn’t change in any respects either: it was consistent and purposeful, and Sam couldn’t even beg her to finish him off.

“The first thing is that our pheromones are perhaps a few thousand times stronger than human females, so you are more attracted to me right now than any human female you’ve ever encounted. The side effect of our pheromones for human males is it works like a soporific to various degrees. On younger males, it’s much stronger, as I’m sure you noticed the moment I said hello to you earlier. With the first inhalation of my scent, you were mine, on any and all levels that matter.”

The stroking continued, and Sam felt himself almost coming to tears because of it.

“Once that happened, you’d follow me anywhere I decided to take you, so I brought you here to my little feeding room. It’s just you, and me, and your delicious cock and cream-filled balls, and my lips of red control that will soon suck you so well that you’ll practically offer me your soul to give you your release. But you’re a special case, it seems, there’s something different about you, Samuel, so this time, I’m only going to feed off a little morsel of your soul. It would be a true crying shame to end your life so quickly just by fucking you to death.”

Sam gasped, unsure of what that might actually mean, or what it might require. When she uttered the words “this time” all he could think was:

“She intends to do this again at some point. I don’t know if I could handle this twice.”

The fact that she admitted she was going to feed on a part of his soul apparently wasn’t important enough to make note of, as if his immortal soul was something to just discard on a whim. To Sam, the obviously apparent fact that she was a Succubus that intended to feed on him seemed perfectly normal given his current predicament.

“You’re probably wondering, as I sit here and softly stroke your cock up and down, up and down, and softly finger and palm your oh-so-warm balls, why you haven’t been spurting off like an eighteen-year-old virgin so far, am I right? Nod yes for me, you must obey

Inside his mind, he was screaming out quite loudly, but not a peep was heard in that small room.

Sam nodded precisely as instructed.

“Excellent, pet, you’re doing so well.”

“She called me her pet, what kinda sick twiste-

Just at that thought she finally did squeeze the head of his cock rather tightly and twisted the red satin glove wrapped around it. Another bolt, another hip thrust, another tensing of his abdominal muscles, and she laughed.

She laughed a laugh that for some strange reason made him happy. Honestly, he couldn’t figure it out. She was torturing him, holding him on the edge, telling him she’d feed on him soon and he was suffering but couldn’t even express it verbally.

She giggled and laughed at him and it made his cock pulse and throb helplessly. The sounds she made just made him so happy to hear that giggling and laughter. The creature grazed his rosebud with a red satin gloved thumb and his hips bucked him several inches off that edge of the seat.

She giggled softly again:

“You’re doing so well, my pet, you are so very responsive to my touch, to my voice, to me. You want to come... for me, do you not?”

Again with that language, again with that word, that pause, and those giggles. Sam was reaching a point of no return and he knew it, and suddenly the word “Rubicon” flashed into his consciousness. His face betrayed his thoughts and she saw it happen.

“What’s this,” the creature reacted as Sam’s facial expression changed. “Ah, you found something to focus on, a thought somewhere floating around in that drifty floaty loopy mind you have. Let’s see what I can do about that ridding you of that, shall we?”

She lowered the hand on his cock to the base of the shaft and circled the middle finger and thumb around it, then she shifted the other hand to place the entire palm against his balls. The next moment she smiled and said in that voice:

“Look at your cock, Samuel, feel what I’m about to do to you with one-hundred times more sensitivity,” and as she finished the word the suggestion took hold. He felt the ruby red satin glove pressing against his balls and bucked, and in the next moment, she ever so slowly pursed her lips at the very tip of his cock.

She worked her way down, moving so insanely slow as every little sensation overloaded Sam’s brain many times over. Her ruby red lips slowly engulfed the head, across the lower edge of it, and down the shaft, tightly wrapped around his entire cock, a sleeve of sorts.

Her tongue was lashing him constantly and it caused nothing but tremors throughout his entire pelvic area, and his abdominal muscles were close to cramping.

He never lost consciousness for some reason, but he almost instantly wanted to beg for his life, offer his soul, all of it. Whatever this creature wanted, whatever it desired or required as sustenance, he was willing to pay that price to get that release.

So slowly, so agonizingly slowly, the creature swallowed his cock whole, tip to scrotum, and then pulled back just as slowly. Completely off his cock, the creature smacked its lipped and whispered:

“You are incredibly delicious. I want more, and you’re going to give me more because you want to give me more. You want to give me everything, everything, Samuel, you will give me everything I want, and right now I want this, you must obey.“

And then it happened again, and again, and Sam lost count of just how many times the creature serviced him that way and still no orgasm, still no release.

After perhaps dozens of such actions, the creature pulled back and stopped at the head momentarily, sucking tightly right on the head itself. It flicked that tongue against the underside of the head of his cock, licking the frenulum softly. The tongue then slowly dragged across the underside of the glans up to the opening.

With one hard flick, of the tongue against the underside of his cock, the mouth popped off and the creature smiled. The tongue slipped out slowly and licked the ruby red lips side to side, top to bottom.

Sam saw the brilliant pink tongue and gasped, and then the creature realized there was one last form of torture it could make use of.

“Ah, yes, of course,” the creature said as it licked its lips with that crazy pink tongue. “In a moment, your cock and your balls will become a thousand times more sensitive to my touch,” and she let him go completely, both hands now off him entirely. The cool air in the room, the hot breath she suddenly started blowing on him, involuntary spasms shooting off in every part of his lower body, and the tears finally flowed.

It couldn’t be helped, really, it was just too much and the thought of being that sensitive pushed him directly to the edge instantly. Sam practically begged for death in those moments if she’d just grab hold of him hard and suck everything out of him, soul and all.

“Our saliva, Samuel, it keeps human males sleepy, on the edge, unable to orgasm. It’s absorbed through your skin, and it has that soporific effect as well. As it passes through your skin, the potency is reduced considerably compared to if I were to kiss you. If I did that, you’d basically suffer a massive overdose and your brain would literally short-circuit and, well, what good would my ecstatic torture you’re now suffering from be for me, hmmm? Trust me, it’s not much fun attempting to feed on a man that is practically brain dead, seriously.”

Sam listened, and cried, not even being able to hear it happen, not one peep.

“Another side effect of the saliva: it increases your semen production by many leaps and bounds. In fact, in the time I’ve been torturing you so slowly, you’ve probably built up an amount equivalent to about six weeks of you not having a proper release. I would imagine your balls are quite sensitive even without my command to make them more sensitive. And they are, Samuel, so very sensitive as I want them to be as you feel me now, feel my breath on you, you must obey.“

The surge of the command and the soft breath on his balls were felt with several magnitudes more intensity. Sam was nearly broken and had almost nothing left to offer.

No way to escape, no way to release, no way to do anything but suffer.

And she knew it.

“And now, suffer, my pet, suffer pleasure at my whim.”

She ducked her head a bit lower and suddenly Sam felt that flicking tongue against the underside of his balls but didn’t buck. His body had given up any resistance whatsoever at that point; he was helpless and could only lay there and allow her to do whatever she wished to do with him.

Her tongue was flicking lightly across the underside, the sides, along the front edge, the upper edge, and back again. Such soft flicks of her tongue, perhaps no more pressure than the lightest graze of a feather, which would normally feel pretty awesome.

Considering how amped his sensitivity was, it was actually very painful to some degree.

With every last bit of will he could muster, Sam gave it everything he had and was able to produce a single faint whimper.

The creature stopped, rose up above his cock still bouncing against his abdomen.

“Interesting. You may speak, pet, softly. Take your time to make your thoughts clear, don’t make me regret this.”

“I... I don’t know... who you are... if you want my cream, take it, take... me... take my s... take my soul, whatever you want, it’s... I’m yours... please... you’re hurting me, I can’t... no more, please, I surrender, I surrender, please... I surrender...”

And the lips of red control smiled.

“Good boy, relax, relax, feel no discomfort now, everything returns to normal sensitivity. You are such a good boy, so relax and breathe deeply but be silent once more. In a few moments, I will grant you your release, and you will give me everything, and I mean that with absolute seriousness. You will give me absolutely everything you are: every thought, care, worry, concern, dream, nightmare, fantasy, hope, all of it. Everything that you are will drain into your balls and mix with your cream, creating your essence, the essence of Samuel. Do you understand?”

Just a nod was all he was capable of once again.

“In a moment I will feed on everything you are, which means your soul. I will only take a small part of it, because a soul is infinite, really. We Succubi, we never drained anyone completely, we’re not capable of such a thing. A human soul is the universe itself in some respects, and we are but players on the same stage, cursed to not have souls of our own so we must feed on those from you humans. What’s about to happen to you will feel as if you’re dying of pure blissful pleasure, but I assure you, I’m only going to feed on a tiny portion of everything that makes you what you are.”

Sam nodded, figuring it wasn’t or might not be as bad as he’d thought earlier. He was feeling better, definitely. His balls weren’t hurting anymore, but then again she wasn’t touching him at that moment either.

“In a moment, I’m going to take what I want from you, take what I need, and perhaps at another time in the future I may visit you again. But whether or not you allow me to feed on you again will be your decision next time. Believe it or not, Samuel, you and I could have a great deal of fun with each other, I just have to be very careful not to actually fuck you.”

Sam reacted to that admission and thought about it briefly: what it would feel like to be fucked to death.

She saw the change in his expression and spoke:

“Yes, I know you’re thinking about it. And yes, it would be magnificent. My pussy, any Succubi pussy, is a perfect cock sleeve for any human male, but the most potent bodily fluid we have is our own cream. It’s used to exhaust human males, and to lesser degrees human females as well but in a different way. That is how we eventually fuck them to death, as the soul is just too much to contain. If I climbed on top of you right now and allowed your cock inside of me, we’d fuck for about an hour, your testicles would produce semen constantly until they simply failed. Your body would continue fucking me even after you went unconscious, and you’d slip off into dreams and never wake up.”

Sam’s eyes widened at the thought of it once again.

“It wouldn’t hurt, Samuel, honestly. I’ve never taken a man’s life, or woman’s for that matter, and they didn’t simply have an orgasm that never seemed to end even as their minds went to sleep forever as their bodies were exhausted from the effort of fucking me. Yes, I suppose that from the human perspective we Succubi do take lives, and from the human perspective that would mean we’re murderers of a sort. But do humans look upon animals, maybe a lion, that kills a zebra to feed and survive, as a murderer?”

For some strange reason, Sam actually felt sympathy for this creature that owned him so completely and wondered if that was just part of some other natural ability to influence his thoughts.

“Samuel, we Succubi, we are a force of the Goddess herself, by her hand, by her creation. Humans think of her as ‘Mother Nature,’ I suppose, which is somewhat applicable, but she is so much more than that.”

Sam had been given a few moments to relax during this impromptu lesson, but now she rose up once more.

“It would be a wonderful experience to fuck you, Samuel, but that would, unfortunately, exhaust you so deeply that you would actually pass away rather quickly. I would much prefer to snack on you from time to time, but as I said, if I visit you again the decision will be yours.”

Sam nodded once again, wondering what he’d decide and whether or not he could ever go through this again.

“I’ll make you one promise: if you decide to allow me to feed on you again in the future, it will be nothing but pure sleepy pleasure. I will not push you nearly as far as I did this first time because I needed to find your point of surrender. You have a very high tolerance for pain, actually, that’s a good thing, but you, like every other human, breaks at some point. You are mine right here and now, but in the future if you decide it’s OK for me to snack on you, I will be supremely gentle, and slow, and patient. You will not experience anything but slow deep sleepy pleasure.”

Sam offered one last nod and then shifted from side to side hoping to see her look up and what her eyes look like.

“Yes, I know you have a question, humans always do. You may speak to me once again and ask.”

“Why won’t you let me see your eyes?” was the question she was always asked sooner or later.

“Right now you’re under a spell of sorts, because of the pheromones I’m producing. The more aroused I become, the stronger they get, which is also part of why you’re lying there helpless to resist. We Succubi are very skilled at multiple forms of seduction, and while we cannot directly read a human’s mind, we have learned, over the millennia, what humans, especially human males, respond to and don’t respond to. But there is one aspect of our anatomy that by the Goddess herself is the one thing that no human, male or female, can resist.”

“Your eyes...”

“Yes, Samuel, our eyes. I’m sure you know what hypnosis is, yes?”


“Excellent. The eyes of a Succubus, when seen without anything filtering them, such as glasses of any kind, sunglasses, shades, anything whatsoever between the eyes of our prey and our natural eyes, cause a perfect trance to occur in the prey, rendering them unable to move, think, speak, or anything at all basically. One look into my eyes, or those of my sister Succubi, will instantly render you mindless and leave you without the capacity to think even one single conscious voluntary thought. It’s not really hypnosis since there’s no suggestion to make it happen, it’s just a glance, and you or anyone else is mine, or ours, instantly.”

“So I can never see your eyes, not even once?”

“Do you want to see my eyes, Samuel? Do you truly want to look into my eyes, knowing that the instant you do, you will not be Samuel anymore? You will, for lack of a better phrase, simply be a body-known-as-Samuel. If that happens, you would be used for whatever purpose I desire, until I either put you to sleep deeply, exhaust you by fucking you to death, or allow you to return to whatever state of being you were in the moments prior to our eyes making contact.”

“Yes, I want to see your eyes, please, I’m willing. I already surrendered to you, that’s a line I already crossed.”

“Rubicon,” the creature muttered. Sam gasped at the reference and how many times it had come up in the past few days.

“I told Caesar not to do it, but Mark Antony decided he knew better than me and forced Julius’ hand in the matter with all his ass-kissing. I should have drained both of the drunken fools and made the world a better place instead of allowing him to become Emperor. Nothing but a bastard piece of shit, honestly.”

“You... you knew Caesar? How?” Sam asked somewhat incredulously.

“Samuel, I’m nine thousand three hundred and fourteen years old. If there’s a person in history that has been written about for posterity, I probably met them at least once.”

Sam shook his head softly from side to side.

“Samuel, my time is short, I must sleep at midnight, and I desperately need to feed on you. You will enjoy this and feel nothing but pleasure as I do. As I feed, you will feel yourself slipping away into deep blissful sleep. Before you totally drift off into dreams, you will see my eyes, and you will understand me but only for the briefest moment in time. Are we agreed?”


“One last thing: I have visited you before, actually, but I only looked into your dreams when you slept. Yes, it seems like reading your mind but dreams are a powerful thing that reaches into a person’s soul, it’s a different process altogether. To be perfectly honest, I even dropped hints along the way, and if you really allow yourself to focus on thoughts of me, the rest will become clear to you, now.“

Sam had sudden visions of things: memories, sounds, experiences, feelings, surrender, and many others. It made no sense to him until the creature spoke once again.

“Yes, that’s right, you’re on the right path, relax and let it come to you, you’ll see it, it’s there, who am I, Samuel, tell me who I am to you. It’s so close now, right there, almost there... listen to my voice, my voice... the best voice... the only voice... only my voice in your mind... you must obey.“

The thoughts came faster and faster and blurred together and then everything cleared. The voice rang true to the depths of his soul, capturing him deeply, and Sam knew who she was.

“Yes, you have it now. I almost slipped and told you who I was earlier, but it’s more fun for me to enjoy breaking you. Sorry, it boosts the potency of your cream and I am very hungry. But before I feed, before I allow you to look into my eyes and surrender everything you are, tell me who I am, Samuel.”

She was moving slowly, rising up above him in between his legs, placing her ruby red satin gloved hands above his thighs and pressing down gently.

“Tell me, Samuel, say my name... you know my name, Samuel, you want to say my name, say my name, now.“

As she appeared so large in his field of vision the softest whisper escaped his lips finally as he admitted who she was:


“Good boy.”

His cock pulsed, and she whispered softly:

“Samuel, watch what I do, all your awareness on what I do, and soon you will gain your release. Until we meet again, I will always be in your dreams... you can always find me in your dreams, my sleepy baby.”

She lowered herself, brought her ruby red lips directly to the tip of his cock which was still insanely hard and in need of that release. Her left ruby red satin glove covered hand began to draw slow circles on his abdomen, and her right gloved hand rested gently on his balls as before, the palm pressed up under them.

Sam found himself becoming acutely aware of the touch on his abdomen, with a warmth beginning to fill and spread. Her lips, still there on the head of his cock, had not moved, nor had the hand on his balls.

The pleasure started to spread, and he felt a twitch in his balls. At that moment, her lips pursed tightly on the head of his cock and pressed down just enough to slowly and softly engulf the entire head completely but no further. Her cheeks remained smooth and somewhat flat. The palm on his balls barely moved as that other hand continually drew slow circles on his abdomen, relaxing him and making him docile and sleepy.

And then it happened.

As he stared, her cheeks sucked in very tightly as the ruby red lips tensed and pulled on the head of his cock. Sam felt the suction even as she pressed upward on his balls and kept slowly stroking his lower abdomen.

It was an orgasm unlike anything Sam had ever felt before. Most male orgasms were a build-up of massive tension in the groin area, followed by pulses and spurts as the muscles tense and release, again and again while the testicles provide whatever semen they have “on tap” so to speak, ready to go.

The orgasm he experienced was instead a soft relaxed one, hardly any tension at all, and she didn’t move anything but that hand still softly stroking his abdomen in slow circles. Her lips didn’t move, she didn’t suck-suck-suck; it was nothing but a constant level of suction and it felt amazing, just as she said it would.

He did feel his thoughts draining, all his cares, worries, concerns, a brief moment of panic as a memory of Kess flew by, and then one of Janine and losing them. This creature from his dreams that was now feeding on him had promised she would only take a small part of his soul and he’d still be around for more fun in the future.

For some indeterminable period of time, she fed on him, still not really moving, and his balls just fed everything to her willingly and quite happily. When he finally started to feel himself drifting off as that warm sleepy feeling caught him, she tapped his belly twice with her index finger, then shifted her head so the brim of the hat rose up, up, up.

When he saw her eyes, Sam floated up and away right into them and slept.

* * *

Mark had found some of those sliders, and they weren’t all that bad actually. Kess felt great and Janine felt much better after having some plain water and a bite to eat. Just as Kess was about to say something, Janine noted a dark figure coming up the steps but didn’t react; in fact, she glanced away as quickly as she could.

Kess mumbled something about who was up next since the show was from 10 PM Monday evening to 1 AM Tuesday morning each week. Mark started to answer but felt Janine softly tapping him on the arm. He glanced at her, noting her doing some crazy eye shifting towards Kess and then he too saw the figure as it approached Kess.

Before she was able to react to what they were looking at, Kess found herself helplessly mindless as the voice whispered directly into her right ear:

“Hello, little one, it’s good to take control of you once again.”

That’s all it took, just a few words, and despite of everything that had happened, Kess was so far gone it wasn’t even funny. Janine juiced quite intensely, and Mark couldn’t stop his erection even if he wanted to. Neither of them cared to do much at all except watch Theresa be her insanely hypnotic self.

Theresa lifted her head, finally taking off the hat, and anyone in the immediate vicinity was basically spellbound in her presence. She winked at Janine, leaned back down to Kess and whispered directly in her ear:

“Are you happy, little one?”

“Oh yes.”

“Did you enjoy your surrender to the lights and the music earlier?”


“Good girl,” she whispered so softly but it had a monumentally large effect on Kess as she came, hard, really seriously hard there in that seat. It was a good thing she didn’t have that ginger ale glass in her hand because it would have ended up embedded in the ceiling with how hard that orgasm hit Kess and how strongly she reacted.

After a few seconds she offered more whispers:

“Relax and let go, Kess, and cum for me, little one, cum even harder for me, now.“

Kess slumped into the chair from the command to relax, and her mind let go simultaneously as commanded. Her pussy went absolutely haywire: she was too far gone on the relaxation part to do much except suffer involuntary spasms for several minutes.

Theresa stood up and took in the area around her. She looked down at Kess and stroked her fingernails through her hair softly, making sure to graze her scalp in the process and offered one final command:

“Thank you for obeying me, little one, sleep.”

And that was that as Kess made the trip to dreamland in record time.

“Janine, Samuel will be with you shortly, I left him to count himself up and return to the point where I captured him. He may be sore for a few days, but he won’t remember why. Be gentle with him, seriously, and be patient. I pushed him way past anything he believed he was capable of, probably too far to be perfectly honest. Eventually, he surrendered, but it wasn’t easy for him, so now it’s on you and Kess to help him put himself back together. He’ll only remember the experience in dreams, but we’ll catch each other at some point soon and I’ll help him remember it all in his waking state if he decides as such. Understand?”

“Yes, Theresa, thank you. Did you have fun?”

“He is and was thoroughly delicious, and I made it clear that I would visit him again in the future, depending on your approval. But I did have quite a bit of fun, yes, thank you for allowing me to make his dreams come true, such as they were. I hope that Anonymistress would approve of my little play acting in her role.”

“I’m sure Sam will never forget it, or at least he isn’t likely to give those memories up willingly.”

“Yes,” Theresa said, “he went further than any other male I’ve worked with, and I was actually scared he might not make it back. He recovered nicely at the end, and proved himself worthy of you and Kess, at least to me personally. He’s a remarkable young man, treat him well, and I’m completely serious on the gentle part: he will be sore for days, to even the slightest touch on balls. His cock, that’s fine, but his balls, ouch.”

She winced and winked at the same time, Janine noted, causing them both to laugh.

And then Theresa turned to Mark.

“Markesh, you look thoroughly delicious tonight. Would you like to feed me, boy?”

Even with the music playing, Janine was certain she actually heard the gulp Mark made as he swallowed whatever of his willpower he had left.

“Yes, as you wish.”

“Good boy, when are you done here?”

“My set is over when this song ends,” and he turned and stared at the ceiling listening to his own creation to find out when it would end, “about two minutes and seventeen seconds from now.”

“Brilliant, I shall be outside in my ruby red Miata awaiting you. Do not keep me waiting for long, or what I did for Sam tonight will pale in comparison to the exquisite torture you will find yourself suffering through the weekend. Move, boy, now.“

Compelled to stand by her pure presence alone, but being intimately familiar with Theresa from past activities, Mark did his best to think on his feet and failed. He turned left, then right, then left again, and finally right and said to Janine:

“Obviously I must obey, you understand. Thank you for the performance, and thank Kess, I really gotta run.”

With one last flash of his wonderful smile, he was over the rail and running full bore to the stage, leaping upon it to gather some items in a bag, and then shaking hands with the next artist.

“So much energy, they do keep me young, you know,” Theresa said.

Janine realized what she heard, looked at Theresa, and saw that grin and wondered.

“Theresa, earlier at the cafeteria, was that OK, I mean I kis-

Theresa stepped over, reached down with her right hand and slowly but softly slid the palm across the side of Janine’s face. She knew what Theresa was going to do, knew it wasn’t necessary, but she gave herself fully to the experience of those moments. Theresa’s hand slid down the side of her neck, behind it, and squeezed softly. Janine surrendered perfectly and sighed.

“Thank you. I love kissing you, Janine, I know you’re not into women as some women happen to be, and neither am I for that matter. I care for you very deeply, and I only want to make you feel good, do you understand?”

“Yes,” she offered, with a dreamily happy sigh attached to a soft sleepy smile.

“I trust you with everything that I am, Janine, including my mind. I would happily surrender myself to you, for your command and control, for anything you can dream of that will make you happy. I only want you to feel pleasure, and I would be honored to be yours for a period of time, or many periods, as time allows. If you ever want to explore what we could make happen together, both in trance and out, all you need do is ask and I am yours. Understand?”


“In a moment, I will kiss you deeply because I love you, just not in that way. You’re a girl, I’m a girl, really, and I just want to get you off as many times as I possibly can. I hope you’ll be OK with doing the same for me in return but if not that’s fine. Give and take, because it’s the natural order of things. When I kiss you all memory of this trance and what we just discussed briefly will be right there for you to access and consider for the future. You will obey.“

Theresa kissed Janine, deeply, just as she stated, and Janine remembered everything just as instructed. The kiss lasted for thirty seconds or so; when they separated Theresa winked one time and walked away.

Janine, since committing herself to no more wasted opportunities, told herself in very plain English right there inside her own mind:

“I’m going to lick that woman senseless.”

Kess was still there, snuggled into her chair sleeping peacefully when Sam finally made his presence known.

“Hey, Sam, later,” Mark yelled out as Sam turned to look and saw nobody there. He scratched his head once, saw Kess basically splayed out in her seat, looked at Janine and asked:

“Uhmmm, I think I missed something. I went to the bathroom, and now my balls hurt, like someone kicked me or something. This is a bit weird but, was I in some kind of fight and didn’t realize it?”

Janine started laughing and she didn’t stop for a long time into the night.