The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Crossing The Rubicon

There are moments in a lifetime where, with a single step, a line is crossed, a goal is achieved, a dream becomes a reality. Once that line is crossed, there’s no going back to who or what you might have been before. This is such a journey for one person.

To the dreamers... and to my Muse, it’s nice to see you again, it’s been a long time and I missed you terribly.

As always, this is a personal fantasy for adults only and it is possible because with hypnosis almost anything is. The rest, well, that’s up to your imagination.

Comments are always welcome and appreciated at the email address above.

Have fun, always...

* * *

Chapter 14

Kess slowly came back to herself what with the loud music and the lights hammering on her consciousness. She felt fantastic, freshly fucked in some respects, but she knew that couldn’t have happened there amongst the throngs of bodies still in the club. Sam was there staring off into the distance at something, and Mistress was sipping on her drink. When their eyes met, she smiled, and her Mistress returned it.

Kess rose from her seat, stepped over to her Mistress, sat down carefully on one thigh, and gave her a rather passionate kiss. Sam found himself a silent observer to yet a show within a show and he wasn’t the only one.

Once again, Janine and Kess became the stars, at least for the dozen or so people in the upper area with the booths. While the lights and the music continued, the two ladies simply enjoyed each other for several moments and then separated once again. Kess leaned in and whispered “Thank you, Mistress” and Janine couldn’t help but blush over it.

No loud applause this time from the onlookers as everyone went back to whatever meandering they were doing prior to that little bonus.

With a glance at his smartphone and the time—12:41 AM—Sam nodded towards Janine as Kess stood up and stretched her arms high towards the ceiling lights. He held up the smartphone, Janine took note, then nodded off and away signaling it was time to go. She stood up, leaned into Kess and said something, and Kess nodded and then reached for Sam.

They made their way back down the steps to the main floor of the hall, then back around the raised platform, through more bodies and even more bodies, back into the lobby area, and finally outside into the now much cooler fall air. Several people off to one side having cigarettes did actually offer a few whistles and fist-pumps as they recognized the two ladies that had taken the place by quiet storm, if that meant anything.

Kess laughed, Janine blushed again, and Sam had absolutely no clue why his balls were so uncomfortable.

Janine saw him wince slightly as they walked together and realized he might not make it the full distance back to the apartment without significant discomfort:

“It’s cold, and we’re all a bit tired, so I’m calling for a ride and we’ll be home soon.”

She fished her smartphone from her purse as Kess twirled around Sam, mock dancing in the night air. Janine brought up the Lyft app, ordered the ride, got the confirmations, five to eight minutes once again. This time she recognized the driver as one of the people in her own program: a junior that she liked quite a bit and knew to be an excellent subject herself.

As they waited, more people came and went as the show wound down for the evening, or morning as it were. Janine wondered if Mark was even conscious by that time, knowing that Theresa would drain him as deeply as she could but she always provided excellent aftercare. He was more than likely smothered in her soft warm flesh under the covers, her whispers having long since calmed and quieted his seriously creative mind.

Janine got shivers—and not from the brisk night air—at the thought of playing with Mark once again and having him so sleepy, so helpless, so completely open to anything she might want to do with him, to him, and for him. He really was a good boy for what he’d done for her and Kess at the show and they would both be taking very good care of him once again very soon.

A car approached and Janine nodded to Kess and Sam. The car rolled up and stopped as the passenger side window lowered. The voice inside yelled:

“Hey, you, heard you were out today. I guess you’re doing better, huh?”

Janine leaned down to look into the compartment and saw Brianna staring at her with those gorgeous ice blue eyes:

“Yeah, was a little under the weather but I’m fine now. Couldn’t miss the show, you know this.”

“Yah, I wanted to make it tonight but, hey, twenty bucks is twenty bucks, man,” Brianna offered with a shrug and a laugh. “Hop in.”

Janine took the front seat as Kess and Sam piled into the back of the Subaru Forester. It was seriously comfy and warm on the inside. As the doors closed behind them, Brianna started to say something but Janine asked:

“Brianna, I know you work on a set fee with this Lyft thing, but can we just drive around for a bit to warm up. I’ll make sure you get a big tip, honestly.”

With a wink and a smile, Brianna nodded:

“That’s cool, not like I’m getting calls every five minutes, but we do at least need to go by your place so the GPS records that I did take you to your desination. We end the official ride there and then we can hang out or whatever, just consider me a chauffeur for as long as you need, deal?”

Janine reached over and placed a hand on Brianna’s shoulder:

“Thanks, not quite ready to go home just yet, is anyone hungry?”

Kess, being Kess, couldn’t pass up the offer:

“YES!!! FOOD!!! NOW!!!”

Everyone in the car laughed practically till they got to the “destination” of home as Brianna closed the ride ticket and went “off-duty,” Janine sent a big tip as promised, and the Forester rolled away into the night.

Janine sighed as she relaxed into her seat. There were so many possibilities, so much potential, and she allowed herself to slide into a light trance as the reflections of the street lights off the buildings and other cars passed by.

Theresa, whether intentionally or not, had given her cause to seriously consider her course in life for the immediate future. Her distant future, well into next year and after graduation, was effectively chiseled in stone and would not be altered for anything, that much was a given.

Janine wanted to do a mental checklist of sorts about all the pros and cons of things she was now actively thinking about, especially with Theresa herself. She turned slowly and looked at Brianna, a very attractive girl in her own right, and allowed herself to wonder for the briefest of moments how she’d look, deeply hypnotized, and under her spell.

She already knew what Bri looked like in a trance from working in classes with her, of course, but now Janine was imagining how she’d respond for those other purposes of pleasure and submission.

It caused more shivers and a slight trembling. Brianna actually got the movement as she was making a right-hand turn.

“Janine, are you OK?”

“Oh, yes, it was an amazing night, actually. I’m surprised you haven’t had a dozen texts about it yet. But then again, maybe you have, who knows.”

“Texts about what? Usually when I’m on the clock I disable the notifications for those kinds of things. If riders need to reach me the Lyft stuff has its own internal texting system. Did something happen, are you really OK?” Brianna asked, reaching over and brushing a lock of hair from Janine’s face.

Upon getting a good look at Janine’s eyes, the situation itself became more clear: she instantly realized her friend and pseudo-mentor was quite deep indeed.

“Ah, so, it seems you’re doing just fine, are you not?” she asked in a much softer much gentler tone.

“Yes,” Janine offered with a very soft smile.

“Anything I can do to help?”


“As you wish,” Brianna offered. “What about them?” she said, nodding towards the back seat.

With a rather languid quality, Janine pulled herself upright from where she’d allowed herself to sink into her seat. She leaned towards Brianna and turned in-between the seats and said:


Kess and Sam, quite content to be softly sucking each other’s faces, slowly separated and turned towards her. Before either could say a word, Janine offered them one of her own:


Given the night’s activities both Kess and Sam dropped deep, fast, and seriously hard. Janine offered them suggestions to stay deeply asleep, snuggled together, until she asked them to return.

Brianna, doing her very best to focus on the road as the car rolled to a stop at a red light in an intersection, watched the reactions on their faces in her rear-view mirror and suddenly the mirror got fuzzy and went out of focus.

Only then did Janine turn her head to look at Brianna and realized Brianna was blinking rather oddly. It only took a second before the reason caught her and she reacted:

“Stay with me, Brianna, awake and alert, please.”

It was a good thing, she realized, that they had been at a red light when that moment happened. Janine knew she had a good deal of influence over Brianna because of their class work together, as most anyone in those programs did. Almost daily work face-to-face using hypnosis and trance, for a wide variety of purposes including those therapeutic ones so important to her training and theirs, always generated such levels of rapport.

The trust that all of them shared with each other obviously extended outside the classroom environment as just evidenced when Brianna found herself responding to Janine’s suggestion to sleep.

“Whoa...” Brianna offered as the light turned green. They remained sitting there for some odd number of seconds; there were no other vehicles in the vicinity so, no reason to be in a hurry at just after 1 AM. She took in a deep breath or two, turned to look at Janine who by now realized what happened and had a rather distressed look on her face.

“I’m... I’m sorry about that, Bri,” calling her by her shortened nickname, “I wasn’t thinking, I’m sorry.”

Brianna finally drove the car forward and pulled to the curb as soon as she passed through the intersection. She put the vehicle in park but left it running considering the temps and it did feel quite toasty in her car. Turning to look at Janine, now shedding some tears at what she’d caused to happen, she reached over and brushed one away from a cheek.

“We’re fine, really, I don’t believe for one second that my unconscious would have moved my foot off the brake until things were completely safe again. You did nothing wrong, Janine, look at me. Really, look at me, please?”

Janine looked up, felt Bri’s hand against her cheek, felt the warmth and softness of her touch, and did her best to smile.

“There ya go, we’re fine, really. Now what was that all about?” she asked as she nodded her head to the back seat.

“Ah, yes, the lovebirds, that’s a bit complex and would require a bit more time to get into. I need an IHOP, stat. Drive, Ke-mo sah-bee.”

“Your wish is my command,” Brianna said with a smile as she put the Forester in drive. She tapped her smartphone and said “Find IHOP” and was greeted with a few bells and whistles for her efforts.

About fifteen minutes later they had circled entirely around the school campus and practically ended up back where they started: on the other side of the theater parking lot where the closest IHOP happened to be. As expected it was quite busy considering the proximity to the show’s venue, and the night folk made it the happening spot after each show, well into the later Tuesday morning hours.

Upon arrival and after she parked, Brianna grabbed her smartphone, enabled all her notifications, and indeed her device literally “blew up” in the modern vernacular. There was message after message from friends, links to tweets, several to YouTube, but nothing definitive regarding what it was all about.

“Janine, what happened earlier, at the show?” she asked.

“That’s going to require several pots of coffee, I think. Hang on a sec...”

She turned to face the two very comfortably snuggled lovebirds in the back and spoke a series of suggestions that Brianna found rather amusing but kept her calm even so. With every slow nod of confirmation, their open obedient minds absorbed all of them without hesitation. They both opened their eyes as they remained deeply hypnotized, got out of the vehicle on opposite sides, and stood awaiting further instructions.

Janine took Kess by the hand as Brianna took Sam, as instructed, and they were led inside the IHOP where several people took note of Janine and Kess and stood gawking as they passed by. As usual, most people wouldn’t have noticed that Kess and Sam seemed a bit stiff in their postures: nothing unncessary happening, taking very precise steps and—as Erickson called it—with an economy of movement and internal focus ignoring external stimuli aka the world around them exactly as instructed.

Greeted at the entrance, Janine requested a booth in the back, knowing that at that time of morning with all those people there they’d have no chance of privacy at all but that was fine. The hostess grabbed four menus and led them to the back area. There were maybe a few more than a half dozen occupied tables and booths, lots of chatter, laughter, and general goings on.

Janine and Brianna took note of their new environment and the people around; Kess and Sam’s focus happened to be the hands guiding them to wherever they were expected to follow.

Upon reaching the booth, Janine stepped between Sam and Kess and gently placed a hand on each of their shoulders. She directed them to see the booth, to take a seat and get comfortable next to each other, then sleep once more until she called for them to awaken. As their bodies made the precise and necessary movements to each side of the table, they slid sideways into the booth seat. It was quite amazing to watch them come together:

They both took a deep breath in and sigh at almost exactly the same time and then their heads very gently leaned into each other as their eyes closed and they surrendered exactly as instructed. It was adorable but it was also fucking hot at the same time.

Janine was biting her lower lip and Brianna took note:

“Yeah, I know, we both know it’s so fuckin’ hot, geez.”

Shivers from head to toe for Janine as she watched it happen, but hearing Brianna say that just really pushed it home.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s going to get me in trouble one of these days, it already has so...” and she left it hanging.

Seeing her friend in such a state, Brianna decided to not press the issue. She was aware on some level that something had happened between Janine and Professor Michaels in the past as some others did, but it wasn’t worth pursuing, especially not at that moment. Her smartphone beeped again, then again, and finally a third time in a matter of seconds.

“Fuck, what the hell, gimme a minute to see what this is all about, will ya?” she stated then sat down on the outer seat on the other side of Sam.

Janine took her place on the outer seat next to Kess and waved to a waitress in the distance. Even in the rather noisy environment, she watched both Kess and Sam breathing as they went deeper with each breath; she could practically hear them with each inhalation and exhalation. She wanted to be there with them, to be drifting comfortably, without all the cares and worries and concerns of the day, or the night, getting in the way.

At that moment, Janine sat up straight, and an idea jolted her back to awareness, and she took out her smartphone and left herself a note for future reference. She smiled at the realization, something that had been churning around in her mind for a few days, and happy that a workable resolution had presented itself.

“Janine, naughty girl, have you seen this yet?” Brianna asked.

“If it’s what I think it is, I don’t even have a memory of it occurring, not one second of it. So, no, technically I haven’t seen it. Apparently Kess and I put on a show tonight that we’re going to hear about forever.”

“Here, just tap play,” Brianna said as she handed her smartphone to Janine, “gotta pee, be right back.”

Janine took the device and looked at the screen. Even on the small device it was clear where the video was recorded as she’d just been there not even an hour prior. The video appeared to be made from floor level, and even paused at the beginning, Janine wasn’t sure if she really wanted to see their impromptu performance.

She was quite certain Kess would absolutely freak out when she finally saw it, and thought about waking her to watch it together.

She glanced over at Kess and Sam, noted their breath now in sync as they drifted by her command, and didn’t want to disturb them on any level at all.

She tapped play and watched.

As the music played faintly from the tiny speakers in the device, Janine felt herself slip a bit into a light trance, the music of course being what had pulled her down to begin with. The lights, they helped, but the programmed sequence Mark had created was designed for Kess, not her. Even so, as it played she felt herself slightly move to it.

And then she took note of Kess appearing on the screen, and then she saw herself right behind Kess, being led to the floor. She gasped, already knowing that she’d been there on the floor after she awakened, but seeing herself rather clearly in the video even despite the flashing lights caused her to juice uncontrollably.

She’d always wondered what she looked like in a deep trance, and now she was finally seeing it. It wasn’t some clinical classroom type video where she’d be on a recliner with the hypnotist or classmate sitting off to one side, either.

This was Janine, unleashed, free to obey the whims of whatever or whoever had put her mind to sleep so deeply that she never realized it had even happened. She wasn’t sure how she ended up on the floor in the first place and so far she’d had no luck with her attempts to pull any memories back of it happening.

She watched herself and Kess grinding into one another, and she too would have considered it fucking with their clothes on, unaware and totally uncaring if anyone saw them. Of course, they were the very reason the crowd backed off to begin with. The person that had recorded the video maintained a distance thankfully and didn’t attempt to turn it into some pornographic thing. It was just a recording of something amazing as seen from the bystander’s point-of-view.

The lights shifted and in the background of the video she noted Mark standing behind his console, and then the lighting changed more to focus on her and Kess dancing. As they tightly held each other with an arm while the other hands grabbed the back of each other’s necks, she realized they had quite literally tranced each other deeper into the experience with every squeeze.

There was still no memory of it in her own conscious awareness.

On and on the music played, the lights danced on their bodies, their bodies danced on the floor, their hands and fingers squeezed, and their minds went deeper and deeper. It was the most amazing thing Janine thought she’d ever seen in her entire life.

And she needed to cum, badly, because of it.

Janine’s head flopped back against the booth as she very softly whispered:

“Kess, what have I done?”

She closed her eyes, the music still faintly evident in the air around her as the hand holding the device lowered to the table. For a few moments, she had very faint flashes of memories, so brief she couldn’t hold on to them for any time at all.

And suddenly, without any warning at all, she heard Theresa’s voice clearly in her mind:


The orgasm was a soft one, thankfully. It didn’t overtake her and cause her to lose sense of where she was, wasn’t so intense she found herself sliding under that table in the booth as she desparately attempted to grab hold of anything to prevent it. A soft orgasm, and Theresa’s eyes there in her mind, such beautiful deep eyes, almost calling out for her surrender.

Janine remembered the instructions she had been programmed with in the lobby at the theater, but what surprised her were the additional instructions she’d been given that didn’t return previously. Theresa had given her a second-level of instructions related to that effect of her allowing the music and lights to affect her as deeply as they would affect Kess, already programmed to obey.

But that’s when Janine made a Sam-like leap and connected several dots in a rapid sequence: Theresa didn’t know about her work with the light and sound machine. Nor did Theresa know how thoroughly conditioned she was by her own programming to respond in such ways.

On top of all that, while Theresa might have known just how badly Janine wanted to give herself over to her once and for all, to be used, played with, helpless and obedient and utterly enthralled by that incredibly hypnotic woman, she may not have understood the wheels now set in motion since Sam came into the picture.

Janine sat there practically trembling at the possibilities that lay before her. Kess and Sam would be just fine, she realized, but she needed more—she wanted more—and wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of getting it, whatever or wherever that might be.

“Janine,” Brianna softly asked, “are you OK?”

Janine’s eyes opened slowly, staring straight up at the ceiling over their booth. She noted a small hook of some sort, probably meant to hang a lamp shade from, perhaps a sign or a plant, who knows. She took in a deep breath, turned her head very slightly to face Brianna there beside her, smiled, and whispered:

“Kiss me, please.”

Brianna, after just a momentary pause, kissed her softly. It was nothing more than that: a very soft, very gentle kiss between two friends.

As they separated, Janine smiled:

“Thank you, I really needed that.”

“You’re welcome. Now, food. Wake ’em up.”

Janine sat up straight, shook her head and ran her hands and fingers through her hair once and then leaned over to the sleepy lovebirds and brought them back up.

Sam was the first to speak:

“I’m never going to get used to that, but it’s quite awesome when it happens.”

Brianna looked at him quizzically:


“Being somewhere, then being somewhere else and not having any recollection of how I went from somewhere to somewhere else.“

“Ah, yes, it’s a fun thing for subjects, and a fantastic convincer,” Brianna offered as she sipped some ice water.

Sam seemed a bit surprised but that was becoming usual for him over the past few days. He reached out a hand and introduced himself. Brianna started to reach for his hand, thought the better of it, winked at Janine and said:

“No offense, but until I know you a bit better, I’d prefer not to find myself helpless under your spell, if you catch my drift. Brianna, aka Bri, nice to meet you.”

She shifted her hand to a fist and Sam caught it so he did the same and they fist-bumped. It was rather funny when both pulled their hands back and made the same sound indicating some kind of explosion as they both opened their hands at the same moment. Kess was beside herself laughing at how ridiculous it was, and Janine couldn’t help but giggle as well.

“What? What?” Brianna asked.

“That is just the dumbest thing, I wonder who first did that and if they look back on it nowadays and realize ‘Yeah, that was pretty dumb’,” Kess attempted to get out in-between the giggles.

A waitress finally came by and asked for their orders, given freely and the menus turned over as expected. The waitress placed a full pot of coffee on the table along with a small tray of creamers and went off to the kitchen. Janine flipped her cup and had the pot first. Kess wasn’t much into coffee, neither was Sam for that matter but Brianna flipped hers and accepted the pot from Janine.

Four creamers and four sugars for Janine, three creamers and two sugars for Brianna.

“So much for sleep tonight,” Janine said.

Kess, Sam, and Brianna all looked right at her and laughed. Janine thought about it, realized how insane it sounded considering the company and knowing that with the trust she had in all of them any of them could drop her through the floor at any given moment. She laughed rather hard for a full minute.

They all did, actually, and it was a good thing.

Janine picked up Brianna’s smartphone, realized it was locked, handed it to Brianna who promptly unlocked it, took it back, slid the video playback marker to the beginning, and handed it to Kess.

“You need to watch this, both of you,” she said as Kess took it from her hand.

“Just watch, start to finish, then we’ll talk, OK?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Kess whispered, and then her and Sam’s focus was on the small brightly lit display on the smartphone as she tapped play.

For almost twelve minutes they reacted in various ways: a lot of gasps, a few whimpers from Kess, more gasps from Sam, more whimpers from Kess. Some visible physical shifting for Kess, lip biting, a few low groans and grunts, and then a shifting for Sam because he just had to move his body for fairly obvious reasons.

Even Brianna took note of the tented pants that time coupled with a wide-eyed stare at Janine, and finally as the music began to fade their breathing came back to somewhat normal.

“Holy fuck, Mistress, that really happened! That really actually did seriously happen! OMG, we’re famous!” was all Kess could muster.

Sam, well, Sam couldn’t speak for a while but that was a good thing because that’s when the waitress showed up with a large tray and one of those small instant folding stands. She flicked it out and it expanded into that X-shape as she placed the large tray carefully on it. She doled out the plates correctly to each of the party, added another tray of creamers to the table, asked if anything was needed and when told everything was perfect she walked off with the tray and the stand.

“So, yes, that really happened,” Janine started. “While I know why it happened for you, Kess, until a short time ago after I watched the video myself I had no idea why I ended up on the floor with you. My intention tonight was, and it worked out nicely I think, to use your experience with the light and sound machine to revivify it for you, hence me talking with Mark prior to the show starting. Understand?“

“Not really, no, Mistress,” Kess barely managed to get out in-between bites on a chicken tender dipped in Ranch dressing.

“Without going there again, staying here wide awake, remember the light and sound machine experience, remember the music and the lights, OK?”

Kess sat back, eyes up to the left, eyes up and center, then straight ahead into the distance:

“Yes, I remember.”

“I talked with Mark about having him recreate, as closely as possible, that experience for you to basically drop you back into that state, along with suggestions I gave you to allow yourself to simply let go and surrender to the music and the lights tonight. You with me now?”

“Oh... the music and the lights were meant to... take control?”

“Exactly, and they did, and it was fucking insanely hot, and you were amazing, you were absolutely amazing. When I was watching you I got so fuckin’ wet, it was crazy, and I just wanted to devour you there in the booth long before we ended up on the main floor. Thankfully Mark interceded there because who knows, I might have done it.”

Janine winked, Kess caught it, winked back, and at the same time: “We need to take good care of him soon” even as they both laughed. Sam had no idea what that was about, and while Brianna hadn’t been there herself, she understood exactly what Janine and Kess were saying. Sam of course just had to do it:

“Am I the only one here without a clue at this moment? I mean, it’s been a few days, yes, but it seems like every time I turn around, or wake up for that matter, there’s yet someone else involved and it’s like wow, does everyone at this school share the hypnofetish or what?”

Laughter amongst the ladies, and Sam didn’t feel much better about it. Janine decided it was time to explain some things:

‘Sam, Brianna is, as you picked up on rather haphazardly, in the same course but she’s in her junior year. Same classes, same Professor, same students, same subjects, etc. It’s tough to explain but it is in most respects a fairly tight unit of us. Because of the work we do and the trust that is absolutely crucial for any of us to be a part of it, then yes, one could in some respects consider all of us hypnofetishists.”

Sam nodded and took a bite of his classic American burger.

“Bri and I work together fairly regularly, and as you’ve probably guessed she’s yet another helpless hypno-guinea pig of sorts. She has a great deal of experience with the light and sound machine, far more than me. She’s the one who first turned me on to them, actually; she owns one of the older Nova Pro models and has used it for what, almost a decade now?”

Brianna picked up a half of her BLT and took a serious bite on it, chewed it for a few moments while nodding.

“Yep, that’s me, flash some pretty lights in my eyes and whisper the word sleep and I’m yours to command, if I trust you, that is.”

She winked at Sam, and Sam gasped to such a soft degree that in normal pleasant company it would not have even been noticed. But the ladies surrounding him at that moment, all of them being quite capable of snatching his open and willing mind and cock right out from under him, all picked up on it and all stored it for future reference.

“Sam,” Kess just had to say, “I told you that you were completely safe with us tonight and if anyone was going to suck your balls dry it would be us. I don’t think Bri would have a problem with that, would you?” and winked. Brianna winked back and took another sip of her drink.

Sam just kind of froze but for several reasons: the admission from Kess was the primary one but at that very moment he suddenly had awareness of the very balls Kess spoke of and felt that discomfort which he’d been totally ignoring till that moment.

Janine noted the reaction, touched Kess on the arm and Kess turned:

“About that, actually. There’s more to this story here so I need to continue. I just explained why you were on the dance floor, but I was never supposed to be out there with you. That happened because an odd set of things happened almost in a sequence that’s tough to believe but, once you know why it happened then it becomes a bit more clear.“

“OK, spill the beans,” Kess blurted out.

“One word: Theresa.”

Both Kess and Bri, almost in perfect sync, sat back against the booth, took in deep breaths, sighed, and both almost perfectly said:

“Oh... oh... ohhhhhhh.”

“Yes, I figured that would bring things into perspective,” Janine said as she took a bite of her grilled chicken breast sandwich.

Sam, of course, was still the literal odd man out:



“And that is?”

“The most utterly hypnotic woman you’ll probably ever meet, Sam.”

Janine knew precisely what she was saying, and she knew precisely why she was saying it. She knew Theresa would find Sam in the next few days and ease herself into a conversation with him. She would softly whisper herself right back into his mind with her soft warm hand on his cock and the other on the back of his neck as her soft sleepy voice would own him once again.

Shuddering at the thought, Janine looked at Sam who was, as expected, now staring at her. He was on the edge so quickly, already there just waiting to be tipped over into that deeply buried memory of what happened to him earlier. But that was for Theresa to bring out when she felt he was ready to accept what he’d been through.

“She’s a friend, a mentor to me and many others. When you meet her, Sam, you’ll know on every level that matters to you, conscious and unconscious alike, that there is no resisting her because she is the most hypnotic woman you’ll ever meet, do you understand?”

“yes,” in a soft whisper was all he could offer.

Kess noted with great satisfaction that Sam was very healthy in that moment, as did Brianna, her brilliant ice blue eyes locked on staring at that tent in his pants, unconsciously licking her lips slowly.

Brianna had only just met Sam, but she implicitly understood that if he was there with Janine and Kess, he was something special indeed. She hadn’t seen Kess with a guy in a long time, not since Jason as far as she could remember.

And the way Janine was looking at Sam, holding him there fixated on her and her alone, practically salivating over him. Brianna took note of just the tiniest bit of drool off the corner of one side of Janine’s mouth.

“Oh... my... God...” was all Brianna could think.

She’d never seen Janine be anything but dominant, especially around the boys and men that seemed to always want to be around her. But right in that moment, watching Janine’s reactions to Sam, she picked up on signals of nothing but pure raw lust for the man sitting beside her.

She wanted in on the secret that apparently Kess and Janine shared about him.

Janine blinked and nodded at Sam, then as she came up from the nod she opened her eyes wide and took in a deep breath. Sam picked up on it, unconsciously, and did the same and found himself back and aware but still at a loss for what had just happened.

“So, this Theresa-

“It’s spelled T-h-e-r-e-s-a, but it’s from a Meditteranean heritage so the accent and sounding is tuh-RAY-zuh, and believe me, if you mispronounce it even once, she’ll program you to never do it again. I am not being facetious to any degree when I say she will program you,” Kess noted.

Sam looked at her as she finished off the chicken tenders and again wondered where the food disappeared to quite so fast.

“Yes, OK, tuh-RAY-zuh,” Sam mocked, “what does she have to do with any of this?”

“She was at the show earlier for a short period of time, and because of who she is, and her talents, well, she has a great deal of influence over those of us that have worked with her, understand?” Janine offered.

Sam looked to Kess, got nods and a smile, then Brianna, more nodding and another smile.

“She’s owned all of you, I take it.”

That response got several blinks from Janine:

“In many respects, yes, I trust her with my mind and my body, to certain degrees. Kess, well, Kess is Kess, she’s a free spirit but it’s safe to say that if Theresa whispered a word or two into her ear Kess would do basically anything Theresa desired without hesitation.”

Kess nodded emphatically as she sipped her ginger ale through a straw.

Sam turned to Brianna and before he could speak she responded:

“I’ve only worked with her maybe three times, twice in the classroom environment, and once when she and I bumped into each other in the library. Well, at least I met her in the library, as memory serves. The next time I opened my eyes we were someplace else, and I still don’t know where it was, but what I do remember is music, and watching her dance and not being able to look away, and then...”

And Brianna drifted off in the recall of that experience. Sam noted it and almost asked “And then what?” but realized it was better to leave it alone.

He turned, saw Janine nodding at him, mouthing the words “Good boy” and felt that buzz of pleasure head to toe and closed his eyes. He felt Kess’ hand grabbing his pants on the groin and didn’t even care at that moment and just enjoyed the sensations for a few moments.

Janine reached out for Kess:

“Kess, be careful, his balls are, well, super sensitive because of things that happened earlier, understand? It could cause him discomfort and pain, seriously.“

Kess slowly withdrew her hand from Sam and he whimpered slightly but then opened his eyes.

“You’re all mine, Sam, don’t worry, I won’t let you go,” Kess offered and then pulled him into a kiss.

Brianna took in a deep breath and let it out in a sigh and returned, feeling much better. She realized she hadn’t eaten much of her food so she dug into it and looked up at Janine who was smiling at her.

Janine licked her lips and nodded at Sam.

Brianna saw it, glanced over, noted Kess planting that kiss on him, and looked back at Janine.

She mouthed the words:

“He is fucking delicious, really.”

Brianna’s eyes went wide with the new information as she stopped chewing for a moment, the food in her mouth just settling there. She glanced sideways at Sam, then a quick glance to his still tented pants, started chewing again and grunted as she juiced at the thought of tasting him.

She reached up with a napkin to wipe the side of her mouth, licking her lips as she did so. Janine saw it, cocked her head slightly to one side, and when Brianna caught it she finally nodded several times softly but enthusiastically offering her acknowledged desire to taste Sam.

“Good girl” was the silent response by way of mouthing the words. Brianna shivered from head to toe because, just as Kess and so many others were that worked with Janine over time, she was a very good girl indeed.

Janine’s gears were spinning rapidly as she worked out the specifics of how to make the fantasy happen. It would have to be in the car, obviously, and Brianna would only be allowed to get a taste as the experience earlier might have left Sam literally dry in the tank, to be perfectly blunt.

Janine realized if he was in seriously bad shape he probably wouldn’t be sporting such wood even now as Kess continued her oral assault on his mouth and he was only too happy to have it happen.

She finished up most of the food on her plate, noting Kess’ plate had long since been practically licked clean. Once again Sam hadn’t eaten all that much of his burger so they’d get a container to go. Brianna finished her food and took a long swig of her sweet iced tea and then headed off to the restroom.

The waitress returned, noted Kess and Sam all into each other, smiled, and asked if there’d be anything else. Janine handed her the debit card and told the waitress to add a twenty-dollar tip and that was it. The waitress smiled really bright and wide, and Janine felt awesome to see it happen. The waitress grabbed most of the plates and dishes, left Sam’s alone and said she’d be back with the receipt and the take out container in a few.

Janine knew she’d probably just made that girl’s entire night with the simple gesture—while it wasn’t widely known, Janine came from a family with wealth. A few dollars might not mean a great deal to some, but to others, especially those in the hospitality and foodservice industries, it could change their lives.

“OK, you two, enough’s enough, time to breathe,” she jibed as she reached over to tickle Kess in her mid-section. The touch caused a delightful yelp to escape from Kess, laughter ensued, and everything was right with their world.

Sam noted the table being a bit less confusing and loaded, picked up his burger to take another bite as Kess finished off her ginger ale with a long slurping sound from the straw. Janine looked at her oddly, Kess shrugged her shoulders and then asked:

“So, what did Theresa have to do with what happened to you, because you said it was just supposed to be me on the floor?”

“She doesn’t know about the light and sound machine and how conditioned I am from my own self-programming.”

“OK, but that doesn’t answer my question,” Kess asked.

“Last thing she said to me earlier, in a text message, was basically as the music and lights took over your mind and body and you surrendered to it, when I saw it happen to you it would happen to me as well and I’d feel it just the same.“

“Oh...” Kess started, and the gears in her own mind started turning. “And because she didn’t know how you’ve conditioned yourself to the music and the lights with the light and sound machine, and because she couldn’t know that the music Mark was playing was that very same music he’d created for you... ohhhhhh...”

“You are one smart cookie, young lady, you really are,” Janine quipped.

“Wow, that must have seriously caught you and pulled you ultra deep when it happened, huh?”

“Yep, I remember seeing you up on the deck dancing in front of me, swaying back and forth, back and forth, and it always pleases me to see you dance, Kess. But then you turned and looked at me, and for a moment I thought you were going to take me and I practically came from that look when you turned, it was fuckin’ hot, seriously.”

Kess remembered that moment, that moment when she was 100% certain her Mistress was all hers. Sitting there beside Sam, Kess felt herself juice, felt her arousal spike, felt the need well up inside, and let herself go to that fantasy she intended to make a reality.

“But then the music changed, and as soon as your unconscious picked up on it, you spun around and surrendered to the lights and the music. I watched you physically surrender, your arms dropped limp, loose and relaxed at your sides and I swear to God I came so hard sitting in that seat. I love that, probably more than anything else in the world, I love watching you or anyone else in that briefest of moments when you utterly surrender to the power of your own imagination.”

Kess was scooting closer to her Mistress slowly, not something that Janine seemed to be even aware of just yet. Sam noted it to some degrees as they separated there from where they were sitting. Janine was staring into Kess’ eyes, talking softly, and he too felt it was indeed quite fuckin’ hot.

“So beautiful, Kess, my God, I can’t find the words to describe how fucking hot it is when I watch you let go, it makes me feel so amazing whenever you do. That’s why I love coming to the show with you each week. I don’t care about the people, or even Mark, or the music or the lights or anything. I care about that moment, that oh so brief moment in time when you simply let go and surrender. Tonight it hit me really seriously deep because of what Theresa had programmed me to do.”

“She put you to sleep earlier and programmed you to obey her once again, did she not?” Kess asked, almost directly beside Janine.


“Tell me how she put you to sleep, Mistress.”

“She said ‘Sleep for me, sleepy girl, now’.“

Kess rose above Janine, held her vision, stared down into her eyes and softly stroked the side of Janine’s face as she whispered:

“Sleep for me, my sleepy Mistress now.“

Sam couldn’t see Janine’s face but her heard the whisper quite clearly. He leaned forward slightly just as Brianna was returning and all either of them could really make out from their respective positions as they looked in Janine’s direction was her body went limp, loose, and relaxed, and she was gone.

“Such a very good Mistress, so sleepy, so happy, so comfortable to be here with us, having a good time with us, resting comfortably here with us. A nice meal, good conversation, your eyes wide open and deeply hypnotized. You love to sleep for me, Mistress, do you not?”


“And I love so very much being your sleepy girl, Mistress, thank you for everything. In a moment I’m going to drag my finger down the bridge of your nose, and you’ll do your very best to follow it with those tired heavy sleepy droopy drowsy eyes. Before I even remove my finger from the tip of your nose, you’ll be deep into dreamland having wonderful sleepy happy dreams for just a while, and you can safely ignore anything you might hear until I touch you on the left shoulder and ask you to return. You will obey, Mistress, say yes, I will obey.”

When Sam heard Janine utter the words “Yes, I will obey” he felt like he was going to literally explode in his pants as Brianna slid into the seat next to him. He turned to face her, saw her staring at him, licking her lips, and his cock just pulsed and throbbed even more.

He looked back towards Kess and saw her dragging that finger down the bridge of Janine’s nose as he finally saw her face. Her eyes crossed, doing their best to follow that finger and they did indeed close down before Kess reached the tip.

With a very gentle flick of the finger, Kess turned to see Sam smiling at her, at Brianna staring at Sam’s tented pants, and Kess smiled. Without skipping a single heartbeat:

“Bri, would you like to suck Sam’s delicious cock?”


“Do you trust me, Brianna?” she asked, and she did so because she’d never worked with Brianna directly.


“If I ask you to go to sleep and obey me, will you do this for me?”


“Bri, sleep and obey.”

Brianna obeyed, because good girls always do, and collapsed softly into Sam’s left shoulder.

“Kess?” Sam asked, but it was spoken in such a way that sounded desparate while needy at the same time.

Kess turned to look into his eyes:

“Sam, it won’t happen here, obviously, too many innocent bystanders I suppose. But they brought us here unawares, now we’re going to take them away from here just the same. I’ll drive, Janine will ride shotgun while she drifts, and Bri, well, Bri is going to learn to love your delicious cock and cream just as Janine and I do. Are you good with this, Sam?”

Just then the waitress returned with the carry bag and the Styrofoam container for Sam’s leftovers. She saw Brianna basically zoned out, saw Janine almost in the same kind of shape, looked at Kess, got a wink, then:

“Have you ever been deeply perfectly hypnotized...” and she glanced at the nametag “Emma?”

The look on Emma’s face was of course priceless, just as the look on that girl’s face from days before. Emma could have been that girl, they appeared to be about the same age. Kess guessed this girl was more than likely a student at the school as she noted the locket around her neck and realized it was a school crest. Probably working night shifts at IHOP and attending classes during the day, covering her expenses or maybe even paying back some of her tuition, surviving like most everyone else.

If she wouldn’t have had to climb over Janine to get to her, Kess would have already taken her down and done basically the same kind of soft induction she’d done to that girl back at Panda Express. But unfortunately, considering the frantic nature of that IHOP even at that time of morning, Kess figured perhaps another time.

When Emma finally shook her head to indicate no, Kess reached out to take the receipt from Emma’s hand. Emma, of course, was still doing the back and forth between Janine and Brianna. Those gears in her mind were absolutely turning at high rates of speed and Kess knew it just from reading those micro-expressions all over Emma’s face.

“Emma, this is my number. My name is Kess, and if you’d ever like to know just how perfectly deeply hypnotized you can be, how amazingly open, calm and peaceful you can be, and so relaxed you can’t move a muscle in your entire body, not to mention insanely awesome levels of pleasure of any and all kinds, call me. Do you understand?”

Emma finally broke off her ping-pong staring at Janine and Brianna and looked directly into Kess’ eyes.

“You will remember what I just said to you, it will stay with you, and you will put this number in a safe place. You will remember to call me if you ever have the desire to learn more about what you’re capable of. Say yes, I understand.”

Emma’s lips barely moved but even Sam took note of the utterance:

“yes, I understand.”

“Good girl, and thank you for the wonderful service tonight. I’m sure you’re quite busy and have many customers to deal with, and you’ll do this easily as the night progresses. When the time comes later, you will rest and sleep deeply and comfortably and awaken at your appointed time, whenever that happens to be. You will, Emma, remember what I’ve told you. Now you can return to yourself feeling amazing and wonderful, and call me whenever the desire grabs hold and won’t let go. Thank you.”

And that was that. Kess went silent, and as Sam started to say something she put a finger on his lips, then directed him to just watch Emma.

He glanced at her, realized she was rather attractive, a bit of a mess in some respects, but considering the job and the environment that wasn’t a real surprise.

Like most men, Sam sometimes underappreciated the natural beauty of a woman and instead took the purely visual aspects in mind and judged them at-a-glance which is where most of the problems came from.

Emma’s eyes were still focused on Kess, so Kess finally nodded softly and took in a deep breath coupled with a blink. Emma picked up on it, did the same, and Kess did it a second time but when she opened her eyes even wider on the second cycle she smiled.

Emma picked up on that and returned to herself on that second cycle, gasped softly, and realized she held that small little piece of paper in her hand. She unfolded it, smiled at Kess, winked and walked away.

“I should get paid for recruiting so many hypnoslaves into our harem, I really should,” Kess blurted out as she grabbed Sam’s drink and finished it off.

Sam, unsure what to say or do, just sat there.

“Oh please, don’t even. Let’s get these sleepy girls to the car so we can get this little party started, so to speak.”

Kess touched Janine on the shoulder and whispered the necessary suggestions which caused her to rise, eyes open, and wait. Kess then climbed out and went to Brianna, whispered some suggestions as she also opened her eyes and stood. Just as Kess and Sam had been led into the IHOP, so now Janine and Brianna would be led out.

Once outside Kess whispered to Brianna to present the keys to her vehicle and point it out in the parking lot which Brianna easily accomplished. They all made their way to the vehicle, and Kess helped Janine into the passenger seat and whispered more suggestions effectively melting her into it.

She then helped Brianna into the driver’s side rear seat—she wanted to make sure she could watch her deeply suck Sam’s cock and if he was behind her that wouldn’t be workable. Sam of course just stood outside the car looking around wondering if this was a good idea or not.

“If I have to, I’ll drop you right now and program you to fuck her throat balls deep, I swear I will,” Kess tossed out when she realized he was doing that pacing thing.

Without Sam being aware of it on any level at all, D was in his little man-cave of sorts in the back of their shared mind and he literally jumped as high as he could, figuratively speaking, when Kess made that statement.

“THERE SHE IS!!!” he screamed to himself, basically. “I knew she was in there, I fucking knew it, and oh boy we’re gonna have some fun someday.”

He was, of course, referring to ‘Dark’ Kess since he’d been on the lookout for hints now and again that part of Kess would drop along the way. That was the most definitive one so far and sooner or later D and DK were going to meet face-to-face, or face-to-ass, or face-to-cock, whatever it took, and see just how compatible they might happen to be for a while.

Sam, suddenly realizing it was quite cold outside the vehicle, finally got inside. Brianna was there, effectively melted into the seat just as Janine was in front of him. Kess got in, checked all the controls, started the vehicle and bumped the temperature up just a bit to warm things up sooner. She turned back to look at Sam and smiled:

“So, she’s just going to have a taste of you, is that clear?”

This didn’t seem like the Kess that Sam was familiar with, and for a brief moment he started to think that perhaps ‘Dark’ Kess was exhibiting some influence over the situation. He had no idea how to even ask if that was the case. The delay in his response prompted Kess to press on:

“I said is that clear?”


“Sam, seriously, if you don’t want this, if you don’t want her to do this, we end it here and now. But I assure you, just as Janine has learned, and just as I have learned, you are delicious, and we trust you, and you’re safe with us. And I know for a fact that Bri wants this. Ask her yourself. Brianna, Sam will ask you a question or two and you will answer him with perfectly clarity and perfect honesty, from your heart and your soul, obey.”

Sam had no clue how to ask such a question and didn’t want to sound all nervous and stupid doing it. Kess only waited a few seconds before she mouthed “ASK HER, NOW.”

“Brianna, do you want to do this? Is this really what you want?”

“Oh yes.”

“Why?” he had to ask, and Kess frowned at it.

“... trust Janine... I trust Kess. If they... if they think you’re worthy of their... time, has to... be a good reason...”

Sam shook his head but said “OK, thanks” and Kess commanded “Brianna, sleep” Brianna, good girl that she was, obeyed instantly and dropped back down and drifted.

“Well?” Kess asked.

“Well what?” Sam responded.

“Take out your cock, Sam, now.“

A few seconds at most and Sam’s cock stood tall and proud above his pants as he adjusted the zipper to not be pinched in the process. She saw it, felt herself automatically begin to salivate over it, wanted it for herself pretty desperately, but she would have a taste later. Now the fun needed to begin.

“Sam, rag doll.”

Limp, loose and relaxed as his head fell back against the seat. Helpless once again, remembering what Janine had done to him a few days earlier when she had him helpess on the edge. Another faint memory there someplace, different, but it had an association for some reason.

But that feeling of being so perfectly helpless, unable to move a single muscle of his body regardless of how much conscious effort or willpower he put into it, only served to make his cock pulse and throb much more.

“Brianna, at the count of three you will awaken and carry out your programming, you will obey.”

Sam heard the count but couldn’t even move his eyes at that point, couldn’t blink either and wondered if he ever would again. He felt the seat move beside him, heard the gasp, heard a soft squeal, then felt a soft warm wet mouth take in the head of his cock and the exquisite torture began all over again.

“Sam, close your eyes, they remain closed until I say otherwise. You can swallow if necessary but nothing else happens. Feel, Sam, just feel her as she enjoys your taste for a few minutes.”

Closing his eyes was a big relief in that moment, but it paled in comparison to the feeling of those lips on the head of his cock as they slid up and down. Her tongue felt amazing against the him, wet and warm, and so very slippery.

Sam noted some discomfort in his balls but even that wasn’t enough to distract from the pleasure, at least for a few minutes.

It did reach a point where it became a problem, however, and that’s when a calmer mind decided to intercede. With a soft gasp, Sam let go.


She looked up at Sam knowing it wasn’t Sam at all.

“She needs to stop, the experience earlier with the person I presume was Theresa was pretty exhausting, and Sam—and I for that matter—can’t do this anymore tonight. We want to, oh hell we want to condition this girl and feed her everything we’ve got but that’s not actually much right now and Sam’s in a bit of pain. I’m doing what I can to alleviate it, but this needs to end, now please.”

Kess, noting the seriousness in the request, nodded.

“Brianna, stop, sit back in the seat and sleep once more,” Kess offered.

Brianna almost seemed sad at not being able to continue, but the moment she sat back she melted into the cushioned seat.



“You know I’m not Kess, right?”

“Yes, I picked up on that, and I’m happy to finally make your acquaintance. I suppose calling you DK would be appropriate unless you’ve got something else in mind...?”

“Seems a bit lackluster. Let’s just use Sandy, works for me quite well.”

D thought about it, realized where it came from considering her full name was Kessandra, and said:

“Sandy, a pleasure. Now, as for Sam, that experience earlier, it was Theresa, yes?”

“Yes, that I know of. Janine didn’t reveal everything to me, specific precise details, just that it was some fantasy that Sam had for a long time and she believed Theresa could make it come true, more or less.”

D noted that Sandy referred to Janine by name and not as Mistress, but that made sense.

“Oh, yes, it was probably Sam’s biggest fantasy of his entire life given the idea and who was involved—and I don’t mean Theresa, actually. But Theresa, wow, when Janine told him she was the most hypnotic woman, I can attest to that as she almost got me to surrender to her. She got me so close, so very close and I was so willing, but Sam broke first. I’m proud of him however because I stayed out of it, almost entirely, and he just wouldn’t break. But that woman, that voice, those lips, I ain’t too proud to admit if she’d gone on for another few minutes I’d happily be calling her Mistress right now.“

“That good, huh?” Sandy asked.

“You’re not a man, of course, so things are different for you. I may be able to pick up on a whole bunch of stuff on our working level that Sam and Kess can never really comprehend, but Theresa, that woman knows how to seduce for surrender, without a doubt. I’m guessing that Janine has never fully committed to her in that respect even in spite of their work together?”

“No, not that I know of, that’s part of the parameters of their relationship. But Janine made a comment or two in the past day or so about that and something has definitely changed for her. I’m suspecting at this point, even right now actually, if Theresa called her at this moment and asked her to surrender in every way that matters, Janine would happily do it. It’s a good thing, honestly, and I suppose part of what’s happening with her is your fault.”

“My fault?” D asked.

“Yes, your fault. You, that deep dark side of Sam, you decided to make your presence known to her and for whatever actual reason that it’s happened. She’s now a lot more open to possibilities, of any and all kinds, that just last week she always beat off with a stick. I’m not saying that your appearance in our lives has made her suddenly want to suck pussy all the time, but something has changed with her, and I see it as nothing but positive. When I said it was your fault, it was a compliment, in an off-hand around-the-back kind of way, deal with it.”

D raised an eyebrow at the response, and decided to push his luck:

“So you know about me, and I know about you. And Sam knows about me and I presume on some level Kess knows about you. Here’s the twist: I know that Sam loves Kess, which means he loves you as well. I care very deeply about Kess, and you by extension. So I made it clear to Sam that even despite my inclinations towards Kess, and by implication yes that includes you too, I will not interfere in the relationship that they have with each other. Make sense?”

“You’re saying that you only want to fuck me, make me your mindless cocksucker, fuck my asshole in all the ways you apparently crave, that sort of thing?“

“Well, if we’re being that blunt, yes, yes, yes, and definitely.”

Sandy sat back into the drivers seat and sighed, thinking about more possibilities.

“Sam is awfully good with that tongue of his, and while they’ve shared two entirely too brief couplings—kids, too excited to get a good fuck on for a good long time, I mean really—I’m game if you are. We both agree to maintain our places in the background, not to get in the way or interfere in their relationship as it grows, but maybe sometimes if they’re willing, I can have some fun with Sam for a while and you can have some fun with Kess, agreed?”

“That is basically how I presented it to Sam, yes. That I do have a preference at the moment for Janine in those respects, and of course when DJ decided to manhandle me and condition me for so long, oh that was glorious, really.”

D kind of drifted as his head fell back against the seat, remembering how good it felt to surrender to DJ as she squeezed his neck, stroked his scalp, and just constantly whispered instructions to him all the while fucking his face and smothering him with her essence.

“Would you like me to do that sometime, D? Take control, drop you down into a nice deep obedient trance, the same or similar to what she did, and then just fuck your face for a really long time? Conditioning you to it, making you want it, craving it, thinking about it, and willing to surrender anytime?”

“Yes, of course. One is glad to be of service, always.”

“Good boy.”

The words hit D, caused the rather habitual pulse and throb of his cock now because of the conditioning, and he winced slightly at it.

“Theresa was that good, eh?”

“Oh, there are no words, really. But it gets better because she said she’d visit Sam again in the future if he wanted her to, as that creature she was in that fantasy. She’d be more gentle, more sensual, and basically suck him into deep sleepy bliss again and again. He’s got this thing about a Succubus, about being so very sleepy as he surrenders, it’s actually cute in a way. I kinda like it myself actually, but for him, it’s a core desire that nothing is ever going to change. With that one experience, Theresa quite literally imprinted on his sleeping mind, and mine to some degrees, and truly became the Succubus of his dreams for a variety of reasons.”

D looked down, closed his eyes, and whispered “Relax... relax... relax...” and the erection subsided in a few seconds after which he was able to tuck himself away back into the pants and zipped up.

“That’s a neat trick, but I can make it hard again just as fast. Remember that. I’ll see you soon.”

D shot a glance at Sandy, she winked, then collapsed into the driver’s seat.

He just then happened to note the windows inside the vehicle were somewhat fogged up, thankfully. It’s not as if they’d been sitting there the entire time with the interior lights on to give outsiders a view or anything. The spot in the parking lot where they were had no direct overhead lighting; the closest street lamp was maybe a bit less than one-hundred feet away so they were safe in that respect.

“Sam, you are the most fortunate man that has ever lived, don’t forget it,” D whispered softly.

He let go and retreated to his little corner of their shared mind once more as the body-known-as-Sam melted into his own seat there in the car.

Kess came back first, got her senses about her, looked around at her compadres, and wondered what exactly happened. She figured maybe Sam had dropped her without her realizing it, but then that voice in the back of her mind presented itself quite clearly:

“Everything is fine, Kess, you did very well tonight. Bring them all back slowly and comfortably, get everyone home safe and sound, and sleep. Tonight you sleep, nothing more than that, deep deep sleep when you’re safe at home in bed with Sam and Janine there with you. I’m very proud of you, girl, now get moving.”

A warm burst of that yummy pleasure exploded in her mid-section, spread out across her body and limbs, and Kess felt amazing as it happened. She brought Sam up first, got a nod he was OK. Then Brianna, who suddenly became very shy around Sam there in the back seat but constantly eyeing his crotch. Sam noted it, said “Thank you” and offered a hug which she accepted and returned.

And then Kess brought her Mistress back, and Janine could do nothing but wonder what had happened as the others laughed. Kess told her everything would be explained tomorrow, or later that day, or whatever, and then drove off towards home.

Upon arrival everyone hopped out, Kess gave Brianna a long hug as Sam helped Janine, still feeling a bit wobbly after that self-deepening trance Kess had induced that took her out of the action. As Kess came around the front of the car, Sam walked around to give Brianna a hug. As he did, he lifted her up a bit and she whispered in his ear:

“I loved sucking your cock, Sam, and you are delicious. I hope someday soon you’ll feed me properly, OK?”

She pulled back, offered a kiss on the cheek, smiled, got in her car and was off.

Kess looked at Sam, Sam looked at Janine, Janine shrugged, and Kess said:

“If we keep this up, every girl on this campus will be throating you in no time at all. Life could be worse, right?”

They had no idea what time it actually was but they all laughed loudly even in spite of it. After a second or two their laughter slapped back on them as the sound waves bounced off and around the buildings in that back part of the campus where they happened to be.

They made it back into the apartment, managed to get naked and barely to the bed when Kess snuggled into Sam’s left side, now her accustomed spot, and simply whispered “Night...” and she was totally gone, zoned out, no response at all.

Sam looked at Janine, Janine had no clue, and so Sam placed a soft kiss on her forehead which prompted a tiny smile and sigh as Kess snuggled into him and let go.

“I didn’t do that, I swear,” Sam offered.

“It’s fine, she was the star of a show tonight, after all. What did think of the video, Sam? Did you enjoy seeing the two of us completely and totally lost to the music and the lights, mindless happy dancers hypnotized to surrender in that way?”

“It was seriously fucking hot, I’m sorry I missed—wait a minute, where exactly was I when that happened? I went to the bathr—

“Sam, sleep.”

He fought it, fought that pull down, down, down, with every fiber he was made of. He wanted to get the answer to that question which rapidly faded from his mind as it slipped down, down, down into that deep comfortable sleepy bliss he loved so very much.

“That’s right, sleep... sleep... deep wonderful sleep... you love to sleep for us, Sam... you love to sleep for me... sleep... sleep... sleep...” and the whispers continued for about two minutes as she watched him surrender to his own fantasy of being taken down in that exact way.

She loved putting people to sleep, but in that specific way of actually using hypnosis that transitioned from trance to actual natural sleep, it was quite rewarding being able to help someone go to sleep in that beneficial way.

When she finally decided it was time to surrender herself to dreamland she snuggled in, pulled the sheet and comforter up, and as she got herself situated and was about to give herself that mental command to let go, she felt Sam’s right arm move. She knew it wasn’t Sam, knew what he’d been through, wasn’t sure if he’d be able to feed her, but found herself desperate to taste him even so.

She tensed slighty as the hand softly and purposely snuck up her back, teasing along the way—this was different and unusual compared to the previous experience—with some slow dragging of the fingernails which made her shiver. Finally taking her at the back of the neck but not squeezing, D spoke:



And then he squeezed, softly, and she dropped hard, wanting it, needing it, willing to do anything for him, whatever it happened to be.

“It’s time to sleep deeply, girl, but I need you to do something for me as you sleep. You’ll find it so very easy, because you will sleep so deeply, deeper than you have in a very long time, more comfortably than you have in a very long time, and as you do, DJ and I are going to have a nice chat. Sleep, Janine, sleep...” and a squeeze timed with every utterance of that word they all loved so much “sleep... sleep... sleep...” until his voice faded completely and the only sound was the breathing of the three sleepy people in that bed.

“You rang?”

D noted with some satisfaction that DJ responded as he’d sincerely hoped.


“Hi, yourself.”

“DJ, I need a favor.”


“I need to know everything you can tell me about this person known as Theresa.”

“Oh, her, well, I guess we’ve got the rest of the night ’cause it’s going to take some time. I take it she really did a number on Sam, and obviously you too if you’re that interested in her?”

“I presume you were listening in the car earlier, yes?”

“My ears are always on, like Alexa, even though Amazon would never admit it.”

“What I said to Sandy, apparently our counterpart with Kess, was and is completely true. I knew Sam would break at some point, and he really did hold out far longer than I gave him credit for because I didn’t interfere at all. But once he broke, she kept going just a bit further, and then a bit further, and when she finally finished him off, I was so close to going with him. I’ve never ever even thought I could be broken, and I was so close, so very close.”

“Sandy, eh, I guess that makes sense. I heard what she had to say, she’s got some spirit, more than Kess it seems, so it’ll be interesting to see how we all progress with things. But you want to know about Theresa, yes?

“Yes, whatever you’re willing to share, since I don’t want to cause any trust issues between her and Janine.”

“D, she fed on you, literally, and she made Sam’s fantasy come true, literally. I’m guessing that whole Anonymistress thing probably pushed him right over the edge, did it not?”

“Oh, yes, the Succubus thing was one aspect, but making Anonymistress a Succubus, along with that voice, and those lips, and oh boy those eyes. He only saw them for a fraction of a second before her programming dropped him, but I got to stare into them for another minute or so as she sucked—and I mean she held her mouth right there on the tip of our cock and didn’t move a muscle, just constant suction, those cheeks, and then he and I saw those eyes, wow. So close, I can’t get over how close I came to surrendering to her, it’s bewildering.”

“As any good hypnotic cocksucking Succubus should be: totally bewildering, baffling, overpowering, dominating, utterly irresistable, and perfectly adaptable to the victim in her hands. You loved being that victim, did you not?” DJ asked while very softly stroking his cock.

“Yes, and I do love what you’re doing, but my balls, just don’t go there, please, and if I say stop then stop. I think I’ll break something if I have another orgasm tonight.”

D looked over to Kess, snuggled deeply into his left side, breathing so deeply. He turned and looked back at DJ on his other side, directly into her eyes.

“I know I’m a sap sometimes, but honestly, seriously, from the bottom of the heart that Sam and I share, thank you for choosing him.”

“D, you talk too much. Sleep... sleep... sleep... sleep...”

D melted into the mattress as DJ whispered him down, down, down.

“Sleep... sleep... sleep... and listen to my whispers as I tell you about the woman known as Theresa...”

Soft whispers, deep breathing, and deep sleepy bliss washed over the three sleepy friends as a new day began.